We recommend using Planning Portal, but you can also download a copy of the paper application forms. Planning policy, planning applications and other information about planning building and development work in Croydon. NEW Help improve this site by During a site visit, the local planning authority may also check compliance with other permissions and planning obligations which apply to the site. Council recently received a request from the owners of Croydon Central Shopping Centre to amend the approved plans that form part of the Development Plan Overlay (Schedule 6), within the Maroondah Planning Scheme. A fee must be paid to the local planning authority for a lawful development certificate which is calculated in the following way: There are, however, circumstances where the following rules apply instead: Paragraph: 024 Reference ID: 22-024-20180222. The flat rate fee can only be applied where the reserved matter(s) application(s) is by the same applicant in respect of the same outline permission. NEW Help improve this site by If the application cannot be validated, the local planning authority must notify and return the fee to the applicant, as required by regulation 3(5) of the 2012 Fees Regulations. Unless there are good planning reasons, the majority of decisions are based on ourplanning policies. This will have your pre-application reference number and how much you need to pay. The planning fee is paid to the local planning authority whose area contains the largest part of the application site. Fees cannot be adjusted once paid and where the local planning authority has validated the application and accepted the planning application fee is correct, except in the case of deemed applications. Want to speak with Croydon Council? Various planning applications have been submitted to Croydon Council, with some decisions also made this week. We stand out from other Consultancies as the majority of our Consultants have previously worked on the Planning Teams of London Borough or South East England Councils. Paragraph: 033 Reference ID: 22-033-20141017. Make a planning application as a homeowner Make a planning application as a developer Search for planning applications Comment or object to a planning application Croydon's local. Paragraph: 046 Reference ID: 22-046-20180222. There are a few exceptions to this, including: Paragraph: 041 Reference ID: 22-041-20141017. Paragraph: 063 Reference ID: 22-063-20180222. Paragraph: 045 Reference ID: 22-045-20141017. The Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications, Deemed Applications, Requests and Site Visits) (England) Regulations 2012 as amended, set out 13 categories of development and the fee that the local planning authority will require to determine an application under each of the categories. If anything is missing or insufficient we will write and tell you within 5 working days. Our planning consultant services including Retrospective Planning, Permitted Development, Building Controls, Architect Drawings, and Change Of Use Class can help and give free advice in: Addington, Addiscombe, Beddington, Coulsdon, Crystal Palace, Forestdale, Hamsey Green , Kenley, Norbury, Purley, Sanderstead, Selhurst, Selsdon, Shirley, South Croydon, South Norwood, Thornton Heath, Upper Norwood, Waddon and the following postcodes; CR0 CR2 CR3 CR4 CR5 CR6 CR7 CR8 CR9 CR44 and CR90. Croydon Council Bernard Weatherill House 8 Mint Walk Croydon, CR0 1EA; Accessibility. The quickest way to submit your application is online through Planning Portal. Croydon Council Planning Applications, Appeals & Architectural Drawings. You can also join our user research group to receive invites to activities and surveys to help shape future improvements to the site. We are committed to making our website accessible to all visitors. This lets you fill out the application form, upload supporting documents and pay your fees. Under the Planning Guarantee, the planning application fee must be refunded to applicants where no decision has been made within 26 weeks (unless a longer period has been agreed in writing between the applicant and the local planning authority) (see regulation 9A of the 2012 Fees Regulations). You have rejected additional cookies. In any other case, the fee for a county matter application which is on a site which crosses local planning authority boundaries will be 150% of the fee which would have been payable if the application had fallen to be made to a single authority or the sum of the fees payable for each part of the site calculated separately, whichever is the lesser. Where an applicant has applied for full planning permission the fee is calculated by applying the relevant fee category or categories to the proposals in the application. Paragraph: 034 Reference ID: 22-034-20141017. Paragraph: 022 Reference ID: 22-022-20141017. Where an applicant has applied for an outline planning permission the fee is calculated based on the site area of the application and the relevant fee category or categories for the type of development proposed. Planning policy, planning applications and other information about planning building and development work in Croydon. The planning guidance has been updated in respect of the new permitted development rights to extend buildings upwards - amended paragraph 23. giving feedback This step-by-step will help you find out if you need planning permission for changes to your home or property, and take you through the application process. Paragraph: 057 Reference ID: 22-057-20141017. Paragraph: 035 Reference ID: 22-035-20141017. Inactive sites in terms of minerals development are any other sites which are not active, dormant, mining or landfill sites, and mothballed mining or landfill sites where no mineral or landfill restoration and aftercare are being carried out to any substantial extent. Local authorities can charge an additional fee for paying by credit card. It will also take you through the application process. Well send you a link to a feedback form. Births, deaths, marriages and citizenship, Make a planning application as a homeowner: step by step, make a planning application as a developer, download a copy of the paper application forms. Comment or object to a planning application: step by step Find out how to give your views on planning applications. The information does not usually directly identify you, but it can give you a more personalized web experience. if an enforcement notice appeal is rejected as invalid, is null, or is formally dismissed for lack of facts in support of the grounds of appeal within a period prescribed by the Secretary of State, iv. The meeting will be arranged within 30 working days we'll let you know if we need to conduct the meeting on site. The liable owner is the person who holds the head lease of the site. giving feedback Our unique and successful approach to the Planning Permission experience ensures that you not only save time, but also save a large amount of money. How much you pay will depend on the type of development you're proposing. Paragraph: 055 Reference ID: 22-055-20141017. The more information you can give us, the more we can help you with your application. garden of a dwelling house) as set out in regulation 16 of the 2012 Fees Regulations). Details below. You can also use this service if you need: You may need to speak to us early in the planning process, to make sure you meet planning regulations, such as providing affordable homes. This only applies to applications submitted after 1 October 2013. It