Replaced kmvaultscript with dbm_treasuryscript in Rkund. After months of hearing nothing but secondhand information and idle gossip about Rowan and Ben, Vilkas had decided it was time to find out for himself what was going on. Retest. If the problem goes away, move back to your playing profile, resolve the issues, and start a new game. Added additional storage features and display storage in kitchen and added an indoor bath to master bedroom. This change was mainly done to accommodate future plans in Odyssey, but also as a "fresh coat of paint" approach to give it a new feel. Item ID. All rights reserved. If your post has not been answered within a day or two, make sure you are looking back up to 3 pages on the comments since they can get buried on a busy day to make sure you didn't just miss the response or we didn't miss seeing it initially. A gold sink for Relic Hunters. Fixed #1312 Removed Vokun mask mesh, fixed display alignment on vanilla mask. Dont forget to reinstall SKSE. (DBM_GuidebookAuryenAlias). Replaces the Ancient Daedric Armor with the awesome model made by 4thUnknown. If it's someone else's work and somehow wasn't credited, I'll ensure it gets added as some things could have slipped through the cracks given the scope of this mod.I welcome modders to make addon content (see articles section for info on creating support mods) which ties in well with Legacy. Ben didn't know what day it was; he had lost all track of time. Legacy of the Dragonborn is one of the most acclaimed expansion sized mods for Skyrim which offers without equal; the most versatile, most expansive and most extensive display space for artifacts the Elder Scrolls series has ever seen! Updated the plugin description to include the version for better visibility in LOOT. Fixed the clouds floating above the Western Watchtower - these were bleeding through from Sancre Tor and Pass Pass which both had a worldspace parent of Tamriel. You won't be able to craft a replica if you don't have this. (Kriana), Enhanced debug messages from the Armory/Jewlery container script. If the problem persists after re-making the bashed patch, open xEdit (SSEEdit) with your whole load order and check the bashed patch for errors (note: you may have to edit the bashed patch or make your own conflict resolution patch to load after the bashed patch at this point). (There is still an underlying engine bug, I just sidestepped it), Removed Field station charter activators which were causing CTD when activated, Added Knapsacks for various explorer relic sites and added fragments to all the named knapsacks, Added Fragments to Deano's Pack random item find list, Revised the safehouse furniture reciept script so that it builds lists of the room control object references so modders can make patches to repurpose the rooms and interchange them at will, Added the name of the archeology artifacts to the form names for clarity and ease of access, Changed MAASE key display replicas to be craftable when the quest display is enabled. UPDATING: Clean the following scripts before loading your game in progress with this update: dbm_byohguildhousescript, dbm_furniturebuyscript, and the instance of DBMDisplayScript xx084151 (instance ONLY). Fixed issue with Ezra not greeting you if you read Argus' journal before meeting her. Added a secondary array set to the API to prevent users from hitting the 128 limit. Corrected spelling of Jewellery on the cabinet in the Hall of Heroes. Release History. Deck of demons now doubles stamina and magika regen rate and hinders natural health recovery. Fixes #1315, Fixes Alftand Glacier brightness (from wSkeever) Fixes #1310. Fixed #1331 - Stonehands' journal now has the first page set up correctly rather than featuring an editor's note. Deepholme updated! The Ice Blade Of The Monarch. Skyrim:Dragonborn Items - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP) Legacy of the Dragonborn (Dragonborn Gallery) is a free mod for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Books (Dragonborn) | Elder Scrolls | Fandom Install hundreds of mods with the click of a button. If the issue is with a specific item try installing More Informative