August 14, 2019 Gavin RCBS General, Reloading Blog 6.5 Creedmoor, 6mm Creedmoor, Long range rifle, New Products, RCBS 2019, RCBS Matchmaster, Reloading, Reloading Blog, Reloading Press, Reloading Videos, Starline, Ultimate Reloader. The MatchMaster seater die is beautifully machined, polished, and finished off with a deep-blued finish similar to the finish you would find on some of the finest firearms. And users can fine-tune any load with the micrometer-adjustable, free-floating, self-centering bullet seating stem., RCBS Product Manager Will Hemeyer explained that the new Competition Seater is a game-changer. Share the post "RCBS MatchMaster Dies Review and Free Dies Promotion", Tags: MatchMaster Dies, Matchmaster powder dispenser, MatchMaster Promotion, Ported Seating Dies, RCBS Dies. Cant wait! Buy MatchMaster - Seater Die and More | RCBS These new MatchMaster dies are notable for four features: 1. Gavin Gear of has tested the new RCBS MatchMaster Dies in 6mm Creedmoor. .embed-container { position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.25%; height: 0; overflow: hidden; max-width: 100%; height: auto; } .embed-container iframe, .embed-container object, .embed-container embed { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; }. So. Ive noticed that RCBS does make a micrometer adjustable competition seater die. 4.6 4.6 out of 5 stars (85) $111.99 $ 111. This is a big change over standard seating dies where the case doesnt touch the die until the very end of the seating process and the bullet can easily get started a bit crooked. Ultimate Reloader LLC / Making with Metal Disclaimer: (by reading this article and/or watching video content you accept these terms). This bullet window is where . You are using an out of date browser. Dec 23, 2021. Add To Cart. To hell with seating dies without sliding sleeves and to those imitation match grade seating dies that have a fancy looking micrometer to adjust seating depth slapped on top but no sliding sleeve to properly align things inside. Snipers Hide is a community of Snipers of all kinds, focusing on long range shooting, accuracy, and ballistics. Remember theshell holder. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. RCBS Reloading Dies.30 carbine RN. They are feature-rich with outstanding fit and finish and unbeatable accuracy. The scale on the MatchMaster reads to .02 and it is set up to stop dispensing on values of +/-.02gr. FLAT SHIPPING! Free Shipping & Free Returns* EXPEDITED SHIPPING on Over 250,000 Products. Full-Length Die Set includes Full-Length Sizing Die and Bullet Seating Die, Utilizes Neck Bushing to Control Neck Tension (Sold Separately), Sizing Die Include Titanium Carbo Nitride Expander for reduced brass build up on expander and smooth case extraction, Bullet seating window with bullet retention system, Large Oversize Micrometer for easy adjustments, Free-floating, self-centering bullet seating stem, Rock Chucker Supreme and Uniflow Powder Measure Kit. No More Mashed Fingers When Seating Bullets That brings us to why I reload the precision rifle despite precision rifle being by far the most time consuming and PITA of all things to reload for. +1-800-504-5994 Live Chat Contact Us Check Order Status. The bushings reduce neck diameter from the OUTSIDE. Die Lock-Ring Wrench. 4. You can use either method, but RCBS designed this die for maximum concentricity when loading bullets from the top. Thanks for the great info! Where I think there will be arguments are with respect to the cost and single year warranty. RCBS MatchMaster Powder Dispenser RCBS. How surprising! On top of that, the fit and finish are by far the best I have seen on a die. Aimed at people reloading long-range precision ammunition, this die set builds on the familiar RCBS Gold Metal die set SKUs with a few key refinements. FOR SALE! Time value considered, I have never saved money reloading. 243 Winchester Full Length X-Die Set. Couple this with a micrometer-adjustable, free-floating, self-centering bullet-seating stem[.]. The Competition Seating Die has a view-port for the bullet. Buy RCBS 243 Winchester Matchmaster Competition Full Length Bushing Set: GunBroker is the largest seller of Reloading Equipment Ammunition Reloading All: 973677914 . A real step up in user friendliness. Im probably going to order a set of .223 to try them out unless somebody tells me theyre shit. There are a couple of things that jump out to me in the data and analysis. Three dies, with box, great condition. PP F&F, Venmo, or Zelle. We Use the Best Steel and Proprietary Manufacturing to Deliver the Best Reloading Dies on the Market! In the picture below you see a fairly long 69gr projectile in the .223rem die. To make the shopping experience with Brownells better, we have a number of representatives in Europe. $239.00. Subscribe to Ultimate Reloader Reloading Blog by Email, NEW DAA Infra-Red Low Powder Sensor (Hands-On). Do not attempt to repair or modify any firearms based on information on this website. !