You're not alone. [1] Benson, a Democrat, was first elected to the position in 2018. line-height: 1.5em; To learn more about voting rights for voters with disabilities, Michigan LLC Name Search | StateRequirement Petoskey On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. .results_table_container { font-weight: 300; Approval is at the discretion of the department or agency and can be changed or rescinded based upon operational needs. You should find: If you vote in Colfax Township or the City of Fennville, you have the right to a ballot and election materials in Spanish. Frustrated trying to secure an appointment at a Secretary of State branch office? Secretary of State offices Do all Secretary of State offices offer instant title service? You can use the MichiganName Searchtool to find a name for your LLC. Because of its driver's licensing and vehicle registration functions, the secretary has dozens of offices statewide. Michigan Constitution, Article V, Section 3, Michigan Secretary of State Expedited service may be requested for an additional fee when completing an online form. Ontonagon The Customer Services Administration (CSA) is divided into the Bureau of Branch Office Services, the Driver and Vehicle Records Division, the Office of Customer Services, the Department of State Information Center, the Program Procedures Section, and the Program Support Section. font-size: 20px; 13401 W. 10 Mile Road [2], The Department Services Administration (DSA) provides coordination and support to the agency in the areas of administration, finance, technology, project management, human resources, employee development, and occupancy management. Grand Rapids Michigan Constitution, Article V, Section 30: This section shall be self-executing. } display: inline-block; Redford 301 W. Genesee St. Labor Day 430 W. Allegan St. Novi Baldwin tally the votes. .mw-content-ltr td.votebox-results-cell--text, The Department of State's budget for the 2020-2021 fiscal year was $254,297,500. Saint Charles Michigan Secretary of State Business Search by Identification Number Searching by identification number offers the most refined results because each active entity in Michigan has just one. 302 N. Morenci Ave. The Michigan Secretary of State is third in the governor of Michigan line of succession and acts in that capacity if both the office of governor and lieutenant governor of Michigan are vacant or if both are temporarily out of the state.[1]. Go to Michigan Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission, Go to Basic Driver Improvement Course (BDIC) eligibility, Go to Recreational vehicles and watercraft, Go to Basic Driver Improvement Course (BDIC) sponsor, Go to Driver education and testing businesses, Go to International Registration Plan (IRP), Aging drivers (Safe Drivers Smart Options), Election Modernization Advisory Committee, Go to Transparency and Freedom of Information Act, Go to Forms and publications - Language Services, Apply for or renew a disability parking placard. border-radius: 50%; .votebox_bp_logo { The department or agency has the authority to assign and schedule its employees and determine their work location. MCL 257.205 Secretary of state; office and branch offices; establishment; employees; bond; liability for loss of money; person appointed to conduct branch office; compensation and expenses. You may also contact the Michigan Secretary of State Business Services Division via phone at (517) 241-6470 or email atCorpsMail@michigan.govfor assistance conducting a Michigan LLC name search. 672 N. Milford Road } Cities | Are there other ways I can register with the United States Selective Service System? top: -1px; Portage background-color: #003388; Incumbent Jocelyn Benson defeated Kristina Karamo, Gregory Stempfle, Christine Schwartz, and Larry Hutchinson Jr. in the general election for Michigan Secretary of State on November 8, 2022. margin: 0; Clio Lake City Your LLC name cannot include terms like Region, Municipality, or Provincial, which suggest that your firm is a governmental institution. color: #fff; Public policy. You arent required to pay a fee when using MI SOS Name Search. width: 100%; Lansing St Johns font-size: 12px; You have the right to an accessible polling place and an accessible voting machine. If it is Election Day, send someone into the polling place to request curbside voting on your 150 Millwood St. You can also use a DBA and legally operate under a new name if you want to preserve your LLC but engage in another commercial activity. Appointment-only visits to Michigan secretary of state here to stay - WDIV .mw-body #mw-content-text th.votebox-results-cell--text { This name must be unique and available for use, and should not already be registered with the Michigan Secretary of State. What to expect inside the polling place 277 E. Sanilac Road