The uniform coating of powdered metal tells me my fret tops are truly level across the board. Learn More, We understand the importance of online privacy and are committed to complying with the EU General Data Protection Regulation. } opacity: 1; Free shipping. let newHeadline = `Checkout Step 1 - Your Account`; We also have excellent quality, quartersawn, USA made aftermarket replacement Yeah, there are so many other more significant contributors to tone that the style of neck construction is rarely an issue. var hm = document.querySelector("header #mobileLeftMenu"); Ebony, Custom Inlays & Much More. } catch (e) { (For more detail, I covered all this in our recently revised FretWork Step-By-Step book.). $('.js-add-to-cart').replaceWith(` css.classList.add("sticky-header-styling-css"); new_img.setAttribute('class', 'img-fluid'); check_header(); let data_srcset = img.getAttribute('data-srcset'); Hardware and Screws - Guitarfetish if(woodstax === null && !isCategory) { var checkmark_svg = ` My old Frankenstrat needed a new neck, and heres what the neck needed before it was ready to play. } left: 0; `; Id never expect to install a replacement neck without some setup. $('.cart-slideout').remove();

Parts & Accessories }).map(function() { Replacement Necks Come in 24 Fretted Models, EVERY NECK BELOW nut, string trees. Parts is parts, right? Slash LP - Appetite Amber - Pickup Covers?

Google Shopping shows a bunch of listings for around $300-400 USD, some even reaching $500 with shipping. letter-spacing: .01em; return; Gibson. Home margin-bottom: 10px; Les Paul Style Guitar Neck 22 Frets, Mahogany. Also, a factory fret job is designed for every possible player they leave enough metal to allow for filing and shaping to suit yourself. Free shipping on many items | Browse your favorite brands | affordable prices. After hundreds of shows the naked wood was soaked in sweat and grime. FreshworksWidget('hide', 'launcher'); $('.stewmax-container__message-check .msg-wrap').html(` if (!'.cart-slideout')) close_slideout(); }); Before removing the mask, I polished my frets with 3M polishing papers. Custom Made In Ed Roman's Custom Shop. + Adjustable Trussrod. ).forEach(build_zoom); Full Size Archtop Tailpeice- Rockabilly Replacement Chrome.

For one thing, it goes through a humidity change as it arrives in my shop. margin-bottom: 0.625rem; .cart-slideout .cart .btn { the difference. opacity: 1; It combines a P-90 and a narrow single coil with a blade magnet.

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} } }); Your purchases also help protect forests, including trees traditionally used to make instruments.
    Teles sustain just fine, and I don't think that's only because of extra scale length put there to compensate for a bolt-on neck. If you're as passionate about saving money as you are about guitars, a StewMAX Membership is for you. we supply. border-radius: 12px; var observer = new MutationObserver(check); Please check the fields highlighted in red.
necks, in any fret size and/or any radius. eAction: event.eAction || "", window.cs_low_stock = 1; Inspired by Gibson Custom Shop 1958 Korina Explorer. electric guitar neck 22 fret 24.75 inch Maple Rosewood top: 0; Bolt-On Necks - StewMac externally mounted truss rod adjusting wheel that Ed Roman provides 'widget_id':65000001034 document.querySelector('.js-product-variants') && (For more detail, I covered all this in our recently revised FretWork Step-By-Step book.) So the guitar sat unplayed for years. } update_instock(); The headstock on the Gibson replacement necks are The last step was to smooth the slots with a few strokes of abrasive cord. || canonical.startsWith('/parts-and-hardware/all-hardware-and-parts-by-instrument/electric-bass-parts/electric-bass-bridges/') Back issues of Trade Secrets are available for free online.
    // zoom_observer(); $44.63 . inp.setAttribute('max', avail); Bolt-On 50s Neck? | My Les Paul Forum $("body").append(trustModal); Gibson Real Steinberger & Klein, No Store Anywhere Electric Guitar Neck 22fret 24.75inch fretboard for Gibson/Les Paul replacement. // Code to Run })(); } headless guitars also, We also have hundreds of original bodies in all conditions, Never played or installed on any guitar (New Old Stock!!! Plus our price is usually lower than Moses makes a good quality neck. Guitar Necks for Sale We Have A Huge Selection Of Available Necks !! All Guitars By continuing to use Reverb, you agree to these updates, and to our cookie policy. You want a slight underbow . function code() { || canonical.startsWith('/parts-and-hardware/all-hardware-and-parts-by-instrument/mandolin-parts/mandolin-tuning-machine-heads/') Tune.
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  2. $("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: 0 }); check() && code(); I protected the board with a fret dressing mask before using a large three-corner file to round the frets into a crowned shape, leaving just the tiniest bit of the leveled centers untouched. } It was in pretty poor shape; the frets were dull and it has quite a few dings. margin-bottom: 5px; I like to use guitar strings (in this case .024" & .020") as under-string feeler gauges, to keep from cutting the slots too low. $('.stewmax-container__message-check').closest('.container-fluid:not(.tagged)')[0] && Rich Guitars, body cores, body blanks, parts, cases, necks & }); function zoom_observer() { My old Frankenstrat needed a new neck, and heres what the neck needed before it was ready to play. Threaded inserts for bolt-ons are a cool ideaI wish that was standard on all bolt-on designs. View similar gear from other sellers on Reverb. The string tension is around 225lbs on the neck, so the gluing and clamping has to be done properly the first time, otherwise the second neck may have to be removed. assuming that the fretboard is straight/flat in relation to the frets. }); 3pcs Guitar Neck Shims Shim Maple Wooden Durable Bolt-On Neck Plate for Guitar and Bass Repair 0.25, 0.5, and 1Degree Guitar Shims New to Amazon $1559 FREE delivery Mar 22 - Apr 12 TUOREN 3Pack Electric Guitar Part Neck Plate String Tree Guide Retainer 1/4 Inch Input Jack Socket Plate with Screws for Fender Strat Tele Style Guitar (Gold) 3.0 (1) .stewmax-container__message-check span.modal-link:hover { // Helper functions Back issues of Trade Secrets are available for free online. addStyling(); 127: Replacing a Les Paul Neck part 1 - YouTube } Got any musings from Leo to back that up? L@@K!!! Rather than wrestle with that old neck, I'm installing a new one. var m = document.querySelector('label[for="stewmax-checkbox"]').textContent.match(/\$[0-9. [csBanner.children].forEach( let cartContainer = $(".tmx-cart h1:contains(Cart)").parent(); PRO825 "Keef" Model, Solid Alder or Ash, Neck Mini Humbucker, PRO830 Alder Kwikplug Equipped GFS Rail Humbuckers, Xaviere PRO845 Alder Thinline with Kwikplug Gold Foils. A few strums told me it's pretty close to what Im after. border: solid 1px #ccc; width: 500px; See more information See more information.

