The Bavarian king, Ludwig II, who was one of the last German princes to agree to join the Prussian-dominated German Empire, provided the majority of the funds for its construction. The principal architects of this convention, Metternich, Castlereagh, and Tsar Alexander (with his foreign secretary Count Karl Nesselrode), had conceived of and organized a Europe balanced and guaranteed by four "great powers": Great Britain, France, Russia, and Austria, with each power having a geographic sphere of influence. 465 -466 During the first half of the nineteenth century, nationalism was most often connected to liberalism. [93] He approached the Prussian king directly while Wilhelm was vacationing in Ems Spa, demanding that the King release a statement saying he would never support the installation of a Hohenzollern on the throne of Spain. 9th Edition. The Late 19th Century - AP European History - . [35] He was not alone: the poet August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben wrote a poem in which he extolled the virtues of the Zollverein, which he began with a list of commodities that had contributed more to German unity than politics or diplomacy. Water transportation also improved. Italian and German Unification: Crash Course European History #27 We need a nation courageous enough to give us a lead in this direction. In 1806, after a successful invasion of Prussia and the defeat of Prussia at the joint battles of Jena-Auerstedt 1806 during the War of the Third Coalition, Napoleon dictated the Treaty of Pressburg which included the formal dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire and the abdication of Emperor Francis II from the nominal reign over it. 432; Holt, p. 75. The Wars of Unification resulted in the annexation of large populations of non-German speakers, such as Danes in Schleswig and French in Alsace-Lorraine. Agitation by student organizations led such conservative leaders as Klemens Wenzel, Prince von Metternich, to fear the rise of national sentiment. AP EUROPEAN HISTORY SUMMER, 2017 ASSIGNMENTS Welcome to AP European History. "Comparison and Beyond. Updated AP Edition. [12], Problematically, the built-in Austrian dominance failed to take into account Prussia's 18th-century emergence in Imperial politics. The German unification was also brought together by the Franco-Prussian war. . He was first and foremost a politician, and in this lied his strength. The southern states became officially incorporated into a unified Germany at the Treaty of Versailles of 1871 (signed 26 February 1871; later ratified in the Treaty of Frankfurt of 10 May 1871), which formally ended the war. [77], Opposition to Prussia's strong-armed tactics surfaced in other social and political groups. Expand All the foundation of East Francia from eastern Frankish Empire (Francia) in 843, especially when the Ottonian dynasty took power to rule it in 919, though the Empire subsequently entered period of increasing fragmentation. German and Italian unification was the fruit of the nationalism in 19th century. N. Korea wants more control over farming amid food shortage The Danes were no match for the combined Prussian and Austrian forces and their modern armaments. Kaplan, in particular, pp. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2000. Napoleon's Continental System nearly ruined the Central European economy. [28] The failure of most of the governments to deal with the food crisis of the mid-1840s, caused by the potato blight (related to the Great Irish Famine) and several seasons of bad weather, encouraged many to think that the rich and powerful had no interest in their problems. Summary. The career and music of Richard Wagner offer a unique interdisciplinary approach to the romantic aspect of German nationalism. As chancellor, Bismarck tried without much success to limit the influence of the Roman Catholic Church and of its party-political arm, the Catholic Center Party, in schools and education- and language-related policies. web dbq the unification of germany and italy answer all questions on looseleaf will be graded as a test introduction the 19th century was one of constant political turmoil napoleon conquered lands and united them into an empire This AP European History crash course on the Italian Unification will be a good asset for you on the new AP Euro exam. While many spoke about the need for a constitution, no such document appeared from the discussions. This brief war (fought over the course of mere weeks) pitted Prussia and her allies against Austria and other German states. Will give brainliest and a will put up a free point questionthe following question refers to a hypothetical situation. Plus, it's packed with the women's World Cup The French public resented the Prussian victory and demanded Revanche pour Sadov ("Revenge for Sadova"), illustrating anti-Prussian sentiment in Francea problem that would accelerate in the months leading up to the Franco-Prussian War. "The role of historical memory in (ethno)nation-building.". When Italy and Germany were unified, they changed history. Bismarck, a member of Prussia's Junker class, the