(Like Lost!, And especially because all the scenes were blurry. No one told her Soo was dead. He looked dead, but it's possible he just went into shock (I mean his best friend just stabbed him--I would be shocked as hell!). And if the case hasn't been resolved by June 30 . The movie is theoretically open to two different interpretations, one in which there is a literal demon inhabiting the prairie and one in which the supernatural events of the film are largely happening in Lizzy's mind. Without knowing exactly how she crossed into this time, she cannot promise she will remain. TWTWB was one of the few melodramas I actually completed so kudos to that. And its never wrong to be grateful.. Mistaken for the boys long-missing mother, Anne adopts her identity, convinced the womans disappearance is connected to her own. Maybe because I felt like whether or not he gave it in, Kim still was going to find some excuse to kill him. Netflix's latest crime drama, The Woods, based on a novel by Harlan Coben, is a twisty turny tale which sees a horrible crime and a mysterious disappearance resurface 25 years later. Then the shape of a man starts to form. endings were perfectly done. Does this item contain inappropriate content? , Print length I need you next to me. And I like how SHG played OY. But he had some charisma so that got brushed away at the end. Thank you, Heads, for pointing out all the illogical additions and omissions that left me feeling confused and nonplussed during the last three or more episodes. I thought it was a nice touch. Young's hair, everyone's fantastic health etc. This ambiguous ending reminds me of "Ironweed" by William Kennedy. As the story jumps back and forth in time, we learn that leading up to her death, Emma's behavior had become increasingly erratic, while after her death, Lizzy has come to believe that she too is being menaced by the entity her neighbor claimed to hear whispering to her on the wind. She would have been very selfish and unchanging because she wouldn't know who could be trusted, especially when you know your step mom has sabotaged your eyes. Super evaluation! That question isn't answered until the end of the film when it's revealed that Emma didn't actually shoot herself. JS looked very sad at the point when he agreed to what Hee-sun suggested but the the face of JS was a type of confused or something that the director suggested for him to do to make us bewildered of what really had happened to Oh soo. His being a gentleman is one thing I admire too as seen in the bts. Happy waiting for the next trip everyone. Hee-sun mentions that theyre going to see Soo tomorrow, but it doesnt seem like theyre seeing him alive when they talk about what flowers to take. Did the CCTV goons end up getting him because his promise, in a sense, broke (to let Soo & Jin Sung go unscathed)? It was so much surer earlier on. This drama ranks highest on my melo-meter since the only others I've seen are Nice Guy and I Miss You. Nor are the ladies & gentlemen of the castle as aristocratic as they believe they are. Using your mobile phone camera - scan the code below and download the Kindle app. 5. With TWtWB's both leads had their stories wrapped up fairly well and the story-fail was in a secondary line that, in the end, didn't actually affect much. ), We did have two con-men though, that's true. =), We actually see the flowers Hee-sun talked about on the table, so they were for our Soo. js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js"; Old bad guy was not going to let him or JS walk away. Santiago tells the wind that love can empower it to do anything. Depending on a viewer's experience the way the drama is seen will be different. Oooh, a twist! }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); Please enter your username or email address. Oh, Heads, if you have just discovered Jo In-sung through this show, I would recommend you The Frozen Flower. In the case of Deus, the system knows Lily should behave one way based on all the rules of determinism. There is Balban, the "invader of the weak mind" and "bringer of delusions," Jezebeth, the "seductress," Succorhenoth, the "bringer of jealous thoughts," and Vetis, the "shapeshifter," among others. And if somehow the show fails to root a characters emotions and reactions in some form of universal logic, then in the words of Cool Hand Luke, What weve got here is a failure to communicate.. Amy Harmon is a Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and New York Times Bestselling author. It's a really nice juxtaposition, imo. The reverend, originally seen to be a peaceful figure spreading the word of god, is revealed to be villainous when he lets slip that he has been watching Emma and Lizzys lives. Also, Jin Sung was actually about to stab Soo a second time, but couldn't bring himself to do it, so he dropped the knife. Gangster Wannabe goes scurrying off with his tail between his legs just as Moo-chul collapses, spitting up blood from his stomach cancer. Or that he was dead and the ending was a dream. But there was nothing to support that theory