Carved and polychrome, CARVED AND PAINTED BLACK DUCK DECOY, MASON, PAIR OF MINIATURE DUCK DECOYS, IN THE STYLE, Two miniature duck decoys, one black duck. A: Historically, duck decoys were carved from Atlantic white cedarwood (especially on the east coast of the US) or cork. Below, explore seven of the most sought-after decoy carvers for a better sense of what duck and shorebird decoys sell for in the market. It wasnt until the late 1900s that many of the vintage lures we have now emerged as collectors items. No change of any item in the report shall be made by anyone other than the appraiser and the appraiser shall have no responsibility for any unauthorized change. This rare and important calling green-winged teal drake by A.E. Click on the results to view more details meatcleaver_designs, Neil J. Oakes Grawn, Michigan, North Dakota Decoys Rick Whittier Lidgerwood, ND, oldcoot81 Fish Decoys & More Ray Forner Rockville, MN, Old Dux Ron Fisher Marshalltown, Iowa, Old Oregon Lures Dean Crouser Gresham, Oregon, Old Wooden Fish Co. Michael Roy Mikko Cowdery Osakis, MN, Ole 3-Way Fish Decoy Titloe Heights Bait Co. Gaylord, MN, P. Daugherty Paul Pentwater Paul Daugherty Pentwater, Michigan, Perchville Legend HJH, Harry J. Haglund East Tawas, MI, phillipcates Sheila Cates Buffalo, Missouri (Husband Phillip also uses this), pinkstarlights Heather & Ronald Landenberg, Bad Axe, MI, Plattes Decoys Benjamin Platte Saint Paul, Minnesota, Porters Handcrafted Decoys George Porter, pwkaufman DAK & dK (stylized monogram) David A. Kaufman Weymouth, MA, Racey Stacey Stacey Seeley Kalkaska, MI, r.a. Russ Allen Atlantic City, New Jersey, Racy Stacey Stacey Seeley Kalkaska, MI, Randall Decoy Co. George L. Randall Willmar, MN, RAS David Rasmussen Detroit Lakes MN, RB (Back to Back Monogram) Robert Mad Dog Billings Minocqua, WI, Red Feather on Bottom Mike Allsup Pine River, MN, REIGs Oliver Reigstad Duluth, Minnesota, Reigstad Decoys Oliver Reigstad Duluth, MN, R.E. Gift Subscription recipients agree to all above terms and conditions upon use of the Priority Ask Dr. Lori service. Usually the staff at these stores are more than willing to help you with this process. AXP mallards lead the category with a true-to-life flock of hens and drakes designed by world champion decoy carver Rick Johannsen. (8) miniature duck decoys by Miles Hancock, FIVE MINIATURE DECOYS. These models were larger in size, with solid bodies and iron nail bills. Produced decoys in the same style as Peterson and Dodge. 2) Monroe, TWO DUCK DECOYS. Can I send pics? J E Miller John E. Miller, Lancaster Co. PA. JFT James Francis Trowbridge Ontario, Canada, JH Harold Jenett or Jenette also uses HJ, JHF (Monogram Stamped in) John H. Fairfield Marenisco, MI, JK (Stylized Monogram) John Kalash Gibraltar, Michigan, JM A.J. Geoff Vine is an accomplished carver of contemporary decoys that are second to none. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Wooden duck. A: These are the duck decoy models that represent a fortune in any collectors portfolio: A: Adding life-like decoys around the water was an effective method to attract birds to the area Since ducks will always feel safer in groups, the more decoys the hunters added to the water, the more likely they were to attract their next prey. Lothrop also has another notable duck decoy called the Ruddy Turnstone. To the extent that I receive anything of value in connection with the Program, including but not limited to goods and services, I shall be responsible for all taxes and other obligations that are or may become due from me. The latest one was made less than a year ago, in 1956. I shall notify Producer and any network on which the Program will air immediately if any person attempts or has attempted to induce me to do anything in violation of the foregoing or which is in any way dishonest. 6 Decoys. Any sketch and/or photograph may show approximate dimensions and is not to be used as an exact measurement unless otherwise indicated. I accept the proposal for an Online Appraisal and I authorize Masterpiece Technologies Inc. to proceed with this appraisal. M. Johnston Lake Superior Spearing Decoys, pwkaufman DAK & dK (stylized monogram) , Great Lakes Fish Decoy Collectors and Carvers Assn. Mumford Russ E. Mumford West Lafayette, IN, RH Robert Bob Harwood Willsboro, NY, R. Hoppe Robert Hoppe Bay City, Michigan, RICHARDS Tom Richards (also signs with with a carved fish in belly of decoy) Cadillac, MN, Ripleys Decoy Minnow Horace E. Slim Ripley Alexandria, MN, RJL Ronald James Landenberg Bad Axe, MI, R.J. Mentzer Ralph J. Mentzer Youngstown, Ohio, RK collector-03 Ron Kimball Clearbrook, MN, RL Rager La Frambois Lasalle, Ontario, Canada, RP Russ Paenquist Chisholm, Minnesota, RSH Raymond S. Hatchew Big Rapids, MI, RW Decoys