In 2010, the four were featured in a documentary film entitled Nuclear Tipping Point. Henry Alfred Kissinger (/ k s n d r /; born Heinz Alfred Kissinger [hants alft ks]; born Mey 27, 1923) is an American diplomat an poleetical scientist. In 1955, he was a consultant to the National Security Council's Operations Coordinating Board. The Paris peace talks had become stalemated by late 1969 owing to the obstructionism of the South Vietnamese delegation. Kissingeralong with William Perry, Sam Nunn, and George Shultzhas called upon governments to embrace the vision of a world free of nuclear weapons, and in three Wall Street Journal op-eds proposed an ambitious program of urgent steps to that end. I will not take advice from Henry Kissinger."[235]. "[147], Navasky later wrote in his book about being confronted by Kissinger, "'Tell me, Mr. Navasky,' [Kissinger] said in his famous guttural tones, 'how is it that a short article in a obscure journal such as yours about a conversation that was supposed to have taken place years ago about something that did or didn't happen in Argentina resulted in sixty people holding placards denouncing me a few months ago at the airport when I got off the plane in Copenhagen? [104] Kissinger in particular as part of the "Year of Europe" wanted to "revitalize" NATO, which he called a "decaying" alliance as he believed that there was nothing at present to stop the Red Army from overrunning Western Europe in a conventional forces conflict. In 1973 he was jointly awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace with Le Duc Tho of . Charlie Rose, reported in Bloomberg BusinessWeek, p. 20, October 2, 2014. There was student opposition to the appointment, which became a subject of media commentary. [39] An international order accepted by all of the major powers is "legitimate" whereas an international order not accepted by one or more of the great powers is "revolutionary" and hence dangerous. Haldeman and John Ehrlichman urged him to reconsider, arguing that Thiu's objections had merit. [24] In June 1945, Kissinger was made commandant of the Bensheim metro CIC detachment, Bergstrasse district of Hesse, with responsibility for denazification of the district. He questioned (Foreign Minister Cesar) Guzzetti and, finally, President Jorge R. Videla himself. From 1995 to 2001, Kissinger served on the board of directors for Freeport-McMoRan, a multinational copper and gold producer with significant mining and milling operations in Papua, Indonesia. He was given charge of a team in Hanover assigned to tracking down Gestapo officers and other saboteurs, for which he was awarded the Bronze Star. "Friends of China should not use the Olympics to pressure China now." [151], In contrast to the unfriendly disposition of the previous Kennedy and Johnson administrations towards the racist, corporatist Estado Novo regime of Portugal, particularly with regards to its stubborn, quixotic attempts to maintain the Portuguese Colonial Empire by waging the Portuguese Colonial War against anti-colonial rebellions in defence of its empire, the Department of State under Kissinger adopted a more conciliatory attitude towards Portugal. [26][27], Kissinger would later recall that his experience in the army "made me feel like an American". On December 1, 1971, after two years of skirmishes along the border, President Ahmed Hassan al-Bakr broke off diplomatic relations with Iran. Per Lennart Aae ( Saksamaa Rahvusdemokraatlik Partei) Frank Aaen ( Enhetslisten ), Taani Folketingi liige. David Young (Watergate) - David Young (Watergate) - [62] Kissinger had doubts about Nixon's theory of "linkage", believing that this would give the Soviet Union leverage over the United States and unlike Nixon was less concerned about the ultimate fate of South Vietnam. [30] His senior undergraduate thesis, titled The Meaning of History: Reflections on Spengler, Toynbee and Kant, was over 400 pages long, and was the origin of the current limit on length (35,000 words). At the ceremony were Mrs. Maginnes and Miss Maginnes's brother, David; Mr. Kissinger's brother, Walter, and his wife; Mr. Kissinger's two children from a previous marriage, Elizabeth, 15, and . Kissinger added that the virus does not know borders although global leaders are trying to address the crisis on a mainly national basis. Kissinger was criticised for not disclosing his role in the venture when called upon by ABC's Peter Jennings to comment the morning after the June 4, 1989, Tiananmen Square massacre. His trips paved the way for the groundbreaking 1972 summit between Nixon, Zhou, and Chinese Communist Party Chairman Mao Zedong, as well as the formalization of relations between the two countries, ending 