Is any of the above incorrect? Call, or visit the court's website if listed above. Additional options for the name search include driver license number, date or year of birth, court type, court location, case category, and filing or hearing date range. Cell: (719) 980-2332, First Elected: November2018 View the 2/27/2023 agenda for the Commissioner's Public Hearing. New Mexico Magistrate Court if(document.getElementsByClassName("reference").length==0) if(document.getElementById('Footnotes')!==null) document.getElementById('Footnotes') = 'none'; Ballotpedia features 395,557 encyclopedic articles written and curated by our professional staff of editors, writers, and researchers. Interns wanted: Get paid to help ensure that every voter has unbiased election information. Click here to contact our editorial staff, and click here to report an error. Galassini said he and fellow Magistrate Judge Scott Newton preside over between 5,000 and 6,000 a year. San Juan County Courthouse. Kea Riggs: [30] First female district court judge in Chaves County, New Mexico. Audio or video exhibits will not be accepted via email. NMCOURTS.Gov The Judicial Branch of New Mexico, Honorable John R. Secrest, Division I263Robert H. Bradley DriveAlamogordo, NM 88310(575) 437-9000, Honorable Michael R. Suggs, Division II263 Robert H. Bradley DriveAlamogordo, NM 88310(575) 437-7310, Honorable Mickie Vega, Division I310 11th StreetCarrizozo, NM88301(575) 648-2389, Honorable Katie Lund, Division II301 West Highway 70 #2Ruidoso, NM 88345(575) 378-7022, Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC), Court Decisions on Pretrial Release and Detention Reform, Court Rules for Pretrial Release and Detention, Public Safety Assessment For Pretrial Release and Detention, NMSC Commission on Mental Health and Competency, Safe Exchange & Supervised Visitation (SESV), Bernalillo County Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (BCCJCC). Links to additional resources are provided. Please contact the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) coordinator below for more information regarding accessibility at this court location. View information about the New Mexico Tribal-State Judicial Consortium and individual Tribal courts, with contact information, explanation of jurisdiction and collaboration between state and Tribal courts, and issues such as the Indian Child Welfare Act, domestic violence, and juvenile justice. Additional search options include date of birth, case status, and date filed. On 02/25/2021 Miller, Gigi A Otero, Alyssa M filed a Small Claim - Other Small Claim lawsuit against Cunningham, Bradley. Magistrates Deni E. Eiring Magistrate Division: E 719-384-4951 View more. Write a short note about what you liked, what to order, or other helpful advice for visitors. Esther Smith Van Soelen: [31] First female lawyer in Clovis, New Mexico [ Curry County, New Mexico] Olga Melinda Victoria Miller: [5] [6] First female judge in Doa Ana County, New Mexico (1910) Find contact information for local courts. Rocky was working for the New Mexico State University Police Department as a secretary when I was working as a dispatcher for State Police in 1975. Phone 575-437-9000. 100% remote. To learn more, click the following link: Do not sell my info. Name Otero County - I. Mailing Address 263 Robert H. Bradley Drive, Alamogordo, NM 88310. La Junta, CO 81050 (719) 383-3000. The Magistrate Court Judges rely on the presence of the MCP Officer during a defendants sentencing in order to ensure that the defendant is aware who the Probation Officer is and where they will need to report. Darlene Perro. You can also search for a file. personal injury; Boolean (richard or dick) and cheney . None of the information offered by this site can be used for assessing or evaluating a person's eligibility for employment, housing, insurance, credit, or for any other purpose covered under the Fair Credit Reporting Act. The Public Access to Court Records (PACER), Otero County 12th Judicial District Court. This component provides the defendant assistance and guidance as to where they need to report for their sentencing requirements to include: So that you may enjoy the convenience and flexibility of making your fee payments online with a credit card. Bail bonds may be posted through the services of a court approved bondsman. Forms are arranged by New Mexico Statutes ("Code") section. Online and downloadable complaint forms are provided. Teri Browne, Defendant(s), M-38-CV-2022-00121 in New Mexico State, Otero County, Magistrate Court, last filing 03/17/2022, filed 03/17/2022. 