A lensatic compass features a small pop-out area for your thumb, and a lid on top of the main compass body. The map is now oriented to the terrain. Youll notice the north/south symbol on a corner of your map with a straight 90 line going up. 5. Steady the compass by allowing the hand holding the compass to rest in the cupped palm of your other hand. How to Use a Lensatic Military Compass? - Let's Find Out! As you can see, the declination of the location Im in is 4E. Fill in the empty areas; concerned parties names, places of residence and phone numbers etc. Now hold your compass horizontally and point the 'direction-of-travel-arrow' towards the landmark. Lay the compass down on your map. The edge of the compass baseplate is now pointing in the direction of the visible landmark from which you took your bearing. Weve compiled a detailed guide on how to adjust for magnetic declination, but at its most basic level it goes like this: Your map should state what the magnetic declination is in degrees for the region you are in. Use a Compass to Plot Bearings on a Map. 3. Huzzah! Holding any compass in a slack and half-a**ed (that's an old military term. Turn the map and compass together until the red needle is pointing north. Step One: Take a Compass Bearing on the Ground. To determine the direction, or bearing, from one point to another, you need a. compass as well as a map. Look through the lens and sighting line. pointsnorth, east, south, and westbut some are marked additionally with the. Turn the compass and the map as a unit until you box the needlei.e., Put Red Fred in the shed. 3. The obvious drawback here is that such an approach is impossible in poor visibility. Oriented the map. 2. Adjust for magnetic declination. Its 310 degrees in reference to you, as you can see. Positioned the cover of the compass toward the top of the map. Put the compass anywhere on top of the map. Step 4: Walk along the path and make sure your compass always points North. 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We just dont know where exactly. At least, I never saw him with one. Compass adjusted for declination. 2. Turn the map and compass until the needle on the compass aligns with the north-south grid lines on the map. You cant shoot a bearing on the end point in your terrain since you cant see it. If you don't, visit the page just hyperlinked. Hold the compass steady and level, and up to your face. This may arise when you don't know your current position but have taken a back bearing from a visible landmark (1) you can identify on the map. To do so accurately, however, we must first adjust our compass for magnetic declination so the reading taken from the compass arrow is pointing our map towardtruenorth as opposed tomagneticnorth. Now hold the compass on the map and rotate yourself and the map/compass together until the orienting arrow and the compass needle are aligned to magnetic north. Turn the compass cover more or less perpendicular to the base. Now, read the degree marking under the fixed black index line. More or less, where the second line meets the first is where you are on the map. The first step is to always take a compass bearing. brunton classic compass Standard compasses use floating dials, but lensatic compasses use a damping mechanism powered by electromagnetic induction. At this point, your map is almost oriented. Plot a line on the map using the back bearing from that mountain. Because this method of orienting your map requires having visuals on features or landmarks in the terrain, good visibility is a must. This way you can see the object and the bezel at the same time. Orient the map to the terrain. 1. It. Finally, you can always triple check with human features, such as walls or towns that youd expect to be able to see in the valley. $8.77. Corrected the orientations of the map when the G-M angle exceeded 3 degrees (50 mils) using one of the following: a. Pull the lens holder up so that it is at a 90-degree angle to the base of the compass. You see that its 310 in relation to you. Knowing how to orientate a map is just one facet of the wider skill of knowing how to read a map. Most lensatic compasses are designed to withstand moisture to a certain extent, but nobody makes them perfect. In this video below,the user walks through the elements of a USGI lensatic compass, and how to properly use one. This latter option is a cheat since grid lines have their own declination value. Turn the map and compass together until the azimuth sighted lies under the Index Line. The first step in orienting ourselves with our map and compass is to double-check that north on the map corresponds to north in our landscape. Land Nav Task 10 - Orient a Map Using a Lensatic Compass You just need one more piece of information to figure out exactly where you are on the map. How to Use a Compass - The Beginner's Guide | thecampingman.com To use this method (a) Open the cover