Editor's Note: This Collector's Corner column is an excerpt from the November 2017 issue of Gun Digest the Magazine. I have 3 Model 37s. Has ven, ITHACA MODEL 37 ULTRA FEATHERLIGHT 20 GAUGE 20GA. The 1893 was caught between two eras in firearms history, the end of black powder and the beginning of smokeless powder. Famed Combat Shotgun NOW Back in Production - Inland (Ithaca Model 37 The Model 37 Featherlight has commonly been seen in the hands of farmers and hunters in the midwestern United States. The Winchester Model 12 had become very popular and was setting the standard for pump-action shotguns. The trigger consistently pulls at 4.5-5 lbs force and has no creep. Seller: Cabelas La Vista. The Model 37 was based on a patented John Browning design. The next pump gun to give both the Model 12 and the 97 serious competition was the Ithaca Model 37. Ithaca 37 slam fire DS police Special 12ga for sale On most models up to 1975, a second sear was installed that would drop the hammer as soon the gun went into battery if the trigger was in a depressed condition. The 97s first serious competition in the pump gun category was its sibling, the Winchester Model 12, introduced in 1912. An M37 will not "slamfire" unless it's broken. How can I tell if an Ithaca Model 37 is a slam fire model? Epic 22 Pocket Pistol: The Beretta 71 Jaguar. The one I have was made in 1928. Weights are listed at 7.6 pounds for the 12 gauge, 7.4 pounds for the 16, 6.8 pounds for the 20, and 6.1 pounds for the 28 gauge. Chamber marked 2 3/4", choke measured improved modified, and 14 1/4" LOP. Made in many different models, the Ithaca 37 has the longest production run for a pump-action shotgun in history, surpassing that of the Winchester Model 12, the original inspiration for Ithaca's entry into the market. About 48,000 Model 1917s were manufactured by the time it was discontinued in 1933 and replaced by the side-ejecting Model 31, which later evolved into the Model 870. The buttstock is uncheckered walnut, finished off with a nicely ground, black Pachmayr Decelerator recoil pad. This pump-action, bottom-ejecting shotgun is available in a number of configurations. Ithaca Model 37 serial numbers/dates of manufacture - 24hourcampfire Previous Thread Next Thread Print Thread Hop To BP-B2 IC B2 IC B3 CTV Who's Online Now 742 members ( 160user, 06hunter59, 12344mag, 1936M71, 16penny, 1234, 84 invisible), 1,884 guests, and 1,514 robots. it is clear that this exceptional example has spent the last nearly 65 yrs in a closet. In addition to those mentioned, there have been various high-grade models with hand-engraving gold inlays and highly figured walnut stocks. DECENT REFINISH OVER SOME LIGHT PITTING. A spring then forces the bolt forward again, and in the process a fresh round is stripped out of the magazine. This rare variation is very popular with collectors. Ithaca Model 37 serial numbers/dates of manufacture, Re: Ithaca Model 37 serial numbers/dates of manufacture, Powered by UBB.threads PHP Forum Software 7.7.5. After World War II, Ithaca resumed production of the Model 37. There are several different types of semi-auto actions, but all have a more complicated operating system that can be more troublesome than a pump. Has slam fire feature. Need Help?service@guns.comCall (866)582-4867, PO Box 1131 13800 Nicollet Blvd Burnsville, MN 55337 2023Guns.com. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. Factory Ithaca pad. The way Ithaca stopped the firing when the bolt was closed and trigger held back was to remove the second sear on the hammer. Transfer at FFL. When the action go's into lockup the slide release moves to lock the slide holding the acton closed. Lugs that are machined out of the barrels original steel block create what Ithaca calls the truest, strongest barrel you will ever shoot.. The bore is in excellent condition. Gold bead front sight. This is not always a good thing, especially with an inexperienced shooter. Decellerat, HERE IS AN ITHICA MODEL 37-S IN 12GA WITH A 30IN BARRELL OVERALL CONDITION IS GOOD BARRELL HAS NICE SHINY BORE NO PITTING ALSO HAVE ITHICA 20GA FEATHERLIGHT MODEL 37 IF INTERESTED, Metal surfaces rate near excellent, handling marks to wood. A 12, 16, and 20 gauge. Here's what it's like to shoot this classic scattergun. ithaca model 37 slam fire years Ithaca 37 - For Sale :: Shop Online :: Guns.com Each stock has a black Pachmayr Decelerator recoil pad. Cookie Notice In the early 70s the company went public and within a few years ran into financial troubles, sold off everything except Ithaca, and filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in 1978, closing the plant for several months. 