It was very brave of him to go to that pub.". I wish there was some way to report it and have it taken down. Prior to the grisly. The three-part series "Don't F-k With Cats," which debuted Wednesday, chronicles the story of amateur sleuths who spent time hunting an internet killer named Luka Magnotta, a Canadian man . But cat lover John Green realised Magnotta had thrown down a gauntlet. In December 2014 he was found guilty of first degree murder. The video captured the savage murder of Jun Lin. What is the matter with you? So that helped and I think I'm done being curious with the videos now. There are too many people in the world like him. yum yum. And why the heck would a guy film himself taking the lives of the kittens and then LAUGHING about it? No such thing as ONLY KITTENS, ONLY KIDS, ONLY OLD PEOPLE, ONLY CRIPPLES, ONLY DOGS I you hear him speak you know that he is very confident and arrogant. DIE IN HELL! The video has since been taken down by YouTube and LiveLeak. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. In any event, still a messed up video. This man is also a bisexual porn star and model but clearly sadistic. Nobody gives a crap. You imply that you emjoyed the activities of Magnotta which makes you a psychopath doesnt it? Secondly they were domestic cats. What more was he capable of? He actually ate some of his body parts in front of a camera. Some topics include: animal experimentation, the ethics of eating animals and their products, animal used in entertainment, protests, activism, news about animal protection victories. Was I going to be next his first human victim? This man is also a bisexual porn star and model but clearly sadistic. One was of a cat strapped to a pole being drowned in a bath, the other of a kitten devoured by a python. I personally hope he gets raped and brutally murdered over hurting just those kittens. Magnotta posted his first video in 2010 which saw him killing two kittens, before later footage showed another kitten being eaten alive by a Burmese python called "Python Christmas". It is hard to sympathize with someone whose vanity is constructed around becoming a serial killer. For further details of our complaints policy and to make a complaint please click this link:, How cat lovers helped hunt down Luka Magnotta, a sadistic internet murderer and failed model who abused animals and shared the videos online, Luka feeding a kitten to a python in a horrifying online video, Luka was convicted of killing and dismembering Chinese student Jun Lin in 2014, The sadist was found guilty of first degree murder in December 2014, Magnotta holding a snake in another sick clip, Police arrested Magnotta and extradited him to Canada, Luka Magnotta with The Sun's Alex West who confronted the killer in 2011, The Sun's front page story of Luka on the 1st of June, 2012, Netflix trailer for Don't F**k With Cats tracks murderer and animal abuser who sent victim's body parts to schools, shows how a team of armchair amateurs hunted down the narcissist by exploiting the weakness that was also his motivation to kill, Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO). I think the snake would have it own opinions. Luka Magnotta --- Serial Cat Killer Hunted --- $10,000 Reward. i love this video seeing those cats die just a really good video, fuck your mother fr you should burn in hell and never get any love cuz u a mf haertless ugly creature who deserves to be tortoured to death like the guy, Bruh he is dumb why would he do that to kittys that did nothing to him thats just STUPID and cruel, hell yeah I agree to bad he couldnt make more videos like that but for other people that like to watch people die and animals there is a site called its very graphic and shows a lot like a man being burned alive some girl being beat to death and cats and animals being killed kinda like what luka did actually Lukas video was on there but was taken down because of the Canadian police anyways I have watched the video and have it and many other videos like that I could never harm or kill a human let alone animal but to me its not disturbing or disgusting and I can watch stuff like that so anyone else whos dark and twisted the site is, i know its weird but i can watch this with out feeling anything. Magnotta posted his first video in 2010 which saw him killing two. Next those boys will be doing the same with kids and women, and the elderly. I cannot believe this shit He will get what he deserves eventually. This is absolutely horrible I couldnt even push myself to watch the video completely because its horrible. I think he has said words to the effect that he quite likes prison but that may be bravado and probably is. Instead he had what appeared to be a rehearsed answer. In June 2012, he was apprehended in an internet cafe in Berlin while reading the news about himself. The '1 Lunatic 1 Icepick' video was posted on a website called "Best Gore," and would lead to Luka Magnotta being convicted of . Bye. I am concerned about their welfare. Firstly this was not a simple killing of an animal. He was named after the famous actors Clint Eastwood, who has been involved in plenty of cool movies, and Kirk Douglas, pictured above. Luka Magnotta was born Eric Clinton Kirk Newman on July 24, 1982, in Scarborough, Ontario, the son of Anna Yourkin and Donald Newman.He was the first of their three children. Serial killers do that. When he came to the door, he was wearing a flat cap, leather jacket and tracksuit bottoms. That picture is bad enouigh,I cant watch the video.Im sorry as like Ruth I usually force myself to but to see 2 little kittens deliberately made to suffer is too much. Then on May 24, 2012, Magnotta met a man named Jun Lin in Montreal through a gay hook-up site. [deleted] 11 yr. ago So what if he has made animal abuse videos in the past? Its no