263 Robert H. Bradley Drive, Alamogordo, NM88310 Links to relevant publications, a calendar of workshops and legal clinics, and additional resources are included. He was first elected Magistrate Court judge in 2006 then took the bench in January 2007 after 23 years of being an officer with the New Mexico State Police in Las Cruces, Roswell and Alamogordo. New Mexico Secretary of State, "New Mexico Roster of Elected Officials 2015-2016" Otero County website; New Mexico Magistrate Court Procedures for Judges and Clerks Contact Information: Phone Number: 575-437-9000 Fax: 575-439-1365. Rhonda Pepper Clerk of Court, Crowley County 719-267-4468 Name: Twelfth Judicial District Court - Otero County Courthouse. Phone Number: 719-384-5941 Fax Number: He and his wife, Rocky, also just celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary. La Junta, CO 81050 Directions. For further details contact the Otero County Sheriffs Office at 575-437-2210. Rodney D. Fouracre Magistrate Division: M 719-384-4951 View more. Alamogordo District Court (Alamogordo, NM . This project is a concerted effort and regional partnership between the local, county, state, and federal governments. Navigate from here to the Land Use Department's page! Otero County Magistrate Court Judge Gene C. Galassini hung his robe up on Monday for the last time. If you click on a folder and run a search, it will only search that folder. Name: Magistrate Court - San Juan County - III. It was love at first sight.. Pay New Mexico Magistrate and Metropolitan Court criminal and traffic fines and fees online. Voters fill in their ballots at the Otero County Fairgrounds on June 7, 2022. The Otero County Magistrate Court New Mexico online traffic school courses are broken into chapters, and each chapter is followed by a brief multiple choice quiz that is designed to serve as practice for the Otero County Magistrate Court New Mexico final exam. I have had the pleasure and privilege of serving at the Magistrate Court for. You'll also want to consult the New Mexico Rules of Civil Procedure for the Magistrate Courts, Rules 2-101 to 2-804, 3-101 to 3 . The New Mexico Motor Vehicle Division offers information related to traffic laws, motor vehicle laws, driver's licenses, and driving records. Public Works, Land Use, & Building Department: 411 N 10th St. Rocky Ford, CO 81067 (719) 383-3035. Otero County Courthouse. High Prairie Homes Attainable Housing Project, Otero County Website Accessibility Statement, CodeRED Community Notification Enrollment. Search New Mexico statutes and court rules or browse the table of contents. We are constantly working to increase the accessibility and usability of our website. To comment on website accessibility, please submit your question, comment, or suggestion on the Contact Us link at: Address: 263 Robert H. Bradley Drive, Alamogordo, NM 88310. View New Mexico legal information including a glossary of legal terms; case flow charts for Magistrate and Municipal Court; brochures about motions, forms, civil lawsuits, judgment collection, landlord-tenant, and Magistrate Court procedures and appeals; and an explanation of the New Mexico court system. Otero County is located within the Twelfth Judicial District, along with Lincoln County. 0:03. .courts-container hr {background-color:#f0a236;padding-bottom:2px;}, Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals U.S. District Court: District of New Mexico U.S. Bankruptcy Court: District of New Mexico, New Mexico Supreme Court Otero County Magistrate Court, New Mexico, New Mexico Workers' Compensation Administration Court,,_New_Mexico&oldid=8789178, Conflicts in school board elections, 2021-2022, Special Congressional elections (2023-2024), 2022 Congressional Competitiveness Report, State Executive Competitiveness Report, 2022, State Legislative Competitiveness Report, 2022, Partisanship in 2022 United States local elections. Find 6 Courts within 33 miles of Alamogordo Magistrate Court. Galassini said while bringing and prosecuting cases during his law enforcement career, he thought being a judge would be good job to pursuit after he retired from the State Police. Honorable Katie Lund, Division II 301 West Highway 70 . Directions for downloading forms. The case status is Other. Judge Prelowas a judge and mentor. A convenience fee applies. a A domestic violence hotline and information about free legal clinics are also provided. I was able to find the vehicle and was able to charge and convict the guy who ran over her, and get justice for the family.. One morning you wake up and wonder if you have 21 more years left. FAMILY COURT FACILITATOR. The Detention Center will not make recommendations or provide contact information for any specific bonding agency or agent. Rocky Ford Chamber of Commerce. View resources for preventing foreclosure in New Mexico, including local housing counseling agencies, the Attorney General's Keep Your Home New Mexico Program, and a link to legal aid providers. Once you pass the Otero County Magistrate Court New Mexico online driving test exam . 