Ordinance 2015-1361 Rezoning of Covington Development Property, document Header 2020-1651 - Amending the Lancaster County Code Related to the Keep Lancaster County Beautiful Committee, document Header BUILDING HEIGHT A. 2021-1779 - Authorization and Approval of the Termination of a Joint Industrial and Business Park for Accutrex Products, Inc. 2017-1471 - Authorization of Special Source Revenue Credit Agreement with Danny Simpson and Simpson Electric Company, document Header 2021-1767 - Authorization of the Execution and Delivery of a Special Source Revenue Credit Agreement with Bowers Fibers, Inc. document Header Ordinance 2015-1385 Budget Amendment regarding Capital Project Sales Tax #1, 2021-1722 - Adoption of a Fire Development Impact Fee, 2021-1723 Adoption of an Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Development Impact Fee, 2021-1724 Adoption of a Sheriff Development Impact Fee, Lancaster County Transportation Committee, Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC), Residents may experience delays in receiving their registration in the mail. 2021-1748 - Rezoning Property Located at 585 Monroe Highway from INS, Institutional District, to LDR, Low Density Residential District (Applicant Jacob Meeks) (RZ-2021-0917), document Header Ordinance 2015-1328 - Amendment regarding Dependent Care Residence Permits, document Header Ordinance 2016-1394 Noise Ordinance, document Header Planning & Zoning | Boiling Springs, NC 2019-1579 - Adding Project Watermelon (Shem Solar, LLC and Crown Solar Center, LLC) to the Chesterfield County Multi-County Park Agreement, document Header 2017-1447 - FY 2017-18 Budget, document Header Ordinance 2015-1364 Rezoning of Property of Sandhills Medical, document Header 2021-1725 - Adoption of a Parks & Recreation Development Impact Fee, document Header 2021-1723 Adoption of an Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Development Impact Fee, document Header 4. setback. A copy of roofing contract. 2022-1807 - Rezoning Property from Rural Neighborhood District, RN, to General Business District, GB (Applicant Robert Glenn Couch) (RZ-2022-0355), document Header 2017-1488 - Rezoning Property of Branbro Investments LLC, document Header 2018-1513 - Amend the UDO regarding Trail Requirements, document Header 2020-1655 - Rezoning Property Owned by Candis Lee Lettman and Jason Richard Lettman From INS to RR, document Header 2019-1597 - Amending Section 23-24 of the Lancaster County Code related to Noise, document Header Lancaster, SC 29720. Lexington County. The CAFO Combined Quarter Mile shows a quarter mile setback to dwellings and public uses. document Header Internal setbacks. Building and Zoning Annexation Petition Grading Permit Zoning Occupancy Permit (Residential) Zoning Permit Application . Ordinance 2015-1340 - Lease Purchase3758 Charlotte Highway, document Header Evolve Public - Infovision Software Permits | City of Lancaster 2019-1625 - Authorizing the First Amendment to the Lease Agreement for Allegiance Healthcare Corporation, Now Known As Cardinal Health 200 LLC, document Header ACCA - Manual J - Residential Load Calculation_8th Ed | PDF | Building Lancaster County, SC 2021International Building Code 2021 International Residential Code 2021 International Mechanical Code 2021 International Fuel Gas Code 2021 International Plumbing Code 2021 International Fire Code 2021 International Existing Buildings Code 2009 International Energy Conservation Code 234, 7, adopted May 23, 1994, created a building and zoning department for the county, The duties of said department have been set out in section 25-61 of this Code and include issuing permits, performing inspections and administering building codes and related regulations. Alternatively, you may . 2017-1454 - Rezoning Two Properties of Kershaw Properties LLC/Cara McCoy, document Header Welcome To Lancaster, South Carolina | The Red Rose City 2017-1444 - Rezoning Property of PCI Group, document Header If you are having issues logging in, please call the Governmentjobs.com Applicant Support Line at 1-855-524-5627 M-F 6am-5pm PST for any technical issues/troubleshooting. 