    litigious and they want to sell you another guitar. Measure the amount of the neck bolt that extends up into the neck pocket, and mark your drill bit (a piece of masking tape around the bit works great) so that it will drill into the neck to that depth. try { monitorChangesByConditionAndRun(check, code); Guitar Necks for Sale - Ed Roman let new_img = document.createElement('img'); See details > font-weight: 600; function code() {

Based on your location, we've changed your settings: Shipping Region: $(".tmx-cart h1:contains(Cart)").parent()[0] 'processing-label' : 'addtocart-label'; Im turning it counterclockwise. build_observer(check, code, true, true, false); } Brand New. If your StewMac product was not purchased from StewMac, this voids the warranty. var last_height = document.body.scrollHeight; like the hockey stick above. Theoretically a customer could file the little point // ; history: false Than Direct From Moses!!!! */ Tighten strings just enough that they aren't slack . Available in 50 countries! You must provide proof of purchase at the time the product is returned. necks, Any Color Any Size Any Scale,

$([document.documentElement, document.body]).animate({ NGD! also. setInterval(function () { img.remove(); .cart-slideout .cart { Many are in stock, some need to be custom built !!! }); var css = document.createElement("style"); + We Have USA Made Replacement Necks That Far Loosen strings off a few rounds . it slightly larger in one place. This item: electric guitar neck 22 fret 24.75 inch Maple Rosewood Fretboard diamond Inlay replacement Binding Head stock bolt on heel $85.00 Guyker Curved Bottom Metal Humbucker Pickup Mounting Ring Set - Bridge and Neck Pickups Cover Frame Replacement Compatible with Les Paul LP Style Electric Guitar or Precision Bass (2PCS, Golden) $14.99 max-width: 100%; Javascript is used to collapse and expand the header by adding/removing a class depending on scroll direction. zoom_tag.setAttribute('class', 'zoom-tag'); Id never expect to install a replacement neck without some setup. function close_slideout() { font-size: 18px; Personally I like the headstock better on the neck For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. check(); Want Free Shipping? (function() { = "relative";

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  • As RTH suggests, the neck holes are somewhat consistent.. but there may be slight differences. Guitar Neck Joint Types - Differences & Pros and Cons of Each fn(); if (document.querySelector("body > .customer-service")) { parent.setAttribute('data-zoom', 'true'); No Luthier Joint Behind Third Fret !!!!!!!!!! }, /* margin-right: 10px; It can hold its own against my Gibby. } Looking for that elusive 25" scale neck that has 24 color: #000; // early execution var avail = r.getAttribute('data-in-stock'); margin-bottom: 30px; Job, Per letter any size any style within reason, First 5 Minutes Free (Hourly Fee) try { $45.99. function send_event(event) { || canonical.startsWith('/parts-and-hardware/all-hardware-and-parts-by-instrument/electric-guitar-parts/electric-guitar-bridges-and-tailpieces/') "productPageTemplate": $(this).data("product-page-template") That was a mistake. .cart-slideout .cart { headline.innerHTML = newHeadline; LP Style Guitar Neck. The ones with the decals are of I have the headstock facing away from me when I am adjusting the truss rod, so I turn the Allen key counterclockwise towards the low E. You must be the first person ever I hear that adjusts a truss rod from that end of the neck. h.classList.add("scroll_down"); 21 Best Window Replacement Companies in Los Lunas, NM (Feb 2023) Founded: 1995. } (function() {