conservative nobility who served the Prussian state as officers in the military or as governmental bureaucrats, was completely devoted to the Prussian crown, God, and German unification. The decrees were the subject of Johann Joseph von Grres's pamphlet Teutschland [archaic: Deutschland] und die Revolution (Germany and the Revolution) (1820), in which he concluded that it was both impossible and undesirable to repress the free utterance of public opinion by reactionary measures. [68], By 1862, when Bismarck made his speech, the idea of a German nation-state in the peaceful spirit of Pan-Germanism had shifted from the liberal and democratic character of 1848 to accommodate Bismarck's more conservative Realpolitik. The Prussian cabinet saw German unity as an issue of power and a question of who had the strength and will to wield that power. This system reorganized Europe into spheres of influence, which, in some cases, suppressed the aspirations of the various nationalities, including the Germans and Italians. The first part, Das Rheingold, opens with three Rhine Maidens guarding the Rhine Gold, and the last part, Gtterdammerung, concludes with the same Rhine Maidens. They got to keep their own land, but they had on Hapsburg ruler.The Augsleich was the compromise that brought these two countries together. [2] Following the formal secession from the Empire of the majority of its constituent states, the Emperor dissolved the Holy Roman Empire.[3]. Analyze the factors that prevented the development of a unified German state in the 16th and 17th centuries (2007) Both political and religious factors prevented the development of a unified German state in the 16th and 17th centuries. AP EUROPEAN HISTORY 2008 SCORING GUIDELINES (Form B) Question 4 Analyze the similarities and differences in the methods used by Cavour and Bismarck to bring about the unification of Italy and Germany, respectively. Yet there is a natural undercurrent tending to a national feeling and toward a union of the Germans into one great nation, ruled by one common head as a national unit. [9] This interpretation became a key building block of the Borussian myth expounded by the pro-Prussian nationalist historians later in the 19th century. Giuseppe Mazzini and his leading pupil, Giuseppe Garibaldi, failed in their attempt to create an Italy united by democracy. [107], Though often characterized as a federation of monarchs, the German Empire, strictly speaking, federated a group of 26 constituent entities with different forms of government, ranging from the main four constitutional monarchies to the three republican Hanseatic cities. Publicly, he replied that he could not accept a crown without the consent of the actual states, by which he meant the princes. The German Conquest of France in 18701871. Comparing and contrasting Wagner's views of nationalism in "Art and Revolution" with Bismarck's speech to the Prussian Lower House, what are the strengths and weaknesses of each view? Unification of Germany - Unacademy The "Six Articles" of 28 June 1832 primarily reaffirmed the principle of monarchical authority. The militaries of the larger states (such as the Kingdoms of Bavaria and Saxony) retained some autonomy, but they underwent major reforms to coordinate with Prussian military principles and came under federal government control in wartime. [17] In this context, one can detect its roots in the experience of Germans in the Napoleonic period. The prince withdrew as a candidate, thus defusing the crisis, but the French ambassador to Berlin would not let the issue lie. Finally, Germany was not entirely German. Europe (1848-1871) quizzes about important details and events in every section of the book. Officially, the chancellor functioned as a one-man cabinet and was responsible for the conduct of all state affairs; in practice, the State Secretaries (bureaucratic top officials in charge of such fields as finance, war, foreign affairs, etc.) He then hoped that Austria would join in a war of revenge and that its former alliesparticularly the southern German states of Baden, Wrttemberg, and Bavariawould join in the cause. The Franco-Prussian War. [120], Heinrich von Treitschke's History of Germany in the Nineteenth Century, published in 1879, has perhaps a misleading title: it privileges the history of Prussia over the history of other German states, and it tells the story of the German-speaking peoples through the guise of Prussia's destiny to unite all German states under its leadership. Eastern Junker power had a counterweight in the western provinces in the form of the Grand Bourgeoisie and in the growing professional class of bureaucrats, teachers, professors, doctors, lawyers, scientists, etc. Carrying flags, beating drums, and singing, the participants took the better part of the morning and mid-day to arrive at the castle grounds, where they listened to speeches by nationalist orators from across the conservative to radical political spectrum. . The external tariffs on finished goods and overseas raw materials were below the rates of the Zollverein. The Habsburgs ceded Venetia to France, which