- You're correct. Lincoln: And then I learned that you can have more than one interest and the same interest you have gets boring overtime. Loud House Fanfiction - Lincoln's Birth - DeviantArt Luna: You have an idea of a music themed game? Girls student one: But my names not Shelia! Ms. Merdich: Next, we move on to the next step, genre, you need to describe what game is it, for example, the Crash Bandicoot games are a platformer series, while some do have racing and party at times, others like Call Of Duty and FortNite are shooter games, you need to add in a genre, they are worth about sixty percent of your grade. Goodnight. Digi Stella: We'll hang out some other time! Ms. Merdich: >to Chandler< Bonzer! Loud House Fanfiction - Lincoln's Birth Add to Favourites By FirstDrellSpectre Published: Feb 3, 2018 88 Favourites 27 Comments 31.9K Views ---Prologue--- Year 2005. (She gets the scanner connected to Lincoln's laptop on the coffee table by the den, she then takes Lincoln to the dining room table). The Princess and the Everlasting Emerald: A Royal Woods Fairytale. Lincoln pulled a cord and a line of cannons blasted out confetti, delighting the audience. (The buss then stops at Royal Woods middle school, then Lincoln and his friends get off the bus, just as they got in, Principal Ramirez stopped Lincoln). - Dumb question. Luna: Oh, that's okay, there isn't much musical games out there anymore, I tried that before but it was hard, so I also got an F on it, Leni tried a fashion one, but failed. That was horrible! +. Sell custom creations to people who love your style. Lincoln: WellI was going to do an Ace Savvy game but Ms. Merdich: >interrupts Lincoln< Dinkum? Liam: I don't know about you Lincoln, but how long is that project due? fan game, but I made a fan game based upon my new interest, Kaiju, if it hadn't been for my two elder sisters Lori and Luna talking me into it. Lynn: Ouch, that's a bummer, maybe you could do a sports kinda game, after all, I am a master of sports games, but I'm not that much of a video game nerd like you are. Ms. Merdich: While the controls and gameplay looked good, the designs are abysmal, plus you forgot the copyright credit, which is why you have benn sliding down recently. Lincoln walked into kitchen accidentally bumping into Lori. Ms. Merdich: Listen up class, it's time we pull out our history books and learn about the history about ancient China, turn to page three hundred and six and go to Chapter Seven lesson one. (Back at The Loud House during night time, Lincoln was ready for bed, he puts on his pajamas and starts reading the latest issue of his Ace Savvy comic, he couldn't stop thinking about making the game that he wanted to do, after all he is an Ace Savvy fan, but if someone already has a plan to do an Ace Savvy game, he could do either an A.R.G.G.H! After he passed front door of his house Lynn jumped towards him to kick him in torso, screaming "Banzai!". Lori: Get busy, I'll handle this when they get back, you worry about you're project, I'll worry about the family. - Mine as well. Lincoln: I just finished up the animations for most of my characters on my game, I'm currently working on Rodan's animations. (All of Lincoln's classmates then went to the new classroom and noticed that it was nice, cool and clean, each of the student's found their seat and the all sat comfortably, then out of no-where a Cockatoo flies in the classroom), Cockatoo: >Squawk< Welcome to class mates, welcome to class mates >squawk<, (Then a young Australian teacher possibly about no more then Twenty-Five pops in the classroom). Ms. Merdich: What about you Lincoln? - Luna answered happily - I am proud of you all. Ms. Merdich: Okay class, now let's get back to our special videogame assignment >to Lincoln< Lincoln, do you have an idea on what videogame you want to do? That sounds like fun. Chandler: BOOOOOOO, go back to Great Lakes City, BOOOOOO! Today, I'm looking at a show requested by MBCMechachu. Ms. Merdich: >annoyed, to Chandler< You're twelve minutes late! Lynn Sr.: >to Mr. Grouse< Here you go Mr. Grouse, a tray of my famous "Lynn"-sagna"! - Please, let me explain. (Most of the class except Chandler raised their hand). Back on earth, at the beach, after the events of "No Such Luck", Lincoln snuck away from his family to get a drink, but he passed out from heatstroke and dehydration before he can cool off and quench his thirst thanks to the squirrel costume he wore. - Lincoln corrected Lana - He reminds me of myself. - Lincoln asked, - I do. Chandler: >whispers to his friends< More like Lamezilla if you ask me! Petty fun? Ms. Merdich: >to Rob Paulsen< Thank you Robbie, >to Lincoln< Sorry about that Lincoln, I'll take care of him, now go back to your seat. - Wait, I