Extras Get HP boost after that and you should be golden on the bare bones. 1 pcs. For one who wants always be Kirito from SAO. GMV - Balf Revenge | Toram Online - Zanuba - 29 Ditonton. Swords are one of the eight weapon types of Toram. mmorpg APK () - Your Price: $299.99. "But wait Keiran, dont you need those last two skills at level 10 to incre---". vipr. Toram Online Indonesia - 2H Sword! Discussion in 'Dual Wield' started by Hiame, Feb 10, 2020. Brawler variation. Pengenalan dan Job untuk BS fillstat, BS craft, BS tempa, dan - Blogger Bow? https://toramonline.com/index.php?tdual-wield-playstyles-builds-and-themes.9009/, https://toramonline.com/index.php?threads/skill-tree-list-lvl-180-cap-salvaged.45857/, (You must log in or sign up to reply here. Str>agi is the best stat setup, and crit+atk gear (maybe something with aspd too, wandering wheel, time warp watch, wind-up key) maximize the potential of dw. I Reccomended this combo. Steambirds Alliance. [ Toram Online Gameplay ] Solo Dual Sword VS Boss Build Low Budget Low Toram Online on Steam Sticking with 2hand sword bc it's my favorite, I cant change weapons atm due to only having 1 weak sword. One-handed swords can be equipped with a shield, dagger or dual-wielded with another sword in the sub-weapon slot (you must have at least 1 point in Dual Sword Mastery in the Dual Sword Skills tree to unlock this option). Stats for Dual Sword are Str, Dex, and Agil. Two-Handed Sword(THS) Guide Before 4th Tier Skill | Toram - Amino About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise . ^^, Stat : Fill VIT to 200/255 and fill STR/DEX, Main Skill : Take Knight/Guard/Shield/Sword/Survival, Stat : Fill STR to 255 and fill VIT/DEX/AGI/CRIT, Main Skill : Sword/Dagger/Battle/Survival. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Space Expand. Coryn Club - Toram Online Database & Tools Download FINAL FANTASY Record Keeper Varies with device on Windows Pc Max your agi to the limit that ur atkspd can make =D and dex improves ur atkspd too but if u want u can use luk for crits and lessen time to be unfroze curse silence and other abnormal status you'll have. ), Attack Up: 5-10* Whack: 5 Crit Up: 5-10* Intimidating Power: 5-10*. Listen here you useless pile of Pelulu, there's only three things you NEED in life. So, keep . - If a 1H is using a stability xtal, i.e Marchitar, that stability is only applied to the main-hand. Increase stamina with VIT or attack speed with AGI. Note : DEX choice for maximum add to ATK and Accuracy / STR choice for mediocre add to ATK and Critical Damage. For the moment, I too only have dw as main DPS character, but I depend on meteor break as it also has invincibility during skill motion, and storm reaper to try and buff it more. Decoy=10 (it's just that op of a skill to be a must have), Lalvada, Venena, Seele Zauga, Titeres, Tapir, Deniala. Light Armor Mastery: 5-10* (You MUST be wearing light armor for this to work for your build). References : 2H DPS by Indoplace1 2H Various Build by The Revenant 2H Various Build by Aromitic 2H DPS by -Kazuki- If you are finding content here interesting, do share your thoughts in the comments section and to make sure you don't miss anything, subscribe to the channel by clicking this link below. Evasion rate,attack speed and power will slighty increase with AGI. Toram On 0 Tax Toram nline Archer Build Toram Online - [CLOSED] Giveaway + Subscribers Free Xtalls and Random Amount Spinas Toram Online For Beginners Tora. Conclusion:STR is better than DEX for ATK. Far Cry 5. - Sword? IIRC there was a certain old toram player who did do something like ehem @makOi. Valid Gift Codes. You'll be getting both by the time we can max 2 stats regardless. Anda bisa juga menggunakan job Tinju, namun damagenya terlalu kecil. 158 Spina. Toram Online Best Weapons (Ranked Best To Worst) You make your DW in your image & to me thats whats most fun about it. There are 3 main builds you can make: The 1st one is meteor + buster + soul hunter build (current meta) The 2nd one is enchant sword and enchanted burst build (old meta) The 3rd one is the combination of the 2. "Raise DEX to increase physical attack power and accuracy rates. Toram Online 1h Sword Build Toram Online: Infinite MP follow up If you havent already achieved level 70 on your account, do it. Build and Rescue. . Raise AGI to increase the attack power of Sub-Weapon, STR also increases attack power a little.''