3" chamber ,satin wood and metal. The Model 37 had the slam fire from day one, and was discontinued in the late 70's. However, law enforcement agencies could order new guns with the slam fire if desired. Comb and length dimensions differ for the various models, and if specific measurements are needed, the Ithaca Custom Shop will provide. Ithaca Model 37 Slam fire * 12 Ga * 2 3/4 chamber * Barrel length 26" * Front bead sight * No interstate sales tax This Ithaca is in used condition, The finish is worn is a few places. Make: Ithaca. Much of the data presented for the Model 37 guns came from microfilm copies of Ithaca shipping records on file at the National Tracing Offices of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms and from microfiche copies of invoices from the 1980 era that were found at the Ithaca factory. and our His website is:www.diamondgunsmithing.com and phone is 607-273-4510. Its the go-to gun for those shooters who prefer its simple design over the more complicated autoloaders and the pricey doubles and over/unders. The largest single users outside the US Military were the New York City Police Department and the Los Angeles Police Department. Ithaca triggers. REDFIELD SCOPE INCLUDED. The Ithaca Model 37 started life in 1937 in Ithaca, NY. This was free of charge and, while exact numbers arent available, many Model 1893 owners took advantage of the offer. The original Ithaca 37 allowed the operator to hold the trigger down causing the shotgun to fire as each round was "slammed" into the chamber. Evolution Of The Model 37 The Model 37 operates in much the same way as other pump-action shotguns. ITHACA MODEL 37 FEATHERLIGHT DEERSLAYER 12 GA. BLUED 20" SMOOTH BORE BARREL $320.00 Free shipping Vintage Original Ithaca Model 37 - Front Bead Sight $45.00 $5.15 shipping 15 watching Ugly 20 Gauge ITHACA Model 37 FEATHERLIGHT Deer Slug Barrel FIBER OPTIC Sights $274.95 Free shipping or Best Offer SPONSORED One of their classics was the John Browning-designed Model 37 shotgun introduced just before World War II. It was based on a 1915 patent by the famous John M. Br. SLAM Fire! Ithaca Model 37 - YouTube ISSUE LAPD Commemorative Model LAPD Model 37 LAPD Model 87 LAPD Model 87 Bicentennial Model Centennial Models Presentation Model Trade Model Ducks Unlimited Models Trade Model* Auction Model Americana Model Charles Daly Model Stakeout DU Guide Gun for Canadian chapters DU Guide Gun for U. S. chapters Genoa Centennial Commemorative King Ferry . In the current catalog, you will find the Featherlight, Defense Gun, Deerslayer II, Deerslayer III, Turkey Slayer, Waterfowl, Trap Model, Womens Stock and 28 Gauge. 1. Ithaca M-37 12 ga. (1949 . Ithaca Model 37 Featherlight 16ga.,28" Modified,Take down,Made in 1969,Excellent Condition. Users browsing this forum: No registered users and 3 guests. In 1987, the name of the Ithaca 37 shotgun was changed to the Model 87. He is one of the best Model 37 "mechanics" in the world. They tend to be heavier and are not as easy handling in the field. I don't get the impression it was intentional, one of the reasons I think this is,is because they "fixed" it, as said it was a carry over of a john browning design that Ithaca adopted. It has a 20 inch barrel with a brass bead front sight. The slide release is pressed and the slide retracted completely then pushed forward. The Model 37 is a manually operated, slide- or pump-action shotgun fed from a tubular magazine located beneath the barrel. Ithaca soon established itself as a major player in the firearms history. The Slam-Fire is NOT perfect. A pump action shotgun made for civilian, law enforcement and military use. Since the loading port for the magazine was at the bottom of the receiver and the spent shells ejected from the same location, the design appealed to both right- and left-handed shooters. LSB#: 211016GS01. Probably not a good idea. Hunters & Shooters, An Oral History of the U.S. Navy SEALS in Vietnam. Smith, founder of the legendary double-barrel shotgun company that bore his name. Smith & Wesson Model 586: Reviewing A .357 Revolver With Class. Year Designed: 1933 Manufacturers: Ithaca Gun Company and Industrias Marcati (unlicensed clone from Argentina). It then mentions that this fault is impossible on the Remington M31, M11 and sportsman, and Savage M720 (all guns with disconnectors)(my words). Chamber marked 2 3/4", choke