If a Sagittarius man falls in love, he goes through a . The Aquarius man is not dishonest but is prone to hiding his feelings when he senses that people keep things from him or manipulate him. I am dating an aquarius Man, hes 27 years old, our relationship is just 3months old, at the beginning of the relationship,he communicates with me morning and evening, but immediately he got a job, the communication dropped, he at times calls me once in a while and says Ive forgotten him and I couldnt call him, as time went on I begun to always I call, and I complained to him about him not always calling but only me calling, he told me the job hes into is really stressful and hard on him, that he most times forget the important things. He's not touchy-feely. But lately, he hasn't been texting me and I haven't seen him for almost a week. So no more feeling frustrated and unsure about where you stand with him, No more waiting around for him to make a move. Depression is definitely hard on an Aquarius. A mistake at work may go wrong but your boss will be understanding . He always compliments you. But how can you see the signs if an Aquarius man is not into you anymore? Emotional demands and dramas or heart to heart talks rarely leave them an impression. He is fighting with you because he is trying to push you away and wants you to call it quits. 4 Reasons Why Aquarius Is The Most Complicated Lover In The Zodiac, Be independent and have an interesting life to share, Show him that you can be unconventional and that you have an open mind, Dont put pressure on him to connect with you emotionally you need to be patient, Try to be his friend first before taking the romantic route, Try to be more mysterious and always keep him guessing. On the other hand, when he finds the right girl, he will gradually succumb to the most passionate paths of love. My Aquarius Man Is Ignoring Me, What Do I do? Inside, y. ou'll discover what might be going on underneath the surface, what's the hidden message behind his words and behavior, and many other little-known secrets all based on one simple fact his Zodiac sign. He doesnt know what youre thinking or what your expectations are therefore he cannot and has not met them. This guy is THE strangest man I have ever met. Inside, you'll discover what might be going on underneath the surface, what's the hidden message behind his words and behavior, and many other little-known secrets all based on one simple fact his Zodiac sign. Giving me different reasons on why it wouldnt work out bcs my ex will always be on our way (bcs of our daughter) The Aquarius man likes intellectual conversations and a partner who can keep up with him in this regard. She specializes in numerology, tarot and oracle cards, twin flames, love & relationships, zodiac, horoscope, dreams interpretation, and astrology. He might stick around for a while, but . If that is not enough for you then you will have to ask him to find a compromise with you otherwise, you have to figure out a way to be alright with how he is. It's important to him that his relationship makes him feel free to be himself, and that having ample alone time. I know it can be difficult because Aquarius men tend to have a hold on women. The Aquarius man is a bit of a go-getter. The fact that you can decipher he's upset with you without him talking to you about it will also get him to loosen up. Hello! It depends on what his integrity level is at the time. We, the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, are the ones who truly are in charge of you and your world. Before we move forward, I highly recommend you to take this 2-min FREE compatibility quiz and calculate your relationship compatibility score created by my friend Anna Kovach, a professional Relationship Astrologer. Aries man loves talking to a person that he's interested in. They can be wonderful people, don't get me wrong. . And no, he isnt playing hard to get, because he simply doesnt operate that way. 6. Him being quiet is because hes not unsure and in a state of confusion on whether or not he can rely on you after having had this happen. Is it fixable or has he lost interest and I should leave him and maybe he will come back? There is much to be learned about him but I can tell you that patience is what is required to make it work with him. Take action now and start building the future you deserve. Ofc when we first started talking he suggested that we should be friends because I need to love myself again which was true I was full of insecurities from my past.. plus he said (he wasnt ready for a relationship..he did just get out of a 3 year relationship where the girl left him and he also said that he dont think he deserve me ) but I ignored it .. Ik he has his own insecurities himself and dont love himself fully anyway.. there was definitely still a lot more drama with my ex but he helped through it all. I am so attracted to him such that cant imagine losing him for good. 10. When a Leo woman feels the end is near, she will do what it takes to find a path forward. Need more help? by Eva Taylor Grant and Jay Polish. This requires a partner who can trust him. I proposed we should take a brake. We always told each other everything,but he just ate his promises and left without even trying to work it out and decided to just wanting to be single because something was missing in our relationship (not like it was when we 1st met) . This is only done by Aquarius so that he doesn't have to get in touch to his emotional side which is probably messed up right now. 12 Signs a Sagittarius Man Doesn't Like You. If he isnt asking you questions then you need to go ahead and bring up topics yourself and tell him all you can about you. 5. He walks me out to my car gives me a big hug we have a conversation. They can be brutally truthful at times and there are occasions where you wish they were less open.. In other words he could say I love you the minute he feels it but he may not feel the same 5 minutes from now and may pull away. The reason for his analysis: When he is annoyed with you, he will question everything and see if you actually fit into his life. The Aquarius man has low patience for things he dislikes; he will have a shorter temper when he doesnt like you anymore. You need to talk to him and let him know you like to be spoiled with gifts sometimes too. Check out Aquarius Man Secrets. HES TEXTING YOU, girl your over thinking it, he likes u but as an Aquarius u should stay friends until he can no longer hide his feels, don't sleep with him or