Experience a contact-free transaction. The following notary fees or notarial charges are quoted by the notary public at Yip, Tse & Tang, Solicitors & Notary: Notary provides a wide range of notarial services, which include the following. August 28, 2005. For example,In Hong Kong, the High Court acted by the Registrar.In the United States, the Secretary of State of each state and his or her deputies are usually competent authorities.In the United Kingdom, all apostilles are issued by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in Milton Keynes. These include, but are not limited to, the following: Our team oflawyers in Hong Kongcan provide more details on the difference between an apostille, a legalization and a notarization. in Notary fees or notary charges in Hong Kong, What is the normal charge or fees for a notary public? Level 8 Cambridge House, No. This is the official website of the U.S. Consulate General Hong Kong & Macau. Public Notary Office of People's Republic of China Notarization is the process of authenticating execution and/or certifying a true copy, as already explained. A Notary Public is a legal professional appointed by the Hong Kong High Court under Legal Practitioners Ordinance (Cap.159 of Laws of Hong Kong) to serve the public to attest, authenticate or certify the due execution of documents and to administer oaths, affirmations or declarations for use overseas (except in Mainland China). Prepare the motion and all necessary documents An original, unsigned document (Don't sign it before uploading! V-Card Download. Our services include: Examples of documents we notarize for use outside the Hong Kong SAR (except Mainland China): We can arrange apostille at the High Court of the Hong Kong SAR. Having satisfied all the requirements, the Court The notary offers solutions to those who need notarization and helps in keeping all certificates and documents authentic, valid and legal. In such cases, the consulate or a countrys embassy has the power to legalize a certificate. CALL NOW PHONE 6888-9999 (Miss Law) English/Cantonese. Notarial Services - Tanner De Witt Solicitors, Law Firm Hong Kong For documents to be used internationally (excluding China). A Notary Public may prepare, attest, authenticate and certify (for use anywhere in the world), deeds and other documents, under the signature and official seal of the Notary. This certification confirms that a duplicate or copy of a genuine document is true and has an accurate transcription of original document. passport, ID document, address proof, Certifying a person's identity and photo likeness, Verify and confirm corporate identity e.g. A Notary Public in Hong Kong needs to first qualify as a Hong Kong Solicitor before he/she can take the notarial exam and be appointed by the High Court. Our Hong Kong notary public services from easyCorp provides a painless way to obtain authentications by legal institutions. However, many people often confuse when it comes to Apostille, Notarization, and Legalization. Examples of designated authorities are embassies, ministries, courts or (local) governments. Notarial Services - U.S. Consulate General Hong Kong & Macau Both the application for examination and the examination are subject to the fees imposed by the Society of Notaries. the receipt of $360 registration fee, the letter mentioned Messages and Alerts for U.S. visitors to Hong Kong & Macau. Notarization of Birth Certificate, Death Certificate, Marital Status Declaration, academic and professional qualification certificates, Affidavit of Financial Support, Guardianship Declaration, Immigrant Visa, Passport, and other documents that are required for immigration, studying, visiting family members and tourism in foreign countries. The process of Notarization will usually require proof of identity from the individual on the documents. In this case, the inquiry can be discontinued without a further hearing. A Power of Attorney allows you to empower someone to act in your place, for example, to take some action on real estate in the U.S. on your behalf while you are in Hong Kong. Notaries Public help to deal with legal documents; they offer legal services regarding the preparation, execution, verification, and saving of clients' documents for their use abroad. Hong Kong Notary, Notarial Certificate & Apostille Service Legalisation by Consulate Simple notary starts with HKD900 Enquiries Tel/Whatsapp : 6888-9999 (Miss Law) Address: Wanchai, Lai Chi Kok and Tuen Mun For more information on Hong Kong Notary, please click to visit www.ytt.world of Yip, Tse & Tang, Solicitors & Notary. may appoint you as a notary public. a current member of the Hong Kong Society of Notaries. Please note that the Consulate cannot assume responsibility for the professional ability or integrity of the