Console and getting the Base ID of the item. Hand of glory replica can now be made any time it has been previously obtained. (SirJesto) Fixes #1228, Aetherium crest is Kargas tower can no longer be picked up. If cleaning an instance, open the "Script Instances", find the entry that matches the search, click it and press DELETE on your keyboard. -New custom Explorer and Museum Guard armors! Do not post on the Nexus page!Important ResourcesFAQ : Find answers to commonly asked questions here firstWiki : Community run resource for all in game information about LegacySkyrim Classic Version : Skyrim LE version (support limited)Mod Blog : Icecreamassassin's modding article blog with updates, insights, guides and morePatreon : Support Icecreamassassin and the senior developer teamDiscord : General community and support discord for Icecreamassassin's mods (review rules channel first)Patch Central : Official patch page curated by SirJesto. ), Fixed a problem with the vial holder armor mesh on female Elves. Safehouse bath navmesh adjusted to allowed followers to get in and out easier. If you don't use LOD generation, just ignore where it's mentioned. Have a look in the office and ask him about it ;). Legacy V5 is a complete rebuild of the mod more or less from the ground up and such requires a brand new game in order to utilize (even from the beta version to final release). Removed the secondary Miraak mask display from the Daedric Hall and activator parented it to the main display to prevent the Miraak mask getting stuck in the display chest. Updated DBMExhibitQuestVariants to try and prevent multiple variants from enabling at the same time. Optional patch for this awesome mod and the wonderful statues. WARNING: NO NOT update to this version if the "Night at the museum" quest is currently active! Needed for the Legacy of Dragonborn, LOTD - JK's Blue Palace, and LOTD - JK's Bee and Barb - JK's Pawned Prawn - Riften Docks - Riften Extension patches. If the problem is not gone, and if you did not follow step 3, delete the Skyrim Special Edition game folder and chose verify on Steam to have it cleanly install. If multiple conditions pass, only the first display checked will trigger. - Turned Supported mod handlers back on for Wheels of Lull, Falskaar, Helgen Reborn, The Gray Cowl of Noctural, Aetherial Weapons and Armor, The Forgotten City & Skyrim Unique Treasures. Level : 1 - 44 - Increases your Magicka by 40 points - XX039fa1. If the problem persists, post in the comments with as many details about the steps you took and the issue as you can. Fixed #1032 - Tool of Kagrenac replicas will now auto sort and display correctly. Which, he guessed, they were. Legacy of the Dragonborn V5 - Museum Buttons Puzzle (Ice's Stalhrim Spoon of Assassination Location) - YouTube 0:00 / 0:31 Legacy of the Dragonborn V5 - Museum Buttons Puzzle (Ice's. Fixed issue in Shattered Legacy quest where all amulet parts are removed from inventory when killing the underking. Removed debug messages left behind in the airship scripts, Added a fix for grey faces on Morag Tong assassins. Must have requirement, and it has its own requirements. Re-read this note to continue the quest. (SirJesto). Weapon sound consistency fixes (SirJesto) - Fixes #1209, Navmesh added inside Rains' Shelter (SirJesto) - Fixes #1208, The barred gate in Engelmann's Rest now opens inwards (SirJesto) - Fixes #1207, Explorer's Guild armor crafting recipes now create the item correctly (SirJesto) - Fixes #1206, Blades Museum Display will now enable after recruiting 3 followers to the Blades (SirJesto) - Fixes #1205, Added replica recipe for Agni's Bow (SirJesto) - Fixes #1204, Removed wild dust beam inside the Hall of Secrets (SirJesto) - Fixes #1203, Fixed a tiny gap in the Dragonborn Hall (SirJesto) - Fixes #1202. Fixed issue with Hand of Glory curse breaker quest where Ahtar's death won't trigger a quest update if you wait more than 3 days to kill him. -"Coward path" option for Haunted Quest: Ikard now has dialog options to allow you to have him complete the quest instead of doing the haunted quest yourself. Not strictly necessary for this mod, just the most prominent