That is completely untrue. "version": "4.9.18", Obviously you will no longer get box updates from BT. just fitted sandisk ultra 3d 500gb ssd to my Humax hdr1100s. When you get the Maintenance Mode prompt on screen, press the power button to bring up the maintenance menu. Maybe it was something to do with the hard disk not being video grade, or the small size. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. Save yourself the hassle and don't bother. Welcome to our best TV experience yet. Ive just fitted the hard drive recommended in the instructions but cannot get into Maintenance mode. You can pause live TV and record up to 150 hours of HD TV, or 300 hours of SD TV. Thanks for the advice worked like a dream got a WD 500Gb WD5000LUCT on ebay for 29.95 inc del. It has probably always done this but I didnt notice as the stock drive was quieter. box-shadow: none !important; By continuing to browse, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Thanks. If I buy a new dtr t2110, and follow your instructions to swap my existing hd into the new box, can I save my recordings?Im My box got into the loading loop and beeps several times after switching it on. Teslin Fake Id, Having googled the fault I found your site and I have successfully replaced the hard drive, same for same, following your expert guidance and for 32 I now have a fully functioning box again. Just to let you all know, this is still going on. 2023 Hearst UK is the trading name of the National Magazine Company Ltd, 30 Panton Street, Leicester Square, London, SW1Y 4AJ. I have a BT TV pro box and am having recurring issues streaming content from via the Now TV app. Refit the lid loosely and turn the box over. Had nothing to lose so I released it gently but it still didnt work when refitted. I couldnt figure out why I couldnt slide the drive out after removing the screws and had to use a little more force than I was comfortable with. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. It seems unlikely. The part number for the 500Gb drive is WD5000LUCT and the drives are still available brand new from eBay here. Not tried the BT Vision option but I wouldn't expect that to work. on catch-up as I was not paying for their TV services. No problems just followed your instructions. Thanks very much, good for the Planet as well as my wallet. If you put the original drive back in the YouView box later it might be wiped and reformatted automatically rather than being recognised again. Ill just endorse a couple of points made by Keri above the sticky pad holding the original drive had me cursing, and a bit of firm persuasion was required to get the drive out. Home - YouView Make sure the physical power switch on the back of the box is switched off, then reconnect all the cables to the box. Havent tried the option with removing recordings yet. Can you get the Enter maintenance mode Y/N prompt on screen, and then press power? You might find upon opening your box that the faulty HDMI output could be a broken solder joint on the connector which is simply remedied. I was told by BT yesterday that if I cancel my 5 per month TV package, then some of the functions of my BT-supplied YouView box will stop working. .wocommerce button.button:hover, .woocommerce input.button:hover, .woocommerce #respond input#submit.alt:hover, .woocommerce a.button.alt:hover, Im a complete novice so was happy and pleasantly surprised it all works great! Replaced the hard drive with one pulled from an old laptop. You might need to attach some stick-on rubber feet to the side of the box that it rests on to stop any vibration/noise reaching the supporting furniture/surface. This is to support the feature of pausing and rewinding live TV. so I put in a clean 320HDD (cleaned with diskpart). Obviously you will no longer get box updates from BT but you may from another provider if they use the same software. Try these steps and we'll check again: Check your cables Retune your channels Further help See all On Demand results Was this helpful? It's been a I have spoken to them already about something else. How to leave Call us on 0800 783 1401 to leave BT. I can confirm also that my youview box supplied from BT still functions as normal and my 30 days notice ended 27th December. var evts = 'contextmenu dblclick drag dragend dragenter dragleave dragover dragstart drop keydown keypress keyup mousedown mousemove mouseout mouseover mouseup mousewheel scroll'.split(' '); I can't see any changes happening Regarding Freeview PVR functionality. A red light should appear on thefront, Press and hold the down arrow button on the top of the box for 5 seconds until you see the Enter Maintenance Mode Y/N (Y:POWER)prompt. From NOW, to Netflix, to BT Sport and the best free-to-air channels, they're all there at your fingertips. Disney Star Private Limited is an Indian media conglomerate owned by The Walt Disney Company India subsidiary of The Walt Disney Company. Hi, My box wasnt initially recognising the new drive. Just want to say Thank You. Thousands of Plusnet customers who have its YouView TV box will lose access to certain channels and features, including BT Sport, from 1 November as the provider is scrapping the service. 