Campaspe Shire Council PO Box 35 Echuca VIC 3564. Monday - Friday 9.00am - 4.00pm. celebrities with rectangle body shape; tanghalang pilipino examples; 30 day weather forecast ogden, utah; why is my pura blinking red and green; hillsborough county court docket Shire of Harvey - Contacts, Opening Hours and FAQs Please contact the Works Supervisor at the Shire Administration on 90472100 for delivery instructions. Corowa Waste Management Centre. The Shire of Northampton encompasses the popular tourist destinations of Horrocks, Port Gregory, Kalbarri and Northampton. Air conditioners . Phone: 02 6920 5305. Transfer stations - fees and charges Moira Shire - Shire of Moira Closed. We care about the protection of your data. argo parts amazon. The Rutherglen facility is at 53 Cornishtown Road and is open from 1pm to 5pm Friday, Saturday, Sunday . Alternate Sundays 8.30am - 11.30am. Phone: (02) 6990 1100 Fax: (02) 6993 1288 Email: Click Here. Please use the below information to contact the recycler directly and adhere to the COVID-19 restrictions in your area. All Council Meetings. Please Note: After hours call 9574 9370 please leave a voice mail. Shire of Boddington; 39 Bannister Road (cnr Forrest) PO Box 4 BODDINGTON WA 6390; Ph (08) 9883 4999 | Fax (08) 9883 8347; Closed. Monday to Friday 9:00am - 4:00pm O'Neill Road Waste Management Facility; Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday: 12.00pm - 4.00pm: Sunday: 10.00am - 4.00pm: . Like us on Facebook Fluoro globes and tubes. The Shire, with the key town sites of York (the Shire's seat of local government), Gwambygine, Mount Hardey, Greenhills and Kauring had a total resident population of 3,606 in 2016, at which time the male:female ratio was approximately 50:50. Asbestos is accepted at the refuse site, subject to conditions. Australia news live: Marles 'did not need or request' $800,000 office Innisfail (Stoters Hill) & Tully Transfer Stations . 7000 Great Eastern Highway, Mundaring WA 6073. UK Harlow. Change Track. Coppin Rd is also a Deposit site for Containers for Change. UK & Ireland Greyhound Racing. shire of murray tip opening hours - These vouchers enables a ratepayer or resident to dispose of More locations and opening hours. Residents can now drop off the following household problem waste items for FREE disposal: Paint (oil and water based) Gas bottles and fire extinguishers. Mosquito-borne disease relevant to WA are; Ross River virus disease, Barmah Forest virus disease, Murray Valley Encephalitis and Kunjin disease. Read more. Ph: (08) 9734 9000; Email:; Administration Office Hours. Like us on Facebook Climate Action Plan The Shire's Climate Action Plan 2020 - 2030 sets out practical, economically responsible and inclusive measures to reach net zero by 2030. Indigo Shire is located in Victoria's picturesque North East, a three-hour drive north of Melbourne. Shire President Maree Reid saidthe initiative was introduced to give residents the opportunity to improve the general amenity of the region and reduce the financial and environmental costsof illegal dumping. Ravensthorpe WA 6346. Phone: 02 6920 5305. Access is restricted to household quantities. Cobram Service Centre Address: 44 Station Street, Cobram Office Open: Monday to Friday 9am - 4:30pm Opening hours: Wednesday 9:00am - 1:00pm; Friday 1:00pm - 4:30pm; . Menu. It features updates from the Shire and Community Groups, employment opportunities plus . Murray Administration building. Waste Management Changes - Shire of Mingenew Nathalia Transfer Station - eftpos only. Summary Minutes; Minutes; Agendas; Attachments; Annual Reports; Budget; Fees and Charges . shire of murray tip opening hours - 08 . Berrigan tip receives all waste, Tocumwal only accepts clean hardwaste, recyclables. Read more Audit, Risk and Governance Committee Meeting - 23 May 2022 - Electronic Meeting . Waste Transfer Station Shire of Toodyay . St Arnaud Transfer Station, 329 Old Wedderburn Road, St Arnaud view map. Update to Refuse Site Opening Hours - Shire of Katanning Extended Trading Hours; Community Gym; Search Website : Content Filter : Public Documents. 