to a 90-degree angle to the base. Move the lens holder: Slightly push forward the lens holder. For instance, line up roads, mountains, water towersany terrain features that stand out enough to make orienting the map possible. Once you reach your landmark, align yourself again to make sure youre on the right path. Here at Brunton, we manufacture a variety of different compasses for varying needs in the field. SPECS dimensions:4.1" x 2.4" x 0.6" |10.4 x 6.2 Read More. Turn the compass dial so that the bearing intersects the index line (2). So, don't sweat too much the minute details of getting your map finely oriented to the last degree with your compass. No worries. The number one destroyer of compasses and any enclosed items like these is moisture. Best Overall. Identify where you are on the map and place the compass edge over this location. Step 2. Most compasses are marked with the four cardinal. Were not using it at all during this entire process.). Quick Answer: Lensatic Compass How To Use - BikeHike We may then use our compass to begin going in the direction we need to go in order to reach our destination. In such orientation we use a lensatic scale. Instead of using your compasss arrow, youll align your needle with the tape arrow. There are step-by-step to use a compass. This step comes after aligning our map and compass needle to magnetic north if using a compass that doesnt have a declination adjustment key. Make sure the degrees of the dial are readable. ? But heres the catch: depending on where you are on the planet, the angle of declination varies. Using the rotating bezel, turn it until the direction of travel arrow lines up with the north arrow. Hey, it happens! Gently pull the lid down until the sighting line is visible through the lens. Advnture is part of Future US Inc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. The housing is marked with cardinal points, typically north, south, east, and west, which . Magnetic north would be around 14 degrees to your right, or east. The red end of the needle must be pointing to the top of the map. Please refresh the page and try again. The following 30-minute U.S. Army training video from 1966 shows how to find your direction, orientation, and location with a mil-spec lensatic compass. Alex is a qualified Mountain Leader, adventure writer and content creator with an insatiable passion for the mountains. Nothing is permanent and contours are more permanent than pretty much everything else on a map. 9-4. Step 2 Lay the map in a horizontal position. Doing this quick visual sense check by examining the surrounding terrain is to triple-check that your readings arent out by 180 degrees and to make sure the map is always aligned with your compasss north-pointing (and usually red) magnetic arrow i.e. Use the illustration above to familiarize yourself with the components of a lensatic compass. A Cumbrian born and bred, his native English Lake District has a special place in his heart, though he is at least equally happy in North Wales, the Scottish Highlands or the European Alps. Turn the compass and the map as a unit until the luminous magnetic arrow is directly under the fixed black line. UK readers, youre in luck. Overview. 4. But I wish I had the simpler kind that just automatically points to the direction on the compass that I am . 3. So in this installment, well go over the skills you need to do just that. SMCT: Orient a Map Using a Lensatic Compass - YouTube Hand placement: Insert your thumb through the thumb loop and the index finger along the compass. Lets go back to our Muir Woods example. Take a compass bearing on the peak to your southwest. What if youre not on a trail, but you just know the general area youre in? Have you noticed the agonic line? Preferred by military for its precision and. Go to your map. Enroll in my personalized step-by-step video-based online course. Method #2. [10] 4. Sometimes limited visibility means terrain features may not be visible. Last but not lease, lensatic compasses are prone to scratching. Using a little screwdriver or the metal piece that came with your compass lanyard, turn the small screw. Making sure you don't move to change directions, turn the glass compass housing until the short luminous line is directly lined up with the luminous magnetic arrow. The United States military needs to know how to navigate on land when all digital systems fail. Then tilt the mirror until you can see straight down into the bezel. But its important to understand the different types of navigational toolsincluding a lensatic compass. PDF 071-329-1011 Conditions: Standards - PBworks You should then be able to roughly work out which way is north, east south or west using your maps gridlines. You want to find your position using the technique of partial resection, so you need to know that tower's bearing with a high degree of accuracy. 