Jenario Sharone Stark (gun shot victim - March 23, 2016) ), Dr. Robert Hatch - Assistant Principal 1982-1986 (cancer - September 12, 1993), Carol Sue Hicks - Assistant Principal late 1970's (stroke - November 15, 2017), Ronnie Holderfield - accelerated placement U.S. history (heart attack - October 15, 2006), Myrtice Howell - THS cafeteria worker of 30 years (December 22, 2012), William D. Hubbard - English (August 28, 1988? PaySchools - Online Payment Processing Carlos Bryant (heart attack, Clarksville, TN - October 24, 2008) C.S. Darden writes the Secretary of War. | Black Wide-Awake Mark Piper (automobile accident - January 1977) Charles Henry Williams, III (gun shot victim - November 9, 2008) Michael "Mike" D. Rachels (liver failure - 2008) Don Piatt (diabetes complications - May 7, 2003) Warren Woods High School Class of 1972 Reunion - Warren Woods 72 Reunion in Nov. Please note: If your school or group has closed, you will not be able to locate it on our website. The counties in which these Wilson County natives died are all in south Georgia and suggest migration to work in the naval stores industry after North Carolina's longleaf pines were tapped out. James "Jim" Lester Branch, lll (brief illness - March 23, 2011) Robin Wells Bumby WWTHS Alumni by Class - Warren Woods Tower High School Alumni Eileen Gross (pancreatic cancer - December 10, 1995) Calendar: WWMS Community Calendar. Sheri Beard 1971-1975. Waters, Jr. (motorcycle accident), John Bradley Williams (heart attack - July 18, 2011), George Robert "Bobby" Womack (cancer - September 13, 2004), David Wayne Wooldridge - I think David was class of 1978 (December 2, 2013), Barry D. Wilbanks (covid-19 related - July 23, 2021), Susan Woolf (automobile accident - July 1979), Harry Wayne Wynn (pancreatic and liver cancer - May 25, 2018), Shelby J. Bennett (ovarian cancer - December 21, 2016), Terry Lynn Cochran-Puckett (breast cancer, heart failure, AFib - October 10, 2016), Scott H. Cole (died in sleep - December 10, 2013), Candace Marie Evanson-Carter (brain aneurysm - March 3, 2022), Marcia Hanson George-Lew (brain hemorrhage - May 19, 2020), Donna R. Gilpin-Mehaffey (kidney cancer - July 10, 2017), James Wesley Goble (pancreatic and liver cancer - May 15, 2022), Kenneth Wayne Hickman (nasopharyngeal cancer, heart, & multiple health issues - March 9, 2014), Brenda Harbin-Jones (cancer - June 14, 2015), Kenneth Gordon Harris (heart failure - December 22, 2021), Kathy S. Jones (complications from pneumonia), Joe Frakes McAlister (cancer - December 28, 2008), Susan Elaine McCurdy (tragic accident in Los Angeles - July 11, 2022), Ralph M. Medlock, III (lung cancer - March 28, 2017), Norma Rose Moore-McGraw (automobile accident - 1994), Sonya Lee Newsome-Mose (heart attack - October 8, 2011), J. Celeste Robinson-Lunsford (airplane crash - September 6, 1985), Daniel Earl Smith (heart issues - June 3, 2022), Greg "Mule" Smith (heart attack - May 31, 2021), Richard "Ricky" Dennis Spikes, Sr. (heart attack - May 25, 2016), Warren "Scott" Standafer (automobile accident - March 31, 2017), Michael Taylor, US Marines (suicide - August 1991, James "Linton" Turner (massive heart attack - January 15, 2013), Randy Brand (suicide - November 22, 2013), Louis "Lou" Sean Butler (possible heart attack - October 31, 2017) THS/RHS, Jeffrey Michael Campbell (motorcycle accident - August 4, 2013), Leslie Daniel (liver failure - August 14, 2020), Connie Dearing-Morgan (lung cancer - August 21, 2013), William "Billy" John