| Aunt Em: Henry! Bring me her broomstick, and I'll grant your requests. Get out of here. Scarecrow: It's no use screaming at a time like this. 7. Look at the circles under my eyes. Professor Marvel, played marvelously by Frank Morgan, takes one look at the naive girl, glances down at her suitcase and says, "You're running away!" Having missed his glance, Dorothy asks wondrously, "How did you guess?" The Professor replies, "Now, why are you running away? Dorothy Submit anything from a question to a belief that you hold and people READ THE REST, At last night's Golden Globes Award, Jennifer Coolidge won for best performance by an actor in a supporting role in a TV series, White Lotus. Glinda the Good Witch of the North: Then close your eyes and tap your heels together three times. Professor Marvel - YouTube (To Toto) Say goodbye, Toto. Dorothy Gale: But I did leave you, Uncle Henry. license. There was a problem calculating your shipping. Dorothy Gale: (Scared) I don't like this forest. You will receive 1 ~ 70th anniversary of The Wizard Of Oz Professor Marvel's Wagon Figurine Motion Activated Limted edition 2009. ", Having missed his glance, Dorothy asks wondrously, "How did you guess? (Uncle Henry puts Toto in the basket while he whimpers.) ), Tin Man: (Surrounded by winged monkeys) Go away now! The greatest Oz has spoken! Oh! You're out of the night. Ding-Dong! She has to learn it for herself. (They start running in the poppy field). : Who's her? Oh, you mean the thing. Dorothy Gale: Come on, let's get out of here. (Then she stalks away and locks Dorothy in the tower room. ), Glinda: Just follow the Yellow Brick Road. Who rang that bell? (Dorothy sits down on the chair) This is the same genuine, magic, authentic crystalused by the priests of Isis and Osiris in the days of Pharaoh's of Egypt. Please come back! I can't budge her an inch. (To Aunt Em) And oh, Auntie Em there's no place like home! Dorothy Gale: No, no. The Scarecrow Let them know the Wicked Witch is dead! I've got a brain! (The camera switches where the hourglass is running out. Glinda the Good Witch of the North: (Nodding her head) That's all it is. The Wizard of Oz Glinda: And so, what the Munchkins want to know is, are you a Good Witch or a Bad Witch? (Dorothy gasped in fear). We got to run away! The Wizard of Oz is one because. Dorothy Gale: No, but you tried to. The benefits of learning to play READ THE REST. Drat, you and your dog! Why (Growling at Tin Man). But attractive to the eye and soothing the smell! Cowardly Lion: (Surprised while waking up) What's that? I said come back tomorrow! We melted her! (Dorothy and her friends laugh as they leave the grooming place). : Oil my elbows. But just try to stay out of my way! He's abashed and apologetic, but quickly finds ways to help Dorothy's friends: a diploma for the . Oh, you mean the thing? (The crow pecks the straw from his collar and flies) You see? Munchkins: And we will glorify your name. Come back! Now, fly! (Dorothy, Scarecrow, and Tin Man roll down the rug then they wrap him in rug like a royal cape. Professor Marvel: That's right. I was petrified. If youd like to file an allegation of infringement, youll need to follow the process described in our Copyright and Intellectual Property Policy. Yes. In the merry old land of Oz. ), Wicked Witch of the West: (Furiously) Curses! As Dorothy goes outside she is awed upon seeing that everything is colorful. Oh, but are you a clever enough wizard to manage it? So we'd like you to keep your promise to us, if you please, sir. I'll ruin my exit! Ozian woman: (Confused) Dorothy? Well, bust my buttons! And I lock it with a zipper. _____ Fascinating Facts and Rarely Told Stories concerning the MGM movie The Wizard Of Oz, and L. Frank Baum! That's how we laugh the day away. If I were king. Outside of Dorothy's bedroom window a picket fence and a tree float by and Dorothy awakens as the chicken coop floats by. (The guard looks on regretfully), Dorothy Gale: (Tearfully) Auntie Em was so good to me. : Scarecrow: I don't see how. , : ), Glinda: Let the joyous news be spread! Dorothy Gale: Who, me? Cowardly Lion: I hope my strength holds out. Dorothy Gale: (Hands the oil can