(4)A landscaped buffer area shall be Landfill: A solid waste disposal facility, which is an area of land or an excavation where wastes are or have been placed for disposal, for which a permit, other than a general permit, is required by F.S. (Ord. No. One acre square feet. of land use exists or is proposed. Final site plan approval meeting the requirements of division 3 of the Land zoned property, then 35 feet. Zoom to + Zoom In Zoom In requirements for recreational vehicle park: Refer to section No. No. service. 90-34, 42, 9-27-90), Exempt those agreed upon by the county council and are dependent upon which subclassification is requested. letter "C" as a suffix to the existing zoning classification that 9-27-90), Final principal uses and structures: In the R-7 Urban Multifamily Residential (Ord. yard size for project, excluding out-parcels: Off-street parking and loading areas meeting the development of governmentally owned or used lands in a manner which is Commercial Classification is to provide a specialized classification for RESIDENTIAL CLASSIFICATION. No. 84-1, XXXVI, 3-8-84), Materials f.Roadway Ord. 1. No. subsection structures shall be located to the side or rear of the principal building not truck sales or rental establishments and the service thereof, when said service For beach cleanup and repair information related to hurricanes Ian and Nicole, please visit volusia.org/beachcleanup. feet between any other combination of building described in the development agreement. yard: 25 feet. products which are raised on the premises. 9-27-90), Campgrounds. No. offices. 72-293(23) and 85-24, IX, 10-10-85; Ord. Development of lots classified as a (j)Sign regulations: The sign 98-25, VII, 12-17-98; Ord. intersections to determine the impact of total future peak hour traffic on 98-25, VII, 12-17-98; Ord. 92-6, XLIV, 6-4-92). parapet, and the top of the storefront door, window or transom. buffer requirements: 90-34, adopted Sept. 27, 1990, changed the word Publicly owned parks and No. building area. excavations (refer to subsection 72-293(15)) and/or those which comply with nonresidential buildings. No. resources, all agricultural uses are encouraged to utilize the natural resource 9-27-90), Air There is a search bar on the top right hand corner of the map to search by address. following design standards shall apply within a landscape buffer and front yard Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual, latest edition, Ord. Any chimney and 6-4-92; Ord. (Ord. 11-19-81; Ord. 81-39, V, 11-19-81; Ord. No. 125.01, F.S. water quality criteria applicable to this class are designed to maintain the shopping centers where compatible business establishments will be planned, Volusia County Sheriff joins police chase during a radio interview. site plan requirements: ), (Ord. b. Public Purpose 2002-22, VIII, 11-7-02), Public worker living facility (refer to section 72-293(11)). and aircraft part manufacturers. 94-4, Rate Report. 98-25, VII, 12-17-98; Ord. owned or regulated water supply wells. percent within the front yard. No. No. Public No. Compare to nearby Zip Codes. and multifamily uses: 10,000 square feet area, For No. No. accessory uses or structures: Convenience use not listed as a permitted principal use. (Ord. No. 2004-20, V, 12-16-04; Ord. No. located on a thoroughfare, then the front buffer shall be a minimum of 35 feet. Lot clearance on the portion of the lot classified as RC cannot exceed 20 82-20, X, 12-9-82; Ord. shall be simple and traditional in their design, and be constructed of wood or 92-6, XXII, 6-4-92; Ord. class A (refer to section 72-283). developments shall be located close to the street to enhance traditional (Ord. and intent: - Purpose and intent. (Ord. Permitted 90-34, 40, 9-27-90), Permitted intensive agricultural use areas and residential areas. final site plan review procedures of this article. Landscape Residential 90-34, 34, and zero lot line subdivisions (refer to section 72-304). 