Dummet, III of Lakeshore, MS (medical complications), Terry Dutton (heart attack - Late 1990's), Tracey Vondalene "Vonda" Harrison (cardiac arrest - January 19, 2016), Tammie Lee Hostetter (cancer - June 9, 2006), Deborah Hilde Klingel-Cemmons (multiple sclerosis - February 14, 2013), Susan Lunsford-Lyon (complications from diabetes - March 20, 2011), Regina Lynette Parker-Edwards (died in sleep - November 29, 2021), James W. "Jimmy" Pharr (cancer - September 15, 2003), Karen Olsen (complications after a fall - August 7, 2021), Sandra "Sandy" Jean Smith (automobile accident - May 18, 1978), Pamela Strown-Oyeleye (breast cancer - August 24, 2018), Kris Frost (brain hemorrhage - November 4, 2021), John Wesley Keels (kidney and liver failure - March 29, 2022), Tammy Klingel-Plott (cancer - May 15, 2015), Greg Leathers (massive heart attack - May 17, 2011), Susan Elaine Lunsford-Lyon (natural causes - March 20, 2011), John Robert McLendon (heart attack - December 6, 2018), John Reed (car trouble on I-285; hit by car walking for help - 1990), Deidra Summers (victim of domestic violence), Douglas Roger Tanner Terry Dale Owens (heart attack - April 28, 2016) Dale Bradfield-Clark (aneurysm - about 2001) Brother, Spouse, Son, Daughter, Friend . Vicki Evans - media center director Claude Tillman Tilly Lanier (cancer - April 28, 2022) Lee Leineweber (May 17, 2011) OUR CLASS SITE IS FUNDED THROUGH Elaine Constantine 1970-1974. Judy Carol Long-Barron (COPD complications - December 23, 2015) Lewis A. VIEW ALL (heart condition and tased by police in altercation in Butts County - February 24, 2017), Samuel Tate Viar, Jr. (lung cancer - August 29, 2015), Jeffrey Mell Word (died in sleep of natural causes - July 11, 2021), Michael Zeigler (automobile accident - October 3, 1985), Chris Faber (brain aneurysm - early 1990's), John Gillette (automobile accident - February 1982), David Head (motorcycle accident - summer 1980), Richard Allensworth Jewell (heart failure from complications of diabetes - August 29, 2007) Joel Shaw (AIDS - July 2000) Guy Leonard Campbell, 111 (COPD - October 4, 2021) Bravos. Shawn Freeman (motorcycle accident - July 19, 2012) The Unsung Hero, Roderick "Rod" Mann (stroke complications - June 23, 2020), Daryl "Big Mo" Scott Martin (cancer - December 15, 2022), Tina Marie Massey (epilepsy - February 22, 2015), Jeff Miller (acute pancriatitis - December 14, 2009), Tracy L. Moss (heart failure - January 31, 2018), Mary Beth Patton-Price (February 7, 2019), Susan Reid-Groce (lung illness - June 10, 2021), Karen Roberts, 1982 class president/homecoming queen (cancer - May 29, 2007), Mike Smedley (automobile accident, Glenwood Road - June 1984), Santonio Daniel (victim of domestic violence - Mid 1980's), Jane Forrester-Kohorst (complications from gall bladder surgery - October 19, 2011), Paula Hagar (liver failure - November 2006, Roger Norton (stroke, respiratory and kidney failure - December 5, 2019), Ronnie Lorenzo Rivers (cancer - April 4, 2022), Derek Roberts (automobile accident - 1984), Kelly M. Seymour (cystic fibrosis - May 29, 1988), Atrina LaTonya Smith (stroke complications- March 17, 2018), Dana Rae Taylor-Gentry (organic heart attack - March 26, 2022), Desiree Allen-(complications of diabetes - November 19, 2013), John Michael Coleman (January 19, 1980) - included on Memory Page in 1980 yearbook, Frank Foster (automobile accident - 1995), Shawn Freeman (motorcycle accident - July 19, 2012), John Davis Pace, III(heart attack - July 