Rick Wirth Detroit Lakes, MN, R. Whittier Rick Whittier Lidgerwood, ND, RZ Raymond (Ray) S. Zelinski Yorktown Heights, New York, S Duane Steinkopf Fargo, North Dakota, Saucy Dancer Boone Bait Co. Donald F. Boone & Joseph S. Showalter -Winter Park,FL, Saxton Russell Wayne Saxton Ludington, MI, S. Bashore Sonny Bashore Paulding, OH, smokedmasquinongy Terrie Wise Randall, MN, Spiron Charles Spiron Goldsboro, North Carolina, stalkingmoon Harry Novak Somerset County, MD, starburst eyes Rudy Zwieg Alexandria, MN, stringwalker John R Templar Rochester, WA, S & W Ice Saws Harlan Wilkens & Roger Schmidt Plato, MN, Swift Creek Lures and Decoys Bill Grossman Midlothian, VI, T. Bachler Thomas J. Bachler Port Huron, MI, TB Trevor Barry West Central Minnesota, Templar Decoys John R Templar Rochester, WA, The Old Coots Place M. Wayne Baldwin Kenton, OH, The Woodcarver Bevy Williams Virginia Beach, VI. Duck decoys were not so popular among collectors until the mid-20th century. Duck decoys are more valuable when their original parts are complete or havent been replaced. His decoys were made in the great tradition of the Stratford School of carving and modeled initially after Albert Laing. To the extent I retain any interest in the Footage and Materials, I hereby grant and assign to Producer all rights of any nature in and to all such Footage and Materials. Unknown; Charles Ahner; Nubs Allen; Frank Ambrosich; Joe Anderlik; Andy Anderson; Don Anderson . A fisherman, marine carpenter and decoy maker who was born in Estonia and lived in Sonoma Creek, Calif., Janson was actively making decoys, circa 1900 to 1945. Duck decoy (model) - Wikipedia I hereby fully and unconditionally guarantee the performance of my childs/wards obligations and the grant of rights in and to the results and proceeds of my childs/wards activities as set forth above. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. No idea although there is a metal strap hammered with nails on the bottom where it started to crack. It made decoys in several grades, led by Challenge grade (#2) and Premier grade (#1). Some duck decoys were carved for hunting, some for decoration, while a few served both purposes. Huntsman here needed a huge variety of decoys for both individual and commercial use. I represent and warrant the following: (a) I have all necessary licenses, permits and other consents (if any) required to participate in the Activity and/or the Program and to provide the Materials to Producer and (b) My appearance in the Program is not a performance and is not employment and is not subject to any union or guild collective bargaining agreement, and does not entitle me to wages, salary, corporate benefits, unemployment or workers compensation benefits, or other compensation under any such collective bargaining agreement or otherwise. Includes. A scare Premier-grade pair of rig-mate red-breasted mergansers (one shown) by Mason sold for $42,000 + buyers premium in July 2019 at Decoys Unlimited Inc. Photo courtesy of Decoys Unlimited Inc. and LiveAuctioneers. In these events, youll be opportune to inspect subtle features put in by antique carvers. Many devices such as cell phones, tablets, personal computers, etc. Preening Black Duck A. Elmer Crowell (1862-1952), GROUP OF SEVEN MASON'S DUCK DECOYS. Duck Decoy Collectibles - Dr. Lori Ph.D. Antiques Appraiser Including one carved and, Three Duck Decoys: Three duck decoys including, 4 Decoy Ducks inc. Randal: 4 hand painted, Vintage American Wood Duck Decoy w/ Glass, Two duck decoys including Big Sky Carvers, Three Duck Decoys: Lot of three duck decoys, 2 Carved Duck Decoys: Two (2) hand painted, CARVED WOOD DUCK DECOY BY GRAYSON CHESSER, White and black painted wooden duck decoy, Group of 3 Wooden Duck Decoys,circa 1920s, Group of Six Duck Decoys to include three, Three Duck Decoys and a Fish Lure, two carved, TWO DUCK DECOYS. With the above information, you would be able to successfully delve into the vintage duck decoy ecosystem without any hindrance. Including: five hand-carved and painted decoys by Wally Whitford, Danbury, NH; four drakes from The Fleetwood Two Elmore duck decoys: black duck, base Two Elmore duck decoys: black duck, base marked "Sleeping black duck by Robert Elmore 1985. Great form and a decoy in original paint as well as condition, making this very collectible! The mason decoys were carved from white cedar, lathe patterned, and took pleasing shapes. Owned & Operated by Larrick Solutions 2000 - 2023 - All rights reserved. If participant is under eighteen years of age: I represent and warrant that I am the parent or guardian of the minor whose name appears above. Without in any way limiting the foregoing, I acknowledge and agree that Producer is under no obligation to select me to participate in