5 things you should know, Find your perfect match with FREIDA, the AMA Residency & Fellowship Database, Distinguish yourself with AMA leadership opportunities, In collaboration with a specialty-wide advisory board, developed tiered entrustable professional activities on which to base the cornerstone of a new ecosystem of assessment, Initial steps to build out the remaining components of the specialty-wide program of assessment ranging from observable practice activities for direct observation both on and off service to multi-source feedback and resident-sensitive quality measures, Initiated a partnership with the Society for Improving Medical Professional Learning (SIMPL) to develop the requisite technology to drive data collection, dashboard data visualization for a variety of stakeholders and predictive learning analytics, Launched early pilots of coaching with the aim of individualizing training for each emergency medicine resident, Third Promotion in Place cohort to launch Spring 2023, Ongoing stakeholder interviews to capture experiences, perceptions, and insights of PIP trainees and program leadership, Partnership and collaboration with ACGME and ABMS around outreachto specialty boards and assistance with identifying other programs for participation, Ongoing outreach to identify programs interested in joining the PIP pilot, Completion of arobustfaculty development program by 40 identifiedGME Bridge Coachesat NYU Grossman School of Medicine, In conjunction with 2021 Match Day, implementation ofa warm handoff for 134interns in five residency programs including Internal Medicine, OBGYN, Emergency Medicine, Orthopedics and Pathology, Newly revised coaching curriculum for faculty development used in collaboration, Use of Navigator, a web-based platform to support coaching, to facilitate over 1,000 meetings between learners in UME and GME and their coaches, and provide support for scheduling, goal-setting and professional portfolios. Residents are guided in their professional development through intense mentoring, academic advising and engagement in our coaching program. Program Website: MGH Internal Medicine Residency; Telephone: 1-617-726-5820; Address: Massachusetts General Hospital, Department of Medicine, 55 Fruit Street, GRB 740, Boston, MA 02114; References. Get a new way to check, Transforming the UME to GME Transition: Right Resident, Right Program, Ready Day One, Current Communication Practices between Obstetrics and Gynecology Residency Applicants and Programs Directors, What's in a Number? Massachusetts General Hospital Internal Medicine Explore fellowships, residencies, internships and other educational opportunities. Chief Medical Resident '18-'19: Kay Negishi: Massachusetts General Hospital: Internal Medicine and Ultrasound Fellowship: Krupa Parikh: Massachusetts General Hospital: Internal Medicine Hospitalist: Sonja Skljarevski: Learn about career opportunities, search for positions and apply for a job. Our world-class faculty are enthusiastic to work with residents on academic projects. Medical School: University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine. Zoe Adams, MD Program: Primary Care Medical School: Yale School of Medicine Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: Vassar College; Yale University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (MA), Matthew Adan, MD, MS Program: Categorical Medical School: Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: The College of William & Mary, Chidiebere Akusobi, JR, MD Program: PSP Medical School: Harvard Medical School Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: Yale University; University of Cambridge (MPhil); Harvard Medical School (PhD), Tristan Alfie, MD Program: Categorical Medical School: University of Kansas School of Medicine - Wichita Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: University of Kansas, Lestat Ali, MD Program: Categorical Medical School: Harvard Medical School Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: Harvard College, Christian Andersen, MD Program: Categorical Medical School: Emory University School of Medicine Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: Georgetown University, Sanjeethan Baksh, MD, PhD Program: PSP Medical School: Weill Cornell Medicine Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: University of Pennsylvania; The Rockefeller University (PhD), Eric Barash, MD Program: Categorical Medical School: Wake Forest School of Medicine of Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: Wake Forest University, Chantal Barksdale, MD Program: Categorical Medical School: David Geffen School of Medicine at University of California, Los Angeles Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: Boston College; London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (MSc), Lauren Belak, MD Program: Categorical Medical School: Emory University School of Medicine Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: Amherst College; Rollins School of Public Health-Emory University (MPH), Alexander Beschloss, MD Program: Categorical Medical School: Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: Williams College; Wharton School at The University of Pennsylvania (MBA), Sarah Brown, MD Program: Primary Care Medical School: Vanderbilt University School of Medicine Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: University of California, Los Angeles, Alexander Cerjanic, MD, PhD Program: Neuro Prelim Medical School: University of Illinois College of Medicine - Urbana Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: University of Nevada, Reno; University of Nevada, Reno (MS), Justin Cheung, MD Program: Categorical Medical School: Renaissance School of Medicine at Stony Brook University Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: Stony Brook University, Ruth Choa, MD Program: PSP Medical School: Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: Harvard University; Harvard University (MS); University of Pennsylvania (PhD), Jennifer Cloutier, MD, PhD Program: PSP Medical School: Harvard Medical School Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: Harvard College; MIT (PhD), Lucas Cofer, MD, MSc Program: Categorical Medical School: New York University Grossman School of Medicine Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: Harvard University, Olivia Cohen, MD Program: Prelim Medical School: Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: Cornell University; Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (MPH), Jade Connor, MD Program: Primary Care Medical School: Harvard Medical School Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: Baylor University; Maastricht University (MSc), Danielle Crabtree, MD Program: Categorical Medical School: Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: Reed College, Shraddha Damaraju, MD, MPH Program: Primary Care Medical School: Drexel University College of Medicine Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: Drexel University, Kimberly DeBruler, MD Program: Categorical Medical School: Stanford University School of Medicine Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: William Marsh Rice University, Quinten Dicken, MD Program: Categorical Medical School: Boston University School of Medicine Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: Washington University in St. Louis, Hanna Erickson, MD, PhD Program: PSP Medical School: University of Illinois College of Medicine - Urbana Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: University of Minnesota; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (MS); University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (PhD), Unyime Eyobio, MD Program: Categorical Medical School: University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: University of Texas Health Science Center-Houston; University of North Texas Health Science Center (MS), Cassandra Fiorino, MD Program: Categorical Medical School: Duke University School of Medicine Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania, Elaine Fletcher, MD Program: Categorical Medical School: State University of New York Downstate Medical Center College of Medicine Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: Cornell University, Christopher Galvin, MD Program: Neuro Prelim Medical School: Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine at Florida Atlantic University Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: Reed College; New York University (MS), Lucy Gao, MD Program: Categorical Medical School: Yale School of Medicine Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: University of Pennsylvania, Olivia Gardner, MD, PhD Program: Neuro Prelim Medical School: University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: University of Southern California, Alyssa Greenhouse, MD, MPH Program: Categorical Medical School: Emory University School of Medicine Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: Duke University, Catherine Gutierrez, MD, PhD Program: PSP Medical School: Harvard Medical School Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: University of Central Florida; Harvard Medical School (PhD), Rafi Haque, MD, PhD Program: Neuro Prelim Medical School: Emory University School of Medicine Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: University of Pennsylvania; Emory University (PhD), Shahzeb Hassan, MD Program: Prelim Medical School: Northwestern University The Feinberg School of Medicine Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Michael Hendrickson, MD Program: Categorical Medical School: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, David Iskhakov, MD Program: Categorical Medical School: Harvard Medical School Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: Hunter College, City University of New York, Haya Jamali, MD Program: Categorical Medical School: University of Washington School of Medicine Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: Whitman College; Yale University (PhD), Katherine Jolin, MD Program: Prelim Medical School: Tulane University School of Medicine Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: Georgetown University, Kevin Kleffman, MD, PhD Program: PSP Medical School: New York University Grossman School of Medicine Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: University of California, Berkeley, Kameron Kooshesh, MD Program: Categorical Medical School: Harvard Medical School Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: Harvard College, Manik Kuchroo, MD, PhD Program: PSP Medical School: Yale School of Medicine Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: Harvard College, Daniel Leonard, MD, PhD Program: PSP Medical School: Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine at Case Western Reserve University Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: State University of New York at Albany; Case Western Reserve University (PhD), Thuy-Lan Lite, MD, PhD Program: PSP Medical School: Harvard Medical School Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: Princeton University; Massachusetts Institute of Technology (PhD), Jennifer Liu, MD, PhDProgram: Prelim Medical School: University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: Dartmouth College; University of California, San Francisco Graduate Division (PhD), Karine Liu, MD Program: Categorical Medical School: Harvard Medical School Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: Brown University, William Lu-Culligan, MD, PhD Program: PSP Medical School: Yale School of Medicine Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: University of Notre Dame, Frederick Morgan, MD Program: Prelim Medical School: Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: University of North Carolina; Case Western