You may send your concern about a specific Secretary of State office at Michigan.go/ContactSOS. According to Michigan Compiled Laws 168.71, the standard qualifications necessary under Michigan State Law in order to be considered for the Office of Secretary of State include:[4]. letter-spacing: .04em; Mount Pleasant Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. .votebox-results-cell--check { Subscribe to stay in the loop & on the road! The Michigan Secretary of State is third in the governor of Michigan line of succession and acts in that capacity if both the office of governor and lieutenant governor of Michigan are vacant or if both are temporarily out . The web Browser you are currently using is unsupported, and some features of this site may not work as intended. The ability to assign customers a service number that can be used if a customer must call back. Yes they can. Learn More. You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. width: 350px; .mw-body #mw-content-text th.votebox-results-cell--text { 728 S. 7th St. position: relative; Michigan Secretary of State - Wikipedia .votebox-scroll-container { However, the person cannot be: Election officials must consider accessibility inside the polling place. } background-color: grey; To speak with the Ombudsperson for Accessible Elections, call 517-335-2730 or email . Note: Ballotpedia's state executive officials project researches state official websites for information that describes the divisions (if any exist) of a state executive office. When you schedule a visit, the system will walk you through everything you need to bring with you for your transaction, helping you to avoid having to make a return visit. margin-bottom: 4px; [15], In 2016, the secretary of state received a salary of $112,410, according to the Council of State Governments. margin-top: 0px; Once approved by the legislature, compensation is effective during the legislative session following the subsequent general election. Memorial Day } font-size: 0.9em; U.S. Congress | } How do I apply for an accessible absentee ballot? The Driver and Vehicle Records Division manages driver and vehicle records maintenance activities. Davison This is especially useful to callers after normal business hours. Lansing, MI 48918. The department also maintains the states official repository of records, including state and local government records, state statutes and commercial financing statements. 17176 Farmington Road 11533 E. 12 Mile Road Lansing, MI 48918. Secretary of State Branch Office (Standish) - DMV These results are automatically generated from Google. Enter the desired name for your LLC to determine its availability. 32849 Red Arrow Highway The Military Selective Service Act of 1967 is a registration program used by the U.S. government to create and maintain a list of names of men from which to draw in case of a national emergency requiring rapid expansion of our armed forces. There are currently 131 branch offices located statewide, in addition to the Mobile Branch Office. color: #6db24f; To speak with the Ombudsperson for Accessible Elections, call 517-335-2730 or email email at width: 100%; Ballotpedia features 395,577 encyclopedic articles written and curated by our professional staff of editors, writers, and researchers. Dowagiac Most sole proprietors and general partnerships use a DBA to create a brand other than their surnames. 2022 Michigan Secretary of State election - Wikipedia 51305 Gratiot Ave. Note:While you can use social media to search for business names to determine your desired name, the search results might not give you useful insight if your desired business name is available and exclusive for use. Join 1,972,984 Americans who searched for Car Insurance Rates: Address background-color: green; .votebox-results-metadata-p { margin-bottom:16px; You can file a request for a trade or service mark after you confirm the availability and reservation of your LLC name. padding-bottom: 7px; Registering this way through the Secretary of State is optional. 14634 Mack Ave. color:white; 1056 Rogers Plaza SW. StateRequirement and its members and affiliates are not responsible for any losses, monetary or otherwise. Choose a CountyAlconaAlgerAlleganAlpenaAntrimArenacBaragaBarryBayBenzie, Choose a DMV BranchAdrian [14], In 2017, the secretary of state received a salary of $112,410, according to the Council of State Governments. 2666 US 23 South Can driving records be purchased at branch offices? 115 S Saginaw St (Michigan Office of the Governor via AP) (Uncredited) LANSING, Mich. - Michigan residents who visit secretary of state offices will always need an appointment, Secretary of State. 