then formally transferred control to Italy. The other states retained their own governments, but the military forces of the smaller states came under Prussian control. Divide students into the following groups and debate the "Polish Question." During the ill-fated Revolutions of 1848, nationalists in Germany and Italy tried unsuccessfully to unify their nations on the basis of shared language and culture. Prussia, of course, received the greatest number of seats in both houses. This opportunity arose with the outbreak of the Franco-Prussian War in 1870. Om. p.302. These skeptics saw the proposal as a ploy to enhance Prussian power rather than a progressive agenda of reform. No German state is permitted to distinguish between its citizens and other Germans. [63], The Crimean War of 185455 and the Italian War of 1859 disrupted relations among Great Britain, France, Austria, and Russia. AP Euro Unit 7 Notes: National Unification + Diplomatic Tensions | Fiveable The chancellor was accountable solely to, and served entirely at the discretion of, the Emperor. High-performance computing with distributed processing units to build a platform based cloud solution for quantum chemistry calculations and upper layer use-case applications. Mann, Chapter 6, pp. [33] As people moved around, they came into contact with others, on trains, at hotels, in restaurants, and for some, at fashionable resorts such as the spa in Baden-Baden. The next day, the Prussian delegate to the Frankfurt assembly presented a plan calling for a national constitution, a directly elected national Diet, and universal suffrage. . Austria's Duel Monarchy- In 1867 the Germans tried a new method of unitifiction. Such leadership, of course, is required not to dominate other peoples but to lead them along the path of duty, to lead them toward the brotherhood of nations where all the barriers erected by egoism will be destroyed." [26], Several other factors complicated the rise of nationalism in the German states. The French defeat at the Battle of Sedan and annexation of Alsace-Lorraine brought Bavaria into the German Confederation, and William I became the first monarch of the German Empire. Austria and the German Unification : Napoleon 's German Confederation, concerns Metternich about German unification, he works hard to prevent, I 819 : Karls bad Decrees : cracked down an liberalism and . Document Packet Document 1 Otto von Bismarck: Letter to Minister von Manteuffel, 1856 Because of the policy of Vienna [the Congress of Vienna, 1815], Germany is clearly too small for us both [Prussia and Austria]; as long as an honorable arrangement concerning the influence of each in Germany cannot be concluded and . The Sonderweg hypothesis attributed their power to the absence of a revolutionary breakthrough by the middle classes, or by peasants in combination with the urban workers, in 1848 and again in 1871. Napoleon abolishes the HRE in 1806 German Unification: First Steps Napoleon consolidated the area into 30 states, declared the German Confederation by the Congress of Vienna. The German question is not a constitutional question, but a question of power; and the Prussian monarchy is now wholly German, while that of Austria cannot be. Members of the Upper House of the parliament, the Bundesrat, were appointed by the princes of the individual German states and were therefore beholden to the monarchs. Supporters of Grossdeutsch, or Greater Germany, insisted that Prussians and Austrians with a common language naturally should be part of one nation. AP European History Mr. Trinkner Boulder High School DBQ: German Unification Question: Weigh the relative importance of German nationalism and Prussian political aspirations in the unification of Germany. In practice Young Europe lacked the money and popular support for more than a short-term existence. .We need a powerful ruling house. The Hambach rhetoric emphasized the overall peaceable nature of German nationalism: the point was not to build barricades, a very "French" form of nationalism, but to build emotional bridges between groups. During this period, European liberalism gained momentum; the agenda included economic, social, and political issues. There are no class differences before the law. [95], The reorganization of the military by von Roon and the operational strategy of Moltke combined against France to great effect. Bismarck's policies, especially the buildup of the Prussian army, led to conflict with the liberal-dominated Lower House of the Prussian parliament, which resisted his proposals to pay for the increase in military expenditures with new taxes until Bismarck and the crown agreed to lasting constitutional reform. Despite undergoing in the later years several further changes of its name and borders, overhauls of its constitutional system, periods of limited sovereignty and interrupted unity of its territory or government, and despite dissolution of its dominant founding federated state, the polity resulting from the unification process continues its existence, surviving until today in its contemporary form known as the Federal Republic of Germany. His