A new naval auxiliary air station (NAAS) was established in April 1944. NS Mayport is also the operational and training headquarters for the SH-60B Seahawk LAMPS MK III with a primary mission of Anti-Submarine Warfare. Jacksonville International Airport, 35 miles northwest of the naval station, services most major airlines. . Customers pay less per night than competitors, and one fee covers all amenities including laundry, WiFi, cable TV, ice, and access to the park clubhouse. When you receive your orders, make an appointment with the Personal Property Office at your current station. The page you are looking for no longer exists. A person certified with a physician as having medical condition that causes seat belt use to be inappropriate or dangerous. The Visitor Control Center is open Monday-Sunday from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. The length of stay policy at this site is a 180-day max stay. 2 Photos. They can explain the different shipping options you have and ease some of the headaches of moving. NS Mayport. Naval Station Mayport is also the operational and training headquarters for the SH-60R Seahawk LAMPS MK III with a primary mission of anti-submarine warfare. Routine fishing aboard the station is NOT open to the general public. Safety laws cover everything from child car seats, seat belts, drunk driving, and helmets. For more information on animal laws and safety for motor vehicles, please contact your local government officials. For more information: https://www.flhsmv.gov/military/. For more information, contact the Security Department at: 904-270-6120. Floyd Bennett Field's Administration Building was built during the initial phase of construction for Floyd Bennett Field, New York City's first municipal airport. Restrooms Shower facilities, Office Hours: The following may answer some of your security questions prior to arrival. Download our app forAppleorAndroidandfollow us onFacebookto get the latest information about MWR Mayport programs and activities. When pets are outside, they must be tethered or on a leash and supervised by an adult family member at all times. Please DO NOT move any involved vehicle from place of occurrence or damage until base police or security officers arrive at the scene. Naval Station Mayport is the Navy's third largest fleet area in the US and home to the US Fourth Fleet. For the described modes of transportation, current Florida laws are as follows: More than just a list of current legislation related to motor vehicles, the Florida Vehicle Code can be a valuable resource for drivers and vehicle owners. Mayport is home to a busy seaport as well as an air facility. During restricted visibility conditions, reflective clothing shall be worn. In Florida, you are required to wear a safety belt in a passenger vehicle if you are: Failure to wear a seat belt could result in a fine of $30 plus any other associated legal fees and additional fees. Boxes available. For more information, contact the Pass and ID Office at: 904-270-5585. Children under the age of 10 must have adult supervision while fishing. All military and civilian personnel assigned to duty or employed at Naval Station Mayport will, within 30 days of reporting aboard the station, register their privately owned vehicles with the Security Department Pass/Decal Identification Vehicle Registration Branch, in Building 1983. Use the directory to locate a facilitys building or phone number and the hours of operation. If you cancel your insurance, you must surrender your tag and registration to the nearest drivers license office. Rate your experience at our facilities. Wifi Upon check-in to the NAVSEA Visitor Control Center. After crossing the Intercoastal waterway, follow the above directions. Welcome to Naval Station Mayport, Florida, one of three major Navy installations in the Jacksonville area. While there are no current state laws to protect animals, some local governments have laws against animal neglect. Fax 904-270-5094 1981 Maine Street Choose to play our unique 18-holes or a quick 9-holes; or hit some balls on our driving range and practice green. Holidays - closed. Dial 270-5401 for the duty office. The mission of NS Mayport is to sustain and enhance war-fighter readiness. Exit at U.S. Highway 90 (Beaches) until it splits into Atlantic Boulevard and Beach Boulevard. Turn right on I-95 south. Though not required, the DHSMV recommends children 12 years old and under to ride in the back seat of the vehicle when possible. Get off on Atlantic Boulevard and go east until you cross the Intracoastal Waterway. Sunday and Holidays: 4:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m. This requirement includes vehicles of personnel transferring into Mayport from other installations with valid DOD decals issued by the previous duty station. You will also qualify for an exemption from the initial registration