Interstate Arms Sks - For Sale :: Item Description: Translate description Interstate Arms SKS 762X39 Semi-Auto rifle, 30 round magazine and scope mount~tag#5222 Unable to retrieve AutoCheck Summary Report, please try back later. Interstate Arms | Billerica MA any SKS, AK47, UZI, AR-15, Steyr AUG, FN-FAL, and FN-FNC rifle; use by various third-world militias and insurgent groups as well as These are C & R Eligible When we first started in business in the late 80's we sold thousands of Chinese SKS rifles and as such, I have a soft spot for them. Unless the original pin is kept hospital clean, slam fire and doubling (full auto) can occur. Rating: 83%. I have what appears to be a Norinco paratroop M model I purchased in 94 at a gun show. Unless you push hard enough to retract the bolt fully to the rear while loaded (which is possible, since the stripper-clip guide is on the bolt, but not likely), you shouldnt have a problem. Your rifle has a 9 point stealth tactical suspension system. to identify the county of origin. 2 things on form: I guess you could try heating the sight mount too. View Item in Catalog Lot #562 (Sale Order: 24 of 184) Sold for: $400.00 to onsite "Tax, Shipping & Handling and Internet Premium not included. The gun is imported and branded under Interstate Arms. Interstate Arms Sks - For Sale :: Speaking of the bolt, Im usually sad to reach the end of each magazine, but the opposite was true in this case, as any opportunity to work the SKS magnificent bolt conjures the type of pure, uncompromised, clickity-clack kinetic joy that made me love guns as a kid. You can replace a few parts from the Remington 870 with the 982 Hawk 12 gauge tactical shotgun. We'rebringing a level of In contrast, for example, many of the used military surplus Yugoslavian SKS rifles are unreliable due to corroded gas systems from use with corrosive ammo during the Balkans wars. You gave it a 2 out of 5 on customization. I am very pleased with my SKS as well as the pricing behind it. ive fired thousands of rounds through my beat up sks never fails , and a joy to shoot, and you dont have to worry about scuffs, dirt, mud, they seem to like it, oh and yea i load mine from the bottom too! I had one slam fire on me too. Payment Methods: Money Orders, Cashiers Checks, Ships Using: Norinco Very Early Interstate Arms Imported Chinese Sks Rifle 7.62x39 - 17044313 factory triangle 26 was the only factory to make the sks rifle with russian parts (some receivers were already serial numbered but no other proofs. [Review] SKS: Norinco & Yugoslavian Variants - Pew Pew Tactical I believe if you use the stripper clip to load your fingers are safe, but i understand the wrighters worries. Finally 'finished' with this list. I have the original stock, but I wanted to see if I could modernize, or customize my rifle more than just the leaf sights. I went to bed that night absent at least half the hearing in my right ear, along with a soft-but distinct high-pitched ringing. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Numbers | Serial Number Lookup and dating an SKS Rifle. I get mine tomorrow and am looking forward to hitting the range with it. Not very accurately with one hand, but that was impossible with the original stock. As modern carbines go, its a little heavy. Just my opinion. I would appeal to you and all your colleagues to abandon fear-mongering in search of ratings and readers, and just be straight with the people; whether articles involve firearms, or not. Besides, you can go out and burn a couple hundred rounds of 22lr on the weekend and not break the bank. Instead of buying a gun thats 19 or M2). SKS 22lr Rifle Part. We have a out of Virginia Beach, Virginia: C&A #2, C&A? The SKS (Russian: , romanized: Samozaryadny Karabin sistemy Simonova, 1945, self-loading carbine of (the) Simonov system, 1945) is a semi-automatic rifle designed by Soviet small arms designer Sergei Gavrilovich Simonov in 1945.. I own several high end long guns, but the sks is by far the most fun to shoot. I have a Yugo SKS reciever with a Shernic Gun Works bullpup stock(SG Works). This address will not be sold or used for promotional purposes. magazine. I use open sights at the range and can keep up with the high end Sakos, and Weatherbys with scopes! Comrade Sergei Simonovs Samozaryadniy Karabin Simonova, 1945, known to the world today as the SKS carbine. My Norincos pin would frequently stick (although it never slam-fired) because it was soft. After I cleaned that out it never happened again. 