so it's just Jin Sung doing something weird, lol. It may have lost itself in its own mesmerizing cinematography at times, but I thoroughly enjoyed the visual experience. But thanks for the pretty and until the end am still team KKB, boy's way too fine! What's with Jin sung and Hee sun talking 'bout bringing flowers to Oh Soo? Give as a gift or purchase for a team or group. A romcom, please!!! Seriously. And when her heart gets caught between two different times, its nearly impossible to see her way clear. and because JIS's acting is so AMAZING - Soo looks so dead there to me! In the end, it does something a little quieter, more subtle, and very much in keeping with Mad Men as a whole. I applaud his professionalism, knowing that this is his first time to have sex scenes. I'm certainly not an expert on NHK's work-- I've only seen a handful of her dramas. Soo keeps an eye on his watch, knowing time is of the essence. The whole premise of this drama was about a woman who wanted to die and a man who wanted to live, so im guessing this outcome makes sense. Neither of them died! No, she responds, and we see through Youngs eyes first its a blur of color, then light. Thank you for your recap and I totally agree with your comments! The Iran-Contra affair ( Persian: -, Spanish: Caso Irn-Contra ), often referred to as the Iran-Contra scandal, the McFarlane affair (in Iran), [1] or simply Iran-Contra, was a political scandal in the United States that occurred during the second term of the Reagan administration. Young is not a character I will pretend to understand through and through, lol. Amy Harmon. And I do wonder if everyone really takes the time to read all comments or just stay firm in their opinions no matter what? Also, I have to agree that the pace of the finale felt waaaay off. Mad Men's Ending Explained: What Happens To Don Draper - ScreenRant Cookies help us deliver our Services. I HONESTLY dont know where to start on how much this book meant to me! Was this technique not used by both Soo and Young more than a few times throughout the drama? . Nevertheless, was a great drama and im plan on re-watching it anytime soon. The Wind Rises Ending Explained: One's Dream Is Death For Many No thanks.). His stern expression did make me think he matured a bit. If we add the something else, then this was an insanely beautiful if not sometimes-frustrating exercise in understanding people who looked like people, but had some moments where they didnt really act like people. Skillfully woven around vividly depictedhistorical events and figures, this is a page-turner, hard to put down until the end., Helen Bryan, international bestselling author of. The scenario with the child and sec wang of course was only a part of the scne that it should be clear. No matter how beautiful, awe-inspiring, or unexpected an AI-generated artwork is, we cannot currently call it creative because we cannot - yet - assign agency to machines, writes Dustin Stokes and Elliot Samuel Paul. Thank you, Heads. I enjoyed this drama and was mesmerized by it, but at the end of the day, it won't go on my masterpiece or rewatch list. 7. I decided not to count Youngs full head of hair as part of the equation since I considered it a vanity issue, despite the fact that brain surgery and long-term chemotherapy should produce some visible, physical effects. But I guess in the end, what's important is that they both reconciled and expressed their love to each other and whether they really lived or died didn't matter to me. The ending of Final Fantasy 7 Remake is unexpected, a little confusing, and very, very meta. The ending was so confusing. It was a visually lovely show to watch. This final episode left me confused and with a sense of "this was it?" I don't buy that Young is done with her suicidal tendencies, but she seems a lot happier probably because before she was so untrustworthy and felt like everyone was out to kill her anyway, but now she's starting to trust people and she's more at ease. Can you see nothing at all?. The only thing negative I could possibly say about What the Wind Knows is that Irish Id read it sooner. Wind Poem Class 9 Summary, Literary devices, Question Answer - successcds After the death of her mother, Ania went through therapy. I was not disappointed in the least and I cannot say how grateful I am that I was able to escape my own reality for a few hours. But the young couple is clearly not a happy one. Really, there are other ways to say you miss someone. Wild Is the Wind ending explained - what happens to Vusi? Talk about a quick recovery time. He was not quite ready hence she couldn't see him until he was. I for one liked the ending. Same here. As for the actual epilogue to all this coordinated madness, I found the actual stabbing inconsequential and the final scenes bizarre. From what I understand, a feeble attempt at killing yourself like Young did is not a suicide attempt, but a cry for help/attention. The frontier of the American West in the 1800s was a difficult place to live, especially for women. Late in the narrative, Isaac finds the