2 weeks ago I rang up and cancelled just the TV package but kept the broadband and the woman I spoke to was adiment I would need a new box to watch TV. You view box. BT | The Motorhome Fun Club. (document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]||document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(wfscr); I expect so, but you won't receive any of Plusnet's pay tv services. As you say, there is no need to create new partitions or format them. Unless the drive is an AV grade model it might not last as long as an AV grade drive. Admittedly, YouView may be losing ground to cheaper rivals (e.g. Even a link to the correct hard drive at the best price too!!! Which is actually more likely, coming from poorly trained staff for whom TV training just seems to be an over-skim. The only thing you will lose is the BT (Vision) TV app. Hi thanks for help after a few false starts I am up and running. The box will flash a blue light, Press the button on the front of the box, The box should now enter maintenance mode, Choose your preferred option from the Maintenance Mode Options (see list of available resets at the top of the page) and follow the on screen instructions. And BT reps have publicly stated the box will continue to work. Hopefully that will be good for a couple of years and then Ill replace it with a new one. /* ]]> */ Sometimes, you may experience weak signals due to poor weather. Easy to swap out. Plug the power cable back in whilst still holding the reset button continue to hold the reset button down, do not release it yet. I tried reformatting in exFAT too and that made no difference. Very helpful thanks. Thanks again, youve saved me a lot of money having to buy a new (different brand) box <3. margin: 0 .07em !important; But those who wish to cancel their TV and broadband contracts now, ahead of the shake-up, can do so penalty-free. So I just called BT customer services to cancel my BT TV package because Im out of contract and since I only have the BT TV service to watch football and since the football season is over there isnt any point in paying for it during the off season. I switched it off with the unit power button, but now when I try to switch it back on there is no power nothing happens at all. Safe mode worked but would not correct problem. He apologised and said that the previous customer service agent hadnt changed anything on my account and he would cancel my BT TV package with immediate effect and that I would not need to return my YouView box.Ive now received an automated email, however, from BT explaining how to return my YouView box and that BT will be sending a pre-paid returns bag to me. Your box is connected to your TV witha HDMI or Scart cable and that the correct Source/ input is selected on your TV. I was told by the BT customer service agent that if I wished to cancel my BT TV service I would need to give BT 30 days notice (pretty sure thats wrong!) I then found an old laptop HD and tested it with the SATA to USB cable before fitting it in the DVR. These are labelled underneath with the Model Name of either DTR-T2100, DTR-T2110 or DTR-T2120. Just replaced youview box hard drive following your easy to follow instructions. wfscr.src = url + '&r=' + Math.random(); (function(url){ Sign in or register to get started. Microsoft and partners may be compensated if you purchase something through recommended links in this article. Nowadays, the best way to do this comfortably is by using a HDMI cable to connect the two together. Impressed. nearly bought a new youview box, but found this site after a google search. Find great local deals on second-hand satellite & cable equipment for sale in G327UY Shop hassle-free with Gumtree, your local buying & selling community. I doubt if complaining to BT would be effective. Thanks very much, your procedure worked a treat. If you have bought a used hdd like I did youview will not set up your new drive, I had to remove partitions in command prompt, but do not reformat for your pc at the end in ex fat32 or Ntfc. Once the lid was off, my suspicion that