the Activity or to include the Activity or the Footage and Materials in the Program. So, it follows that if the ducks are different, then the decoys must be different too. A mold-made bi-chrome ceramic vessel in the form of a seated Muscovy duck, its body fat, its head proudly forward . Therefore, they look for wood, cork, or canvas antique duck decoys. Passionate collectors know how to identify key markings, but those new in this domain might have struggles learning to recognize antique duck decoys. The original carver of the work is unknown, and all indications point out that no one will ever find out. The Graves antiques are more recent than the Holmes or Crowell pieces. Producer, its affiliates and employees and Dr. Lori are not responsible for judgments and decisions made based on the information provided. (inside fish symbol) John Swenson Frazee, MN, JS John Samuelson Native American Central Minnesota, J. Vannet James Vannet or Vannette WI, JW (monogram, the points of the W are arrowhead spear points) Jerry Wolinski Sterling Heights, MI, JW Casting Company Ogema, MN (See Jay Walz), K HDL Decoys Hewey, Duey & Lewey (See Robert Billings, John Surgent and George Kustin), Kaminen- Gary C.Kaminen Keewatin, MN garynmari, Kamis Karvings Keewatin,MN (See Gary Kaminen), kathyb67 The Old Coots Place Kathy & M. Wayne Baldwin Kenton, OH, KAW Kimberley Ann Winkelmann AKA Kimberley Richards, AKA Kimberley, Harrigan Kimberly (Tom Richards daughter), formerly Kimberly Richards Black Creek, Wisconsin, K & E Tackle Co. Ken & Evelyn Sprague Hastings, MI, Ken & Wanda Ken & Wanda Vickerman Deer River, MN, KB Ken & Bernie Brucklacher Wisconsin & Nevada, kcfish7022 Richard Aldrich Hibbing, MN, KC (inside fish logo) Richard R. & Kathryn Chris Aldrich Hibbing, MN, Kingfish Bar Lake Fishing Tackle Co. Manistee, MI (Soren Hansen & Everett Peterson), KR Kimberley Ann Winkelmann (AKA Kimberley Richards, AKA Kimberley Harrigan) Black Creek, Wisconsin However, the painted details were quite rudimentary. Both decoys have detailed paint designs, solid bodies, flat bottoms, and hollow centers. Duck Decoys. This in itself is a tricky task. This appraisal reflects the appraisers opinion of the fair market value which has been established by rarity, comparability to similar items in the current market being offered and sold at private galleries and public auctions, published sales records, desirability, condition, and recent market trends. Bjerring Aage or AAGE1 or AAGE (pronouced ownit), burnedpocket Brad Newell,Welland,Ontario, Butch . Hence the price ranges will differ. Decoys can be full-bodied or hollow, and posed in standing, swimming, preening or sleep. People who have fallen in love with the art of vintage duck decoys often find it difficult to value, identify, and determine the style of duck decoy theyd love to purchase. Antique items should look and feel old in your hands. Yet, this particular antique keeps getting traded at higher resale values. Masterpiece Technologies Inc. is not responsible for any problems caused by internet connections or access issues related to its website. Both carvers are renowned for their excellent accomplishments in the carving industry. Collectors are passionate and there are dedicated decoy auctions and shows as well as museums avidly collecting decoys and other wildlife art. Etsy is one of the best online sources for genuine antiques. He was renowned for his artistic vintage decoys that featured multiple intricate details. I understand that Masterpiece Technologies, Inc. (Producer) is producing video/web/YouTube series tentatively entitled Ask Dr. Lori LIVE (the Program), and that Producer would like for me to voluntarily participate in the production of the Program and engage in all activities associated with my participation in the Program (the Activity). A rare and important standing herring gull by Charles Shang Wheeler, made $15,000 + buyers premium in November 2017 at Guyette & Deeter. You must carefully inspect the duck item. Antique Duck Decoy: A Collector's Guide To Identification And . In the early days, most carvers engraved their initials and date on the bottom of the decoy. Choose quality over quantity and define the construction method you are interested in. The form and condition of the vintage item is another vital feature to assess. His decoys were said to be finished with a knife only. Are there any particular, unusual features the maker has added to the wood ducks? Beautiful Hand Carved Harlequin Drake Decoy: Collection of duck decoys golden eye drake, Collection of contemporary waterfowl decoys, Three Stained Wood Carved Duck Decoys Including, Group of six bird and duck decoys, Long-Billed, 4 1967 Victor Molded Plastic Duck Decoys
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