diary in Lizzy's possession, which prompts him to realize that Lizzy likely had something to do with Emma's death. Then again, that just adds to the brokenness of Young's character- having to depend on the person whho crippled you and over time accepting that person's love? I thought that you may not like me when you see me. When Young scoffs at this, he asks, Does that mean you like me?. Any Way . "If that had been me, Id have taken the knife and gone after Kim.". }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); Theres a light at the end of every drama tunnel, but sometimes its how we get there that matters more than how bright that light turns out to be. This is my first melo and I endured it all for JIS, hahaha! It can't be heaven either, because they would've just MET each other. Then, again I don't believe Young would make up such an elaborate story for herself (even in a dream) to "blind" herself from his death. I Think the drama ended in happy ending. Even for wearing that maroon suit and pants at ep16! U broke it down beautifully!! Only when hes out does he call Secretary Wang to ask her to return, because hell feel more at ease if shes there to take care of Young. Wow, now that "winter" has past, I can finally breathe. Why is everything so blurry? . Her mental state is made more fragile after she undergoes a bout of illness and subsequently begins to feel tormented by the wind. I don't think he's a chef, but I do think he owns some kind of restaurant. "But the wind and water know all the earth's secrets. I will not claim expertise on this but I will say that I lost a family member to suicide. Back in the present, Lizzy is visited by a traveling reverend, who turns out to be the spirit haunting her in disguise. That "happy" ending felt so contrived for me. Soo. Please try your request again later. A selection of scenes are shown, several with very little . Connect with Facebook SHK and JIS are really good looking. Granted, I'm not familiar with Irish history, making everything in these pages new to me. As Lizzy struggles to come to terms with the ghoulish reverend, she is driven to consider suicide closely. Flowers were for the grave. The art part is just an excuse for porn. This right here. ;), Which means Soo must be alive, too. I missed the Soo whod scold Young in front of a mall crowd for not accepting help, or the one whod return a punch thrown at him. Because, it was so sweet but then it was so BLURRY! Lizzy is also haunted by Emmas ghost one night, who asks her where her gun is. About the ending, while watching the last episode, i really had the impression oh soo died. while watching this episode, as in "I really want to understand, but honestly, I don't. Within that fight is the love that compatriots have not only for their cause but for each other, as the friendship between Collins and Thomas proves. : (Just enough to pay Soos debt.) The writer likely originally wrote a typical melo ending. I was also unhappy that Soo didn't take the money, making his con a moot point but whatever. Ah, so maybe shes making plans for the future since she wants to have a future now. And with that, all the players get gambling, while Young spends a restless night at the hospital window with the winter wind blowing. We've all seen Jin Sung take a beating and give one and I have no doubt he would have caused some serious damage. The setting is Hillsboro, a small rural Tennessee town, during the summer of an unknown year. Do you believe that this item violates a copyright? I hate mellow, I always hate mellow. (And we don't know because we don't see anything alluding to that). I would've found them to be highly problematic in any case, but the fact that that this was a Noh Hee Kyung drama deepened my disappointment exponentially. I found some recaps confusing but not the show itself. So for a hot second there, I thought that the ending sequence was a dream, in part because of the blurriness of it all and the inherent implausibility of well, everything. That Winter, The Wind Blows Episode 16 (FINALE) - Y C . C O M : The focus is oddly blurry as she gets out of the taxi, and the sound of Soos bell charm reaches her ears as a man wearing it passes her on a bicycle. I did chuckle many times reading this recap. If anything, the aftermath made the attempt seem like a cry for attention at best, and a test of Soos loyalty at worst. With Emma, it was her annoying dependence, and with Isaac, it was the revelation that he had had an affair with Emma. it's out of topic but I have to disagree that it's a porn movie, it is sexually graphic yes, but those are used to show how they become lustfully needing each other and to INCREASE TENSION as we go to the part when the deception was caught in the act (we can see their progress of being indifferent to each other up to the point that they're comfortable to do all the positions they want). If the story is fast forward, then it is possible that the end will be like that. The 'Tenet' Ending Explained, No PhD Required | Esquire Lizzys tale is pieced together through time jumps, simultaneously