Reserve University (MS), Victoria Nadile, MD Program: Primary Care Medical School: New York University Long Island School of Medicine Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: Cornell University, Ben Ouyang, MD, PhD Program: PSP Medical School: University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: University of Toronto; University of Toronto (PhD), Yushan Pan, MD Program: Categorical Medical School: Weill Cornell Medicine Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: University of Pennsylvania, Margo Peyton, MD Program: Neuro Prelim Medical School: Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: University of Pennsylvania, Alexis Phillips, MD Program: Categorical Medical School: Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: University of Pennsylvania, Will Pohlman, II, MD Program: Categorical Medical School: Duke University School of Medicine Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: University of Arkansas; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (MPH), Priyanka Pullarkat, MD Program: Categorical Medical School: Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: University of California, Los Angeles, Christopher Radcliffe, MD Program: Categorical Medical School: Yale School of Medicine Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: West Virginia University, Azucena Ramos, MD PhD Program: PSP Medical School: Harvard Medical School Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: Smith College; Massachusetts Institute of Technology (PhD), Esdras Rodriguez, MD Program: Primary Care Medical School: Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center Paul L. Foster School of Medicine Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: West Texas A&M University, Adriana Saavedra-Simmons, MD Program: Categorical Medical School: University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: Brown University, Alexander Sakers, MD, PhD Program: PSP Medical School: Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: Tufts University, Melissa Sarver, MD Program: Prelim Medical School: Duke University School of Medicine Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: University of California, Los Angeles, Christina Shincovich, MD Program: Categorical Medical School: George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: Swarthmore College, Daniel Shonibare, MD Program: Categorical Medical School: Meharry Medical College Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: University of Toronto; University of Toronto (MSc), Yomaira Silva, MD Program: Categorical Medical School: University of Illinois College of Medicine Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: Northwestern University, Shambhavi Singh, MD, PhD Program: Categorical Medical School: University of Virginia School of Medicine Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: Harvard University; University of Virginia (PhD), Thomas Sommers, MD Program: Categorical Medical School: Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: Amherst College, Jiunn Song, MD, PhD Program: PSP Medical School: Harvard Medical School Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: Cornell University; Harvard Graduate School of Arts & Sciences (PhD), Yuliang Sun, MD, PhD Program: Prelim Medical School: Boston University School of Medicine Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: University of Wisconsin Madison; Boston University School of Medicine (PhD), Natalia Sutherland, MD Program: Categorical Medical School: Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: Emory & Henry College, Samir Touhamy II, MD Program: Categorical Medical School: Weill Cornell Medicine Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: Cornell University; Columbia University (MS), Leanna Travis, MD Program: Primary Care Medical School: The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: University of Pittsburgh, Jonathan Turner, MD, PhD Program: PSP Medical School: Medical University of South Carolina College of Medicine Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: West Virginia University, Lianet Vazquez, MD Program: Categorical Medical School: Harvard Medical School Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: University of South Florida; Paris School of International Affairs, Sciences Po (MA), Tiana Walker, MD Program: Categorical Medical School: University of Virginia School of Medicine Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: University of Maryland, Anson Wang, MD Program: Neuro Prelim Medical School: Weill Cornell Medicine Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: Yale University, Ziyang Xu, MD, PhD Program: Prelim Medical School: Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: Northwestern University; University of Pennsylvania (PhD), Allison Zhong, MD Program: Neuro Prelim Medical School: New York Medical College Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: University of California, Berkeley, Aditya Achanta, MD Program: Categorical Medical School: Harvard Medical School Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: University of Michigan Hometown: Troy, Michigan, Titilayo Afolabi, MD, MS Program: Categorical Medical School: Harvard Medical School Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: Yale University; Fordham University (MS) Hometown: Staten Island, NY, James Alzate, MD Program: Categorical Medical School: Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: Millersville University Hometown: Lancaster, PA, Brandon Aubrey, MBBS, PhD Program: PSP Medical School: University of Sydney, Sydney Medical School Undergrad & Other Post-Grad: University of Pennsylvania; University of Melbourne (PhD) Hometown: Brookline, Massachusetts, Hadeal Ayoub, MD Program: Categorical Medical School: University of Iowa Roy J. and Lucille A.
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