Reintroduced in 2000. Estimated Value SMITH WESSON MODEL 3 SCHOFIELD pistol PRICE AND HISTORICAL VALUE Our price: Quantity: Buy now. It was produced in several variations and subvariations, including both the "Russian" model, so named because it was . The Russian model was criticized for the awkwardness of its grip, hammer, and trigger-guard spur. The .45 Schofield, also referred to as .45 Smith & Wesson is a revolver cartridge developed by Smith & Wesson for their S&W Model 3 Schofield top-break revolver. Long before the Gucci GLOCK, shooters from all walks of life were fancying up their guns, I can find quite a few photos of old revolvers with mother of pearl grips, including ones used in the saddle by working lawmen. The Uberti replicas of the Smith & Wesson No. I shot it an hour later. Overall * * * * How, then, did I miss the paper entirely? Now I think that Ill wait a little longer. By all accounts, George Schofield was a frenetic inventor, and likely suffered from significant manic depression. So how many actually got delivered in total? No Serial Number WE DO NOT SHIP INTERNATIONALLY $30 Shippin, RARE CIVILIAN Antique SMITH & WESSON 2nd Model .45 Cal. Smith & Wesson handguns are reliable and safe to use when the basic firearm safety rules are followed. Today, that bugle is one of the most important artifacts of Wyoming history: Major George W. Schofield, a U.S. Army ordinance officer assigned to the 10th Cavalry, sought to improve on Smith & Wesson's Model No. The greater ease and speed of reloading was noted, but was not given much credence as a tactical advantage. It was hard to give this one back, and I have little doubt Ill end up picking one up at some point. If you are using authentically designed Old West gun leather with your revolver, put a coin on the back of your hand and then go for your gun. Jon has done radio, television, magazine and newspaper interviews on various issues, and has traveled extensively, having lived in Britain, Australia, China and Hong Kong. For low pressure loads theyre fine. Former gun slinger, current gun writer. When the well-worn Schofields were declared surplus, Wells Fargo stepped up to purchase these revolvers, shortened their barrels and issued them for many years to their agents and employees. His heirs had no idea what most of the tooling in the wooden toolboxes was. Fantastic weapon! The Uberti Schofield Wells Fargo Revolver in .45 Colt I lubed the gun prior to shooting with EEZOX and performed no other maintenance for the first 100 rounds. A short time later, a revolutionary new rifle, the Springfield Trapdoor, became the small detail that prevented a complete massacre of another small force at the Wagon Box Fight. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Sights: Blade Front, Rear sight on back of barrel Until i saw the price. Schofield Revolver | Gun Wiki | Fandom The key word in that last sentence is try. Corral fame are among others who are reported to have carried Schofields. Founded in the 1800s, the company specialized in revolvers and guns such as the No.3 and Schofield became synonymous with the Old West. [except the price!].. Donation Points system. Everyone admitted that the S&W wastwice as fastto reload as the Colt, and it seemed to be more accurate as well. The Smith & Wesson Schofield was and still is a well-liked revolver; in fact, many shooters and collectors consider it to be the best of all the top-break revolvers made by S&W. Among other notable figures, both Jesse and Frank James used S&W Schofield revolvers. 3 Schofield Revolver The U.S. Army adopted the .44 S&W American caliber Smith & Wesson Model 3 revolver in 1870, making the Model 3 revolver the first standard-issue cartridge-firing revolver in US service. Schofield serial number 1 was among those used by Wells Fargo. Theyre just consistently to the left. The Smith & Wesson No. You had me right up until the line that starts MSRP. Apparently the Smith & Wessons two-piece frame had a tendency to come apart when used as a bludgeon, whereas the Colt remained togethera big win for the Colt. By 1879, the U. S. Army had purchased 8,285 of the revolvers. 3 top-break revolver was introduced by them in 1870. Ouch ! Grip/Stock:2-piece Walnut or Pearl These are smooth grips (no checkering) and are very well suited to special colors, aged ivory, or the various pearl effects (a favorite is a gold pearl which is . Smith & Wesson Model No. Smith & Wesson Pistol Parts for sale | eBay (Which you dont need to do on these modern guns.) I doubt that they were anywhere near as good as now. As an example of a battle where anything in hand became a weapon, let me take you to a Battle in Red Clouds War, the Fetterman Massacre, which occurred in north central Wyoming (about halfway between Buffalo and Sheridan, just west of I-90 you can ask for it in Google Maps) which happened on 21 December 1866. I shot this gun in the Texas Hill Country Spring heat, ranging from 90 to 102 degrees. BE . Likely with the walnut grips and chambered in .45 Colt. 2: 459: Ruger Revolvers, H&K VP9LE, Ruger American 45acp. He chose to look at the problem not by walking in an infantrymans boots, but from the perch of his 10th Calvary saddle. S&W demurred, noting that the rim of the .45 Colt was inadequate for positive extraction in the S&W design, and no doubt considering that the cylinder and frame of the Model 3 would have to be lengthened to accommodate the long round. Gun Review: Taylor's & Company 1875 Smith & Wesson Model 3 Schofield The firm's manufacturing facilities moved to New Haven, with Smith serving as plant manager for the new company, and Wesson working as