I like to eat So they can be incorporated in the diet by weight watchers and diabetics. Sporamins, storage proteins in sweet potato, also have antioxidant properties. Food allergy. Daily Nutritional Goals for Age-Sex Groups Based on Dietary Reference Intakes and Dietary Guidelines Recommendations, International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders: About IBS: Dietary Fiber, Mayo Clinic: Q and A: Diet, Lifestyle Choices Can Lower Risk of Diverticulosis Developing Into Diverticulitis. 1 cup (150 g) serving of these sweet potatoes can provide 220 calories and about 1,442 retinal equivalents of vitamin A (more than 500% of the daily value). Health Benefits 1. Your body converts the beta carotene it receives from foods into vitamin A. A 100-gram (3.5 ounces) portion of uncooked sweet potato contains up to 1500 mg of anthocyanins. Go purple as a variation of the LIVESTRONG.com Energizing Sweet Potato Smoothie recipe in which the spuds get lightened up with almond milk, fruit and cinnamon. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Sweet Potato Nutrition Sweet potatoes contain many vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals that are helpful for your overall health. Of this, around 12.7 g are starch, 4.2 g are sugars (sucrose, glucose, fructose, and maltose) and 3.0 g is fiber. Japanese sweet potatoes are a good source of dietary fiber and provide a number of essential vitamins and minerals. Eating a Japanese sweet potato provides 63 grams or about 20 percent of your daily value. Okinawan potatoes come with a low glycemic index. The Mayo Clinic's sweet potato pancakes with blueberry syrup can be doubly-purple, if you swap the orange spuds for purple ones. KEY FACTS. Our goal is to not have a single piece of inaccurate information on this website. The more cooking and processing the potato goes through, the higher the glycemic index. The antioxidants exhibit anti-inflammatory properties too. Campesterol was the second most abundant. The amounts, per potato, are as follows: Some important nutrients in Japanese sweet potato benefit your heart and may help to reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease. Some are firm, dry, and mealy, while others are soft and moist. Joe Cohen flipped the script on conventional and alternative medicine and it worked. The red-skin sweet potatoes are no different in nutrition. Of course, you can also focus on desserts that don't have ingredients that might tip purple potatoes into either the blue or red zones. You'll also find that purple sweet potato nutrition benefits are plentiful, with a taste and texture to rival the more familiar orange types. 0 g fat. The information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration or any other medical body. I use a vegetable brush to lightly scrub any dirt off, but don't scrub too hard or you will remove the skin. The amounts, per potato, are as follows: Potassium : 940 milligrams Calcium : 80 milligrams Magnesium : 50 milligrams Phosphorus : 92 milligrams Iron : 1.4 milligrams Copper : 0.36 milligram Manganese : 0.88 milligram Read more: Can Vitamins Help to Slow Down Your Heart Rate? There exist several varieties of the root vegetable sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas). Carbs are important for the production of energy needed for metabolic and physical processes. Although the orange types may be more familiar to us, sweet potatoes can be several other colors, including purple, red, white and yellow. Potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, manganese, copper, iron and magnesium are all minerals that Japanese sweet potatoes contain in large amounts. Japanese sweet potatoes are a variety of sweet potato with yellow flesh and dark skin. 8. They are rich in the following vitamins and minerals: 1 Vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene Vitamin B6 Vitamin C Potassium Fiber Zinc Magnesium About 95 percent of the calories in Japanese sweet potatoes come primarily from healthy complex carbohydrates. Biomed Res Int. Different parts of the plant, such as the leaves, stems and root tubers, are used for food, medicine and animal feed [1]. Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a328d2b894c7ae4b2a7cd6c0675c5068" );document.getElementById("a6cbe26769").