"Friday could you ask everyone to meet in the lounge". [23], After severing ties with his family, Ron was the only one he contacted, congratulating him on becoming a prefect, and urging him to cut his ties with Harry Potter so that he would not be dragged down with him, although this only disgusted Ron even further. But choose wisely, some boys may come with more than just a pretty face. Do you use the Norwegian or American calendar?". (sorry, I still love Sally!) Les new-yorkais n'ont qu' bien se tenir qu' Harry dbarque chez eux, avec des compagnons hauts en couleurs ! Percy Ignatius Weasley was the third of seven children born to Arthur and Molly Weasley. 'Because Iwas never responsible for not keeping the kid out of prison.' 'Nick Fury? In February, he presided as a judge for the Second Task of the Triwizard Tournament, once again filling in for Crouch. Harry finds out that his dad is alive, has been the whole time. Harry is on holiday in New York when he meets Tony Stark in a club. how to print avery 5395 labels in word; Fury sounded so lost and desperate the avengers turned to him shocked that he both knew Harry from somewhere and that Fury was capable of displaying emotions. Percy planned to report them but after Jacob's sibling managed to convince him not to report them by agreeing to find Scabbers. Personal assistant to Barty Crouch Snr (formerly)Court Scribe[10] (formerly)Junior Assistant to the Minister for Magic (formerly)Head of the Department of Magical Transportation[11] Any lady friend recommending Harry Potter to you as well? Fair warning, it is a dark and tragic story that is a far cry from the usual Harry/Daphne fare. harry potter is nick fury's brother fanfiction Percy was extremely ambitious and dedicated to his goals, which was apparently to become Minister for Magic, though it is possible that it was just Fred and George joking. [25], The Weasley family gathered round Fred's dead body, Over the years, Percy was particularly proud and protective of his youngest brother, Ron. His love of order and rules, and obedience to authorities blinded him to the truth about Lord Voldemort's return and he felt ashamed after learning the truth and couldn't bring himself to see his family. I kept the magic shit away from him. [22], Professor McGonagall and the residents of Gryffindor Tower in the common room after Sirius Black's break-in, When Sirius Black attempted to break into Gryffindor Tower during the year, Percy was left in charge of the students when they all camped out in the Great Hall while the teachers searched the castle. It could possibly be clues for him destroying his relationship with his family. Non-corporeal[9] Out of the six films he was used in, Percy only had a speaking appearance in the first three films, while he has no dialogue in the fifth, seventh, and eighth films. Lily and James don't want a slimy Slytherin having anything to do with their chosen one. "Basically Dumbledore's a manipulative bastard who believes you should do the right thing for the greater good and the Dark Lord Voldemort was of the opinion that you either bowed to him or died" Draco interrupted trying to provide context to the Avengers. [26], On 11 July 2014, Percy attended and frowned as he watched the final of the 2014 Quidditch World Cup, where Rita Skeeter noticed he had "aged considerably since the Battle of Hogwarts" and was "greying and balding". "Can someone tell me what the fuck is going on and how is Fury related to this cult?" ", Loki looks genuinely interested and says, "And you complained when I wanted to take away Midgardians' free will. Wincest is so wrong on so many levels," Clint says with expression of pain in his face. Loki, would you be so kind as to tell us how we summoned you? Taken in by the Malfoy family, Harry learns . Loki says glaring at Tony. You can't threaten a kid with a gun!" "Please don't bring my daughter into this!" "Brother, you don't want to know about Thorki. ", "Sir, Captain Rogers used the words 'your brother' when he talked to Thor. During the summer of 1994, Percy worked diligently under Crouch, a man whom he admired and respected for his strict adherence to rules and his perfectionist attitude towards his work. Title(s) Although Harry attempted to make light of the letter's content, Ron promptly tore it to pieces and threw it in the fire, calling Percy "the world's biggest git". The war is over but many lives were lost, including all of the Seven but Percy, Nico and Thalia are heliophilia: (n.) love of sunlight. Family members By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. He wore horn-rimmed glasses, and also tried to carry himself in a dignified manner, although he usually came off looking pretentious and silly. [25], Despite his normal determination to maintain proper behaviour, Percy was an avid fan of Quidditch and could sometimes forget decorum in demonstrating his enthusiasm for it. After Voldemort's death, he is among those who hugged Harry for his victory over Voldemort, Harry's lack of protest showing his better views of Percy. Boggart Now living together, the pair get along well. Course, if it was that simple, I wouldn't be telling you this. 465 Stories. ", Tony says, "Yeah right, your knowledge of Midgardian must be so rich. Loki puts both hands behind his head and