4 out of every 5 of your neighbours are dead. I suggest mounting the display on top of the dash, near your line of sight. First, they suggest turning off your engine when your car is parked for more than 10 seconds. Wrong! You simply plug the device into your car and it starts working. I actually blogged about the exact same OBD2 fuel saver, under a different name, earlier last month. At least Trump made the US self-sufficient in energy but Sleepy Joe undid all that. Where do you get your information,? Overall, Effuel works similarly to other OBDII performance chips sold online today. I'd also wire the gauge's internal lighting into the same circuit as the panel lights, so it dims along with the dash. Any engineers here? The links contained in this product review may result in a small commission if you opt to purchase the product recommended at no additional cost to you. The Ecobox OBD2 fuel saver device is a scam, does not work the way its advertised, is a complete waste of money, and should be avoided at all costs.7 Sept 2021. it took 3 seconds to google it and realize it was complete b*******. You'll need a lightly traveled road to use this, obviously, but a half-hour of paying close attention to what's going on under your right foot can save a lot of money. Arguably one of the largest impacts on the environment today is fuel consumption. MINE:optima 2.4 L 4 cyl.i didnt think it would actually work, what a surprise. Guidance, in the form of a dash-mounted display, will help. Therefore I must be wrong, right? Ecoplus will recognize your driving habits and your vehicle after 150 miles then adjust itself to suit your car perfectly for more fuel saving. And? You don't have to drive 55, but a judicious change in habits will save you money. Be careful, those wings wont fit on a bridge. Believing that not only demonstrates total ignorance of the proteins MOA, but it abundantly reveals the easily programmed, imbecilic nature of lemmings like yourself. You only need to plug it into your car's OBD2 port. Anytime the box is plugged into the OBD2 port it draws 50 milliamps, "draining a 40-amp-hour battery in a month," concludes Jones. In modern cars, the mixture ratio of air to fuel is constantly monitored and adjusted by the engine computer. Daveyyoure an i****. It works based on OBD2 protocols as remapping your vehicles computer ECU. All I know is Birds arent real. The truth is:Capitalism funds what socialism spends! Eco fuel saverworks well and is compatible with almost every car in the market that operates with the OBD2. I installed it on my 2015 F-150. Just like EcoBox ads! What these sites do is buy hundreds (if not thousands) of generic OBD2 fuel savers from China for $3 a piece (or less,) design their own packaging, and re-sell it to you for $40 a piece. Yeah, no. Does it really work? ***** ***** **** ** ** **** *** *** *** ***** ******** *** ****** ****** ** *********** ********* ******* *****, ******* *** ****** ** **** ********** ** *** *** ************** ** ****** ** ******* *** *** ** *******. Moore pushes for accelerated minimum wage hike tied to inflation, concerning state delegates; anti-abortion activists rally against legislation to protect procedure. Its a similar story with EcoBoxFuel.com, this site was created in June 2021. ECO OBD2 device is an innovative product designed to reduce fuel consumption and enhance driving performance while on the road. Lmao maybe they can hook it up to their on board diagnostic sarcasmometer. Simple facts, he also destroyed plans for a pipeline that could of supplied all of Europe. Just plug Effuel into your car's OBDII port (every car made since 1996. Yeah the EV cars are going to cost a shitload of money. Save your money, buy the gas you saved by not buying this device. You can follow these simple steps; EcoPlus tuning box only works within the tolerance of the engine and does not exceed the manufacturers requirements. The EcoPlus on the other hand organizes your cars fuel consumption no matter the model and optimizes it. If everyone wants your hotdogs but you only make half as much, come dinner you can charge more and sell them all! Some are just wacky, like the "ectoplasm trap" that promised to double your fuel economy with psychic energy. The EcoChip does not save fuel consumption in any way, the chip doesn't re-align the molecular structure of the fuel before it reaches the fuel injectors. For whatever you purchase this for but, its a scam. The best way to save fuel is - walk, or ride a bike (NOT A Harley). OBD2 connectors are accessible from the driver's side, typically found on the lower right side of the steering wheel. Every vehicle made in the last 30 years has an OBD-II port. Ecoplus fuel saver was created to help cut down the fuel consumption of your vehicle. Per Energy.gov, "Idling can use a quarter to a half-gallon of fuel per hour, depending on engine size and air conditioner use, adding up to three cents of wasted fuel a minute.". Is the eco OBD2 really work? - AnswerParadise.net All of you little panzy *** ******* need to sit down and shut your ******* **** ****ers, and open your eyes and ears. The EcoPLus adjusts itself to your car, after about 150 miles (200 km) of driving (road total), and it keeps remapping the engines control unit to reduce fuel consumption. Unfortunately, it does not work by design. You should have placed a link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3TvuettmrSs put it in a real car he blew a fuse and didnt do further testing, and in the comments there are multiple users that claim it works Both the videos here do not test functions one dude goes to the conclusion that data pins are connected but he doesnt know if it works meaning totally a waste of time to watch it the other guy proves that it gives no data out to the fake random generating values engine, within the first few minutes of operations, while the device claims that analyzed data and after many miles starts tuning the engine. Very useful for anyone looking to reduce fuel consumption and