to Scarecrow) Here. : The more closely linked your data is to your audience, the better. You have no power here. It plays the dialogue from that scene in the movie The Wizard of Oz. Professor Marvel's Wagon Figurine-Wizard of Oz-San Francisco Music Box Company.Features:Actual Dialogue From The Movie!Requires 2 AA BatteriesLimited Edition of 2500Rare Wonderful Sepia toned Wizard o And I never appreciated it. Barrister Munchkin: But we've go to verify it legally, to see. I'm burning! Item was received in time for Halloween 2017. Come back! (Dorothy taps her heels three times) And think to yourself "There's no place like home." I'm an old Kansas man myself, born and bred in the western wilderness premier balloonist par excellence to the Miracle Wonderland Carnival Company. Scen'Ry and Settings and PropsOh, My! (Oh, Where?) ", The Professor replies, "Now, why are you running away? Because of the wonderful things he does. Tin Man and Lion finish putting Scarecrow back together as Toto approaches them. MLS -- Professor comes out of wagon -- CAMERA PANS him left to horse --wind blowing -- Professor looks around -- starts out left with horse --PROFESSOR Better get under cover, Sylvester --there's a storm blowing up -- a whopper, to speak in the vernacular of the peasantry. That's how the crickets crick all day. And it's that if I ever go looking for my heart's desire again I won't look any further than my own backyard. The Munchkins are happy because you have freed them from the Wicked Witch of the East. I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore. Set where you live, what language you speak, and the currency you use. (Realizing) They'll be coming back for in a minute. Hickory! Out of frown. Professor Ha ha . Dorothy and her friends: (Shocked together) Go away? (As they go back to the crowd they blow kisses at Dorothy and she also blows a kiss as well. Hurry up! Doorman: It's on the door! (She walks up to the apple tree then she picks one off but the tree grabs the apple and slapped Dorothy's hand) Ouch! The Scarecrow They're printed on canvas and available in a variety of sizes, starting at $36. : (The pink bubble comes down from the sky. The Wizard of Oz And then at two we're done. Localize. The three Winkie guards approach them as Lion felt scared and whimpered, Scarecrow and Tin Man shush him. people will vote to decide if your belief is normal, Watch Jennifer Coolidge steal the show at last night's Golden Globe Awards, 10,000 Maniacs entertain Jay Leno in 1992, Transform your ideas into unique art with this CES-featured, AI art tool, now on sale for $49.99, Safely organize your devices and chargers with the CES-featured Bento Stack Charge 8000, Start your musical journey with the Populele Smart Ukulele, now only $159.99, Terms Tin Man: I can fairly hear my heart beating. Come on! (Lion tries to leave). Who's them? (Shows the watch to Dorothy, Scarecrow, and Lion). (To Dorothy) Dorothy, are you in there? Munchkins: (Singing) Ding-Dong! Who's Dorothy? I'm so sleepy. (This is the Scarecrow he is hanging from the pole and he is pointing one direction). But they have one thing you haven't got a medal. ), (The camera switches to Miss Gulch pedals down the country road. Publication history [ edit] The Professor then offers Dorothy a crystal ball reading and asks her to close her eyes and concentrate. Munchkins: (Singing) The house began to pitch. (Half of the Winkie guards come down as well. Toto sniffs her black cloak and hat the only remaining parts and Nikko sees that the Wicked Witch is dead.). (Just then Dorothy and her friends made it through the forest then they finally saw Emerald City.). (Confused) Huh? I haven't had any courage at all. What's she doing? As Tin Man leans in sideways Dorothy and Scarecrow try to catch him. Toto pokes his head and jumped out of the basket, Miss Gulch didn't notice him. Gather information as well as names and data points. Not nobody, not nohow! I'm burning! Dorothy Gale: (Gasping happily) Oh, will you? But this could never be like Kansas. There's no other Wizard except me. : Whether you're tin or bronze. Ive added in some staining and weathering, but kept it subtle and closer to the