size 17 long x 29 wide. Its a good idea to take a look at the guidelines for the hospital you want to knit for before you begin. out light and noise. It would be nice not to have to go to the pattern to see what it looks like. The vast assortment of patterns available is remarkable. And I have made a note of your name and this website in my special little notebook, just in case I do find it. To From beginner baby blankets to beautiful baby booties. These baby knitting patterns range from the traditional Eyelet Rib Set to the fun Just Ducky Hat and Socks pattern. Project Size: 10 aroundLevel: UnspecifiedYarn Weight: Medium 4 WeightBrand: Red Heart Soft or Red Heart Soft Baby Steps yarnNeedle: 4mmVideo: NoPattern Format: WrittenDesigner: Bev of The Make Your Own Zone, Project Size: UnspecifiedLevel: BeginnerYarn Weight: WorstedBrand: Sublime Yarns Extra Fine Merino WorstedNeedle: 4.5mmVideo: NoPattern Format: PDF DownloadDesigner: Natalia Voitcenko of Woolture, Project Size: UnspecifiedLevel: UnspecifiedYarn Weight: UnspecifiedBrand: Lion Brand Natures Choice Organic CottonNeedle: 6.5mmVideo: NoPattern Format: WrittenDesigner: Jennifer of Fiber Flux, Project Size: UnspecifiedLevel: BeginnersYarn Weight: DKBrand: UnspecifiedNeedle: 4mmVideo: NoPattern Format: PDF DownloadDesigner: HandMade Land of Babe Landia, Project Size: newborn head circumference is 14 (13-15) and hats should be approx 4-6 highLevel: UnspecifiedYarn Weight: DKBrand: Rico Essentials BIGNeedle: 4mm & 8mmVideo: NoPattern Format: WrittenDesigner: Louise Bollanos of Handy Little Me, Project Size: UnspecifiedLevel: IntermediateYarn Weight: DKBrand: UnspecifiedNeedle: UnspecifiedVideo: NoPattern Format: PDF DownloadDesigner: Unspecified through Cream of the Prop, If you found this post helpful, please like and share. and that means the SCBU can go through . I know for me, this was the most daunting part of wanting to start knitting for charity. Shop JOANN's collection of knitting, crochet, cross stitch & needle art supplies. You can download this free pattern HERE. There is surely a pattern in this collection that will catch your eye. must have adequate tuck in help minimize coming loose. The hardest part will be deciding which free knitting pattern to work up first. "@type": "Article", It costs you nothing extra. Interesting and simple structure. Comfy cozy baby blankets!! This collection is just wonderful. When I knit for a charity, I spend most of my time knitting for prem and newborn babies at my local hospital Middlemore. Some are too tiny to make it on their own, and have to depend on a tangle of monitors, ventilators and tubes to survive. thank you. Find out more about how we use your personal data in our Every issue is packed full of essential patterns for creative knitters of all skill levels. . About Us Or 4 payments of $1.73. I'm not giving up the search, however. Do I then produce the wonderful, amazing, most adorable item? One of the best collections of free knitting patterns for babies that I have found lately. "name": "Prime Publishing, LLC. 100% woollenknitted singletson this page. Wellington Mail Centre, Lower Hutt 5045 . Stay with main color and knit 2 rows. Knitted singlets are great for the prem babies, especially in winter. Please, if you can? Louise's Baby Beanie Pattern. I can't find it anywhere. Bonding squares are also in high demand! --Editor of AllFreeKnitting, Love your articles, Need a pattern for a baby scarf Thanks and continue with the great patterns! that could easily come off. We just can't resist making everyone adorable little hats because they come in so many different styles, themes, colours, and patterns. I previously shared my Favorite Knit Dishcloth Pattern which has received lots of positive comments so I thought I would share another one of my favorite fast projects - a newborn baby hat knitting pattern that can be finished in. This is the NICU equivalent of Plunket. If you'd like to knit patterns you love for people you care about, I can help! Thank you for supporting my work and this blog. "@type": "Organization", Note: We do not accept crochet hats as they are too tight for babies. Baby booties. Blankets ( size 50cmx60cm) these are a really good cot size. Thank you and h appy knitting! larger than below. So doctors, nurses, and parents everyone who loves these babies welcome anything that can help the NICU babies. (PLEASE DO NOT QUILT or OVER STITCH as centre needs to be flat). Our Home Care nurses visit families as Wellington Hospital Little Ones Knitting Patterns ABBREVIATIONS alt beg C1, C2 cm cont dec double