Re: Doesn't this belong in Pulp Fiction, not Old-Time Radio? A guide listing the titles AND air dates for episodes of the TV series The Jack Benny Program. DANGEROUSLY YOURS Dangerously Yours was a half hour show sponsored by Vicks. CHALLENGE OF THE YUKON Challenge of the Yukon was a long-running radio series that began on Detroit's station WXYZ (as had The Lone Ranger and The Green Hornet ), and an example of a Northern genre story. Listen to Superman, X-Minus One, Tarzan, Philip Marlowe, Gunsmoke, Jack Benny and many more . The radio show ran from March 1932 to May 1955 Episodes I once saw him reading from a telephone book, and never laughed so hard in my life. Disclaimer: By uploading these files, I make no claim to ownership or copyright. But the American radio series was even creepier. I have been listening to them every day since 2005, either at work or before I go to bed to wind down. Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. Repeated shows are included. His writers were the best! We take them for granted, but stop & think for a moment how perfectly selected & balanced the voices heard on this show really are. So join me for another adventure in the macabre. Starting on 52 shows from the Mutual Broadcasting System radio program starring Basil Rathbone as Sherlock Holmes and Nigel Bruce as Dr. Watson. Cranston learned the secret of clouding men's minds to make him invisible, allowing him to become The Shadow and work on the side of law enforcement to prove to young and old alike that crime does not pay! CD Quality audio for ALL SHOWS!!! Others were taped fully at the time and rerecorded to edit out commercials and such later. THE PHIL HARRIS - ALICE FAYE SHOW Phil Harris was on the The Jack Benny Program since 1934, playing the jive-talking hipster bandleader of questionable repute. Keen, Tracer of Lost Persons first debuted over the Blue Network on October 12, 1937, the shows title accurately described Keens stock-in-trade; the kindly old investigator tracked down individuals who had mysteriously vanished, leaving behind their families, homes, jobs and other day-to-day activities. The situation comedy was a staple of the NBC Red Network from 1936 on, after originating on NBC Blue in 1935. The ads always brought fun adventures of all kinds: from racketeer's victim to psychotic killer looking for fun. Fan page at: is a rare insight into the production of radio shows back in the days before televisio. This series didn't last long and starred Santos Ortega as Wolfe and Luis Van Rooten as Archie. Both stared in their roles for the television show. on December 30, 2019, There are no reviews yet. But during one of his San Francisco stops in 1938, they did a third showone that never got on the air. Jack Benny - Single Episodes - 1949-1950 Jack Benny - Single Episodes - 1950-1951 Jack Benny - Single Episodes - 1951-1952 Jack Benny - Single Episodes - 1952-1953 Jack Benny - Single Episodes - 1953-1954 Jack Benny - Single Episodes - 1954-1955 Jack Benny - Single Episodes - As A Guest Star #1 Jack Benny - Single Episodes - As A Guest Star #2 Endless hours of entertainment! Listen to Superman, X-Minus One, Tarzan, Philip Marlowe, Gunsmoke, Jack Benny and many more . Your host is the man with no identity who introduces each show with a pun thats so bad its scary. GUNSMOKE First Show: Jun 26, 1952 Last Show: Jun 18, 1961 Number Shows: 480 shows, 2 auditions, 5 hour tribute Audition Shows: Jun 11, 1949, Jul 13, 1949 Series Description: Gunsmoke is one of those long-running classic Old-Time Radio shows that everyone knows and remembers. 1941 If the job's too tough for you to handle, you've got a job for me. Thousands of Old Time Radio series and hundreds of thousands of episodes are still in existence today. As Jack dials the combination lock he starts to whimper more and more as he gets to the last number. The show also broadcast alerts, known as Gang Buster Clues, of suspects wanted by police around the country. web pages The Announcer was Charlie Lyon and the director was Paul Pierce. Kenny Baker. 