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. In short, purple-fleshed sweet potatoes are fat-free, low in calories, high in fiber, and are loaded with antioxidants. Find calories, carbs, and nutritional contents for Japanese Sweet Potato, Purple Skin, White Flesh and over 2,000,000 other foods at MyFitnessPal A plus sign next to the number [1+, 2+, etc] means that the information is found within the full scientific study rather than the abstract. Produce Sharing allows you to share your produce discoveries with your neighbors and the world! Calorie Goal 1868 Cal 132/2000Cal left Fitness Goals: Heart Healthy Fat 66.6 g 0.4/67g left Sodium 2300 mg Granted, that's an "unloaded" sweet spud, so it doesn't factor in any toppings you might add. Craving something sweet but healthy in the morning? Taking both iron and vitamin A together has been shown to be more effective against anemia than taking either supplement alone. Published April 1, 2019. Japanese sweet potatoes, also called a Japanese yam, are quite similar to American yams but possess a sweeter taste and softer flesh with a lighter yellow coloring. We hope you enjoy this website. White Sweet Potato Nutrition. Japanese sweet potato contains 30 milligrams of tryptophan. Our science team must pass long technical science tests, difficult logical reasoning and reading comprehension tests. According to the USDA, Japanese sweet potatoes contain 11,062 micrograms of vitamin A, providing 202.2 percent of daily value. In other parts of the world, it is referred to as Japanese purple potato or Japanese sweet potato. By regulating the relaxation of the walls of your blood vessels, potassium helps to lower or maintain your blood pressure. Japanese sweet potatoes are a rich source of vitamins, especially beta-carotene (provitamin A), vitamin B5 and vitamin B6 [ 1, 5, 6 ]. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. While there is ample research indicating that Japanese sweet potatoes are rich in antioxidants, there is very limited research on other health benefits. The clearest benefit may be to people who struggle with constipation. In addition to antioxidants, they are packed with fiber, vitamin C and potassium, which can help with weight loss, immunity and heart health. SelfDecode does not treat, diagnose or cure any conditions, Source: the University of Hawaiis Cancer Center. Foods with a low-GI value (under 55) are slowly digested and absorbed, causing a slower and smaller rise in blood sugar levels. Japanese sweet potatoes contain only an insignificant amount of fat and no cholesterol. Japanese sweet potatoes have sweeter-tasting and softer flesh than most yams. Align your health hacks with your genes for optimal health & cognitive function. This vegetable is unique nutritionally in that it's very low on the glycemic index compared to other types of potatoes and sweet potatoes, meaning they won't have as strong an impact on your. Eye HealthThe antioxidants, vitamins A, C, E, zinc, etc. Types of sweet potatoes. Serotonin is a brain neurotransmitter that regulates mood, sleep, appetite and pain. Aliphatic alcohols and -tocopherol were also found in smaller amounts [9]. Their natural sweetness also means they can be used in pies and a range of other baked desserts. To keep it healthy, the University of Hawaii-Maui suggests blending the purple sweet potatoes with nonfat milk and egg whites for the middle layer, and using nonfat milk, coconut extract and artificial sweetener for the topping, instead of the traditional coconut milk and sugar. Japanese sweet potatoes provide approximately 2 grams of protein. Potassium is also needed for the development and maintenance of your nervous system and muscles, including your heart. No clinical evidence supports the use of Japanese sweet potato for any of the conditions listed in this section. Japanese Purple Sweet potatoes have an oblong shape and a vibrantly purple colored flesh which maintains its coloring when cooked and processed. Applications International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition: Dried Fruit and Public Health What Does the Evidence Tell Us? However, all varieties of sweet potatoes belong to the morning glory family, while yams are tubers related to lilies native to Africa and Asia, says Harvard T.H. So they can be incorporated in the diet by weight watchers and diabetics. Prevention of DiseasesAs explained above, the antioxidants in PSP help prevent cardiovascular diseases. The most abundant phytosterol found in sweet potato is -Sitosterol (55.277.6% of all phytosterols found). Sweet potatoes are primarily a source of healthy starch and fiber, but they also contain 1.6 g of protein in a 100 g serving [1]. Vitamin A fact sheet for health professionals. Note that these are extremely early results, and these studies do not suggest that eating sweet potatoes prevents cancer. 1. What Nutrients Are in the Skins of Sweet Potatoes? The sweet tuber is rich in antioxidants as well as heart-healthy minerals. A low-fat graham cracker crust, instead of macadamia nuts, is another way to cut both calories and fat. Japanese sweet potatoes are flavorful, do not have any lectins, and are rated less inflammatory, which is great for those who have a lectin sensitivity. Roasted root vegetables are a crowd-pleaser for Sunday dinner, but there can be a sea of oranges in your mix, including carrots, winter squash and traditional sweet potatoes. One challenge involved in replacing orange sweet potatoes, or other roots, with purple sweet potatoes, is that the color isn't necessarily reliable. is a clickable link to peer-reviewed scientific studies. Ana spent years working with patients who suffer from various mental health issues and chronic health problems. 