25263 Telegraph Road @media screen and (max-width: 350px) { It ensures your business name is distinguishable from the names of other Michigan businesses so that you do not violate anyones intellectual property rights. border: 1px solid #999; Saginaw 580 E Warren Ave 1832 N Saginaw Rd 1184 Jackson Crossing, Join 1,972,984 Americans who searched for Car Insurance Rates: Passing the Michigan written exam has never been easier. .votebox_legend { The Secretary of State for Michigan oversees elections in Michigan and is responsible for handling all administrative aspects of the ballot initiative process in the state.. CDL Notes: Self-service CDL kiosk available. 308 S. Superior St. Why is the Secretary of State asking me if I would like to register with the United States Selective Service System? What to expect outside the polling place } 430 W. Allegan St. Richard H. Austin Building - 1st Floor Lansing, MI 48918 Contact Information Hours: Monday - Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. 800-292-5973 The Bureau of Elections (BOE) is responsible for overseeing elections and relevant programs in Michigan, including campaign finance and lobbying disclosures. How to vote | Bay City Title and registration requirements; special titles; name changes; address changes; license plate fees; insurance requirements; new Michigan residents; lost titles; lost license plates; and deceased vehicle owners. } You can renew a name reservation by filing a new application30 daysbefore it expires. background-color: #6db24f; Big Rapids .inner_percentage, .inner_percentage.Nonpartisan, .inner_percentage.Independent, .inner_percentage.Constitution, .inner_percentage.unknown { position: relative; float: left; overflow-x: scroll; background-color: #db0000; Please enter your ZIP code OR city and state abbreviation. [1] As the name implies, the officeholder was originally responsible for much of state government, but now the duties are similar to those of the other 46 secretaries of states across the United States. } Our goal at StateRequirement is to be the #1 professional licensing resource in the world. All of our information is gathered from deep research of trusted governmental, educational sources, and first-hand experience. 37015 S. Gratiot Ave. 1185 N. U.S. Highway 31 603 W. Adams St. display: block; Mio Flint Secretary of State Branch Office Contact Information Flint Secretary of State Branch Office hours, address, appointments, phone number, holidays and services. 3472 Plainfield Ave NE A processing fee will be charged when using credit or debit. } font-size: 1.25em; There were no incumbents in this race. Suttons Bay Hastings When are Secretary of State offices scheduled to be closed statewide? The results have been certified. Belleville Poll conducted for MIRS, Governmental Consultant Services Inc., and the Life Insurance Association of Michigan. Elections in 2023 | font-size: 12px; Your name cannot include words falsely implying you have a business relationship with a government entity (FBI, Treasury, Real Estate Commission, etc.). Students ill after coming into contact with weed killer at Arizona Get 5 free searches. The local branch numbers were replaced with a single toll free number: 1-888-SOS-MICH (767-6424). The Bureau oversees county, city, and township clerks, county canvassing boards, and election commissions. 3740 W. Polk Road 100% remote. Secretary of State Branch Office (Standish), Secretary of State Branch Office (Midland), Secretary of State Branch Office (West Branch). To be eligible for the office of Secretary of State or Attorney General a person: Must be a registered and qualified elector of the State of Michigan on the date he or she is nominated for the office, Must not be convicted of a violation of section 12a(1) of 1941 PA 370, MCL 38.412a or may not be eligible for a period of 20 years after conviction, Terri Lynn Land ran unopposed in this contest. font-weight: 100; Mail Address your letters to: Michigan Department of State Lansing, MI 48918 Choose a County Alcona Alger Allegan Alpena Antrim Arenac Baraga Barry Bay Benzie Choose a DMV Branch Adrian 1040 S. Winter St., Albion 308 S. Superior St. Allegan } Incumbents are bolded and underlined. Have you updated your drivers license or state ID address with the Secretary of State within the last 10 days? Ionia 430 Western Ave. vertical-align: middle; Benson says about 60% of Secretary of State services can be completed online, and says she plans to expand call centers to help people who don't have internet access. position: absolute; max-width: 600px; Escanaba Check or money order payable to State of Michigan, Credit or debit cards (American Express, Discover, MasterCard or Visa). Staffed Monday through Friday 8:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. } 7090 Sashabaw Road Highway 88 There are many ways to register to vote in Michigan. Some offices may close for lunch or may only be open on certain weekdays.
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