1942 Compare them with any other available versions and you will see there is no comparison. THE WHISTLER You're walking alone on the street at night, but then you hear another set of footsteps and a haunting tune being whistled by an unseen stranger. The Jack Benny Show AKA The Jello Program AKA The Lucky Strike Program aired from the 1930's right through to the 1950's. Each week your host, John Henderson, brings an episode from that week 60-80 years ago. Listen to This Day in Jack Benny on Apple podcasts or your favorite podcast app. This is a wonderful collection. The name "Black Museum" was coined in 1877 by a reporter from "The Observer", a London newspaper, although the museum is still referred to as the Crime Museum. Starring Jack Benny with Mary Livingstone, Phil Harris, Rochester, Dennis Day, and Don Wilson. otherwise fantastic. love the jpgs and guest shot appearances! THIS IS YOUR FBI This Is Your FBI was a radio crime drama which aired in the United States on ABC from April 6, 1945 to January 30, 1953 for a total of 409 shows. The TV adaptation, which was just a continuation of the radio program, was aired from 1950 to 1965. He was 81 years old. Gladys Zybisco Disappoints Jack on New Years Eve, 230 Doc Bennys Minstrels - Romeo And Juliet, 363 Birthday Party For Jack Whos Recovering From A Skiing Accident, 369 Jack Revives Buck Benny After Three Years, 376 Formal Dinner For The Sponser Without Jell-O For Dessert, 428 New Years Eve Party At The Biltmore Bowl, 430 Carole Lombards Death - Show Is Without Jack, 433 Jack Is Upset Because Fred Allen Has Moved To Sundays, 438 Jack Talks About Lending Fred Allen Ten Dollars, 439 Jack Plants A Victory Garden And Plays Golf With Phil, 446 Jack Learns This Will Be His Last Season For Jell-O, 449 Cavalcade Of Last Eight Years For Jell-O, 589 Jack Is Upset Because Phil And Dennis Have Their Own Shows, 594 Jack Tries To Break His Contract With The Sportsmen, 595 Jack Gets A Haircut - More Trouble With The Sportsmen, 599 Jack Buys Don Shoe Laces For Christmas, 600 Jack Learns Don Has Metal Tip Shoelaces So He Exchanges Gift, 601 Christmas Party At Birmingham General Hospital, 604 Gracie Wants To Listen To Jack On The Radio, 608 What Happens After The Show Goes Off The Air, 612 Jack Tries To Find Replacement For The Sportsmen, 616 Jack Tries To Get Goldwyn To Do The Life Of Jack Benny, 616 Jack Wants Goldwyn To Do The Life Of Jack Benny, 637 Jack Tries To Get Tickets For The Rose Bowl, 638 Going To Denver For March-Of-Dimes Benefit, 645 Jacks Girlfriend Gladys Comes To Rehearsal, 649 Jack Is Robbed Of Ronald Colmans Oscar, 660 From Detroit - Dons Weight Is Discussed, 663 Jack Returns To America By Ship And Hears An Echo, 664 Jack And The Gang Listen To The World Series, 668 Jack Hears An Echo - Sees Psychiatrist, 670 Jack Tries To Reach His Advertising Agency, 671 How Jack And The Gang Spent Thanksgiving, 672 Professor La Blanc Gives Jack A Violin Lesson, 674 Jack Buys A Wallet For Don As Christmas Gift, 683 Jack Wants To Appear On Ford Theater, Jack Challenges Fred Allen to a Boxing match, Jack Goes into Training For Fight with Fred Allen, 0270 Another Chapter in Life of Buck Benny, 0259 Jack Is Sick - Phil Kenny and Don Host, 0228 - Show the - Anthony Adverse Part Two, 0211 Jack Is Guest of Honor At the French Embassy Dinner, 0210 Gang Visits the Central Park Zoo the, 0124 New Hampshire Through a Keyhole -Or- Lord of the City, 091 Sherlock Holmes And King Kong Part Two, 070 Outstanding Achievements Of 1932 Review, 718 To New York On The Train For The Heart Fund Benefit, 715 Drear Pooson Fluffrys Party And Is Stood Up By His Date, 714 Jack Cant Make Marys Party And Is Stood Up By His Date, 713 Rochester Is Shocked By An Electric Alarm Clock, 712 Mary Buys Jack A Pencil Sharpener For Christmas, 709 Jack Spends An Evening At Home Playing Cards, 705 Don Wilsons Story Of Twenty-Five Years In Radio, 701 Jack Takes Inventory Of His Pantry And Has A Memory Loss. Take this quote from The Benson Murder Case , 1924, as Vance pontificates in his inimitable way: "That's your fundamental error, don't y' know. In this installment: In honor of Black History Month, we're spotlighting five episodes of The Jack Benny Show that featured Eddie "Rochester" Anderson. All of the 172 episodes of The Jack Benny Program from the 1950s and 60s plus seventeen TV specials. Aim for 3-5 minutes in length. The show was identified by different names based on the particular sponsor at the time. Clients came to Valentine's office after reading a newspaper carrying his classified ad: Personal notice: Danger's my stock in trade. Advanced