Mike being Mike, stayed up late to work on the scripts. I saw him in person in 1979 in Baton Rouge, at a book signing,The Mentzer Method to Fitness. By the age of 23, Ray was a full-time competitor. 1978 IFBB World Amateur Championships 1st (HW) He is from United States. It was a respectable comeback, coming in at a modest 3rd place, after Roger Callard, and The Black Prince, Robby Robinson. At one time, training for just six weeks, he squatted 902 pounds for 2 repetitions. He soon took part in the Junior Mr. America and IFBB Mr. America, winning both contests. He has a daughter who was born in 1986. Death . Not only is he knownas one of the greatest bodybuilders in history, but also as an action movie star, and an American politician. Complex, B-12, B-2. Its fair to say that Arthur Jones was the man behind the success of Mike Mentzer, and so should be classed as one of his major influences. Originally, Mike's body was sent to a funeral home in nearby Torrance. Ray Mentzer didnt share the same opinion. I dont see anyone beating him through the early eighties. Cotton Club' Jury Convicts 4 of Murder Ray suffered from kidney failure caused by Berger's Disease. Los Angeles, Calmes: Heres what we should do about Marjorie Taylor Greene, David Lindley, guitarist best known for work with Jackson Browne, dies at 78, ICE detainees allege retaliation for speaking about medical conditions at Otay Mesa center, Downtown L.A stabbing sends six to hospital; suspect arrested, San Diego Roman Catholic diocese facing yet another lawsuit from its insurance company, K-Pop isnt the only hot ticket in Koreatown how trot is captivating immigrants, Los Angeles is suddenly awash in waterfalls. In the midst of the chaos that day, Ray completely forgot that he needed to turn up for his kidney dialysis treatment. While hospitalized it was discovered that he had experienced two silent heart attacks, wherein the victim is unaware theres a problem. It was a crushing blow. Greenberger, 43, and Robert Lowe, 44, were convicted of second-degree murder and kidnaping, requiring an automatic life sentence without possibility of parole. One of the core principles of Rays training was doing low reps and heavy weight. 06/28/01 - New information on this tragedy can be found HERE! Plot #17067587. The day before, both he and brother Ray were working on a fitness DVD titled HIT. How Mike Mentzer Died: Cause of Death, Age at Death, and More! Ray Mentzers income source is mostly from being a successful . And would these competitors have lived much longer without using them? The improvements Ray saw in his physique soon paid off. Noticing the appreciative stares from envious strangers, and knowing that every time you hit the gym, youre pushing the boundaries of what you once thought was impossible - makes it all worthwhile. Try to find a dozen healthy IFBB pros who successfully competed in the '90s. They cant take away the pain and no one can bring him back.. CLICK HERE! Freeze,The Governator,and to many of his fans justArnie. For five years Mike did crazy things and was regularly hospitalized. As Im certain you know, it is very difficult to have great muscle memory retention (and probably thus the shoulder injury he dealt with early on) if you go that long in total resting states. In 1999, Ray discovered he had kidney problems. I saw him on stage at the 1978 Mr. Universe qualifying posedown in Cincinnati (listed above as USA versus the World). The weight would be so heavy that by the 9th rep, Ray would reach failure. Another study in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology looked into the prevalence of kidney disease among steroid-using bodybuilders over two years and found signs of disease in the majority of lifters, some of it irreversible and irreparable. Like other great bodybuilders, Ray discovered his passion for the lifting sport early in his life. Required fields are marked *. The judge went way out on a limb and hes going to be in for a big fall if hes wrong, Kaiserman said. At a bodyweight of a then unthinkable 250 plus pounds, he added even more muscle within a month. The 1980, IFBB Mr. Olympia in Sydney was Mikes next major competition. On May 13, 1983, Radin and Greenberger were on their way to dinner to work out their problems. 1978 IFBB USA vs the World 1st (HW) * Convicted of second-degree murder and kidnaping. State prison correction officers brutally pummeled an inmate serving a life sentence for the murder of a Suffolk County mom, driving him to suicide, a disturbing new lawsuit charged Monday. