endstream Catalogue description Fire Brigade Long Service and Good Conduct Medal: eligibility of members of the merchant. Changes to legislative drafting style have also been made since 1997, and are ongoing. The Thirty Years of Service Clasp and the Forty Years of Service Clasp are to be attached to the ribbon. Holders of a Royal Red Cross (Class II) (ARRC) who merit a second award are promoted to a Royal Red Cross (Class I) (RRC). Those serving in Bengal and Assam in India and China, Hong Kong, Malaya or Sumatra between other specified dates may also qualify. Service Number: Twelfthly: Delegated Powers.Delegated powers to make awards under the terms of this Our Warrant shall be vested in Our Minister of Internal Affairs in New Zealand or in a Minister of the Crown deputising for Our Minister of Internal Affairs, save only on a recommendation by the New Zealand Fire Service Commission. You can contact the Medal Office in writing or via email. Personnel who perform a further act of such gallantry which would have merited a second award of the DSC are issued with a silver bar, with rounded ends, ornamented by a crown. Added announcement about the Queens Sapphire Jubilee Medal. Nine stars were issued for the campaigns of World War 2. Talk to your unit HR or go to 2016DIN09-023 or JSP 761 for more information. Principle 1. Military Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. You can only apply if the medal was returned, and you can provide a medal card or roll which includes this information. Personnel who perform a further act of such gallantry which would have merited the award of a second AFC are issued with a silver bar. 1 0 obj Fire Brigade Long Service Medal | Good Conduct Services Award 01952 510 053 Speak to our expert customer service team Mon-Fri 9am to 5pm. The Award is in cupronickel, in the form of a circular Medal, bearing on the obverse the Crown Effigy of the Sovereign and on the reverse the inscription "For Exemplary Fire and Rescue Service" with a design showing two firefighters handling a hose. You can replace a Queens Commendation for Bravery if you meet the criteria. (229706) Changes that would alter the effect of the legislation are not permitted. endobj To accept and hide this message click the cross on the right. Gulf War Medal with 16 Jan to 28 February 1991 Clasp front and back. endobj Details of the medals awarded to serving members of the armed forces, veterans and MOD employees; and who can receive them. For example, if you qualify and have served 26 years you will receive the medal and clasp. The Long Service and Good Conduct (LSGC) Medal for the Royal Navy is awarded to personnel in recognition of long service. case and appearance of letters and words, including: format of headings (eg, headings where each word formerly appeared with an initial capital letter followed by small capital letters are amended so that the heading appears in bold, with only the first word (and any proper nouns) appearing with an initial capital letter), small capital letters in section and subsection references are now capital letters, schedules are renumbered (eg, Schedule 1 replaces First Schedule), and all cross-references are changed accordingly, running heads (the information that appears at the top of each page). Wed like to set additional cookies to understand how you use GOV.UK, remember your settings and improve government services. You have rejected additional cookies. If you order outside of the UK we will refund you minus the Reverse Fee Charge You can replace a Military Cross if you meet the criteria. Max chars: 40, Year Service Started: 11 0 obj The Iraq medal is awarded to personnel who completed operational service in Iraq between 20 January 2003 and 22 May 2011. Date of notification in Gazette: 23 September 1976. 8 0 obj The medal was granted in addition to campaign stars and the Defence Medal. GERMAN "HANNOVER" FIRE BRIGADE 40 YEARS LONG SERVICE AWARD | eBay THE FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICE LONG SERVICE and GOOD CONDUCT MEDAL ROYAL The Distinguished Service Cross is an operational gallantry award given to all ranks of the services in recognition of exemplary gallantry during active operations against the enemy at sea. If you suspect any replica and miniature medals are unlicensed please report to DIPR-Enforcement@mod.gov.uk. <> Long Service and Good Conduct Medal Booklets - National Fire Chiefs Help us improve catalogue descriptions by adding tags. The Conspicuous Gallantry Cross is an operational gallantry award given to all ranks of the services in recognition of an act (or acts) of conspicuous gallantry during active operations against the enemy. The governments of Kuwait and Saudi Arabia issued these medals to the allied personnel who had taken part in the liberation of Kuwait. <> News stories, speeches, letters and notices, Reports, analysis and official statistics, Data, Freedom