guides also included distances, roads to avoid, and hiking paths to follow. In particular, it involved a struggle over language, education, and religion. Early in his career, Wagner identified with the socialist movement and supported the Revolution of 1848 in Germany. After the revolutions of 1848 there were increasing ties between nationalism and conservatism, Ap euro 21 - lecture notes; Ap euro 23 - lecture notes; Ap euro 24 - lecture notes; Ap euro 25 - lecture notes; Ap euro 26 - lecture notes; . The theater is in complete darkness as a long, sustained E-flat is played. Since the 15th century, with few exceptions, the Empire's Prince-electors had chosen successive heads of the House of Habsburg from the Duchy of Austria to hold the title of Holy Roman Emperor. Kuhne, Thomas. 432456. The economic strength of Prussia was one of the most important reasons behind the unification of Germany. The Catholic Center Party remained particularly well entrenched in the Catholic strongholds of Bavaria and southern Baden, and in urban areas that held high populations of displaced rural workers seeking jobs in the heavy industry, and sought to protect the rights not only of Catholics, but other minorities, including the Poles, and the French minorities in the Alsatian lands. With the exception of the years 18721873 and 18921894, the imperial chancellor was always simultaneously the prime minister of the imperial dynasty's hegemonic home-kingdom, Prussia. [22] Promoted as a county fair,[23] its participants celebrated fraternity, liberty, and national unity. The treaties of Lunville (1801) and the Mediatization of 1803 secularized the ecclesiastical principalities and abolished most free imperial cities and these territories along with their inhabitants were absorbed by dynastic states. [109] However, legislation required the consent of the Bundesrat, the federal council of deputies from the states, in and over which Prussia had a powerful influence; Prussia could appoint 17 of 58 delegates with only 14 votes needed for a veto. The operas are based on an ancient German myth, and Wagner hoped that the retelling of this myth in modern operatic form would foster a spirit of German nationalism. [108], The 1866 North German Constitution became (with some semantic adjustments) the 1871 Constitution of the German Empire. [64], Bismarck expressed the essence of Realpolitik in his subsequently famous "Blood and Iron" speech to the Budget Committee of the Prussian Chamber of Deputies on 30 September 1862, shortly after he became Minister President: "The great questions of the time will not be resolved by speeches and majority decisionsthat was the great mistake of 1848 and 1849but by iron and blood. 900904; Wawro, pp. In his first two wars, Bismarck balanced Russian and French concerns over the growing power of Prussia. The first episode in the saga of German unification under Bismarck came with the Schleswig-Holstein Question. Post-1945 historians, however, see more short-term opportunism and cynicism in Bismarck's manipulation of the circumstances to create a war, rather than a grand scheme to unify a nation-state. italian unification ap european history crash course albert web mar 1 2022 the italian unification refers to the events that took place between 1848 and 1870 on the [66] First, the phrase from his speech "the great questions of time will not be resolved by speeches and majority decisions" is often interpreted as a repudiation of the political processa repudiation Bismarck did not himself advocate. Rural farmer. The invasion of Russia included nearly 125,000 troops from German lands, and the loss of that army encouraged many Germans, both high- and low-born, to envision a Central Europe free of Napoleon's influence. European liberalism offered an intellectual basis for unification by challenging dynastic and absolutist models of social and political organization; its German manifestation emphasized the importance of tradition, education, and linguistic unity. The model of diplomatic spheres of influence resulting from the Congress of Vienna in 181415 after the Napoleonic Wars endorsed Austrian dominance in Central Europe through Habsburg leadership of the German Confederation, designed to replace the Holy Roman Empire. The unifications wouldn't have been achieved without the help of men and historical circumstances. Both impacting leaders, the Reformation's Martin Luther and the Qin Dynasty's Shi Huang Di make decisions that change the course of global history. All parties in France rejected the terms, insisting that any armistice be forged on the basis of territorial integrity. France, in other words, would pay reparations for starting the war, but would, in Jules Favre's famous phrase, cede neither a clod of our earth nor a stone of our fortresses". The rank of nobility is abolished. . Under the hegemony of the French Empire (18041814), popular German nationalism thrived in the reorganized German states. The Franco-Prussian War. Emerging modes of transportation facilitated business and recreational travel, leading to contact and sometimes conflict between and among