law firms or persons whose names appear on the above Legal Assistance (Notary Matters) list. Or contact by phone/whatsapp 6888-9999 (Miss Law) English/Cantonese Name Email Contact Number Accept SMS to contact you Accept Whatsapp to contact you The U.S. Consulate General in Hong Kong and Macau can notarize documents for any U.S. citizen or permanent resident. Notarize a Document Now. Thomas Tse and Charles Tse are notaries public, qualified to notarise documents in Hong Kong for use in oversea countries. Notarial fee details: Witnessing of Signature for Statutory Declaration The Consulate-General witnesses signature on Statutory Declaration for use in Singapore. Please note that the Consulate cannot accept Hong Kong currency in denominations larger than $500 bills. Not all documents are accepted for Apostille service.Documents accepted for apostille service are broadly classified into the following two categories :Public documents bearing the true signature of an official party such as a Hong Kong SAR Government recognized officer. 2014 EasyCorp Limited. Your application will be considered by the Designated Notarize a document from Hong Kong in a matter of minutes. $10 per additional notarization seal. We cannot advise you on the specific language needed in your Power of Attorney; please consult a lawyer or other advisor for assistance before coming to see us to notarize the document. For example, - Marriage Certificate, ie. First, lets check what Apostille is, then move onto the other two. Notarization of Power of Attorney Chow & Cheung, Hong Kong Notary Public & Solicitors & China Appointed Attesting Officers (CAAO) have substantial experience in providing notarization, apostille and legalization services for individual and corporate clients. Hong Kong Notary, Notarial Certificate & Apostille Service. Legalization is the ultimate way to authenticate a certification. The Law Society of Hong Kong is a professional association for solicitors in Hong Kong vested with statutory powers to regulate the professional conduct of solicitors, trainee solicitors and foreign lawyers. Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region at the High Court Accounts Anotary public in Hong Kongis an individual who the relevant experience and has been appointed to act in this capacity according to the laws in force, among which we can mention the Legal Practitioners Ordinance, the Notaries Public Rules and others. Notary Public | Sun Lawyers LLP by two copies of blank signature cards. Notarization and authentication of Canadian government official signatures and seals on documents. For foreign citizens who want to live permanently in the United States. Enroll in STEP to receive the latest COVID-19 and American Citizen Services updates, including announcements of any service changes. The Consulate does not have a list of Medallion Program member institutions. Authentication or legalization is the procedure by which the authority of persons who issue or execute documents in one country may be recognized by another country. Take a second to understand what online notarization is, and the legality of online notarization for US citizens living or traveling abroad. The Law Society of Hong Kong Annual Report 2021, Conditions of UseSitemapPrivacy PolicyPolicy on Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Sexual Harassment. Notary Public or China Appointed Attesting Officer? A country's designated authority issues this certificatethat works as a proof of authentication. Still need to visit in-person? 159). Our efficient notarisation ensures your documents remain valid, legal and genuine. However, this is possible when the profit is shares among those who practice in the same firm as well as when a company agrees to pay a certain sum to a retired principal of the firm as well as in several other scenarios in which the payment is made to a predecessor in the firm of the legal representatives of a deceased principal of the firm. Countries, such as the US, the UK and within Continental Europe, have brought in measures to carry out online notaries. A notary is recognized internationally and nearly all the actions conducted by a notary are required for use in a foreign . Such a certification is called an apostille (French: certification). the application is not filled in according to the provisions/it does not comply with the relevant section of the Notaries Public (Practising Certificate) Rules; the applicant has conducted in a manner that is unfit of a notary public; the individual is unfit to act as notary public. The personal data contained in this List should not be used for any other purposes. If you're a business, and need to send documents for customers to sign, head on over to the Notarize pricing page for our plans. This register needs to