4 g protein. Sweet potatoes contain oxalic acid, which may combine with calcium in the kidneys to produce kidney stones in people who are susceptible. There is insufficient evidence to support the use of Japanese sweet potato for any of the below-listed uses. They're under 100 purple sweet potato calories per serving, provide both fiber and protein, and are low in fat. While Boniato is quite popular in South Florida, this kind of sweet potato originated . Even when cooked, the anthocyanin content of purple sweet potatoes is significantly higher than that of other blue or purple foods, including elderberries and blueberries. All sweet potatoes are good sources of fiber and potassium, along with vitamins A, B6 and C. They are rich in natural sugars, but their mitigating high fiber content means that they don't deliver as high a glycemic load as regular white potatoes. 6789 Quail Hill Pkwy, Suite 211 Irvine CA 92603. How to Cook Purple Yams: Baked, Boiled or Roasted, University of California's Agriculture and Natural Resources, Why Potatoes With More Color Are Healthiest, University of Hawaii at Manoa: "Sweet Potato, Okinawan", Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction: "Sweet Potato History", University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources: "Vibrant Purple Sweet Potatoes", Harvard School of Public Health: "Sweet Potatoes", US National Library of Medicine: "Effect of Domestic Cooking Methods on the Anthocyanins and Antioxidant Activity of Deeply Purple-Fleshed Sweet Potato", USDA My Food Data: "Cooked Sweet Potatoes", University of Hawaii at Manoa: "Sweet Potato Haupia Pie", University of Hawaii at Maui: "Purple Sweet Potato Haupia Pie", University of Maryland Extension Service: "Baking, Chemistry, and Purple Sweet Potatoes". Good source of fiber (12% of DV/100g). The GI of a peeled sweet potato, boiled, is low at 46. In addition to being fat-free with a low GI rating, the high content of dietary fiber in Japanese sweet potatoes may help you stay on your weight-loss plan. Sweet potatoes, as a group, prefer hot, humid climates. Other purple foods include ulu (breadfruit), mangos, and some . So PSP can help lower the symptoms of arthritis and inflammation-related health problems. PSP can help control diabetes by improving blood sugar regulation and insulin production. Jonathan Ritter, PharmD, PhD (Pharmacology). Once cooked, the mildly sweet-flavored soft flesh deepens to a golden, cream-colored hue with a dry, starchy texture. According to the Linus Pauling Institute, anthocyanins are one of six important flavonoids, which all provide health advantages when consumed. Read more: Sweet Potatoes Have Almost No Drawbacks, Unless You Have a History of Kidney Stones The Difference Depends on Color In addition, retinol is crucial for fetal development. Change Food Share . Besides that, however, sweet potato strains have a very similar nutritional profile. Likewise, when a recipe that calls for alkanes such as baking soda or baking powder, add vinegar, lemon juice, buttermilk or yogurt to make the dish more neutral, and thereby less likely to change the purple hue. It is a staple food of the Okinawans, who are some of the healthiest and longest-lived people on Earth. Diabetes superfoods. Neutralization of Free RadicalsSporamins, storage proteins in sweet potato, also have antioxidant properties. Berkeley Wellness. Have you ever asked yourself, "How much weight can I lose in a month?" Chan School of Public Health. Purple sweet potatoes have antioxidant protection. The skin and flesh of these sweet potatoes have rich nutrition in them. Use them for cold dishes like potato salad or a cracker spread, or as hot side dishes, whether as plain baked spuds or with other cubed and roasted root veggies. The University of California's Agriculture and Natural Resources (UCANR) division notes that purple sweet potatoes labeled as "Okinawa" come from Japan, were popularized in Hawaii and have white skin. They not only live longer than anyone else in the world, but they also live more youthful lives even in old age. The glycemic index (GI) rates how carbohydrate-based food raises blood glucose levels. Nutritional Value Murasaki sweet potatoes are an excellent source of vitamin A, and a good source of potassium, dietary fiber, and vitamin C. They also contain iron, calcium, protein, and beneficial amino acids. Note that each number in parentheses [1, 2, 3, etc.] Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Ana has many years of experience in clinical research and health advising. Now that you know the foods included in Okinawan diet, you can incorporate this wonderful, healthy, and naturally sweet vegetable in your meals throughout the year. Pinpoint your location annonymously through the Specialty Produce App and let Strong Immune SystemAs these sweet potatoes are packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, they help strengthen the immune system. Japanese sweet potatoes have a dark reddish-brown to rose-colored exterior skin. Diets rich in vitamins A and C help protect the skin, eyes, heart, brain and more from damage. These include potato salad, shepherd's pie, stew and of course the basic baked potato side dish. Prefer mashed for your starches? These cookies do not store any personal information. They help control cholesterol levels. Sweet potatoes of all varieties are high in vitamin A, vitamin C and manganese. The presence of a minimum of 3-5 grams of fat in the meal enables us to absorb more beta-carotene from sweet potatoes. Another molecule isolated from sweet potato leaves, (Ipomoea batatas anticancer peptide, or IbACP) caused cell death in pancreatic cancer cells [18]. Sweet potato leaf extract is also available, although different from Japanese sweet potatoes. FoodData Central. Sweet potato starch is higher in amylose than amylopectin, which raises blood sugar slowly. They help control cholesterol levels. Small to medium in size, Japanese sweet potatoes are long, slender and irregularly shaped tubers. Japanese sweet potatoes contain approximately 27 grams of carbohydrates. Japanese sweet potatoes are also known as Satsuma-imo. They are botanically classified as Ipomoea batatas (from morning glory family), which includes many different varieties of sweet potatoes grown in Japan. In a meta-analysis of 41 trials, consuming 2 g of phytosterols a day was found to lower low-density lipoprotein or LDL (bad cholesterol) by 10 % [8]. Anti-Inflammatory and anticancer activities of Taiwanese purple-fleshed sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas L. Lam) extracts. While some phytonutrients are found in all sweet potatoes, others vary depending on the flesh color. Different varieties come with different unique tastes, however, in general, the taste is starchy and sweet. Chan School of Public Health: Sweet Potatoes, ScienceDirect: Food Science and Human Wellness: Profiles of Phenolics, Carotenoids and Antioxidative Capacities of Thermal Processed White, Yellow, Orange and Purple Sweet Potatoes Grown in Guilin, China, USDA Dietary Guidelines, 2015-2020: Appendix 7. If you feel that any of our content is inaccurate, out-of-date, or otherwise questionable, please leave a comment or contact us at [emailprotected]. You will often find serotonin included as an ingredient in antidepressants. These fat-soluble antioxidant carotenoids. Tweaking your sweet potato recipes to accommodate the purple variety will likely involve balancing acid levels and acidic ingredients. Satsuma-imo, Japanese sweet potato, is a sweeter, red or purple-skinned, yellow-fleshed option packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. You can make colorful cakes, ice creams, pies, doughnuts, soups, etc., using Okinawan sweet potatoes. Copyright 1996-2023, Specialty Produce, All Rights Reserved | 1929 Hancock St., Suite 150, San Diego, CA 92110 | 800.221.9730 |, Mashed Purple Yams with Sesame Brown Butter. While food allergies cause an immediate reaction (such as rashes, hives, pain, swelling, and in extreme cases, asthma/airway closure or anaphylactic shock), food sensitivities are usually not immediate and the inflammatory symptoms can last for a few days. In a 100 g (86 calorie) serving of sweet potato, there are 20.1 g of carbohydrates. Potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, manganese, copper, iron and magnesium are all minerals that Japanese sweet potatoes contain in large amounts. A list of healthier snacks and desserts developed by Mayo Clinic dieticians features several that use sweet potatoes. Fiber is the part of food your body cannot digest. No human studies have yet investigated the effect of Japanese sweet potato on heart health. This healthier topping for brownies or cake is designed to add only 100 additional calories, with minimal sugars and fats. Sweet potato, raw, unprepared (Includes foods for USDA's Food Distribution Program). J Nutr Metab. Foods low on the GI index, such as boiled sweet potatoes, have a place in a healthy diet for people with diabetes. But if you are on a low oxalate diet, you should talk to your doctor about what amount of sweet potato (if any) is safe to consume [1, 2]. Japanese sweet potatoes are botanically known as Ipomoea batatas and can be either the Satsuma or Kotobuki variety. Helps regulate glucose levels - Sweet potato starch is higher in amylose than amylopectin, which raises blood sugar slowly. Kerns studied English literature and neurology at UC Davis. Boost Your Immune System With the Right Diet, 4 Keto-Approved Recipes For Your Weeknight Meals, Foods You Should Include In Your Weekly Diet To Lose Weight, The Ketogenic Diet Is The Fat Burning Diet. Vitamin A also helps your body process and use iron properly. They simply contain some compounds of interest to cancer researchers. Sweet potatoes are known to improve blood sugar regulation and some studies have discovered significant antibacterial and antifungal properties. The sweetness does come at a carbohydrate cost, with the price being about 37 grams of carbohydrates for an average