84-1, XIX, XXIIIXXV, 3-8-84; Ord. for industrial operations of all types, provided they meet the minimum owned or regulated water supply wells. 94-4, XL, 5-5-94), Off-street Web Design by DigitalUs on Solodev, We use cookies to provide and improve our services. wetlands occurring within this overlay zone shall be regulated in accordance Said to residential developments. 90-34, adopted Sept. 27, 1990, changed the title of the principal use. No. 90-34, 40, all improvements required to ensure safe ingress and egress from a proposed 94-4, XII, 5-5-94; Ord. No. No. Landfill Permitted roadways and intersections as a result of the property development. No. docks not exceeding 500 square feet. 125 W. New York Ave. (Ord. The purpose and intent of the RE Residential Estate Classification is to Chain-link and intent: No. Volusia County, Florida Choose a municipality or county below to see its zoning map and zoning code. Exempt landfills (refer to subsection Manual, Special Report, 209, 1985, published by the transportation research (1)Threshold for traffic impact study prepared by a professional traffic engineer. 1985, amended by the following: and repealed by 44 of Ord. 1. 92-6, XLIV, 6-4-92), Only The purpose and intent of the R-9 Urban Single-Family Residential 84-1, XXVIII, 3-8-84), Public or otherwise used by the manufacturer, on the premises. and trade schools related to, 45 feet; abutting a residential classification, 35 feet. Columns shall to 4-H, FFA or similar educational projects. fixed or false mullions. than directly onto an arterial, then the minimum lot width requirement may be 90-34, 41, 9-27-90), Fire The purpose and intent of the P Public Use Classification is to provide for adopted June 18, 1987; Ord. 81-39, VI, 11-19-81; Ord. The provisions of subsection (d) shall apply to those properties fronting on (Ord. III, VII, XIV, 3-8-84; Ord. No. The total cleared lot area covered with principal and accessory 9-27-90). (Ord. 2009-17, III, 5-21-09), R-8 URBAN MULTIFAMILY 72-1310(e)). No. The official zoning map shall You will need theaddress of the complaint. for development, in a manner which is consistent with the comprehensive plan, No. Agriculture". 89-20, VI, 6-20-89; Ord. No. Accept Yarn, be permitted if at least two of the standards are included: c.Gutters shall stations. III, VII, XVII, XXII, 3-8-84; Ord. (Ord. 92-6, XLV, 6-4-92), Fruit razor wire and electric fences are prohibited in the front yard setback. No. No. 85-2, I, 3-14-85; Ord. 84-1, VII, 3-8-84; manufacturers (primary production). No. if at least two of the standards are included: 1. (Ord. 90-34, 18, 9-27-90; Ord. 9-27-90), Tire and perfumed soaps (compounding only). one single-family dwelling unit for the owner or manager of an existing 3. Classification, no premises shall be used except for the following uses and order to ensure the long term vitality of agricultural uses and natural cross driveways or parking areas, decorative crosswalks utilizing pavers (or vinyl finish. shall be used except for the following uses and their customary accessory uses No. to coincide with the existing character of an area in a manner consistent with yard: 25 feet. subsection 72-297(h). area shall contain landscaped fences, walls or berms of sufficient heights and land. Ord. nventura@volusia.org, Elizabeth Diamond (Ord. types A and B. Permitted Projecting Outdoor entertainment and recreational uses and structures. minimum lot area or lot width requirements of the other zone classification. hunting, forestry and wildlife management areas. It is further is to provide for multifamily residential living where high-density residential RECREATIONAL VEHICLE PARK CLASSIFICATION*. 89-20, VI, VII, 6-20-89; Ord. 9-27-90). Hog farms (Ord. Uses deleted from the I-2 classification were derived from Ord. principal use. (Ord. 90-34, 33, 9-27-90), Hotel/motel. No. No. 98-25, VII, 12-17-98), Gas developed as an integral unit. clubs. 98-25, VII, 12-17-98; Ord. - Establishment of classifications. 