application. (Jesto), Adjusted the Lucky Coin Perk critical value. After 2 days he'll complete the quest and turn over the journals and notes he found so you can know the whole story. Fixes #1274 - Book Covers Skyrim bounds forwarded. Dragonborn: The Legacy 27 Rescue Mission. Legacy of the Dragonborn | Fandom (Jesto), Fixed Staff store in Dwemer Museum (Markarth) is too close to the wall. Added enabling of Ruunvald dungeon for both paths of DG quest line so staff can be obtained by both factions, Fixed safehouse furniture that should disable when Xmas decorations are on, Linked Macnarian statue pilinth to the statue, Added misc chest access in curator's office, Added script function on Relic Hunter dock trigger to disable itself if you enter the cell in any way other than right on top of it, Fixed learning container reset activator script that was failing the final menu group, Removed duplicate bench in curator's office. Properly register patches from the second array. Shadows of one's past has been revised slightly to offer some more choice options and illusions of choice within the dialog options and no longer locks you in during the end scene, allowing you to make a choice on how it plays out. If this doesn't work the bench can just be linked with the enabled marker. Numerous fixes to Shattered Legacy involving the Guardian arc, herald fly off bug and Lord's Mail acquisition. If you cannot find reference to something in the credits please PM me and I'll confirm if it is something of mine and give permission when willing. Take a deep breath, read documentation twice and ask questions if you're not sure. Since you are using the test profile, you may sort with LOOT. Adjusted Dragonmail's abilities (fire immunity and 25dps flame cloak) and descriptions to match. What should be typed in the console in order to get Dragonborn items to inventory, since I've already tried these codes: "player.additem xx01CD93", "player.additem 0001CD93" and "01CD93", but they all result the same message: "missing parameter Object ID." Please help if you know how to get Dragonborn DLC's items trough the console This mod edits a single record from Legacy of the Dragonborn and is useless without it. No Esp. For test on the test profile, do NOT have a save in-game that you use each time, ALWAYS start a new game. Kyre Oldenson, -Erianna, Latoria, Avram, and Jelal have all been recast. Legacy's author icecreamassassin has also mentioned there is a substantial update for Legacy of the Dragonborn on the way shortly (v14.12), with quite a few changes, so it would only make sense to wait for this update if anyone is thinking of contributing to a Legacy pack for STEP. If the answer to any inquiry is found within this doc or the linked articles, you will be told to read this manual which will be linked EVERYWHERE.Important Note for Xbox UsersLegacy of the Dragonborn has been ported by a third party to Xbox. If the problem persists, you may have file corruption in those downloads, or leftover/conflicting files in your game folder. Vigilant Patch Updated - Support for MCM enabled display management. The prepstation will now reset it's state and global variables upon a critical failure. Skyrim; Unique Items (Dragonborn Console ID Code's) (SirJesto), Fixes#1268 - Covered a hole in Rkund where one could fall off the map. All relevant outside information is linked directly in this document for ease of access. Be patient. Copyright 2023 Black Tree Gaming Ltd. All rights reserved. We do not offer support for versions of Legacy prior to V5. We have taken measures to ensure that this happens as well. Fixed issue where Denstagmer's ring is obtainable before the quest and requires all items to be found before turn in works. Dawnfang/Duskfang now properly evolves and tracks kills and the hand of glory with spiffy new models and textures has a proper curse which requires a small quest to be fulfilled in order to break it before the hand outright kills you. Adjusted Much Ado About Snow Elves staff turn in, so staves cannot be re-bought from Calcelmo (which breaks the quest), Fixed Natural science display script issue, Adjusted goat, horker and mammoth display script "build from storage" option, linked display pedestal of Bloodstone chalice in hall of secrets to the chalice (so it's not empty if you do dawnguard side), Changed furniture receipts to set up when READ rather than when picked up. Remove the shield of Solitude and Helm of Winterhold from display before updating. Gave Kyre a pickaxe so he can defend himself better when being sent on excavations. If you submit it to us and we review it and find it's something that we feel fits well, I'll give the OK to add the official seal of approval as an officially endorsed mod, if not it can remain as an unofficial mod so long as it's clearly stated that your mod is unofficial and won't get any support through us.Before making any patches to fix general issues, please reach out as we may already have a fix in the works. Fixed replica recipes for Mehrunes Razor, Savior's Hide, White Phail, Dwemer Compass and Skull of Corruption (SirJesto), Added replica for Shalidor's Stone (SirJesto), Fixed vampire model for Qahnaarin's Grasp. Fixed #1280 - All instances of Auryen have their size set to 1.00 instead of 1.08 meaning he is no longer significantly taller than other High Elves. Legacy of the Dragonborn v5 Cheat cell : r/skyrimmods - reddit Make sure to test the problem mod(s) with both Legacy active and not active. Removed the jewellery sort script from the haunted museum instance as this would cause undesired issues with your display count. - Cleaned ITMs and undeleted navmesh at Guildhouse. - [BUGFIX] Fixed a couple Temper recipes. If the issue is visual, have one or two screenshots handy. Required only if you are playing in English. -Completely rebuilt and redesigned Safehouse: Space added to accommodate both followers and children, sitting area and garden as well. -Hall of secrets revamped: With the loss of the hot springs, the hall of secrets has been redesigned and explained in game in a lore immersive way, -Planetarium condensed: The overall size of the planetarium has been reigned in slightly and the nature of the build out so that it makes more sense to have been built within an existing space rather than it having been built completely from scratch. If you are experiencing this, load an earlier save and console SETSTAGE DBM_SHATTEREDLEGACY 270, Set Shattered Legacy to once again start only when way of the voice has been completed and you have been given the SOAT, Adjusted snow elf weapon displays so hall of lost empires only displays the named versions and the armory will only take the generic, Made sure Much Ado is Stop() called at the end to release quest status on items, Fixed Latoria from taking books beyond increments of 20, Fixed Malrus' codex Fish Bowl and Fairy Cage abilities, Fixed Hircine ring plaque message activator, Fixed Latoria taking too many ruined books, Fixed various floating objects in various places, Fixed Miraak's robes not properly displaying, Modified the painting display sizes and placements. If you've read these guidelines, it would really help to indicate that you've done so at the start so we can save a lot of pointless questions you've already looked at. Club Penguin Legacy Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. The Visage of the Dragonborn armor set has also been refined and revamped. Optional, if you want to have access to LotD sorting containers. The MCM will report your current remaining slots. I installed Legacy with a few dozen other mods and I found that the note textures were missing. Thoroughly read through this Legacy Full Guide (which should happen before you even download and install the mod) and freshly review the FAQ to ensure your question is not already addressed before posting/commenting. Only if it's obvious that you have seen these and tried the fixes and are still having issues will we chime in and try to help. If the problem does not occur on a new game but does on your save game, then the issues you fixed are unfortunately baked into your save game. Fixed a CTD when using the library benches with a controller. Item ID Ahzidal's Descent: A short biography about the famed Nord enchanter and Dragon Priest, Ahzidal. Does anyone know the new id for that