Dare County Schools had narrowed its applicants from seven semifinalists to three and finally chose Sue Burgess, who was working as the superintendent in Spotsylvania County Schools in. Office: 252-232-2223 . Gun discovered in staff vehicle at Fir Its very rewarding to be able to see people excited about what they can create, Fourth Circuit Court affirms earlier ruling in favor of Mid-Currituck Bridge project, Barco man under $100,000 bond for stolen vehicle, drug charges, Target in Kill Devil Hills to open on April 2, Traffic hazard resolved at Colington/US 158. Which season is most enjoyable on the Outer Banks? Public schools matter. Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent/Board of Education. Jennifer Parish, the divisions current superintendent, plans to retire in June. A firearm is found in a staff members car on school property and you call it a confidential personnel matter. There had to be some other circumstance that initiated the search. Administering the oath is Dare County Clerk of Court Dean M. Tolson. Cute comment from Ballance taking shots at previous administrations when she single handily allowed bedlam in board meetings for 12 months. Tillett currently is assistant superintendent in Dare County. Steve Basnight. This coastal school system has the highest average teacher - WRAL Dare school board, Farrelly reach settlement agreement On June 14, 2022, Dare County Board of Education named Steven G. Blackstock interim superintendent for Dare Schools, effective July 1. Alex Granados | More details needed. Dare County Schools Superintendent John Farrelly to retire - Beach 104 Steve Basnight, a former Hyde County Schools Superintendent and former Interim Principal at Cape Hatteras Secondary School of Coastal Studies, was named the new superintendent of Dare County Schools after a closed-door meeting of the Dare County Board of Education (BOE) on Wednesday, November 2. About Dare Dare County Schools is located on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. Dare County Schools (DCS) Superintendent John Farrelly formally announced on Wednesday, May 25, 2022, that he will be retiring at the end of the 2023 school year effective June 30th. Learn more about our community and what makes our county a great place to live, work and learn! Thank you, Dare County teachers and staff members. Steve Basnight, a longtime Dare County educator and former Hyde County Schools superintendent, will return to Dare County Schools as its new superintendent following the unanimous approval of his contract by the Dare County Board of Education during a special meeting on Nov. 2. November 26, 2015, by Mr. Tillett has. Great choice. (l) It is an affirmative defense to a prosecution under subsection (b) or (f) of this section that the person was authorized to have a concealed handgun in a locked vehicle pursuant to subsection (k) of this section and removed the handgun from the vehicle only in response to a threatening situation in which deadly force was justified pursuant to G.S. Teachers matter. Site Map | Search | Legal Notices | Accessibility 302 Dare Road Yorktown, Virginia 23692 Phone: 757-898-0300 FAX: 855-878-9063 Division Superintendent: Victor D. Shandor, Ed.D. School Board. Basnight also served as principal of the J.P. Knapp Early College in Currituck before becoming superintendent of Hyde County Schools. Both Mary Ellon Ballance, who chairs the committee, and board and committee member Susan Bothwell wanted to proceed now with this initial superintendent search conducted in-house. Additional members of the committee are principals Rachel Benton of Cape Hatteras Elementary School, who attended the meeting electronically; Tami Harper of Manteo Middle School; and Chuck Lansing of First Flight High School. Blue, we are now posting an update with new information, including the identity of the person arrested. Students in Dare County Schools graduate at significantly higher rates than other districts in North Carolina. Attending this first meeting were Board of Education and ad hoc committee members Ballance, who chairs the group, Bothwell and Woody. Alex Granados | When approved, the vacancy announcement calling for applications will run for 45 days while the survey will have a three-week time period. The K-9 alerted to the presence of a controlled substance and a search of the vehicle was conducted. Steve Basnight In addition to this benefit, we . He graduated from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington before becoming a middle school social studies teacher, starting a 29 . Reprinted courtesy of Outer Banks Voice Nov. 2, 2022, Educator had previously spent 28 years in the district. I like the comparison of the county to the ship (having just retired from the CGAux after 18 years myself). Law enforcement controlled this investigation from the outset, and the safety of students and staff of First Flight High School was not compromised, soa lock down was not needed. https://www.outerbanksvoice.