must stop Lana! Ms. Merdich: >rolling eyes< Just what we need, another superhero freak, no offense mate, but I'm not that crazy about superheroes. Throughout most of this fic, Lincoln goes around being a complete asshole and outright destroying some of his sisters' prized possessions. Ms. Merdich: Okay class, under my rules, I have a few to explain, if I call your name after a disciplinary measure , I'll put your name on the discipline list like a Shrimp on the Barbie but no second chances, if I check your name three times for a week on any sort of behavior, I'll send you to the principals office, I do not like students who want to act differently, I'm serious this time, I want good mannered students and not the kind who acts differently, is that understood? I wrote the story because Lynn bullying Lincoln in the show is painful for me to watch. If you didn't treat me like trash I wouldn't plan whole this gambit to defeat you. - said Lynn ashamed - You're right, I should have told you instead of attacking you and saying this trash. Luna: Don't tell me, the Hof is giving you homework or is Lynn giving you any trouble again? Australian teacher: Sorry about that mates, he's excited to meet all of you! Lincoln: Yes, and Mr. Bolhofner was terrifying, even he can be scary in a different form. - And you did nothing? Also, nothing nothing against Clyde, but I'm glad to see Lincoln and Lori bonding without him. Liam: I'm hoping you'll be getting a good grade. Lincoln: Wow, that's cool, I wonder who your next opponent is? Mr. Bolhofner: That's what I thought >to the rest of the class< AND THAT GOES FOR THE REST OF YOU, NO GROANING IN MY CLASSROOM!!! Ghosted was a good episode, but it involved all 3 of them. (Lincoln and the three other dream monsters were amazed that it was a robotic version of Mr. Bolhofner as MechaGodzilla). Mr. Bolhofner: >annoyed, to Lincoln< SHUT UP LOUD, I'M YOUR TEACHER AND YOU MUST DO WHAT I SAY, SO GET BACK TO YOUR SEAT, AND THAT GOES FOR THE REST OF YOU, I'M IN CHARGE, NO MORE OF THAT STUPID PROJECTS ABOUT MAKING DOLLS OR COMPUTER GAMES IN MY CLASSROOM! - Lynn cried more - I am so sorry. You can't allow yourselves for revange before reason! Ms. Merdich: Let's try adding first, and then we subtract and later multiply, does anyone know how to add ten and fourteen? Lincoln look down realizing that he was standing in front of Lori in a pair of his white boxers with red hearts. I remembered hearing about the show when Ember Reviews talked about it a few years ago on his YouTube channel. "Ghost Hunt" and "Another" were introduced to me by a friend of mine, and I really love both of them. I didn't know I could pull this off! "See don't dwell on the fact of him retiring, embrace on the good times," Lori said. Liam: That's totally different, we only helped you get the arenas ready for you. (It starts with Lincoln in The Loud House as he is getting ready for school as if he isn't ready to go to school while he puts on his clothes). Afterward, she was sent to live with family members in Retro City, during her five years in the city, she learned how to control her. - Lana was confused - Why do you change your mind now? Heaven And Hell Bond Chapter 50: Spending Money Wisely, a Loud House Ms. Merdich: >whew< Sorry I'm late class, I got caught on traffic, I should have left earlier than usual, I tell ya mates, it's not easy getting to class on time when traffic wants to beat you to it >giggles< anyway, let's start with our lessons shall we? Ms. Merdich: Okay class, pencils down and pass up all of your test papers up front, >to Lincoln< and Lincoln, would you be a dear and bring them to the desk please? If she ever treats you again--. After the show was done playing and Lincoln was hyped. - I shall be first! (Lincoln gives Lori a list of the characters he's going to add to his game, then she looks at it). Lynn Sr.: >to Lincoln< I'm so proud of you son! Rusty: Wow, it's a good thing I don't have the Hoff, otherwise, I would have gotten a bad school year. CLYDE: Well, I know what I'm doing. Lincoln: Thanks Lori, I appreciate your help! She closed door loudly, what took Lola's attention and angry glare. So I am coming home for the weekend, Luna says she got band practice for the weekend so she can play for the talent show so she won't be able to help you, and I did tell Mom that I was coming home to get you and help you with your project, oh and I did tell Mom to take our dad and siblings over to Aunt Ruth's for the weekend as well because you know how Dad is with me coming back home, and it's total chaos with so many sisters climbing up to me. - Lincoln, do you have your revange? The Loud parents get their kids taken away due to Lincoln being labeled 'bad luck'. Ms. Merdich: