The trouble is that we have no idea when that will actually happen. Find a good Bible church and study. We do the same today. I started listening to a great many sermons and began meeting with a Biblical counselor. One of the foremost New Testament scholars in the world doesnt believe in the resurrection. Id like to think that Justice is based on much more than devotion, but I dont feel I have the right judging others Its not my place. Hang out with them. There are two sides to answering whether you were saved before. Find someone. I was dead, and then God made me alive. What they were not as clear on was Gods plan to reach Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8). She got the point. If you do, then you may need a saviour such as Mohamed or Jesus. Also, Im pleased to read about your desire to become more spiritually mature. 51% good? I look forward to fresh updates and will share this website with my Facebook group. Tats why asked to clarify myself. Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness. Reconciliation is just making things right in a relationship. It is just so confusing because why would someone go to a place that they arent even sure exists and be punished so severely for their personal beliefs? That is what makes an old creature into a new one. Be careful about who you listen to. What you describe is actually pretty common. Can i have a Private Baptism at Home in my pool with a Pastor where its only with some Relatives and Friends. Find meaningful work, and you can learn how valuable you are to the people around you. In Acts 17 we read about the Christians in Berea. Im sorry for any confusion, Leslie. The answer is yes. He says Baptism should be in jesus name and we say it should be in the father,son,holy spirit. Faith. There are plenty of other good places to learn more about God and how He wants us to live, but those will give you a great head-start. Almost every religion teaches how one should act to make the gods not smite you, or to reward you for your good works. Thats salvation. Hes waiting for you. Cats have kittens, dogs have puppies, and Gods Son is God. Its clear that some people who think they are saved arent actually saved. We all need help and encouragement from time to time, too so I recommend looking around for some people in your area who already trust God, and build good relationships with them. A real person, who is God become human. I thought that Jesus was a piece of him in human form but not him entirely. P.S. Think about it like a family. I started to see more posts about people should be looking towards God during these end times. Demonstrably false, and dangerous. Ive been studying what Jesus said and did for a long, long time. Im praying for you right now, Reita. The fact that theyve read very deeply is no indication that theyre on track, let alone in a position to correct someone else in spiritual matters. It had nothing to do with the sons good deeds, or good intentionsit was only because the son came home to the father. Who was the flesh that dwelt among us.? No, of course not. Thats the opposite of Christianity! Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. what happens to unbaptized adults when they die The question of purgatory is entirely illogical to me, having read the Bible. We dont know. Some of the things you dont like will change. I have believed in Jesus all my life. Christianity is following a person. I moved to my grandmas at some point in 2012. If youd like to give, feel free to contact me. He doesnt like it when we hurt each other. than man on the cross was not baptis and he went to heaven. Also, my grandson was born with all of his dads chromosomes and none of his mothersis that uncommon? Step 2 is we MUST be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the REMISSION of our sins (When we get baptized in Jesus Name, it is a symbol of Jesus blood applied over us for the washing away of our sins). Maybe God has you there so youll be ready for better service later. Try to connect with a bunch of people at the church. It was used as a slur in the very beginning, and its often used as a slur today. Still, Im pretty old, and have suffered maybe a bit more so I hope you understand my desire to go home and be with God, and with my loved ones who loved Him. And the bible also says that if we broke one commandment then we broke all. This isnt the only time in Scripture that we see Jesus, who is God, being limited in ways that the Father is not. He wouldnt, however, force someone to be with Him for eternity against their will. In the days before death, people often begin to lose control of their breathing. I ask because I like to read Rob bells books and listen to his teachings a lot. Who would think that a just and reasonable God would keep out a person who spent their life caring for others and let in someone who made life miserable (or very short) for others? Also you say that means you wont go to heaven or hell. If a Catholic Marries a Non-Christian, How is it a Sacrament? Its important to surround yourself with people who will help you grow, and be with you during tough times. I could testify all day long of things that have happen to me. Thats part of why He came to earth as a man! Were capable of amazing things, and terrible things. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was WITH God, and the Word WAS God. As long as we dont pretend that our wishes are the truth, and tell others that they should believe as we do, I think were safe. Accepting the fact that God is God and we are not, and taking advantage of His invitation to be loved and protected and nurtured and accepted and taught by Him means that we are not alone in this life, and that we will spend eternity in relationship with Him by choice and that will be wonderful. Those who surrender to God go to Heaven, warts and all. Are you worried that the writers of Scripture had an agenda other than accurately conveying what God had communicated to them? This baptism needs no ritual, has no script, and cannot be done by human hands. Yes Baptism is a requirement, Even when Jesus came to John the Baptist , John Baptist Jesus ! Be patient. So, when asking whether something is a sin, we need to look at the command to do, or not do, that thing. If you understand that Jesus died to save you from your sins, and if you then trust God with your life, you are a Christian. Thanks for your comment! You asked about false teachers, not about Rob Bell. First, thanks for visiting. Does that make sense? Thats why Peter, in Acts 2, told people who wanted to be saved that they should repent and be baptized. You didnt do one without the other. Theres a lot we dont know about what happens after we die, as the Bible isnt really very clear about it. Does that make sense? Even the dogs came and licked his sores. First, Hes a person. Children are conceived in original sin. Of course it is. So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Clearly, God decides. Ive been to a bunch that were just DEAD. Following Jesus isnt just something we do on the outside. When were born again, the Holy Spirit comes to dwell in each of us. You make a good point, Gina. Each believer is baptized after believing, to profess their faith to the community. The Apostle Paul taught with authority, helping people understand the one true gospel and avoid anything that didnt match it. I have patience, and confidence, and a very fulfilling life not because I believe the right things, but because Ive been born again. Thats called context. When we read Scripture out of context, it can be confusing and misleading. Maybe YOUR church sucks. I have no way of knowing that. Dont forget about Jesus condemning the Pharisees, making a whip, and flipping tables! You and I may not meet here, but we will meet there if you belong to God. Well, that would indeed be unfair. Its a public declaration of your faithnot to God, but to a community of Jesus-followers. The point Im making is that going to Heaven after we die isnt simply like going on a trip to a nice placeits going to be with God. Well i know that when rob bell was interviewed about his book he said that he never meant to start controversy. The Bible seems to indicate that a few notable people have already been ushered into Gods presence. If we were supposed to worry about our dead bodies, we would have specific instructions in the New Testament to guide us. I mean to really, really commit your whole self to Him? I grew up in the church and at one point I was having a hard time in middle school and I asked God to come into my life and being in control, because I didnt want to be any more. He expounds on the value of the scrutiny and the reason for the prayer of exorcism for a person who is unbaptized . These things would not be true if the Father, Son, and Spirit were all Jesus, as Gina and others claim. Get the wisdom they offer, ignore the silliness, and continue asking good questions about what God wants. While there, he trusted in Jesus and became a Christian. We are therefore Christs ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. I found rumors about the world ending soon. I just didnt go today. The Word/Jesus was the flesh. Theres a very simple reason for that: everybody involved already knew what baptism was, why they did it, and how to do it. Thanks! Im so glad you wrote to me! A good answer must start with a definition of sin. I know you cant really answer that but I think Im not in the right path or its not good enough. So infant baptism offers no relief to those who have lost newborn babies. Oneness folks wont do that, as they dont believe in the Trinity. I mean, I dont know if one day Ill suddenly fall in love with a man. Let me know what you think about Awesome Christian Music, would you? What youre describing is very common. The Father and Son are mentioned as distinct over 200 times. I didnt study the bible and I went to bible study once. Thanks for writing. Thats not how it works. They will forgive because they have been forgiven, and they will be gracious to others because God has been gracious to them. When it comes to how one is saved in the new covenant, again youre right: we cant just pick out certain verses. Think of it like a chair. No, Willissathey are not. Sir Tony may the almighty God grant you more grace and the anointing to continue the good work. Its not helpful to pat someone on the back for believing something that contradicts Scripture. Does that mean homosexual behavior is okay with God? Which is fairly more secular compared to what I listen to. I accepted Christ over 40 years ago and Ive never been baptized. Yes, I do believe in the trinity. Now, its possible that your grandparents have a valid point to make, even if theyre off-base about the specific music you like. We see that God is a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness not once, but in Exodus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Nehemiah, Psalms, and Joel!