fee by filling the Military Initial Registration Fee Exemption Affidavit (Form HSMV 82002). Dogs and cats shall receive annual rabies vaccinations. Visitor Information :: West Point - United States Army You fail to provide your pet with adequate ventilation or protection from the elements. For drivers license fees information visit: https://wwww.flhsmv.gov/fees. Be sure to include your expected arrival date (check in from 3 to 6 p.m.) and enclose a copy of your orders. Floyd Bennett Field became part of the National Park Service in 1972 when Gateway National Recreation Area was established. The point of contact is the NEX general manager at Naval Station Norfolk, (757) 440-2050. Florida service members stationed in state are required to register any vehicle in the same manner as any other Florida resident: however, you do not have to pay the initial registration fee. From prospective Cadet Candidates visiting the United States Military Academy to guided tours of historic West Point to top-notch shows and sporting events, there are numerous reasons to visit West Point. Monday:9am - 5pm Before planning your next vacation, check with your local MWR Navy Community Recreation Tickets & Travel office for discounted tickets. Floyd Bennett Field became part of the National Park Service in 1972 when Gateway National Recreation Area was established. Download a PDF Readerorlearn more about PDFs. If you're moving with school-age children, see the Florida Department of Health or Georgia Department of Education websites. The Jacksonville Transportation Authority bus information telephone number is 904-630-3100. The base is located in the Jacksonville, Florida area. It also spells out your rights and responsibilities in a wide range of issues, from insurance and titling to accident procedures and licensing regulations. If your name changes while you are deployed or out-of-state, obtain a license in the stateor country you reside or apply in person to obtain a replacement license. FAXING YOUR APPLICATION NOT ALLOWED. You must wear a federally-approved helmet. Mayport is unique in that it is home to a busy seaport as well as an air facility. We are the "Finest [] Welcome to Windy Harbor Golf Club *The course is undergoing a 1 million dollar renovation. Sat and Sun 8:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. The mission of NS Mayport is to sustain and enhance war-fighter readiness. The Naval Station supports three helicopter squadrons and operates in a joint-service environment with the U.S. Coast Guard. Download. Certain medical conditions such as lupus or other autoimmune disorders which require limited exposure to sunlight could be reason for exemption with proper medical documentation. Both Pelican Roost and Osprey Cove RV Parks are in close proximity to a variety of activities both on and off the installation. Tickets and Travel - NAVYMWR One base van runs daily from Naval Station Mayport Branch Health Clinic to Naval Hospital Jacksonville. Find Navy Federal Branches and ATMs in your area, Naval Station Mayport Installation Address & Phone Number, Naval Station Mayport ID/CAC Card Processing, Naval Station Mayport Welcome & Visitors Center, Naval Station Mayport Information and Referral Services. Those reporting to a tenant command should report to that command's Quarterdeck. PCSing.com - Base Page A nominal fee will be required to facilitate this procedure. Massey Ave, Mayport, FL 32228. Navy Federal Credit Union offers the Utility Deposit Guarantee Program; for $30 per utility they will issue a certificate to members that can be used in lieu of a deposit. When you receive orders for Mayport, you will be assigned a sponsor from your gaining unit to assist with settling into your new location. Find theright contact infofor the help you need. Fill out all of the following forms, and send them along with payment for registration fees to the county tax collectors office in your county of residence: You may also file a Power of Attorney for a Motor Vehicle, Mobile Home or Vessel (Form HSMV 82053) in order to allow a person of your choice to file your Florida vehicle registration paperwork for you. Naval Station Mayport PSD Hours. Temporary lodging on base is not guaranteed. Hours . Phone (DSN) 312-270-6600 Military service members stationed in Florida are not required to register their car in the state. Amtrak also provides limited service in the Jacksonville area. Javascript must be enabled for the correct page display, This is an Official US Navy Website Commander, Navy Installations Command 5720 Integrity Drive Milington, TN 38055. Occupants of all motor vehicles operating on base and in the state of Florida are required to wear safety belts. Stay in touch with updates on MWR holiday hours, facility closures and base-wide updates. Phone 904-270-6600 / 800-626-5084 Book/Video swap library Since its commissioning in