2021-1713 - Authorization of a Special Source Revenue Credit Agreement with Studio Displays, Inc. (Project Smith), document Header 2016-1410 Rezoning of 4309 Great Falls Highway, document Header Municode Library 2021-1757 - Approval of an Easement Grant to the Lancaster County Water and Sewer District, document Header 4847 (International Building Code) effective January 1, 2020 Original document Document No. 2018-1494 - Amend the UDO Relating To Vehicle Services in Institutional Zoning District, document Header PDF 2 DISTRICT STANDARDS - Revize 2018-1501 - Rezoning Property of Randall Collins, Trustee, document Header --- (1) --- Editor's note Ord. 2021-1703 - Approval of the Wilson Creek Development Agreement (Applicant Provident Bayard, LLC)(DA-020-2054), document Header 2018-1503 - Budget Amendment for FY 2017-2018, document Header 2020-1639 - Amending the Future Land Use Map For Fifty-One Parcels of Real Property From Rural Living To Special District - Industrial for the Haile Gold Mine Expansion, document Header 2021-1773 - Approval of a Development Agreement for a Development Project known as "The Exchange" (Applicant Crosland Southeast) (DA-2021-0664), document Header (Supp. Columbia SC, 29201 The Bureau of Water (Bureau) is under the Office of Environmental Quality Control (EQC) of the Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC). 2022-1809 - Amending Ordinance 2021-1741 Relating to the Detailed Budget for Fiscal Year 2021-2022, document Header Setbacks Setbacks are the minimum distance from the front, side, and back yard to the edge of the property line. 2018-1500 - Rezoning Property of Jimaki Witherspoon (Applicant Kenny Barnes), document Header 2021-1738 - Approval of the Master Development Plan Submission of Arlington Properties, Incorporated (MXU-2020-2740), document Header P.O. 2018-1497 - Rezoning a Portion of the Property of Donald Alban, document Header INTERIOR SIDE YARD SETBACK: 5 FEET REAR YARD SETBACK: 5 FEET FROM ANY BUILDING: 5 FEET FENCE: 3 FEET SPA SETBACKS FRONT YARD SETBACK: 10 FEET SIDE YARD SETBACK: May extend into the required side yard if the spa is located in the rear one-quarter of the lot. Ordinance 2015-1382 Personnel Policy by Ordinance and Employee Residency Requirements, document Header stormtech sc-740 units bottom of unit elev.= 356.0 bottom of stone elev.= 355.5 inv. Ordinance 2015-1336 - GO Bond Pleasant Valley, document Header 2019-1576 - Rezoning 2 Properties In Indian Land (Tax Map 16, Parcels 8 and 9) From GB and LDR To RB, document Header 2021-1753 - Rezoning Property from NB to GB (Applicant Melinda Hoopaugh) (RZ-2021-0961), document Header What You Need to Know as a Nebraska Landowner Ordinance 2015-1379 Movement Mortgage Fee Agreement, document Header 2019-1553 - Authorization of the Issuance of General Obligation Bonds in the Principal Amount of Not Exceeding $19,000,000, document Header SCDOT Outdoor Advertising New and Existing Permits and Laws, Portal Job Opportunities | Lancaster County Employment - GovernmentJobs 2021-1766 - Authorization of a Special Source Revenue Credit Agreement by and between Lancaster County and Cherry Tree LLC (Basware). 2023-1838 - Amending Ordinance 2022-1803 relating to the Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Budget, document Header 2021-1714 - Rezoning Property Owned by Annie Leak From RN to AR (RZ-2020-2772), document Header 2016-1406 Removal of property from the Chester MCP Agreement, document Header This includes many threatened and endangered species. Jan 21, 2021 Updated Feb 25, 2021. Code of Ordinances | Lancaster County, SC | Municode Library Local Utility Companies - see Local Contacts. 2017-1461 - Rezoning Property Owned By Richard Ormand, document Header 2021-1784 - Approval and Adoption for a Redistricting Plan for the Election Districts Used to Elect Members of County Council, document Header Ordinance 2015-1351 Moratorium North of Highway 5, document Header 2017-1484 - Authorization of Fee Agreement with Fab Fours Inc. document Header Share this page on your favorite Social network, Lancaster County Transportation Committee, Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC), Residents may experience delays in receiving their registration in the mail, heating and air conditioning installers and repairers, Heating and air conditioning installers and repairers. 