23 years of diplomatic isolation and mutual hostility. He went on to earn an AAS in Nursing from Monroe County Community College in 2003 and his MICC Certification in Project Management from Medsphere University in 2009. U.S. arms sales to Indonesia continued, and Suharto went ahead with the annexation plan. Birth City: Frth. [185] Kissinger confirmed in recorded interviews with Woodward[186] that the advice was the same as he had given in a column in The Washington Post on August 12, 2005: "Victory over the insurgency is the only meaningful exit strategy. Moose - Kissinger's loyal aide. [39], Kissinger remained at Harvard as a member of the faculty in the Department of Government where he served as the director of the Harvard International Seminar between 1951 and 1971. "[212] He spoke to Edward Luce and a Financial Times audience in the same month. Arvo Aalto ( Soome Kommunistlik Partei ), Soome tjuminister. Chilean Socialist Party presidential candidate Salvador Allende was elected by a plurality of 36.2 percent in 1970, causing serious concern in Washington, D.C., due to his openly socialist and pro-Cuban politics. Rok 2023 (MMXXIII) gregorinskho kalende zaal v nedli 1. ledna a skon v nedli 31. prosince. Le Duc Tho to Henry Kissinger, October 27, 1973. Kissinger, along with South Africa's Prime Minister John Vorster, pressured Rhodesian Prime Minister Ian Smith to hasten the transition to black majority rule in Rhodesia. LA CONTROVERSIA DEL ESEQUIBO (1) - Born Paul David Hewson on May 10, 1960, in Dublin, Ireland, Bono is the son of a Roman Catholic postal worker and a Protestant motherwho died when he was just 14. [102] Kissinger has since expressed his regret over the comments.[103]. If I were to let myself be disturbed by the reactions of the public, if I were to act solely on the basis of a calculated technique, I would accomplish nothing. 1982 hatte er . [1], In May 2022, speaking to the World Economic Forum on the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, Kissinger advocated for a diplomatic settlement that would restore the status quo ante bellum, effectively ceding Crimea and parts of Donbas to Russian control. In 1982, with the help of a loan from the international banking firm of E.M. Warburg, Pincus and Company,[43] Kissinger founded a consulting firm, Kissinger Associates, and is a partner in affiliate Kissinger McLarty Associates with Mack McLarty, former chief of staff to President Bill Clinton. He also serves as an honorary advisor to the United States-Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce. "[205], Following the publication of his book titled World Order, Kissinger participated in an interview with Charlie Rose and updated his position on Ukraine, which he sees as a possible geographical mediator between Russia and the West. He had a younger brother, businessman Walter (19242021). Is Henry Kissinger Gay? [221] British-American journalist and author Christopher Hitchens authored The Trial of Henry Kissinger, in which Hitchens calls for the prosecution of Kissinger "for war crimes, for crimes against humanity, and for offenses against common or customary or international law, including conspiracy to commit murder, kidnap, and torture". He was in government during the Cold War and promoted what he called "realpolitik" in dealing with the Soviet Union and Communist China. Who is who in the Nixon/Kissinger White House By this time he was arguably "one of the most important theorists about foreign policy ever to be produced by the United States of America", according to his official biographer Niall Ferguson. [182] Most importantly he dismissed the notion of Serbs and Croats being aggressors or separatist, saying that "they can't be separating from something that has never existed". [170] In February 2000, then-president of Indonesia Abdurrahman Wahid appointed Kissinger as a political advisor. Conversation Among President Nixon, the President's Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger), and the President's Chief of Staff (Haldeman), Washington, November 5, 1971, 8:159:00am", "Nixon Disallowed Jewish Advisors From Discussing Israel Policy", "In Tapes, Nixon Rails About Jews and Blacks", "Book says Kissinger delayed telling Nixon about Yom Kippur War", "Kissinger wants Israel to know: The U.S. saved you during the 1973 war", "The Assad Family: Nemesis to 9 U.S. Presidents", "A European voice in the Arab world: France, the superpowers and the Middle East, 197074", " [Kissinger's apology for Cyprus]", Alleged Assassination Plots Involving Foreign Leaders (1975), "Opponent of Chilean Junta Slain in Washington by Bomb in His Auto", "As Door Opens for Legal Actions in Chilean Coup, Kissinger Is