embedding details, examples, and help,,, JB #010 A Conversation w Harpo Bing Crosby Gary Cooper, JB 1933-01-01 Outstanding Achievements of 1932 Review, JB 1933-01-22 Bertha the Sewing Machine Girl (Pr Snd), JB 1933-03-31 Mae West Skit - She Done Him Right, JB 1933-06-02 Who Killed Mr. X Pt 2 & Sherlock Holmes, JB 1933-06-09 Who Killed Mr. X Pt 3 & Sherlock Holmes, JB 1933-12-10 Uncle Tom's Cabin (Pr Snd Improves), JB 1934-04-06 Frank Parker's Music Store (Pr Snd Improves), JB 1934-04-27 New Hampshire Through a Keyhole, JB 1934-05-11 (INC) Home Cooking at Don's, JB 1934-09-14 School Days (Much Skipping), JB 1936-12-20 #237 Old-Fashioned Xmas Party, JB 1937-01-10 Buckingham Benny (Complete), JB 1937-01-17 Buck Benny's Mexican Adventure, JB 1937-03-14 End of Fued with Fred Allen, JB 1937-04-11 Guests are George Burns & Gracie Allen, JB 1938-03-20 Taking The Show To New York, JB 1938-03-27 Guests - Fred Allen, Kate Smith, JB 1938-04-17 At The Circus (Easter Show), JB 1938-04-24 Snow White & the 7 Gangsters, JB 1938-10-24 Jack Buys his Maxwell (his car), JB 1938-10-30 Jack Gives A Halloween Party, JB 1938-11-13 (INC) Jack Steals A Girl From Phil Harris, JB 1938-12-25 Jack's Christmas Open House, JB 1939-11-19 Ostrich For Thanksgiving Dinner, JB 1939-12-17 East Coast Christmas Shopping, JB 1940-02-25 Jacks Birthday Party (after Ski Accident), JB 1940-05-05 at the Ritz Theater - Clown Hall Tonight, JB 1940-05-12 Returning from New York By Air, JB 1940-11-10 Dog Catcher of Beverly Hills, JB 1940-11-17 Jack & the Head of Paramount, JB 1941-01-05 Christmas Gift Exchange (at 1m 11s), JB 1941-12-28 Jack Talks About His Christmas Party, JB 1942-01-11 Broadcast From March Air Field, JB 1942-03-01 Jack Mad About Academy Awards, JB 1942-03-15 Talks about Lending $10.00 to Fred Allen, JB 1942-05-03 Cast Visits Jack At Warner Brothers, JB 1942-05-17 Jack Imitates Fred Allen House, JB 1943-01-03 #463 Bear Hunting (from Maine), JB 1943-03-14 Orson Wells Hosts (Phil Harris Returns), JB 1943-04-25 #030 Rochester's Horse is in the Kentucky Derby (Low Volume), JB 1943-05-02 Rental of Eddie Cantor's House, JB 1943-05-09 Jack Jams With Louis Armstrong, JB 1943-05-30 #035 Guest is Deanna Durbin, JB 1944-05-14 Infantry (AFRS Re-Broadcast), JB 1944-10-26 Clark Gable (Winged Victory Edition), JB 1944-12-17 Drugstore w Frank Sinatra & Frank Morgan, JB 1944-12-17 Drugstore w Frank Sinatra & Frank Morgan (Alternate - Comm. BOX 13 "Adventure wanted -- will go anywhere, do anything -- Box 13." The files have been formatted to be classified easily as podcasts in iTunes. An OTR podcast. Show Is without Jac, Jack Is Upset Because Fred Allen Has Moved T, Jack Talks about Lending Fred Allen Ten Doll, Jack Plants a Victory Garden and Plays Golf, Jack Takes Two Cadets to Barbara Stanwyck's, Host Orson Welles Takes Cast to His Movie Lo, Rochester's Horse Is in the Kentucky Derby, From Marine Corps Air Station at Mojave Cali, How Jack and the Gang Spent Thanksgiving Day, From St Albans Naval Hospital in New York, Eighty.Five Thousand Dollar Bet . The character was introduced in the October 3, 1939 episode (number 216) of that series. Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. Some fine isolated science fiction stories were developed on the great anthology shows, Suspense and Escape . Then they'd complain he'd raised the price from the last time they were there. parents or mother-daughter duo vs. Transcript: Round One Name one of Santa's reindeer Round 2 Name one piece in a Nativity set Christmas Family Feud The Rules Round . Classic Mel Blanc sketch on "The Jack Benny Show" Sy Si Sue Sew. He is remembered for his television programme The Benny Hill Show, an amalgam of slapstick, burlesque and double entendre in a format that included live comedy and filmed segments, with Hill at the focus of almost every segment.. Hill was a prominent figure in British television . Improved audio, removed commercials. THE JACK BENNY PROGRAM The Jack Benny Program aired from May 2, 1932 until June 22, 1958. Please tell your friends about us. ), JB 1944-12-24 Trimming The Christmas Tree, JB 1945-01-21 Ice Skating In Central Park, JB 1946-04-07 Acme Plaza (Guest Van Johnson), JB 1946-10-06 Listening To The World Series, JB 1946-11-10 #238 Comm. From out of the past come the thundering Hoofbeats of the great horse Silver