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. He was obsessed with the thought of making movies. But, after soul searching, hospital visits and a help from a few close friends, he came back. Later that night at the brothers apartment, despite Ray telling him he should turn in, Mike continued to work on the DVDs script. As reported at some length in the June 14th, 2001 edition of the Los Angeles Times, the Los Angeles County coroner's office is currently investigating the deaths of bodybuilding brothers Mike and Ray Mentzer, who died within two days of each other. Our exclusive interview with Val Segal, the person who spent the last hours with Mike and Ray Mentzer! Both brothers had a history of health problems, including heart problems. Discover the cheat that athletes use to cut fat quickly and get defined muscles. Personal Trainer, Researcher, Author, Inventor Gym Owner, Doctor, Physical Therapist, Strength & Conditioning Specialist. As Bill Pettis put it; Ray is one of the strongest bodybuilders I have ever seen in my life.. Mikes form would be kept absolutely perfect. The body of Mike Mentzer, age 49, was discovered by his brother Ray on Sunday, June 10th, at the home they shared together in the vincinity of the Rolling Hills Estates area of Los Angeles. In 1971, Mike suffered a severe shoulder injury that puta long-term pauseon histraining. Check out our top rated fat burners to find out what actually works. Rice Mortuary in Torrance. Mikes story is one of tragedy, but also of redemption and dedication. It's probably even more true that other bodybuilding-related drugs bring higher risks than anabolic steroids. Ray would later become a bodybuilding legend for his vascular 20+ inch arms, and for reaching a then unthinkable 275lbs of weight. In 1983, Ray continued training extremely hard, using various routines. Mentally, he went into a different gear and battened down the hatches earlier and more securely than for any other competition. Carrier said neither body has been examined, so the causes of death have not been determined. He never wrote me off., In January 1990 a hospitalized Mike experienced a Eureka moment. B comes in). Since 1999 Mikes younger brother, by 21 months, Ray had been receiving kidney dialysis and was awaiting a transplant. Rather than blaming others, he realized it was he was the one out ofcontrol, not everybody and everything else. So you have to wonder why so many seem eager to risk their lives and health for success. These manmade and naturally occurring compounds can make you less of a man. We know that PEDs are widespread in professional sports like baseball, football soccer, and MMA. WebA native of Germantown, Pennsylvania, he died of heart failure in Rolling Hills, California at the age of forty-nine. However, Mike was still able to take care of his younger brother. At the time of his passing, it was reported that he died after choking on food, but his autopsy report pointed elsewhere. His net worth has been growing significantly in 2021-2022. Known for his feats at the 1978 IFBB Mr. USA and 1979s, Ray was a sight to be seen during his prime. Radins decomposed body was found a month after his disappearance. Web- Safety Protection System Analysis / Common Cause Failures . Personal Trainer, Researcher, Author, Inventor Gym Owner, Doctor, Physical Therapist, Strength & Conditioning Specialist. I dont need the glory story. But today, if you walk into most weight rooms you're likely to be standing around a handful of AAS users, whether they look the part or not. workouts. Twice during his prep Mike awoke to find himself, "at death's door." June 21, 1995 . Greenberger introduced Radin to Evans and together they struck a deal to finance The Cotton Club.. Greenberger showed little emotion and was escorted by deputies from the courtroom soon after the verdicts were read. He was called as a witness during the preliminary hearing but refused to testify, claiming 5th Amendment protection against self-incrimination. He claimedhe needed it for productivity, and didnt use it for recreation. A 2012 study in the American Journal of Cardiology investigated mortality rates among NFL players and actually saw that they were, overall, almost half as likely to die as comparably-aged non-athletes. Kaiserman said he will file an appeal after Lowes sentencing Aug. 16, basing the appeal in part on Rappes decision to allow prosecutors to use secretly taped conversations among several defendants as evidence. He passed away less than 48 hours after Mike had died, leaving the bodybuilding world shrouded in black. Los Angeles County sheriffs investigators had all but ended their investigation of Radins murder, but a break came in 1987 when they met William Rider, the brother-in-law and onetime security chief for Larry Flynt, publisher of Hustler magazine. Click Here for the interview we did with Mike Mentzer just before he died. Is it for money? Ray died just two days after discovering his brother Mike Mentzer's dead body in the very same apartment due to heart failure. The two brothers dying within 48 hours of each other shocked the bodybuilding world. "It lasted 18 months, and every day of that period I had the same commitment and ambition I'd had in preparing for the 1980 Mr. Olympia. Ive seen this sort of thing happen before, but not very often, said Scott Carrier, a spokesman for the Los Angeles County coroners office. In 1978, Ray became the IFBB Mr. USA champion. 1976 IFBB Mr. Universe 2nd (MW) He contracted Bergers disease. Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a40bbc091972361b92bafe047762c2f0" );document.getElementById("de63bbf7bd").