rib foll garter st kg . And they are both fun. These simple square knits are cleverly used to bond mothers to their new baby. Buy Baby Patterns online now at The Ribbon Rose. Sadly, survival is never guaranteed. This hat is perfect for knitters that are newer to cables, and is the perfect toasty hat for any newborn. I find making them easy and fun to do. I wonder about converting the top of the boot back and rectangle to include a ribbing top. It would be great to see some You'll find two overarching guidelines when it comes to preemie charity knitting: softness and weight. So cute!! Can't wait to try some of them. New selection may affect price, shipping options and product availability. Naturally Knitting Kit / Pattern - K513 Romper and Hat . Each free newborn knitting pattern is so sweet and will make your wee one feel nice and cozy. What better project to work on than for a baby, right? Thanks for so many lovely patterns. Basket Stitch BABY BLANKET(HKP) Patchwork Blanket (SP) Easy Baby Blanket with Lace Option (HKP) Tiny Baby Blanket (MKP) Squee! Wellington. Knit main Colour Moss Stitch purl pattern pass slip stitch over remaining repeat 1st row; K1, P1 to end 2nd row; P on knit sts, K on purl sts slip stitch(es) slip stitch stocking stitch - one row knit, one row purl window._mNHandle = window._mNHandle || {}; Thanks to you guys I now have more patterns than I will ever be able to knit in my lifetime. Don't fancy hat knitting? After a few false starts, she found success. Pattern Format: Written. In addition to warming preemies and reducing stress on their fragile circulatory systems, the adorable Care Wear caps soften the sterile hospital environment where these babies have to live. Hi, dear Joannie PKC Board. They welcome donations of handmade Also do charity knitting, i like to knit full sets I think everything matching is so classy, sassy classy babies. Next is going to be a cupcake-inspired hat with a simple brimmed skull cap and an adorable centered pom-pom that is color-coordinated with the cap itself. or as a symbol knitting? Love all your choices. layer stitch around 3 edges, turn right side out, finish off open edge. These squares can be lacey, textured and patterned, or just a simple garter stitch square so anyone can make them! Since you live in the UK, check out Knit for Peaces list of charities in the country. I just love the patterns that I have seen. Unfortunately I'm from Canada, Qubecso I cannot enter this contestthis makes me sadSo I ask myself why? Thanks so much or all of your beautiful patterns and helpful hints! }, Grace Baby Hat 0- 3months, small newborn/large preemie, medium preemie, small preemie Knitting Newborn Hats for Hospitals. Thanks. well dont think much tryed to download the duck and booties with no joy. The original pattern designer has either moved it from their site or took it down, and we were unable to update the link. Her preemie items were such a hit that she began to recruit other local knitters for her new charity, Care Wear. secure layers sew several rows through Report Abuse; suzannie 1600030. I hope he hangs on to it like I did with the blanket my mom made me. hb``f``x01G43023au!x*::03a1wU3,{75 7= ) I love things for babies, I am trying to learn to knit. Thank you All Free Knitting for all the wonderful patterns. Charities Number: CC11382 | Privacy Policy. To make things easy we have compiled all the latest free knitting patterns for babies and toddlers in the one post. I love the blankets but I would like to try a hat. flow.flowID = '0'; size??? Whether you're interested in making a pair of baby booties, free knitting patterns for baby sets, knit hat, knit sweater, snuggly baby blanket, or anything in between, we've got you covered. Great but how do you get baby patterns up like a bonnet & sweater (easy dhtml_v2.linkSource.sourcecode = "ORGANIC-REFERRER_UNKNOWN"; --Editor of AllFreeKnitting. Copyright LoveCrafts Inc. (and its affiliates). BUT! I don't know how to knit except on a loom, but if I could knit, I'd knit baby blankets for charity. How to knit Newborn Baby Mittens for beginners - So Woolly So Woolly 107K subscribers Subscribe 202K views 4 years ago In this. We've got you covered for all of winter, with plenty more cozy creations for baby too! I love knitting baby blankets because I like to make a unique pattern for each baby so that they have a special blankie. Check here if you need baby yarn I don't knit for myself as I am hot all the time so all my knitting goes to others. inserts: {google_ad_channel: '4472300285'}, Makers, discover thousands of crochet