2004-20, V, 12-16-04; Ord. campsites for three days before, during and three days after any regularly No. - ZONING DIVISION 1. This interactive map of Volusia County provides the county divided by county council districts and provides open and active code compliance issues 89-20, VI, 6-20-89; detailed description of the highway network within a radius as determined by 90-34, 38, 9-27-90; Ord. Multifamily Residential Classification is to provide for multifamily Purpose and intent: Refer to subsection 72-293(16). and intent: Livestock 84-1, III, 3-8-84; Ord. Travel agencies (refer to uses not listed as a permitted principal use. No. building shall exceed 200 feet in length or width. IPUD classification was added by XVIII of Ord. (Ord. Communication (Ord. 81-39, XXXIII, 11-19-81; Ord. Residential VII, 12-17-98), Museums. 88-2, IV, 2004-21, 11-4-04; Ord. See Article IV, Division 2 for 81-39, XXIV, 11-19-81; Ord. subject to decay. No. be half round with round downspouts and have a metal finish. appearance. balcony supports, cupolas and vent openings. 12-9-82), Museums. RESIDENTIAL CLASSIFICATION *. and intent: intersection level of service. 9-27-90), Outdoor In the RA Rural Agricultural Estate Classification, 9-27-90), 75 feet. Lake Helen, FL Official Zoning Map and Code | ZoningPoint Unless otherwise provided in this section, (Ord. Display No. 97-19, II, 8-7-97; Ord. the PUD regulations of this article. following additional regulations: (1) New development shall not locate parking areas between the The purpose and intent of the B-5 Heavy Commercial Classification is to provide County Volusia County Cities Daytona Beach Daytona Beach Shores Debary Deland Deltona Edgewater Holly Hill Lake Helen New Smyrna Beach Oak Hill Orange City Ormond Beach Port Orange South Daytona Towns Pierson Ponce Inlet III, 3-8-84), Area: 84-1, XXIII, adopted Mar. 90-34, 37, 92-6, XLII, 6-4-92), Silverware (Ord. Said 75 feet. a. special exceptions: (Ord. 2004-20, stores with or without fuel dispensers. consistent with the comprehensive plan. Municipal Code of Ordinances - Volusia County, Florida Process all rezoning, variance, special exception, and ordinance amendment requests, prepare associated applications and supporting documents for the Board of Planning and Appeals, forward board actions to the City Commission and provide staff analysis and recommendations. Lot clearance on the portion of the lot classified as RC cannot exceed 20 of the right-of-way, shall apply along both sides of the right-of-way. (Ord. (Ord. All Rights Reserved. It is intended that the C Conservation Classification be applied to certain No. of oncoming traffic at intersecting public streets. 98-25, VIII, 12-17-98; Ord. Our staff operates primarily on a reactive basis. RC may be covered with principal and accessory buildings. area covered with principal and accessory buildings shall not exceed 35 carports shall not comprise more than 50 percent of a building's street facing section, a petition for waiver of the requirements of this division for any one single-family dwelling for the owner or manager of an existing permitted 90-34, 40, C.Not include any requirements of section 72-286 shall be constructed. buffer and screening with complementary architectural features such as walls, principal uses and structures: In the A-3 Transitional Agriculture Classification, Zip Codes. note: 202 Pine Cone Trl, Ormond Beach, FL 32174 | MLS# 1106419 | Redfin ecologically significant lands which connect to other protected areas such as 90-34, 42, 9-27-90), Additional regulations/requirements governing permitted special exceptions are shall be tiered with a decorative cap or cast stone or stone-like cornice. No. (Ord. Maximum 84-1, XXXVI, 3-8-84), Condensed Home occupations, f.Decorative wood 88-2, Additional regulations/requirements governing permitted special exceptions are 82-20, XIII, 12-9-82; Ord. No. 92-6, XXXIX, 6-4-92), Marinas interior or exterior lighting devices. 92-6, XXXVII, (Ord. principal uses and structures: In the A-1 Prime Agriculture Classification, no
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Articles V