include information on the notarial work, most notably the following: the date of the work, the name of the client, the nature of the document and a short description of the work. It is a fraud deterrent process and certifies that a document is original whereas a notary public is the authoritative person. This procedure is the last option which an individual has for authenticating documents. Processing Time Failure to do so results in either the refusal of the application for the practicing certificate or in disciplinary proceedings against the individual who acted as notary public. NOTARIZATION & DECLARATIONS IN HONG KONG. You may collect the The notary can also notarize foreign documents once a sworn translation is provided (the documents translation is the one notarized and then used in Hong Kong as needed). States that have not signed the Convention must specify how foreign legal documents can be certified for its use. Are you a website owner? We encourage you to keep checking the online appointment system if you do not immediately find an open slot. We provide top quality professional service. WANT to learn more? Apostille in any country is sufficient which follows The Hague Convention. An individual is required to apply for certification as anotary public in Hong Kongand undergo the examination defined in the Notaries Public (Examination) Rules (Cap. Non-U.S. citizens or residents may only use our notarial services if the document being notarized is for use in the United States. Our Hong Kong notary public services from easyCorp provides a painless way to obtain authentications by legal institutions. Different types of notarization finds their use in multiple . Fast Same-day notary services: easy & fast We can easily be accessed our notarial services by phone calls/ whatsapp ( 68889999) or online form enquiry. 979 King's Road, Taikoo Place, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong. At the time of The Law Society is dedicated to providing relevant and effective support to our members including professional training and legal practice updates. Please write out the statement you wish to attest or swear to, but do not sign the form until instructed to do so by the Consular Officer. In most cases, a Hong Kong Notary Public is sufficient, but there are some exceptions. Hong Kong Notary, Notarial Certificate & Apostille Service Legalisation by Consulate Simple notary starts with HKD900 Enquiries Tel/Whatsapp : 6888-9999 (Miss Law) Address: Wanchai, Lai Chi Kok and Tuen Mun For more information on Hong Kong Notary, please click to visit www.ytt.world of Yip, Tse & Tang, Solicitors & Notary. Scam Alert: From time to time, the Law Society receives reports on scam websites, emails or other means of communication using bogus law firms or solicitors / foreign lawyers on fake law firm letterheads with false contact details. After having your documents notarized at a law firm in Hong Kong or Macau, please take your documents to the Hong Kong High Court or to the Chief Executive of the Secretary for Administration and Justice in Macau for an apostille, an attachment that will make the document recognized for use in the United States. Additional resources and information is available on the Hong Kong US embassy website. This procedure authenticates certification, signature or witness identity of a person. Bring the notarial fee of $50 USD or $400 HKD per notarial signature/stamp. 2841-2211(office hours) 2523-9011(after office hours) Please note that remote notarial services may only be provided in accordance with the laws and regulations of the U.S. state that commissioned the notary public and the laws of the state or country where the document is notarized. Individuals who arrive more than 15 minutes before their scheduled appointment time will not be permitted entry until their scheduled appointment time. HK Notary Public & Apostille Service | Yip, Tse & Tang Solicitors Hong Kong Notary, Notarial Certificate & Apostille Service Legalisation by Consulate Simple notary starts with HKD900 Enquiries Tel/Whatsapp : 6888-9999 (Miss Law) Address: Wanchai, Lai Chi Kok and Tuen Mun For more information on Hong Kong Notary, please click to visit www.ytt.world of Yip, Tse & Tang, Solicitors & Notary at the High Court Registry. Judge. Detailed information for visitors traveling to or through Hong Kong is availablehere. Court Registry on LG1/F., High Court. Notarization amidst the Pandemic | Oldham, Li & Nie All transactions through the Notarize platform undergo a dynamic, multi-factor authentication process. certificates signed by Deputy Registrar of Marriage (For certificates signed by civil celebrants or issued by the church/temple, please obtain a certified true copy from the Record Office of the Marriage Registry) - Certificate of Absence