4. It is the bread and butter of navigation and a good habit to get into every time you set off in any given direction. 071-COM-1011 (Orient a Map Using a Lensatic Compass) Make sure the travel direction arrow is pointed in the direction you want to go. Your cheek should be resting on the base of your thumb. Experience is the best way to learn and wed highly recommend booking a navigation course to really hone your skills. {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"FAQPage","mainEntity":[{"@type":"Question","name":"How do you orient and read a map? That has the potential to make a significant impact! Youll want to rotate it till the black arrow outline matches the 4E hash mark. If you are interested in trying your hand at navigation with a lensatic compass, check out our Brunton 9077 Compass, and follow along with this video: If you are interested in trying your hand at navigation with a lensatic compass, check out our. Turn your entire body as a unit until your predetermined azimuth falls under the fixed black index line. The orient a map to the ground by map-terrain association is one of the most basic skills that you will need in order to survive. Finally, read the number on the rim of the compass. (1) Compass-to-cheek method (figure C-21). So your true bearing would be 166. Were headed to the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma for this example. The My Open Country name is registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Announcement: My online Land Navigation course includes four hours of video instruction, and two downloadable PDF books, all for about the same price as a typical paperback book. Shows how to use the USGI issue lensatic compass to orient the map, plot a course based on two well-defined. (Note: if you have a compass with an adjustable declination the adjustment needs to be set to zero). Whether or not you participate in orienteering, I'm confident you'll find that a properly oriented map is a huge help in finding your way. Lensatic compasses are used by the United States military for a reason. If your local declination is east of the agonic line, youll need to add the declination to your compass bearing; if its west of the agonic line, youll need to remove the declination from your compass bearing. This makes it easier to relate what you see on the map with what you see on the ground. Youve got your trusty compass and a map of the area, but you dont know exactly where you are in relation to the map. Don't worry that your red orientating arrow doesn't point exactly map north. True north is at the very top of the earth, while magnetic north is currently off the coast of Greenland. If youre facing south, but are holding the map right side up, everything on your map is going to be ass-backwards. The big bang. The angle between true north and magnetic north is declination. Program, Strengthen Your Tribe: A Report on the Atomic Athlete Vanguard, The Best Riddles for Kids (With Answers! The fundamentals of using a map and compass to find your way around. To do so accurately, however, we must first adjust our compass for magnetic declination so the reading taken from the compass arrow . The compass baseplates edge is now pointed in the direction of the visible landmark you used to get your bearing. Well adjust it to account for the declination of our compass. 2. When we dont have our point position, we have to use less exact forms of orientation based on line or area position to find it: Line Position. It is easy to learn and it can be done with just a map and compass. Looking at the photo below, let's say you're at the north end of Sheeler Lake, where the penciled X is. 4. Thank you for signing up to Advnture. Customize the template with smart fillable areas. You look out into the distance and you see another mountain peak, but you dont know the name of it. Click heretolearn about the three different types of compasses. If your compass doesnt have a declination adjustment key, simply make the adjustment on the spot. In this case, it would be 204 (24+180). You can also plot a known compass bearing on the mapthe reverse process. The cover is used to protect the compass and also incorporates the sighting wirewhich helps you determine direction. When orienting a map, our aim is to position it so that the north-south grid lines on the map (eastings) are aligned north-south. How to Pack a Backpack Are You Doing it Right? Your email address will not be published. Youll want to stick to areas that are cool and dry, and dont offer any immediate threats to technological devices. What if youre not on a route and just have a broad idea of where you are? How to Use a Lensatic Compass - Carnegie Museum of Natural History Orienting the Map with aLensatic Compass. Place compass on top of map. The skill allows users to find north with ease, which is crucial for navigation. Draw a line on the map at 130 degrees from Saddle Mountain. With that bearing, we can use our compass to start traveling in the direction we need to go in order to get to our endpoint. Not a problem. Place the fully opened lensatic compass on the map with Pencarian Terakhir Elcenter Course Zindagi Ban Gy Ho Tum Put your compass on your map. When the actual lens gets damaged, it unnecessarily impairs simple operation. You then see where the line you drew intersects with the protractor's numbers, in this case 062 degrees. 