uses them as a makeshift pillow as he leans back on his chair. He stopped him. "OK, that confirms the part where you said you were not actually here but who in their right mind would want to summon you?" Many other pure-blood families, particularly the Malfoys, disdained them for their "blood traitor" beliefs and lack of wealth. He packed his bags the same night and left. Why does he refer to him as Dad? [19], As a third-year, Percy was allowed to visit Hogsmeade. harry potter is nick fury's brother fanfiction Draco gave an excited look. He announced, the smug look he wore, slightly hidden under the stress they could tell he felt. "Me" Harry whispered hoarsely as he curled into Wanda's side. "Bagsie not doing it" Harry and Draco said as they smirked at Fury. He didn't understand, he really didn't, just why Nick son of Fury, was so adamant that his brother be punished on Midgard rather than on his home planet, on Asgard. "Listen up, Harry, did it not occur to you that you are currently wanted by the British government, Dumbledore, the Death Eaters and Voldemort." "Tony, the last time I followed your recommendation, I ended up reading sparkling vampires. This was in retaliation for Ron breaking Fred's toy broomstick. At this point, Percy seemed to have lost what enmity he had towards Harry, looking visibly sombre and saddened as Harry's dead body was brought before Hogwarts. Clint is on the roll as he continues, "Thor, some episodes have Loki, Balder, and Odin in them. Later, he wrote to his parents to inform them that Ginny had been taken into the Chamber. Family: Sarah Walker - Daughter. In this fantastical Otome Game you will find, drama, intrigue, tragedy, and so much doki-doki that your heart may explode from excitement. Nick Shirm portrayed Zacharias Smith in the film and video game adaptations of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. He was the younger brother of Bill and Charlie, the older brother of the late Fred Weasley, George, Ron and Ginny. Species He was reunited with Penelope after Professor Sprout's Mandrake potion restored those petrified to their normal state, and Ginny, who was saved from Tom Marvolo Riddle and the Chamber of Secrets by Harry. You can help with a lot of Stony stuff as well," teases Tony while he wriggles his eyebrows suggestively again. ", Thor relaxes slightly and Clint actually puts his bow down although he still grumbles, "Well, he is the God of Lies so he can still harm us psychologically with his words or his magic. "Fine but you should probably invite everyone that needs to hear this because I'm not repeating it." [13] After his family and Dumbledore were proven to be right and the Ministry wrong, Percy was too ashamed of his past cruelty towards them,[24] that he felt himself unable to reconcile with them, and even missed Bill's wedding. Published by on June 29, 2022. She rolls her eyes and says, "Clint, enough with your Supernatural obsession! As a reward for this, Percy was given a Screech Owl whom he named Hermes, and new robes by his parents. The family, while rejoicing the end of the Second Wizarding War, was also devastated over the loss of Fred. The rest of the Avengers are shocked that Steve, Thor, and Loki are actually aware of Harry Potter. He can't possible make another wish to be elsewhere, can he? If only glaring could burn, there would be two piles of ashes where Clint and Loki used to be. Only Captain Rogers and Dr Banner haven't mention Loki's name before his appearance. "Stark, do the words pot, kettle, black, ring any bell? On 1 September 1987, he started at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and was sorted into Gryffindor House, where he shared a dormitory with Oliver Wood. Harry shouted as he ran towards Fury leaping in mid air to be caught in a hug. I know my genius will be my downfall. The one getting the most votes will win. In the weeks that followed, Percy had to work doubly hard at the Ministry to cope with the large number of Howlers that crossed his desk from the disgruntled and frightened public. Tony recovers quickly and says, "I guess the statement that everybody reads Harry Potter is true! Because fourteen years ago- he showed me the safe house of the Boy-Who-Lived. Son Of Nick Fury (Percy Jackson x Avengers). He puts his hand with mock expression of hurt in front of his heart or to be precise at the arc reactor. It still lingered in the minds of many Ava Welters has always wondered who her soulmates were she started to give up all of her friends ha F! Steve takes all his strength to hold on to Thor but he thinks it will be futile unless he mediates quickly. Percy Ignatius Weasley Harry Potter (character) - Wikipedia I would never say such a thing. It can be assumed that Percy had a fairly happy childhood, as all the Weasley siblings did. Harry Potter Death (Harry Potter) Aizen Sousuke Soul King (Bleach) The Doctor (Doctor Who) Jack Harkness Ron Weasley Artemis Nick Burkhardt Monroe (Grimm) Sean Renard James "Bucky" Barnes Steve Rogers Booker | Sebastien le Livre Andy | Andromache of Scythia Nicky | Nicol di Genova Selene (Underworld) Daenerys Targaryen Rhaegar Targaryen 22 August 1976) was an English pure-blood wizard, the third child of Arthur and Molly Weasley (ne Prewett).
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