Its incredible how quickly these same institutions that shut us out changed their tunes and got on board once they realized we could not only get them awards recognition but also make them money. Her second EP, Being Human in Public, was nominated for a Grammy, and shes penned songs for the likes of Calvin Harris, Dua Lipa and Sam Smith. To look at the contributors list of this issue now is a bit surreal. Its humbling to think that on a beautiful, balmy August night, anyone even slightly acquainted with the Tragically Hip arguably one of the most important bands in Canadian music, whose ability to blend poetry, politics and incredible hooks have left them untouchable wept openly as lead singer Gord Downie performed for the last time following a terminal cancer diagnosis. With her Asian glow jokes and speaking Korean on stage, she oh-so solidified her spot as a Canadian queen I will forever stan. She leaves everything on the mic on this song, so it figures that her fellow Canadians ate it up. Like, say, his Giller Prize nomination for last years French Exit, which included a cat inhabited by the spirit of a womans late husband a character every book should have, IMHO. Its also incredible how hungry Canadians have been for Indigenous art and stories once the government actually started to write us back into our collective history and institutions actually featured our work. (All told, its more greenspace than 20 Central Parks.) During her rise, her voice was as powerful as her bad taste (or that of her entourage), and she was dismissed as the most bland person on the stage of 1998s VH1 Divas Live concert. The score accompanied the story of Joaquin Phoenixs characters evolution from heartbroken man to even more of a heartbroken man after he falls in love with his operating systems virtual assistant (Samantha, voiced by Scarlett Johansson) which, in 2019, doesnt seem like a stretch. She was in Cas and Dylan with Richard Dreyfuss, The Other Half with her partner. Most of the time, getting stranded at an airport after an emergency landing is a stressful experience. Canada kicked off the 2010s with three straight nominations for best foreign language film (Incendies, Monsieur Lazhar and War Witch), but it very much deserved one more in 2014 when it submitted Xavier Dolans Mommy. Happy to leave the big isms (racism, sexism, classism) and epic period pieces for other storytellers to tackle, Meghies interests are in the everyday lives of Black women today. Dobson never quite reached the same echelon of stardom outside of Canada that these songs brought her here, but they remain carved into this decades Canadian pop consciousness. The Birdcage, Brokeback Mountain, The Imitation Game, Dallas Buyers Club and Philadelphia were all directed by straight men, while Modern Family and even Will & Grace definitely catered to straight audiences. Chilina Kennedys Broadway star reached the stratosphere this decade. Adapted for the screen by David Magee and directed by Ang Lee, it went on to win four Oscars, including the awards for best director and best cinematography. Reeves and his fellow passengers were on a United Airlines flight from San Francisco to Burbank, Calif. when their plane had to make an emergency landing in Bakersfield over 160 kilometres away from their destination. "I. When their community no longer has the medicine of childrens laughter to inspire them? As a current resident of Cambridge, Ont., its important for me to inform all of you that parts of The Handmaids Tale were filmed a stones throw from my apartment, and for a small fee I would be delighted to show you around or sneak us on set. The commission gave 94 calls to action that would help Indigenous and non-Indigenous people in Canada move toward reconciliation for these atrocities, and number 83 called on the Canada Council for the Arts to establish, as a funding priority, a strategy for Indigenous and non-Indigenous artists to undertake collaborative projects and produce works that contribute to the reconciliation process. The Canada Council for the Arts responded by creating the {Re}conciliation Initiative in 2015, which funded collaborative arts projects between Indigenous and non-Indigenous artists and communities. Munro has written 14 collections of short stories, which I suggest we all read out loud together this holiday season. Maslany got married in 2022 to fellow actor, Brendan Hines. 1 on the Billboard 200 Albums Chart, 10 architectural wonders that put Canada on the map, the citys spent around $300,000 repairing the panes, replacing the light fixtures is a whole other matter, the inn pays homage to local architecture and industry, one of the years most striking structures, was staged for three weeks in November 2017, Jim Carreys process is immortalized as documentary. But was it enough? Alternative performers have always seen more sides to the constructs of gender in which they can play. And thats the final image of the series: a drones-eye view from the sky though not so high to obscure the action on the ground. Spoiler? The Toronto comedian seemed to fear no one, brought receipts to every argument and created a safe place for like minds who were as angry, confused and scared as she appeared to be. Schitt's Creek Star Emily Hampshire Sings, Talks Finale (Watch Through vivid storytelling at the hands of his gender-fluid, time-travelling alter ego Miss Chief Eagle Testickle, Monkmans work used historical events to celebrate the resilience of Indigenous people despite the onslaught of colonialism. Sarah Polleys Stories We Tell is