room? (NMM, WyreBash, or manual installs are neither supported nor recommended). -New Mannequin free armory and custom displays: The main armory as well as various supported mods now offer a special static armor armature which will display full suits of respective armors instead of relying on the often fussy and buggy vanilla mannequins. Changed the Ongar's Kegbreaker migration message to only appear if you save is more than 5 game days old. Install hundreds of mods with the click of a button. Support-related questions can be posted to the xbox-legacy-support channel (only) on the ICA Discord and Basspainter will monitor the channel when able. Even collectible types that don't directly give a achievement are tied to challenges which then unlocks a collectible. Shadows of Ones Past . Legacy of the dragonborn MOD :: The Elder Fixed #980 a bug with "The Lords Mail" where the quest would not progress by reading the "Writ of Execution". Likewise we will also list their mod and the display space on the Legacy page. This will also let you check out which plugin last modified that item and may be helpful for tracking down conflicts. Legacy of the Dragonborn V5 - Museum Buttons Puzzle (Ice's - YouTube The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. Included a missing update to the haunted museum quest script which may cause some parts of the quest to fail. Fixes #1127 - the CTD in DBM_ToolBagScript when using a controller or the pause key isn't properly accessible by SKSE's Input.GetMappedKey() function. -Reworked questlines: Shattered legacy has been re-written almost from scratch giving more player choice options along the way and radiant paths to completing several tasks. This is not an official patch. The Rocket | Club Penguin Legacy Wiki | Fandom If you still have the problem, delete the game directory and use Steams function Verify to re-download the game. (Kri), Fixed model for Stonehand's Gloves (SirJesto), Fixed female model for Ironhand gauntlets (SirJesto), Fixed Cyrus' Saber enchantment. You can now have 256 sections. Dragonborn: The Legacy 31. Updated 512 Texture Pack with latest changes - 7zip archive to reduced download size. Fixed #1282 - Stopped twitchy fingered users getting duplicate items from MAASE questline. - [BUGFIX] Made a couple more edits to the Skullcrusher enchantment. If the incorrect name bothers you, clean the following script from your save: DBMDisplayScriptAnimal. Fixes to the furniture system in the safehouse. There is no such thing as a clean save! Fixed model assigned for Picky's Journal (thanks again Deapri) - you can now pick it up correctly, also fixed a missing texture for Journal of the Hunt. You are done. In this video, I'll show you where to get items for 1st Weapons Display in the Hall of Heroes (Note: Item locations have not been changed by any patches) Chapters: 0:00 Intro 0:12 Aegisbane. !REUPLOAD AS NEXUS SEVERS CORRUPTED V3.1!!! Fixed #1026 - Latoria will now properly give you treasure maps other than 11 and the intro dialogue will not reappear between cycles. Just deactivate/activate them (the whole mod, not just the plugin) on the test profile. Updated Sword of Ancient Tongues conversion recipes to fix dummy delivery issue. Remove 30 "Identical to Master" records and 3 "Identical to Previous Override" records. The Rocket is a head item in Club Penguin Legacy. Be polite. Fixes #1234, Added display event to the Bard's Guild quest (Icon) Fixes #1230, Added display event to several exploration displays (Icon), Added display event and incremented display count for Macnarian's portrait (Icon) fixes #1232, Reverted an accidental mesh replacement on Merrian's Spyglass (Kriana) Fixes #1231. This option can also be disabled along with the craftloot system in general. Similarly bashed patch will refer to smashed and/or bashed patches. removed container learning from wood pile. Quest Items A list of items required for quests Unobtainable Items A list of items which either cannot be seen or equipped by the player or which exist only in the Creation Kit and cannot be seen without the use of the console. Since any other Steam games you have would also have to be reinstalled, use