PHILOVANCE Philo Vance was the detective creation of S. S. Van Dine first published in the mid 1920s. The early 1940s programs opened with Raymond Edward Johnson introducing himself as, "Your host, Raymond," in a mocking sardonic voice. The show, a police-based dramatic crime anthology, ran from 1935-1957 and focused on dramatizing crimes from police files. Uploaded by DEF GP Mary Livingstone, the widow of Jack Benny, who for decades on radio and television served as her husband's comedic foil, died after a short illness Thursday at her home in Holmby Hills, near. Jack Benny - Single Episodes - 1951-1952 by Old Time Radio Researchers Group 14,442 14 0 Jack Benny - Single Episodes - 1948-1949 by Old Time Radio Researchers Group 14,396 10 0 Jack Benny - Single Episodes - 1943-1944 by Old Time Radio Researchers Group 14,205 18 2 Jack Benny - Single Episodes - 1954-1955 by Old Time Radio Researchers Group 10,712 Do your best to show us why your family would be great on the Feud! The year was 1937, and the first role offered Eddie Anderson on The Jack Benny Program on radio was that of a Pullman porter.It was to be a one-time part, but there was something about the gravely-voiced African-American actor that led the producers to use him again -- first as a waiter, and another time as a fellow who has an altercation with the star, Jack Benny. It starred Jack Benny. Whiteside is a cantankerous old man who is used to being pampered; while touring the United States, he injures himself at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Stanley. Be the first one to, Advanced embedding details, examples, and help, Jack Benny - Single Episodes - As A Guest Star #1, Jack Benny - Single Episodes - As A Guest Star #2, Old Time Radio Researchers Website (, Old Time Radio Researchers Facebook Group, Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014). at least one of the radio players will work for you: On June 11,1945, Lux Radio Theatre brought "Murder My Sweet" to radio, again with Dick Powell in the lead. Listen: From Fort Custer, Michigan, Jack Benny's February 28, 1943, radio show:. 1944 Depicting the 'typical American' household, the radio show had a strong following and it went on very (I might add) successfully to television, becoming as popular as a 1950s and 1960s B/W TV sitcom, as was its radio counterpart! Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. The Murder's main character, C. Auguste Dupin, was a brilliant detective who relied on superior deductive powers to solve the crime. Please move this disc recording to Old Time Radio, Melbourne, Australia radio schedule for 11 June 1954, How to organize upload of radio news scripts, Re: How to organize upload of radio news scripts. In this article we revisit Christmas recordings of Command Performance, The Jack Benny Show , and other radio programs. One reason was, he always let his co-stars get the best laughs at his expense. Thank you so much for uploading these!! Among the films to get the Benny treatment were I AM A FUGITIVE FROM THE CHAIN GANG, Mae West's SHE DONE HIM WRONG, which Benny turned into "She Done Him Right," LITTLE WOMEN recast as "Miniature Women," and even the . RSS Feed iTunes Stitcher Episodes. This version lasted until 1951, the last LUX RADIO THEATRE The individual episodes have been broken down into several different pages: Lux Radio Theatre - Single Episodes or by season: (There are no known surviving First Season episodes) Lux Radio Theatre - Single Episodes - Second Season: 07/29/35 to 06/25/36 Lux Radio Theatre - Single Episodes - Third Season: 07/01/36 to 07/05/37 Lux Radio Theatre - Single Episodes - Fourth Season: 09/13/37 to 07/04/38 Lux Radio Theatre - Single Episodes - Fifth Season: 09/12/38 to 07/10/39 Lux RANGER BILL ""Ranger Bill, Warrior of the Woodland, struggling against extreme odds, traveling dangerous trails, fighting the many enemies of nature. Each week your host, John Henderson, brings an episode from that week 60-80 years ago. Hosted by John Henderson from the podcast This Day in Jack Benny. The files have been tagged with the most accurate information available and each file name begins with the everything in here is 1973 and previous which falls into the public domain of mlb radio broadcasts as far as i know these are all one file per game, properly tagged, named, and