Baje completamente la hoja y el bisel a 45. ADJUSTMENTS BLADE WRENCH (RIGHT) WARNING: Before performing any adjustment, make sure the tool is unplugged from the power supply and the top button on the switch is not depressed. RIDGID R4514 120V Pro Jobsite Table Saw with | Grelly USA Install the fence and recheck alignment. Deslice un espaciador en cada perno e inserte los pernos en los orificios de las bases y el pedestal con patas. ASSEMBLAGE Enlever les boulons, les entretoises et les crous de blocage des ensembles de pied. Step on the release lever and pull the grips toward you at the same time. Reemplace ambas escobillas cuando una u otra tenga menos de 6,35 mm (1/4 pulg. RIDGID R4514 10 in. Pro Jobsite Table Saw Manual | Manualzz Toujours utiliser un support adquat sous une planche la sortie de la scie. Ridgid - R4514 Table Saw 9-16-21 (Rev:02) - OrderTree FUNCIONAMIENTO Durante el uso, el medidor de inglete puede moverse ligeramente hacia la izquierda o hacia la derecha dentro de la ranura del medidor de inglete. a 6,4 mm (1/4 pulg.) This saw is designed for use with a 6 in. LABEL DATA R4514 : Qty: Add to Cart: 10: 089240028905 : LABEL; BEVEL LOCK : Qty: Add to Cart: 11: 089240028016 : BOX SWITCH INNER : Qty: Add to Cart: 12: 089290001178 . February 27, 2023 alexandra bonefas scott No Comments . Lower the saw blade. 10-inch blade The 10-inch blade can withstand the pressure that comes with hardwood. Lutilisation dune coupe non transversante est essentielle pour couper les rainures et les feuillures. WARNING: Always wear eye protection with side shields marked to comply with ANSI Z87.1. Get high-quality, long-lasting results in a fraction of the time. Asegrese de que la pieza de trabajo est lejos de la hoja antes de encender la sierra. FUNCIONAMIENTO CORTE A INGLETE COMBINADO (EN BISEL) CMO EFECTUAR CORTES A INGLETE COMBINADOS (EN BISEL) COLOQUE LA MANO DERECHA EN LA PIEZA DE TRABAJO AQU Vea la figura 61. Using a push stick and/or push blocks, slowly feed the workpiece toward the blade. in accordance with these instructions, taking into account the working conditions and the work to be performed. NOTE: This saw cannot be used to make a bevel dado cut. btd6 hero stereotypes. Newsletter. R4513 IS DIFFERENT MODEL THAN R4510 attn:DanMuresan - RIDGID Forum >> Download Ridgid r4514 assembly instructions >> Read Online Ridgid r4514 assembly instructions. Le fait de ne pas se conformer lensemble des consignes prsentes cidessous risque dentraner des dcharges lectriques, un incendie et/ou des blessures graves. Ridgid - R4514 Table Saw 9-16-21 (Rev:02) Click and drag to pan. Rip fence is misaligned. Bolts should be of sufficient length to accommodate the saw base, washers, lock washers, wing nuts, and the thickness of the workbench. Se debe ajustar la profundidad de la hoja de la sierra de manera que los puntos externos de la hoja queden ms elevados que la pieza de trabajo de 3,2 mm (1/8 pulg.) MAINTENANCE CLEANING THE RIVING KNIFE LOCK LEVER PLATES WARNING: See Figure 78. CAUTION: Indicates a hazardous situation, that, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury. Have comments or questions? RIDGID R4514 Saw Operator's manual PDF View/Download 0:00 / 58:39 RIDGID R4514 10" Table Saw: Assembly and adjustments in detail. Operator's Manual (089240028061) Qty: Add to Cart: Sign up for our newsletter. LISTE DES PICES DTACHES Les composants suivants sont inclus avec votre scie table : B A C E D G H I1 K F I2 L J Fig. RIDGID 10 in. Pro Jobsite Table Saw with Stand R4514 FEATHERBOARD A featherboard is a device used to help control the workpiece by holding it securely against the table or fence. See To Check and Align the Riving Knife and Saw Blade in the Assembly section. ASSEMBLY UNPACKING This product requires assembly. 