The Virginia Regiment was formed in 1754 by Virginia's Royal Governor Robert Dinwiddie, as a provincial corps. J. Hatcher Sergeant, died Elmira, New YorkJoseph Smith Sergeant, went westEmy Deatherage SergeantF. He was commissioned lieutenant colonel in the Convention Guards Regiment on 24 Dec 1778, and promoted to colonel and took command of the unit on 05 Mar 1779. Beginning in June, 1792, following the constitutional convention that made Kentucky a state, Col. Taylor built his first brick home on acreage east of Louisville purchased from Isaac Shelby. Rgiment de Walsh. Taylor discussed the history of the Utica Institute, a historically Black college founded . Died in prisonShelton, R. L.Spencer, James M.Sowder, EmanuelStovall, Quincy A.Shelor, James F.Smith, GeorgeSalmons, JonathanShelton, William A.Smith, C. B. [citation needed], The First Virginia Regiment is memorialized in a statue in Meadow Park, a triangular park in Richmonds (VA) Fan District by sculptor Ferruccio Legnaioli. You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. H. Ruthledge First Sergeant, Killed ChancellorsvilleS. LOYALIST FORCES, 1775-1783. In Virginia. "Letter to Robert Dinwiddie 9 March 1754." Francis paid taxes on eight slaves on 23 Jun 1786. [2], Taylor married Sarah Dabney Strother in 1779. Wounded at Cold HarborWiggington, C. M. Wounded at GettysburgWaller, James Wounded, died at WilliamsburgWaller, PeterWaller, John C.Waller, John Died in hospitalWilliams, John D. Scout and missingWilliams, FrankWimbish, Peter Lost in MarylandWimbish, John Third Sergeant, killed at Drurys BluffWolf, HarryWillard, Isaac Died in hospitalYoung, A. J. Elected 7th Jan. 1814, served 20 days as private, and 51 days as corporal, in place of Bland, discharged. Queen's Royal Rangers. %PDF-1.4 % P. Anglin Third CorporalEdd Agee Fourth CorporalAllen, J. H.Agee, CharlesBurge, RobertCarter, RobertDalton, HaymanGillie, FountainGiles, S. S.Harris, WilliamHutts, OwenKeaton, HansfordMurphy, William L.Penn, William A.Paul, MichaelScales, NoahSmith, JamesSanders, JackSpencer, E. E. J.Shelton, WilliamStuart, William D.Tillie, BurwellThomas, JamesWashburn, WilliamAgee, JamesBrown, J. M.Clark, AlexanderDalton, PeterEdwards, William H.Gillie, LeftridgeHatcher, RobertHancock, JohnKoger, JamesKeaton, LeeMurphy, William F.Penn, SamuelMcReynolds, HardinScales, NatSanders, SilosSpencer, GreenShelton, JoshuaSheltnson, AndersonStone, JamesTillie, J. H.Thompson, AustinWoodall, JamesAgee, GarrettBrown, RobertClark, William H.Dalton, NickGillie, P. D. DesertedGoad, HenryHarriss, Israel DesertedKoger, J. H.Koger, KingLee, H. H.Murphy, Richard M.Paul, VatenScales, JamesSmith, ThomasSanders, JamesSpencer, JohnShelton, William C.Shelton, PeterTatum, William F.Tuggle, NathanielVia, W. B. William G. Price Captain, living in the westE. Commanded by Col. John Bailey. M. Cruise, 1stSergeant, transferred to Company H, 51stRegimentS. Living in Carroll CountyYeatts, George W.Robertson, Jack, Roberson, Samuel F. Company K, 10thVirginia CavalryRoberson, Daniel A Company K, 10thVirginia CavalryBennett, Thomas Killed, 10thVirginia CavalryBennett, Venith T. Killed, Company K, 10thVirginia CavalryMcAlexander, Peter Company K, 10thVirginia CavalryWright, Jackson Orange ArtilleryWright, Wash Orange ArtilleryEmberson, Wade Orange ArtilleryAkers, Henry Died, Orange ArtilleryMartin, C. J. Orange ArtilleryThomas, Taswell Orange ArtilleryThomas R. T. Orange ArtilleryThomas, R. H. Orange ArtilleryRorrer, William A Orange ArtilleryShelton, Robert Orange ArtilleryWright, S. G. Died, Orange ArtilleryWood, Elijah Orange ArtilleryHelm, Adam Orange ArtilleryBennett, Bluford Died, Orange ArtilleryBurnett, JacobThomas, JacksonThomas, JamesHouchins, LeeRatliff, C. L.Roberson, AbramMartin, JohnHall, HenryVia, IsaacVia, Ruben Died 32ndBattalion Virginia CavalryBoaz, Jefferson Died 32ndVirginia CavalryBurge, D. E.Joyce, William 32ndBattalion Virginia CavalryBoaz, James 32ndBattalion Virginia CavalryAllen, George 32ndBattalion Virginia CavalryAdams, William 32ndBattalion Virginia CavalryFry, Richard 32ndBattalion Virginia CavalryYoung, C. H. 32ndBattalion Virginia CavalryCobb, T. 32ndBattalion Virginia CavalryMays, James 32ndBattalion Virginia CavalrySpencer, John 32ndBattalion Virginia