cleaned up from multi files the best i could please do not sell these on eBay, people have wanted these for a long time and they have not been available in a cleaned up format and they are a piece of baseball and meant to be shared with all freely. Simple Dennis Day, always got the better of him, even though his character appeared to be totally clueless. The few earliest episodes were more sitcom than private  The shows presented here are digitized from the home recorded tapes of dedicated Bob and Ray fans. on the Internet. Jack Benny is one of the great American comedians. Craig's office was on Madison Avenue and his adventures were fairly standard PI fare. Stewart was never better on the air than in this drama of Britt Ponset, frontier drifter created by Frank Burt. A percentage are modern(ish) productions utilizing the best of what improved technology and hopes to capture the radio magic could offer. Jack Benny Program scripts Collection Overview Collection Organization Container Inventory Scope and Contents The collection consists of 40 bound volumes, holding some 600 radio and television scripts and encompassing over 14,000 pages. Jack Benny radio show 1/12/47 Burns and Allen FrankNelsonNet 12K subscribers Subscribe 484 Share 96K views 10 years ago George Burns and Gracie Allen are the guest stars on this show, and. Rochester Sleeps Through Jack's Show: 62. Several actors played Mason over the years, including Bartlett Robinson, Santos Ortega, Donald Biggs, and John Larkin. The dates, episode numbers and titles are believed to be correct based on available sources, but any corrections are welcome. web pages The series premiered July 10, 1948, over the CBS network. The fact that no one sees the criminal, or the artist, NICK CARTER, MASTER DETECTIVE Nick Carter first made an appearance in a pulp novel in 1886. on the Internet. . It was set in Dodge City , Kansas in the 1870's. All the audio that you hear is hosted by the non-profit Internet Archive. Bob & Ray-A Night of Two Stars DISC 1 (47:58) Welcome to Carnegie Hall; Chocolate Rabbits; Reminisence; Mr.-I-Know-Where-They-Are; Reuniting the Whirleys; Important Announcement: Move Your Car; Biff Burns in the Sports Room; Face in the News: Pizza Flipper; Salesman of the Year; Commercial: Bob & Ray House of Toast; Employee Dinner Lucy Luscious Nut Fudge Spotless Kitchens; Wally Ballou at Episodes of the old-time radio detective series "A Man Named Jordan" and "Rocky Jordan", which were based in some part on the film "Casablanca". He died on 10 August 1985 in Solvang, California, USA. His work spans the 20th century, from vaudeville to radio and movies to TV. Perf. Gunsmoke first aired on the CBS network on April 26, 1952, billed as the first adult western. Vintage stories, hymns, and gospel songs from the golden age of radio (1930 1950). Perry's secretary, Della Street, was played by Gertrude Warner (later, Jan Miner and Joan Alexander). Some have been preserved on the original transcription disks from the time the shows were initially broadcast, while others exist on reel-to-reel and cassettes tapes. OTRRArchive There were Black characters on the air . Jack Benny (1894-1974) and Fred Allen (1894-1956) were both vaudevillians who found great success in radio. Approximately 945 episodes were broadcast during its long run, and more than 900 still exist. Initially written by Leonard Lewis Levinson, it was one of broadcast history's earliest spin-off programs. Cast. One of the premier drama programs of the Golden Age of Radio, was subtitled "radio's outstanding theater of thrills" and focused on suspense thriller-type scripts, usually featuring leading Hollywood actors of the era. If you are a regular . Thanks a million for this. The Jack Benny Show Instructions: Click on an episode and select "open" if prompted. His television program puts his massive brain on display. The epigraph set it up nicely: "The man in the saddle is angular and long-legged: his skin is sun dyed brown. Part of Jack's genius lies here as well as elsewhere, imho. Return with us now to those thrilling days of yesteryear! The master detective first ventured into radio on April 11, 1943 on the Mutual Broadcasting System as The Return of Nick Carter , a nod to his pulp fiction history. As the promos went, he was "your man when you can't go to the cops. Starring