This second upgrade allows you to claim one more outpost and gives you the ability to apply modifications to the facility. This way you'll gain 3 benefits for the price of 1. How do Landmark Outposts work in State of Decay 2? - Gamepur 5) number of survivors you're trying to support/maintain. Provides Fuel each day. Since Update 25 we also have Landmark Outposts. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. RELATED: Tips and Tricks For Combat In State of Decay 2. If an empty building is selected as an outpost (or its resource depleted), the outpost icon becomes a Fort icon (similar to Enclave icon, but has the color green). For the upgrade, along with workers and Materials, you need ten Scraps of Circuitry, Power, and Knowlege of Computers. Sharnelle has been working with TheGamer for three years as a writer and is currently back in school for Massage Therapy. Cookie Notice That help could be keeping survivors infection-free, keeping zombie hordes at bay, and farming for power. Privacy Policy. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. A single Outpost reduces the player's daily consumption for that particular resource by 3, but increases daily consumption of Construction Materials by 1. Increase Base Survivor Cap, from 9 to 12, supported by new bedding facilities skills. Some will offer the production of goods like Coffee for fatigue and a Water Supply. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. After bouncing round a few universities, securing a bachelor degree, and entering the video game industry, he's found his new family here at Shacknews as a Guides Editor. As for switching characters, it has the same perks as the remote Locker. Abandoning an outpost refunds some of the influence points, which can be used to claim another outpost. In-game description: Provides base-wide water so long as we have fuel (consumes 1 fuel per day). The withered form of a man in chains is not appealing. Look for buildings that have this Potential Resource icon and loot them to find mods and books. Outposts act as smaller offshoots of the main home base, offering additional benefits to help your community thrive. The ability to switch characters when you're there. Standard outpost actions (Upgrade, Abandon) are now right-justified in the UI, to make it easier to recognize the unique actions on special outposts. By interacting with the lantern, the outpost menu will let you know how much Influence you need, how much you have, and what benefits the outpost will give you. Can be upgraded for additional benefits. To claim an outpost in State of Decay 2, you must meet three requirements: Unless you need to destroy a Plague Heart nearby, clearing out the zombies surrounding an outpost shouldnt be too difficult. The requirements to claim the outpost will be listed near the bottom. Outposts are essential for any community in State of Decay 2, but you can only have so many. Provides Materials each day. Combine that with a Trading Post and you have any resource you need. If the one you want to get rid of is number 3, select the third icon and delete it. It's just a stable trading outpost I threw his way for a stable influx of . Upgraded Materials Outposts provide more Materials and allow you to learn or improve your survivors' craftsmanship skills. We can also learn or improve the Mechanics skill by spending influence. Only the person who has learned the Knowledge of Computers skill can upgrade the Command Center. Updated August 1, 2021, by Sharnelle Earle: Though State of Decay 2 is around three years old, Undead Labs still works on keeping it up to date. Outposts are riddled all over the map and have different benefits to them. These features make outposts even more beneficial than before. If your character gets hurt or tired you don't have to travel back home to switch to someone else to carry on with your endeavours. Allows us to learn or improve the Computers skill by spending influence. Meds Outposts provide you with some Meds per day. You can claim Landmark Outposts as you do standard outposts. They can also provide daily Resources or other benefits. In-game description: Boosts morale and crafts fatigue-postponing consumables. This. Domestication of water: Management of water resources in the dry zone Provides three times the baseline outpost Ammo income. Find your Community menu by opening your Map and going through the above tabs. Interact with the lantern to bring up the Claim Outpost menu screen. Landmark outposts allow players to pick one type of strategy and stick to it. Repairing cars is easy. Select them from there and you'll see the abandon option. Ensure that the outpost offers the benefits the community requires, and so long as you have the available outpost slots and influence points, the outpost can be claimed. Killjoy, Blacktalon Intel, and The Obsidian Citadel. Interact with the command center and under Actions choose the right-most icon, Upgrade: Command Center. For State of Decay 2 on the Xbox One, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Outposts aren't specifically labeled.". But they are there, you will definitely have enough of materials to build Infirmary 2 and Workshop 2 and those are