3. Align the rip fence. carbide tipped combination blade See Figures 2 - 3. provided with your saw. Placement of the rip fence to the left of the blade will result in kickback and the risk of serious personal injury. Zoom. It can rip through a 4 inch by 4 inch material. This saw is shipped with a riving knife that should be placed in the down position for non-through cutting and must be placed in the up position for all other cutting operations. NOTE: Brush assembly is spring load and will pop out when brush cap is removed. ridgid r4514 repair sheet - Vea la figura 57. Estos elementos deben asegurarse antes de cerrar el pedestal con patas y mover la sierra. Avec un bloc et/ou un bton poussoir, pousser lentement la pice vers la lame. Remove the rip fence by lifting the locking lever. GARANTA HERRAMIENTAS ELCTRICAS DE MANO Y ESTACIONARIAS RIDGID GARANTA DE SERVICIO LIMITADA DE TRES AOS Debe presentarse prueba de la compra al solicitar servicio al amparo de la garanta. During periods of extended use, the dust chute should be emptied and cleaned to prevent buildup of sawdust and to make sure there are no obstructions or other small offcuts that may have fallen into the throat plate opening that could hinder maximum performance. VERIFICACION LA TIRANTEZ DEL PALANCA DE BLOQUEO DE LA GUA DE CORTE AL HILO Vea la figura 74. ADVERTENCIA: GUA BAJA Para reducir el riesgo de sufrir lesiones, siempre asegrese de que la gua de corte al hilo est paralela a la hoja, antes de iniciar cualquier operacin. No intente modificar esta herramienta ni hacer accesorios no recomendados para la misma. Profundidad de corte a 45 63,5 mm (2-1/2 pulg.) TUERCA DE AJUSTE La palanca de bloqueo de la gua de corte al hilo debe fijar firmemente sta contra los rieles delantero y trasero. Quatre trous de boulons ont t prvus dans le socle de la scie cet effet. La scie est conue pour tre utilise avec des lames rainure double de 152,4 mm (6 po) (avec une paisseur jusqu 19 mm [3/4 po]). FUNCIONAMIENTO CMO EFECTUAR CORTES DE RANURA CORTE DE RANURA Vea la figura 64. NOTA: Esta herramienta es pesada. Abaisser compltement la lame et biseauter 45. 11 Best Portable Table Saws: Your Easy Buyer's Guide UTILISATION POUR UTILISER LE GUIDE LONGITUDINAL GUIDE LONGITUDINAL Voir les figures 44 et 45. RIDGID R4514 Operator's manual (164 pages) Pages: 164 | Size: RIDGID R4514 Related Products RIDGID R3000 RIDGID R4251 Mantenga las herramientas de corte afiladas y limpias. Coloque tuercas y ajstelas ligeramente. WARNING: Make sure the blade guard assembly is installed and working properly to avoid serious personal injury. Todas las partes metlicas expuestas estn aisladas de los componentes metlicos internos del motor por medio de aislamiento de proteccin. AVERTISSEMENT : Afin dviter le risque de blessures graves, sassurer que le protge-lame est installe et fonctionne correctement. Remove the blade guard and anti-kickback pawls. Properly supporting the workpiece throughout the cutting process not only improves the accuracy of the cut but also makes the cutting process safer for the user. Retire los conjuntos de las escobillas y verifique el grado de desgaste. Mop Cloth Cleaning Pads Main Brush for Roborock T7S S7 T7S Plus Sweeping Robot, RIDGID Saw Parts Complete Bevel Rod Assembly For RIDGID R4514 10" Table Saw. Placer la pice couper plat sur la table, son bord solidement appuy contre le guide longitudinal. Heavy Duty Portable Table Saw, (1) portable folding stand, (1) 10 in. UTILISATION COUPE DONGLET COMPOS (EN BISEAU) COUPE COMPOSE (COUPE DONGLET ET COUPE EN BISEAU) PLACER LA MAIN DROITE SUR LA PICE COUPER ICI Voir la figure 61. Nettoyer la scie, le protge-lame, sous la plaque gorge, et nimporte quels sciure o nimporte quelle poussire de scie ou les pices de fragment peuvent rassembler. When working outdoors with a product, use an extension cord that is designed for outside use. Repair Instructions Description: This is an authentic OEM part that has been sourced to be used with table saws from Ridgid. Order online or call (866) 539-1710. RIDGID R4514 