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Mike certainly had a great mind for bodybuilding. In 1999, after going to a check-up at the doctors, Ray received terrible news. Jerry Brainum on the Demise of Mike and Ray Mentzer - YouTube From there, it wasonward and upwards. So, how much is Ray Mentzer worth at the age of 48 years old? In 1983, he flew to Florida in order to be trained by Arthur Jones. I wanted the magazine to be the absolute best I could make it, and I worked harder than I'd worked in my entire life. According to our Database, He has no children. It is only within the context of having properly developed your mind that you will be able to truly enjoy the achievement of your material values, including that of a more muscular body.. Famed for his fracas with Arnold Schwarzenegger at the 1980 Olympia to hisHeavy Duty training style. He would talk with me at length, and I remember those conversations with fondness, which causes me to think fondly of John Little. He described this feeling as being at deaths door. WebI watched Mike Mentzer's star rise in the '70s and later came to know him a little. how to use them. Death To gain further insight into Mikes 2001 death, it is necessary to turn the clock back 21 years. After a day of shooting, Ray turned During his downtime, Mike began studying to be a psychologist in 1974 to keep his academic mind active. At only 23, he captured both the Junior Mr. America title and the IFBB Mr. America championship. He worked as deputy national editor from 2007 to 2011 and played a central role in the coverage of some of the biggest national stories of recent years, including the 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and the 2008 election of President Obama. Arnold didnt even like cardio you know, probably because he didnt quite like a strict regimen diet. WebNationality: American. Then he found he was actually progressing better than before. This is an opinion carried by many bodybuilders today. However, the doctors first needed to check if Mikes kidney was compatible with Ray. But you watch. Id never dreamed theyd end up like they were, but Mike and Ray are genetic freaks., Ray Mentzer was one of the bodybuilding greats of his era. Gross abuse of anabolic steroids (AAS), growth hormone, insulin, and diuretics are some of the major factors believed to be responsible for a disproportionate number of lean and muscular corpses. I always admired Mike Mentzer and knew from my own experience that his training philosophy had great validity. Mike did not get his ideas from Jones. In around mid-1983, Mike had managed to find a role as editor of Workout Magazine. Really. Your email address will not be published. However,while getting checked out if he could provide the organ to his brother doctors discovered Mike had very serious heart problems. But the big question is, are preexisting conditions made worse by excessive drug use? With this realization,Mikeswore to himself to back on track. It may be more accurate to say steroids don't kill people, abusing steroids kills people. 1979 IFBB Night of Champions 3rd It was early May of 2001, when out of the blue I received a phone call in FLEXs LA office from Mike Mentzer. 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Jordan Michael B. Handsome at Walk of Fame ceremony. And yet, as I listened to Mikes effusive language, the phrase productive genius kept on surfacing in my mind. Mentzers body was discovered by his brother, 47-year-old Raymond Harry Mentzer, said David Rice, an owner of the L.R. A native of Germantown, Pennsylvania, he died of heart failure in Rolling Hills, California at the age of Your email address will not be published. Although he was no longer under the spotlight of the bodybuilding stage, Ray kept training hard behind the curtains. Rice said that although Michael Mentzer had appeared robust, his medical records showed that he had a history of coronary-related problems.. This biographical article relating to bodybuilding in the United States is a stub. He was declared dead Monday, about 24 hours after his brother died. A sad day for bodybuildingMike and Ray Mentzer Dead. Its hard not to surmise that in his frail state of health (in the previous few months he had been rushed to the local emergency room several times) the death of his beloved brother was just too much to bear. Died from multiple organ failure in 1996, age 32. Although Greenberger conceded she left with Radin for dinner in the same limousine, she said Mentzer told her to get out of the car. In the year 1985 he claimed; The magazine was doing fairly well, when, just as it started to turn a profit, the financial people for whatever reason pulled the plug on the whole thing and we ceased operation. Health became an afterthought. With 900-lbs squatted for 2 reps, Ray was one of the, if not the strongest bodybuilder during his prime. Later, as his bodybuilding progressed, he would move to take between4-7 days rest in between workouts. Freeze,The Governator,and to many of his fans justArnie. It