7 Piesse Street TOODYAY. latest-news, Lucas heights waste facility, Lucas Heights Resource Recovery Park, earlier opening, 4am opening, SUEZ, Sutherland Shire Council, Lucas heights tip, 5am opening compromise Marble Bar Administration Office 20 Francis Street, Marble Bar WA 6760 PO Box 4, Marble Bar WA 6760 8:30am - 4:30pm, Monday to Friday All Transfer Stations are staffed and have specific operating hours. Closed. 8:00am - 4:00pm. The Shire of Murray and City of Mandurah have both been nominated at the upcoming Water Corporation's 2022 Community Choice Awards for their innovative waterwise projects. Search. Opening Hours: Wednesday 8.30am - 10.30am. New, Additional, Missed or Replacement Bins, Public Buildings, Infrastructure or Equipment including Furniture, Certificate of Construction Compliance (BA17), Certificate of Building Compliance (BA18), Beach Emergency Numbers (BEN) Sign Locations, Alcoa Dwellingup Community Assistance Scheme, Facility Information and Booking Enquiries, Dwellingup, Pinjarra & The Murray River Magazine, Vehicle Identifier Sticker System Application (VIS). Residents renting a property in the Shire of Murray will be able to collect an identification pass from the Shires Administration Office from September 1, while residents owning or renting properties that do not receive a weekly waste service will be able to purchase a pass. It's the brilliant blend of coastal and rural landscapes, the blend of new and old and the blend of lifestyle and employment opportunities that makes the Shire of Irwin an enviable place to live, work and play. Rural residents who don't receive a weekly waste service can purchase a rural waste pass for access to either of our transfer stations. Waste must be placed into the correct skip bin. Hardy's Rd off Murray Valley Highway, Tallangatta Phone: (02) 6071 5100 Opening Hours Thursday: 4pm to 6pm Sunday: 12pm to 4pm Towong Shire Council . Sunday: 9am - 12pm. Please Note: On Tuesday 14th February we will be closing Waterford Recycling centre for the day to allow maintenance works to be undertaken safely. Waste Transfer Station & Re-Use Shop Opening Hours Open - daily 9.00am to 4.30pm Closed - Christmas Day, Boxing Day, Good Friday and New Year's Day Contact: 9734 5372 The Shire's Waste Transfer Station is located on Coalfields Highway, Collie East. A booking is required to use Chanonry Recycling Centre, Elgin, to allow us to manage traffic and to protect the safety of our colleagues and other site users. MurrayWA 40 WA Whitegoods Dropoff Locations ({{ dropoffCnt }}) Pickup Businesses ({{ pickupCnt }}) Pause Slideshow; Humans can become infected with a mosquito borne virus when they are bitten by an infective female mosquito. This site is part of: Banana Shire Council. 10am to 2pm. Location and opening hours . Access to the tips will be monitored by property identification passes which for eligible ratepayerswere attached to their rates notices. Ruth Faulkner Library. As of 1 April 2021, public weigh bridge transactions will only occur on the following days and times: Monday - Friday (7.00am - 11.00am excluding public holidays) Saturday (by appointment only call 9587 4660) If you live, work or play in the City of Perth, you will find what you're looking for from forms, applications and council details to what's new in the city, events and our rich history. Hikayemiz; Misyon & Vizyon; Kalite Politikamz; Sertifikalarmz; ISPM-15 aretleme zin Duyuru; Sosyal Sorumluluk; Hizmetlerimiz We won't accept commercial waste or large quantities. 