2. If the local declination is negative, add the declination amount . Compass: Definitions and Examples - Club Z! Tutoring Huzzah! How to orientate a map: let us point you the right way | Advnture When you point your compass towards true north, the needle will point a bit to the west. Thats right Contours are king. Next, without changing the orientation of you map, move your compass so that the point you are plotting to/from is under the sighting wire, and the compass dial reading matches your bearing. When this happens, its time to orientate using a compass. Oncein pre-GPS dayswhile on a canoe trip through the chain of lakes in Canadas Quetico Provincial park, our professional guide expertly got us through about 100 miles of wilderness, without ever using a compass. If everything is matching up, youre onto a winner. 3. Open it up using the cloud-based editor and begin editing. Kierans bookClimbing the Wallsan exploration of the mental health benefits of climbing, mountaineering, and the great outdoorsis scheduled for release by Simon & Schuster in April 2021. They could be your saving grace during a SHTF situation. For this, they use a lensatic compass, among other navigation equipment and techniques. Influences can be the factors of how the people life runs. All you have to do now is take a bearing towards the unnamed mountain. These other objects can interfere with compasses, and no matter how miniscule the differences may seem, it can leave an impact. But lets say youre in the Muir Woods near San Francisco and youre facing true north. How to use the Lunatic Compass Map Orientation by compass Magnetic Azimuth A magnetic azimuth of any object is the compass reading of a direct line across the center of the compass to the object. 2. Looking at the map is an easy way of finding which direction north or east are relative to your current position. Pull your elbows firmly into your sides; this will place the compass between your chin and your belt. Leave your orientating arrow in line with the index line and the direction of travel arrow, as it will already be primed to point magnetic north. How to Use a Compass to Get Your Bearings. (1) Take the straightedge on the left side of the compass and place it alongside the north-south grid line with the cover of the compass pointing toward the top of the map. 1. But not to you, I trust. Through his hiking, mountaineering, climbing and trail running adventures, Alex aims to inspire others to get outdoors. When you have a line location, you know youre on a maps recognizable line (trail, ridge line, etc. Declination is the angle formed by true north and magnetic north. This is why you should never take a bearing off a sheep. You can use it to find your bearings in any direction you need to go. The needle on your compass dial will always be pointing north, so when placing the compass on the map, the needle on the compass should match the map's north in order to orient yourself. Open the cover completely and pull back the rear sight. When you do know exactly where you are in relation to your map, you have your point position.. How To Use A Compass: The Ultimate Guide To Navigation By Ethan Shaw When you point your compass towards true north, your compass needle is going to point a little to the west. But heres where things get tricky: the angle of declination changes depending where you are on the earth. Next, ensure youre happy with your judgment by matching other physical features in the landscape to the map, such as crags, glaciers, waterfalls, lakes and rivers. Lets move to the opposite coast of the U.S. Lets say youre in the Adirondacks of New York. We need to compensate for the compass now that weve placed it on the map so that we can appropriately orient and travel. Its not as easy to get lost on land without a map and compass. Ebook Free , by June Fleming ~ docilecovenanter Yeah, book is the most effective tool that can be made use of for affecting your life. Now, rotate the map and compass baseplatetogetheruntil the compass needle is boxed in the red orienting arrow (or direction-of-travel lines) on the compass. Manual Cammenga Lensatic Compass (page 1 of 16) (English) - Libble.eu Fill & Sign Online, Print, Email, Fax, or Download The bezel clicks as it moves--three degrees for every click. Place the three remaining fingers below as if you are holding a gun. Learn to navigate using a topographic map and a compass. Make an "L" shape with the index finger and thumb of your other hand. The term lensatic