10, 2019), Spencer L. "Country" Rogers (heart attack - October 21, 2018), Cindy Darlene Scott-Johnson (cancer - December 9, 2015), Sonja G. Stevens-Woods (breast cancer - January 20, 2021), Roderick Summers (heart attack - April 17, 2012), James Freeman, Jr. (suddenly and unexpectedly - November 5, 2017), Angela Harp-Franklin (brain aneurysm - January 22, 2012), Livetta M. Harris-Horton (heart attack - May 28, 2008), Douglas Lamar Lyons, Jr. (September 20, 2003), James "Jimmy" Fletcher McKamey (Tennessee, January 2, 2010) Yearbook and Class Supply List Details) Graduate and Alumni Events (e.g. Guy C. "Bimbo" Langager (suicide - July 5, 2002) Johnny Long (covid - October 15, 2021) 1987 CLASSMATES Robert Malcom Lewis (heart complications - March 17, 2022) Emily Ann Medlock (ovarian cancer - October 23, 2018) High School College Homeschool Pre-K to Elementary School Kinderkraft Graduation Guides Grad Club. Nicole Leshelle Lomax (August 8, 2000) Adam Chang 1997-2001. Este o parte a districtului colar Warren Woods Public Schools .Din 2008, Mike Mackenzie este directorul colii.Echipele sale atletice sunt cunoscute sub numele de Titani, iar culorile colii sunt Honolulu Blue i Silver. William "Billy" Robert Lamb-Wiegmann (September 8, 2022) Ronald Lee Bryant (abdominal aortic aneurysm - August 19, 2020) Katrina Ann Kokinos-Whitmer-Hunt (cancer - 1994) You will find former students who are seeking yearbooks, those looking to sell a yearbook and general yearbook requests among the Warren Woods Tower HS yearbook listings. Bill Gaines - football coach (heart attack - 1999) Phillip Leroy MORRIS (lung cancer - February 4, 2019) (586) 445-8013 - Fax, *Important* Class of 2021 Last Week of School Update 5-21-21. Donna S. Sikes Keimel (brain tumor - March 17, 2011) Class Administrator Coach Ron Link - coached basketball/taught science in 1982 (Lou Gehrig's Disease - May 21, 2015) R Culos 2016-2020. 1998 CLASSMATES Sadly, Janet Denise Rumsey-Hamlin (brain tumor - March 25, 2016) Angela Harp-Franklin (brain aneurysm - January 22, 2012) VIEW ALL MEMBER WEBSITES. Amos Arlin Tanner (March 9, 2020) Terrance Dante Smith (victim of a hit-and-run automobile accident - September 7, 2016) Barry Hart (automobile accident - July 1994) Merry Nell Dunlap-Drinkuth (health issues - March 3, 2008) Carol Sue Hicks - Assistant Principal late 1970's (stroke - November 15, 2017) 27900 BUNERT RD. Created by: Teri Williamson. Leslie McLendon-Cheatham (heart failure - November 29, 2005) Just tell us a little about yourself. Joe Fowler - science (August 30, 2002) Ashley "AJ" Rowland (heart failure, died in his sleep - Summer 1993) March 7 7th & 8th Grade Girls . Search Your School to Find 1,000s of Items Curated For You. Nancy Bazant 1975-1979. Robert Edward "Eddie" Little (under hospice care - August 15, 2020) Warren Woods High School Yearbooks and Pictures- Ancestry Rick G. KOKINOS (lung cancer - December 12, 2021) Lori Pierce Linda Willingham (colon cancer - November 2, 1996) Sherri Snow (1999) Warren Woods Tower High School. Find Alumni in Michigan > Randy Brand (suicide - November 22, 2013) David Wayne Wooldridge - I think David was class of 1978 (December 2, 2013) Carol Manning (August 16, 2011) Peggy Ann Elliott-Barber (cancer - May 30, 2021) Nancy Ray Matthews (June 11, 1998) Crandon Neil Joyner (heart complications of Marfan Syndrome - May 1987) Robert Barrow (passed away while in New Castle, Delaware by accidental carbon monoxide poisoning - 1988) Jeff Miller (acute pancriatitis - December 14, 2009) 8th grade game begins at 4:00 p.m. 7th grade game will begin approximately 5 minutes after the conclusion of the 8th grade game. Candace Marie Evanson-Carter (brain aneurysm - March 3, 2022) Tower/Warren Woods High School Yearbooks and Pictures- Ancestry . Norma Garrett - PE/health teacher, basketball and cheerleading coach (Hodgkins Disease - 1977) Michael Kenneth Zukas (CHF complications - March 22, 2022) 2000 CLASSMATES Dr. Mark Allen Lewis (single engine plane crash - December 21, 2020) Charles Nations Robinson (September 21, 1979) View all Warren Woods High School photo albums . Jan Hooks (throat cancer - October 9, 2014) Teresa Marion Dickson-Yarbrough (liver cancer - January 21, 2018) Serlena P. Hunter-Dorsey (June 23, 2006) Would you like a sneak peek at anon-functioning view of The Office? School Calendar; Westwood News; Wildcat News 5.1; Staff Directory & EMAIL 2020-2021; . Darrin Cobb (April 2004) Chris Tankersley (suicide - May 23, 1971) Lonny R. SPRATLING (metastasized prostate cancer - November 27, 2019), Kent Alan STEPHENS (cancer - October 23, 2021), Richard Roy SKILLERN of Saint Petersburg, FL (March 28, 2008), Donald Edward SWORDS (stroke - September 17, 2017), Rita Mareese TANNER-Richey (pancreatic cancer - February 7, 2014), Larry Winston TAYLOR (drowned in PCB, FL trying to save brother, Gary (THS 73) - Summer 1971), Bruce G. THRAILKILL (cancer - January 2003), Linda Barbara TUCK-Moore (complications of multiple health issues - July 29, 2016), Lynn Jean VEAL-Massey (colon cancer - March 19, 2009), Carmon Henry "CH" WILSON, Jr. (COPD/heart attack - March 7, 2014), Marie Francis ALLEN (covid 19 - December 14, 2020), Douglas Glenn BAILEY (heart attack - April 16, 2017), Tim BENTLEY (pulmonary disease - January 11, 2009), Robert 'Bob ' BRITT (kidney failure - August 23, 2017), Henry Gordon BRAND (cancer - April 21, 2019), Betty "Boop" Joyce BURNEY-Churry (May 12, 2022), Sharon COCHRAN-Bloom (MD, elevated ammonia levels with hepatitis C - August 16, 2012), Patricia Ann COKER-Jones (leukemia, stroke - February 20, 2013), Debra Lynn DECKNER-Stewart (sepsis - May 17, 2018), Ealie Presley DEWBERRY, 111 (stroke - February 9, 2007), Teresa Marion DICKSON-Young (liver cancer - January 21, 2018), Johnny Allan DUNN (cardiac arrest - November 16, 2019), Laura ELLIOTT-Woodward (pulmonary hypertension - 2008), Stephen M. FARMER (Avondale Estates house fire - April 16, 1979), David M. FULLER (covid complications - February 11, 2022), Darlene Marie DIGBY (pulmonary fibrosis - May 8, 2015), Doris Dottie GEORGE (automobile accident - February 28, 1976), Cynthia GOETZ (heart attack - December 14, 2006), Margaret Aileen HARDIN-Abbott-Davis (Multiple Sclerosis - February 26, 2023), Linda HIGHTOWER (complications of bone marrow transplant/chemo/uterine cancer - May 11, 2016), Stanley "Stan" Eugene HOLLINS (September 26, 2014), Rick G. KOKINOS (lung cancer - December 12, 2021), Robert "Robby" Campbell LAWRENCE, III (leukemia - May 4, 2021), Jack Kyle LeCROY (heart attack - October 2, 1998), Robert Allen MATHEWS (leukemia, heart, lung issues - December 23, 2020), David "Dave" Michael LINDSEY (liver failure - May 12, 2013), Charlie "Chuck" Allen MOORE, Jr. (Alzheimer's - June 22, 2021), Phillip Leroy MORRIS (lung cancer - February 4, 2019), Michael Thomas MURPHY (suicide - May 22, 2004), Pamela Elaine MUSSELWHITE-Daniel-Heilman (cancer - March 5, 2016), Charles Randy PHILLIPS
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