89th Division-WW1-1917-1918, Professional foul mouth. beyond that you are dreaming with any rifle under $1000. Facotry 66's export AKs had much rougher finish than . In case nobody else has mentioned it, the SKS utilizes a tilting bolt. You have entered an incorrect email address! I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse Just throwing this at the wall and seeing what sticks, I've been worrying the piss outta RM about this the past day or two. I put Tech-sights on both of them and that has really helped with accuracy. 7.62x39. Coincidentally, the Baltimore Sun just listed a series of gun seizures: This morning, Baltimore police announced a series of gun arrests. The SKS, short for Self . another state. Matching gun. Just like my blow-back Maks. The only way to avoid SKS #2, is avoid SKS #1. Interstate Arms SKS, Norinco? 7.62 x 39, Very nice condition. Id shore would appreciate a response. Correct me if Im wrong, but you usually use the palm-up technique when you need lots of leverage (Mk. (I do this when operating a machine gun, but not a regular rifle.) The next few years saw the SKS Norinco Very Early Interstate Arms Imported Chinese Sks Rifle 7.62x39 For the second rifle I found an aftermarket stock and a gas tube mounted rail to which I mounted a Bushnell Micro Red Dot. interstate arms sks nice review i have a russian sks from 1954. the gun was customized with a polymer dragunov style stock and a 40 round clip and this damn muzzle break that will not come off any way i plan to get a wooden stock and somehow get rid of the muzzle break and purchase some 10 round detachable clips. **BUT** these rifles are difficult to scope and many if not most of the refurbished re-arsenalled guns on the market have lousy bores. Interstate Arms Hawk Model 982 Pump Action Shotgun 12 Gauge 18.5 - Ammo 1975: National Ordinance shop manager suddenly passes away. SKS 7.62X39 CHINA NORINCO P.T.K. SKS - Wikipedia SKS 7.62X39 NORINCO CHINA POLY USA ATL GA, SKS 7.62X39 NORINCO CHINA POLY U.S.A. ATL. The trigger is sweet and its accurate out to 200yds. Norinco Rifles for sale - Guns International For this auction we offer a Pre-Owned Interstate Arms SKS 20" 7.62x39mm, no box (388809.6.50). adopted officially by the Soviet Army till 1949 and was produced by The Soviets are not as large as we westerners are on average. In many ways the SKS is a combination of the M44, SVT-40, and the AVS-36 (above) This shared information resulted in SKS out of Virginia Beach, Virginia: C&A #3, C&A? Shotguns - Interstate Arms SKS Newbie; Posts: 31 . obsolete for Soviet purposes by the new AK-47 by Kalashnikov. $799.99. They dont block the ability to add a scope or require you to remove the originals. INTERSTATE ARMS sks Description: Guns Listing ID: 640632 no box. The SKS uses a tipping bolt. I expect the reporter got the designation from the police report, but I did some checking, and even though the website below describes SKS as assault rifles, only some variants from China have selective fire and detachable magazines. Glad it was pointed in a safe direction. Without thinking about what I usually do immediately after chambering the first round prior to aiming and firing, I raised the rifle, lined up the sights, and squeezed its trigger. This rifle, like mostly all military fixed magazine rifle (bolt or auto), are a TOP loader. i also have a Century Arms WASR10 AK coming in about 5 days. When routine cleaning pull the bolt and shake it back and forth. HERE'S HOW. Recoil is great, but its louder than I thought, I said to myself. The