measured modified, and 14" LOP. They may not truly trust a semi-auto and are comforted by the simplicity of a pump. In the case of the Ithaca Model 37 shotgun, if you hold the trigger down while you continue to rack the weapon, it will fire without you having to let go of the trigger. Synthetic stock and slide forearm. A Colorado company, Baldritch & Associates, bought Ithaca in 1967. Other special models over the years have included the Military & Police, English Style with a straight grip, Sporting Clays, Grouse Special, Hogslayer, Home Defense, Rifled Deluxe with a rifle barrel for slugs, Magnum, Bicentennial and others. NY: Avon Books, 1995. Year of Manufacture: 1975 (Per the Ithaca Serial Number Lookup and the book included with this example, Walter Claude Snyder's Ithaca Featherlight Repeaters. 1. It should come as no surprise to a reader of this publication that both designs came directly from the fertile mind of John M. Browning. This shotgun is in great shape and shoots very nice. ITHACA MODEL 37 FEATHERLIGHT PUMP 12 GAUGE 3 MAGNUM CAMO SHOTGUN. Lay-a-, The Ithaca Model 37 is one of the original classic shotguns along with the Remington Models 31, and 870, and the Winchester Models 1897 and 1912. Shows how the Ithaca model 37 slam fires. Fire a pump gun and the chamber isnt reloaded until you rack the slide. Fire an autoloader and, if theres ammo in the magazine, you instantly have another round in the chamber ready to go with your finger on the trigger. Firing the gun by pulling the trigger releases the fore-end slide so it can be pulled to the rear to eject the spent shell and then pushed forward to quickly load another round into the chamber. With a 2 3/4 in chamber it has a fixed Cyl. Grades are available in Fancy A, Fancy AA and Fancy AAA levels. In the action of a typical semi-automatic firearm, the energy of a fired round forces the bolt and bolt carrier rearward, ejecting the empty case. Model 12s also are drawing premium prices. Much of the data presented for the Model 37 guns came from microfilm copies of Ithaca shipping records on file at the National Tracing Offices of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms and from microfiche copies of invoices from the 1980 era that were found at the Ithaca factory. With the depression dragging on and another war looming on the horizon, it was possibly the worst time to introduce a sporting arm. I wanted one so bad for a while. S/N: 39375 Mfg. Of course, most shotgunning books and experts advise against slam firing any shotgun (the older Winchester Model 97s and 12s do it as well) but this is Demo Ranch, so tread at your own risk. Remington's Nylon 66 semi-automatic .22 LR rifles have grown from 1950s bargain buys to 21st century collectors darlings. Barrel Choke: Cylinder Choke .730. I understand they eventually "fixed" the slam fire feature and I'm wondering if there's anyway to tell. Year of Manufacture: . In the case of the Ithaca Model 37 shotgun, if you hold the trigger down while you continue to rack the weapon, it will fire without you having to let go of the trigger. Are slam fire shotguns legal? - Quora It is finished in a matte black finish. Answer (1 of 9): Not sure I ever saw a true "Slam fire" or shotgun that fires from an open bolt. At one time, there were predictions that the autoloader would someday replace the pump gun. We have not fired this shotgun. Scared the hell out of me, but then I realized it was a cool feature. With all of the moving parts needed to make a 97 work properly, I can't imagine it was an accident. R eprinted with express written permission from Walter Claude Snyder s books The Ithaca Gun Company F rom T he Beginning and I thaca Featherlight Repeaters:: The Best Gun Going:: A Complete History of the I thaca M odel 37 and the M odel 87 . ITHACA MODEL 8700 12GA DEERSLAYER RIFLED BORE 3 " MAG 12GA, ITHACA MODEL 37 DEERSLAYER 12GA 26" BARREL SMOOTH BORE, Ithaca 37 Ultra Featherlight Slide Shotgun 20ga, Ithaca Model 37 Featherlight 20ga 26 Pump Shotgun Recent Production Exc. How slam-firing works with the Ithaca model 37 26,604 views Dec 20, 2012 A video I made since my shotgun was already apart. Production has resumed in Upper Sandusky, Ohio. I didn't write down the serial number. Reprinted with express written permission from Walter Claude Snyders books The Ithaca Gun Company From The Beginning and Ithaca Featherlight Repeaters: The Best Gun Going: A Complete History of the Ithaca Model 37 and the Model 87. For more information, please see our Production paused in 2005 when Ithaca once again changed hands. Come join the discussion about optics, hunting, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! He had patented a pump shotgun in 1915 that was somewhat radical because its ejection and loading port was located beneath the receiver. 