December 1942, Naval Station Mayport has grown to become the third-largest fleet concentration area in the United States. Naval Hospital Jacksonville Unescorted visitors are asked to report to the Visitor Control Center at 2107 New South Post Road, West Point, NY 10996 to apply for a West Point AIE Credential. We recommend that you forward your mail to your new command's mailing address, or call the Mayport Rd, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Post Office at 904-241-2026 for more information. Naval Station Mayport Base Essentials - Military OneSource Partner with Navy MWR to enhance events for our military community while gaining valuable promotional benefits for your business. Naval Station Mayport is one of three major Navy installations in the Jacksonville area. For more information on child safety seats and restraints, please visit the DHSMV guide to vehicle and child safety. From the south, take Interstate 95 north to J. Turner Butler Boulevard. If you have any problems, you may call the Naval Station Mayport quarterdeck using the toll-free courtesy phone at the information desk in the baggage claim area. After merging you will be on Mayport Road; continue for approximately 5 miles; you will approach the naval stations main gate. I understand this pass is for my personal use and cannot be transferred. NY 220909-N-OC050-0053. For more information, visit NS Mayport'shomepage. Continue for approximately five miles. Residents are prohibited from keeping exotic pets (e.g., pigeons, doves, poultry, large birds, wild animals, raccoons, rats, mice, snakes, rabbits, etc.). Wifi The base Post Office does not have P.O. Naval Station Mayport: In-Depth Welcome Center - MyBaseGuide Mayport, FL 32228-0042, Phone 904-270-6600 Follow the airport access road to I-95. If you have base access on your own, you are welcome to use our RV parks! NS Mayport does not have a telephone operator. For more information, access the naval stations home page on the World Wide Web at www.cnic.navy.mil/mayport. According to Florida law, window tint must. Navy Getaways also offers tent camping at Pelican Roost and cottage rental at Osprey Cove. Serving the Rugged Professional", Survivor Outreach Services | Total Army Sponsorship | Safety, Human Resources | Civilian Expeditionary Workforce, U.S. Army Environmental Command | Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installations, Energy & Environment, Unescorted visitors are persons 18 years of age and above without a valid (not expired) Department of Defense-issued identification card. Fleet and station personnel who keep firearms in their respective armories or in Navy Housing must register firearms with the Security Department Pass and ID Office (Building 1983). Mon - Thur 6:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. After crossing the waterway, take the first exit on the right to Mayport Road. Go across Beach Boulevard, and turn right onto Atlantic Boulevard. Registration and Titling happen together in Florida, so you will only need to complete the process on time to do both. The Security Office is in Building 1591, just inside the main gate. TRAFFIC ACCIDENT INVESTIGATIONS AND REPORTS. Water Arrival times at Navy Exchange and Commissary. MOVING CHECKLIST However, station sidewalks are designated as bike paths and are recommended for bike users where feasible. The base is at the mouth of the St. Johns River and the Atlantic Ocean near the small fishing village of Mayport, Florida, and near Atlantic Beach, Florida. Reservations may be made by those under orders by calling 904-247-3964 or 800-NAVY-INN or by mail to: Navy Lodge, Naval Station Mayport, Mayport, FL 32228. An additional shuttle runs daily from the squadrons to the main Galley. Take Atlantic Boulevard and follow the above directions. PCSing.com - Base Page Moving from family, friends and familiar surroundings can be frightening and stressful. Naval Station Mayport Welcome & Visitors Center. Dangerous weapons shall also include short chain lengths, weighted hoses, straight razors or weapons made utilizing razor blades as part of the weapon, bows and arrows, and spear and blow guns. Every operator of a motor vehicle, while transporting a child in a passenger car, van or truck on the roadways, streets or highways of this state, will, if the child is 5 years or younger, provide for the protection of the child by properly using a crash-tested, federally approved child restraint. However, if you or your spouse claim Floridas homestead exemption or you, your spouse or child become employed here, you must obtain a Florida drivers license. 