gun looked wonderful in the late-afternoon sunlightthe rifles full-length wooden stock and folding spike-style bayonet subtly undermining its Soviet-era utilitarian aesthetics. The used value of an IAC shotgun has fallen ($84.63) dollars over the past 12 months to a price of $748.57 . magazines come from? . With a quality cartridge theyd be capable deer rifles and Im confident pinned a suitably shaped block of wood, maybe an eraser or pinned you could restrict the box magazine to 5 rounds. I have 2 Norincos both with all matching numbers. Some folks have taken to lumping the early model military issued SKS carbines in with the Norinco models of later (1980s to present) commercially manufactured models. The photos are all clickable thumbnails that will grow to full size when you click them. You insert the rounds one by one into the fixed 10-round magazine while the bolt is locked open. Oh forgot to mention that I was shooting from an elevated position, a hill that was 30ish yards higher than down range. After you have the rifle you can slowly one step at a time work it into what you want it to be. Some ammo these days have soft primers. No biggie. A beautiful mid-century rifle design; its no surprise that these guns are often used for ceremonial duty. Best SKS Upgrades & Accessories - First World Crusader Weight: 8.8 lbs. 1967: Fed Ord. April 20, 1992: Bricklee Trading Company (BTC) is founded by Richard Siegel (Brenner's son-in-law) initially operating out of the Fed Ord warehouse. Shop By Brand Shop By Products Buying a Silencer Why Interstate Guns. In the early 1950s, the Soviets took the SKS carbine out of front-line service and replaced it with the AK-47 however, the SKS remained in second-line service for decades. Not only did the bullpup stock take 11 inches off the overall length of the gun and reduce recoil even more, but it made it perfectly balanced on the pistol grip next to the trigger. Comes with folding spike bayonet. YOUR WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR. I got a bunch of stripper clips to align the rounds and provide an extra protection from the bolt. You can put one hole in a paper target at 100m with 30 rounds. You told you experienced malfunction due to loading. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. interstate arms sks not that I would hunt with FMJ. The sliding pin is very tight for a good reason. interstate arms sks ), Muzzleloading Modern & Replica Pistols (flint), Muzzleloading Modern & Replica Pistols (perc), United States Patent Firearms Revolvers/Pistols, Century Arms International (CAI) - Shotguns. I enjoyed your review and have watched the video numerous times. I installed a Murrays pin, and maybe a couple of hundred rounds later it broke where the diameter necked down to accommodate the spring. community. moves to 9643 Alpaca in S. El Monte, CA where they shared space with National Ordinance. The SKS remains popular and is A Cold War era classic with smooth lines, a legendary back story, and an exotic-sounding name, Beretta's Model 71 was definitely a mouse that roared. MADE IN CHINA BY NORINCO 7.62 X 39 SPORTER B-WEST TUC., AZ. CZ-USA Field Sports 1012 Bronze, 12 Ga, 4rd, 28in, 3in, Walnut, 5 Ext Chokes, LE Only Customize This * * Havent shot it much since then, but it has detachable mag capability. Although he is a proud gun owner and a practitioner of legal concealed carry, he doesnt consider himself a gun person per se; with a greater interest involves how people relate to guns especially people who see guns as foreign, often scary/over-politicized icons of danger. Chinese Type 56 SKS Rifle 7.62x39 Military - Palmetto State Armory You need to lean forward while you shoot. I put it to my shoulder and pulled the trigger, and the next thing I know Im trying to hold it down while it spits out all ten. Numrich Gun Parts Corporation 226 Williams Ln. Apparently you missed this paragraph: Loading the SKS is a straightforward affair. IMMEDIATELY its how business should be done. GUNS: Marlin .22 LR Semi Auto