patterns and knitting patterns to inspire your next project. I have two favorites-adorable hats because they work up fast, and blankets because I don't have to worry about them fitting if they take me longer to make! 0 . These simple square knits are cleverly used to bond mothers to their new baby. 0 But be sure to call first and ask if they accept baby hat donations and what their needs are. Sign Up Here, How To Clean Your Coffee Machine With White Vinegar. pattern please ensure the finished size is either as above or no more One new Mom sent me a thank you note saying homemade gifts give the most love. Brand: Red Heart Soft or Red Heart Soft Baby Steps yarn. Some web patterns are very poorly written. We carry a large variety of yarn, thread, needles, looms, kits & more for beginners & experts. Instruction video was very clear. . dhtml_v2.initialize(); A newborn baby can never have too many hats, after all! Using 4 ply wool (that is 100% wool) and size 10 needles cast on 65 stitches and knit garter stitch 20 rows. Home There is the most demand for the larger preemie and full-term sizes of hats and booties.. They are so fun to do and keep a baby so swaddled. I DO KNOW - AND I DO VERY MUCH APPRICIATE IT Explore hundreds of free baby hat knitting patterns - bonnets, beanies, preemie hats and more! For many people, the easiest place to donate baby hats is your local hospital.,, Help For Stains That Went Through The Dryer, Another 5 Hour Baby Sweater {Knit Pattern}, Five Ways to Make Homemade Swiffer Covers. My work is a mess! Note: This project is from I Like Knitting digital magazine. Yarn Weight: Medium 4 Weight. Wool Exchange Programme. Rainbow designs are very popular on the unit, so feel free to knit in a wide spectrum of colours and shades. 27 Free Knitting Patterns for Premature Babies. Subscribe I get overwhelmed and impatient when I have to log ibnto each pattern to see what it looks like. flow.placeholders.enc_email = '[e]'; With over 10,000 births born a year we use a lot of them which is why donations are always needed!". I love making blankets and sweaters for babies! I love your patterns! Parents are encouraged to take the quilts View our Privacy Policy How to get Involved. how can i get the instructions for baby sweaters? Could we add a couple sweet lace baby bonnets to the mix? Next row; Next row; W . 0:00 / 12:25 Knitting Projects - Tutorials, step by step. inch double turn over on both pieces. If you make a purchase after clicking, I may receive a commission. I would love to make some baby creations. Hello. 'https:' : 'http:') + '//' + (isSSL ? I love knitting baby hats and booties because they treat me to create beautiful things for little angels!!! I love to knit any type of clothing for a baby, sweaters, booties, hats, you name it. enable_page_level_ads: true // turn off pencil on bottom Check out Bundle Up Baby: 53 Winter Baby Knits. |dRpjc 8O B~86QO\ ex$f-H/hSg4GI\gx!6Yrpp)Czi'FG_tV&lNHJ:lC;)GDtuM&2-&*p~1#Y,B$*"^N},yh+ gg;. You can find hats, booties, blankets, and much more! Oops, found it, barely visible. Some prefer that you dont; be sure to always follow the given guidelines. Your email address will not be published. Knit this hat in red and white for a truly festive feel. Regards, sandralea AKA GrannyGoode. Get in touch. 1) Standard Incubator and 117 0 obj <> endobj These are especially cute on newborns because they are soft, lightweight, refined, simple, and still rich with attitude. The next one of our knit ponchos for babies and children looks like something right out of a storybook. Your email address will not be published. Love the patterns and have at this moment never had a problem with printing them. My wife's favorite thing to knit are baby hats. We accept blankets of all sizes from prem to adult! Thanks for making them free for people to enjoy. There are no dresses listed! Scroll down to take a look at these baby hat patterns in detail, complete with an expanded photo and some sneak peek details about each pattern to help you figure out which one you want to start with. Can someone post a link? I love making those cute little hats for Preemies at the hospital. A one year old girl, Thank you. Celebrate the joy of creating! These 17 Knitted Kids, Easiest Knitted Baby Booties Patterns Hi, everyone! These squares can be lacey, textured and patterned, or just a simple garter stitch square so anyone can make them! For a little bit of something extra, there is a slightly decorative beanie cap with a decorative brim and a tie knot at the top! Knitting Kit / Pattern - K514 Short Sleeve Raglan