. Swords are one of the eight weapon types of Toram. Now my hp is around 1,5k, not that high, but high enough to take some hits. ''Raise STR to increase physical attack power. Add aura and slash consecutively. Blade Skill: Sword Mastery: Gives bonus attack when equipping a One Handed Sword or a Two Handed Sword (Main Hand). The matching is great, if a little familiar, and the zoo building is pretty darn good. Armor Crystas HP Boost: Roga (Iconos) MP Boost: Jade Raptor (Super Death Mushroom) DPS: Cerberus. Indonesia English Pedang 1 Tangan Pedang 2 Tangan Tinju Tombak Pesawat Sihir Tongkat Busur Bowgun Katana Zirah Perkakas Tambahan Perkakas Spesial Tameng Pisau Panah. If you just started, it might take same spina to buy the skills. Toram Online Indonesia - Dual Sword [Build] By NaKano - Blogger Sword Technique: Deal more damage on Blade Skills. The Anti-Fun. Jun 26, 2015 at 1:02pm via mobile screamingfox likes this. idk about that . Pure mage class, just with wider AoE and weaker MATK. Toram Online Best Weapons (Ranked Best To Worst) . "Ex Saber" | Dual Sword Build Lv.180 | Toram Online - 7 dideo Physical/Magical Dmg reduction is as follows. Click here to remove banner ads from this forum. Light Armor Mastery: 5-10* (You MUST be wearing light armor for this to work for your build). Just your normal GungHo Greatsword user, deals enormous damage or being hybrid. Top 10 best DPS classes | Toram Online Amino Let's explore the MMO world! Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. There are two types of swords: One-handed and two-handed swords. Toram Online begins by offering the player six types of weapons. Job DPS terbaik untuk BS ini adalah Tombak. The only way to increase damage in this game is to improve your gears and to know how to prorate and stuff. Conclusion:INT is the only stat that adds MATK. Raise VIT to increase HP,AGI to increase attack speed.''. Kelebihan build Dual Swords. This post is about the VISIBLE STAT from the ''build character'' page. Equipment and Xtals are arranged from Highest Damage to Lowest on Don Yeti, but does not necessarily mean from the best to the least, and may differ depending on build. Custom sword built for your specifications. For dual wielding, only the following attributes on secondary weapon apply: Attack of weapon: higher the attack of weapon, the more attack your character gains. For evasion build:AGI increases dodge which will activate before evasion does, so it's better to lower your dodge value for more evasion. You should also choose crit as your personal stat for future use. Pencarian Build ths tidak di temukan. Twin Slash: 5-10* Phantom Slash: 10 Cross Parry: 5-10* Charging Slash: 5-10* Shadowstep: 10 Dual Mastery: 10 Dual Sword Control: 10 Godspeed: 10 Reflex/Flashblast: OPTIONAL, Hard Hit: 5-10* Astute: 10 Trigger Slash: 10 Sword Mastery: 5-10*, Safe Rest: 5 HP Boost: 10 Short Rest: 5 MP Boost: 10, MP Charge: 1 (Always keep a staff in inventory & switch to staff when using this skill, it speeds up the charge time! Well right now I have both dropped and smithed wolf garbs I have both smithed and dropped dragon swords as well I was told to run magicians ring but if that needs to be changed I will I have dog ears equipped but have yet to get the dragon crown unfortunately but will still be trying to get it and I'm not a high enough lvl to beat silver roar for the earring but was looking into that my self are there any set ups involving the magicians ring cuz I really like the big mp boost even though there's the dmg reductio? A community for players and fans of the popular mobile MMORPG, Toram Online. Build for 2H? Chance to inflict [Flinch] on the target. Conclusion:DEX is the best stat for ATK,it adds ASPD and HIT too. Evasion automatically cast Evasion Attack (counted as Unsheathe Attack). Nevertheless THS grants Guard activation, so you should basically build up for DPS, Heavy Armor and certain Equipment will increase Guard Rate and Guard Recharge. :). Swords of Legends Online. Pls answer. Since the weapon's accuracy rate is low,you need to assist with equipment. Enjoy Toram Online on your big computer screen without having to worry about your data usage or battery! Stat : Fill STR 255 or fill balanced between STR:VIT. Stat : Fill AGI to 255 and fill VIT/DEX/STR/CRIT, Main Skill : Knuckle/Dagger(Shots)/Battle/Survival. Your normal everyday Bow user, you can pick just a normal Bowman, Bowman with traps, or Bowman with pet (tamer). Damage for 2h sword? : r/ToramOnline - reddit Stats other than element are also a waste, crit stats or any others for that matter, WILL NOT WORK. some people try hard to boost stability as well, which can help(so think hard about your build before considering wind-up key), Thank you, I will change class due to this, DW is costly to live with.

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