exploring her sinister past and rapidly deteriorating present. . In the end, the suicide attempt didnt even put her out for a night, and she was completely fine by morning. I even watched the rerun on the weekends. The Wind Ending Explained: What Really Happened With Lizzy? Caught between history and her heart, she must decide whether shes willing to let go of the life she knew for a love she never thought shed find. It speaks of the ordinary and the extraordinary events and people that are entwined in a way that captures the very essence of Ireland during this period. The male protagonist is a con-man in some sorts. TWTWB, with its muted colors, its intensity 24/7 (made even more intense by all of the close-up shots), its one-dimensional side characters like batshit-crazy So Ra, its hard-to-read heroine, and its contrived plot full of holes, made TWTWB feel quite unreal which would've been fine had it come together as an inspired mythic tale. Jennifer/Huck takes refuge at the culling station and is able to help nurse Dennis' wound when they return. I loved the ending, but I don't know what to make of it. We see this happen very clearly in the climax of the film, right before she murders Isaac. Is this another instance of Drama Syndrome, where characters would rather undergo pain and irreparable harm than do something logical? }; I'll bet Young cut the short way across her arm too, rather than the long way, which would again be what you would do if you actually wanted to die. It also analyzed reviews to verify trustworthiness. He was always morally flexible as were most of these characters. I sometimes miss some of those, and I appreciate when those are pointed out to me. Soon after the funeral, Lizzys husband Isaac, along with Gideon, leaves to get supplies for the winter and report the deaths, saying he will be back in a few days. This vagued up messy ending was the compromise. Meanwhile, Hee-sun sees a big truck headed their way on an empty street and warns Jin-sungs father, but he can only look in shock as the truck keeps barreling toward them. When you said this, "(Seriously though. but the 'open' ending is so well done, that whenever, however I feel, I could say, ok, Soo is dead or ok, this is a happy ending. But then again, I never felt like Jin Sung was a quick thinker in difficult times. A verification email has been sent to your new email address. Now that i know there's a happy ending TIME TO WATCH!! As far as stabbing goes guns are really hard to get in Korea so stabbing's the best way to kill someone. I can see just enough to see that youre very good looking, she adds. , Publication date Is it possible that Lizzy has actually been experiencing intense hallucinations brought on by her grief, isolation, and other outside influences? Is art created by a computer an example of that computer's creativity? Wind lyrics by Naruto, 7 meanings. Wind explained, official 2023 song Though her expression is one of peace, we know that after killing her husband, Lizzys life as she knows it is over. What a delight, to begin the year with one of my most anticipated reads of 2019, by one of my favorite authors of all. The wind understands but doesn't know what to do. Over the years, the two have traveled extensively, sometimes for Anne to do research for her current book. What the Wind Knows Summary & Study Guide Amy Harmon This Study Guide consists of approximately 65 pages of chapter summaries, quotes, character analysis, themes, and more - everything you need to sharpen your knowledge of What the Wind Knows. The show was very beautiful to look at. version : 'v2.2' // use version 2.2 Like you say, she made Young blind! *sighs* I need the (halmeoni) from Goodbye Solo to comfort me right now, so disappointed am I in the finale and in the drama as a whole. A wonderful, glorious and heartfelt story! When Charlie. My imagination is often absorbed by history. From what we can tell, Lizzy and Isaac were part of a wave of settlers along the Western frontier of the United States during the 1800s. But more than anything, i belive the writers left an open ending on pourpose, they wanted to allow the viewers to come up with their own interpretation of the ending. Also, if they were both in the afterlife, I'm sure Young would get 100% of her sight back. With no good outcome in sight, the films surreal climax leaves Lizzy suspended in haunted uncertainty. I wished they would have saved time there, and showed us what happened after OS was stabbed, instead of letting us speculate on what happened. Jin-sung readies to stab his best friend again, but he cant bring himself to do it and drops the knife. Oh, btw about the cherry blossom painting we saw in this episode..there was another painting shown in the first episode of TWTWB, but it depicted a barren tree instead of flowers in full blossom (what lovely symbolism). Is he alive or just a figment of her memories? FB.init({ JIS, who I will forgive for just about anything! Blog Home Uncategorized what the wind knows ending explained.

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