CavalryCollins, Levi P. Company H, 23rdVirginia BattalionMoss, W. A. J. G. Died in August 1863West, W. J.Howell, Samuel Killed in Battle 1864Hufferfinger, W. A. A.Lawless, George W.Loving, Arthur J. Please contact us at the email or phone number on the left side of this page to schedule an appointment. Grady, Edward B - State: Virginia - Regiment: 56 (Taylor's) Virginia Militia Image View Full Item Description Enlistment rank: Captain, discharge rank: Captain Creator War Department. Archives Reference Services Library of Virginia 800 E. Broad St. Richmond, VA 23219 804-692-3888 Left Valley Forge with 261 assigned and 154 fit for duty. In the Fall of 1779, Martin was discharged at Valley Forge in Pennsylvania and went back home to NC. Brothers Charles, Reuben and Benjamin Taylor and nephew Francis Stubbs Taylor, designated executors. Your membership lasts for one year. "Officers represented in the Society of the Cincinnati",, American people of the Northwest Indian War, Military personnel from Louisville, Kentucky, Fathers of presidents of the United States, Articles with unsourced statements from August 2018, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 2 January 2023, at 13:31. The 33d, the "Ontario Regiment," was composed of "com-panies from the northwestern part of the state and was mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira, July 3, 1861, for two years, to date from May 22, 1861. Colonel Richard Parker, and Major Ralph Falkner. v:Ma4oSR?w|7V7lsV7?m^^[Yz/?l})X7,15N&(I(9,|I>d>3)VJ]/qC[=An ^*kj|&|4r_Ek5lAG'z}80t=kf'z=%q;>tqy|1x|Bw:L^9n\t$CWBJ)qFq? AR 5bt;I.-%zNo!}vOJ4/zm*]k7'tM_v7OY[sC3JuT%s&M4~f~Mp( WIKITREE PROTECTS MOST SENSITIVE INFORMATION BUT ONLY TO THE EXTENT STATED IN THE TERMS OF SERVICE AND PRIVACY POLICY. This database is a compilation of military records (including state rosters, pension records, and regimental histories) of individual soldiers who served in the United States . Discharged 6th Jan'y 1814, and Powell elected to fill vacancy. J. T. Lawson Captain, first organizedMartin Staples First LieutenantW. When the American Revolution began, Taylor became a 2nd lieutenant in the Virginia Continental forces on February 12, 1775, and fought in the battles of White Plains, Trenton, Brandywine, and Monmouth. who was ill, barley escaped capture. If so, login to add it. Company B, Richmond City Guard. (Hamilton James), 1881-Call number 13489604 Camera T. Martin First SergeantShelton, WilliamShelton, TobeShelton, ArchCraddock, William J.Craddock, JoshStovall, GeorgeOre, RobertMabe, Mat KilledMorrison, Janot Wounded one armCarter, RobertHughes, Matt Died in serviceClark, HarrisonClark, WilliamBrim, RiceBrim, PhilShelton, CharlesShelton, LeeMartin, WilliamMartin, JimMabe, JesseyBelton, HamGunter, BeverlyAdams, AbrahamSpencer, J. J. Died in Richmond hospital, A. D. Reynolds, CaptainP. Died in serviceVia, D. G. Died in serviceVia, William A. The command was then ordered to Sewell Mountain to reinforce General Gloyd and Wise who were falling back in the face of a large force of the enemy. He issued a repeal of the Orders in Council, but the U.S. was unaware of this, as it took three weeks for the news to cross the Atlantic. 1657, to nephew Nathaniel Taylor, son of James Taylor, 1,000 acres of my Military land, No. F. Shelor, 2ndSergeant then promoted to 1stSergeant, Company D, then to Lieutenant, Company DIsaac A. Nolen, 3rdSergeant, first year of war, did not reenlistW. Email: 1862. The company was called Fox, which was the sixth letter in the phonetic alphabet used during World War II.The Company participated in three major campaigns: Rhineland, Ardennes-Alsace, and Central Europe. 