act like your in a relationship. It's scary accurate and it seriously blew me away. Actually, the male does not let his mate to interfere his own time. He is always busy. If you still receive a text every now and then, phone calls, or any other interaction, he may just be upset with you or is busy. He always eventually messages me, but very short things , like good afternoon. I am a Gemini/Cancer (cusp) and my Aquarius friend have been seeing each other for about 5 months. Being good friends with someone is one of his criteria when committing to a long-term relationship. When I asked about it he says its not me he is just in his head sorting his business out. We did break up and I did suggested that we shouldnt talk at all anymore but he was like he wants to be close friends because he respects me and thinks Im different from the others. One way he does this is by pushing your boundaries. Offer your help and wait for him to ask when he needs it. I think if you get it all out in a sweet way proving your loyalty to him, you could still have something special. In the case that an Aquarius man has an interest in you and suddenly acts as though you dont exist, then he doesnt like you anymore. It's all about how well you mesh together, and whether you can be a positive force in his life. Take it as a consolation that the Aquarius man was honest with you and didn't lead you on. He really doesnt care if he is hurting you, he just wants to get you off his case and the easiest way to do this is to make it very clear that this thing between you two is going nowhere. When he likes a woman, he has no problem initiating a date or a get-together with her. Stop messaging him so much. Much like a Taurus; he'll ice you out if he doesn't like you. Therefore, the moment he invites you to hang out together, it's undoubtedly a sign of interest. 3. Firstly, I would like to apologize for this long text, I hope it doesn't put you off from reading my personal story. True everyone knows how an Aquarius is and being insecure will make it difficult anyway from we broke up we still communicated but he did get busy with work so less talking but I swear when we first met he told me that he would start getting busy and when we did hang out he gave me all his time and attention fast forward I asked him to be my best-friend and he agreed .. he says Im still his fav person which I was surprised because of all the stress I put onto him I ask myself how is that possible. However, when he becomes really disinterested in a lover, he tends to hold back and becomes quite cheap. Other times, it is for the best that a relationship ends. When an Aquarius man starts to pick fights with you, then you know you are in trouble and he is likely losing interest in you. In short, she will totally disregard what you want or need in favor of her own interests. If responsibility were a human, it would be a Capricorn man. 2. Im so hurt, but a part of me wonder if we could ever get back together after this. In the case that hes decided youre not appropriate for his lifestyle or future, hell either cut you to the core by telling the truth or he will just disappear. Its up to you whether or not youre ready to hear that truth. If you feel he is slowly moving away from you, here are 10 signs that will tell you if a Pisces man is not into you or over you: 1. The two of you may have been spending quite some time together, but when an Aquarius man loses interest, it is usually for good. Though some are open to friendship, she might block you temporarily to get some space. Whatever you do, dont try to go after him or grill him. When hes busy, he sometimes slacks on the communication front. Aquarius men are not nice people when theyre angry. I was heart broken. The Aquarius man is ruled by father Saturn. 5. The Aquarius mans behavior may show a lack of courage, but thats how he is. While its good to be accepting, its also good to make sure your needs are met too. Is Your Aquarius Man (Still) Avoiding Commitment? They don't want to be around the person of their interest. I think he does care for you otherwise hed let you go honey. She blocks you on social media. When an Aquarius man is not interested in you, he wont even try to pretend that he enjoys spending time with you. They are are fixed sign so you have to be flexible and love him the way he is and show that you can do that consistently and patiently. How to Text a Gemini Man - Vekke Sind If youre looking for more information then please continue reading, I am sure you will find this extremely helpful and perhaps it will help you to stop wasting your time! 7. I hope this helps you keep your man and that you never see the signs I listed here. 2023-03-02T06:02:45.930Z Amitabh Bachchan to be seen in Ribhu Dasgupta's courtroom thriller 'Section 84', says director As Mercury . Yesterday I confronted him about of his flings calling him and he said there is nothing between them that I nag too much and he prefer when we were in a long distance relation now the fight is getting to him and he isnt excited like before whenecer I say I am coming over.I should go out and have fun. It does actually sound as though he may have gotten what he wanted and is now doing his own thing. Check out Aquarius Man Secrets guide here >>. My issue is that he doesnt ask many personal questions about me. If so, then he might have commitment issues that stem from his past experiences. Test him and see if he responds to you not reaching out so much. Taurus ( April 20-May 20April 20- May 20) The Taurus star sign is not a great match for the Aquarius man. He needs to feel secure that he will not be judged or misunderstood before opening up to anyone. Ghosting you will be the most likely route he'll take to get rid of you, short of telling you outright that he's not into you. It can be pretty heartbreaking when youre in love with an Aquarius man and you can feel him slowly slipping through your fingers. The summary of why he is unreliable: When he doesnt do what he says he will, it is unlikely that he cares, and when he doesnt care, he probably isnt that interested in you in the first place. They won't ever spill their heart about a breakup, let alone even tell you their boyfriend just dumped them, and if you ask they'll give you a politician's answer. That means if he thinks you could work out well for him, hell come back to you with open arms. Its best to get out early than drag it out and hurt yourself. We broke up but have now begun to take things slow again, but for some reason although he says