of Information releases and corporate reports. To apply for the Defence Medal, you must have either: The colours of the ribbon symbolise enemy attacks on Britains green and pleasant land and the black out. Ordering and viewing options cannot be downloaded. If you think you might be eligible, please contact your Unit HR or apply to the MOD Medal Office. You should apply through your unit HR. Changes authorised by section 17C of the Acts and Regulations Publication Act 1989 have been made in this reprint. A new format of legislation was introduced on 1January 2000. Resource Implications: Updated the: Elizabeth cross medal application form. We place some essential cookies on your device to make this website work. The clasp should be added to the GSM ribbon, worn above the first clasp. Updated information on applying for the Defence Medal and added link for Home Guard questionnaire.. The information in this guide is intended to give a brief overview only. Fifthly: Service Required.The qualifying period requisite for the Medal shall be fourteen years full time or part time, or an aggregate of fourteen years full time or part time, service in a Fire Brigade or Fire Service operated or maintained by, or registered with, the New Zealand Fire Service Commission or a Government Department in Our Realm of New Zealand. The clasp should be added to the GSM medal ribbon, worn above the first clasp. The Long Service and Good Conduct (LSGC) Medal for the Royal Air Force is awarded to personnel in recognition of long service. Fourthly: Eligibility.Those eligible for the Medal shall be persons (not being members of Our New Zealand Armed Forces) serving as full time or part time members of a Fire Brigade or Fire Service operated or maintained by, or registered with, the New Zealand Fire Service Commission or a Government Department in Our Realm of New Zealand on or after the first day of April 1976, and whose conduct is, in the opinion of the New Zealand Fire Service Commission, of such good standard to warrant the Medal. You can replace a Royal Red Cross (Class II) if you meet the criteria. Fourthly: Eligibility.Those eligible for the Medal shall be persons (not being members of Our New Zealand Armed Forces) serving as full time or part time members of a Fire Brigade or Fire Service operated or maintained by, or registered with, the New Zealand Fire Service Commission or a Government Department in Our Realm of New Zealand on or after the first day of April 1976, and whose . [Xvm,fpm*#"j-U+}cK3)p7^(/2Vf=HR$1 Fo XOuVyqhmI(+enl3;R [{I#8`/-jD)KneCR1dHzNpko3pG(auU+<=1*yFED@"-pq66P=-Z)\;95r>^,YO%oSPQo [a@~d }Fu~d;_22V4&]n3*,1)qsIOxbNbmG&H7 For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Max chars: 40, Any Additional Information: Medal Mounting This medal is supplied with a loose ribbons as it would have originally have been awarded. First instituted in 1951, the 36 mm medal was initially issued in cupro-nickel but modern strikings are rhodium plated. , or Fire and Rescue Services maintained jointly by Government Departments and private entities or individuals, as the case may be, including the Defence Fire and Rescue Service; Fire and Rescue Services in the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands. You dont need to apply if youre currently serving. Royal Navy Long Service and Good Conduct Medal. Events for March 21, 2023 - West Midlands Lieutenancy . Unofficial medals, sometimes referred to as commemorative medals, are usually designed and manufactured by private medal companies to commemorate some form of service with the Armed Forces, usually where no official MOD recognition has been previously given. If you qualify for 2 or 3 of the Atlantic, Air Crew Europe and France and Germany stars, the first star earned is awarded. The Queen granted permission for British service personnel to accept but not wear these medals. Youll automatically receive the medal if youre currently serving and are eligible, you dont need to apply. Added announcement about the Coronation Medal 1953. If you become eligible for further clasp, you will not get a second medal. The Fire Brigade Long Service Medal is a circular medal made of cupronickel. No more than 5 stars may be awarded to one person. RUSHDEN. Gloucester We are very pleased to announce that new 30 and 40 years service clasps have now been approved by HM The Queen, with the Royal Warrant governing the medal having been rewritten to reflect these. Well send you a link to a feedback form. Fire Brigade Long Service Medal | Good Conduct Services Award Once again I cant but give you the highest of praise for your truly super customer service response ,in this day and age its really nice to find such treatment from a large company, I have received my Grandad's medals back and would like to thank you for the outstanding job that has been made., Received package today. Principle 2. Personnel who perform