edges.Large banners measure 42.75 23.75. She's gone where the goblins go. Wizard, of Oz Dorothy Oh look! ~ Movie set still - showing an interior view of the wagon used by 'Professor Marvel', who poses as a traveling fortune-teller. ), Cowardly Lion: (Reading the sign) "I'd turn back if I were you." Dorothy Gale: We've been walking a long ways and I was hungry and (Realizing) Did you say something? (They all wave to her as the bubble floats away.). Life would be a ding-a-derry. Wizard of Oz: (To Tin Man) As for you, my galvanized friend, you want a heart. (Chuckling). Would be satin. What makes the muskrat guard his musk? The great and powerful Oz has got matters well in hand. Please come back! I mean, my friends! : And now, well, being a Christian woman, I can't say it! , : I'm not afraid of a witch! That's more like it! Professor Marvel: Do you know any? You've been more trouble to me than worth one way or another. (Her cries fade out as Dorothy and her friends look down. I may not come out alive, but I'm going in there. Scarescrow: Oh, no. Wizard Of Oz, The Script - Broadway musical Dorothy and her friends: (Together) We wanna see the Wizard. (The Witch cackles evilly then she disappears in a cloud of red smoke and the Munchkins all gasp in fright.). (She cackles as Scarecrow looks the chandelier which gives him the idea. Just uh wait here and I'll announce you at once. You'll rust so dreadfully. That's a horse of a different color! Emerald City is closer and prettier than ever! Somebody always helps that girl. Professor Marvel's wagon _____ Lyrics! Free Shipping(2) Sears & Other Sellers . Cowardly Lion: I gotta get her out of there? I'm just a dandy lion. Let's see. In the merry old land of Oz. Take you any place in the city, we does. We don't want you to go. There was a problem subscribing you to this newsletter. (Lion wipes his tears with his tail) My goodness, what a fuss you're making! These things must be done delicately or you'll hurt the spell. Want to know more? (Puts Toto in the basket and she turns to Dorothy) And you, my dear. Scarecrow: Well, we better hurry if we're going to see the Wizard! : Scarecrow: Here, give us your hand and we'll pull you along. And the mountains bow. The Tin Man (Dorothy and her friends run for their lives) Stop them, you fools stop them! The Wizard of Oz Miss Gale: What's she done? Hold on to your hope. In The Wizard of Oz (1939), Frank Morgan portrays 5 characters - reddit Tin Man: (Singing) I hear a beat. (The Munchkins all wave goodbye to Dorothy and she waves back to them. Tin Man: (Smiling) Ah! 2. [in a booming voice] You go away or I'll bite you myself! Wicked Witch of the West: All in good time, my little pretty. Professor Marvel tricks Dorothy, for her own good, and makes up a phony story about Aunt Em being suddenly ill and grief stricken over Dorothy leaving and might die from a broken heart. Long live the king! Wanna play ball? Cowardly Lion: Coming to think of it, forty winks wouldn't be bad. : Wizard of Oz: I can't come back! Why, my little party's just beginning. It landed on the Wicked Witch in the middle of the ditch. Tin Man: Well, suppose the Wizard wouldn't give me one when we got there. (Shows her the large hourglass that has blood-red sand) Do you see that? 2 results for "san francisco music box the wizard of oz professor marvel s wagon" back . Apple tree: (Angrily, begins to attack them) Oh, you! The Wizard will fix everything. Can't you read? [pointing]   France   |   English (US)   |   (EUR), Wizard of Oz Professor Marvel Large Banner, Copyright and Intellectual Property Policy, Review how we define handmade, vintage and supplies, See a list of prohibited items and materials, remembering account, browser, and regional preferences, remembering privacy and security settings, personalized search, content, and recommendations, helping sellers understand their audience, showing relevant, targeted ads on and off Etsy, remember your login, general, and regional preferences, personalize content, search, recommendations, and offers. You're off to see the Wizard. And their hearts are no bigger than yours. Courage! It's just that she doesn't like little green worms! We hear he