the wonderful husband and wife team of Jim and Marian Jordan as the named characters, the show chronicles the life, foibles and follies of Fibber and his understanding -and perhaps long-suffering - wife, Molly. Both employed the same Los Angeles Police Department technical YOURS TRULY, JOHNNY DOLLAR THESE ARE THE 30 MINUTE BOB BAILEY EPISODES 11-11-1956 to 11-27-1960 The individual episodes of Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar have been broken down into several different pages by lead actor: Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar - Single Episodes or Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar - Single Episodes - Charles Russell Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar - Single Episodes - Edmond O'Brien Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar - Single Episodes - John Lund Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar - Single Episodes - Bob Old radio advertisements from the 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, 1960s and 1970s. The Jack Benny Show AKA The Jello Program AKA The Lucky Strike Program aired from the 1930s right through to the 1950s. OTRRArchive The War Department recognized the need for entertainment and an audible link home early in the War. 1949. Marshall (and for the last 11 months, Tammy Grimes) and produced by Himan Brown, both veterans of radio from the Golden Age, the Mystery Theater was CBS's attempt to revive radio drama from 1974-1982. Costello Amos 'n' Andy Blondie Bob Hope Ed Wynn The Fire Chief Father Knows Best Fibber McGee and Molly It Pays To Be Ignorant Jack Benny Judy Canova Show Magnificent Montague Our Miss Brooks Red Skelton The Adventures . The Commissioner's secretary is played by Betty Moran. The Jack Benny Program, starring Jack Benny, is a radio-TV comedy series that ran for more than three decades and is generally regarded as a high-water mark in 20th-century American comedy.. Also, WILD BILL HICKOK Wild Bill Hickok aired from 1 April 1951 until 31 December 1954 over the Mutual Broadcasting System on radio and then made the move to television from 1955 to 1958. Listen: Jack Benny dreams of winning an Academy Award in this episode of his radio show, from March 1, 1942:. 1947 Although presented episodically because of Jack's half hour time slot, these four shows are a single radio play running approximately 80 minutes. But until the premiere of Dimension X -- a full two decades after network radio was established -- there were no major science fiction series of broad appeal to Our Miss Brooks was a hit on radio from the outset; within eight months of its launch as a regular series, the show landed several honors, including four for Eve Arden, who won polls in four individual publications of the time. web pages The show still strikes me as upbeat and very funny. THE SIX SHOOTER The Six Shooter brought James Stewart to the NBC microphone on September 20, 1953, in a fine series of folksy Western adventures. Arden had actually been the third choice to play the title role. Yes, all this in exchange for the satisfaction and pride of a job well done." This was a radical departure in character for Mr. Powell from a Hollywood song and dance man to a hard-boiled detective. The show, in their own words, presented some of the "most baffling cases" as hosted by the fictitious Scotland Yard Chief Superintendent Each of these shows is NON COPYRIGHTED and is currently in the PUBLIC DOMAIN. 1946 THE NEW ADVENTURES OF NERO WOLFE Nero Wolfe first appeared on radio on July 5, 1943 on the NBC Blue Network in The Adventures Of Nero Wolfe . Uploaded by With music by Robert Stringer, the show originated from New York during its first three months on the air, with Anthony Ross portraying Times Square Detective Danny Clover. Strange that so little good science fiction came out of radio; they seem ideally compatible, both relying heavily on imagination. Please feel free to write an article! It premiered on NBC Blue on May 2, 1932, and had its last episode on CBS radio on May 22, 1955, producing a total of 931 episodes. Strange that so little good science fiction came out of radio; they seem ideally compatible, both relying heavily on imagination. I downloaded all 41 zip files and everything was there!

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