released in Canadian cinemas. Heres one reason: her silence is golden. Michelle Obama wears Jason Wu dress for farewell speech, Despite the feelings of sorrow many felt as then-U.S. President Barack Obama gave his farewell address, one bright silver lining emerged (at least for Canadians tuning in): Michelle Obama wore a dress by Vancouver-raised Jason Wu, who had also designed the first ladys dresses for the inaugural balls in 2009 and 2013. Back in 2011, The Weeknd was an enigma. Glass walls, etched in the pattern of a mashrabiya screen (a common feature in Arabic architecture), cast latticed shadows when the light is just right. Say hello to art, culture and a metric truckload of eye candy in our newsletter. With the help of 5,000 volunteers, the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympic Games opened to much fanfare and only slight technical setbacks like when one of four pillars failed to rise from the stadium floor to surround the cauldron housing the Olympic flame. (But thats two years from now, so lets move on.). In the style of a documentary mystery, the movies a search for Bills long-lost love. On April 16 just weeks after his 17th birthday Calgary-bred pianist Jan Lisiecki released his album of Mozart concertos as a debut for the label Deutsche Grammophon. Fan theories about the control that her late husband and manager Ren Anglil had over her career abound. Maybe I can make a difference to help others have an easier and more hopeful time. Cheyenne Jacksons character, Danny, is from Ottawa and joins the cast of the show-within-a-show TGS with Tracy Jordan after starring in a movie about Canadian football, while Steve Martins Gavin Volure tries to evade house arrest by whisking Liz Lemon off to Toronto (Toronto is just like New York, but without all the stuff!). He pitches them a custom marketing strategy, something so original that it rockets a few solar systems beyond the realm of common decency: maybe poo-flavoured fro-yo to court publicity (Episode 1), or a scheme to sell liquor to minors (booze is stashed on premises til theyre legal). Over four seasons, the greatest and most elaborate stunt Nathan for You ever produced was the series itself. The 2010s have been all about fame often vapid, toxic, shallow and undeserved fame, a new kind of parasitic stardom that almost anyone can attain just as long as theyre desperate enough. The live-action Aladdin comes out in theatres. And putting aside quacks like Egon Spengler, the science is on my side. She pushed and challenged me to be a smarter, more economical filmmaker in the most caring, collaborative way. From Monkman to Margaret (Atwood), Bieber to ballet, Keanu to Come from Away, CBC Arts presents an unapologetic celebration of a decade of outsized achievements by Canadian artists. ), Scott Thompson brings Aprs le Dluge: The Buddy Cole Monologues to Toronto. Hand-picked links plus the best of CBC Arts, delivered weekly. The most obvious case of this Canadaphilia was when America decided they didnt have enough of their own classic books to adapt into TV series, so they went and took one of ours. A post shared by Cline Dion (@celinedion) on May 6, 2019 at 5:03pm PDT. This is nearly unheard of in the literary world. I was immediately taken back to moments when I was a child and my parents probably wanted to flick me on the head for doing something trivial in public (Asian kid problems). The launch video has to be seen to be believed. We leave behind the industrial room and theatrical costumes, and now its just Young and the five dancers in rehearsal sweats, offering a series of ravishing meditations-in-dance on trauma, hope, support and the painstaking, repetitive work of recovery. Scott (Michael Cera) falls for Ramona (Mary Elizabeth Winstead), but before they can go on a semi-normal date, hell have to K.O. The shows always been building to this point.). What motivates people to believe the most obvious, calculated lie, despite all evidence to the contrary? But its exciting that even in the era of viral videos, the audience went wild for dance, for classical music and for a corner of the arts world that, unfairly, gets so overlooked. Canada has been heavily featured in South Park since it started back in 1997 (even more than in The Simpsons). Case in point: the magnitude of Canuck references on his New York City-set police comedy, which CBC Arts producer Eleanor Knowles decided to list in their entirety (at least through Season 4) in this article. In 2017, he again produced and starred in a LGBTQ-themed film, this time the romantic drama My Days of Mercy with openly queer director Tali Shalom-Ezer. As for that YouTube video, it has more than 10 million views as of writing, and however it was made, it remains, per the description, simply amazing., The plan: Attract customers with cheap gas by offering a completely legal rebate that absolutely no one claims.. Absolutely check it out. She revealed that she got married during an appearance on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, and joked that it was a secret and no one really knew about it. Of course, being the obedient little 20-year-olds we were, not only did we do it, we head-butted each other on the first take and then profusely apologized. We were all afraid of this project, but what we discovered in the process is a kind of joy in the act of creation, to make something out of such a tragic event. (The tour may be over, but the show lives on in a beautifully filmed BBC production, which you can watch on the streaming service Marquee TV.). The Many Faces