2018 DaySpring Coffee Co. | Developed by Fiebelkorn Solutions, Uscis Lee's Summit Production Facility Address, Microsoft Store Stuck On Pending Windows 11, royal aeronautical society chartered engineer, uscis lee's summit production facility address, how long will $2 million last in retirement calculator. *Please note Speybay Recycling Centre is closed on a Sunday. Shire of Murray opens tip gates for residents - Mandurah Mail OPENING HOURS. 05-20 Settlement Cinema . All Transfer Stations are staffed and have specific operating hours. Please Note: After hours call 9574 9370 please leave a voice mail. Monday to Saturday: 09:00 - 16:00 (Last admittance 15:50) Closed for Lunch: 11:50 - 12:30. Hours of operation: Monday to Friday 9:00am - 4:00pm Saturday and Sunday 9:00am - 5:00pm Dwellingup Waste Transfer Station Holyoake Road (off Pinjarra-Williams Road), Dwellingup Hours of operation: Wednesday and Friday 3:00pm - 5:00pm Saturday and Sunday 1:00pm - 5:00pm Both facilities are closed Good Friday, New Year's Day and Christmas Day. Council continues to monitor flooding throughout the Shire. We pay our respect to their Elders, past, present and emerging. Hay Shire Council 134 Lachlan Street, PO Box 141 Hay NSW 2711 General Manager David Webb. (08) 9575 2121. We pay our respect . . Friday: 8am - 12pm. It serves as a regional Wheatbelt hub boasting a high standard of infrastructure including rail, highway access, water supply, power and connection to the optical cable network. Western Australia's green secret and four-season hideaway. Sunday & Public Holidays. Photo: Marta Pascual Juanola. Major Towns Streetscape Improvement Project, Advice regarding activities on waterways during current flood events, Enjoy a taste of the Loddon Valley region, Loddon Shire disappointed by Marong Business Park decision, Meeting of Council: Annual Report for the year ended 30 June 2018, EXHIBITION OF DRAFT LODDON ABORIGINAL COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP PLAN 2019-2021, Unveiling Inglewood Halls grand restoration, Local producers to showcase their wares at Long Lazy Lunch, Councils roadside control program targets weed invasion, Contract No 330 Bitumen Sealing Works for 2014 - 2015, Dingee Preschool - Fathers Day annual gumboot throw, Feedback for proposed Reconciliation Action Plan closing soon, Opening of Bridgewater Public Caravan Park, Tender - Contract 337 - Upgrade of Boort Park Pavilion, Phone system upgrade - Interim after hours number, Notice is given of Public Meeting: Serpentine Recreation Reserve Committee Incorporated, Loddon Shire 2019 kindergarten enrolments, New Caretaker for Wedderburn Pioneer Caravan Park, Student Art Work on Display at Boort Show, Council seeking customer service feedback, Murray River Group of Councils urges Ministers to put the Brakes on Water Recovery, Contract No 331 Fire Service Installation at Boort, Pyramid Hill and Wedderburn Caravan Parks, Tender - Contract No 338 Bridgewater Public Boat Ramp Replacement, Night Landscape Photographic Exhibition by Richard Tatti, Murray River Group of Councils Media Release - Local Government keeps up the pressure on Basin Plan impact, Notice is given of Public Meetings - Bridgewater Recreation Reserve Committee Incorporated, Jobs - Town Planner (Statutory) and Assets Engineer, Father's Day at Piccoli's Star Spanner Sculture Gardens, Family Activities Bridgewater Public Caravan Park, Murray River Group of Councils Media Release - Councils welocme Basin Plan progress, Job - Administrative Officer Health and Building, Jobs - Child Care Worker and Early Childhood Educator, Notice of application for a planning permit, FEE FREE WASTE DISPOSAL DAY August 2019, Have your say on a proposed Reconciliation Action Plan, Service Delivery Review Coordinator - Ref No. The tip will be closed and inaccessible at all other . Opening hours: Wednesday 9:00am - 1:00pm; Friday 1:00pm - 4:30pm; . Inside Hay Shire Council . Find a resource recovery centre near you and check the opening hours. Please be aware that recyclers may currently be closed or operating shortened hours due to COVID-19. These closures will be kept to a minimum, after which site access will be reinstated. Swan Hill and Robinvale Landfills. Local call 1300 365 200 Thursday: Closed. Public Holidays. The Shire of Broome is acutely aware that residents will look to us to provide information and updates and will provide updates that are considered in the public interest, however, due to the complexity of the current State Government orders and the rapidly changing situation . 389 - Cleaning Services for Loddon Shire Council Buildings and Facilities, Contract 452 Bridge Construction Connors Road, Make Your Own Bosisto's Eucalyptus Wool Wash, Council stands by Yemaya Festival decision, Local Kindergartens get involved with National Nutrition Week, 16-22 October 2016, NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A PLANNING PERMIT - FERNIHURST, Contract No CT000322 - Supply and Delivery of Corporate Printed Stationery, Exhibit of draft response to community use of legal and illegal drugs policy, Indigenous Eco-Tours for Schools at Boort, Loddon Valley display at the 2017 Victorian Caravan, Camping and Touring Super Show, DECLARATION OF BOATING ACTIVITY EXEMPTION 5 March 2014, Contract No 336 Construction of Serpentine Memorial Hall Upgrade (Re-advertised), NOTICE OF BOATING ACTIVITY EXCLUSION ZONE 5 March 2014, LITTLE LAKE BOORT, TEMPORARY CLOSURE OF BOAT RAMP, Digital community workshop Loddon Shire, Council calls for $3 million from Victorian Government to deliver benefits to Loddon Shire community, NOTICE OF BOATING ACTIVITY EXCLUSION ZONE March 2014, Notice of Proposal to Sell Council Property - Mitiamo, DECLARATION OF BOATING ACTIVITY EXEMPTION March 2014, South West Loddon Water Supply Project Customer Consultative Committee, Careers at Loddon Shire - Assets Engineer, Contract 450 Urban Drainage Verdon St, Inglewood, Job Vacancies - Manager Technical Services and Administration Officer Community Wellbeing, Public Comment: Loddon Shire Customer Service Strategy, Careers at Loddon - Contract Surveillance Officer and Assets Engineer, Algae outbreak warnings not for Little Lake Boort, Notice is given of Public Meetings Tarnagulla Recreation Reserve Committee of Management, Job - Preschool Assistant Dingee (temporary), Careers at Loddon - Grader Operator and Contract Surveillance Officer, 2017 Australian Masters Water Ski Championships, Notice is given of Public Meetings Fentons Creek Reserve Recreation Reserve Committee of Management, Powercor to cause disruption to Wedderburn Office on Wednesday 25 January 2017, Tender - Contract No 338 Bridgewater Public Boat Ramp Replacement (Re-advertised), CONTRACT NO 445 PROVISION OF INTERNAL AUDIT SERVICES, DECLARATION OF BOATING ACTIVITY EXCLUSION ZONE - 7 February 2016, NOTICE OF BOATING ACTIVITY EXCLUSION ZONE - Bridgewater Ski Development Camps, FEE FREE WASTE DISPOSAL DAY February 2019, DECLARATION OF BOATING ACTIVITY EXEMPTION - 7 February 2016, To Let - Loddon Shire Council Elderly Persons Units located in Dingee, DECLARATION OF BOATING ACTIVITY EXEMPTION - 2018 Bridgewater Ski Development Camps, Careers at Loddon - Early Childhood Sector, Position Vacant - Customer Service Officer, Declaration of boating activity exemption for Australian Masters, Loddon Shire Australia Day Celebrations Tuesday 26 January 2016, Notice is given of Public Meetings - Laanecoorie-Loddon River Recreation Reserve Committee of Management, Contract 440 Local Bridge and Culvert construction 2018/2019, Closure of Loddon River for Australian Masters Ski Event 2014, Parking Restrictions High Street Wedderburn Sunday 17 January 2016, LODDON HEALTHY MINDS NETWORK Mental Health First Aid instructor training Course sponsorship, Maternal and Child Health Nurse - Ref No. Due to health and safety requirements, all sites may be subject to . The Shire of Murray is unusually innovative in this space, and one of our standout projects in the coming years will be the updated and renovated Exchange Hotel, looking to reopen in late 2023. 