Numbered Among the Hunted", Kissinger's Shadow: The Long Reach of America's Most Controversial Statesman, "Family to Sue Kissinger For Death September 6, 2001", "How Much Did the US Know About the Kidnapping, Torture, and Murder of Over 20,000 People in Argentina? [122] Kissinger described the Baathist regime in Iraq as a potential threat to the United States and believed that building up Iran and supporting the peshmerga was the best counterweight. [1] [35][36], His doctoral dissertation was titled Peace, Legitimacy, and the Equilibrium (A Study of the Statesmanship of Castlereagh and Metternich). Inside Kissinger's soul", "The meaning of history: reflections on Spengler, Toynbee and Kant", "Kissinger, Harvard And the FBI | News | The Harvard Crimson", "How America Can Shore Up Asian Order A Strategy for Restoring Balance and Legitimacy", "A World Restored: Europe After Napoleon", "History of the National Security Council, 19471997", "The Nobel Peace Prize 1973 Henry Kissinger, Le Duc Tho", "Getting to Beijing: Henry Kissinger's Secret 1971 Trip", "The Nobel Peace Prize 1973: Presentation Speech by Mrs. Aase Lionaes, Chairman of the Nobel Committee of the Norwegian Storting", "Dissent from US Policy towards East Pakistan", "The act of defiance that infuriated Henry Kissinger", "The Tilt: The U.S. and the South Asian Crisis of 1971", "150. [44] Initially upset when Nixon won the Republican nomination, the ambitious Kissinger soon changed his mind about Nixon and contacted a Nixon campaign aide, Richard Allen, to state he was willing to do anything to help Nixon win. During Nazi rule, Kissinger and his friends were regularly harassed and beaten by Hitler Youth gangs. John F. Kennedy's Alliance for Progress was ended in 1973. In 2019, Kissinger wrote about the increasing tendency to give control of nuclear weapons to computers operating with artificial intelligence (AI) that: "Adversaries' ignorance of AI-developed configurations will become a strategic advantage". Henry Kissinger - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre Esto an no . Kissinger graduated in 2001 from Vincennes University with an associate degree. The name of Henry's son is David Kissinger. His studies were interrupted in early 1943, when he was drafted into the U.S. Bundesliga.[244]. David Kissinger. He also expressed concern that the inclusion of the Portuguese Communist Party in the new Portuguese government could legitimise communist parties in other NATO member states, such as Italy. [85] By November 1974, Kissinger lobbied Brezhnev to end Soviet military aid to North Vietnam. As of 2022, David Kissinger has an approximate net worth of $15 million, thanks to the film industry. Though privately continuing to view Portugal contemptibly for its atavistic foreign policy towards Africa, Kissinger publicly expressed thanks for Portugal's agreement to use its military base in Lajes in the Azores to resupply Israel in the Yom Kippur War. He stressed that the key is not a purely national effort but greater international cooperation. [109] According to Kissinger, he was notified at 6:30a.m. (12:30pm. In 1973, Kissinger received the U.S. Bjarne Aagaard Strm ( Venstre ), Norra Stortingi asendusliige. I don't believe we did anything for Pol Pot. Communism is both radical and conservative in spirit, hardly surprising as it's a deeply moralistic ideology that developed in reaction to the revolutionary upheavals of capitalism. Kissinger said he didn't approve of this due to the genocide and said he "would not have dealt with Pol Pot for any purpose whatsoever." [213] Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy rejected Kissinger's suggestions, saying Ukraine would not agree to peace until Russia agreed to return Crimea and the Donbas region to Ukraine. And I care about the fact that they believe in me when you sway or convince somebody, you shouldn't confuse them. Henry Kissinger - Taddlr [1] [2] David Kissinger Wiki Age Income, Net Worth, Biography And Many More He is known for Eagleheart (2011), Andy . Collected documentation for Kissinger's memoirs. From their marriage, Henry and Ann shared two children; a son and a daughter. After Kissinger left office in 1977, he was offered an endowed chair at Columbia University. Hn on asunut Yhdistyneess kuningaskunnassa 1970-luvun puolivlist lhtien. American writer and businessman; son of Henry Kissinger. But at 99, the former secretary of state says he has become "obsessed" with a very modern concern . And people feel it, and believe in it. The legendary debate that laid down US political lines on race, justice and history. In short, a Western. : Toward a Diplomacy for the 21st Century. (Public Affairs, 2005). Trending. In July 1983 he