12 gauge. What year did Ithaca put a disconnector in the 37? - The Firing Line The Ithaca 37 (or Model 37 ) is a pump-action shotgun made in large numbers for the civilian, military, and police markets. This allows the shoot. A similar model, known as the Trench Gun, was made for the military during WWI. nfrizc.routesense.us $75 for insured shipping Layaway available No sales or shipping to California, Hawaii, Ne, SALE PENDING JOEY D. 11/24/22 Used only by a little old lady on her way home from Church!We'll not quite but in exceptional hardly used condtion for a 73 yr old shotgun. The Remington Model 17 has a disconnect system much like what semi-autos have. So, I never sent mine back. ITHACA MODEL 37 DEERSLAYER 12GA BARREL LENGTH 20 INCH OVER ALL METAL AND WOOD RATES 97% MECHANICS PERFECT. When I dress Western, nothing beats the classic good looks of my Smith & Wesson (S&W) 586 .357 revolver. I also have a Remington Model 17, which we know to be the precursor of the Model 37. An LGS has a 37 for $250. I wanted one so bad for a while. WANT TO PURCHASE CALL SHOP 716-941-3946, ITHACA MODEL 37 PUMP 16GA PLAIN BARREL CHOKE FULL BRASS BEAD FRONT SIGHT DATES ABOUT 1953 SERIAL NUMBER 528135 RECEIVER AND BARREL MATCHING SERIAL NUMBERS. The old Model 12 Winchesters and early Ithaca Model 37's Pump shotguns had no disconnector , so if you fired the first shot and held the trigger back, when you pumped another round in it would fire a. (hold the trigger down, keep pumping the action and it will fire multiple times) I've only done this a couple times just for fun. Length of pull: 13 3/4" Chamber: 2 3/4" Guns International Sellers Terms and, 26" Mod, Solid Rib, Pad has been replaced 13 3/8" Lop, Wood shows handling marks Nothing Bad, 97% Blue, Shiney Bore, Buyer pays 50.00 shipping Pa residents add 6% sales tax, Price is for che, Designed by John Moses Browning, and originally manufactured in 1937, the Model 37 Featherlight has stood the test of time, providing generations of sportsmen with a reliable firearm for all types of, Ithaca model 37 Ultra-Featherlight 20ga with 25" vent rib barrel fixed modified choke 2 3/4" chamber. If you scroll down below the video, I will place a description of the shotgun showcased. 14 &r, Guns Listing ID: 618502This 1940 Ithaca deluxe model 37 16 gauge is in very good condition as you can see from the listing photos with some wear and tear from little use over the past 80 years. My older Ithaca is capable of slamfiring. Lay-a-w, ITHACA MODEL 87 12GA DEERSLAYER MODEL WITH 24 1/2" RIFLED BORE WITH FACTORY IRON SIGHTS. Comes with original box. The Ithaca 37 remains a popular choice among civilians for both sport and personal protection. Very good plus overall condition, a few light abrasions. PUMP SHOTGUN, CIRCA 1981. Factory Vent Rib. The DS Police Special that Matt has came factory standard with rifle sights on a 18.5-inch barrel and a park finish. Nice factory ithacagun pad.14in lop. Its popularity is widespread with all types of shooters and for any shotgunning applications, including hunting, competitive shooting, self-defense, law enforcement and the military. nice wood. Came late in life to shooting but is making up for lost time Well, the slam fire feature goes all the way back to the Winchester 97. Bought used. Make: Ithaca. After gearing for production of their new shotgun as the Ithaca Model 33 in 1933, Ithaca discovered a Pedersen patent that would not expire until 1937, and production had to be delayed. The demand of new ITHACA GUN COMPANY 37 DS POLICE . Interesting that I have one whose number, 37135XXXX, is not on the list. The Ithaca 37 is a pump-action shotgun made in large numbers for the civilian, military, and police markets. I think it started with an 8, Scan this QR code to download the app now. Weight: 6.7 lb. For those of you who arent familiar with the term slamfire, let me enlighten you before you watch the video. Description. He sent it back a second time and got it back again without any explanation and very little improvement. Old Ithaca Model 37 won't slam fire | Shotgun Forum What year or serial # range did the mod 37 stop being able to slam fire? The Ithaca 37 (or Model 37) is a pump-action shotgun made in large numbers for the civilian, law enforcement and military markets. Used. ITHACA MODEL 37 FEATHERLIGHT. At that point, Ithaca was no longer a gun company. Cond. The Ithaca Model 37 DS Police Special Is A 'Slamfire' Shotgun Get Guns.com offers and news!! This, a "slamfire" is an inadvertent discharge due to (usually) a stuck firing pin or inertial pin. AN ITHACA GUN COMPANY 37 DS POLICE SPECIAL shotgun is currently worth an average price of $1,060.27 used . What you want it do do, fire when the action is closed and the trigger is depressed, will only happen if the gun is old enough to not have a disconnector. 