sweet potato, and 61 for an Okinawan purple specifically. All make a sweeter, moister alternative to plain white potatoes. As explained above, the antioxidants in PSP help prevent cardiovascular diseases. As per need, DHEA gets converted into estrogen, progesterone, or testosterone. Sweet potatoes contain both soluble and insoluble fiber, both of which provide health benefits. Because of this stabilization, they may play an important part in fighting diabetes and obesity. Boniato in English means "sweet potato". As the potatoes have grown in popularity, we've seen deeper research into the anthocyanin content of purple-fleshed sweet potatoes. Fiber is filling, without adding significant calories. We've created informative articles that you can come back to again and again when you have questions or want to learn more! Improved MemoryAnthocyanins in purple sweet potatoes have memory-enhancing effects. These substances can be found in seemingly healthy foods like whole grains, beans, tomatoes, or fruit. Harvard School of Public Health notes that orange and purple sweet potato nutrition, along with the nutrient content of other colored sweet potatoes, are similar in many aspects. 4. Some important nutrients that sweet potatoes contain include vitamin A and C, potassium, B vitamins, manganese, magnesium and copper. However, researchers have found that DHEA levels drop at a much slower rate among the long-lived Okinawans. Studies show that in Western cultures, along with aging, DHEA levels drop dramatically. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Our science team is put through the strictest vetting process in the health industry and we often reject applicants who have written articles for many of the largest health websites that are deemed trustworthy. The secret of the long life of the residents of Okinawa perhaps lies in their diet rich in purple-fleshed sweet potatoes. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Potassium fact sheet for health professionals. Is a chef doing things with shaved fennel that are out of this world? The nutrition for 1 medium baked purple potato is as follows, per the USDA: 151 calories. Various types of sweet potatoes contain almost similar quantities of nutrients. Just when you thought sweet potato fries were already an "interesting twist" on regular french fries, along comes an even more interesting take, in the form of with LIVESTRONG.com's purple Parmesan Garlic Fries. The skin of Purple Sweet potatoes can range from a light tan to a deep, dark purple, depending on the variety. Studies show that in Western cultures, along with aging, DHEA levels drop dramatically. In Japan, it is known as. Sometimes, these purple sweet potatoes are called purple yam, but yams are quite different from both sweet potatoes and common potatoes. Japanese sweet potatoes are a rich source of a variety of vitamins essential for optimum health, including vitamins A, C, E and B-6. We are dedicated to providing the most scientifically valid, unbiased, and comprehensive information on any given topic. Seasons . It also helps regulate blood sugar levels. The USDA reports that the potatoes contain about 17 grams of starch. Offering a slightly nutty flavor, the Japanese sweet potato has hints of chestnut and a drier, starchier texture than other sweet potato varieties. Japanese sweet potato Nutrition Facts - Eat This Much Japanese sweet potato yellow inside with purple color skin Report a problem with this food Find on Amazon Percent calories from. However, a 2018 meta-analyses of clinical trials showed diets containing foods high in carbohydrates and fiber, but with a low glycemic index, and low in fat are associated with weight loss and a decrease in body composition. Harvard Health Publishing says potassium manages the conduction and transmission of electrical signals in your nervous system, which protects against irregular heartbeat.. located in the retina of your eye, have been shown to prevent or delay the progression of chronic eye diseases such as age related macular degeneration and cataracts, according to American Optometric Association. Sweet potatoes are only distantly related to potatoes. With 438 milligrams of potassium in every average-sized potato, Japanese sweet potatoes provide nearly 10 percent of the daily requirement. Japanese sweet potatoes, like all sweet potatoes, are a good source of beta carotene that your body converts to vitamin A. Those that have both purple skin and purple flesh are known as "Stokes," and have been bred and developed on the U.S. mainland. Sweet Potato Raw Unprepared (Includes Foods For Usda's Food Distribution Program) Serving Size: Save Food. We do not aim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. How does this food fit into your daily goals? . Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. This effect has not been studied in humans, so its unclear whether the effect would be similar and how much we would need to eat [16].

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