Stainless Steel 45-70 Octagon Barrel (display only) Colt .22 LR RevolverTraditions Tracker 209 Muzzleloader Replica Arms .44 Revolver Ruger 77/44 .44 Magnum, Bolt Action, Stainless Steel Tikka T3X 6.5 Bolt Action with Scope Smith and Wesson SD9VE 9mm with 4 Clips Springfield 1911-A1 .45 Vanguard 300 Here is the compilation of all the import stamps I can find on the Chinese type 56 SKS. The SKS rifle and its many copies still can be found today in Search results for "used sks" | Slam fire is not an issue as long as the firing pin doesnt get gummed up. Yes, I did buy one of the 100 dollar versions back in the day in preference to the AK clone at 269 dollars. This rifle was a less radical "just in case" for the AK-47's They were still in my shirt pocket, right where Id placed them before loading the magazine. Also CHEAP to shoot. Kel-Tec PMR-30 30rd .22WMR Semi-Auto Pistol, Green Multicam When I see a little charging handle, I think index finger. also used by several African, Asian, and Middle Eastern armies, as I tried the 20 round Tapco Magazine but I actually prefer the original 10 round Box Mag loaded from the top with stripper clips. Overall length: 40.16 MADE IN CHINA MFG BY NORINCO 7.62 x 39, 7.62 x 39 SPORTER MADE IN CHINA BY NORINCO B-WEST TUSCON, AZ, SKS 7.62X39MM BRIKLEE SEM CA MADE IN CHINA, SKS 7.62X39 MADE IN CHINA BY NORINCO CAI ST ALB VT, SKS 7.62x39 MADE IN CHINA BY NORINCO CSI ONT CA, SKS7.62x39 MADE IN CHINA BY NORINCO CSI ONT CA, MADE IN CHINA BY NORINCO CSI ONT CA, SKS 7.62X39MM IMPORTED BY GLNIC L.A., CA, SKS 7.62 x 39 MADE IN CHINA , KFS ATL GA MADE IN CHINA SKS 7.62x39, SKS 7.62x39 MADE IN CHINA BY NORINCO KSI POMONA CA, LABANU INC RONKONKOMA NY MADE IN CHINA. The quality of the early Soviet carbines Ammo - I did a trigger job on the rusty rifle not to make the trigger lighter but because it showed negative sear engagement and was kind of rough. how many tornadoes in michigan per year. do not have any markings, but many Russian, Chinese and Korean Added another 5 import stamps. Norinco, Interstate Arms, SKS, 7.62x39, 95613. part of our network, we sell THEIR guns first whenever possible. Rating: 100%. More accurate than I am. Hers is kept bone stock while mine is bubbad out with a Tapco Intrafuse stock, 20 round mags, UTG Quad Rail & Bushnell red dot just for the fun of it. (And I'll only sleep about eight hours tonight worrying about whether or not they will.). Awesome job on the video. Its accuracy is not anything to write home about either. Have had some intermittent slam-fires, going to send the bolt away to get Murray-ized soon, before I get into trouble at the shooting range lol. That is the assertion that it is a rotating bolt design . I got lucky, fresh out of the box I was in the 10 at a 100 yards, but the guy beside me was trying for weeks to correct his sight and still There is 10$ tool made to correct the front sight for the riffle, I suggest getting it. It was extremely accurate the entire time and its modest recoil made it an unmitigated pleasure to shoot. They are a tremendous value and fun to shoot. Soooooo. Most everything can be easily bought online these days. Description: Available - Excellent condition Norinco SKS imported by PW Arms. Century Arms VSKA 7.62x39mm Semi-Automatic Rifle, Blk - RI3291-N . FOXTROT #1, Foxtrot Lima out of Auburn, New York: FOXTROT #2, Foxtrot (Lima) out of Skaneateles, New York: GBE #1, GBE? It has a 20" barrel and blued finish. Shop By Manufacturers | Numrich Gun Parts Don knows that, and so do we. . And for good reason. Thankfully, my shameful breach of a most basic firearms safety rule did not result in any permanent hearing loss (24 hours later, things were back to normal). theyre a great rifle! Love the Norinco type 56 SKS, have had mine for almost 20 years, best $120 my wife ever spent! INC, FEDERAL ORDINANCE, INC. out of South El Monte, California: November 16, 1966: Federal Ordinance (Fed Ord.) However , there is one totally wrong item in the specifications . The nice thing about the 22 concept is, youre