Oh Crikey, I almost forgot, >to students< class, it's time you present your games to our guests of honor, who likes to go first? Worst Loud House Fanfictions I've Ever Read - DeviantArt Fanfiction - Lincoln vs Lynn - The Loud House Encyclopedia Sell custom creations to people who love your style. Carmen De La Antchez and her husband Paco run a restaurant in the town called Carmen's Cocina. Rob Paulson: >squawk< Due next Friday, due next Friday! Ms. Merdich: Now for the next assignment, I need you to add your characters for the game, you can make as many as you want, it doesn't matter how much you have in your character roster, what matters is your own imagination. Now I can be your teacher for the entire semester. (The class started groaning as they got out their pencils and paper, most of them did not miss Mr. Bolhofner because of how strict and messed up he is, but Chandler though, he wanted to pick on Lincoln some more, he then grabs a straw from his backpack, and starts chewing on a small piece of paper to make a spitball, he then tries to shoot Lincoln one, but right on time, Rob Paulsen swooped down and swiped the straw with his beak). Chandler: BOOOOOOO, go back to Great Lakes City, BOOOOOO! Lynn: Not to mention that he was really mean, I don't know why Principal Ramirez would put him in a class with Mr. Bolhofner. (Vanzilla pulled up along with Leni, Luna and Luan, Lincoln climbed on and rode shotgun, Taylor and Lincoln waved goodbye to each other, back at The Loud House, Lincoln was getting his hair combed and got his teeth brushed, Lola was concerned and confused by the way Lincoln was getting himself ready) based videogame or a Muscle Fish game, because it couldn't matter because he has a compassion for these things since he favored them so well, the next day at school, Lincoln and his classmates were just about finished up with their history lesson). I also wanted to use Lana somehow. Lynn attacked Lincoln again but this time he dodged her and she hit wall instead. Rita: Whoa whoa whoa kids, settle down, one at a time! - Lynn commented. If I went further, I would have hated myself for hurting someone I love. For those who don't know, Kamishibai is a form of Japanese street theater that was popular back in the 1930's. Guest 2 - Old anger coming back after being lied to. Zach: Not many people could do it except for those guys on YouTube, they are professionals. - Morphine?! When looking up what other horror anime are worth checking out, I came across "Yamishibai: Japanese Ghost Stories". Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. (19 How.) Not yet. I gotta say, I was hooked almost instantly. Lincoln: Oh, I see, so are you going to help me? Lori: >to Lincoln< Okay then, but be warned, if you don't finish it, I'll throw it away. Loudsmith. - You aren't as mature as I thought after all! She must now adjust to a life surrounded by a society of entomophobic humans as she attends Middlington Middle, It's time for my first journal of the new year, and what better way to start than with "Forgotten Cartoons"? Life Has Consequences Chapter 1, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction Luan: I hope everyone's ready for good show, 'cause I can guarantee this will be a real "blast". Luna: >to Lincoln< Yeah dude, you did a great job with your game,. Ms. Merdich: >to Riley< Bonzer, that's sounds like a good idea, >points to another student< What about you young man? Rusty: Do you have media fire? Chandler Ghidorah: >middle head< Well well well, >right head< if it isn't my arch enemy, >left head< ready for our match? Now as they still live in the Loud House, they find their food sources limiting but luck turns to them and with the help of Lucy, invites them to a secret vampire cafe. Lincoln: Thank you Ms. Merdich oh thank you, you simply are the best substitue teacher ever. Upload stories, poems, character descriptions & more. Lincoln's Bad Luck Day by The-1-Great-Fan on DeviantArt (Lori and Lincoln got back home, they were both relived that they all left in a hurry, it was now Lincoln and Lori alone in the house). In October 2020, I reviewed "Monster Buster Club" for Episode 28, and in January 2021, I reviewed "The League of Super Evil" for Episode 30. Australian teacher: >to Lincoln< That's right mate, only for the time being, >to class< Crikey, excuse me mates, Where are my manners? Today is a huge day for me it's the one year anniversary of me doing Loud House Fanfictions, so I decided to release this one-shot because of it. Riley: Well I guess we are going to be stuck with Mr. Bolhofner for the rest of our school year. Mr. Grouse: Well, why didn't you tell me that in the first place? Lori: How come I didn't notice? - If I did, you wouldn't have learned