The mall would be converted to an open-air shopping center, while some of the existing retail space, including the former Sears building, would be knocked down to make way for apartments. Smith co-founded the group Responsible Growth Marin in 2019 to help organize people who opposed the plan for a Costco store. Two years after the owner of Marin Countys only enclosed shopping mall announced plans to build the largest Costco in the United States a 180,000-square-foot store with 30 gas pumps that would have been dwarfed only by the chains outlets in Mexico and Japan the developer has decided to scrap the warehouse retailer in favor of a residential development with a new town center. The closure comes as Bay Area tech companies grapple with massive layoffs, which have also rattled businesses in the food industry. The redesigned town square would be approximately 50,000 square feet with space for gatherings, outdoor concerts and movies, and a flex space for special events. Project Contact Tricia Stevens, Project Planner at (916) 698-4592 or. The development of the new Northgate Mall is a long-range . This Study Session is an opportunity for early Planning Commission and Design Review Board project feedback on land use and design and allows early opportunity for public input. This one's at Slippery Rock. View Dining Options The traffic study will also look at traffic safety in relation to pedestrians and bicycles. Map Unavailable Upcoming Events; No events in this location; Helpful; Share. Northgate Mall Redevelopment Project - Northgate Town Center - San Rafael. A developer has revised its proposal to overhaul the Northgate mall property in San Rafael, adding townhomes for sale and other features. (See next . In North Hollywood, the Noho West center has residential next to office and retail spaces. Northgate Mall (San Rafael, California) - Wikipedia Northgate Mall Redevelopment Project - California San Rafael: Developer revises Northgate housing, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), San Rafael: Developer revises Northgate housing plan, Marin Municipal Water District selects strategy for new water supplies, Marin company proposes housing projects in South Bay, Rain and cold return to Marin County this weekend, Marin education panel opposes Novato charter school,, Marin DA's office hit with racial discrimination claims, Drought is now over in more than half of California, including the Bay Area, feds say, Former San Quentin guard sentenced for cellphone smuggling, Novato City Council approves theater sale agreement, San Rafael workplace murder suspect convicted, Santa Rosa high school student stabbed to death in classroom, California extends Bay Area tax deadlines to match IRS, Novato police arrest burglary suspect after scuffle, San Rafael still lagging on prior housing quota, As Adderall shortage continues, DEA plans to limit some telemedicine prescriptions, House where JonBenet Ramsey was found dead listed for sale for almost $7M, Columbia University permanently drops SAT, ACT admissions requirement, The Waterbed Doctor: California retailer lays claim to retro bed with nearly 40 years of service, sales, Felonious Florida podcast: Missing teenage girl leads to several cases of child sex trafficking, Do Not Sell/Share My Personal Information. View photos and contact a broker. A Costco Wholesale store has been proposed to replace the shuttered Sears location. An additional 42 affordable apartments would be scattered throughout the remaining market-rate apartments in the second phase of the project. Retail as an enclosed mall is dead, Logan said. The study session, held on Tuesday, involved no decisions by city officials. Need project to better respect the design and character ofsurroundingarea. Vegetation on the site consists of ornamental landscaping, including landscaped strips along the boundaries of the site that contain street trees and shrubs, planters with trees within the surface parking lot, and some mature trees located adjacent to the existing buildings. Local, regional and national restaurants will then be added. We are just not sure the infrastructure traffic, sewer, schools can handle that much density.. Re-imagining the Northgate Mall - Marin Local News Wife of missing Bay Area radio host says Jeffrey Vandergrift will not Last chance to see: Bay Bridge lights turn off on Sunday, Sen. Dianne Feinstein is hospitalized in San Francisco with shingles, California extends deadline to file 2022 income taxes to match IRS decision, Going to Tahoe this weekend? Stephen Logan, vice president of development for Merlone Geier Partners, said that the pandemic gave the owner a chance to re-evaluate options for the 43-acre site in North San Rafael. The project site is located west of US Highway 101 (US 101), in the City of San Rafael, Marin County. Shopping - San Rafael I was really heartened to see that Merlone Geier did listen to the community at large, Geraghty said. Regular Bank Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Pacific Time . The Design Review Board voted 4-0 . She's a Bay Area native. Las Gallinas Avenue