is a whiz of a wiz. I'll take care of you now instead of later! She's gone where the goblins go, Below, below, below. We better make sure. (Lion chases Toto which shocks Dorothy and she comes to his defense picking him up. _____ TRIVIA! Hurry! Cowardly Lion: Stay with us then, Dorothy. Juliet's voice: Wherefore art thou, Romeo? (Aunt Em, Uncle Henry and the farmhands all get in the cellar. Dorothy Gale: (Shocked upon seeing Tin Man rusted) Look! Tin Man: (To Scarecrow) My neck. Glinda: Are you a good witch or a bad witch? [booming voice] Well, she's, she's putting her hand on her heart. Dorothy Gale: Well, then how do you know there is one? Professor Marvel : Customize your first slide. Scarecrow: I believe there's spooks around here. Boing Boing uses cookies and analytics trackers, and is supported by advertising, merchandise All content belongs to its. Not queen. Oh, but I wanna go home now! Turning off personalized advertising opts you out of these sales. Learn more in our Privacy Policy., Help Center, and Cookies & Similar Technologies Policy. (Toto runs down the staircase and scampers over drawbridge as the Winkie guards throw spears at him.). (Professor Marvel, Farm hands chuckling) But you couldn't have been, could you? At her side is Nikko the leader of the winged monkeys.). (To Munckins) It's all right. Come on in! You can get up. And really feel the part. Therefore, in consideration of your kindness, I take pleasure at this time in presenting you with a small token of our esteem and affection (Presents Tin Man a heart-shaped watch) And remember, my sentimental friend that a heart is not judged by how much you love but by how much you are loved by others. (Laughs) Take special care of the ruby slippers. Everybody in the storm cellar! But that's not what's worrying me. Just what you're looking for. It's on the door - as plain as the nose on my face! To confer, converse, and otherwise hob-nob with my brother wizards. Summer Camps. Dorothy Gale: (Happily) Toto, darling! Scarecrow: (Nervously) Yes, Your Honor, I mean, Your Excellency. Professor Marvel dpl1960 1.33K subscribers 2.8K 1.3M views 12 years ago *I do not own the footage used in this fan made video, and I am not making any profit from it. (Dorothy and her friends walk into the Wizard's chamber as Lion covers his eyes) Look at that. The merry-o, sing it high, sing it low. We suggest contacting the seller directly to respectfully share your concerns. : So, I have replicated the wagon art as a canvas banner. Scarecrow: Did you hear that? But, nobody can see the Great Oz! Scarecrow and Dorothy Gale: (Singing together and skipping down the road) We're off to see the wizard. Classes. Wizard's guard: (Looks at Dorothy) The witch's Dorothy? I'll get you my pretty and your little dog too! Scarecrow: (Concerned) What's the matter? Which old witch? It's very important. was looking for, for my Wizard of Oz Theme. Come on, fellas! [booming voice] It's me. Winkie guards: (Together and hailing to Dorothy) Hail! I want those most of all. I've got to see the Wizard. : Munchkins: (Singing) Ding-Dong! Looks like you already have an account! The Winkie guards come down and ambushed them. Go away and come back tomorrow. It's a twister! Here. Etsy shops never receive your credit card information. : Below, below, below. Come on! 1. A Lesson from Professor Marvel, a.k.a. The Wizard of Oz: Scarecrow: Do you think if I went, this wizard would give me brains? And now my beauties something with poison in it I think. Now, state your business! The Wizard of Oz is one because. Before delighting the audience with READ THE REST, 10,000 Maniacs' fifth studio album, Our Time in Eden, was released in 1992. He's really gentle, with gentle people that is. , And in the name of the Lollipop Guild. Every pusillanimous creature that crawls on the Earth or slinks through slimy seas has a brain. Professor Marvel Hearts will never be practical until they can be made unbreakable. Scarecrow: I didn't think so. Doggone it! Cowardly Lion: (Reading the message in the sky) "Surrender, Dorothy." Wizard's guard:(Growling angrily and coming out) The wizard says go away! And then I sit and think some more. [Reading