2018. Total length: 38.5". Looking to get 375 negotiable. The second sear is the small projection on the right side of the hammer. The shotgun ejects out the bottom of the receiver. The 12 month average price is $1,060.27 used. I do know the 1975 will slam fire not sure about the 1977 yr or model. The design is derived from the JMB designed Remington model 17. Ithaca model 37 slam fire years WANT TO PURCHASE CALL SHHOP 716-941-3946, ITHACA DEERSLAYER 12 GAUGE 26 INCH RIFLE SIGHTS SMOOTH BORE 2 3/4in CHAMBER NEAR MINT.CHECKERED STOCK AND FOREARM, CORRECT ITHACA PAD. This pump-action, bottom-ejecting shotgun is available in a number of configurations. TFB Review: Ithaca Model 37 Defense -The Firearm Blog In 1975, Ithaca discontinued this feature on most of their model 37s by installing a trigger disconnector. I quote Paragraph 30 Ithaca shotgun, 12-gage, M37; Additionally, in paragraph 72 MALFUNCTIONS, POSSIBLE CAUSE AND CORRECTION sub para n(1) gun fires as breech bolt locks. If not, when did it appear and it what gun? Once again, hope. When Leroy Smith died in 1902, he left his share of the company to his son, Louis, who for 17 years was Ithacas only salesman. Inland Manufacturing M37 Trench Shotgun It's a pump-action shotgun that features a unique "slam-fire" capability. He also hangs out in the I love my Ithaca section of shotgunworld as lecky56 Buyers beware : My son bought a brand new, in the box, model 37 Featherlight 16 ga. pump from an Ithaca dealer in or around 2012-13. Many shooters prefer the sighting plane of a single-barrel shotgun. GOOD WOOD, EXCELLENT BORE. The used value of an ITHACA GUN COMPANY 37 DS POLICE SPECIAL shotgun has fallen $0.00 dollars over the past 12 months to a price of $1,060.27 . It has a 28-inch ventilated rib barrel. Chamber marked 2 3/4", choke marked improved cylinder, 14" LOP. Ithaca Model 37 Slam fire * 12 Ga * 2 3/4 chamber * Barrel length 26" * Front bead sight * No interstate sales tax This Ithaca is in used condition, The finish is worn is a few places. It's a "newer" "old" 37 with a SN of MAG - 870042xxx and it did come without the two carrier screw locking screws. A Cold War era classic with smooth lines, a legendary back story, and an exotic-sounding name, Beretta's Model 71 was definitely a mouse that roared. directly from the factory outlet store in 2016 after calling and asking if they have fixed the problem. The cutoff date on that is around 1975. 1951 Ithaca model 37 Feather weight in 20ga. It probably came about because they were going to law enforcement and military. Ithaca Shotguns - Model 37 for sale - Guns International A slightly used but still functional Ithaca Model 37 DS Police Special provides a great afternoon of fun down at Demolition Ranch. . An LGS has a 37 for $250. IthacaOwners.com View topic - Slam Fire Documentation With leather sling. Model: 37 Featherlight. Sometimes this inertial force is sufficient to set off the primer, thereby firing the round without the operator pulling the trigger. But not to abuse it in anyway either. A Look Back at the Ithaca Model 37 Shotgun | An Official Journal Of The NRA Hope no one was in the room above him. Ithaca changed back to calling these Model 37's after a relatively short time marketing the '87s. The 16 was made in 1965 and the 12 1974, and the 20 1975. PUMP SHOTGUN, CIRCA 1981. md yx pa qb vq ig ay . Any of these that came to the factory for service were converted back to the original shell stops at no charge. Eight major concealed carry insurance programs are now available to the millions of Americans who carry concealed. Recently picked up a 16 ga 37 w/poly choke the shoots and handles better than expected. All these Model 37's had the serial number prefix of 381. The gun is in almost new condit, Smith & Wesson Model 37 Airweight, chambered in .38 Special. Learn how and when to remove this template message, "An Official Journal of the NRA | A Look Back at the Ithaca Model 37 