plant superintendent. Some claim that the revolver can then be reloaded again entirely with just one hand although I certainly cant figure out how, especially on horseback. Smith & Wesson | Pistols, Revolvers, and Rifles Wheelgun Wednesday: S&W Schofield Revolver Attributed To Jesse James But mostly, Im just slow and I always have been. The 4th was involved in the Geronimo campaign. .45 Colt (left) alongside the .45 Schofield cartridge. This interesting and very functional pistol was designed by Major George Schofield. Did I could,not get the gun on paper I finally took a 38 call barrel, rod,and slid it down the barrel. Actually there were speed loaders back then. If you love to wear vests? I really enjoyed this gun, but the sights being slightly off kept it out of my 5-star category. Smith & Wesson remains one of the most prominent revolver makers to this day. $22.79. They contrast and set off the mirrored nickel well, and add even more class to a gun with a lot of attention to detail. A quick tip off to some fakes is the stamping of the company name. Constitution Avenue, NW The S&W Model No. Back up and zoom out. Id love to own a similar piece someday. Jon Branch is the founder and senior editor of Revivaler and has written a significant number of articles for various publications including official Buying Guides for eBay, classic car articles for Hagerty, magazine articles for both the Australian Shooters Journal and the Australian Shooter, and hes a long time contributor to Silodrome. Reliability * * * * * Jesse James carried serial number 366, and serial number 273 is reported to have been used by a James Gang member, possibly Jesse. Includes Smith & Wesson Performance Center factory wooden display case. I look forward to all your submissions. Check to compare Smith & Wesson 629 44 Mag Revolver 4" Barrel. Some years ago I purchased a replica S&W New Frontier #3 top-break revolver in .45 Colt with a blue finish. They preferred the Colt partially because it was deemed to be more durable than the Model 3, especially during a pistol whipping. SCHOFIELD Revolver One of only 650 Second Model CIVILIAN Scofields, Smith & Wesson Schofield Revolver .45 Schofield, Used URBEA Hermany (Spanish Copy) .45 5" Barrel. The "U.S. Rifle, Caliber .30, Model of 1903," better-known as the M1903 Springfield, has become one of the most popular U.S. military small arms to collect. A torch also works well in turning Ti into different colors. If you can get it drawn, pointed and fired by the time the coin hits the ground, you are quick by their standards. The numerals in the stamping, on the other hand, were individually stamped, and their spacing may be uneven. Checkered grip for Schofield. 3 revolver to make it more convenient for one-handed cavalry use. This old baby has a little bit of endshake (the cylinder can slide back and forth slightly when the gun is closed.) I agree with you about the handling and shooting qualities of the top-break revolvers they are just fun! $5.00 shipping. You May Also Be Interested In. I have a collection of American Master Bladesmith bowies, and his is certainly the most beautiful. His obituary, dated December 17, 1882 in the New York Herald stated that he had been crazed for eight or ten days over some invention of his, and it is supposed that in a moment of temporary insanity he shot himself.. Taylors & Company has imported a limited run of nickel-plated Smith & Wesson Model 3 Schofield break-top revolvers. If you reload, the cases seem to last forever. Be careful when shooting this gun in bright sunlight, as its reflection may blind pilots in low-flying aircraft. Starting in 1870, Czar Alexander the II orderedover 40,000of No. Jon has done radio, television, magazine and newspaper interviews on various issues, and has traveled extensively, having lived in Britain, Australia, China and Hong Kong. I might point out that the photo of Annie Oakleys revolver does not show a #3 Schofield, but rather a #3 New Frontier model it has a different top latch and grip shape than the Schofield. Although Smith & Wesson is best known for its. You can also enjoy hickok45 shooting one below. Theyre not as strong. When the Army began to adopt modern side-loading double-action revolvers, the M1887 round gave occasional ejection trouble, and was replaced in Army use by the M1909 .45 Colt cartridge. In cowboy action shooting, that time would be good enough to keep me from getting laughed off the range, mostly due to the kind nature of the folks that attend those events. Being a Lefty, I really wouldnt mind seeing a return of the top break revolver to the modern market. Mag. I have several Taylors firearms from a brace of Smoke Wagons to a 1887 shotgun. Our Story | Smith & Wesson Today 02:49 AM by Toyman. A few guns were made for the civilian market, but the vast majority of Schofields were military guns. We may update this record based on further research and review. This year, H&R announced an expansion of its AR-15 lineup, bringing additional "retro" models to the market, including a 9 mm Luger-chambered Colt SMG clone, an M16A2-styled rifle and the carbine-size 723. Agreed. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The combination of quick reload-ability and big .45-caliber power made them popular with lawmen, outlaws, and others who were serious about their sidearms. Cavalrymen would have been issued walnut grips on their service revolvers, and these authentic grips are available from Taylors & Company as well. Thanks for the correction. Schofields design was a big improvement over the previous Model 3s. Smith and Wesson Revolver Parts - Parts for Antique Guns How a Smith & Wesson Model 3 Schofield works - YouTube Top break revolvers are just cool to me for some reason. Yup, and the cylinder spins either direction when free, so its easy and sure to line up an empty cylinder. This noticeable feeling faded . Is it behind me or as a backdrop? Kills time standing in the jetway finding the reflections. Schofield sold more than one hundred Smith & Wesson #3 American revolvers between the fall of 1870 and spring of 1871. Unfortunately for Smith & Wesson, the Russians loved the design enough that they copied it and refused to pay formostof the orders already made to the czars specifications. This is a Smith and Wesson Schofield Second Model Revolver that was originally purchased by the U.S. Government. 3 at Ubertis website if you click here. Weve got a micro anodizer that can put Ti in some pretty cool colors. An article by Charles Pate in Man at Arms magazine discusses this variation. 1877 SMITH & WESSON NEW MODEL NUMBER 3 REVOLVER BY CIMARRON - Guntoters GUNS Magazine PEACEMAKERS & SCHOFIELDS - GUNS Magazine Read today's "The Armed Citizen" entry for real stories of law-abiding citizens, past and present, who used their firearms to save lives. Although most famous for the variety of double action revolvers, Smith & Wesson also produces a fine line of semi-automatic pistols. Western Gun Leather Holster Uberti Taylor Cimarron Smith & Wesson Schofield 5 1/2 inch barrel BigTexasLeatherWorks (3,389) $24.00 More colors Uberti Schofield 7"Western Single Action Leather Holster SkilletCreek (251) $82.00 Custom Cowboy Holster - Schofield Revolver 5 inch or 7 inch franklinwendy (1,027) $190.79 FREE shipping .45 Schofield - Wikipedia Schofield Second Model 5" .45 Schofield At this time, we do not sell or ship firearms to NY, NJ, CA, or HI. Instead, S&W offered to redesign the military cartridge to a .45-caliber round that would function in both types of revolvers. I have the 45LC and one side has 1877 with letters under it in a box and the other side has letters in a box,, Although the United States Army would end up ordering thousands of the guns over time, as would several other countries, it was the Czar of Russia that really got the ball rolling. Smith & Wesson Model 3 Revolver - AmmoLand Shooting Sports News Here are the features to watch out for. The Schofield is one of the iconic guns of the west, with a rich history. Based on Taylors & Co.s website, the $1,522 MSRP is for the walnut grips. SMITH AND WESSON REVOLVERS AND CZECH ALFA REVOLVER FOR SALE. It was one of the foundational models of the Smith & Wesson enterprise, even though it was never much of financial success. Kingston, NY 12401 Phone: 866.686.7424 Fax: 877.486.7278 Manufacturer: Smith & Wesson Model: 3 Schofield Type: Revolver Gauge: 45 Schofield Barrel: 7 inch solid rib Finish: blue Grip: walnut Stock: Item Views: 6203 Item Interest: Very Active Serial Number: Catalog Page: 68 Class: Antique Description: Featured Series Hunting Revolvers LOCATE DEALER GUNSMARTS OUR STORY THE S&W BENCH Jeremy is rewarding my grumbling with sending prettier stuff my way. (51) 93% agree - Would recommend. Best. This is a reproduction of the famous Schofield Model Three top-break as used by Wells Fargo & Co. I was raised by a licensed gun Smith. Not a small nit, a good catch and one I was a unsure of. I spent a good amount of time drawing from my Simply Rugged holster and shooting two shots into a 10-inch circle at 15 yards. In .45 cal, it bucks a bit when fired, but still very comfortable to shoot. . 3 was used in Australia by police in the States of South Australia, Western Australia and New South Wales so its just as much a part of the story of the forging of Australia as a nation as it was in the forging of the United States as a nation. Its possible that some of the Schofields in private hands were chambered on custom order in .38-40 Winchester, but I can find no actual examples of that chambering. I just didnt realize how precise that really was. If you need to request an image for publication or other use, please visit Rights and Reproductions. Smith & Wesson Automatic Grips. The .45 Schofield, also referred to as .45 Smith & Wesson is a revolver cartridge developed by Smith & Wesson for their S&W Model 3 Schofield top-break revolver. His travels have taken him to Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Japan and a number of other countries. Believe it or not, before they were a bank repeatedly fined for unethical conduct and defrauding account holders, Wells Fargo was pretty well-respected. This is the case with Wells Fargo Schofields, with faked markings not uncommon. Id like to add some historical perspective to one aspect of flop-top revolvers like the #3 vs. the Colt SAA. Whether you're shooting a pistol, revolver, or rifle, you can be sure your Performance Center gun is made with a close attention to detail for your best shot yet. The rear sight is integral to the cylinder release latch. Answer (1 of 7): Colt SSA v Schofield Short answer: IMHO The Colt SAA fits the hand better than the Scholfield, deals with recoil better, and points more intuitively. FITS: Smith & Wesson Schofield 1875 7" Uberti Taylors Western Leather The vast majority of the 9,000 guns went to the U.S. Army. This was a vastly superior system to reloading a cap and ball revolver and this garnered much interest both from the US military and overseas military forces most notably Russia. Plus, its just fun to shoot. As these guns hit the surplus market, they began to be picked up by everyday civilians, law enforcement, and companies alike.

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