was at that event that Mikewould would be introduced toArthur Jones. MIKE MENTZER - The Untold Story - Muscular Development The initial reports of Ray's death circulating through the bodybuilding community were that he had committed suicide, but this has yet to be confirmed. that is what I am interested in. , money, salary, income, and assets. The Cotton Club project began after Greenberger introduced Radin to Hollywood filmmaker Robert Evans, who was then her boyfriend. A case of riseand fall. However, things didn't progress the way Mike had hoped, and after six months, he and Jones severed their business relationship. Discover the cheat that athletes use to cut fat quickly and get defined muscles. Thanks for the articles, Mike Mentzer Lives! Mike was 49 and Ray was 47. Mike Mentzers training style developed from HIT, High-Intensity Training that was founded by Arthur Jones in the 70s. I wish he continued to compete. I was a productive genius, but I had lost sight of the fact that the body and the mind have limitations. However, Mentzer was just getting warmed up. Arnold was also set to take part in a bodybuilding video with the two brothers but death came too quickly for this to happen. The younger Mentzer was devastated as he went about making funeral arrangements. Thirty years ago, the average non-professional athlete was uninterested in using steroids. WebMentzer died on June 10, 2001 in Rolling Hills, California. In the 1980s, Dr. Robert Goldman began asking top-level athletes if they'd accept a proverbial deal with the devil that guaranteed victory in every competition they entered but also guaranteed their death within five years. Mike would often keep his training week down to 3 working days with 4 for rest. He was a millionaire by 20 and lived lavishly in a mansion on Long Island. Ray suffered from kidney failure caused by Berger's Disease. He has been a life saver for me, from last in my class in high school and 130lbs to 1985 Jr. Mr. Mississippi,1987 Mr. Mississippi,1985 Middle weight Southern Classic,1987 Light Heavy 3rd place Southern Classic,1988 Heavyweight 3rd place Southern Classic, on the same stage with Shawn Ray when he won Nationals,U.S. Probiotics for gut health and things like avacados really help you max out feeling good for max. In a career that spanned over three decades, he was one of bodybuildings most prominent, inspirational and controversial figures. These guys aren't trying to earn a paycheck with their muscle, nor are they trying to win any contests. His brother, Ray, was on medication and did not take the medication hence he died next. [/QUOTE] On June 10, 2001, at approximately 9:00 AM, Mike Mentzer's heart stopped beating while he was asleep. Earlier this year, a blood clot broke loose from his leg and went to his lung. Acted as liaison for Evans and New York producer Roy Radin during Cotton Club movie negotiations. Tragically, Ray died just 2 days later, after missing his kidney dialysis treatment. Ray Mentzer was born on August 2, 1953 and developed a love and passion for bodybuilding at a very young age. He left Weider publications, and by 1982, his annual income "Had gone from $200,000 a year to zero.". In my opinion Mr. Mentzer may have went a bit beyond then rested too long, especially up to 7 days. Along with Mentzer, accused of carrying out the murder. He is not dating anyone. The Ray Mentzer bodybuilding biography is one of the sadder ones in the history of the sport. "Heavy Duty" involves doing very few, extended sets (using techniques like negative repetitions, forced reps, partial reps and done primarily on machines rather than using free weights). I'd put 110% into the enterprise and it hadn't worked out.". Ray and Mike Mentzer were probably the most legendary bodybuilding brothers of all time. As I listened during that fateful May 2001 phone call I couldnt help but think the effusive fast-talking Mike was in the middle of a productive genius phase. ", Two days before the 1980 Mr. Olympia being staged in Sydney, Australia, Mike had that same "death's door feeling," which again confined him to bed for a whole day. ", Even though he felt he was at his best and had no knowledge of the controversy to come, Mike told me in 1993 that he had made up his mind that the 1980 Mr. Olympia would be his last contest: Trying to be the best built man in the world demands total seriousness, but in essence the seriousness and the ambition involved is a little silly., To find out what went down at the 1980 Mr. Olympia including the near fist fight between Mentzer and Schwarzenegger click on http://www.musculardevelopment.com/team-md-blogs/the-mcgough-report/11982-mentzer-vs-arnie.html#.U47ZXCh93oD, In the wake of his fifth place finish at 1980 Mr. Olympia contest, Mike Mentzer's career began to fragment. Mike Mentzer RIP Mike. Mike was 49 and Ray was 47. Noticing the appreciative stares from envious strangers, and knowing that every time you hit the gym, youre pushing the boundaries of what you once thought was impossible - makes it all worthwhile. Achieving lower body fat with a higher body weight meant packing on more muscle. Mike Mentzer Cause of Death, Age, Date, and Facts RIP. "Bodybuilders' Deaths Lead to Investigation", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Ray_Mentzer&oldid=1121569006, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 13 November 2022, at 00:22. He was the brother of fellow bodybuilder Ray Mentzer. Death record, obituary, funeral notice and information about the deceased person. 