was appointed by President Reagan to chair the National Bipartisan . He played for the youth team of SpVgg Frth, which was one of the nation's best clubs at the time. Ambassador to Buenos Aires Robert C. Hill "'was shaken, he became very disturbed, by the case of the son of a thirty-year embassy employee, a student who was arrested, never to be seen again,' recalled Juan de Onis, former reporter for The New York Times. Henry Kissinger Biographical . V esk republice m 250 pracovnch dn a 13 sttnch a ostatnch svtk, z toho 10 jich pipad na mimovkendov dny. [74] Nixon wanted 69 amendments to the draft peace agreement included in the final treaty, and ordered Kissinger back to Paris to force Th to accept them. They had two children, Elizabeth and David, and divorced in 1964. [149], Kissinger was in favor of accommodating Brazil while it pursued a nuclear weapons program in the 1970s. Producers David Kissinger Net Worth David Kissinger Net Worth 2023, Age, Height, Relationships, Married, Dating, Family, Wiki Biography Henry Kissinger's Personal Life and Wife. Cuba refused. "[217] The insight, "Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac", is widely attributed to him, although Kissinger was paraphrasing Napoleon Bonaparte. We're interested in this case.' [73] Thiu refused to sign the peace agreement and demanded very extensive amendments that Kissinger reported to Nixon "verge on insanity". Conspectus of History 1.2 (1975). Nothing. '. Kissinger Weds Nancy Maginnes - The New York Times [104] The "linkage" concept more applied to the question of security as Kissinger noted that the United States was going to sacrifice NATO for the sake of "citrus fruits". ", "How Henry Kissinger Conspired Against a Sitting President", "1980 Cleveland: "There You Go Again!" He, at one time in fact, sent me a back-channel telegram saying that the Foreign Minister, who had just come for a visit to Washington and had returned to Buenos Aires, had gloated to him that Kissinger had said nothing to him about human rights. [114] The arms lift enraged King Faisal of Saudi Arabia, and he retaliated on October 20, 1973, by placing a total embargo on oil shipments to the United States, to be joined by all of the other oil-producing Arab states except Iraq and Libya. "[230] Johannes Kadura offers a positive assessment of Nixon and Kissinger's strategy, arguing that the two men "simultaneously maintained a Plan A of further supporting Saigon and a Plan B of shielding Washington should their maneuvers prove futile." Henry Kissinger - Wikipedia [192] A few months before the Games opened, as controversy over China's human rights record was intensifying due to criticism by Amnesty International and other groups of the widespread use of the death penalty and other issues, Kissinger told the PRC's official press agency Xinhua: "I think one should separate Olympics as a sporting event from whatever political disagreements people may have had with China. . [99][100][101], Kissinger had also come under fire for private comments he made to Nixon during the BangladeshPakistan War in which he described Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi as a "bitch" and a "witch". voluissem notavissent contulisti componens proferendo value in Gematria [45] After Nixon became president in January 1969, Kissinger was appointed as National Security Advisor. [59] While American ambassador to the UN George H. W. Bush was lobbying for the "two Chinas" formula, Kissinger was removing favorable references to Taiwan from a speech that Rogers was preparing, as he expected China to be expelled from the UN. Kissinger was a Jewish refugee who fled Nazi Germany with his family in 1938. He joined the band U2 in . Gave this guy an hour to pony up a real name and stand fast. Keys, Barbara, "Henry Kissinger: The Emotional Statesman". Republished with the permission of The Cambridge Union (https://www.cus.. Firstly, Henry married Ann Fleischer on the 6th of February 1949. ISBN -684-85567-4; 2002. David Kissinger and Elizabeth Kissinger: Who are Henry Kissinger's On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Remember that Karl Marx himself recognized capitalism as the most transformative system developed by mankind. Henry Kissinger - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [119], In contrast, Kissinger's negotiations with Sadat, though not without difficulties, were more fruitful. ' ( : Henry Alfred Kissinger; - 27 1923) -, , . Army. We didn't want the Vietnamese to dominate. [128][129][130]:115[130]:495[131]:177, On September 11, 1973, Allende died during a military coup launched by Army Commander-in-Chief Augusto Pinochet, who became president. "[215], On 18 January 2023 Kissinger was