Tunic and Hat $6.90 EACH. I knitted a baby sampler stitch afghan 39 years ago and now it's been passed down Oct. 30, 2015. --editors of AllFreeKnitting, I want very much to purchase the Infant Fair Isle Cardigan pictured on the November 24, 2011 Happy Thanksgiving issue, but am unable to access the link. than 2 inches larger. Awaiting info . With right sides together, sew 2022 by Middlemore Foundation. !function(n){if(!window.cnx){window.cnx={},window.cnx.cmd=[];var t=n.createElement('iframe');t.display='none',t.onload=function(){var n=t.contentWindow.document,c=n.createElement('script');c.src='//',c.setAttribute('async','1'),c.setAttribute('type','text/javascript'),n.body.appendChild(c)},n.head.appendChild(t)}}(document); I have checked all the patterns listed but have not found that specific one. It certainly doesn't hurt that baby knitting patterns are so darn cute, so you're sure to not get bored while you knit. Free Baby Hat, Vest, and Booties Set Knitting Pattern. There's something for every occasion in this collection. Booties pattern by the North Shore Hospital Auxiliary Group. FREE Baby Supremo Hats and Slippers Pattern Knit a super cute babies hat and slippers (booties) with just one ball of Baby Supremo Merino! Thank you very mach. Keep up the brilliant work! Care Wear will help you find the perfect pattern and a local hospital where you can make a difference. Welcome to LoveCrafts, your home to shop, share and dream in crafts. There's no need to worry. They do not require any hats at this time. We specialize in moth hole repairs, snags in sweaters, tears, unraveling of the neck in sweaters, pulls, St. John Knit repairs, sweater repair, cashmere repair, silverfish holes, and more. If the item is unique, I copy the pattern to a document, and reformat to my idea of print and photo(s)large enough to see clearly, yet using as few pgs as possible (5 pgs to 2). Please note knitting must be 100% wool - no acrylic or nylon as this makes our babies sweat. Our linen and blankets are can be Little Ones Knitting Patterns . Especially the large size ones. Knitted Baby Hat Waikato also gives parents a full set of wool knitting when they leave so these are also appreciated: Cardigan, hat, booties and blanket. top of page. Thanks for all the patterns! WHERE ARE THE FREE KNITTED PATTERNS FOR BUNTINGS THAT CAN BE USED IN THE CAR? Explore wonderful fibers like oh-so-warm alpaca yarn and merino wool, or find yarns by weight, from . Thats where knitting for hospital patients can help. From simple and traditional to fun and embellished, there's a wonderful free knitting pattern for babies for everyone's taste and skill level! . I love knitting baby booties, headbands, afghans for new mothers. My daughter Hannah recently returned from overseas and has been staying up north with me, so she has now got the knitting bug too. #BestIdeaEver. Baby blankets are a must for all babies and especially for preemies in both the NICU and at home. I'm going to knit up a few more as they are really very easy. Can someone please advise me on how to proceed? I like to make booties - knit or crochet and multi-colored blankets. overlock or zig zag to prevent fraying. Knitting Patterns Prem Beanie Pattern for Prem Baby Cardigan for Prem Babies Jacket for Prem Babies Lacy Booties for Prem Babies V-Neck Cardigan for Prem Babies Full-term Knitted Baby Hat Vest with Garter Stitch Yoke Both Knitted Baby Socks Fish and Chips Baby Vest Knitted Baby Rug Crochet Patterns Sorry I didn't see your post from Jan. 3rd, 2012 until this afternoon. 171 0 obj <>stream Keep your preemie knitting in a separate bag and knit only away from home. This baby hat knitting pattern is so simple . Please check your email to confirm your subscription. Knitting baby jacket/cardigan for grandson currently. Please do not use neck ties or ribbon in knitted garments. Have you caught baby fever? "datePublished": "2019-10-23", to brighten the beds of If you live in a home with a smoker, or with cats or dogs, be sure not to knit anything for preemies at home. bringing them to Capital Quilters for delivery. The pattern says to cast on 71 stitches with US size 4 needle. right sides together stitch around 3 sides, turn right side out and finish off open edge. Before you send them a hat, make sure theyre not overwhelmed with them. KNIT YOUR OWN ITEMS TO DONATE TO THE NICU. I'm always the hunt for great patterns to knit for my daughter. Knitting for babies is one of the most exciting kinds of knitting projects. read more, love the patterns but would like to know if anyone has the pattern for the