10305, Download the official NPS app before your next visit. There is no requirement to obtain a Florida driver license when military and their family members move to Florida, take a job, or enroll their children in public schools. School buses purchased prior to December 31, 2000. If your license is scheduled to expire when your are deployed or stationed outside Florida, the Department encourages you to renew a license up to 18 months prior to the expiration date printed on the license. Military service members and their families who live and drive in Florida, may do so woth a valid out-of-state driver license. 414) during open hours or download the application HERE. Interpersonal communication such as voice calls are not currently prohibited by law within the state. Don't forget to keep your family's information up-to-date in, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - WEB.mil. Both the Financial Responsibility Law and the No-Fault Law require insurance coverage. Be sure to bring required documents the next time you visit a driver license office in Florida: One of the following documentsto prove your IDENTITY: One of the following documents to prove your SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER: Two of the following documents to prove your RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS: The state of Florida requires that residents register their vehicles with the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV). A valid drivers license, proof of automobile insurance and vehicle registration are required to receive a visitors pass. RV Parks - MWR Mayport Whatever you decide, Navy Getaways at Naval Station Mayport provides a unique setting and ideal location at an excellent value to customers. All animals must be kept inside the home when the owner is not at the home. Our waterfront sites are available for up to 14-days, and back-in sites are available for up to 30-days. Check out our current Fleet & Family Readiness job openings. Get off on Atlantic Boulevard and drive east until you cross the Intracoastal Waterway. Requisition ID: R10089421Category: Technical SupportLocation: Naval Station Mayport, FLSee this and similar jobs on LinkedIn. The pass can be picked up at Pass & ID at NAS Jacksonville's Yorktown Gate, (904) 542-4529/4530 during business hours. Attn Sandra Barrett, Naval Station Mayport, Jacksonville, FL 32228-0048. Ryan Visitor Center at Floyd Bennett Field . Write a short note about what you liked, what to order, or other helpful advice for visitors. Whether you need a drivers license, transport a car overseas or want help buying a car, there are people to assist you at your new installation. 904-270-5401. The Jacksonville Transportation Authority bus information telephone number is 904-630-3100. Tell us how were doing. , The pass is good for six (6) months and is renewable. Both RV Parks are smoke-free in all public areas. For more information, call 904-630-1916 for the tax collectors office (car tag) and 904-858-6940 for the Department of Motor Vehicles for title and registration information. Laundry Fax (DSN) 312-270-5094. Naval Station Mayport, Florida | Military Base Guide Customers pay less per night than competitors, and one fee covers all amenities including laundry, WiFi, cable TV, ice, and access to the park . Friday:9am - 5pm Send completed applications to nsmypt_mwr_mail@navy.mil. Your sponsor may be able to supply you with a command address until you have obtained a permanent address. NS Mayport. At Mayport, we sustain and enhance warfighter readiness by providing support to the fleet and to Sailors. Call DEERS at (800) 538-9552 to update your address. Before the pandemic, a handful of airports around the country offered gate pass programs that allowed non-ticketed visitors to join ticketed passengers on the security checkpoint lines and gain access to the secure side of the terminals.. NS Mayport Directory - Phone Numbers & Directions A state of Florida fishing license is required to fish in Lake Wonderwood. NS Mayport Directory. Change your Primary Care Manager (PCM) by calling (800) 444-5445 or visiting. License renewal is $54.25, and replacement cost is $31.25. YOU CANNOT FAX FORMS DUE TO PRIVACY ACT . Best Navy Golf - Windy Harbor Golf Club Vehicle registration for members of the military is different depending on whether you are a Florida resident, a resident of another stated stationed in FL, or a Florida resident stationed out of state or overseas. 414) during open hours or download the application HERE. Knives for use in work, fishing or any other authorized purpose shall be kept in a locked box or in the trunk of a vehicle when being transported within the naval station. With more than 3,400 acres, the naval station is host to more than 70 tenant commands including 19 naval ships, the USCGS Valiant (WMEC 621), Helicopter Maritime Strike Squadron 40, 46, 48 and Helicopter Anti-Submarine Squadron Light 60. Windy Harbor Golf Club - MWR Mayport Personnel who wish to operate a vintage motor vehicle on base shall have appropriately installed seat belts, regardless of antique status, personal convenience or preference.