German-speakers from throughout Central Europe. For the most part, these Polish-speaking Catholics did not assimilate into German culture, and Bismarck often dealt with the Poles in a brutal manner, eventually expelling large numbers of Poles and Polish Jews in 1885. [] Mazzini hoped, but without much confidence, that his vision of a league or society of independent nations would be realized in his own lifetime. Documents on Italian Unification. [114] In the new German nation, a Kulturkampf (187278) that followed political, economic, and administrative unification attempted to address, with a remarkable lack of success, some of the contradictions in German society. Revolutionaries associated national unification with progress. The German unification was also brought together by the Franco-Prussian war. [78], Although several German states initially sided with Austria, they stayed on the defensive and failed to take effective initiatives against Prussian troops. PDF Debates Over Italian Unification Dbq - (PDF) German Unification Timeline by Josue Romero on Prezi Next In Qin Dynasty, Qin Shi Huang Di uses Legalist, harsh values to govern the . Ap euro 31 - lecture notes - opaeeftakppooeiflei# 01848-1871 This led to his brother William becoming prince regent of the Kingdom of Prussia in 1858. Ask students to close their eyes and imagine sitting in a darkened Festspielhaus in 1876, the night of the opera's premiere. Convinced that opera and music developed a spirit of nationalism, Wagner rejected the traditional design of theaters in which the nobility and wealthy sat in the loge boxes facing each other rather than the stage. [46] Despite franchise requirements that often perpetuated many of the problems of sovereignty and political participation liberals sought to overcome, the Frankfurt Parliament did manage to draft a constitution and reach an agreement on the kleindeutsch solution. [112], If the Wartburg and Hambach rallies had lacked a constitution and administrative apparatus, that problem was addressed between 1867 and 1871. Smith, Helmut Walser, ed. The religious reform movement among German Jews reflected this effort. By establishing a Germany without Austria, the political and administrative unification in 1871 at least temporarily solved the problem of dualism. [34], As important as these improvements were, they could not compete with the impact of the railway. For a summary of this argument, see David Blackbourn, and Geoff Eley. This may have been a pleasing prospect for Bismarck, but it was unacceptable to either Napoleon III or to Agenor, duc de Gramont, his minister of foreign affairs. [80], A quick peace was essential to keep Russia from entering the conflict on Austria's side. Throughout the subsequent decades, beginning almost immediately after the defeat of the French, reaction against the mixing of Jews and Christians limited the intellectual impact of these salons. For example, raw materials could travel up and down the Ruhr Valley without having to unload and reload. Russia's included the eastern regions of Central Europe and a balancing influence in the Balkans. [31], In contrast, the coastal states already had barrier free access to international trade and did not want consumers and producers burdened with the import duties they would pay if they were within the Zollverein customs border. 52% average accuracy. Every German has complete freedom of religion and conscience. The reason is that the world lacks a nation [that] possesses true leadership. The Ring Cycle operas, perhaps his greatest works, were composed and first staged in 1876, shortly after Germany unified. At the same time, the original East Prussian craddle of the Prussian statehood as well as the Prussian-held Polish- or Kashubian-speaking territories of Province of Posen and West Prussia were formally annexed into the North German Confederation, thus Germany. On 5 July, the Frankfurt Diet voted for an additional 10 articles, which reiterated existing rules on censorship, restricted political organizations, and limited other public activity. This sheet contains the Summer Assignments and introduces you to the material we will be studying next year The Textbooks: Spielvogel, Jackson J. With this constitution, the new Germany acquired some democratic features: notably the Imperial Diet, whichin contrast to the parliament of Prussiagave citizens representation on the basis of elections by direct and equal suffrage of all males who had reached the age of 25. [76], In the Diet, the group of middle-sized states, known as Mittelstaaten (Bavaria, Wrttemberg, the grand duchies of Baden and Hesse, and the duchies of SaxonyWeimar, SaxonyMeiningen, SaxonyCoburg, and Nassau), supported complete demobilization within the Confederation. The rifle enabled a Prussian soldier to fire five shots while lying prone, while its muzzle-loading counterpart could only fire one shot and had to be reloaded while standing. [10], After Napoleon's defeat, the Congress of Vienna established a new European political-diplomatic system based on the balance of power.
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