would be lined with new restaurants and stores. Restaurant and department store hours may vary. It's the largest of three shopping centers in San Rafael called Northgate. The Pre Application and Conceptual review processes were completed in October 2019 and no further City action will occur on this project. An emerging plan to redevelop the Northgate mall complex in Terra Linda is garnering mixed reviews, with some San Rafael residents saying it needs to include more housing and others less.. Hours Sun: 12P - 6P. (Provided by City of San Rafael), A woman carries a pizza from the food court at the Northgate Mall in San Rafael on Friday, March 12, 2021. NORTHGATE MALL - Northgate Drive, San Rafael, CA 94903 Conceptual Design Review is meant to provide an informal critique and evaluation of a projects basic design approach. I really feel like this town center needs to be front and center., Others, like David Smith, worried that the proposed building heights are too high. Sign up today. The layoffs are slated to occur on April 3. Carney said the advocacy group hopes the town square space could be larger and replace some of the parking. Open Menu Close Menu. Project is solely designed for car access and needs to pay attention to pedestrians, Ensure that traffic study is comprehensive and extends to greater are than just around mall. Location. On July 26, 2019, Costco filed a Pre Application and Conceptual Design Review application with the City of San Rafael. Nodecisions or official action on the projectwill be madeduring this study sessions. The company said it is. Sign up today. Share your opinion with users and insert mall rating and reviews for Northgate. What applications have been filed and how/when will those be reviewed? The second phase has a much longer time frame tentatively circa 2040 and includes up to 460 more apartments plus revamped retail spaces and more open areas. It is the only enclosed regional shopping center in Marin County. The housing component would include 911 homes in six apartment buildings no more than five stories tall. Northgate Mall - San Rafael, CA - Ft. 225100, Acres 44.76, Employees 1), Aesthetics, Air Quality, Cultural Resources, Cumulative Effects, Drainage/Absorption, Flood Plain/Flooding, Geology/Soils, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Growth Inducement, Hazards & Hazardous Materials, Hydrology/Water Quality, Land Use/Planning, Mandatory Findings of Significance, Noise, Population/Housing, Public Services, Recreation, Schools/Universities, Sewer Capacity, Solid Waste, Transportation, Tribal Cultural Resources, Utilities/Service Systems, Copyright Northgate is in the Terra Linda neighborhood of San Rafael, a district of Mid-Century architecture that includes 900 homes built by Joseph Eichler, the California modernist known for glass walls, cork floors, open-beam ceilings and gable windows. The project calls for 96 affordable residences along with structure and surface parking. Northgate ::: San Rafael ::: CA RT @HowardWPenney: Restaurants with mall exposure are underperformers.. BJ's Restaurant in San Rafael's Northgate Mall to close, lay off 90 workers $CAKE $BJRI $RRGB . Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday-Friday 10:00 AM to 9:00 PM Enclosed malls have been shuttered for extended periods during the coronavirus pandemic that began in March 2020. Our vision to bring people back to Northgate is to combine destination shopping, eating and entertainment with new, quality residences., David Smith, who lives near the mall, said the new plan is a huge improvement over the Costco proposal.. San Rafael (Northgate) 5800 Northgate Mall, Suite 51 San Rafael CA 94903 (415) 472-2265. Phase 2 (also referred to as the 2040 Vision Plan) would generally include the demolition of the Macys and Kohls buildings and the construction of 430 residential units. The closure will also affect 90 employees who work at. Three of the buildings would be five stories tall and a fourth would be four stories. We look forward to you joining us on Tuesday, September 14th at 7 p.m.! Northgate Mall BJ's Restaurant to close permanently - San Francisco We are definitely pro-housing, she said. Live verbal commenting will be available during the session. He is the author of two books: "Here Tomorrow" (Heyday, 2013) and "High Spirits" (Heyday, 2015). Northgate Mall has 2.5 stars. in journalism from USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism and earned a B.A. Some commenters, like Terra Linda resident Claire Halenbeck, said they want the central plaza to be built sooner than 2040. Marin centers were allowed to reopen inside again at reduced capacity just recently. Another phase would not take place until 2040. The Pre Application process has been completed. Northgate Mall. Current major tenants within the mall include Century Theatre, Macys, Kohls, Rite Aid, and HomeGoods. The next steps, should Costco choose to purse this project, are is listed below in the Frequently Asked Questions section. Its the way we things evolving in the future.. Is government-run social housing the solution to the Bay