the hard disk was responsible was confirmed. * Depending on your box model, Settings will be on the last tab on the Main Menu or in a cog in the top right corner of the screen. After some trial and error work out that the disk needs to have a fat32 format partition for the box to be able to recognise it! The drives are interchangeable but if in doubt replace like with like. You can get to the cog by pressing Up and right after opening the Menu. I have decided to cancel bt tv as we are moving house. If I boot up without pressing any buttons it gets stuck on the loading screen. Choose the first option Software Reset and press the right-arrow button to confirm. .woocommerce button.button.alt:hover, .woocommerce input.button.alt:hover {background-color: #22a9f7} How to Fix YVM302 BT Error Code on YouView Box BT YouView+ Box Get the fastest YouView+ box in the UK. Follow these steps then come back and see your instructions: Once you have entered the Maintenance Mode Menu, you can choose from these options: Factory Reset , keep recordings (recommended), Factory Reset, delete recordings (if option 2 doesn't resolve your issue), Internet / USB recovery , delete recordings. It did allow me to recover some of the old recording from the failed disk. BT VISION+ PACE DiT7431/05_2B Digital Freeview Box Receiver 160GB HDD It sounds like there might be another fault rather than the hard drive itself. }; for (var i = 0; i < evts.length; i++) { Youview Box - Problems with BT & TalkTalk Boxes - Spacehop Here's everything you need to know: What is Ultra HD? 1 March 2023. She then said she would need to check with her manager and after being on hold for a few minutes I was cut off. Had a beeping BT DTR T2100 box which wouldnt load past the start up screen following a power off and on. Put the machine screw back in above the SCART socket. } Should work as a normal Freeview+ pvr. If you're not able to get into settings, you will be able to find the box model printed on the back or on a sticker on the bottom of the box. Hi Dave, those are 3.5 drives so are too physically large to fit. You can also buy or rent the latest films and box sets from the BT TV Store. After the recent price increases I chose to take advantage of leaving penalty free as my Wife has been complaining to go back to Sky for most of the last 2 years. The constant writing to disk by the Youview box, even when not recording a programme, will quickly wear out an SSD and it will fail. Box now works fine. 3 July 2013, 12:08PM edited 19 March 2017, 10:46PM in Archived Posts. All Rights Reserved. I still use the box as a YouView box but within a couple of . YouView Box Hard Drive Replacement. Note which screws went where. YouView TV Ltd 2023. Thanks, M. Hi Miles, you might find that the drive does not need formatting from maintenance mode. Weber County Sheriff Jobs, Registered in England. Visit our full contacts page here. Hope this helps any future users. Many thanks. Remove the bottom of the box leaving the PCB resting inside the lid. Sourced one from eBay for about a tenner. hi will a buffalo hd-pvu2 500 gig work in it. })('//'); Any Ideas? I was thinking of replacing the 500gb drive in my youview+ box with a 3tb western digital purple drive. Im at a loss. ISP BT Charges UK Customers for Keeping Router and TV Box }; If it does then you have the original Humax DTR-T1000. Thanks for the info I have changed the drive but the maintenance mode does not some up does the disk have to be formatted? Having BT Youview Box Problems? Here's How to Fix It! - Aerialforce However once in maintenance mode I keep getting sorry selected option failed. Turn the box over so it is bottom up and using a knife peel off the warranty sticker shown below: Remove the four screws then turn the box the right way up before removing the lid. On demand and PVR works fine. Everything else will continue to work perfectly. Excellent instructions. Getting Ultra HD What content is available in Ultra HD? It worked a dream. I ordered SATA cable to connect the drive to computer and see if it works this way although not sure if its not gonna reset the disk now, like youve mentioned it at the beginning. If you do not press the power button within 5 seconds the box will boot up normally, Turn the power on using the switch found on the back of yourbox, Press the button on the front of the box, Very quickly press and hold both the channel +/- buttons together for 10-15 seconds, After displaying the start screen, the box should enter maintenance mode, Press and hold both the channel +/- buttons on the front of the box, Press the button on the front of the box once while still holding