anything by yourselves. Lincoln: Lori, what are you doing picking me up from school today? - Lincoln put scissors back on its place - If you told me, this whole situation would never happen. Mr. Grouse: Don't know? Clyde and others: Good morning Principal Ramirez! That stair was rubbed with a colourless and odorless salve. I mean, they were a pretty big animation company, especially during the 1990's. (Lincoln's words gave Ms. Merdich a big smile on her face). Lincoln: I'll have Lori fingers for my half. - Lincoln revealed to wear a pair of googles - Do tomboys cry? His eyes drifted away from the ceiling and around his small room, looking for something to pique his interest. "Oh boy I can't wait until the next episode," Lincoln said out loud. Vengeance is Loud - Chapter 1: The path of darkness - Wattpad What's your beef with him? (As promised, Lincoln drew the Godzilla head in a movie accurate design, then he drew the jaw separately, when he got done, he shows it to Lori). Lincoln didn't really want to cut off Lynn's ponytail he just wanted to scare her. Lola: I would rather play Lincoln's game then listen to your jokes anyday. Luna: I agree, didn't you see Lori the last time you help her with her ghost problem? - I did and I regret it now. Are you going to suffer with Mr. Bolhofner now that you don't have that same sub anymore? Ms. Merdich: Good question, I originate from what is New South Whales which is the land down under, you know, Australia, my home is in Albert, I lived there for eighteen years from my childhood to my high school years, and I've came to America to be a teacher, it took me four years of college and know here I am, and this is my fourth year as a teacher, and I'm very happy to be here, but I do miss home though. Rusty: Wow, a substitute from Australia, you had good luck didn't you? Lynn Sr.: It's too bad we didn't see her much! Chapter 1. The Loud House Fanfic #6-Report Lincoln Add to Favourites By jgodzilla1212 Watch Published: Jun 30, 2019 24 Favourites 18 Comments 18K Views (It starts on a Monday afternoon where Lincoln and his classmates just got back from Lunch until Mrs. Johnson came back with a stack full of envelopes) Mrs. Johnson: Class, I have a big announcement today! Lynn Sr.: >offscreen< Kids, dinner, it's Meatball Monday! Lynn Sr.: >to Lori< You know what, you're right honey, it's time you should be getting on the road, just, have a good time kiddo. Lincoln: >in thought< I think I should add Anguirus, Hedorah and Gigan, those are my choices for the last three characters. Rita: >to Lynn< You know better than to tease him and his interests. You just went too far in self-defense. Ms. Merdich: Good morning class, I've got some good news to tell everyone, Mr. Bolhofner will be coming back from his trip to Kenya early, so he will return to teaching by Friday. - said Lincoln with sad tone - Please don't hate me for my reckless revange. It is called "Santo Bugito". LENI: Good luck, Luna. Clyde: What about two or more plates of Lynn Sr.'s Lasagna would help? (The bell rang, and class was dismissed, at the hallway, all of Lincoln's friends Stella, Clyde, Liam, Rusty and Zach all came up to him). Ms. Merdich: Okay then, let's review your math assignments, >pulls out math book< if I divide about twelve oranges out of two, what would i have now? Godzilla Lori: Consider yourself lucky that I didn't stomp on you or otherwise, you would be dead. Ms. Merdich: Ah, Fair Dinkum mate, not many people in Australia is big on Godzilla than in America or Japan, but that seems to interest me, because you know I like all things Bird or Reptile alike, but Mammals? (Lincoln's class got the math text books and started turning the page, Mr. Grouse turns to the audience). (Later it cuts to Ms. Merdich giving the final grades to the students of Mr. Bolhofner's class). Lincoln: >to Zach< That's pretty cool, glad you did all this, I was having trouble myself. Lori: Guys, don't get carried away, I know you guys needed a hug from me, but I don't have time for this, plus, we don't need to make this story over-sappy. - Lincoln yelled - Are you so blind that you don't see you hurt me? Lincoln: I want to try and cook something for both of us. Ms. Merdich: >to Chandler< Zip it, mark my words Chandler, that's two checks for you, one more and you are out of my class and straight to the office you go. Lynn dashed towards Lincoln but he stopped her by his left foot and pushed her to make her fall on floor. Lucy: My day was gloomy as always, I dot a D- on my reading test, the teacher thought I was mediocre even if I studied real hard. - Lincoln stopped looking at Lynn with anger and released her ponytail - Have you ever wondered how I feel because of this? (As Lincoln got on the bus, he