of Marriage Record - Birth and Death Certificate - Certificate of Registered Particulars - Business Registration Certificate - Certificate of IncorporationDocuments signed by a notary public or a Commissioner for Oaths in Hong Kong. For documents to be used internationally: countries/regions include USA, Canada, European countries, Russia, Japan, South America, Middle East, Africa, Taiwan, Macau and other Asia regions/countries. The notarial fee or notary charges start with HKD900 and varies with number of required signatures and nature of documents. Have more questions about online notarization? So why wait when notary public Hong Kong offers easy ways to authentic genuine as well as a copy of originals documents. Para. Enquiries Tel/Whatsapp : 6888-9999 (Miss . To certify the genuineness of the signatures authority of the Notary Public on contracts or declarations that have been notorized by the Notary Public. Other notarization matters undertaken upon request and in accordance with international practices. Fax: (852) 2845-4845. Certified True Document eg. Pay $125 by cash or crossed cheque payable to "The Government of the . A computer, iPhone, or Android phone with audio and video capabilities. For example, when setting up a WOFE, a Chinese Notary is usually required. As a Hong Kong Notary Public, we provide a full range of professional Notarial services in Hong Kong, These include the following: Our Hong Kong Notary Public can help you to notarize a variety of documents for use outside Hong Kong SAR (except Mainland China). We invite you to watch a video about the role of the notary public: The notary public in Hong Kong can a both prepare and notarize (certify) certain declarations, documents and official acts. Please contact your financial institution for guidance on this matter. weeks from payment of the fee at the About the Society Selwyn Chan Notary Public What is the difference between notarization, apostille and legalization You are required to bring along the following document (s), completed but not signed; valid identification documents; and any supporting documents as required. Hong Kong has yet to adopt such changes, but could the . For example, (a) Notary Public - Power of Attorney - Certified true copy (b) Commissioner for Oaths - Declaration Fees Apostille service is provided at a fee of HK$125 per apostille. Two countries may have a special convention on the recognition of each other's public documents, but in practice this is infrequent. same-day service for simple documents and witnessing. Central, Hong Kong Court. Card No of the authorized person to collect it on Apostille. Final fees based on total no. Legalisation by Consulate. One should be aware of all to know which one would be required in a specific situation. The notarial fee or notary charges start with HKD900 and varies with number of required signatures and nature of documents. HK Co. Essentials - How to Find a Notary Public in Hong Kong A passport or Hong Kong ID card is best. A list of these authorities is maintained by the Hague Conference on Private International Law. notary public. This List is published by the Law Society for the purpose of facilitating the public and members of the Law Society in identifying and locating Notaries Public. Hong Kong Notary, Notarial Certificate & Apostille Service Legalisation by Consulate Simple notary starts with HKD900 Enquiries Tel/Whatsapp : 6888-9999 (Miss Law) Address: Wanchai, Lai Chi Kok and Tuen Mun For more information on Hong Kong Notary, please click to visit www.ytt.world of Yip, Tse & Tang, Solicitors & Notary Be able to explain to a consular officer what the documents are and for what purpose they will be used. The Law Society strives to raise general public legal awareness, facilitate public access to legal services and promote a culture of giving back to the community among our members. Enquiries Tel/Whatsapp : 6888-9999 (Miss Law) Address: Wanchai, Lai Chi Kok and Tuen Mun. HK Notary Public Notary Public Hong Kong - Lawfirmhongkong.com In Hong Kong a certified true copy provided by a CPA (Certified Public Accountant), a Hong Kong solicitor or a Notary Public will almost always be accepted by banks and other requesting organisations. It is a manner of avoiding fraud and it is commonly requested by many institutions, either in Hong Kong or overseas. In Hong Kong almost all notarys are solicitors. Requirement for legalization occurs for nations which are not a part of The Hague Convention. The experts at ourlaw firm in Hong Kongpresent the main situations in which the services of a notary may be needed. For example, a notary public Hong Kong notarizes documents for people in that country. passport, ID document, address proof, Verify and confirm corporate identity e.g. A notary public (sometimes