both the channel +/- buttons together for 10-15 seconds, Press and hold the down button on the top of the box, Turn the power on using the switch found on the back of yourbox. Maintenance mode is used to recover your box when something has gone wrong with it. The maximum is probably 1Tb or 2Tb as there is some sort of addressing limit on some computer systems for drives above 2Tb. and that I would need to return the YouView box to BT (almost certainly wrong!). Just fitted ebay hard drive no software reset gone back to its old settings bt waking up then youview loading maintenance setting just flashed on screen just once. Connected drive to computer with a SATA to USB cable and removed the NTFS formatting, try again but still no Maintenance mode. egregiously misleading and I suspect deliberately so, in order toobfuscate people rather than enlighten them. How To Become A Commercial Diver In South Africa, They told me something very similar last week when I cancelled. So if you joined us or have renewed your contract on or after this date, youll be charged for not returning equipment to us. I ended up using MiniTool Partition Wizard, it was straight forward. BT Vision+ Pace DiT7431/052B Digital Freeview Box Receiver 160GB HDD Recorder The 165960205623 BT VISION+ PACE DiT7431/05_2B Digital Freeview Box Receiver 160GB HDD Recorder - $24.71. Thank you. But it still doesnt work same as before, it wont enter maintenance mode and doesnt load. Disney Star network runs more than 70 TV channels in eight languages, reaching out to 9 out of 10 cable and satellite TV homes in India. YouView with BT BT offers three main options for TV with YouView, and they're all available as part of a bundle with phone, broadband, and mobile as well. However, as its not an AV spec drive it might be noisier, hotter and fail prematurely due to the continuous recording nature of the Youview boxes. Remember to plug in the cable between lid and PCB before screwing the lid shut! So clearly explained. Weve reviewed the YouView+ box to give you our take on it, plus some tips and tricks to get the most out of your set-top box. Thanks for the info which was clear and easy to follow and saving me a load of cash. Leaving BT | BT Help She then said she would need to check with her manager and after being on hold for a few minutes I was cut off. Whether you can get all the HD channels depends on what transmitter you will get channels from and the reception conditions. } BT YouView box went faulty yesterday, found your guide, which I found really easy to follow. I had a spare 640GB drive from a laptop with a broken screen. when in fact I have the anytime call package and when I asked for the anytime call package to be removed I was told that if I did that or indeed if I made any other change to my broadband or call package it would initiate a new contract (wrong again!). Worked a treat, thank you! Thanks Richard, yes as long as all the partitions are deleted off the used hard disk by a PC the YouView box will then create its own partitions. Announcements, Guides & Community Updates, Here's where you can . Many Thanks., Replaced today after ordering & following your link on eBay. A red light should appear on thefront, Press and hold the down navigation button on your remote for 5 seconds until you see the Enter Maintenance Mode Y/N (Y:POWER)prompt. The sticky pad was the culprit! wfscr.type = 'text/javascript'; addEvent(evts[i], logHuman); Connect to your broadband hub over wi-fi, or use the 1.5m ethernet cable we'll send out with the box. As Graham pointed out, whether you continue to receive all the channels depends on where your new address is. With recent updates it is likely that the box must be connected to the internet to complete its setup. If you've been inactive for a certain amount of time, we'll give you a nudge and say your box is about to go into standby. It worked..! Presumably the new drive needs to be the same make and model, or at least the same size. I got part way through the set up but it keeps saying I am not connected to the internet. wfscr.async = true; 9h22 04-06-2019 The wording of the email reads like a demand not an optional choice and there is no mention at all of adherence to electrical waste regulations or recycling etc. Alan Michael Sugar, Baron Sugar (born 24 March 1947) is a British business magnate, media personality, author, politician and political adviser. document.removeEventListener(evt, handler, false); Make sure when reconnecting the cable from the lid to the pcb that you get a loud click to show it has gone right in! So count me as completely and utterly confused! Worked a treat