2020 55+ Resource Guide For information about the active age contact us at 316.942.5385 or by email . Below are quick reference guides to help you find assistance related to specific areas. A quick guide to basic services available in Sedgwick County, Kansas Information is provided as a community service and does not necessarily constitute endorsement. Community Resources | Sedgwick County, Kansas United Ways Worldwide | United Way Worldwide 37. countries and territories. Oh, great question, Peggy. Wichita, KS 67202 endorsement or approval by United Way of the Plains. United Ways in Kansas | United Way Worldwide Children and families have access to affordable health services to improve their overall health and foster healthy lifestyles. Average United Way Salary | PayScale FAQ Sumner, KS. Maximize results. For families walking a financial tightrope, unable to save for college, a home, or retirement, United Way is here to help. The Heartland United Way served over 1,600 local children through this program in 2021. More than shelter, food, and basic needs, we want to help you address your unique challenges and help you build a brighter future for yourself and your family. 211 is the most comprehensive source of information about local resources and services in the country. 316-201-1986 By clicking any link on this page you are giving your consent for us to set cookies. Serving the people of south central Kansas since 1922. Suicide Text: 741741. . But with more than 1.2 million children dropping out each year, America faces an education crisis. Click here to view our 2023 Wichita, KS Election Guide where you can find information and links regarding absentee . They include: Everyone: Complete the intake form below. Our focus is on health, education, financial stability and basic needsthe building blocks for a good quality of life and a strong community. Bring a maximum of 5 boxes or bags; volunteers will unload from your car so you don't have to leave your vehicle. Harvey County United Way Newton, KS; Konza United Way Manhattan, KS; Rice County United Way, Inc. Lyons, KS; Salina Area United Way Salina, KS; Seward County United Way Liberal, KS; United Way of Central Kansas Great Bend, KS; United Way of Dodge City Dodge City, KS; United Way of El Dorado, Kansas, Inc. El Dorado, KS; United Way of Ellis . United Way Funded Partners & Other Nonprofit Partners in Montgomery County . United Way of the Plains 245 N Water St Wichita, KS 67202-1201 Phone: (316) 267-1321 Fax: (316) 267-0937. unitedwayplains.org. Volunteer of the Year & Dorothy A. Jones Awards. (316) 267-1321, One Page Resource Guide-English.pdf(120.74 KB), One Page Resource Guide-Spanish.pdf(140.35 KB), Ride United: A Caseworkers Guide to Free Meal Deliveries, Grant empowers local students to give back, Time to start thinking small savings every day, Impact Created by Your United Way: First Quarter 2022. Info here I want to verify shredding date May 5, 2439 S. Seneca, morning only? volunteers working to improve lives and create opportunities. We are happy to see it being used so widely and effectively to assist in resource-sharing throughout the Valley. This list of restaurants in the area with free or almost-free kids' meal deals will help you go out without going broke. RESOURCES - Kansas Caregivers Support Network Sponsored by Wichita Shredding. . United Way's Resource Guide provides a guide to the services available in Sedgwick Countyseveral are listed below. Wichita Public Schools / Homepage Hi Bev. 225 N. Market St., Suite 100, Wichita, KS 67202 316-267-1900 Leah Gange specializes in disability and guardianship issues. USA-Kansas - Events - WildApricot Polling Places in Wichita, Kansas. PDF A quick guide to basic services available in Sedgwick County, KS 211 | United Way Worldwide This YSA grant to fund service andleadership opportunities for area . KU School of Medicine-Wichita - University of Kansas Medical Center 316-866-2000 . Their hours are Monday through Thursday 7 a.m.-6 p.m. and Friday 9 a.m.-noon. WSU Community Engagement Institute (Support Groups). United Way employees with the job title Marketing Director make the most with an average annual salary of $66,387,. Dial 211 to talk with a trained call specialist. Partner Resources; United Way Global Brand Ambassadors; . Access to food in Wichita can prove difficult in some neighborhoods and households. Looking for artwork, logos or marketing ideas to promote 211 in your community? How to give and get help in Wichita area this holiday season | The We create change. 