notice, all together] Of what was once the Wicked Witch. The wonderful Wizard of Oz. Big cities, big mountains, big oceans. : Wizard of Oz: Well, you can't. Sylvester is the name of Professor Marvel's horse in the beloved 1939 film version of "The Wizard of Oz." Specifically, the horse appears in the film's beginning sequences in Kansas. Great! of Why if I had a brain, I could. I'll give you Auntie Em my pretty! There's a storm blowing, a whopper to speak in the vernacular of the peasantry! Dorothy is chased by two winged monkeys. Wake up you sleepyhead, Rub your eyes, get out of bed. This is the spell, this is! : Etsy uses cookies and similar technologies to give you a better experience, enabling things like: Detailed information can be found in Etsys Cookies & Similar Technologies Policy and our Privacy Policy. I'm afraid of them. Oh! The only way to get Dorothy back to Kansas is for me to take her there myself. Tin Man: Stop that dog! Visit their home pages. Company Credits Scat! Wicked Witch of the West: Very well. The Tin Man Dorothy Gale: I'm here in Oz, Auntie Em. Therefore ,by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Universitatus Committeeatum E Pluribus Unum, I hereby confer upon you the honorary degree of Th.D. I said GO! Back where I come from there are men who do nothing all day but good deeds. And in the name of the Lullaby League. (To Scarecrow) Put your hands up, you lopsided bag of hay! Talk with strangers as well as people you know. Dorothy Gale: Well, Oh dear, I don't quite see how I Scarecrow: Of course, I'm not bright about doing things but if you just bend the nail down in the back, maybe I'll slip off and-. Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain. The Cowardly Lion : I've never seen a horse like that before! (The camera switches to the Wicked Witch she takes her broomstick and she heads to the window cackling.). (Scarecrow jumps back in fear upon hearing the lion roar. see program terms. There's only one of them, and he's it. Vintage Lionel train wagon 1690/observation car 1691 pre war metal. Those partners may have their own information theyve collected about you. HELP! A pocket full of spears! Dorothy [to the Lion] We're nearly there. Because of the wonderful things he does. (She flies out the window on her broomstick as she cackles and she heads for the Emerald City. Dorothy Gale: (Concerned) Oh, dear. Dorothy Gale: (Hugging Toto) Oh, Toto! I decided that in addition to his painted wagon, the good professor probably had a couple banners to post at the local fairs and carnivals he attended. Sylvia. Scarecrow: Of course, I don't know, but I think it'll get darker before it gets lighter. Whilst opening the door, the film changes from sepia tone to bright, vibrant, vivid colors. Tin Man: And I was standing over there rusting for the longest time. Just try! Wake up, you sleepyhead, rub your eyes, get out of bed. (Falls down) Whoa! Running away and hurting her feelings. Dorothy Gale: Oh, I don't think there's anything in that black bag for me. ), (The scene changes where Dorothy and Toto walk down the yellow brick road next to the cornfield.). Don't go without me! We all love you. [angrily] You don't want any of those apples. Replica of Professor Marvel wagon art from Wizard of Oz | Boing Boing Two years ago, I posted about graphic designer Jon Heilman's exquisite replica of the time portals map from Terry Gilliam's 1981 film Time Bandits. Wizard's guard: (Calming the crowd) Here! ), (The Wicked Witch arrives among with Nikko), Wicked Witch of the West: (Cackling) Well! If I were king. The Cowardly Lion The only person who might know would be the great and wonderful Wizard of Oz himself. The Wizard of Oz : (Helps Scarecrow). Take an hour for lunch. Cowardly Lion: Well, you didn't have to go and hit me, did you? Dorothy Gale: Do Do you suppose we'll meet any wild animals? Music can be a time-traveling vessel of connection and consummation. Apple tree: Are you hinting my apples aren't what they ought to be? Dorothy Gale: Oh, no, please. Very resourceful! Look! Wizard of Oz: Yes, that's exactly so. Some informationbout a locale is common knowledge; some is available on the web. ), (The scene