1971 AAU Mr. America 10th Shohat, Greenbergers attorney, said the verdict of second-degree murder showed that the jury did not believe Greenberger was the driving force behind Radins killing. Radins sister, Kate, sat quietly in the courtroom as the verdicts were read. Mike was 49, Ray was 47. Greenberger had been accused of hiring Mentzer, Marti and Lowe to kill Radin because she feared she was being cut out of a producers role--and profits--in the movie The Cotton Club, a film about a Harlem speak-easy that was a critical and financial flop. This routine was based on doing 6-9 reps per set at the maximum weight he could lift. Nice article, but there is a huge mistake in the compilation of Mike Mentzers bodybuilding achievements segment (despite Rudolpfh Plizetskaias attempt to rectify it) ; in 1978, Mentzer won the IFBB Mr. Universe in Acapulco, Mexico with the first and only perfect 300 score. Evans, the former chief of Paramount Pictures and the producer of such hits as Chinatown and The Godfather, was not charged in the crime. Press reports of the Mentzer deaths stressed that they were both bodybuilders. The fact that anabolic steroids were finding their way into gyms in the 1960s was no coincidence. In enthusiastic tones Mike told me he looked forward to celebrating his 50th birthday in November. The jury also found that Mentzer and Marti killed Radin for financial gain during a kidnaping--special circumstances that open the possibility of death in the gas At 48 years old, Ray Mentzer height not available right now. Death of Mike Mentzer - Mr. Olympia 1980 Competition Results No, not every pro has had issues. "I looked my best, but I didn't feel at my best. In fact, he achieved his biggest physique during this period. Many competitive bodybuilders and even non-competitive lifters have. Date of death. Check regularly for the latest, Greatest Physiques. The next morning he discovered Mike dead in bed, apparently of a heart attack. "Most guys think nothing bad will ever happen to them. He was destined not to make it. At a bodyweight of a then unthinkable 250 plus pounds, he added even more muscle within a month, to 260 but leaner. "The magazine was doing fairly well, when, just as it started to turn a profit, the financial people - for whatever reason - pulled the plug on the whole thing and we ceased operation. "I'd exhausted all avenues of thought on my predicament, and realized I was wrong. The folding of Workout in 1985 was just the first prong of a triple emotional whammy that was delivered to Mike. When a bodybuilder dies at an early age from organ-related failure, this is the kneejerk response you'll hear from bodybuilding fans: "He had a preexisting condition and would've had that same problem whether he was a bodybuilder or a school teacher!". Mentally, he went into a different gear and battened down the hatches earlier and more securely than for any other competition. The next morning he discovered Mike dead in bed, apparently of a heart attack. And yet, there were still occasions when the demons visited. At the center of the real-life drama was Radin, a 275-pound, cocaine-sniffing high school dropout from Long Island, N.Y., who had come to California in the early 1980s with dreams of breaking into the movie business. WebPennsylvania, United States. Mike believed that bodybuilders do not need the levels of protein they were sold by magazines. The information presented on this website is intended to be used for educational purposes only. Ray is one of the strongest bodybuilders I have ever seen in my life and Mike is equally as strong.. Fame? Every Saturday evening, Ray would host so-called Saturday night squat parties. William Mentzer, 42, and Alex Marti, 30, were convicted of first-degree murder. I hoped and expected for acquittal, said Edward Shohat, Greenbergers attorney. This was in no small part due to his new training routine, Heavy Duty Training, which was created by his 21-months older brother Mike Mentzer. Ray died just two days after discovering his brother Mike Mentzer's body in the same apartment due to heart failure.[2]. He was the brother of fellow bodybuilder Ray Mentzer. Ray followed a similar training style to his brother Mike; it was called Heavy Duty Training. * Another ex-Flynt bodyguard. Being out from 1971 through to 1974. Ray suffered from kidney failure caused by Berger's Disease. Edit: two DAYS not years, my b Eventually, investigators presented a tale of cocaine, sex and greed that they say involved the making of The Cotton Club, named after the famed Prohibition-era jazz club.

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