46 Neilpo Road, Pomona NSW 2648. The Shire of Northampton encompasses the popular tourist destinations of Horrocks, Port Gregory, Kalbarri and Northampton. la madera verde se usa especialmente para, trimbakeshwar bhimashankar grishneshwar tour packages, how to claim abandoned property in georgia. Enter off the A875, Buchanan Street and Dunkeld Court junction. In case of an emergency call 000 for Police, Fire or Ambulance. 329 - Bridgewater Public Caravan Park Manager, Contract 414 - Strategic Plan for Storm water Drainage Pyramid Hill, Extended hours at the Inglewood Blue Eucy Museum, Fishing and fun during Lake Boort Carp Eradication Weekend, Contract No 352 - Albert Street Civil Works Pyramid Hill, Job: Project Manager - Cluster Emergency Management, Job - multiple vacancies closing 5 September, FREE DESKTOPS AND LAPTOPS FOR COMMUNITY GROUPS, Kyle Anderson international darts player to visit Wedderburn, Friends of Terrick Terrick National Park Open Weekend 2-4 October, Borella-Jacka commemorative sculpture to be unveiled, Loddon Kindergarten Cluster - 2017 kindergarten enrolments, DECLARATION OF BOATING ACTIVITY EXEMPTION 24-25 October, POSITION VACANT - LODDON SHIRE AUSTRALIA DAY COMMITTEE, Wedderburn and Pyramid Hill CMCA Friendly, Boort gets set for its annual Sculpture by the Lake competition, 2018 Community Satisfaction Survey underway, Job: Preschool Assistant - Pyramid Hill (Temporary), NOTICE OF BOATING ACTIVITY EXCLUSION ZONE 24-25 October, Expression of Interest for Contract No 432- Wedderburn Pioneer Caravan Park Caretaker Services, CONTRACT NO 458 Supply and Implementation of an Electronic Document and Records Management System, Students engaging in a tourism enterprise, Loddon Valley Business Network Dinner 15 September, Councils Community Grants program is now open, Loddon Healthy Minds Network 2014 Art Competition - Open Section, School holiday activities at Loddon Library Agencies, Ceramet Solar is opening its doors to pre-arranged tours, Notice is given of Public Meetings - Mysia Recreation Reserve Committee of Management, Septembre Vintage pumping new life into Eddington, Loddon Seniors Festival starts 27 September, Two new trails to be launched in Loddon Shire, Loddon Kindergarten Cluster 2015 Preschool enrolments, Loddon Shire Council Citizenship Ceremony - August 2016, Letter to editor - dog breeding facilities, Register your event for the 2018-2019 Calendar of Events brochure, 2016 Citizen & Young Citizen Australia Day Awards & 2016 Community Group/Event Australia Day Awards, Loddon Shire calls for participants in digital future, Impounding of Livestock Act 1994 19 August sale, Bridgewater Caravan Park Caravan Motorhome Friendly, The Business of Agribusiness event at Newbridge, Tarnagulla Strictly Vintage Fair 30 September 1 October, Notice is given of Public Meetings:Powlett Plains Recreation Reserve Committee of Management, Loddon Shire Australia Day Competitions 2015/16, Loddon Shire Council Roadside Management Plan Community Open Houses, Popular Kooyoora Wildflower Show returns for Naturally Loddon festival, Contract No 328 - Inglewood Industrial Estate, Civil Works and Services, Exciting career opportunities at Loddon Shire, Special Meeting of Council: Annual Report for the year ended 30 June 2015, Notice of Proposal to Sell Land Reef Street Wedderburn, Murray River Councils Speak up in Canberra, Bringing stand up paddleboarding to the Loddon region, Public Comment: Loddon Shire Council Draft Tourism Strategy 