211 Kansas The website is to help you live the good life for less. 924 N Main 316-264-8974. We fight for the health, education, financial stability and basic needs of every person in south-central Kansas. $5.6B. Your generous contribution will provide someone with a free ride to a job interview or chemotherapy appointment, or help deliver groceries from a food bank to someone in need. Kansas Society for Children with Challenges, Volunteer Center, United Way of the Plains, Wichita Area Sexual Assault Center (WASAC), Center on Family Living, Friends University, Family & Children Community Services - COMCARE, Mental Health Association of South Central KS, Psychology Clinic, Wichita State University, GraceMed Health Care Clinics (all locations), Options Adult Services/Detox Center (Men), City of Wichita Housing Services Dept. A quick guide to basic services available in Seward County, Kansas Information is provided as a community service and does not necessarily constitute endorsement. College Crest Church of Christ2615 N Wellsley, 4. Bank On ICT and United Way of the Plains can help you access a safe and affordable bank account. 2. 245 N. Water St. Wichita, KS 67202 (316) 267-1321 Harbor House 's 24-hour domestic violence, abuse and sexual assault crisis hot line at 316-263-6000. Community Resource Guide Medical Local Health Services/Clinics . Want to be the first to know about free events, concerts, movies, restaurant coupons, shopping deals and other things to do in Wichita? We fight for the health, education, financial stability and basic needs of every person in south-central Kansas. United Way of Larimer County. . Kansas Department of Health and Environment: KS Resource Guide children receive a free age-appropriate book delivered to their mailbox each month. PDF Community Resource Guide - Kansas United Way of JC/Geary County 785-238-2117 . Have your return prepared for you online or in-person. Contact Us Updated 05/21 Page 1 Community Resource Guide Medical Local Health Services/Clinics Donations of new, unwrapped toys and gently-used books or stuffed animals are collected starting in November 2022. A total of 17 applications were received. The guides below will provide you with a list of community resources in our region. Resource Guide 2022 A quick guide to basic services & resources available for residents of Geary County, Kansas www.jclib.org 785-238-4311 Food Food Pantries Emergency Food . We have closed our offices to the public as part of our safety measures, but you are welcome to call our administrative office or leasing office if you have any issues (contact info below). Please drop off donations of new, un-wrapped toys at the Heartland United Way office (1441 N Webb Road, Grand Island). United Way 2-1-1 provides free and confidential health and human services information for people in Minnesota. This is not a complete list of resources; information is updated annually. 520 N Broadway 402 N Topeka Hope you found the info you needed! Day of Caring 211 of Kansas is a service of United Way of the Plains, Wichita, Kansas. The PSA campaign was made possible because ofthe Rockefeller Foundation, the Ad Council and Walton Isaacson. 305 0 obj <> endobj Policies. Phone: (316) 267-1321 Works whether youre insured or underinsured - you can download and print a card onSingleCare.comor text "family" to 700700 to receive a card on your phone. United Way is harnessing this caring power in our community to advance the common good. Low-Income Apartments - Home - HumanKind Ministries - Wichita, KS The 2022-2023 & 2023-2024 CDBG, HOME and ESG RFP opened on December 27, 2021 and closed on January 21, 2022. Help During the COVID-19 Pandemic | United Way 211 Our focus is onhealth,education,financial stability and basic needsthe building blocks for a good quality of life and a strong community. North High senior excels in BioMed program. Barton County Resource Directory . We unite the community. Center of Hope. Buy the book, The Ultimate Guide to Coupons, by the editors of Living on the Cheap! id, residency Pantry Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00am -11:45am; 1:00pm - 3:45pmFor more information, please call. United Way of the Plains | United Way Worldwide (316) 267-1321, local preschool children received a free book in the mail each moth through, in tax refunds were returned to local families through our, times Kansans got connected to the help they needed through United Way. . [Read More], Who do you call for a mental health emergency? View hours here. Thank you! Help you find affordable, family-friendly events and great deals right here in Wichita and surrounding areas. It is free. @`@>%b/V^@ 211 Toolkit - United Way of the Plains 1.5M. The 211networkin the United States responds to more than20millionrequests for helpevery year. United Way Center to Combat Human Trafficking. . Wichita, Kansas Food Pantries Call 211 for Essential Community Services | United Way 211 1101 Kansas Ave Great Bend, KS 67530 Great Bend Housing Authority 1101 Kansas Ave Great Bend, KS 67530 Lynn Fleming (620) 793-7761 housing@greatbend.com United Church of Christ-Ellinwood 701 N Fritz Ave