Im not counting on it. Shes magnetic. Its all relative, but I dont see a lot of actors being body-shamed. I even got a t-shirt that says DISCO on it, which prompts inquiries about my musical tastes of past decades when I was a twenty-something, lol. Exactly. WTF this is why Ive been following Star Trek since the original in 1967 when I saw Nichelle Nichols. Its far from just the United States or even just affluent countries. You always come up with weird posts VS this one is weirder than usual Im afraid to say. Has Tilly body-shaming outside of the Twitter imbeciles been a thing? Story: With . Bad, character pandering types of writing, with over-emotional children in the roles of astronaut-scientist-soldiers. She served aboard the USS Discovery while still a cadet in 2256, later commissioned as an ensign . The fourth episode of the new season of Star Trek: Discovery ("All is Possible") arrived this morning and it has fans buzzing about Lt. Sylvia Tilly. Is Mary Wiseman Pregnant? Weight Gain And Pregnancy Rumor Of The Im mostly just curious if Tillys removal from Disco came from Wiseman looking to do other projects or if they wrote it in and broke the news that she was getting cut as a regular. Disco has a lot of problems storywise But not her looks! I want to really like Discovery, I do. You are always very insightful. Mary Wiseman Talks Tilly's Future On 'Star Trek: Discovery' We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. By: Staff This is a part of the reason people cant take to them, alongside their poorly written characters. While Im excited to get back to the 32nd century and see whats changed since season 3 Im still not excited for the season itself. Took time to reset the franchise. [1] Early life [ edit] Wiseman is the youngest daughter of Dorothy and Kevin Wiseman and has three older brothers. I keep saying this but its a great time to be a Star Trek fan again! Well said, Edward. So many jerks in this world, its good to see decent people. That way she wont get the appearance she does now of jumping over more experienced officers and seeming to just get ahead because shes Sarus favorite. Maybe sociological issues? Its gotten very stale now. Heaven forefend women feel good about themselves! But dont those characteristics fit better on a younger character, while the older one grows up and changes? I see other people mentioning the books on Reddit and Youtube because of the new show obviously. KevinB: I let go of my preconceptions about what star trek is.. Its 2020 and were taking any more of your sh!t. Biography #StarTrekDiscovery #MirrorLandry, Rekha the leaves (@TheRekhaSharma) December 19, 2020. but it looks like she did simply did it because she was her friend and room mate. So smart in the Starfleet tradition. How does Tillys scientific mind come into play in solving the crisis of the anomaly in season four? I know everyone is different but for me, once I hit my mid-30s my metabolism slowed down, so I had to cut back on the amount of food I ate compared to when I was 25. Saru would then recognize the potential in her, give her opportunities to build her self esteem and confidence, and wed get a good arc that doesnt seem forced like it does now. We never saw her effort to become that person. I just wonder if maybe they are adapting the basic idea to what we are seeing in Prodigy since the Protostar couldve been part of the Full Circle program and was sent back to the DQ for a specific mission? Given all the trouble the crew got into, Im sure they needed one on the ship. Proceed accordingly. The show will roll out on Paramount Plus in the US, and is expected to stream on Netflix elsewhere. I know most dont share my opinon that after a terrible first half of S1, I have generally liked Discovery but making Tilly first officer was quite possibly the most ridiculous plot twist in the history of Trek. They basically wrote her off the show! GD, what shoes is David wearing in those pics? Why do you think being nervous or anxious means that you can not graduate from the academy? Whether you choose to believe it or not, youre actually part of the problem. Finally, actress Rekha Sharma shared this fun behind-the-scenes photo with Doug Jones and David Benjamin Tomlinson, where she lamented Landry being killed off yet again. I dont understand this at all. Have you ever read those? As a Black girl, I felt I was supposed to look this way. Well, Renos really more engineering. Episodes will be. Just blows my mind. It's mostly the super-hero genre where you see this. Im sorry if the idea of someone not like Discovery upsets you, but its unreasonable to expect people to change their minds for that reason. And I just let the writers take me on a journey. (80's for ya) They seemed to only be limited by what that particular script called for that week. Theres even a scene where she pretty much turns to the camera and says that shell stay till the very end. Finally, Starfleet isn't a military organisation or an army. They told us and a handful of other outlets what to expect for their characters and more. Is Tilly Pregnant in Real Life? Star Trek Cast's Weight Gain Story It means something to me. Also the writers, Erika Lipoldt and Bo Yeon Kim. Tilly is part Wesley Crusher and part Barclay. I just dont remember if it was something I read years ago or if it was in an interview with Gene. The only thing she is qualified for at Starfleet Academy is as a 23rd century specialist. STAR TREK and its various marks are trademarks of CBS Studios Inc. 2023 CBS Studios Inc./Paramount Pictures Corp. 2006-2023 SciFanatic Network | Legal/Privacy Info, Copyright 2023 | MH Newsdesk by MH Themes, Podcast: All Access Dives Into The Latest Episode Of Picard And Probes Star Treks TV (And Movie) Future, BREAKING: Star Trek: Discovery To Conclude With Season 5, Review: Star Trek: Picard Runs Deep In Seventeen Seconds, Watch Picard And Riker Reverse Their Classic Roles In Star Trek: Picard Episode 303 Clip, J.J. Abrams Talks Compelling Story For Star Trek 4; Chris Pine Expresses Frustration Over Wait, I hope Mary Wiseman is okay or has a good reason for her weight gain since S1. The audience is growing due to our amazing loyalty, but I give them credit toobecause Discovery, we have all these new shows. Im sure nearly everyone of the crew of TNG had issues and problems. And, in that sense, it is okay to be used as it was above. (OMG, weve gone way off topic lol. Obligatory mention of the stupid turbolifts and how dumb they are. Yes! Harry wasnt annoying. Sylvia Tilly (mirror) | Memory Alpha | Fandom Why does the therapist appear to outrank the CMO? This was to reveal the true intents and emotions of the players in each plot, which highlights the role they play in momentous choices in high-stake situations. Cant believe some fans complain about character A or B or C. I am sorry, but the obsessive complaining about Sonequa/Michael or Mary/Tilly, for who they are, is so rude. Between Marys comments about how Tilly internalizes her experiences as acting First Officer and Captain and the fact that we see Gen Rhys in the big chair in one of the early production stills, does anyone think that Discovery might get Treks first regular series Asian First Officer? It doesnt look like unhealthy curvy but just different type of genes. 