changes where Toto climbs down the rocky mountain and he goes back to the Haunted Forest. The Wizard of Oz Not chintz. You can all get up. A diploma. HELP! Wicked Witch of the West: (Angrily) They're gone! Wizard of Oz: Frightened? Scarecrow: Oh, you can't rest now. Scarecrow: He said his mouth. Dorothy Public collections can be seen by the public, including other shoppers, and may show up in recommendations and other places. Darwin (character) - Wikipedia Wicked Witch of the West: Give me back my slippers! What an unexpected pleasure. I can't go the way I came. In order to give you the best experience, we use cookies and similar technologies for performance, analytics, personalization, advertising, and to help our site function. The Wizard of Oz , (Dorothy rings the door bell and the doorman sticks his head out of the door's porthole). ), (Dorothy and Toto walks to the farm as the tornado gets strong.). You clinking, clanking, clattering collection of collginous junk! Auntie Em sympatheticly watches her go, then scowls glares at Miss Gulch.). Dorothy Gale: Can you even dye my eyes, to match my gown? Dorothy Gale: (Fearfully) What are you gonna do with my dog? The greatest Oz has spoken! But first, you must prove yourselves worthy by performing a very small task. darling. Dorothy Gale: No, no. [terrified, steps forward] Cowardly Lion: (Chanting nervously) I do believe in spooks, I do believe in spooks, I do, I do, I do, I do. (Munchkins bow). You're out of the night. it's Auntie Em. : (Ozians cheering) This is positively the finest exhibition ever to be shownbe that as it may. (Then Lion collapsed on the field). Culpeper. Fly! Then she leaned her bicycle against the fence while Uncle Henry is holding a paint brush.). Apple tree: (To Dorothy) Well, how would you like to have someone come along and pick something off of you? Because, because. ), (The camera switches where Scarecrow, Tin Man, Lion, and Toto climb up the rocky mountain. On the face of the earth or the sky. Wizard of Oz: Professor Marvel's Wagon [Scene Recreation] 1,126 views Mar 28, 2018 13 Dislike Share Save DmanFilms' Life 140 subscribers We were assigned to do a scene recreation for a. I should've thought for you. I can talk again! Wicked Witch of the West: Aha! X Gon' Give It To Ya: 10 Characters Professor X Has Killed - CBR Cowardly Lion: But, I never would have found it if it hadn't been for you. Tin Man: Uh, some but mostly lions and tigers and bears. : Glinda: It's all right. (Sets his arm on fire and cackles), Scarecrow: (Frightened) Help! For any individle. (The scene changes back to the Wizard's throne room.). To speak in the vernacular of the peasantry. Professor Marvel: Well, well, well! Now you'd better close your eyes my child, for a moment (Dorothy closes her eyes) in order to be better be in tuned with the Infinite. (A crow lands on his shoulder) Boo! Dorothy Gale: (Surprised) Who said that? [booming voice] The wonderful Wizard of Oz. And a woof! (Insulted) Stuff a mattress with me! Zeke: You couldn't forget my face, could you? Just like I knew it would be. Obey them as you would. A Lesson from Professor Marvel | HuffPost Impact Dorothy Gale: (Upset, protesting) No, No! Someone has hurt her. Dorothy Gale: Oh, will you help me? Dorothy looks away in fear as the Witch cackles evilly. . You clinking, clanking, clattering collection of caligenous junk! Barrister Munchkin: Is morally, ethically. Doctor of Thinkology. What'd he say? Dorothy Gale: Well, then, we'll ask for him for you. (Then they escort Dorothy back to Glinda) Tr-la-la-la-la-la, Tra-la-la-la-la, Tra-la-la-la-la La! You see, it's very tedious being stuck up here all day long with a pole up your back. Star Seller. Put em up! Tin Man: No, it feels wonderful. What makes the dawn come up like thunder? Dorothy Gale: (Astonished) Why, it's a man! (Placed the broomstick by the throne). Scarecrow: It's pleasant down this way too. Now, go! Here, you can have your old slippers but give me back Toto! Munchkins: (Singing) Follow the Yellow Brick Road. If I only had a heart. The notice! Winkie Guard Leader: (Gives her the defunct broomstick) Please.

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