the only 2 buildings you need at the start. Yes, you get it refunded I believe (read it on another thread, could be wrong!) I remember you could in the first game,but I can't seem to figure it out in the new one. Or you can quite easily make a self-sustaining base here. Claiming a home base in State of Decay 2 allows you to upgrade the amount of space and the number of facilities your old base had. They also allow you to learn or improve your survivors' Utilities skills. Any outpost you find will list whether it's secure or not and as well as its potential base benefits. Her interests lie in fantasy adventure games and well-brewed black tea. Plus great looting area and built-ins. Outposts have a huge number of benefits. Thanks guys :) paoweeFFXIV 5 yr. ago. At the very beginning of State of Decay 2, only two outposts can be claimed. As of some recent update, you do not get a full refund on Dread or higher difficulty. There are several reasons to abandon an outpost. For State of Decay and State of Decay 3 content visit r/StateofDecay and r/StateofDecay3! Check out their own separate page to find out more. Update 5.0 is Live Now! - State of Decay How do I abandon an outpost? - State of Decay - GameSpot Bottom right of the map. Cascade Hills is one of the five Campaign maps of State of Decay 2, alongside Drucker County, Meagher Valley, Providence Ridge and Trumbull Valley. However, you will not receive benefits from the Bonus Report if you remove the last resource. State of Decay 2 exploring abandoned factory, exploring the map & scavenging supplies for our outpost! The Zedhunter Update launches today, free for all SoD2 players including Xbox Game Pass, and owners of the Standard and Ultimate editions. Provides double the baseline outpost Materials income. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. They are only good for protecting a base from hordes and to prevent spawning at that location. To claim one, you must first clear out any zombies in it and approaching it. In my base tab every single resource is a minus, no matter how many levels I make an outpost, even with no material use for instance. Pallets and Storage Unit mods will increase the number of resources you can store at a time. Clear out all the zombies in the surrounding area. Okay I did it and can confirm, you get a full refund! Is this true? This means that it will make all your. EXPLORING ABANDONED FACTORY! State of Decay 2 - YouTube For more State of Decay 2 tips and tutorials, be sure to check out our otherState of Decay 2 guide coverageto learn aboutall base locations in State of Decay 2as well ashow to sleep and recover stamina. You can also grab it on Xbox Game Pass for $9.99 per month. Interact with the lantern to bring up the Claim Outpost menu screen. As for actually claiming an outpost, there are two requirements: Clearing out the nearby zombies is an easy task, as there tend to be only a handful of the undead in the vicinity unless of course you are trying to destroy a plague heart. It has a utility room that provides both. Provides double the baseline outpost Food income. How do outposts work in State of Decay 2? - Building-Craft It can be a good idea to have an outpost in each major area of the map, that way you wont need to travel back to base to deposit any loose items. A secure outpost means there are no zombies in the area. Note: The Learn Cooking Outpost Action is not available in Heartland. The number of outposts is no longer dependent the home site, and is instead determined by the level of the command center [built-in to every home site] and any modifications that are added to it [permanent boosters]. They're a great alternative of the Sheltered Beds and Outdoor Beds facilities. You can also purchase mods and books from traders and enclaves. The resource produced will be the first type available, During the second day of the simulation, the ". Gaining more influence points is important if you want to claim more outposts, as they tend to get fairly expensive. Survey Points are less fun (but more important) versions of Ubisoft towers. You can see more infromation about each type below. The negative effects of Plague Hearts have increased. Which one is best depends on the needs of your specific group and playstyle. New to Shacknews? Once the area is secure, approach the camp lantern and interact with it to pull up the menu to claim an outpost. . Upgraded Fuel Outposts provide more Fuel and allow you to learn or improve your survivors' mechanics skills. I was saving for a 1500 Influence Base but accidentally purchased a 1000 Inf Outpost xD Can I abandon it to get the Inf back or is it gone after I abandon? Note: This needs to be added to your account manually, I will need your information. Base in the middle of the map > Any other base not in the middle of the map. Sometimes it's necessary to dump one outpost in favor of another, but the game doesn't clarify how . Can be upgraded for additional benefits. Not sure if it's intended, but to my knowledge there is no consequence to buying an outpost and then refunding it. Today the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka is a multireligious and multiethnic nation. What I cannot figure out from research is whether any of the upgrade costs are refunded. By playing Daybreak you can also get +1 Slot by recruiting a Red Talon Contractor with the Hacking Quirk Skill. After a while, you may need to abandon an outpost to make room for different ones. News. Influence is earned in many different ways. Depending on the Outpost's type, the cost can vary, however, each Outpost takes up only one Slot. Veteran Reinforcements. Early on in the game, you will only be able to claim two outposts. Log in to add games to your lists. 