OPERATOR'S MANUAL Pdf Download | ManualsLib Dbrancher la scie. La hoja est taloneando. Este producto est manufacturado por One World Technologies, Inc., La licencia de uso de la marca comercial es otorgada por RIDGID, Inc. OPERATORS MANUAL MANUEL DUTILISATION MANUAL DEL OPERADOR 10 in. This table saw delivers a 30 in. {{filteredImages().indexOf(gallerySelectedImage) + 1}}/{{filteredImages().length}}. Loosen the hex locking nuts. durante el corte. UTILISATION COUPE DONGLET Voir la figure 57. CARACTRISTIQUES GUIDE DONGLET - Ce guide donglet aligne le pice pour une coupe transversale. It is made of cast aluminum, and it is 30 inches wide. UTILISATION POUR UTILISER LE GUIDE ONGLET BOUTON DE VERROUILLAGE Voir la figure 47. Take into consideration that the DeWalt can't use a Dado stack while the Ridgid can take up to a 3/4" wide setup I believe, in case that's of importance to you. RIDGID R4514 10 in. Vuelva a colocar la cuchilla separadora hacia la izquierda o hacia la derecha. Fixer la scie, par chacun de ses quatre trous de montage, laide des boulons de carrosserie de 6 mm (1/4 po), des rondelles, des rondelles freins, et des crous oreilles. ATTENTION : Faire preuve de prudence lorsque vous mettez votre main lintrieur de la gorge de la scie table. Properly maintained cutting tools with sharp cutting edges are less likely to bind and are easier to control. ASSEMBLY TO CHECK SAW BLADE INSTALLATION BLADE WRENCH (RIGHT) See Figure 18. Le guide donglet a deux rainures, une sur chaque ct de la lame. RAILS - Les rails avant et arrire fournissent un support pour le guide longitudinal. For greater accuracy, press the miter gauge against the left or right edge of the miter gauge groove when making cuts. NOTA: El conjunto de cada escobilla tiene un resorte y salta al retirarse la tapa de la escobilla. Serrer les vis de rglage horizontales et vrifier lalignement. Again, for being a portable table saw, the Ridgid R4514 does have a fairly large table. PALANCA DE FIJACIN DE BISEL 0 TORNILLO DE TOPE Desconecte la sierra. The guard, riving knife, and anti-kickback pawls help to reduce the risk of injury. Mueva la regla a la parte posterior y mida nuevamente la distancia desde la cara interna del diente de la hoja al borde izquierdo de la ranura derecha del calibre de inglete. Adjust the rip fence. UTILISATION RAINAGE EXCUTION DUN RAINAGE Voir la figure 64. Product description. Voir les figures 21 et 22. Use la herramienta elctrica, los accesorios, las brocas, etc. Retire la proteccin de la hoja y los trinquetes anticontragolpe. Before turning on the saw, perform a dry run of the cutting operation to make sure that no problems will occur when the cut is made. RGLAGES Ds que la lame est 45 de la table : Vrifier lindicateur de biseau. If the distances are the same, the blade and the miter gauge groove are parallel. RIDGID 15 Amp 10 -inch Table Saw with Folding Stand Vrifier quaucune pice mobile nest mal aligne ou bloque, quaucune pice nest brise et sassurer quaucun autre problme ne risque daffecter le bon fonctionnement de loutil. For easier assembly, match number to number and fingertighten all fasteners. MAINTENANCE CLEANING DUST CHUTE See Figure 79. 104K views 2 years ago In this video, I will be unboxing and reviewing the Ridgid 10" R4514 table saw. WARNING: Indicates a hazardous situation, which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury. Work is fed too fast. La gua de ingletes brinda una gran precisin en los cortes en ngulo. Cuando no estn en uso, la gua de corte al hilo, la cuchilla separadora, las llaves, la proteccin de la hoja, el medidor de inglete, los trinquetes anticontragolpe y el palo empujador pueden guardarse debajo de la mesa de la sierra. CORTE AL HILO EN BISEL HOJA EN NGULO PERILLA DE BLOQUEO Cuando termine el corte, apague la sierra. UTILISATION Lusage dun cale-guide aidera la prise la pice assurment contre la table de scie ou le guide. Raise