discretion. You can no longer tell Auryen you can't find the relic while you are holding it (reported by unqltango), Added some missing vanilla items to craftloot sorting lists (SirJesto) - Fixes #1218, Fixed the fireball and soul trap spells on the Staff of Winterhold (SirJesto) - Fixes #1219, Add "On Death" flag to Wind of Ahaz (SirJesto) - Fixes #1220, Corrected sounds for Sunblessed shield (SirJesto) - Fixes #1220, Fixed the bleed effect on Bloodsbane (SirJesto) - Fixes #1221. Non-Native Bugs for Legacy of the Dragonborn Gardens (FLM), Nordic Music Legacy - Legacy of the Dragonborn Museum Music Replacer, Organic Factions Extension - Patch Collection, Paintings Replacer for Legacy of the Dragonborn SSE, Patch for Eating Animations and Sounds SE - CACO - Survival Mode - LOTD - Fishing CC, Quest and Reward Delay for Legacy of the Dragonborn, Quest and Reward Delay for Legacy of the Dragonborn - Deutsch, Quick Cloaks for Legacy of the Dragonborn, Reading Improves Speech Patches - Including Legacy of the Dragonborn, Realm of Lorkhan - Legacy of the Dragonborn Safehouse Shard Patch, Relic Hunter (Legacy and ASLAL add-on) - Traduzione ITA, Relic Hunter (Legacy and ASLAL addon) - Chinese Translation, Relic Hunter (Legacy and ASLAL addon) - German, Relic Hunter (Legacy and ASLAL addon) Spanish, Relic Hunter - Guildmaster Start - Turkish Translation, Relic Hunter- Guildmaster Start (Legacy and ASLAL addon), Replacer for banners - Legacy of the Dragonborn SSE, Replacer For Paintings - Legacy of the Dragonborn, Requiem SE Tweaks - LOTD - ManakinRace Fix, Rodryk's Dragon Bridge - Patch Collection, Sahrotaar Must Die (for The Legacy of The Dragonborn Museum), Simply Realistic Armor and Weapons - Legacy of the Dragonborn -- Patch, Skald's Mail - Legacy of the Dragonborn patch, Skald's Mail - Legacy of the Dragonborn patch German, Sky City patch collection (Open Cities included), Skyhaven Temple Interior Overhaul - Legacy of the Dragonborn Patch, Solitude Underground Home (with Legacy of the Dragonborn support), STEP Conflict Resolution Patch - Legacy of the Dragonborn, TAK's Song of the Green (Auri Follower) Patch and Add-on Hub, Temper Replicas for Legacy of the Dragonborn, Temper Replicas for Legacy of the Dragonborn - Deutsch, The Collector's Library and Collected Works, The Dovah Den - Compact Player Home with Legacy Support, The Seaside Library for Legacy of the Dragonborn SSE, Tree House near Riverwood (with alternative Legacy of the Dragonborn support), TrueHUD - HUD Additions - Legacy of the Dragonborn SSE Boss Ini Tweaks, Unofficial Legacy of the Dragonborn - Pilgrim Patch, Unofficial Legacy of the Dragonborn - The Gemstone Collector Patch, Unofficial Legacy of the Dragonborn and Beyond Skyrim Bruma Synergy Patch, Unofficial Skyrim Modders Patch - USMP - Patch Emporium, ValdaciL's Item Sorting patch for Legacy of the Dragonborn, VanillaPlus - HighPoly Childrens Patch Compendium, Visage of the Dragonborn 4k 8k Upscaled (Gifts of Akatosh), Woodchopping FormList Patches for Mod Woodcutting Axes - FormList Manipulator (FLM), Wyrmstone And Brymstone Curator's Companion Patch, Wyrmstooth - Brimstone and Wyrmstone Armory (and Legacy of the Dragonborn Display Patch), Yet another Legacy of the Dragonborn art replacer - paintings murals frames tapestries, OPTIONAL - Required to enhance the museum based on your installed mods, OPTIONAL - Required for SKSE enabled functions v3.0+. Follow instructions. (SirJesto). Steam Community :: Guide :: Legacy of Dragonborn walkthroughish Fixed a bug where the sort chest would get stuck on an item without the proper keywords. Legacy of the Dragonborn Patches (Official), (ESL)Auryen Morellus Replacer-from Legacy of the Dragonborn(LOTD), (FR) Inn Soaps Display for Legacy of the Dragonborn, (FR) Legacy of the Dragonborn - Creation Club Patch Hub, (FR) Legacy of the Dragonborn - ESO Skyshards Display Patch, (FR) Legacy of the Dragonborn - The Brotherhood of Old Unofficial Patch, (FR) Legacy of the Dragonborn - The Curators Companion, (FR) Open Cities - Legacy of the Dragonborn Compatibility Patch, (FR) Quest and Reward Delay for Legacy of the Dragonborn, (FR) Temper Replicas for Legacy