1. Every Difference Between State of Decay and State of Decay 2 - TheGamer Simple Outposts only provide the things mentioned in the previous section. When you open your map and hover over different buildings, they will tell you what Potential Resources can be looted from them. Neat-Mall-4594 1 yr. ago. Note: The Learn Utilities Outpost Action is not available in Heartland. Just navigate to it and bring your community to clear it out. You can do this with the Command Center, too. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. If the outpost is near your base, you can do THREE things. Is there any way of abandoning an outpost in SOD2? State of Decay 2: How to abandon an outpost New Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews. Questions: 1) If the outpost is upgraded to level 3 and I leave it manually, will I get ~1900 influence back? Set up the outpost THEN take the resource, this way you get it plus get the outpost reduction boost. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! State of Decay 2: How to Get More Outpost Slots - Game Rant state of decay 2 abandon outpost refund Outposts are an important part of keeping your community's morale high and supplying your base with crucial resources for staying alive and fighting. You can abandon it from there. Not with his hair matted with sweat and dirt, and skin marred with filth. Once you start doing quests and clearing out Plague Hearts, you won't have time to scour the map for precious resources. Note: Materials Outposts can't be upgraded in Heartland. Whitney Field is in middle of nowhere, this is especially bad in Lethal where fuel consumption is insane and you need to refuel all the time. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). Provides double the baseline outpost Ammo income. State of Decay 2 ultimate beginner's starter guide Easiest map is Meagher Valley. a medicine outpost will remain as so after all the medicine is looted). Artillery Outposts unlock you the Artillery Strike Radio Command, allowing you to mark an area where you want to request a barrage to wipe out any threat. Bringing resource rucksacks home will give you five. Provides Meds each day. This makes it easier to drop items off in the community locker and gives you a safe space to retreat to thats not your main base. When anthropologists turn to such infrastructures of, originally colonial, knowledge-making, their own implication with the object of their study - and with its epistemological and political-economic origins and order - becomes part of the ethnographic pursuit. This will reset their stature . You can no longer duplicate weapon mods by attaching them from . State of Decay 2 Review: From disappointment to mindless addiction These are claimed alongside your home base and you can own multiple outposts at once. They later evacuate following the Black Fever pollution of Trumbull's water supply and Danforth subsequently being overrun by those infected with the disease. State of Decay 2 bases are probably the most important things for you to get right, acting as the foundation of your expedition into the zombieland around you.. Much of it comes down to choosing . By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Yes, you get it refunded I believe (read it on another thread, could be wrong! Outpost costs refund after new update. :: State of Decay 2 General They can also provide daily Resources or other benefits. Today's guide to State of Decay 2 lets us explain how to abandon an outpost. Instead, it would be better to abandon one of them and claim an outpost that grants you building supplies. The lumber mill is my favorite base in the game. This makes claiming outposts more beneficial gives you a reason to revisit them. When I switch maps will the building materials used in upgrading outposts be refunded, if only partially? You can get Power to your Command Center by equipping a Generator mod to it or by claiming a Power outpost. Yes, go to your Base screen and the outposts are in slots on the top right. If you feel suicidal/super-confident in your defenses, Whitney Field in Meagher Valley has an unlimited Influence printer in the loudspeakers. Once you purchase a Landmark outpost with 100 Influence, you're prompted to pick a "skill" or strategy. state of decay 2 abandon outpost refund. To do this, head to the main base and down to the command center. Board Messages. To add to this question how do you know which outpost is which on the facility screen? 2023 Undead Labs LLC. Have enough Influence points to unlock the outpost. Provides three times the baseline outpost Materials income.

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