42 comments so far. I have this image in my head of the EPs saying to Mack that theyd like species that havent been main characters in other shows and asking him to give a list of options for a big and strong species, a species without a bianary gender etc. Against all odds, shes in Starfleet and thriving. Rather than shaming them or acting like there are only a few kinds of women worth aspiring to be. Unless you want to count Ezri Dax she was a therapist but I dont believe she heald a high ranking command position. To be honest I think she is more attractive than the mostly skinny cast of most series. Maybe having had to step up to the plate before she was ready I think she intellectually knows that she didnt fail, and that its not her fault that Osyraa took the ship, she didnt have all the information, but I still think the fact that that she took command and somehow lost the ship would be an enormous blow to her confidence and make her question a lot of stuff. If they wont act a woman should take a pear of pruning shears and cut off that little pecker of yours (its what Killy would do). Maybe its just me, but I dont really care about women or mens weight on TV shows, I dont care for negative comments on them by haters, but neither do I care for the actors/actresses making such a whiney big deal about it. She hopped over those 900 years. The following contains spoilers from Star Trek: Discovery's Season 4 finale. Maybe Saru wont be on the ship as much but Im guessing they are going the same direction. For what its worth Picard has an excellent cast, male and female, it just feels they are one or two notches above their discovery peers, maybe again due to writing/direction. Thats kind of what I was playing with. This time, even if I wanted that, my body said: no were going to take some time here, we need to heal. And so, I find myself in this bigger, fuller body and it made me appreciate where I was before. Then maybe I would actually remember his name! Come on she looks great. Not everyone is going to agree with you in life but to accuse others of sullying the memories of people they didnt know existed until you replied to their posts may provoke far more negative responses. I can see myself having a few bottles of synthehol with him. Typical. I like me. But it would seem to me that it might ought to be standard practice to have a Betazed on the bridge on all starships if those stills were so needed. Star Trek: Discovery Season 5 May Be Coming Soon, According To Wilson Cruz [UPDATED], Podcast: All Access Scans For All The Latest Star Trek Universe News, Star Trek Lower Decks Nominated For Annie Award; Discovery For NAACP And GLAAD Awards,,,,, Star Trek: Discovery | Tilly Chooses To Live | Paramount+ My lady, you are so fine that I want to have your baby. . Theres a difference between celebrating obesity and accepting individual human beings, treating them as human beings, and not targeting them specifically for emotional harassment. I expect that well have her in the world and all of those things. Mary Wiseman told Forbes, It was tricky, but it was a really, really fun and satisfying challenge.. Sylvia Tilly was an ambitious female Human Starfleet officer who lived during the mid- 23rd century. I suspect that Prodigy may use some of the elements that Beyer expanded or created for Full Circle without actually developing any of the overall story arc. I have considered it and rejected it. Ive learned a lot of bad spelling comes from dictating into your smartphone. Therefore, I love her. Mary Wiseman, Cadet to Lieutenant Silvia Tilly on Star Trek: Discovery I thought her arc was going to end with her being booted from the service for repeatedly failing physical fitness tests? There is a great scene back in S1 when Tilly and Burnham are doing cardio training and post workout are eating their protien, carbs and fat nutrition, something that the body requires after a hard cardio workout. It makes it quite American centric. Wasnt it Saru who made Tilly the First Officer? When all evidence points to her character not being loved or even liked (the actress is fine; shes been poorly handled by the writers (Michelle Paradise). If Tilly needed to pick up a phaser or be physically active then that means the Discovery is in some serious shit, with it either having been boarded and their entire security personnel neutralised, or with Tilly separated from the ship, most like due to its destruction. My best advice is to give some of the Litverse books a try and decide for yourself which writers appeal to you. Not liking a character doesnt make a person a troll, so Im not even sure what that nonsensical comment was supposed to mean. Between 2011 through 2015, she attended Juilliard School's Drama Division, where one of her students was future Star Trek: Discovery actress Mary Chieffo. . I agree 100%. | March 22, 2022 | I think criticism of the actors is wrong as well, its not about the actors its what they have been told deliver. And CBS posted some images of Emperor Georgious quarters on the ISS Discovery. I see those things and they hurt me because Im a person. The rumors started and spread like wildfire when some fanatics of Star Trek Discovery found out that Mary gained a few pounds between the seasons. Right? Sonequa Martin-Green as Burnham hugging Mary Wiseman as Tilly in Coming Home. As soon as she was, they should have rewritten Tilly from being a cadet to being a lieutenant or something. But Barclay is just irritating as hell. Thats not a leader. Stupid decision to bring her back. Have to disagree. The increasingly repeated notion that Discovery has saved the Trek franchise with emotion and humanity is dubious revisionist history. It just came to me and wanted your opinion. Everyone has their gifts. Mary Wiseman is sending the message that your body is your own, your responsibility, and nobody elses business, not any sort of health and fitness message. Mary Wiseman: We dont have that many scenes together but theres a lot of tension between us just as actors and personalities.

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