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)? The answer is it depends. Some of the Hornady micrometer seaters just barely fit (like less than an 1/8" clearance). Very thorough review! Simply place the bullet in. F-Class A to Z with Erik Cortina + Special Guest! NEW RCBS MATCHMASTER Dies! Tested in 6mm Creedmoor RCBS MatchMaster Dies Review and Free Dies Promotion, Redding Introduces New Black & Gold Premium Die Sets, Expander Mandrels Not Just for Neck-Turning, Neck-Expander Mandrels for More Uniform Neck Tension, Watch Out for Bullet Nose Contact in Short Seating Stems. I do have a set of Redding dies for a 6mm AR and the seating die have about 25% less 'runout' than the RCBS dies. Whoops for him. I measured at 22.6gr, 34gr, and 95gr to sort of cover some common rough weights that a shooter might be using with a .223rem, 6.5CM, and .338LM, though you obviously would not be using the same powders for all three of these. 243 Reloading Dies for Sale - Forster, Hornady, Lee, and More They have clarified this to me to mean all charges will be within + or that .04 or .1 grains from the users setting. Thats just the nature of how the tube system works and the geometry of the hopper. Simply drop in the appropriate size bushing for your brass and start sizing. $11.99 Gear & Bench . RCBS MatchMaster Dies are the pinnacle of what a reloading die should be. You may not reproduce original text or photos without advanced permission in writing. January 26, 2023 Gavin 7mm PRC, Beginner Reloading, Getting Started, Hornady, Products, RCBS, RCBS MatchMaster, Reloading, Reloading Blog, Reloading Videos, Rifle Reloading, SHOT Show 2023, Ultimate Reloader 2023 SHOT Show, 338 Weatherby RPM, 360 Buckhammer, 7mm PRC, full length die set, Hornady, Matchmaster, NEW, RCBS, Reloading, Reloading Blog, Reloading Dies, Reloading Press, Reloading Videos, SHOT Show, Single Stage, Ultimate Reloader, Your email address will not be published. Redding vs RCBS : r/reloading - The thing is because of the angled shoulders the case will try to auto center itself and in the end, it worked really well. (function() { If you think you are going to use mixed headstamp range pickup brass, ball powder, cheap bullets, entry level dies, and an inexpensive volumetric powder throw to produce match ammo you are very much mistaken. All content cited is derived from their respective sources. To learn more about the new MatchMaster Competition Dies, visit No Interest if paid in full in 6 months on purchases of $99+. var _gaq = _gaq || []; Also spot on was the consistency of seating depth on the resulting rounds. Note: Sizing die requires appropriate neck bushings. The Matchmaster sizing dies are only bushing dies. Most reviews start by a company finding me on the Hide and making a request, or with me discovering their product in relation to some particular theme I am examining at the time, thinking it looks compelling, and making a request of them. That wasnt what I expected to see. No Interest if paid in full in 6 months on purchases of $99+. For shooters who demand reloads equal to the quality of their guns, choose RCBS dies. 3 years would be reasonable for a system. B. K. Best 6GT dies? RCBS 14869 Supreme Die Set .30-06 Springfield The Matchmaster seater die is beautifully machined, polished, and finished off with a deep blued finish like on the finest firearms. Once you get listed as industry media, you get these all the time at a rate of quite a few a day. This was actually the first time I have ever plotted one of my load development powder charge targets. Includes Plas. My recollection is that the manual said you must use RCBS bushings and not those from other brands. You may not reproduce original text or photos without advanced permission in writing. No More Mashed Fingers When Seating Bullets Dispensing time averaged 19.33 seconds, slightly better than the 20 seconds advertised. I suggest subtracting .002, as .001 was way too loose for me and that was without using the expander. Some viewers of Gavins video asked if an expander is superfluous when using neck-bushing dies. Matchmaster dies produce first-class concentricity by aligning the case and bullet before they ever meet, then guide them together in perfect alignment all through the seating process. Rcbs Chargemaster Link Electronic Powder Dispenser What sets the MatchMaster Seating Die apart from the competition is a bullet-seating window with bullet-retaining system. All come with the box (although sets do not include the sizing die. It seems like that is the way things are supposed to work, but in real life they almost never work that way (a little heads up for those of you young and just entering the job market.). Benchrest shooters and long-range precision shooters have been using these systems for years to precisely set the amount of neck tension on the bullet allowing them to achieve the most accuracy possible. MatchMaster powder measure user experience and impressions. Expanders are titanium-nitride coated for reduced friction. The MatchMaster seater die is beautifully machined, polished, and finished off with a deep-blued finish similar to the finish you would find on some of the finest firearms. RCBS MatchMaster Neck Size Bushing Die Set For .300 PRC Caliber - 28610. Your email address will not be published. I could definitely tell the difference when using this new die- its much easier to pull the expander ball through the necks of cases. 