interviewed by Graham Allison for a World Economic Forum audience; he said that US support should be intensified until either the 24 February borders are reached or the 24 February borders are recognized, upon which time under a ceasefire agreement negotiations would begin. [93] Fallaci, on her part, later described the interview with the evasive, monotonous, non-expressive Kissinger as the most uncomfortable and most difficult she ever did, criticizing Kissinger as a "intellectual adventurer" and a self-styled Metternich. [179], In an interview with Charlie Rose on August 17, 2017, Kissinger said about President Trump: "I'm hoping for an Augustinian moment, for St. Augustine who in his early life followed a pattern that was quite incompatible with later on when he had a vision, and rose to sainthood. However, many scholars, including Kissinger's biographer Walter Isaacson, have disagreed and argued that his experiences influenced the formation of his realist approach to foreign policy. [154] Accordingly, Suharto delayed the operation for one day. Henry Kissinger - Wikipedia [73] On October 21 Kissinger and the American ambassador Ellsworth Bunker arrived in Saigon to show Thiu the peace agreement. [39] Thus, when after the Congress of Vienna in 1815, the leaders of Britain, France, Austria, Prussia, and Russia agreed to co-operate in the Concert of Europe to preserve the peace after Austria, Prussia, and Russia participated in a series of three Partitions of Poland, in Kissinger's viewpoint this international system was "legitimate" because it was accepted by the leaders of all five of the Great Powers of Europe. Acadmico. [60] During his second visit to Beijing, Kissinger told Zhou that according to a public opinion poll 62% of Americans wanted Taiwan to remain a UN member, and asked him to consider the "two Chinas" compromise to avoid offending American public opinion. GitHub export from English Wikipedia. Menu. "Henry Kissinger on Russian election interference (Aug 17, 2017) | Charlie Rose Web Extra", "Charlie Rose A panel on the crisis in Bosnia", "Charlie Rose An interview with Henry Kissinger", "Charlie Rose An hour with former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger", "Secret Reports Dispute White House Optimism", "Iraq is Becoming Bush's Most Difficult Challenge", "Pioneers of U.S.-China Relations Attend Olympics", "Henry Kissinger: 'We are in a very, very grave period', "Kissinger Warns Biden of U.S.China Catastrophe on Scale of WWI", "Kissinger says failure to mend U.S.-China trade relations would be 'worse than the world wars that ruined European civilization', "Kissinger backs direct U.S. negotiations with Iran", "Henry Kissinger warns destroying Isis could lead to 'Iranian radical empire', "Kissinger: To Prevent Regional Explosion, US Must Thwart Iranian Expansionism", "Henry Kissinger: To settle the Ukraine crisis, start at the end", "Henry Kissinger has 'advised Donald Trump to accept' Crimea as part of Russia", "Kissinger advises Trump to accept Crimea as Russia Bild", "Kissinger says Ukraine should cede territory to Russia to end war", "Henry Kissinger: 'We are now living in a totally new era', "Zelenskyy rejects Kissinger plan to concede territory to Russia; Ukraine hero alive, in Russian custody: Live updates", "Henry Kissinger reflects on leadership, global crises and the state of U.S. politics", "A Conversation with Henry Kissinger: Historical Perspectives on War", "Authors: Men's power is sexy, women's suspect", "Fareed Zakaria GPS: Islamic Infighting, Iran versus Saudi Arabia; Inside the Oil Kingdom; Kim Jong-Un's Quest for the H-Bomb; Interview with Niall Ferguson; Interview with Gary Kasparov", "Warrant Sought for the Arrest of Henry Kissinger", "Why the law wants a word with Kissinger", "Latest Nixon Tape Buries Kissinger's Reputation", "Richard Nixon and Henry A. Kissinger on 6 October 1972", "Hillary Clinton's Ties to Henry Kissinger Come Back to Haunt Her", "Henry Kissinger, Hillary Clinton's Tutor in War and Peace", "Why Bernie Sanders sees Henry Kissinger's controversial history as an asset", "NBC Universal Television Studio Co-President David Kissinger Joins Conaco Productions as New President", "The Five Most Influential People in American Soccer", "Der berhmteste Fan Henry A. Kissinger Reisender in Sachen Weltpolitik", "Kissinger keeps promise to attend Greuther Fuerth game", "National Winners | public service awards", "Halem Globetrotters still inspire hoop screams", "Founding Council | The Rothermere American Institute", "History of CFR Council on Foreign Relations", "Henry Kissinger ber die USA, China und die Zukunft der Welt", "Theranos is getting rid of high-profile board members including Henry