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/20230301-222407.mp3. The documents are the vacancy announcement for the superintendent position and a survey to provide opportunity for school system employees, parents, students and others to provide insights on the system and superintendent position. The committee delved into process and timeline. About Us. Courtesy Dare County Schools. Nags Head, NC. In July I will be visiting each school, meeting with each principal, and informally meeting as many staff as I can. You folks that get hysterical at the very mention of a gun need to educate yourselves. I want our school system to bein Dare County terms, a lighthouse for the rest of the state for how we treat our staff and for the work that we are committed to doing for the students in our schools because they deserve no less.. Basnight added, I cant wait to see some familiar faces and colleagues, meet some new people and get in the schools and work alongside our incredible staff to move Dare County Schools forward.. So glad they went in house. Dare County Schools (DCS) Superintendent John Farrelly announced that he would retire at the end of the school year in June of 2023, per an emailed letter that was sent to DCS families on Wednesday afternoon, May 25. 22 North Carolina school districts with new superintendents - EducationNC Basnight added, I cant wait to see some familiar faces and colleagues, meet some new people and get in the schools and work alongside our incredible staff to move Dare County Schools forward.. Thank you for your commitment to our mission and for what you do on a daily basis for students, each other, and our community. Approximately 93% of students graduate from high school. All schools in Dare County meet or exceed growth each year. "We held multiple parent and staff sessions where we shared research illustrating the academic benefits of children becoming bilingual. Currituck County Schools; Overview; Office of the Superintendent. Rena is the kindest, most genuine person I know, my best friend and shes been a rock for me since I began my first superintendent position 13 years ago. Superintendent. Basnight will succeed interim Superintendent Steve Blackstock, who was appointed to that post in July after the sudden resignation of then Superintendent John Farrelly. Learn more about our mission! Title: Teacher. Once the attorney review is finished, board Chairman David Twiddy will be asked to call a special meeting most likely virtual for board members to vote on the vacancy announcement and the survey content. And, the police can easily check to determine if the person had the proper credentials. Over 50 . Solid understanding of Dare county. Posted: March 01, 2023. Published 8:25 am Wednesday, July 13, 2022, Steve Blackstock, center, was sworn in as interim superintendent of Dare County Schools on July 1, 2022. (k) The provisions of this section shall not apply to a person who has a concealed handgun permit that is valid under Article 54B of this Chapter, or who is exempt from obtaining a permit pursuant to that Article, if any of the following conditions are met: (1) The person has a handgun in a closed compartment or container within the persons locked vehicle or in a locked container securely affixed to the persons vehicle and only unlocks the vehicle to enter or exit the vehicle while the firearm remains in the closed compartment at all times and immediately locks the vehicle following the entrance or exit. Nags Head Board tables proposed zoning First Flight High employee arrested on Basnight and Bonner Bridge Pier inspec Its very rewarding to be able to see people excited about what they can create, Fourth Circuit Court affirms earlier ruling in favor of Mid-Currituck Bridge project, Barco man under $100,000 bond for stolen vehicle, drug charges, Target in Kill Devil Hills to open on April 2, Traffic hazard resolved at Colington/US 158. I want our school system to bein Dare County terms, a lighthouse for the rest of the state for how we treat our staff and for the work that we are committed to doing for the students in our schools because they deserve no less.. Not attending were Joe Tauber and Carl Woody. Dare County Schools is a progressive public school district in Eastern North Carolina. I will retire effective June 30, 2023. February 8, 2021, by Division Superintendent York County School Division. A map indicating the location of Dare County Schools district in North Carolina. By Mary Helen Goodloe-Murphy. Cape Hatteras Secondary School offers students an exciting opportunity to partner with a local Coastal Studies Institute to learn more about the rich ecosystems on the Outer Banks. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); We'll never share your e-mail address with anyone. Teachers that work for Dare County Schools have the option of living in one of our teacher housing apartment complexes. Arty Tillett, an administrator with Dare County Schools in North Carolina, will take over Poquoson City Public Schools as superintendent this summer. About Dare Dare County Schools is located on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. Sometime after the tragic accident, I commented, I would love to see Steve B, be able to take this position on. Per the Outer Banks Voice, before Edgecombe, Farrelly was superintendent of Washington County, N.C. schools for three years and assistant superintendent of Alleghany County, N.C. schools for eight years. Statistical Profile, Public School Personnel, Table A6, Statistical Profile, Pupil Information, Table 10, Statistical Profile, Financial Information, Table 25, North Carolina DPI Cohort Graduation Rates, Against guidance, Dare County Board of Education votes not to actively promote vaccines, Governors announcement on in-person learning leaves some education leaders bewildered, Blooming partners: Conetoe and Cape Hatteras, A dream fulfilled: A college experience for students with intellectual disabilities, Live United: From Cape Hatteras to Conetoe, Problems exist with principal salary structure in North Carolina.

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