2016-2019, Contract No 336 Construction of Serpentine Memorial Hall Upgrade, Notice of intention to dispose of excess Council properties, Temporary Road Closure Pigeonhole Road - Floodway, Marilyn Monroe Exhibition to benefit Loddon Valley, Pyramid Hill celebrates 20 years since release of Road to Nhill, Special Meeting of Council to consider adoption of budget, Calder Highway Improvement Committee expressions of interest: community representatives, Removal of Nankervills Road, Campbells Forest from Register of Public Roads, Rural Councils Victoria media release - Competition supports rural innovation. Contact us on 1300 087 004. Yarloop Library . Find a resource recovery centre near you and check the opening hours. Shire of Irwin - A brilliant blend. Please contact the shire office for more information 9823 1506. Location and opening hours. Below is a listing of operating hours and charges. $298.00. Biting mosquitoes are very common in all towns within the shire. Donaldson Park concept plans officially launched, Notice is given of Public Meetings - Korong Vale Golf Course Incorporated, NOTICE OF AN APPLICATION FOR A PLANNING PERMIT, Volunteer Strategy community information sessions, Contract 454 Sugargum Drive Drainage - Bridgewater, Minelab Wedderburn Detector Jamboree 12 & 13 March, Spring the perfect time to discover Loddon, Murray River Group of Councils Media Release - Basin Plan Games Risk Food Security, Contract 415 Footpath construction and associated works, Down with the power lines and on with the journey. Hawkesdale Waste Facility Baird Street, Hawkesdale Waste Disposal Site Opening Hours. P: 0408 667 253 or P: 02 6033 8999. Contract No. 6.1.3 Fees and charges Fees and charges for these facilities will be set annually in the Fees and Charges Register. The Shire of Murray acknowledges the traditional lands of the Binjareb Noongar people. . Transfer stations and recycling centres (tips) - Bega Valley Shire Council Sunday: 10:00 - 15:00 (Last admittance 14:50) Closed for Lunch: 11:50 - 12:30. . Other parts started to dry out a bit, with rainfall in NSW about 35% below average for the season, and the Murray-Darling Basin as a whole down 37%. application form is available for download, Optometrist offers specialised treatment as dry eye disease cases rise, French-born fashion designer delivers 'Parisian chic' accessories through Falcon business, Police search for online marketplace seller who allegedly assaulted pair in Baldivis, Terms and Conditions - Digital Subscription, Terms and Conditions - Newspaper Subscription. FoodSafe Online is a Food Handler Training Program for individuals. From September 1, the transfer stations in Corio Road, Ravenswood, and Holyoake Road, Dwellingup, will be available to residents owning or renting property receiving a weekly waste service. Donnybrook Waste Management Station - Tip Hours and Fees | Hastie Waste Donnybrook Waste Management Facility Site address; 3293 Goodwood Road, Donnybrook WA 6239 Opening Times DrumMUSTER Receivals FEES & CHARGES Shire of Donnybrook Fees & Charges Valid vouchers for domestic waste disposal must be presented upon entry to the facility. There are no exceptions to this requirement. Opening Hours. Monday to Friday: 8.00am - 4.30pm. Please use the below information to contact the recycler directly and adhere to the COVID-19 restrictions in your area. Waste Transfer Stations - Cassowary Coast Regional Council Saturday & Sunday 9:00am to 4:00pm. Transfer stations - locations and times Moira Shire Shire of Harvey - Waste Management Facilities Nathalia Transfer Station - eftpos only. These vouchers are sent with the Shire of Murray rates notice in August each year. Green waste which may be mulched can be disposed of at the Shire The Loddon Valley Food and Wine Expo is almost here!

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