surprise that the perpetrator moved on to torturing and killing a human. Funny how people decide what's a valid snake diet and what's not. The articles are copyright Michael Broad but the infographics are free to use under a CC license. Crucially it also included an image of Luka, which the amateur sleuths traced back to a gay porn site. They go through all of this to take down a video across the entire interweb and charge him with first degree murder .. yet they cant find the Number 1 suspect on the God damn FBI most wanted .. like really Its a fucking animal its not a human a god damn cat.. what if it was a deer just like a cat a deer is a god damn animal come the fuck on people So ruled by emotions its Rediculous. Then again he tied a kitten to a poll and drowned it for fun. But it came as no surprise to a team of internet sleuths and our own reporter Alex West who had all tried to warn police. Magnotta then made a fake Facebook account and followed the groups investigation. I had to stop watching around 1:30 i just couldnt believe someone could be so messed up to do something like that and then turn around and kill an innocent human. My thoughts exactly! I prefer animals to humans I am afraid. I try not to watch too many Video that Have Cats involved especially cruelty Ones. The sleuths found his address which police subsequently visited but he had already moved on to London. Luka feeding a kitten to a python in a horrifying online video Credit: Netflix. Fucking weirdos.I could give 2 shits about those kittens. Maybe have had it removed?From what Ruth said it seemed they were looking into it. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. One Lunatic 1 Ice Pick Video - LUKA MAGNOTTA, a Canadian who killed his boyfriend after he ended the relationship. Did we feed his narcissism to the point where he had to go forward, so much that he was pushed to do what he did? The amateur investigators were hunting Magnotta over cat killing videos which marked the first stage of his. I run a website and like any other website owner I need to have visitors to make it viable. Credit. mockingbirds attacking my cat; a level geography independent investigation examples; rebecca rogers teacher podcast; Actualits. . wallpaper 4k Prior to the release of the stomach-churning video that showed the murder of Jun Lin, Magnotta was seen feeding a kitten to a Burmese python. Luke Magnotta . God bless the little kittens they were so tiny and innocent and did they deserve such a slow and heartbreaking death? 3:21. Im not religious, but the biblical quote, An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth just seems to make perfect sense to me at times like this. As I said to Maggie, I dont feel I belong on this planet where monsters like that exist ! He is the first of three children to Anna Yourkin and Donald Newman. But in this seedy underbelly theres an unwritten rule: Dont f**k with cats.. Luka Rocco Magnotta, 29, is the subject of a massive manhunt after a man's maggot-ridden torso was found in a locked suitcase by his Montreal apartment block. This is how you feed a pet python. Magnotta was born in the summer of 1982 as Eric Clinton Kirk Newman. Fouthly the killing of the kittens was a precursor (as is often the case) of a grizly murder. You dont need to lose your shit and wish him death just for killing two kittens. Check out the full episode here: our socials: @couldmurderapodWritten & presented by Tom Norris & Ben Carter | @nozzer89 @. Janitor shows Montreal apartment of suspected killer Luka Rocco Magnotta. 1:24. Youtubers reaccionan al vdeo de Luka Magnotta. Excellent work.. this makes so happy.. cant stop laughing! Neither me nor the photographer believed him and we left l feeling almost certain of his guilt. Magnotta was born in the summer of 1982 as Eric Clinton Kirk Newman. I cant stand cats, so I for one enjoyed the feature presentation. Thanks for commenting. The amateur investigators were hunting Magnotta over cat killing videos which marked the first stage of his evolution into a murderer. A slap on the wrist isnt going to stop this hoodie from a life of evil. The future of Luka Magnotta cat videos is still unknown, but it is safe to say that they will continue to be popular. It was pulled as I recall. Who woulda thunk it? OF all the door knocks Ive done in my career, that morning standing outside Luka Magnottas dingy hotel room was easily the most terrifying. Once the kitten's tail stops flapping the snake swallows her whole head first. wallpaper hd In recent days, there has been a lot of talk about a cat video that has been making its . Exactly that rotting piece of crap should suffocate and should feel a slow painful death. As they inch closer to unmasking the cat killer, their target releases another video of himself this time driving an ice pick into 33-year-old Jun Lin, who was drugged with sedatives, before. He should be put on death row,like no joke. Does Halloween is sadly upon us . After the first video was published, a. Same goes for rats. View our online Press Pack. If not, then I hope that someone is able somehow to track down these people through the site they have used to host this video. Your email address will not be published. Meanwhile, in New York an unlikely group of animal lovers a gang of tattooed bikers called Rescue Ink offered a 4,000 reward. It was posted on a site called Flix from an account registered in Islington, North London. Traits which make is impossible to kill yourself . The man's body parts were delivered via post. That sort of sadistic sociopath needs to be removed from society. Honestly, I think its kinda funny but I mean I wouldnt do this. You are probably lying but your comment still makes you an arsehole. Thats kinda strange. 1:43. I just cannot handle that.

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