save some cash as well, I highly recommend, Cars with lots of horsepower are my favorite but it is not really economical to drive one around, say to work. There are plenty of other things you can monitor, too, such as manifold vacuum and fuel-injector opening. Using the ScanGauge, I've reduced the fuel consumed in my customary morning commute by a whopping 40 percent. People obviously have nothing, BETTER to do! Dont buy this unit. Switch on the ignition but do not start the car. Plug the EcoPlus device into the OBD2 connector of your car, turn on the ignition for 30 seconds and then turn on the engine. In theory, the EcoChip device is supposed to work by attaching to the OBD2 connector of your car. But unlike the ScanGauge, it keeps track of things such as the smoothness of your acceleration, how much you use the brakes and even whether you're accelerating too slowly (which can waste gas by keeping you in lower, less efficient gears longer). I can speak from personal experience. Seans comment is the correct take. Trump? I've found at least one vehicle that showed fuel economy several percent higher than the actual economy during expressway driving and several percent too low while driving in the city. We now have a President that is nothing more than a ********* that has dementia, and is nothing more than a puppet. WENT FROM 35 MPG TO UP TO 51 ON HWY, (IN HIGHER ELEVATIONS), AND 38 MPG CONSISTENTLY IN TOWN DRIVING HARD ( UP FROM 28-29), AND MUCH MORE RESPONSIVE-VERY IMPRESSED WITH PERFORMANCE. But usually have been dim but noticed they were alot better. This inexpensive solution can be attached to any vehicle. Eco fuel chip. For example, performance chips immediately lower a vehicle's horsepower if it senses this as the cause for engine overheating. It is super easy to introduce it to a car, and its function has no effect on the overall car. My strengths focus on anything uncommon in the car industry, the California car scene, and anything aftermarket performance. Effuel Reviews - Scam or Does Effuel OBD2 Fuel Saver Really Work? And yeah, the EcoBox is b****t. Nitro OBD2 / Eco OBD Chips - Car Performance Chip Reviews There is a true and oh so real agenda by those much more powerful than the president of the US and they will stop at nothing to see that their sick plan moves forward. Then, youll see a rise in fuel efficiency.10 Feb 2022. However, Effuel does claim to improve fuel efficiency by 15% to 35%. Keenso Car Fuel ECO Chip, Car ECO OBD2 Plug Drive Chip 15% Diesel Saving Fuel Economy Tuning Box Universal for Diesel Cars after 1996 Diagnostic Tools : Amazon.de: Automotive its just a 2 inch sleeve.4. All thumbs? This ad is hitting the UK right now along with other scam energy saving devices (plug this tiny device into your socket and itll warm your entire house for pennies). You have been listening to your buddy trump and all the crazy blogs that are put out there. pic.twitter.com/NmSqZsrfFV. Way way way too slow. Dr. Bea, you quack like a duck a s****d uninformed duck! You need to have your sarcasmometer calibrated, junior. Youre stupid if you think even a tenth of the people that voted for Trump, think or believe such nonsense. A lot of newer cars have real-time fuel-economy readouts on the instrument panel, although usually they are only one option on the driver information display, competing with such sundries as the trip odo, an outside air-temp readout or the oil-life monitor. Dont confuse me with the facts, my mind is made up. That should go on the next little red baseball cap. Time for us to vote all the long term politicians out. The EcoPlus fuel saver does not require any maintenance or servicing once installed and it works efficiently to reduce fuel consumption. So the gas company raised the price of gas 8 cents a gallon in the end everyone was happy. Im not sure Im saving any fuel but the truck thinks so. It's a device that claims to help anyone save on fuel expenses per year. All the unique features of this fuel saver are listed in this Ecoplus Review3. We also compared it to other similar fuel savers in the market and listened to what many people were saying about it. If it actually worked, the oil companies would have made the creator disappear long before the product ever hit the market. A fuel saver can be very effective for your car and the EcoPlus is the best in terms of how efficient it is when compared to others in the market. Do Engine Tuners Really Work? Here's the Facts | THE SHOP He only knows how to be a politician. Get yours now and start saving big on your fuel usage. No, the Ecotune OBD2 plug-and-play fuel saver does not work, is programmed to play a convincing sequence of LED lights, and is a waste of your time and money.Oct 7, 2021 Does Eco Chip really save fuel? How come people never run out of gas ? - Alt Car news, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3TvuettmrSs, What happens if you put ketchup in your gas tank? And for all of the anti-***** geniuses who are now screaming about how its *****s base who are the anti-vaccination people, I would like to take you back to a time where B**** and ****** were both talking **** about the v****** saying they would never take it cuz T*** had something to do with it are now pushing it like heroin dealers. But asi see it Biden is the only one who has the guts and common sense to do this gasoline thing and force or hands becoming green.Yeah were a bunch of childish very babies when our previous little wallet gets stung, but the EV auto market is finally taking off. How do they even survive from day to day? Effuel Reviews 2021 - Effuel ECO OBD2 Customer Complaints or Fuel Saver document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); Paulo Acoba is the person who pays the hosting & writes the words. 