a further act of such leadership which would have merited a second award of the DSO would be issued with a gold bar. If you don't have an account please register. This warrant is administeredby the Department of Internal Affairs. Further information regarding the National Medal This is awarded for acts of the greatest heroism or of the most conspicuous courage in circumstances of extreme danger. site, New Zealand Fire Brigades Long Service and Good Conduct Medal 1981, Acts and Regulations Publication Act 1989, http://www.pco.parliament.govt.nz/reprints/, http://www.pco.parliament.govt.nz/editorial-conventions/. Imjin Barracks In order to be eligible for the Award, members of the Fire and Rescue Services listed in paragraphs (1)(d) to (g) must have duties and responsibilities similar to the duties and responsibilities of eligible members serving in the Fire and Rescue Services maintained by Fire and Rescue Authorities in England and Wales, in the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, and in the Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service. The awards below are listed in the official order of precedence, The letters in brackets are put after a persons surname to show their award. The MOD Medal Office no longer issues this medal. To apply for the ACSM 2011, you must have completed 720 days aggregated service and be serving either on or after 1 January 2008. Operational Service medal in Iraq and Syria. You can replace a Distinguished Service Cross if you meet the criteria. The Fire Brigade Long Service Medal is a long service medal awarded to full-time and part-time members of fire brigades throughout the United Kingdom, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands. If you also qualify for the Burma Star, you will only be awarded the first star you earned. The Iraq Medal with 19 Mar to 28 Apr 2003 Clasp front and back. Criteria The Ambulance Service (Emergency Duties) Long Service and Good Conduct Medal is presented for 20 years of commendable service to Ambulance Technicians, Paramedics, and Ambulance Officers. Also eligible are members of Fire Brigades of the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands, Fire Service members of CFRA and of Her Majesty's Fire Service Inspectorate for Scotland and fire service instructors at central training establishments such as the Fire Service College, the Scottish Fire Services College, and the Defence Fire Training and Development Centre. Voluntary Medical Service Medal 1932 Ribbon Full Size 16cm long <> All World War 1 medals were issued to the recipient or next of kin after the war ended. Dont include personal or financial information like your National Insurance number or credit card details. 4 0 obj Updated the page with qualifying dates for the Pingat Jasa Malaysia (PJM) Medal. Naval General Service Medal 1915 - front and back. The Korea Medal is awarded to personnel who participated in the Korean War between July 1950 and 27 July 1953. If you go on to complete a further 1,080 days aggregated service by 31 December 2007, you will be awarded a bar. Under section 16D of the Acts and Regulations Publication Act 1989, reprints are presumed to correctly state, as at the date of the reprint, the law enacted by the principal enactment and by the amendments to that enactment. The reverse side has the inscription Awarded to and the recipient's name within a rim . If you have a disciplinary entry on your record, you will need to wait 15 years from the date of your last offence before you will be eligible again. Max chars: 40, Service or Regiment: Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for GERMAN "HANNOVER" FIRE BRIGADE 40 YEARS LONG SERVICE AWARD at the best online prices at eBay! Please ensure the tag is appropriate for the record. Skip to the beginning of the images gallery. The Queen's Commendation for Bravery award. Dont worry we wont send you spam or share your email address with anyone. Fire Brigade Long Service Good Conduct Medal | eBay Further details will be provided when the eligibility criteria and application process are announced in 2023. Long Service and Good Conduct Medal is a service medal awarded to personnel in various branches of the armed forces of the United Kingdom and the territories that are or were at some point a part of the British Empire or Commonwealth of Nations . Fifteen years eligible service is necessary to qualify for the Medal. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Fire Brigade Long Service Good Conduct Medal at the best online prices at eBay! Army Good Conduct Medal AGCM France and The Netherlands. WQ&2i$ ;7tK/7wx&`a7LVQ;|w~lM3_{t}boypDpbK9f+LBEFq]|t/1VpCxUz]qms1%F7i;1Ptw!!e&m).eAW:yfv:%cCESQ]"[?u You can replace a Royal Red Cross (Class I) if you meet the criteria. The latest full list of the British Orders of Knighthood, decorations, medals and the order of wear can be found in the 2019 publication of The London Gazette. The Defence Medal is awarded for non-operational service such as those service personnel working in headquarters, on training bases and airfields and members of the Home Guard. Division within HO - General registers, registered papers, warrant and entry books and correspondence; and records of General and E Departments, and wartime departments HO 286 - Home Office: Honours (HON Symbol Series) Files, About our beta This is a new service your feedback will help us to improve it. The 1914-15 Star was awarded to personnel who saw service in any theatre of war between 5 August 1914 and 31 December 1915, other than those who had already qualified for the 1914 Star. The Italy Star is awarded for operational service in Sicily or Italy between 11 July 1943 and 8 May 1945. Amended details for applications for Cyprus 1955 -59 and South Atlantic: The South Atlantic Medal and updated Veterans UK website link. You should only wear official decorations, medals or emblems that you are entitled to and have been approved for acceptance and wear. endobj Lastly: Annulment of Rules and Ordinances.We reserve to Ourself, Our Heirs and Successors, full power of annulling, altering, abrogating, augmenting, interpreting or dispensing with these rules and ordinances, or any part thereof, by a notification under Our Sign Manual. If you have not received your medal and think you might be entitled, speak to your Unit HR. The Military Cross is an operational gallantry award given to all ranks of the services in recognition of exemplary gallantry during active operations against the enemy on land. Updated the Volunteer Reserves Service Medal criteria section. You can contact the Medals Office if you have a query about the order of wear. The qualifying dates are: Applications for the PJM Medal are processed by the Malaysian Government. xvLk?iu[Q N =yb? Fire and Rescue Service Long Service and Good Conduct Medal It is custom to wear medals on the right breast in civilian dress only, official approval is not required to wear relatives medals. The regulations were updated on 1 October 2016. 1 day of service on land in Korea in the army, 1 operational sortie over Korea or Korean Waters in the, 28 days service afloat on ships or crafts engaged in operations off the Korean coast in the Royal Navy, Malaysia during the period 31 August 1957 and 12 August 1966 inclusive, Singapore during the period 3 August 1957 and 9 August 1965 inclusive, 1 day of service in the Falkland Islands or their dependencies, or in the South Atlantic, south of 35 south and north of 60 south before 14 June 1982, 1 operational sortie south of Ascension Island before 14 June 1982, 30 days service or more in the South Atlantic, south of 7 south and north of 60 south, completed service no later than 21 October 1982, 30 days continuous service between 2 August 1990 and 7 March 1991, served in the area of operations as defined in the regulations, 7 days continuous service between 16 Jan and 28 Feb 1991, 30 days continuous or 45 days cumulative operational service in the international boundaries of Iraq and Syria, 10 operational sorties over Iraq and/or 6 operational sorties over Syria with the, 50 hours on an Operation SHADER mission as an RPAS pilot, sensor or mission intelligence coordinator, 45 days continuous or 60 days cumulative service with significant support or direct contribution to Op SHADER with specific units and specified locations, which include Al Udeid, Crete, Cyprus, Jordan, Kuwait and Turkey, 1 day of service on Op Barras or Op Maidenley, 14 days continuous or accumulated service on Op Palliser, 30 days continuous or accumulated service on Op Basillica or Silkman, served under the command of the UK Joint Task Force Commander, 30 days continuous service or 45 days aggregated service, served in either Zone 1 or Zone 2 (service in Zone 1 will be recognised with a clasp to the, served in Zone One between 19 March 03 and 28 April 03, served as aircrew flying into Zone One and completed 2 or more operational sorties (no more than 1 sortie per day), completed 30 days continuous service in either Zone One or Zone Two, or, served as aircrew flying into Zones One or Two, or, served as aircrew based outside of Iraq and completed 10 operational sorties (no more than 1 sortie per day), have been in effective service on 6 February 2002 and. <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.32 841.92] /Contents 12 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 1>> <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.32 841.92] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> The Medal is to be worn on the left side attached by means of a suspending bar to a ribbon one and a quarter inches in width, which is in colour red, with on either side a yellow stripe on which is superimposed a narrow stripe of red.
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