comes from the fact that there is a lens on the rear side of the compass that aids in the orienteering process. In the daytime, you'll normally find something in the distance on your azimuth and walk to it, so you don't have to keep staring at the compass. You see that its 230 in relation to your location. to orient the map to find your position. To figure out precisely where you are on the map, you simply need one more piece of information. Youve got your dependable compass and a map of the region, but youre not sure where you are in respect to the map. Your map is now aligned to magnetic north. Step 1. Take a bearing on the mountain thats southwest from you. The instructions on this page might make orienting a map seem a highly technical thing. How to Use a Compass: Compass & Map Navigation Guide - Task & Purpose Look at your map, or use a website to see your local areas declination. Take a bearing to a visible landmark using your compass. Let's have a look at the sources that constantly give favorable points. Orient a Map Using a Lensatic Compass 071-329-1011 Conditions: Standards: Orient the map to the ground using a compass. He is currently the President of the London Mountaineering Club, training to become a Winter Mountain Leader, looking to finally finish bagging all the Wainwright fells of the Lake District and hoping to scale more Alpine 4000ers when circumstances allow. A visualization depicting the Soldiers Manual of Common Tasks (STP 21-1-SMCT) task Orient a Map Using a Lensatic Compass (071-COM-1011). PART 1 Basic Land Navigation Module 6 Map Information WARNING This presentation is intended as a quick summary, and not a comprehensive resource. Map-and-Compass Skills: How-To - TREAD Magazine You can also use this website to get up to date declinations. Keep doing this until you get to where you want to go. Hiking Compas - walmart.com 3. USING THE MILITARY LENSATIC COMPASS - PowerShow USING A COMPASS Magnetic azimuths are determined with the use of magnetic instruments, such as lensatic and M2 compasses. Great article! Its declination would be written as 14E. And thats it! How to Orient Your Map Quickly With a Compass - PopUpBackpacker Pull the ring underneath the compass and put your thumb through. how to orient a map using a lensatic compass; how to orient a map in military; orient a map using a lensatic compass powerpoint Keep in mind that maps are drawn with north at the top. Now that were putting compass to map, we need to adjust for it so that we can accurately orient and navigate. 1. Using the rotating bezel, turn it until the direction of travel arrow lines up with the north arrow. Were ready to start orienting ourselves now that our compass has been corrected for local declination. Lay your compass on the map and line up its edge with a known landmark. The back bearing is 50. Land Navigation: How to Orient With a Map & Compass If not, recalibrate before continuing. An "azimuth" is pretty much the same as a "bearing." 5. Lets pretend youre on a hike. 5. If youre in the Adirondacks, add 14 degrees to get a correct bearing of 194 degrees. While this doesnt technically register as an electronic, were going to treat it like one. Well, that is, unless you're doing something silly like holding the compass backwards. You will receive a verification email shortly. (Note: Ignore the magnetic compass needle. Youre somewhere on that line, so you know have a line position. navigation and combat. The degrees are in red, and are the ring's inner measurements. Most people have never heard of them, but soon enough, youre going to be a master at using them. 3. Positioned the cover of the compass toward the top of the map. Step 2: line the compass up with the map. Line your orienteering compass's base plate up with the map's north-south lines. So, if youre at Muir Woods and your compass reads 180 degrees, subtract 14 degrees. We'll start from the beginning, and go through everything you need to know to find your way over the terrain. Home / Educational Resources / Math Resources / Compass: Definitions and Examples. How to Use a Compass: The Ultimate Guide to Navigation 3. So, how are you going to acquire your point position? ), you just dont know exactly where. Youre on that line, so you know where youre standing. functional from -50F to 150F. Youre in the right place! To begin, use your compass to locate a peak on Saddle Mountain. Come on in and save lots of money! To orient the map, first: Line up the edge of the compass with the edge of the map, or. Boom. Performance Steps 1. Method #1. Procedures. Dont worry that your red orientating arrow doesnt point exactly map north. Its not unheard of for hikers to accidentally read their map upside down and end up facing south, rather than north. Your lens piece will appear just above your thumb loop. The two basic techniques for using the lensatic compass . Use your index finger to steady the front of the compass.