Areas affordability crisis? noise, traffic, parking, appropriateness and compatibility) before the project is further developed. Costco and Northgate Mall are hosting a community open house on the Costco project. Were certainly much happier with the larger town square and the a mixture of ownership townhomes in phase one.. See next photo for a look at this spot in 2012. Although not yet required by State law, the traffic study will also evaluate the project in terms of Vehicle Miles Travelled (VMT), a new methodology established by the State to be used as the metric for evaluating traffic in CEQA documents, starting in July 2020. Temporary move: 6000 Northgate Dr, San Rafael, CA 94903. If you have any questions, please call 415-485-3051 for more information. The applicant has indicated they are taking a pause to analyze the City, outside agency and public feedback received during the preliminary process and decide whether to proceed with the project, and if so, how to proceed. The current zoning for the property does allow housing, in addition to commercial development. Northgate Station (formerly Northgate Mall) is an enclosed shopping mall in Seattle, Washington, United States.It is located in the Northgate neighborhood on Interstate 5, adjacent to Northgate Way and Northgate station, a light rail station. The proposed project would result in the redevelopment of the existing mall through demolition, renovation, and new construction with a mix of commercial and residential land uses. The plan calls for the mall movie theater to be renovated and expanded to include an Imax theater. The Northgate Mall Redevelopment project proposes a comprehensive redevelopment of the existing mall into an open-air "main street experience," surrounded by mixed-use development of retail and up to 1,422 residences. We look forward to you joining us on Tuesday, September 14th at 7 p.m.! The first work would involve demolishing the former Sears store, which has been temporarily used partly as an RH outlet store, and its related spaces to make way for 898 apartments. We didnt want to go through a plan and then have to redo it.. Big box retail is out and big housing is in at Northgate Mall in San Rafael. If the applicant decides to pursue the project, their next step would be to formally submit any required applications to the City for formal review. According to its website it's one of the. For more information Click HERE. Reach him at or 707-521-4256. At the end of the day, we wanted to have a true mixed-use project, and we didnt think a Costco would be conducive for that, he said. so that it is closer in size to the existing Sears buildings and takes into consideration the lower scale of both the adjacent residential neighborhood and the existing Mall. sends student to hospital, Heres how much rain and snow is on the way this weekend, Your Privacy Choices (Opt Out of Sale/Targeted Ads). Costco and Merlone Geier (owner of Northgate Mall) have applied for a Conceptual Review/Pre Application to solicit preliminary feedback from the City and the public for a Costco at this location. Susan Coleman of Responsible Growth in Marin asked the developer to disperse affordable units equitably. (Provided by City of San Rafael), Artist's rendering for proposed development at Northgate Mall shows a residential parcel along Northgate Drive. Parking would be reduced from 2,908 to 2,311 spaces. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Northgate gives you what you want, the way you want it. Improve the visual connection to the mail by incorporating some of the existing material palette i.e., (more stone, less concrete). California snowpack hits highest level this century for March. (Alan Dep/Marin Independent Journal). Artist's rendering for proposed development at Northgate Mall shows shops and residential building. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Contact or Call . Grace Geraghty, executive director of the nonprofit Responsible Growth Marin, said she participated in a preview of the revision in a session organized by Merlone Geier. The Citys Design Review Board and Planning Commission will hold public hearings on any formal applications filed. The electronics company provides communications and information technology services and is the U.S. research arm of Huawei. The state has mandated that San Rafael approve 3,220 new residences by 2031. During the pandemic, we found out very quickly that tenants with exterior-facing entrances survived and thrived better in this environment.. Closed - Opens at 10:00 AM Saturday. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. San Rafael, CA 94903. Logan declined to say how much the mall transformation would cost. We have heard from residents that they want a vibrant town center environment and much-needed housing as part of Northgates future, said Stephen Logan, Merlone Geiers vice president of development. Northgate Mall - San Rafael, CA - Yelp General Mall Hours ~ What Time does the Mall Open/Close Today? A total of 2,908 parking spaces are provided on the project site. The new proposal, on the other hand, includes many elements residents want: housing, community gathering spaces and an improved theater. SFGATE also reached out to Northgate Mall to learn what business could take over BJs forthcoming vacant space but did not hear back. The plan also includes a fenced dog park, a childrens nature playground and other amenities. For more information, please see our Under the new plan, it would have 2,311 parking spaces, including 1,789 public spaces not reserved for the apartment buildings. Reach the author at or follow Adrian on Twitter: @adrianrrodri. Northgate will offer all-new shopping offerings from boutique to national brands with a transition to an all-outdoor shopping, dining, entertainment and lifestyle destination, with walking paths and gathering spaces connecting all areas. Tech, dining, logistics firms trigger hundreds more Bay Area job cuts By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. reports on traffic, air quality, etc) required for formal submittal are not submitted during conceptual review. Whether affected staffers retain their positions at neighboring BJs restaurants is uncertain. A link to register is at Housing is key to spurring a resurgence of retail activity, because living spaces are used daily, and having markets and fast-casual dining next door will generate more trips to the retail areas, Logan said. Northgate Mall Redevelopment Archives - San Rafael Walking and biking paths would be built throughout the property and new standalone retail stores and restaurants would be built along Las Gallinas Avenue. 1,033. The neighbors would prefer a more open space, a mix of rental housing and condos rather than all rental and probably a bit less density than the developer is proposing, especially close to the single-family homes. Weather | Father and two girls stranded in snowstorm for 13 hoursNews | New report shows thousands of workers have left downtown SFLocal | Bald eagles nesting at Bay Area golf course could lay eggs 'any day now'Tahoe | How much snow did Tahoe get? If you have questions or comments about this project, please submit them in advanceto Project Planner,Tricia Stevens. San Rafael residents vet Northgate mall housing, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), San Rafael residents vet Northgate mall housing plan, Marin Municipal Water District selects strategy for new water supplies, Marin company proposes housing projects in South Bay, Rain and cold return to Marin County this weekend, Marin education panel opposes Novato charter school, Marin DA's office hit with racial discrimination claims, Drought is now over in more than half of California, including the Bay Area, feds say, Former San Quentin guard sentenced for cellphone smuggling, Novato City Council approves theater sale agreement, San Rafael workplace murder suspect convicted, Santa Rosa high school student stabbed to death in classroom, California extends Bay Area tax deadlines to match IRS, Novato police arrest burglary suspect after scuffle, San Rafael still lagging on prior housing quota, As Adderall shortage continues, DEA plans to limit some telemedicine prescriptions, House where JonBenet Ramsey was found dead listed for sale for almost $7M, Columbia University permanently drops SAT, ACT admissions requirement, The Waterbed Doctor: California retailer lays claim to retro bed with nearly 40 years of service, sales, Felonious Florida podcast: Missing teenage girl leads to several cases of child sex trafficking, Do Not Sell/Share My Personal Information. Time on Market. The purpose is for the City through a public process to provide preliminary feedback on the proposed design direction. Those days are gone, but with a walkable mix of shopping, plazas, entertainment and housing, it could once again be a draw. The new plan represents a major shift from the companys 2019 proposal to build a Costco store and a gas station at the site of the former Sears building, which drew widespread scrutiny from Terra Linda residents. The layoffs are due to occur on April 17. At San Antonio Center in Mountain View, there is residential above grocery-anchored retail space plus offices, movie theaters and outdoor areas such as a dog park. Use Next and Previous buttons to navigate. Susana Guerrero is a reporter for SFGATE covering the Bay Area's food scene. The project would be surrounded by stores, restaurants and a remodeled IMAX Century Theater. The plan comes at a time when San Rafael will have to triple its housing production to comply with the state Regional Housing Needs Allocation numbers. Track water shortages and restrictions across Bay Area. ft. to 225,100 square feet and construct high . On November 14, 2019, Forever 21announced that the Northgate Mall location would be closing along with 21 other locations in California and 90 locations nationwide. BJ's is closing its Northgate Mall location in San Rafael The Citys current General Plan identifies LOS standards for both AM (weekdays 7-9am) and PM peak hours (weekdays 4-6pm). Get hot deals, the inside scoop and special promotions all available through our exclusive profiles.