he misses me and can have 3 hour long intellectual conversations with me he always makes excuses about seeing me/hanging out when I ask. 162K views, 8.5K likes, 480 loves, 229 comments, 232 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Cuisine samira dz : . Why would you want to waste your time on someone who doesnt even respect you enough to reply to you? My Aquarius man and I have been fighting none stop because of his lack of communication and Im clingy. Aquarius (January 22-February 19) Travel plans are foreseen for you but you may have to involve people you are not so fond of. Me being a cancer so as you can imagine my emotions are taking over me I dont know how to fix it? I realised I pushed him a bit to talk about us. It will take a lot of patience, but once youve mastered communicating with the Aquarius man, you are on your way to building a solid and lasting relationship with him. You are pushy. However, if he never inquires about your personal life, even when you engage in conversation with him, this is one of the signs that an Aquarius man does not like you or is not interested to know you better. 4. Aquarius people are constantly in search of new insight and wisdom. It may almost feel like he is counting every penny as a sign of his annoyance with you. It does seem he just wants to be friends but you should ask him directly about it. Dont do it. No future plans summarized: An Aquarius loves talking about the future, but if he doesnt include you in his plans, you are definitely out of luck! Read More About Me! He may not have the desire to get nasty as often. Everything You Need to Know About Dating an Aquarius Man - Cosmopolitan He is protective of his privacy, and he will not let people know his opinions and feelings until he has had enough time alone to process and make up his response. I and my Aquarius man has been having issues since the beginning of this year after our one year anniversary . When dealing with a moody Aquarius man, there are some things to keep in mind. He doesnt chase you, in a nutshell: An Aquarius man likes to be the pursuer, and when he doesnt do this, he has likely lost interest in you. So, if you arent sure if hes mad or if he really doesnt like you or if he still talks to you in any form at all, hes either mad or just busy. He is younger than me but says he loves me and looks at me like his wife. If you need more information about Aquarius man, try reading my book Aquarius Man Secrets. This would be a good time to cut your losses and realize that the two of you are simply not on the same page when it comes to what you want in this relationship. First, remember that he doesn't like feeling like he's tied down or smothered. It is difficult for anyone to know his likes and dislikes because he seldom expresses how he feels and thinks. 2. They use their words in a way that it pierces through you like a spear. Ive been seeing an aquarius man for about five months, weve been hanging out every weekend since August everything had been finehe does very sweet and thoughtful things for and with meand we get along very well and I felt very accepted and understood by him.I saw him this past weekend and everything seemed fine! He doesn't pay attention to you. 15 Signs An Aquarius Man Is Not Into You. We used to talk and be obsessed with each other. When an Aquarius man is interested in you, youll know it. Me and my Aquarius man barley talk anymore. Ive tried finding out what the problem was but he isnt really telling me anything. Im confused. Do you feel like youre losing your Aquarius mans interest? If you need more information about Aquarius man, try reading my book Aquarius Man Secrets. With that said if you did something that really ticked him off, hell pull back to think everything over at several angles. The introverted personality of the Aquarius man makes communicating with him tricky. Me and my Aquarius man has been having a lot of argument which is always initiated by mean cos I mostly dont understand me,we arent in a relationship but we have a very special friendship normally if we have argument we talk about it, acknowledge our faults and things go back to normal but dis time is different we talked about it, but now he doesnt talk that much to me again, always there for me when I have a problem, calls me but not like b4. Almost committed suicide as a child. Did you have any suicidal thoughts You might want to check out my book Aquarius Man Secrets for more information. He wants to ensure that everyone around him is happy and content. Dont let commitment issues continue to hold your relationship back. He hasnt ever disappeared on me or anything. 5 Important Signs an Aquarius Man is Not Interested in You But in either case, it can leave you feeling confused and uncertain about the future of your relationship. When an Aquarian has a genuine interest in you, he will ask you these questions to get to know you better and to find out whether the two of you could be compatible. He was very cruel with the break up. When youre not giving him attention, he may actually miss you and seek you out. There is very little you can do to try and convince an Aquarius man otherwise. The thing you need to understand about Aquarius men is that they have a really hard time relating to romantic relationships, all the emotions and feelings overwhelm their highly intellectual brain a bit too much. They want to know what to expect before agreeing to anything, which is very important in a relationship. He needs to focus on himself and make some changes before he can have a healthy relationship. They are very analytical so when they are feeling really down, they cannot seem to find the optimism they once had which makes everything else spiral. When he keeps making excuses about why he cannot hang out, why he cant call, or why he doesnt talk much, then hes probably not into you. Will an Aquarius Man Keep Coming Back? (And Why?) - Astrologify We love each other but he never says it, he shows it by giving me space, respect, asking about the things that interest me, asking me how I am and by not being mean. Be a good listener, someone he can trust and respect that hell turn to you whenever he needs someone to talk to. These will help you make sense of his flighty personality and prevent him from losing interest in you. In this post, we will discuss the different signs that indicate if he's not interested in being with you any longer and how to tell if it's time to move on or keep trying.

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