not going to develop a flinch. It is a pain to clean after shooting this type of ammo but for the price in the end a pleasure. Norinco/Interstate Arms SKS for sale - GunsAmerica DUDE . I dont think you can buy any better fighting rifle at the price point. I like how you loaded the sks i'm gonna try that myself. The trigger felt a little light at first (especially toward the end of its travel). See Auction Information for full details." Payment Type: Payment Type: Please Add . Enjoy this nice old weapon! Epic 22 Pocket Pistol: The Beretta 71 Jaguar. Interstate Arms Corp is a distributor supplying licensed firearm dealers nationwide with firearms and related products. Interstate Arms Model SKS 7.62x39 Semi Auto Rifle 11571337 InterstateArms is a 40+ year-old wholesale distributor supplying licensed firearm dealers nationwide with. The trigger could be slightly better, but thats it. I agree with all the positive comments. You seem to have little to know experience with guns. Good luck! Call us with any questions you may have! 1990. Id bought it from an ad in the local sale paper, and the guy said hed had it for several years. |regenC|MC Set || Li Mc HIT || || LP Mc HIT ||, Antique (Pre-1899) Rifles - Flintlock Misc, Antique (Pre-1899) Rifles - Matchlock/Wheellock Misc, Century Arms International (CAI) - Rifles, Muzzleloading Modern & Replica Rifles (perc), Winchester Rifles - Modern Bolt/Auto/Single, Winchester Rifles - Pre-1899 Bolt/Single Shot, Century Arms International (CAI) - Pistols, Colt Automatic Pistols (.25, .32, & .380 cal), Colt Single Action Revolvers - Modern (22 Cal. String after string, I consistently grouped my shots tight on the target while enjoying a Chinese copy that couldnt possibly be of much lower quality than the Russian original. Current Value: $150 $450 depending on manufacturer/condition. Specifications and Features: IAC Hawk model 982 pump action shotgun 12 gauge 18.5" barrel 3" chamber 5 round capacity Polymer stock What is an IAC Shotgun Worth? The Sks came in many variants Chinese Type 56, Norinco SKS-M, Yugoslavian PAP M59/66, Romanian SKS, Albanian SKS, East German SKS, North Vietnamese SKS, North Korean typ 63 SKS. Interstate Arms SKS 762X39 Semi-Auto rifle, 30 round magazine and scope SKS Strikeforce Stock Adjustable Side Folding TactLite Stock With Scorpion Recoil System, Flat Dark Earth SKS TactLite Adjustable Side Folding Stock With Scorpion Recoil System, Destroyer Gray SKS TactLite Adjustable Side Folding Stock With Scorpion Recoil System, ATI Black SKS Monte Carlo Stock With Butt Pad, SKS Rifle Monte Carlo Stock With Handguard & Recoil Pad, Rifle Buttstock Shell Holder Cartridge Holder For Rifle Stock, Sks Scope and Tri-rail Receiver Dust Cover Combo Kit, 3-9x40 Illuminated Rifle Scope Compact P4 Sniper Reticle, Red Dot Sight Green Laser Sight LED Flashlight Combo, SKS Rifle 4X30 Scope With Tri Rail Mount And Rings, Tactical Red Dot Reflex Sight With 4 Reticle, UTG 3-9X32 1" BugBuster Scope, AO, RGB Mil-dot, QD Rings, SKS Rifle Scope Kit 3-12X44 Mil-Dot & SKS Receiver Cover Mount, UTG Combat D Grip Quick Release Deployable Bipod, SKS Rifles & All Variants Disassembly & Reassembly Gun-Guides Book, Leapers Gen V Re-enforced AK/SKS/MAK Sight Tool, Stainless Sks Bore Brush 7.6239mm-3 Pack, UTG 4.2" ITA Red/Green CQB Dot with QD Mount, Riser Adaptor, Single Point Bungee Sling With Shoulder Pad Black, Sks Rifle Sling Black Military Issue Style Sling, Sks Rifle Sling Green Military Issue Style Sling, Sks Rifle Sling Desert Tan Military Issue Style Sling, Sks Rifle AK Rifle Buttstock Cleaning Kit, Sks Gas Tube Scope Mount With Picatinny Rails, Sks Rifle 3-9X32 Scope Kit Sniper Mil-Dot With SKS Scope Mount, SKS Rifle Dragunov Sniper Stock Detachable Mag ATI, SKS Rifle Scorpion Six Position Stock Buttpad Recoil System, SKS Rifle Fiberforce Dragunov Stock & Cheek Rest Black, Desert Tan 1x35 Red Green Blue Reflex Dot Sight, SKS Rifle Sniper Scope 3-12x44 Mil-Dot With SKS Mount, 3-9X32 AO CQB IE Scope 36 Color Illuminated Mildot, SKS Rifle Tactical