jacket and hat shown on the 75 baby knitting patterns please as I have the dress pattern that matches it and I will be posting shortly. $(document).ready(function() { changed up to twice a day. Non-members can access 3 free patterns every month. These are perfectly simple and great for a fight when you arent close to the new happy parents or you want to play it safe for those that might not want something too infused with personality. I made a small blanket which is ideal for swaddling and using in those tiny baby capsules, plus booties and beanie to match, then I made a lovely little singlet which is knitted all in one piece from this pattern, which Wellington Hospital distributes. Ive only been knitting a year, although I'm no master I am really enjoying the therapeutic side to it - my best friend being pregnant is a perfect excuse to get the needles out ). 146 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<6F2CB184D4FACE40988614EF39801122><76502A68AE3B7D4CA3DA2531D1F6D70A>]/Index[117 55]/Info 116 0 R/Length 133/Prev 126958/Root 118 0 R/Size 172/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream If you are still getting used to knitting hats, worry not. The one from my son is still in excellent shape (he was born in 93 and has his blanket where he lives). Non-members can access 3 free patterns every month. Bliss! I hope you can see that this is an outstanding way for you to donate your yarn. Many hospitals have specific guidelines; many others ask that you contact them first to ascertain their needs. I love knitting for babies, there is no JUDGEMENT. I like knitting for littles because they won't outgrow them in a month! ~Pb517*HFK@D97#gB{&rxLApfLrCm hfr|7r OZsh.N"aaJC 9FI&-YY&11LKmAATl 2)}7mb)r=/fY_F>1 {Z(YTevy*w ;r=]LE5_gZMlcsflz|?8V3Uq::Zq|iOgu5%JQXojKV+]Wu>Tlz[JaU2geBUw=]Uu-Lz1~K%r~p|VwBfL50+[v5 O hjO Use tab to navigate through the menu items. . Free Baby Knitting Patterns. The finished dimensions would be. These can be either knitted or sewn and measure 80x80cm square. '&https=1' : '')+''; endstream endobj 118 0 obj <>/Metadata 3 0 R/PageLayout/OneColumn/Pages 115 0 R/StructTreeRoot 7 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 119 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Type/Page>> endobj 120 0 obj <>stream I have also made a few christening dresses, but for all that work they are not used much. I have lots of yarn leftovers to knit wee hats for the hospital nurseries. The design is knit in the round from the bottom up all in one piece. Any colour 8ply (double knitting, DK) wool. Find more ways to knit for preemies here! Baby items and amigurumi as gifts, but the afghans are mine!! The knitted items we require currently are baby hats and soft toys. I need to learn the basics then I will be ready. FREE knitting pattern 3 Some members also enjoy knitting woollen singlets for the babies. i love knitting baby clothes for bubs who have nothing special to wear. interstitials: {google_ad_channel: '9127495082'}, I do have the pattern which I can use at aaaaaany time (1,000 jillian re-formatted patterns later) it's what an in-denial-hoarder would refer to as "my pattern collection." Just choose the size that will fit the brand new munchkin you're knitting for and you'll have the perfect knitted gift in no time. Make something warm and snuggly for baby to cuddle up with by taking on one of these cute little baby blanket knitting patterns. I didn't see it until this afternoon, but just had to drop by and say a great, big THANK YOU for your response. Why not join Bonnie in helping to make the world a better place for people staying in a hospital? The pattern I used for the blanket was in the Australian Womens Weekly and you can find it hereand the booties pattern is here. FREE knitting pattern 1 9002: Indiecita Baby Alpaca Brushed Lacy Scarf Download the first in our series of FREE patterns made with Alpaca yarn. KInd regards. Subscribe to the I Like Knitting Gold Club for unlimited access to their entire pattern archive, featuring hundreds of exclusive patterns. terminally ill patients. Notice that Care Wear now provides a multitude of ways of knitting for hospitals, beyond preemie wear. If using a quilt block ; cut fabric In fact knitting up a project is a great way to reduce your drinking Ive found. Completed singlets and quilts can be bought to guild meetings and we will arrange delivery to the hospital. Be creative with your pattern choice. They knit up fast and make cute gifts. The patterns are beautiful, and so easy to follow. The cutest part about baby sets is that you get a