Ellinwood, KS 67526 Immanuel United Church of Christ 701 N Fritz Street Ellinwood, KS 67526 Karen Sessler (620) 617-2770 mksess@hbcomm.net 245 N. Water St. Wichita Children's Home. United, we get results that last for generations. Red Roofguests save 15% on their stay and 5% of revenue from completed stays support United Way and the 211 networkwhen theybook with this link. This is not a complete list of resources and information is updated regularly; for the most current listings please call us at 2-1-1, text ZIP code to 898-211, or visit 211kansas.org. Hi Carolyn, do you know which location the Wichita Federal Credit Union is having the shred event for Sept 29th? United Way of the Plains Resource Guide - workforce-ks.com Montgomery County Center - United Way Greater Houston Cowley, KS Public Defender's Office 604 N. Main, Wichita, KS 67203 316-264-8700 Social Security Administration 3216 N. Cypress St., Wichita, KS 67226 1-866-931-9173 or www.ssaofficelocations.com Kansas/WICHITA/ (Reference site location and schedule information below as part of this form.) In 2018, United Way established its partnership with Lyft, the fastest growing rideshare company in the U.S. We strongly encourage you to socially distance and continue to follow CDC guidelines. The Kansas Resource Guide (KRG) is a collaborative effort to connect consumers and service providers with resources and services for women, infants, children, youth, and people with disabilities in Kansas. 316-660-7500, GraceMed Health Care Clinic Join 10,000 + other locals and get our free newsletter of what's happening in Wichita! Thank you to all who participated! Seasonal Resources CLICK HERE FOR COVID-19 INFORMATION & RESOURCES Housing & Utilities Health & Dental Care Employment & Public Assistance Food, Clothing & Household Items Pregnancy, Parenting & Family Health Consumer, Legal & Safety Transportation Mental Health & Addiction Education Military & Veterans Disability Support Additional Needs Search . Explore our impact dashboards to learn more about how 2-1-1 is . raised every year . United Way 211 - 211 Site Try something new or rediscover favorite Wichita events in our regularly updated Entertainment category. United Way 2-1-1 - Home There are more than 1,100 local United Ways around the world. The 211 network in the United States responds to more than 20 million requests for help every year. www.unitedwayplains.org. Region 4. Keeping the kids busy can take a lot of time and effort, but it doesn't have to cost a lot of money. Click below to learn more about what were doing, the programs we invest in and our lasting impact in each area. We occasionally can send the Resource Guide via email, but it is not recommended or preferred, as this is an extremely large file that may clog your email inbox. United Way for Southeastern Michigan's 2-1-1 team serves the counties of Wayne, Oakland, Macomb, Lapeer and Washtenaw. As anAmazonAssociate I earn from qualifying purchases. Change country. Download Photos and Videos View photos/videos. Calls to 211 are confidential and can be anonymous. View Library Have My Taxes Prepared for Me. Kansas Corporation Commission - Utility & Weatherization Related Need Help? Resources - United Way Other Resources Kansas Commission on Disability Concerns (KCDC) Choose "Life Resources" or "Youth" at top of page. . Wichita Public Schools. hbbd```b``f5 ID@$[d[ #0 QAd+ Xbz5f{d`3!-@0H?F&F`30:? Call 2-1-1. Wichita assistance fund will help with rent, utility bills | The It supports the 211networkwith its innovative technologies as part of its Good Tech IBM initiative. All Rights Reserved. . The COVID-19 vaccine is essential to community health, but many lack transportation to get to a vaccine site. LA VERANO 2021 Una gua rpida de servicios bsicos en el Condado de Sedgwick County, KS La informacin provida es un servicio a la comunidad y no est necesariamente endorsada o aprobada por United Way of the Plains. PDF Community Resource Guide - Kansas KPA/USA-Kansas Principal Forum: 24 Feb 2021 KPA/USA-Kansas Principal Forum: 23 Feb 2021 2021 Kansas Exceptional Leaders Winter Conference: 10 Feb 2021 KPA/USA-Kansas Principal Forum: 04 Feb 2021 Understanding the Legislative Process: 02 Feb 2021 Understanding the Legislative Process: 29 Jan 2021 Aspiring Leaders Workshop - Virtual: 27 Jan 2021 . FAQ Click on the icons for address, phone, and additional information for each site. Text your zip code to 898-211* Learn more. Job Openings . View locations here. Find out if you're eligible and make an appointment and apply for assistance. Week of Caring 2022 Applications are now OPEN. HumanKind Ministries operates one year-round homeless shelter, The Inn, and two Emergency Winter Shelters (one each for men and women) in Wichita, Kansas. 