1376 E Ninth Street. The Southeast Colorado Enterprise Development team, the Southern Colorado Economic Development District, and High Prairie Homes will deliver 127 dwellings, including single-family homes and duplexes, in 2022-2023. Email: Bernalillo County Metropolitan Court, Courts in New Mexico New Mexico judicial elections Judicial selection in New Mexico. View New Mexico Disciplinary Board procedures for making a complaint about an attorney for misconduct, or against a person for the unauthorized practice of law. *Please call to verify. Apply today! Expand the folders below to find what you are looking for. County Court - any non-holiday Monday or Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. District Court - any non-holiday weekday at 8:15 a.m. Formularios e instrucciones judiciales en espaol. Physical Address: 950 West Apache Street Farmington, NM 87401. This case was filed in Osceola County - Ninth Judicial Circuit Court, Osceola County Courthouse located in Osceola, Florida. Please review the phone directory below in another window. W3Cs Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 as well as U.S. Federal Government Section 508 Guidelines. You can also contact the court directly or call court customer service at: 855-268-7804. The Clerk and Recorder also issues marriage licenses, maintains records and books for the board of commissioners, and collects a multitude of license fees. The United States . Email: 13 W. Third St. Room 207 . 13 West 3 rd Street #107. CROWLEY COUNTY. . In Alamogordo Criminal Courts . State law provides for qualified jurors to be: United States Citizens. Galassini said he has been fortunate to serve the residents of New Mexico and Otero County. View information about the The New Mexico Supreme Court Law Library, including location and hours; an online catalog; links to additional online legal resources; answers to frequently asked questions about name changes, annulments, and expungements; and links to statues, court rules, state agencies, and forms. This case was filed in Osceola County Courts, Osceola County Courthouse located in Osceola, Florida. All rights reserved. Otero County will be evaluating this site on a regular basis, and it is the Countys goal that this site will continue to evolve and improve over time as new technologies and opportunities emerge. After business hours, Municipal Bonds may be posted at the Alamogordo Department of Public Safety. . . Pay New Mexico Motor Vehicle Division citation penalty assessment fees online by date of birth and driver's license or citation number. Otero County Magistrate Court will also accept bonds for other out of county magistrate courts (New Mexico only). New Mexico Workers' Compensation Administration Court View advisory opinions on judicial conduct and ethics from the New Mexico Judicial Supreme Court Advisory Committee on the Code of Judicial Conduct by opinion number, topic, date, and summary. 105 N. Main Street. Theyve brought three beautiful grandchildren in the world and expecting one in August, he said. After business hours, municipal bonds may be posted at ADPS. Phone: 575-437-7310. I would go over to the university and dispatch. Call or email your Probation Officer directly, or call the Probation Department at (719)384-5973 (La Junta), (719)456-2244 (Bent County), (719) 267-8940 (Crowley County), (719) 384-5973 (Rocky Ford). Please call the clerks of court or probation offices in the county where you have court or probation business, at the numbers listed on this site. *Not location specific. Galassini, 59, decided to resign or in his case retire from the bench because of health reason but more importantly to spend time with his three grandchildren. Otero County Clerk & Recorder's office does not process any title work, temporary tags, or marriage licenses after 4:30 P.M. Otero County, Colorado - Otero County is one of the 64 counties of the U.S. state of Colorado. Bent, Crowley, Otero The State Bar of New Mexico offers a lawyer referral service by telephone, including an initial consultation, for a nominal fee. Note: PointandPay will assess a 2.5% fee or $2 whichever is higher for providing this service. Monday - Friday 8 am to 5 pm. Bonds paid at the Detention Center must be paid in cash only, Personal Checks, Money Orders, or Cashiers Checks are not accepted at any time for any bond. Pay Otero County Teen Court, screening, DWI, and misdemeanor compliance fees online. 1000 New York Avenue, Room 108 , Alamogordo , NM 88310. The Otero County Magistrate Court is a magistrate court in New Mexico. Otero County 1101 New York Ave. Alamogordo, NM 88310 Phone: (575) 437-7427 Type: Government Not currently on felony probation or parole. Plain English. Social Services Annex: 215 Raton . If the inmate is being detained on a fine, the fine must be paid at the Court where the fine is owed . Otero County Jail 222 East Second Street La Junta, CO 81050 Phone Number and Fax Number. It is our hope that education can prevent or reduce misdemeanor crimes in Otero County. Galassini said he and Rocky have the most wonderful two children and husbands in the whole world. I always looked up to him. The Detention Center does not write bonds for the Alamogordo Department of Public Safety at any time (Municipal Charges). View and download New Mexico District, Magistrate, Metropolitan, Municipal, Probate, and family law forms. Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Property bonds may be posted for Otero County court cases at the Otero County Sheriffs Office. Call: (719)384-4951. More Information on New Mexico Small Claims Court. View information about Otero County Teen Court, an alternative court for young first-time traffic and misdemeanor offenders staffed by teen volunteers.
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