sat next to Clyde). He chooses to leave. I wasn't sure about Lana, but you did came before me to stop her. Rita: We've always planned to have a big family. - Lincoln remembered - If she beats Lola like I beat you they both can have a trauma. Chandler: So, who will be our substitute teacher? Ms. Merdich: Okay then, now for the first step, when making a game you need to come up with a good story and synopsis for your game, be more specific, and the story is worth fifty percent of your grade. (And that is exactly what they did, the Godzilla model was finally put together, next they then worked on Anguirus, and then Rodan, Mothra and King Ghidorah, it was then time to visit the Library as they got the laptop with them, it later cuts to the library where they asked the librarian). Ms. Merdich: Let's multiply by nine and see if we can come up with an answer! theloudhouse # 9 Loud in Amphibia (Book 1) by Dark-user12 1K 24 5 Lincoln Loud, a boy who was told he was back luck and it ended badly as he was kicked out by his family, hated and bullied by some of his classmates. So, in utter boredom, he just laid on his bed, hoping for something to happen. Soon you go to middle school like me and there are a lot of bullies. It was a homemade smokescreen bomb. Luna: A new teacher? (As the finger missiles were locked and loaded on Lincoln, a shot of Godzilla Lori's breath hit the robotic head, she brabbed the head and tore it off, the robot was no longer fnctional, then Chandler Ghidorah was about to strike Godzilla Lori, but she grabs all three of the head, and tied them up into a pretzel, then she lifts him and tosses it to Mothra Leni, who also tosses it to Rodan Luna, then she tosses to Godzilla Lori, with a swing of her tail, Chandler Ghidorah was thrown back in space not soon after blasting her atomic breath at him, Luan and Lincoln cheered them on after a victory, in the real world, Lincoln was cheering in his sleep, Lori then wakes him up, she succeeds). Lori: >interrupts Lincoln< No, don't apologize, I'm not mad at you, I'm just annoyed, you wanted something, I'll get it for you, no big deal. "Lynn pantsed you and you didn't bother picking up your pants," Lori said. In this robot chicken fanfic sketch, Lincoln Loud dies and meets Gregg the grim reaper from Conker's Bad Fur Day and the video game's remake Conker: Live and Reloaded. - Lana yelled - You tricked me and humiliated me at school! Rita: >to Lincoln< If Lori was here, she would have been proud of you! Lincoln: >to Rita< Mom, she said I cannot do a game that's too similar to the one they already did. Both were fun, solid shows. Don't become what you fight against. - Lynn desperatelly begged crying -I've already got what I deserved! Lincoln's Sad Day | The Loud House Fanon Wikia | Fandom (The class was confused as they couldn't figure out the answer). Lori: Okay Lincoln, let's try to get those pieced together, to do this, we need to match them together. Lincoln: Undies? Clyde: Hey Lincoln, want to hang out after class? Lincoln: Because we thought you didn't know much about Godzilla! Lincoln: I'm sorry Ms. Merdich, I have been coming up with these ideas since last night. by danielsamuels128 PhantomKnightPercival, Monsterzilla, Iron Emperor 45, Kingshield54, LiamFitz20, braedencarnes22, Isom, Gloyd R. Orangeboar, Titanus, Aartman7141999 - Thank you! Sell custom creations to people who love your style. - Flashback: Lincoln is on Luan's business phone while she lies on her bed. (It just so happens that it cuts to Loud's next door neighbor's house belonging to Mr. Grouse, when the two boys asked Mr. Grouse for some help). - One more question. Lori: You're welcome buddy, now, I'll help you with the animation, we'll start on Godzilla since he is the titular character after all, it looks like we got all day to do him, and after sunset, I'll have to go back to college. I wanted him to take level in badass and take his revenge. Really? Ms. Merdich: Okie dokie class, tomorrow, I will be giving you a homework assignment for the weekend, and they are due next Friday, work hard and don't goof off now. Lincoln: She's a fan of videogames and told us that you get to create your own videogame as a special school assignment, how cool is that? Lana didn't compare herself to any character of the anime but she felt pity for Zuko. Teamwork. Lori: I'm so proud of you Lincoln, you'll be be finished in no time at all. Principal Ramirez: I wouldn't say thatbecause you have gave Mr. Bolhofner a fine example of having a better relationship with most of the students and give discipline in a good mannered way, rather then intimidate them 35/5 unless if they did something that they weren't suppoed to do.

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