of Tatiana Maslany - The New York Times She also got a jump-start on 2016s mannequin challenge via the corresponding video, where she worked her way through a party chock-full of attendees standing completely still or, as I like to call it, an ideal party if I have to stay past nine. Drakes debut studio album Thank Me Later is released. The journey begins near one of Edmontons favourite landmarks: the Fairmont Hotel Macdonald. Because while so many hits hinged on at least a little navel-gazing (heres looking at you, Drake), the decade was still largely defined by abandoning traditional Canadian humility by jams about love, lust and not being able to feel ones face, set to beats even more addictive than the hooks theyre anchored to. Sophie Deraspes Antigone a modern update of Sophocles Greek tragedy thats centered on an immigrant family living in Montreal became Canadas official entry for best international feature film at the 2020 Academy Awards. Take that, The Notebook. They dont exist. The result? Anyone with even the most miniscule knowledge of Canadian pop respects and worships at the altar of Shania Twain, one of the biggest country-turned-pop (and yet still country) stars, well, ever. Billy-Ray Belcourts poem Love is a Moontime Teaching appeared here before it ended up in his Griffin Poetry Prize-winning book This Wound is a World. Thankfully, Page ended up being far from alone in his quest to try and make a difference through the work that he did. At the end of the decade, Dion wanted to take time off again to have another child, but getting pregnant proved to be more difficult for her than the first time. Carly Rae Jepsen releases Call Me Maybe. Let there be light so, so much light. Below, 10 moments that have transformed the zeitgeists relationship to Canadas most famous musical export. Starring Canadian besties Seth Rogen and Jay Baruchel, This Is the End a Rogen/Evan Goldbergwritten/directed/produced joint took the terror and hilarity of the apocalypse to new heights with their version of what might happen when the world finally ends. ; Elvis Stojko; Manitoba Sauce Cake; suburban Ottawa; and, of course, maple syrup and poutine. Geoffrey Jamess chilling look inside Kingston Pen opens 2 km away from the prison at Queens Universitys Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Geoffrey James Armed guard outside Tower 3 (TrpanierBaer Gallery). The heartwarming show went on to earn seven Tony nominations, winning one for best direction of a musical. Youre like one of those ladies who go to Montreal and then, suddenly, everything is about Montreal. Be careful, Lilllian. And of course, we were in luck: two more mixtapes followed the same year, which completed a trilogy. The prize: a trip to Reynoldss hometown. She graduated from Dr. Martin LeBoldus High school in 2003. The mood is claustrophobic appropriate, considering youre trapped on a farm with family of Puritan zealots. Welcome to Betroffenheit, the soul-searing, genre-defying collaboration between choreographer Crystal Pite and playwright and performer Jonathon Young that stormed the stages of the worlds performing arts centres in the mid-2010s, leaving audiences harrowed, healed and breathless in its wake. But youre going to get out.. Go ahead and file that under things that could only happen in the 2010s. And like The Twilight Saga before it, Fifty Shadess big-screen adaptations were made in Vancouver. After helping arrange alternative travel for his fellow passengers, he joined a group headed to L.A. by van, playing music on his phone. Pallett and Butler ended up earning an Academy Award nomination for best original score, and while they lost out to Gravity, not even Sandra Bullocks hair in that movie can make us cry the way Palletts music still can. What made it even better was that BoJack himself was voiced by Toronto native Will Arnett, who brought serious weight to a role that necessitated it. A quirky, catchy Canadian hit. Having used the gay lounge lizard-slash-socialite persona as a means of speaking his own truth or offering pure satirical commentary, Thompson has been a mainstay of Canadian comedy, and his return to the stage over the course of 2018 was highly celebrated. Imagine having to follow up Visions, a record so obsessed over that surpassing it creatively mustve been, to say the least, daunting. Here are 10 times the internet swooned over the musings and (apparent) misadventures of Keanu Reeves. Maybe theyre just that spectacular. Though its polygonal shape is striking as can be, the dark colour scheme lets it fade into the trees, while the interior mimics the same dappled light as a forest canopy. But he is, nevertheless, an imposter playing an imposter: a comedian posing as a business consultantposing as whatever suits his plan. Thankfully, Canadians get the band all to ourselves. After Meghie moved to London, England, and got her masters degree in screenwriting, she wrote the first draft of what would become her debut feature film Jean of the Joneses. The best weight loss systems usually have a charismatic fitness guru behind the brand, so Nathan hires a random bodybuilder named Jack to play the part, booking him a slew of TV appearances. Since I was adopted by my drag family House of Filth in 2013, Ive had the immense privilege of getting to see countless performers across this country dabble, experiment, create, destroy and share some of the most incredible drag Ive ever had the pleasure of seeing. Thats iconic behaviour, but his presentation about the game at E3 a major video game expo was even more so.