Kissinger and George Shultz", "How Elizabeth Holmes convinced powerful men like Henry Kissinger, James Mattis, and George Shultz to sit on the board of now disgraced blood-testing startup Theranos", "KV Kumar Receives Ellis Island Medal of Honor from National Ethnic Coalition of Organizations, Honored for Exceptional Commitment to Volunteer Service". Ben Kiernan, "The Pol Pot Regime: Race, Power and Genocide under the Khmer Rouge (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2003), xi, note 3. [37] In his PhD dissertation, Kissinger first introduced the concept of "legitimacy",[38] which he defined as: "Legitimacy as used here should not be confused with justice. Nov 9, 2022. [108] Kissinger later admitted that he was so engrossed with the Paris peace talks to end the Vietnam war that he and others in Washington missed the significance of the Egyptian-Saudi alliance. Historian David Rothkopf has looked at the personalities of Nixon and Kissinger, saying: They were a fascinating pair. In December 1975, Suharto discussed invasion plans during a meeting with Kissinger and President Ford in the Indonesian capital of Jakarta. So, anyone can wonder what is David Kissinger's net worth. Kissinger urged Ukrainians to "match the heroism they have shown with wisdom", arguing that "[p]ursuing the war beyond that point would not be about the freedom of Ukraine, but a new war against Russia itself. Den amerikanske drm - Wikipedia, den frie encyklopdi The talks concluded with a rapprochement between the United States and China, and the formation of a new strategic anti-Soviet Sino-American alignment. In early 1969, Kissinger was opposed to the plans for Operation Menu, the bombing of Cambodia, fearing that Nixon was acting rashly with no plans for the diplomatic fall-out, but on March 16, 1969. [120], A major concern for Kissinger was the possibility of Soviet influence in the Persian Gulf. Instead the consequences of what I do, I mean the public's judgment, have never bothered me. After the involvement of the Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces in the independence struggles in Angola and Mozambique, Kissinger said that unless Cuba withdrew its forces relations would not be normalized. 3.2 llamok vezetinek listja 2023-ban. He won a Nobel Peace Prize for the ceasefire, but the agreement fell . He was preceded by Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, and succeeded by Justice Sandra Day O'Connor. Christopher Clary, "Tilting at windmills: The flawed US policy toward the 1971 Indo-Pakistani war". Henry Kissinger, in full Henry Alfred Kissinger, (born May 27, 1923, Frth, Germany), American political scientist, who, as adviser for national security affairs and as secretary of state, was a major influence in the shaping of U.S. foreign policy from 1969 to 1976 under Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford. Henry Alfred Kissinger, szletsi nevn Heinz Alfred Kissinger (Frth, 1923. mjus 27. [82] After the Fall of Saigon in 1975, Kissinger attempted to return the award. 3.4 2023 a lgi kzlekedsben. -) Nobel-bkedjas nmetorszgi szlets amerikai diplomata, politikus, politolgus, r s trtnsz.Nemzetbiztonsgi ftancsad, majd klgyminiszter (Secretary of State) a Nixon-kormnyban, mely tisztsgben a Watergate-botrny (1974) utn a Gerald Ford vezette j . Nor can you even simply calculate. This amazing, romantic character suits me precisely because to be alone has always been part of my style or, if you like, my technique. In 1974 Henry married socialite Nancy Maginnes. [243] In September 2012 Kissinger attended a home game in which SpVgg Greuther Frth lost, 02, against Schalke, after promising years ago he would attend a Greuther Frth home game if they were promoted to the Bundesliga, the top football league in Germany, from the 2. With FRELIMO in control of Mozambique and even the apartheid regime of South Africa withdrawing its support, Rhodesia's isolation was nearly complete. All he needs is to be alone, to show others that he rides into the town and does everything by himself. Henry Alfred Kissinger (fdt Heinz Alfred Kissinger; 27. maj 1923) er en tyskfdt amerikansk politiker, diplomat og geopolitisk konsulent, der fungerede som USA's udenrigsminister og USA's nationale sikkerhedsrdgiver under prsidenterne Richard Nixon og Gerald Ford. [11] The surname Kissinger was adopted in 1817 by his great-great-grandfather Meyer Lb, after the Bavarian spa town of Bad Kissingen. [79] Kissinger wrote to the Nobel Committee that he accepted the award "with humility",[80][81] and "donated the entire proceeds to the children of American servicemembers killed or missing in action in Indochina".
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