for my youview box thanks , Hi It now appears to be working fine. You might see some of the connections for the HDMI socket on the bottom of the PCB but some might be under the socket itself so are not visible for inspection. After following your instructions everything works a treat. It was a freebie. DIGITAL SPY, PART OF THE HEARST UK ENTERTAINMENT NETWORK. Exactly, but even ex-BT TV customers were led to expect that it would operate as a standard Youview box on cancellation. Need more help? It seems its due to HDCP? Am I safe in trying the new drive or will I render it useless if the box was somehow bricked by the update? Thanks so much for taking the time to document this. Its in their commercial interest not to advertise the consumers rights. Fix: ITV Hub Not Working on Youview box - Get Droid Tips While waiting for the new disk to arrive I found a Youtube video showing how you can fix stuck hard disk heads by taking the cover off and gently pulling the arm away from the platter. You must give us 30 days notice before you leave Your service will stop 30 days after you cancel your service. They have nothing to do do with the functionality of the actual YouView box itself. } NetGem), but a lot of consumers today still have one of their boxes installed. Any BT-specific recordings that you have on your hard drive won't replay after your contract ends apparently, but the Freeview recordings will continue as normal. People have best results with a brand new drive but if they buy a refurbished one they might have to use a computer to delete all the partitions from the drive. 05-06-2019 Our set-up is quite simple. Still having the original drive, that was still working (but being unreliable), I was able to clone it to the refurb drive. YouView TV Ltd 2023. And, yes, once youve got to the Maintenance mode screen and selected Software Reset you do have to suffer a few minutes with a blank screen! These are also AV grade drives and are available online through eBay here. They too are AV specification drives (video drives) which are capable of recording at least two separate video streams simultaneously while playing back a third. All you'll do is end up getting frustrated and angry with BT. In BT 's case the operator will charge up to 50 for their broadband routers and up to 115 for their YouView TV set-top-boxes, although you can of course simply return them when switching away and avoid the fee entirely. All I want to be sure of (preferably from someone who has done it) that following cancellation, the box will still work for recording, pausing, rewinding etc., that the EPG will update, and that the catch-up services will still work. Unlike the set-top box of old, YouView tries to give you the best of both worlds: digital and IP TV. My PVR has started to boot loop. Hi, Just replaced hard drive working fine thanks for the info . Any suggestions how to keep the recordings before I try that option as a last resort? Any ideas? One other thing to note, my HDD was held in place by not only the screws but also a very sticky foam pad. If your YouView boxs power settings are set to Smart mode then you can set the box to go into deep sleep after you go to bed to save power and pre-boot in the morning. document.addEventListener(evt, handler, false); Only if you want that SSD to die prematurely! Ionic Industries "source": "", Not tried the BT Vision option but I wouldn't expect that to work. }; It might be a failed component rather than a soldering fault. Thank you for the excellent guide, well written and easy to follow, I know have a working box once again. Bt upgrade youview box - serreposters Hi, I have tried your method and my 2100 youview box just goes to black screen after I press the power button to enter maintenance mode. The box can connect to your aerial for free digital channels, your broadband for IP TV and other subscription-based programs. Reading Time: 4 minutes There's nothing worse than encountering BT YouView box problems when you're already comfortable in bed or on your couch while watching your favourite show or movie. Just repaired Humax T2120, from failed Seagate 500 GB to Toshiba 1tb. These are audio-visual drives and as you can see from the datasheet here they are very quiet and consume little power. She also claimed, incredibly, that if I bought a Youview box off the shelf, BT would block access to iplayer etc. Thankyou ! Remove the lid. Fresh out of ideas now on an otherwise healthy looking device. Humax HDR-2000T Freeview HD TV Recorder | eBay Due to the 30 day's notice I won't know until 29th December but to be safe I've unplugged the Ethernet from the box until