the blade. Nunca use medios de montaje de hojas de sierra daados o incorrectos, como bridas, arandelas de hoja de sierra, pernos o tuercas. Lorsque les tolrances sont rduites, il est recommand de faire des coupes dessai. Guarde todas las advertencias e instrucciones para consultarlas en el futuro. UTILISATION tourner la lame dun tour complet pour assurer quelle tourne librement avant de brancher la scie. Est desalineada la gua de corte al hilo. I am just a consumer sharing my experiences and research. If the extension moves: Lift the table extension lock lever. The difference between the two in prices determines your pick. OPERATION Turn the saw on. Throat Plate Assembly [089290001700] for Ridgid Power Tools ADVERTENCIA: Indica una situacin peligrosa, la cual, si no se evita, podra causar la muerte o lesiones serias. Para efectuar cortes con tolerancias muy estrechas se recomienda efectuar cortes de prueba. Terms & Conditions; Please contact us at 1-800-628-0525. AJUSTES Una vez que la hoja forme un ngulo de 45 con respecto a la mesa: Controle el indicador de bisel. Lassujettir avec crou de blocage (M8). We are sorry for the the inconvenience, however there are no chat operators available at this time. The lever should not be difficult to push down and lock. Dbrancher la scie. When ripping, apply the feed force to the section of the workpiece between the blade and rip fence. La sierra es enviado con el cuchilla separadora coloc en el corte no pasante o abajo la posicin (cuchilla separadora la posicin) y debe estar ser colocado en el lanzamiento o arriba la posicin para todas las otras operaciones cortes. Coloque las bases en el pedestal con patas. Brand: RIDGID Category: Saw Type: Operator's manual for RIDGID R4514 Pages: 164 Download RIDGID R4514 Operator's manual 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RGLES DE SCURIT SCIE TABLE leve provoque un mauvais alignement, du grippage et un rebond. The blade guard protects it. Genuine OEM replacement part. portable contractor table saw (42 pages), Manual will be automatically added to "My Manuals", Blade Guard, Riving Knife and Anti-Kickback Pawls, Rgles de Scurit Gnrales / Reglas de Seguridad Generales Table Saw Safety Rules, To Install the Anti-Kickback Pawls and Blade Guard, To Check and Align the Riving Knife and Saw Blade, How to Make a Jig (for Rip Cutting Narrow Workpiece), To Set the Rip Fence Scale Indicator to the Blade, Adjusting the Blade Parallel to the Miter Gauge Groove (Removing Heel), To Set the Bevel Indicator and Bevel Stops at 0 and 45 Degrees, To Check the Alignment of the Rip Fence to the Blade, To Check the Tightness of the Rip Fence Locking Lever, Cleaning the Riving Knife Lock Lever Plates. All blades and dado sets must not be rated less than the speed of this tool. RAINURE DE GUIDE DONGLET - Le guide donglet se dplace dans ces rainures dun ct ou de lautre de la lame. This saw features a dust chute for convenience in discharging sawdust. RIDGID 45101 10" Jobsite Table Saw Review Tool Box Buzz Les outils double isolation ne ncessitent pas de mise la terre. BLADE AT 0 BEVEL BEVEL LOCKING LEVER 0 STOP SCREW Unplug the saw. blade, a blade guard assembly, a portable folding stand, and an operator's manual. See Adjusting the Blade Parallel to the Miter Gauge Groove (Removing Heel) in the Operation section. Double insulated tools do not need to be grounded. Slide a spacer onto each bolt and insert bolts through the holes in the feet and leg stand. This product is manufactured by One World Technologies, Inc. Si los cortes no estn a escuadra, repita el proceso. Mettre la scie en marche. FUNCIONAMIENTO PARA USAR LA GUA DE INGLETES PERILLA DE BLOQUEO Vea la figura 47. RIDGID introduces the R4514 10 in. FUNCIONAMIENTO CORTE DE PANEL GRANDE CMO CORTAR UN PANEL GRANDE Vea la figura 62. NOTE : Ne pas se stand un usage autre que celui pour lequel il est conu. ENTRETIEN NETTOYER LE CHUTE COPEAUX