2019-1598 - Providing Easement to Lancaster County Water and Sewer District to be located within Walnut Creek Recreational Complex, document Header A detailed scope of work which includes roofing/siding method and materials. 2021-1730 - Rezoning a Portion of Property from RR to RUB (Applicant Matthew and Heather Ellis)(RZ-2021-0261), document Header 2022-1798 - Approval of an Easement Grant to Lancaster County Water and Sewer District for the Indian Land Recreation Center, document Header outdoor lighting, parking, signage, building height, setbacks, open space, and the like. Ordinance 2015-1354 Rezoning property of Red Ventures, document Header Ordinance 2016-1396 Transfer Property to the Town of Kershaw, document Header 2016-1428 Transfer of property to the Town of Kershaw, document Header 2018-1496 - Rezoning A Portion of Property for Robert Wilson, document Header 2016-1426 amendment to OCI Group FILOT agreement, document Header 2021-1770 - Establishment of the Van Wyck Fire Protection District, document Header 2021-1709 - Amending the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) Regarding Requirements for Three Family (Triplex) and Four Family (Quadraplex) Dwellings (UDO-TA-020-2648), document Header 2019-1558 - Rezoning Property Owned By Timothy Trujillo and Ginger Trujillo (Applicant Gloria Cauthen) from GB to LI, document Header 2018-1544 - Rezoning Five (5) Properties Along Henry Harris Road (Applicant Lennar Carolinas, LLC), document Header 2016-1415 Rezone York Street - Waters property, document Header 2021-1711 - Approval of a Development Agreement with Redwood, USA, LLC (DA-020-2650), document Header the 3' setback applies as shown. 3 Table of Contents . 2021-1772 - Approval of a Master Development Plan Submission for a Development Project known as "The Exchange" (Applicant Crosland Southeast) (MX-2021-0664), document Header 2019-1568 - Authorization of the Issuance of General Obligation Bonds in the Principal Amount of Not Exceeding $6,000,000, document Header Ordinance 2015-1341 - Marvin Harper Rezoning, document Header 2021-1741 - Approval of a Detailed Budget For The Fiscal Year 2021-22, document Header 2018-1518 - Dissolve Joint Recreation Commission and Establish Recreation Advisory Board, document Header 2021-1782 - Amending the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) Section 5.2.5., Halfway Homes, document Header If you have any questions, please contact the Building and Safety Department at (661) 723-6144. 2021-1706 - Rezoning Property Owned by Billie Coker From MDR to RR (RZ-020-2602), document Header Precision Parts Division Providing for a Fee-In-Lieu of Taxes and Special Source Revenue Credits, document Header 2021-1791 - Amendment of Ordinance 2021-17961, Lancaster County School District Impact Fee Ordinance, to substitute a Corrected Map of the Indian Land Attendance Zone, document Header 2022-1806 - Authorizing the Conveyance of Real Property Owned by Lancaster County by Quit Claim Deed, document Header Nebo Baptist Church (Property Owned By Springland Inc), document Header Ordinance 2015-1320 - Building Official and Zoning Official Duties, document Header 2017-1469 - Amend Code of Ordinances Concerning Peddlers, Hawkers and Solicitors, document Header 2020-1676 - Amending the Lancaster County Code Related to Alarms, document Header 2021-1749 - Rezoning a Portion of Property Located Near the Intersection of Pageland Highway and Rocky River Road From RR, Rural Residential District, to RUB, Rural Business District (Applicant WTC of Lancaster, LLC) (RZ-2021-0959), document Header
Fire Officer Professional Development Plan,
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Dr Rochelle Walensky Religion,
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