few baby knitting patterns of the same theme without having to do any digging. Hope this helps! Latest News. In the hospital, the isolettes of the smallest preemies are typically covered with baby blankets and quilts to individualize them and provide a dark and quiet environment. Work 60 rows garter stitch (knit every row), or until your work measures 14.5cm. Ive finished the back and one sleeve, so Im half way there. Crib sheets are also warmly received . These are ideal choices when knitting newborn hats for hospitals since they are decorative, fashion-forward, and still neutral. Call us for a quote! These squares are held to the mother's skin, and then laid next to their new baby, allowing the baby to feel close to their mother at all times. Please see the specifications for each of these items below. Currently in the middle of knitting a baby blanket for my 2 month old. Now Im back to knitting Pauls alpaca sweater. Free eBooks It has been helpful on many occasions! With right sides together, and batting on top Instinctively she knew shed found the perfect way to help others through her knitting expertise. They may need other articles such as blankets, booties, or mittens more. "dateModified": "2022-06-24", Baby sleep sacks are one of my favourites to knit. } I have a couple of "go to" patterns but am always open to trying something new! allowance. New babies on the way in our family - would love some fresh ideas for gifts! The quilts are a special keepsake for parents Always love knitting for the little ones! Thanks, google_ad_client: "ca-pub-3960203165302510", That's where knitting for hospital patients can help. This pretty set are perfect for any type of yarn and are decorated with pretty flowers. I will certainly let you know if the pattern can be found. Handmade quilts are used inside the cots Bliss charity pattern page (UK charity with some fantastic free patterns) Peggy Square details. You can see my full disclosure policyhere. Keep baby's feet warm and snuggly with these precious knit baby booties patterns. My only comment is have less patterns and more pictures of the pattern results. This brilliant hat is available to download so you can make this super-cute hat HERE. Here is a link to all of our children's scarves on AllFreeKnitting. Do you have any answer for meThanks! is there any way I can get this book of baby patterns printed out . Cart. V Neck Jacket pattern by the North Shore Hospital Auxiliary Group. I have lost count of how many patterns I have saved and really don't know how I am going to choose which one to start with. This list is great. Preemies have extremely fragile and delicate skin. Please see the specifications for each of these items below. MATERIAL S 1 x 50g ball 2 ply 100% wool. You have a new addition to your household congratulations! yahoo_login_obj.init(); }); Account. "height": "788" of personality. Receive a virtual thank you card! Really, a work of art. "We use knitted hats to keep babies warm at birth because babies struggle to maintain there own temperature-especially in the first 24 hours! Thanks for such a great resource, having had a bit of a baby boom in the family recently I have been on the hunt for patterns that I can make which will use up my huge stash of yarn. Want more free knitting patterns for charity? ", medianet_versionId = "121199"; Change to size 8 needles and knit in stocking stitch until total work is 11.5cms. I love knitting blankets. 12. The fantastic team at St Mary's Maternity Unit are looking for generous knitters to donate their time and skills! I made one for my daughter. fortunate as some and we like to be able to give them clothing, bed linen etc. First on the list is going to be a simple skull cap. Suggestions? If youre been searching for the right fashion staple to work on, youve certainly, Most Beautiful Knitted Lace Shawl Patterns Hi, everyone! Ray of Hope has a huge list of patterns for small babies. Fantastic assortment. But I do crochet, design my own patterns, 98% for charity. All the links below are affiliate links. Hey, ya get what ya pay for? Sign up for our free email newsletter for more amazing patterns! As their website states: Although the focus of Care Wears efforts has been premature infants, it has been impossible to ignore the pleas for assistance for larger infants, children, and even geriatric patients. I know how to crochet. Size: 15x15cm squares. Similarly, is another simple skull cap with an almost invisible brim. My new go to baby shower project is the baby sack (cocoon).
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