of the Dragonborn, -DEPRECATED- Blue Palace Terrace - Legacy of the Dragonborn patches, Additional Dev Aveza locations for Legacy of the Dragonborn, Akaviri Katana - Legacy of the Dragonborn Patch, Akaviri Katana Variants - BOS-SPID world integration (vanilla and mods), Alik'r Dragontail - Amren's Sword Replacer, Alternate Skill Books - Better Descriptions and Legacy of the Dragonborn (LOTD) Patch, Amulet of Kings Replacer - Legacy of the Dragonborn (LotD), Ancient Nord Stalhrim Patches (CCOR and Legacy of the Dragonborn Display), Animated Armoury - Legacy of Dragonborn Displays, Animated Armoury - Updated Legacy of Dragonborn Displays, Auryen Goes to The Met - An LOTD Painting Replacer, AutoHarvest SE - Legacy Of The Dragonborn Fate Cards_Shells_Coins_Jewels Support, Balanced Weapons for Legacy of the Dragonborn (LOTD), Bandit Economy - Legacy of the Dragonborn Patch, Better descriptions - Legacy of the Dragonborn (LOTD) Patch, Better Wine Labels - Vanilla and Legacy of the Dragonborn, Cities of the North - Morthal Addon Hjaalmarch My Patches, Cloth Mannequins for Legacy of the Dragonborn, Compatibility Mashup Patch for Solitude Mods, Complete Replica Fixes for Legacy of the Dragonborn, Cozy Taverns and Followers vs Legacy of the Dragonborn Compatibility Patch, Craftable Black Soul Gem for Legacy of the Dragonborn SSE, Daedric Artifact Replacer - Volendrung SSE, Daedric Shrines - All in One - My Patches by Xtudo, Daedric Shrines by Mandragorasprouts - Legacy of the Dragonborn Add-on (LotD), Dark Brotherhood Reborn - Patch Collection, Dlizzio's Mesh Fixes Solitude patches collection, Dragon Claws Auto-Unlock - Script-based Patcher, Dremora Markynaz Armor - My patches and fixes SE, Dwarven Mail Outfits for Dwemer Enthusiasts (SPID), Dwemer Compass Enhanced - Legacy of the Dragonborn, ENB Particle Lights for Alchemy and Enchanting Tables, Enhanced Solitude - LOTD Open Cities Compatability Patch, ESO Styled Trueflame For Legacy of the Dragonborn, Exterieur bien plus visible pour le refuge de L'Heritage de l'Enfant de dragon-Exterior much more visible for the LotD refuge, Extravagant Legacy of the Dragonborn Replacer, Extravagant LotD - Original Stucco for Displays, Fate Cards Remade - Legacy of The Dragonborn, Fea's Solitude Public Bathhouse SSE Patch, Fish Hatchery Addon for Legacy of the Dragonborn, Fort Windpoint SE - Legacy of the Dragonborn SSE Unofficial Improve Patch and Creation Club Patch, FR - Legacy of the Dragonborn Collectors and Vendors, Hall of Insanity - An Unofficial Legacy of the Dragonborn Add-On, Hatred's Heart and Soul Restored in LOTD V5, High Poly NPC Overhaul - Legacy of the Dragonborn (LOTD), Ice's Legacy Museum Rack O Matic - Chinese Translation, Imp's More Complex Needs (IMCN) - Patches, Inn Soaps Display for Legacy of the Dragonborn, Inn Soaps Display for Legacy of the Dragonborn - Deutsch, JK's Skyrim - Dawn of Skyrim Open Cities patches, JS Dragon Claws Legacy of the Dragonborn patch, Keep it Clean recognizes Bathwater in the Legacy of the Dragonborn Safehouse (and other places probably), Keep the Skeleton Key - Deceive Nocturnal (For Legacy of the Dragonborn), Legacy - Guard Armor Replacer - New Legion Patch(Pale Pass Soldiers), Legacy of the Dragonborn - The Curator's Companion, Legacy Of The Dragonborn (LotD) - Banded Iron Armor Display Fix, Legacy of the Dragonborn - Aethernautics unofficial patch, Legacy of the Dragonborn - Alternate Perspective Patch, Legacy of the Dragonborn - Ancient Daedric Armor replacer SE, Legacy of the Dragonborn - Armor of the Crusader Retexture SE, Legacy of the Dragonborn - Beyond Skyrim Bruma Synergy Patch Chinese Translation, Legacy of the Dragonborn - Blackreach Railroad unofficial patch, Legacy of the Dragonborn - Blended Roads Patch, Legacy of the Dragonborn - Brhuce Hammar unofficial patch 9000, Legacy of The Dragonborn - Cathedral 3D Mountain Flowers Patch, Legacy of the Dragonborn - Cleaner Display Glass, Legacy of the Dragonborn - Cloaks Spinning Wheel patch, Legacy of the Dragonborn - Craftloot Sort and Storage FormList Patches (FLM), Legacy of the Dragonborn - Creation Club Patch - Ver.

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