Pour nettoyer la chute copeaux : Voir la figure 79. ASSEMBLY With the curve handle turned downward, secure the upper tubes to the leg stand using carriage bolt (M8 x 80 mm), small spacers, and lock nuts (M8). Desbloquear la perilla de fijacin de altura de la hoja. Remove the bolts, spacers, and lock nuts from the foot assemblies. BLADE ANGLED WARNING: RIP FENCE The rip fence must be on the right side of the blade to avoid trapping the wood and causing kickback. Feed workpiece at an even pace. Slow the feed rate. With your hands on the grips, push the leg stand towards the ground until the table saw is in an open position. This is the only type cut that is made without the blade guard assembly installed. Wandbild Katzenbaby Fototapete Poster Tier Niedlich Sss WA327LI. Sortir soigneusement la scie du carton et la poser sur un plan de travail horizontal. AVERTISSEMENT : Indique une situation dangereuse qui, si elle nest pas vite, pourrait entraner des blessures graves ou mortelles. La falta de atencin a esta advertencia podra causar lesiones corporales graves. OPERATION To use a jig: Position the workpiece flat on the table with the edge flush against the jig and against the stop. CARACTRISTIQUES FICHE TECHNIQUE Diamtre de la lame254 mm (10 po) Axe de lame. 16 mm (5/8 po) Profondeur de coupe 90. 88,9 mm (3-1/2 po) GRIFFES ANTIREBOND Profondeur de coupe 45.63,5 mm (2-1/2 po) Valeurs nominales..120 V~, 15 A, 60 Hz Vitesse vide.. CARACTRISTIQUES ESPACE DE RANGEMENT DU GUIDE LONGITUDINAL ESPACE DE RANGEMENT DU BTON POUSSOIR ET DU GUIDE ONGLET ESPACE DE RANGEMENT DU COUTEAU DIVISEUR, DE LA CL DE LAME, DES GRIFFES ANTIREBOND ET DU PROTGE-LAME CHUTE COPEAUX SE FAMILIARISER AVEC LA SCIE TABLE Voir les figure 2 - 3. but the lowest points (gullets) are below the top surface. Verrouiller la lame. Use the power tool, accessories and tool bits etc. Cause Solution Lame mousse. Si la extensin se mueve: Suba la palanca de fijacin de la extensin de la mesa. ARMADO Retire los pernos, los espaciadores y las tuercas de seguridad de los conjuntos de las bases. ADJUSTMENTS CHECKING THE TABLE EXTENSION See Figure 76. Pro Jobsite Table Saw with Stand. Tout matriel doit tre assurment resserr mais pas si tendu que le stand ouvir et retirer. les rainures ou les refentes. ASSEMBLY TO CHANGE RIVING KNIFE POSITIONS See Figure 17. NOTE: Le guide longitudinal fourni avec la scie possde un guide infrieur rglable, qui peut tre orient vers lavant ou loin de la lame. Los ajustes de ngulo de la sierra se hicieron en la fbrica y, a menos que se hayan daado durante el transporte, no necesitan ajuste durante el armado. Readjust hex coupling if necessary. UTILISATION Pour utiliser sauteuse : Disposer la pice plate sur la table avec lclat de bord contre la sauteuse et contre bute. blade) can be made with the grain (ripping) or across the grain (cross cut). Backed by the Industry's Only Lifetime Service Agreement, this saw includes a 10 in. The use of a non-through cut is essential to cutting grooves, rabbets, and dadoes. La extensin deslizable de la mesa no se debe mover mientras est asegurada. Placer les pieds sur le stand. Asegure la palanca de extensin de la mesa. Cette scie comprend une chute copeaux utile pour dbarrasser la sciure. ASSEMBLAGE Pour ouvrir le stand : Saisir les prises de la table de scie et la mettre debout tel quindiqu ci-dessous. AVERTISSEMENT : Toujours porter une protection oculaire certifie conforme la norme ANSI Z87.1. RIDGID 10 in. Pro Jobsite Table Saw with Stand : Use and Care Manual Equipped with a powerful 15 Amp motor, the RIDGID 10 in. Use of the power tool for operations different from those intended could result in a hazardous situation. LLAVES DE HOJA (DERECHO) LLAVES DE HOJA (IZQUIERDO) AVISO: Para funcionar correctamente, los dientes de la hoja deben apuntar hacia la parte frontal de la sierra, hacia abajo.
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