that date has passed. A YouView Box FAQ Some On Demand apps are only available in certain regions. Visit our full contacts page here. The box light will turn blue, Turn the power on using the switch found on the back of yourset top box. I can't see how they would be able to get away with nobbling their boxes post-contract unless before providing a new box, they clearly stated this in their promotional material and T&Cs. Second-Hand Satellite & Cable Equipment for Sale in G327UY .recentcomments a{display:inline !important;padding:0 !important;margin:0 !important;}. Thank you again! Kevin. Tried maintenance mode, software repair brings it back to the loop, factory resets with keeping the recordings failed. Software reset, factory reset and internet reset all failed to work. Ofcom launches review into unsatisfied BBC audiences With the lid clipped back in place turn the box upside down and fit the 4 long screws. All good Cheers! Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for NETGEAR D7000-200UKS Nighthawk AC1900 Dual Band 600 + 1300 Mbps Wireless (Wifi) VDSL/ADSL Modem Router for Phone Line Connections (BT Infinity, YouView, TalkTalk, EE and Plusnet Fibre) at Box keeps going into standby - YouView Support I used Gparted as I am running Linux Mint. document.attachEvent('on' + evt, handler); The aerial cable is securely connected to the Aerial In/Antenna In port. Watch Shop Bd, The power on button still worked but the down one didnt, so the maintenance mode prompt never appeared. I tried to run disk check. Don't let them bully you into forgoing the full use of your YouView box. I am stuck with scart interface. Im not sure if this is possible as the recordings tend to be locked to one particular YouView box. Alan Sugar - Wikipedia As Graham pointed out, whether. How To Become A Commercial Diver In South Africa, Only thing that was difficult was removing the old drive due to the sticky pad underneath it. Catch up/on demand via YouView on Sony relates only to content made available from the BBC, ITV, Channel 4 and Channel 5. 1 Service Alert Using Ultra HD A YouView Box FAQ Go beyond Full HD and see the difference with Ultra HD. And if you cancel your contract it is only these services that will stop (in this case BT TV). Ignore the above. Follow these steps: Turn the power on using the switch found on the back of your box. The BT YouView box is basically a Humax box with a bit of extra software for the BT On Demand/BT specific extra channels. Waterpik WP-450 Flosser Battery Replacement, Philips AirFloss Battery Replacement Guide, Blu-ray Player Zone A,B,C to Multi-Region, New Bearings Available for Nutri Ninja Blades, New Article About Karcher Window Vac Spare Parts. } Does the YouView box work after leaving BT? The hard disk might need to have all the partitions deleted rather than partitioning and formatting it in a computer. Ktm Rc16 2021, if (window.removeEventListener) { BT Vision+ Pace DiT7431/052B Box. And BT reps have publicly stated the box will continue to work. Was about to empty my bin, where I had dumped my faulty box when I read your blog. I couldnt even get the box as far as the maintenance road which I can with the failed (beeping) old disc, or without a disc in at all. However I also have a BT TV UHD YouView box plugged into HDMI1 and this is. If there is no red light when the power switch on the back is switched on then this would make me suspect a problem with the onboard power circuitry. Again, many many thanks. padding: 0 !important; I had put my bt box in the bin then came across this website. BT Player only available to BT broadband customers. Some Maintenance Modes will revert all your settings back to their defaults, remove any paired devices and delete your recordings & scheduled recordinglist. AU. window.wfLogHumanRan = true; Glad you got your YouView box repaired Ray! If you cant there might be some other fault with the box such as failed RAM or flash storage. The metal plate and the back panel are one piece so after removing the remaining screws on the back panel you should be able to remove the PCB from the plate. My box hadnt failed completely but was malfunctioning, unable to play back or use the apps, and I guessed it was a corrupt hard drive. Will NEVER go back. Visit our full contacts page here img.wp-smiley, Just to add to the above. Re-fit the two screws holding the PCB to the bottom of the casing. I run it on Win 10 and it is easy to follow, has a safety feature because you have to apply or tick the box to actually start to do the copy etc nice if you are just new to copying drives etc.

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