3 Gas Gadgets that Really Work: DIY Auto - Popular Mechanics RAN TWO WEEKS WITH IT OFF, RESET COMPUTER (DISCONNECT BATTERY)- MILEAGE DROPPED IMMEDIATELY, AND NOTICEABLE LOWER RESPONSIVENESS. It's kind of like hacking an iPhone now. However, the makers of EcoCel provide no further information about what their device does or how it works. Keenso Car Fuel ECO Chip, Car ECO OBD2 Plug Drive Chip 15% Diesel How long if it is imported can vary wildly. TRUEDAT. Ecoplus fuel saver is an electronic device or chip designed specifically to optimize the fuel consumption of your car, irrespective of the model or brand of your car. Thinking that Spike Protein isnt harmful is whats stupid. That just sounds awful. I see them advertised on YouTube all the time. He shut off the Keystone AND the Canadian oil pipelines (which brought canadian crude to US refineries) and in spite of the 0Biden misAdministration lying about American oil producers have all the tools they need to pump more oil, they just dont want to according to the ginger twit the government and the banks are making it very difficult to actually finance and get permits to drill. Try making some points instead with our near descendants dont they deserve to enjoy life too?So as much as it makes me want to commit social suicide by saying this No matterThanks Biden for facing an entire nation of political cry babies and really getting America moving on green motives. The results may vary depending on the case but fuel consumption is optimized to a minimum level. This fuel-saving process is not instantaneous, rather it takes about 200km of drive for the Ecoplus fuel saver to make a new map in your cars computer ECU. ECO OBD2 reduces fuel consumption and costs just as much as chips when compared with similar products. I guarantee your economy will improve, even if you're not consciously trying to drive carefully. But again wasnt sure if it was going to work. Totally loved how you explain that makes 100% sense cant believe so many people are scared sheep we just have to keep putting the truth out there and hopefully those v***d will leave us un****d folks alone! OBD is short for On-Board Diagnostics, and it's an industry standard for the interface to diagnostic equipment used by mechanics to repair and maintain the emissions control system. By themselves, each tip might not seem like a lot but, combined over time, the fuel-savings make a difference. Here are a few EcoChip reviews to help you decide if this device is best for you. The mechanic said we would experience much better gas mileage, and we did. Do obd2 fuel saver work? - walmart.keystoneuniformcap.com So if you want things to change vote out any member of congress that doesnt back more fuel efficient cars or is backed by mysterious pacs or doesnt support term limits for congress or has been in office before you were born!Now to fuel efficiency as I said before my 1960 36 hp VW Bug got 40 mpg. You can easily transfer it between cars as the EcoPlus device is a universal fit product and requires no setup. (Or pretended to?) With all the conspiracy theories floating around like turds in a toilet, people must think car companies are holding back 35% fuel savings because.? Just a flashing LED and does nothing else. So, I bought a scammy ODB fuel saver off EBay for 3 Euro, ripped out the PCB, and replaced it with a 5V regulator. Jason, you need to check yourself into a mental institution ASAP. We are 62 going on 63 years later and car companies cant even match that without the car being a hybrid. Besides this, the chip may assist in the collection of vehicle data such as the volume of gasoline consumed and other parameters such as . Also when you came to a hill you would have to press down on gas pedal more and since it has a dual Magniflow muffler you could hear motor when RPMs increased but noticed last night it seemed to have more power and took gas better and ran alot smootherAnd something else has happen too my dash & gauge lights are green in color. Told me the guarantee was for 30 days. Gas is expensive, they say, and the increased costs of driving have pushed them to desperation. In general, Effuel is an innovative product that can truly optimize your car's fuel system and save a lot of fuel bills. And now we are all at the bottom of the totem pole, if not dead. Call it what it is . As stated on its official. They dont. Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. Thanks for being SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO consistent(HAHAHANOT!) Everyone was happy it wasnt 77 cents a gallon anymore! **** **** ***** ********** ***** *** **** *** ****** *****. Was that Trumps fault? Hope I dont need a pilots license, but Ill cross that bridge when I come to it. Look it up. This is a fact. Effuel Reviews - Does Effuel ECO OBD2 Chip Really Save - Influencive You can see on their website information (linked here) they popped up two months ago. Also the oil companies are trying to regain their profit loss during the pandemic when a barrel of oil in April 2020 -$36.98 yes I wrote -$36.98. LMAOOO so true you have to be a real smooth brained r***** to fall for this kinda s***. Also, it. Effuel is a type of OBDII chip known as a performance chip, an OBDII dongle, or an OBD device. Can the EcoChip Really Help You Save on Fuel? Here's What We Know []. Then COVID hit. There was one years ago that snapped onto your fuel linehad powerful rare earth magnets in it that would align the fuel molecules to burn more efficiently.? Even before Trump took office, the United States had been projected to become a net energy exporter in the 2020s because favorable geology and technological developments result in the production of oil and natural gas at lower costs, according to the EIA. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'tiremeetsroad_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_10',113,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tiremeetsroad_com-large-leaderboard-2-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'tiremeetsroad_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_11',113,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tiremeetsroad_com-large-leaderboard-2-0_1');.large-leaderboard-2-multi-113{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}.