Shotgun", "The Ithaca Model 37 In U.S. Military Service", "Evolution of shotguns in the Marine Corps", "Vintage LAPD Ithaca M37 Shotgun Lottery", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Ithaca_37&oldid=1137452851. YEAR SERIAL NUMBER YEAR SERIAL NUMBER YEAR SERIAL NUMBER, 1914 246892 to 246895 1922 400000 to 400014 1945 WW II, 1915 to 255000 1923 to 400055 1946 to 402797, 1916 to 273400 1924 to 400195 1947 to 402833, 1917 to 278500 1925 to 400473 1948 to 402898, 1918 to 279000 1926 to 400874 1949 to 403222, 1919 to 306000 1927 to 401181 1950 to 403406, 1920 to 306800 1928 to 401591 1951 to 403657, 1921 to 344100 1929 to 402006 1952 to 403749, 1922 to 344200 1930 to 402331 1953 to 403923, 1923 to 344215 1931 to 402464 1954 to 404088, Were reserved for undefined specials 81900 - 82499. Tested: Inland Manufacturing M37 Trench Shotgun barrel is modi, Excellent condition, light wear and handling marks. $1,299.99. As a final note (perhaps!) This is the aluminum receiver model with the checkered English straight Grip Stock, Guns Listing ID: 697407Ithaca model 37 Featherlight12 ga pump action.30\" plain barrel full chokesuper nice woodnice overall condition, Another great item from Gainesville Pawn! Even without a shell holder, the gun offers 7+1 rounds of awesome power. Ithaca model 37 feather light. Do not know if it would hunt the shotgun or not.My guess would be most likely no, unless it were done alot. 12 GA PUMP ACTION 3 ROUNDS 19 BARREL. Users browsing this forum: No registered users and 3 guests. I just found the serial number page when I was attempting to establish the year of manufacture for my own 37. Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. WESTERN ARMS MODEL LONG RANGE DOUBLE GUNS. The demand of new ITHACA 37 shotgun's has risen 12 units . More than 300,000 of the .45-caliber guns were made by Ithaca during the war. Ithaca has suffered many setbacks in its history and changed hands numerous times. Both shotguns have exactly the same malfunction right out of the box. Get the latest news and reviews from Gundigest.com. Free Shipping, No Credit Card Fees. ENDED - $675.00. Ithaca Gun Company 420 N. Warpole Street Upper Sandusky, OH 43351, The Ithaca Gun Company From The Beginning, Ithaca Featherlight Repeaters: The Best Gun Going: A Complete History of the Ithaca Model 37 and the Model 87. The Model 37 was issued by the LAPD beginning in the 1940s and remained in service until the late 1990s. The pump, or slide-action, can do any job well. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. As such, its value would be around $400. Barrel has some discoloration. Ithaca Model 37 Featherlight 12 Gauge Shotgun. The bore is in excellent condition. Ithaca M37 Defense in 12-gauge. . Theyre very smooth, dependable, and durable firearms, Ithaca 37 Featherlight 16 gauge 2 3/4" shells 28" barrel shotgun made in 1970. A favorite of sportsmen, police and the military, the bottom-ejecting M37 made before 1975 or so could be slam fired super fast due to the design of the sear. Do think it could cause any damage to the gun though if I do that fast enough? It will not slam fire. Then as the shell is lifted up toward the chamber, another shell slides out of the magazine under the guide arms preventing closing of the bolt face. They used the Remington Model 17 as their model and made modificationssuch as simplifying and cost-saving alterations of the firing pin and ejection mechanism, the work of Ithaca designer Harry Howland in 1931[2]while waiting for related patents to expire. Action: Manual Pump, Bottom Load & Ejection. Here's a 1971 Ithaca model 37, the last popular firearm to offer slamfiring as a feature. A shot in the dark, so to speak, perhaps to achieve, with a manual action, (known reliability) parity in respect of rates of fire with the emerging self- loaders..? The original Ithaca Gun Co. of Ithaca, New York, was. Standard dimensions are a 1.5-inch drop at comb, 2.25-inch at heel and a 14.25-inch length of pull, reduced to 14 inches for the 28 gauge. Get 12 Issues a year of the country's best firearms writing. Regular M37 serial numbers apply within this range. This page also has other serial numbers for guns made by Ithaca, LeFever, and some others. More than one million were produced over its 60-year life-span between 1897 and 1957. Seems that there's a lot of Ithaca 37 fans on here so I thought I'd make a post with the serial numbers. ITHACA GUN CO. All Models :: Gun Values by Gun Digest

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