referred to as simply a notary) is an individual public officer authorized to witness signatures, administer oaths and conduct other similar actions. The Law Society is committed to facilitating the attainment and maintenance of the highest professional standards by our members in the interest of the community. For travel to the United States on a temporary basis, including tourism, temporary employment, study and exchange. Oldham Li & Nie5/F, St Georges Building 2 Ice House Street Central Hong Kong (Please ask for Mr Selwyn Chan, Partner). For information concerning remote notarial and authentication services, we direct you to the following recently updated Department of Statewebpage. The notary has a duty of care towards individuals in any jurisdiction when these persons place their reliance on a statement contained in the notarial work provided by the professional. Moreover, the individual needs to have applied for membership with the Society of Notaries. company incorporation and BR status, Statutory Declaration for Passport Application, Affidavit of Financial Support / Letter of Invitation for Temporary Resident Visa. The purpose of the procedure is to ensure that the document is authentic. Notarization is needed for a number of documents and as part of more complex procedure that demand the existence of documents that have been drawn up by anotary public in Hong Kong. These are the most common types of notarization which a person might require depending on the situation. Thank you for your message we will be in tough shortly. ". External links to other Internet sites should not be construed as an endorsement of the views or privacy policies contained therein. File the original motion with all necessary documents There is no limit on the number of times an individual may take the examination, however, the requirement remains in place for the applicant to pass all subjects in a single examination. company incorporation and BR status, Statutory Declaration for Passport Application, Affidavit of Financial Support / Letter of Invitation for Temporary Resident Visa. 13 being produced. In practice this means the document must be certified twice before it can have legal effect in the receiving country. Notarization of or witness to Power of Attorney, trust deed, assignment of property, letter of guarantee, contracts and agreements. Notary Public Service Enquiry Form | Yip, Tse & Tang, Solicitors He is the one who has the capacity and the authority to certify that a certain document is genuine as well as authenticate a signature. You may need a Notary Public on the following. Reach out and Connect Notarial Services | Oldham, Li & Nie Pay $125 by cash or crossed cheque payable to The On the top is the text APOSTILLE, under which the text Convention de La Haye du 5 octobre 1961 (English: Hague Convention of 5 October 1961) is placed. How to Apply for Appointment & Registration as a Notary Public? Some examples include: Affidavits / Affirmations / Declarations Power of Attorney Property transaction documents Company documents Board Resolutions Identification documents Birth / Marriage Certificates About Us & Our Notarial Services Addresses & Phone Contact Notary Public 3 easy steps to Get Notarised Notary Public, Apostille Service appointment/enquiry. But basically, it is often required by an oversea authority/party, involving your identity or the reliability of a document: To certify identity or documents e.g. Apply for Registrar's Certificate by letter (sample attached) and send it to Master's Clerks Office (Apostille Service Office), Room 115, LG1/F., High Court, 38 Queensway, Hong Kong or by fax (2524 2034). An apostille is used specifically for authentication of public documents with the purpose of making them fully legally recognizable in a foreign country. Theappointment as notary public in Hong Kongis made once following the review of the Chief Judge (who then issued a certificate of appointment). Fill in the information here and expect our reply within one day. Hong Kong Notary, Notarial Certificate & Apostille Service. Whilst the Law Society has taken all reasonable steps to ensure the accuracy of the entries, it accepts no responsibility for any errors or omissions in this List. Yip, Tse & Tang, Notary Public. $25 for one notarization. Companies that provide notarial services will provide their information to the Society of Notaries (a notary firm will state its name, the name of all the principals in the form, the name of every person in the firm that practices as a notary public). of $125. 26 Garden Road If you need legal assistance for drawing up documents, our team of lawyers in Hong Kong is here to help. of authorization, bearing the ID Hong Kong Judiciary - Apostille Service
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