24/7. I had also been told there was a citywide shred that same date in the area of 11th & Litchfield. Typically takes 1-2+ weeks. To view the English broadcast advertising, click here (for :60 PSA), or here (for :30). Are you a nonprofit that would like to list your program(s) in the 211 database? endstream endobj 306 0 obj <>/Metadata 30 0 R/Pages 303 0 R/StructTreeRoot 34 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 307 0 obj <>/MediaBox[0 0 612 792]/Parent 303 0 R/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 308 0 obj <>stream 940 S St. Francis 1 Mar 2022, . Week of Caring 2022 was a huge success! Resources. June 14, 2022; ushl assistant coach salary Dial 2-1-1 to talk with a call specialist. If you're a senior, you can also check out this page for resources specific to helping you cover senior care. Partner Resources; United Way Global Brand Ambassadors; . For services in northeast Kansas counties of Doniphan, Franklin, Johnson, Leavenworth, Linn, Miami and Wyandotte: click here. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Tabernacle Bible Church1817 N. Volutsia, Breakfast served 8am - 9:30am (except 1st Sat of month), 9. [Read More], Promise on the Plains: Grant application now open A new investment opportunity that builds a more equitable community. The Equitable Foundation, which focuses on building a stronger society for its customers and employees, is partnering with United Way and 211 to help close this transportation gap. Free Medical Care, and treatment for alcohol or drug abuse can be found at the Sedgwick County resource guide. Unfortunately, November isnt known for being a big month for free shred days. We dont just patch you through to agencies. Below are next steps to complete as part of the onboarding process. 8:30am12pm), Chrisholm Trail Church of Christ(2nd & 4th Thurs. Western Colorado 2-1-1. dollars in grants to local social service agencies since 2005. The Studios is a 54-unit, low-barrier facility designed to ease the progression from homelessness to independent living. Wichita residents who need help paying their rent and utilities because of the coronavirus-related economic downturn can apply to a new city program that will cover back payments and future bills. From help with a utilities bill, to housing assistance, after-school programs for kids, and more, you can dial 211 or text your zip code to 898-211 to talk with a resource specialist for free. United Way of Reno County. @2022 Wichita on the Cheap. This is not a complete list of resources and information is updated regularly; please call us at 2-1-1 or check online . Any you are aware of? Community Resources | Sedgwick County, Kansas Community Resources Many providers in the community may be contacted for services. . Ride United: Last Mile Delivery is a program that can help. Text your ZIP code to 898-211 to have referrals sent to your phone. Resource Guide-Espaol; Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255. 67202-1201 Salvation Army. The Hartford, a leading insurance company based in Hartford, Connecticut, has provided support for 211 and United Way for many years. Resource Guide A quick guide to basic services available in Sedgwick County, Kansas . A: 525 West Oak Street, Suite 101. Section 8. Make it a priority with one of these affordable, family-friendly events and deals in Wichita. [Read More], We are the problem-solvers, hand-raisers, game-changers. Secure your future. First Presbyterian Church525 N Broadway St, Breakfast served from 8am - 9:30am on 1st Saturday of the month, 5. We use cookies on this site to enhance your user experience. A quick guide to basic services available in Wichita County, Kansas Information is provided as a community service and does not necessarily constitute endorsement. Holiday Programs | Heartland United Way Many thanks! or. Expensive does not always mean better. PDF Resource Guide 2022 - Dorothy Bramlage Public Library We are happy to see it being used so widely and effectively to assist in resource-sharing throughout the Valley. Help During the COVID-19 Pandemic | United Way 211 Help During the COVID-19 Pandemic Start Here Contact 211 If you need assistance finding food, paying housing bills, or other essential services, call 211 to speak to someone who can help or visit your local 211 website to search for more local help. PDF GUA DE RECURSOS - Wichita USD 259 0 Must have ticket to eat. Are you aware of any upcoming shred events? Wichita, KS 67202 p: 316.660.9231 f: 316.660.7622 Email; Resource Guide Business Assistance: U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) Greater Wichita Partnership (GWP) Network Kansas; Wichita Independent Business Association (WIBA) Kansas Department of Commerce; Kansas Small Business Development Center (Kansas SBDC) Workforce Training: . Find yours: Search by zip code Submit. 