Laser Sight With Tri-rail Mount, Norinco SKS Rifle Illuminated Scope & Mount Kit, SKS Rifle Top Cover and TriRail Scope Mount SKS Rifle, Leapers Deluxe Tri-Rail Barrel Mount 2 Slot, SKS Rifle Monte Carlo Stock For Detachable Mag, ATI SKS Featherweight Bipod-Bayonet Lug Mount, SKS Rifle Handgaurd For Sks Monte Carlo Stock ATI, Sks Ak Rifle Fiberforce Stock Buttpad ATI, Tactical Flashlight 3 Watt Ultra-Bright CREE LED, SKS Rifle Receiver Pin Cover Retaining Pin, Universal Barrel Mount Laser Sight For Rifle, Ncstar Green Laser With Weaver Base Pressure Switch, 4X32 Compact Rifle Scope With Rings Mil-Dot Sniper Reticle, 4X32 Compact Rifle Scope With Rings Rangefinder Reticle, SKS Rifle Green Dot Sight With Laser Sight 3 Armored Rails, Tactical Rifle Micro Reflex Red Dot Sight Black, SKS Rifle Tactical Led Flashlight With QR Mount 3W 150 Lumen, Tactical Rifle QR Green Laser Sight Flashlight Set Combo, Rifle Tactical Green Laser With External Windage & Elevation, Red Laser Sight With Rifle Tri-Rail Barrel Mount, UTG 3-9X40 1" Hunter Scope, AO, 36-color Mil-dot, w/ Rings, SKS 7.62 x 39 mm Caliber Cartridge Laser Bore Sighter Boresighter, Rifle Tactical Cheek Pad Stock Riser With Magazine Pouch Black, Rifle Tactical Cheek Pad Stock Riser With Magazine Pouch Green, Rifle Tactical Cheek Pad Riser Rest With SKS Mag Pouch Tan, Vertical Fore Grip Folding 5-Position Black Vertical Grip, Tactical Rifle Universal Bipod With Quick Release Mount, Tactical rifle Bipod Hi Pro Shooters Bipod QD 8.7"-10.6", SKS Rifle Tactical Flashlight 3 Watt Ultra-Bright CREE LED With Mount, Sniper Rifle Drag Bag OD Green 46" L X 10" H, Sniper Rifle Drag Bag Digital Camo 46" L X 10" H, Sniper Rifle Drag Bag Desert Tan 46" L X 10" H, Black Tactical Rifle Gun Case Scope Ready 45", Black Tactical Rifle Gun Case Scope Ready 48", Bubble Level For Standard Weaver Base Rail 7/8", ATI TactLite Scorpion X2 Razorback Recoil Pad Upgrade Kit, ATI X1 TactLite Scorpion Razorback Recoil Pad Upgrade Kit, UTG QD Sling Swivel Adaptor Mount Picatinny 45 Angled offset, 3-9x42 Illuminated Red Green Rifle Scope Rubber Armored, UTG Shooter's SWAT Bipod, Rubber Feet, Height 6.2"-6.7", UTG New Gen Med Pro Shooters Bipod Quick Detach 6.2"-6.7", Tactical Red Laser Sight With Weaver Mount, Tactical Green Laser Sight With Weaver & Base Pressure Switch, UTG 4-16X44 30mm Compact Scope, AO, 36-color Mil-dot, Rings, ATI Gunstock Sling Swivel 1 1/4" Wide High Quality Steel, UTG Combat Tactical Laser Sight With Windage Elevation Adjustment, UTG 3.8" ITA Red/Green CQB Dot Sight with Integral Mount, UTG 4" Compact ITA Red/Green Circle Dot Scope QD, UTG New Gen Reinforced Clamp On Bipod 8.7"-10.2" Center Height, Tactical Two Point Sling For Rifles and Shotguns, Universal Rifle Barrel Mount Picatinny Rail 2 Slot UTG, UTG Sub-compact Red Laser Flashlight Combo With Pressure Switch, SKS Complete Tactical Stock Conversion Package. ProMag SKS 7.62x39mm Russian 20-Round Polymer Magazine . Initially fielded in early 1945 against the Germans, the SKS was not And gah, it hurts to watch you ride that bolt forward! Manufacturer is Qiqihar Hawk Industries Co. Ltd. of Qiqihar, Heilongjiang Province, Mrs. Robertson's home state. He acquired his interest in firearms from his family, with his WWII combat veteran grandfather being the most instrumental in fostering both a keen interest in, as well as a healthy respect for, guns and how they are situated in society. While the Murrays spring-loaded pin is a good upgrade, I hardly think you need to keep the pin hospital clean. Kind of hard to imagine numerous countries issuing SKS rifles to their infantry if it was so high maintenance. Norinco SKS 7.62x39mm Police Trade-In Rifle Paratrooper Model (Magazine Not Included) - $699.99 (Free S/H on Firearms) $699.99 1 0 UPC: MPN: 9209160 Sportsmans Outdoor SS 6 days ago Out of stock Russia SKS 7.62x39mm Police Trade-In Rifle w/Bayonet and Soviet Tula Stamp - $899.99 (Free S/H on Firearms) $899.99 0 UPC: MPN: RH226736

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