1861. [1][2] The Virginian provincial troops who participated in the Braddock Expedition of 1755 and suffered defeat at the Battle of the Monongahela were unregimented: at the behest of General Braddock, they had been organized into two companies of carpenters, six companies of rangers, and one troop of mounted rangers, about 450 men in all. Organized at Richmond, Virginia under the command of Colonel Thomas P. August and Lieutenant Colonel James R. Crenshaw. Virginia was initially reluctant to secede from the Union. A brief biography by Taylor family descendant and historian William Kyle Anderson; Court records of Orange County, where he served as deputy clerk under his elder brother James; Revolutionary War records that document his service in the 2nd and 15th Virginia Regiment and the Virginia Convention Guards; Letters to and from Virginia Governor Thomas Jefferson, and letters to and from family members; to nephew Francis Stubbs Taylor, 1,000 acres of land on the Ohio River in the State of Kentucky (patented the 6th of Sept.1787), and $1,500, to nephew Francis Taylor, son of Jonathan Taylor, 1,000 acres of my Military land on the northwest of the Ohio River, No. Taylor's Regiment of Militia (Albemarle County) (1779) The King'sOwnRoyalRegiment This recurring payment can be stopped at the end of any membership year. A. Tatum First LieutenantJoseph G. Penn Second LieutenantR. Rand's Regiment of Levies (1776) Randolph's Company (1782) . Company D, Old Dominion Guard. He was born in Virginia on September 10, 1743, and died in Columbia on November 16, 1833, where his body lies in the Taylor graveyard. "The Organization of Braddock's Army", This page was last edited on 24 January 2023, at 16:58. The families with which Francis had business and social dealings included the names of Alcock, Barbour, Bell, Burnley, Catlett, Chew, Conway, Dade, Gaines, Gibson, Glassell, Howard, Lee, Madison, Moore, Pendleton, Taliaferro, and of course his Taylor kin. You can set up a recurring payment for your membership so you dont have to remember to renew every year. Taylor was born in Orange County, Virginia in 1744 to Zachary Taylor and Elizabeth Lee. Mailing Address After the fall of Fort Duquesne, the Assembly voted in 1759 to fill the one regiment still in service, and to raise a force of another 500 men that would remain in the province for its immediate defense. At the end of his service with the 8th VA Reg., he enlisted with the 9th Virginia Regiment serving as Private in Captain Berry and Captain Wood's companies, under Colonel George Matthews' command fighting in the Battle of Monmouth, NJ for 3 years. The diary is not stirring or emotional, but makes a great read for history and genealogy buffs. After the battle of Fort Necessity, the Assembly voted to increase the size of the regiment from five companies to ten. A list of the names of Company H, 42ndVirginia Regiment. IMPORTANT PRIVACY NOTICE & DISCLAIMER: YOU HAVE A RESPONSIBILITY TO USE CAUTION WHEN DISTRIBUTING PRIVATE INFORMATION. Their firearm of choice was the rifle instead of the musket, and the force was renowned for its expertise with the long rifle. And they voted to secede only after Lincoln issued a call to arms to suppress the secessionist tendencies in the Southern states. Contribute to chinapedia/wikipedia.en development by creating an account on GitHub. robert beatty: 3 artillery regiment, new york. Recorded in Circuit Court Order Bok 18, page 550-569 requested recorded by W. T. Akers, William Ayres and William B. mahlon beatty: 56 reg't (taylor's) virginia militia. Taylor's company from 28th January to 28th March. Donald Robertson and his wife Rachel Rogers of King and Queen County, Virginia, etc. In 1769 he explored the Ohio River and Mississippi River with his older brother, Hancock Taylor, travelling from Pittsburgh to New Orleans. He was discharged as a lieutenant colonel on September 12, 1781. In The War Of 1812, Captain Charles H. Braxton's Company - 1st Regiment, Captain Clairborne Wigglesworth's Company - 16th Regiment, Captain David Dick's Company - 29th Regiment, Captain Henry Howard's Company - 115th Regiment, Captain John Blunt's Company - 29th Regiment, Captain John R. Cary's Company - 21st Regiment, Captain Levi Dix's Company - 99th Regiment, Captain Richard Jones's Company - 21st Regiment, Captain Robert Thruston's Company - 21st Regiment, Captain Thomas Hall's Company - 21st Regiment, Captain William P. Custis's Company - 2nd Regiment, Captain William H. Fitzhugh's Company - 45th Regiment, Lieutenant William B. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Virginia BattalionMartin, S. J. J. Harbour, 2ndLieutenant, first year of war, did not reenlistC. Source(s):, RevWarTalk Community Guidelines Privacy Terms that agreement made by my Brother William Taylor with John Obannon for locating and securing my Military lands on the North West side of the Ohio shall be complied with. [4][5], By 1800, Taylor had enlarged "Springfield" to 700 acres (2.8km2) by 1800. vZ/C\$R;#M'w^xL8, `I(fI1(`cLgLLkLYa!s{gYv7)}sZ;&ta]_8Te 8z),ap $jh4%!P >a[LqG-5.TVf`6U[;|@nR`W[1hM-;iyk] Bibliography (Continued), The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, Vol. Categories: Minutemen, Militia, American Revolution | 2nd Virginia Regiment (1776), Continental Army, American Revolution | Battle of Brandywine Creek | Battle of Germantown | 15th Virginia Regiment (1777), Continental Army, American Revolution | Orange County, Virginia, Slave Owners, WIKITREE HOME | ABOUT | G2G FORUM | HELP | SEARCH. Signed 17 Apr 1797. robert beatty: cobean's battalion, pennsylvannia vols. Excerpted from a transcribed copy of his will, done by William Kyle Anderson: I Francis Taylor of the County of Orange in Virginia knowing the uncertainty of life do now make and appoint this my last Will. When Taylor was 23 years old, the Union army drafted him into service, and he mustered into the 2nd USCT Infantry Regiment on August 24, 1863, in Washington, D.C. His enlistment records describe him as 5 feet, 8 1/2 inches tall, with black hair, black eyes, and a dark complexion. Early letters describe life at the Virginia Military Institute (hazing, daily routine, excitement about secession, cadets as drillmasters) and in Lexington, Virginia, just prior to and during early months of the Civil War. Richmond Times Dispatch, 22 November 2011, "Where am I RVA? If not, see our friends at Ancestry DNA. C. Rakes, 2ndCorporalB. Benjamin Oliver Davis Sr. ~Celebrating Black History Month~ Born: July 1, 1877, Washington, D.C. Died: November 26, 1970, Chicago, IL Occupation: Military Personnel Benjamin O. Davis Sr. was the first African American to be named a general in the American military. Renau, Lynn S. "So Close From Home: The Legacy of Brownsboro Road" (2007), p. 63. In 1780-81 nearly half of the regiment was attached to Virginia's George Rogers Clark for his expedition to Illinois. 3/4/1907-9/18/1947, Grady, Edward B - State: Virginia - Regiment: 56 (Taylor's) Virginia Militia, DPLA's Statement on Potentially Harmful Content, National Archives and Records Administration, National Archives at College Park - Textual Reference, Indexes to the Carded Records of Soldiers Who Served in Volunteer Organizations During the War of 1812. In the months following the settling of the prisoners and troops at Albemarle Barracks, letters from Colonel Taylor to Governor Thomas Jefferson [6] [7] [8] [9] cited very poor conditions and the need for food supplies and clothing. A. Dedicated on 1 May 1930, to commemorate the regiment for fighting in seven American Wars, including the Civil War when they served in the Confederate Army. A. M. Lybrooks, CaptainJohn Mitchell, First LieutenantBruce Frazier, Second LieutenantPowel Hughes, Third Lieutenant, Arnold, John Died in campAistrop, H. C.Blackard, William Died in hospitalBlackard, Wiloby Died in hospitalBlackard, AaronBoswell, W. T.Bryant, William Killed at Howlet HouseBowlin, W. T.Barnett, W. H. Killed at GettysburgBishop, Joseph Died on the way homeBeasley, R. M.Barnard, Charles Died at hospitalBarnard, ThomasBurnett, Frank Died in hospitalClifton, WilliamClark, Thomas Wounded at Seven PinesClark, C. C.Coleman, WilliamConway, B. D. WoundedDalton, WillisDeHart, ThomasDeHart, Jonathan Killed at Drurys BluffDehart, Daniel E.Duncan, John Died in campEdwards, Joseph WoundedFrazier, Ben Died in hospitalFrazier, AlbertFrazier, Samuel Died in hospitalFiggins, George W.Gilbert, Penn Wounded at Drurys Bluff, died in RichmondGilbert, John T. Died in hospitalGilbert, Samuel S. Missing at GettysburgGilbert, L. D. WoundedGrady, Patterson Died in campGilpin, ThomasGunter, JosephGunter, G. B.Gilley, William Died in hospitalHarris, WilliamHaley, Samuel HHundley, James Died in hospitalHatcher, Daniel Wounded at captured at GettysburgHaden, William A WoundedHooker, William Died in hospitalJoyce, John Died in hospitalKeaton, Matt DisappearedKeaton, Mc Died in hospitalKeaton, White Died in hospitalKing, WilliamKerstn, A. M.Lawless, Marion Died in hospitalLawless, A. J.

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