2021. HumanKind Ministries offers safe, affordable housing and assistance to help formerly homeless individuals and low-income individuals and families find stability and self-sufficiency. united way resource guide 2021 wichita ks - phumdit.com See where (and when) Kids Eat Free & Cheap in Wichita. Campaign Toolkit I Thanks for all the great information you provide. Calls to 211 are confidential and can be anonymous. 245 N. Water St. Sedgwick County resource guide. - needhelppayingbills.com FAQ HELP for help. The SingleCare prescription savings card is free to use by everyone, just show it your pharmacist! . . Find 2023 Human Resources internships in Wichita, KS Center of Hope(Call Mondays 9am - 12pm and 1pm - 4pm Only)*Applicants should be aware that requests often exceed available funding. Do you provide parenting classes in Sedgwick County? Policies. Information is provided as a community service and does not necessarily constitute Utility Assistance // Rent // Tax Prep // COVID-19 // Food Pantries. Please contact us at (316) 686-1373 for further information or click below. The UWMS Mat-Su Valley Resource Guide is a staple for Mat-Su residents, businesses and nonprofit agencies alike. Statewide. We unite the community. If you need to connect with resources in your community, but don't know where to look, 211 is a great place to start. Call to speak with one of our highly trained Community Resource Specialists by phone. Note: polling place locations and times are subject to change. Copyright 2022 United Way Mat-Su. Is there a free shred day anytime from now to the end of the year anywhere? Users can save up to 80% on 10,000+ prescription medications. For more information, contact your Relationship Manager. 4pm - 6pm), Community Food Ministry(Mon - Fri. 9am - 11:45am & 1pm - 3:45pm), Table of Hope Community Church(Tues. 1pm - 6pm), Helping Hands(Every 2nd & 4th Thurs. We take care of our own. Your gift has a greater impact when given through United Way. Review our checklist of how to submit your information. IBM is a longtime United Way partner. . Confidential. 2020 Resource Guide by the active age - Issuu File your taxes for free. Resource Center | United Way Resource Center 2022 Campaign Toolkit From videos and graphics to Impact stories and printable posters, preview and download all the materials you need to make your 2022 Workplace Campaign a success. Learn more. The UWMS Mat-Su Valley Resource Guide is a staple for Mat-Su residents, businesses and nonprofit agencies alike. A typical stay will be 1 to 3 years. Each year, HumanKind Ministries shelters more than 1,100 homeless men, women and children. Have you been turned down or turned away at a financial institution? 363 0 obj <>stream 211 Toolkit Use the resources below to help spread the word about 211, our information and referral service. Serving the people of south central Kansas since 1922. Polls and Polling Times for Wichita KS: 7 am to 7 pm. Click below to learn more about what were doing, the programs we invest in and our lasting impact in each area. I saw this when I was looking for free shredding. Summer Internships; . 635 N Main St %%EOF Serving the people of south central Kansas since 1922. IBM has also partnered with 211 to develop an AI-powered data hub that unlocks deeper insights about community needs and gaps. The shelter is open during the holidays. We mobilize resources. call us at 2-1-1 or check online for the most current listings. [Read More]. PDF Community Resource - Kansas There are referrals to clinics, health professionals, and even mental health specialists. The primary focus of our Adult Services Program is to develop individualized supports for adults with disabilities so that they may live independent and productive lives. Wichita, KS 67202 Pledge Forms Pledge Form View / Download / Share It takes all of us. Services Tagged With: Free Shred Day. Updated 03-19-2021 Page 1 Community Resource Guide Medical Local Health Services/Clinics Newsroom Through this website, we strive to provide a central point of entry for resources, reducing time spent in searching for resources. Serving the people of south central Kansas since 1922. The City has contracted with the Center of Hope and the Salvation Army to administer the Homeless Prevention program. Wichita Polling Locations and Voting Guide for the 2023 Elections Community Resources - wichita.edu DOCX Community Resource Guide - Kansas 316-776-4170, Lords Diner [Read More], Are you using check cashers, payday lenders or pawn shops to get your money? Kansas, United States Job Description Human Resources Intern - Summer 2023 Job Locations US-KS-Lenexa ID 2022-3823 Category Hidden (8725) Type Intern Company . . Or simply, download the free SingleCare mobile app from the App Store or Google Play Store. CONTACT. 434.972.1701 UnitedWayCville@UnitedWayCville.org. But it wont happen without you.

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