84 models RCBS Group A Full Length Die Sets (2) As Low As (Save Up to 37%) $30.99 Blazin' Deal. RCBS has introduced a new series of MatchMaster Competition Dies. You could say that it is because the ammo produced is better and it is a little better but it is mostly that the ammo is better matched to fit the gun and can be substantially hotter if you get lucky on where an accuracy node lands. I question why they did this. Right now, with an RCBS Promo, youll get both FL sizing die and micrometer seating die for FREE if you buy the $899.00 MatchMaster. $239.00. The MatchMaster scale appears to be best optimized near the 34gr area where most shooters will be loading. Simply place the bullet in the window and raise the case into the die to seat the bullet. Couple this with a micrometer-adjustable, free-floating, self-centering bullet-seating stem and the MatchMaster Seating Die is easily the most accurate bullet seating die on the market.". Poll: Where are you finding reloading primers and powder? RCBS notes: Reloaders will love that they can end smashed fingers and misaligned bullets with the specially-designed bullet window [on the Seating Die]. Currently Refined by Category: Matchmaster, Neck Size Die Set includes Neck Sizing Die and Bullet Seating Die, Utilizes Neck Bushing to Control Neck Tension (Sold Separately), Sizing Die Include Titanium Carbo Nitride Expander for reduced brass build up on expander and smooth case extraction, Bullet seating window with bullet retention system, Large Oversize Micrometer for easy adjustments, Full-Length Die Set includes Full-Length Sizing Die and Bullet Seating Die, Rock Chucker Supreme and Uniflow Powder Measure Kit, MatchMaster Full Length Bushing Die Set. In practice its a slick system which prevents pinched fingers and craned necks while also requiring less ram stroke distance than seating in competing dies without windows do by a pretty substantial amount. Simply place the bullet in the window and raise the case into the die to seat the bullet. How do they stack up in terms of consistency? Basically, I think that most long range shooters are going to be satisfied with the speed and performance of the MatchMaster. RCBS has these at around $900. I think I have given you a lot of good data in this review quantifying how variance in powder charge translates to variance in fps at the muzzle and vertical dispersion down range. That ensures the INSIDE of the case neck is perfectly concentric. RCBS now offers full length die sets for both calibers as well as the Weatherby 338 RPM. Rest assured, you will still benefit from our vast product selection and industry-leading customer service. You can check out the new lineup of MATCHMASTER dies at HERE: MATCHMASTER dies are available in three different configurations: The MATCHMASTER diesets build on the RCBS Gold Medal die set product family- and here Ill walk through the changes RCBS made with these MATCHMASTER updates. Anybody used one of these yet? 34 models RCBS MatchMaster Competition FL Bushing Sets (1) As Low As (Save Up to 34%) $121.99 Blazin' Deal. Matchmaster dies are the pinnacle of reloading dies with rich features, outstanding fit and finish, and unbeatable accuracy. . RCBS now offers full length die sets for both calibers as well as the. Important! Mag. Seater die includes a bullet seater RCBS Matchmaster Competition Fl Bushing Set .22-250 Remington, 10608. We are sorry, but no results were found for: Sign up now for email offers, news, and more! Die-Set & Tilbehr; Diverse; Fnghtte vrktj; Genladning Kits; Hylstre; Hylstertrimmere; . Your Price: $161.60. Each die is made from case hardened steel, the inside surfaces are precision-drilled and reamed to exacting standards, and hand polished. RCBS 6mm GT MatchMaster die set - G.A. Precision I believe starting out of alignment very slightly damages the bullet and case so that you often cant tell just by looking at them, but in such a way that downrange performance suffers greatly. Quantifying the relationship between powder charge and velocity. Ever since 1943, when Fred T Huntington founded the company in the back of his father's Oroville, California, laundry and dry-cleaning plant, the company and its employees have gone to extreme lengths to provide customers the highest . Use load data at your own risk. To make these dies even more attractive, right now, though the end of April, 2021, you can get a FREE set of MatchMaster Dies if you purchase an RCBS MatchMaster electronic powder scale/dispenser. Sep 10, 2015. RCBS is a company that's been known for its reloading equipment since 1943, and they've just added new cartridge options to the Matchmaster and Group D Die lineups. Some hand-loaders prefer to take the necks down a couple thousandths below final loading diameter, then finish the job with an expander.
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