will set out the advice that has been reviewed and signed off by a senior officer of the Development Management Service. Croydon Planning Permission Architectural Extension Drawing Plans. Paragraph: 007 Reference ID: 22-007-20141017. Please note we require 3 copies of all hard copy submissions. Paragraph: 053 Reference ID: 22-053-20141017. NEW Help improve this site by Dont Fear! However, in certain circumstances, a developer has to submit a request to the local planning authority to determine whether its prior approval will be required for specific elements of the development. the stage of development. However, the operator may make arrangements to recoup part of the fees from subsidiary operators carrying out mineral development, but who are not in overall control of the site. Residential Service : planning permissions and designs for single/double storey side/ rear extension, basement extension, loft conversion, dormer extension, rooftop terrace. Paragraph: 017 Reference ID: 22-017-20141017. We are committed to making our website accessible to all visitors. The record of the site visit should also identify the time spent at site, the name and work address of the officer who carried out the inspection, whether or not the visit was announced or unannounced or was in response to a complaint, and a short description of which planning conditions were monitored. ), iii. Guidance note 4 How can I comment on a planning application? In order to get planning permission, you should make sure your plans and designs are in keeping with local planning policy. The local planning authority must decide the fee which will apply to the application based on the category, or categories of development if the application is for more than one type of development. For sites in multiple operation, an operator in overall control of the site should pay for the monitoring. Paragraph: 060 Reference ID: 22-060-20141017. Once we have logged your pre-application, a letter will be emailed to you (or posted to you if applicable) requesting the fee payment. A planning application may benefit from a free go to submit a further application without paying a fee. Guidance note 3 What happens to my planning application? Fees for applications for consent for the display of advertisements are set out in regulation 13 of and Schedule 2 to the 2012 Fees Regulations. Find out more. Other planning documents on the council's planning portal list the HTA Design architect as Arjun Singh - almost certainly "ASI". Hide, Send feedback directly to the content team using our website feedback form. Council at its Ordinary Meeting of 19 July 2018 adopted the above Fees and Charges for the 2018-2019 financial year, these Fees and Charges . If your application has been refused by Croydon Council Planning Committee this does not end your hopes of a new conservatory, loft conversion or house extension! However, over the course of each 12 month period all planning conditions and obligations, including section 106 agreements, and any permitted development rights should be monitored. Frustrated with her stalled career as a broadcast journalist and uninspired . Fees. Paragraph: 027 Reference ID: 22-027-20180222. A local planning authority may decline to accept an application under section 73 or 73A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 if the actual or potential impact of varying the relevant condition(s) would more properly be the subject of an entirely fresh application for full planning permission. We recommend using Planning Portal, but you can also download a copy of the paper application forms. Paragraph: 051 Reference ID: 22-051-20141017. Subsequent applications in respect of other parts or phases will attract fees on the same basis. Submit your planning application | Croydon Council Part of Make a planning application as a homeowner: step by step Submit your planning application If you're applying to carry out a. A general increase to the planning fees was introduced by the Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications, Deemed Applications, Requests and Site Visits) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2017. If different proposals for full or outline permission, or for approval of a reserved matter, are all submitted simultaneously, by or on behalf of, the same applicant, a concession is available. Regulation 4 of the 2012 Fees Regulations sets out that planning application fees are waived for a disabled person who is living or intending to live in a dwelling who wishes to: i. alter or extend an existing dwelling; or. We also use cookies set by other sites to help us deliver content from their services. You can use Planning Portal to find out whether you need to apply. Show (PDF, 144KB). complaints received about the site that have proved to be justified. It does not include any land in between the equipment unless the applicant wishes to have the flexibility to move the equipment within the site as a whole. if the related appeal is withdrawn at least 21 days before the public inquiry, or the site inspection where the written representations procedure is used. (An appeal is regarded as withdrawn on the date when the Secretary of State receives notice in writing of the withdrawal. Information on how we make a decision to grant or refuse planning permission. Not all developments need planning permission. The fee for each category of development broadly reflects the work a local planning authority has to do to process the application. Local planning authorities use the 2012 Fees Regulations to charge the correct fee for each application, based on the details of the application. CR0 1EA OR. Please note that some elements of the application may fall under different categories of development and therefore the areas for each component would be calculated on the basis of mixed category development. Regulation 16(2) of the 2012 Fees Regulations sets out that fees are refunded where a request for written confirmation of compliance with conditions is not decided within 12 weeks. Councillor Oliver Lewis, the cabinet member for culture and regeneration, was asked by a member of the public why there have been routine delays in . Paragraph: 014 Reference ID: 22-014-20141017. Once paid, most planning application fees cannot be refunded. We have extensive planning knowledge and experience in Croydon Council and we specialise in obtaining planning permission for our clients in the . This lets you fill out the application form, upload supporting documents, such as plans and drawings, and pay your fees. Plans to increase planning application fees will help reduce the 'brain drain' from council departments, but there is also concern about the prospect of additional workloads. The fee for a site visit is 397 where the whole or part of the site is active, or 132 in any other case. . For fee purposes, sites worked as both mineral and landfill sites are regarded as single sites, and are subject to the maximum number of chargeable monitoring visits. Planning fees in England are set nationally by the government and are detailed in the Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications, Deemed Applications, Requests and Site Visits) (England) Regulations 2012, as amended. It will also take you through the application process. Information on how we make a decision to grant or refuse planning permission. In some cases an applicant may also need to make more than one attempt to have a particular reserved matter approved. (PDF, 144KB), Guidance note 5 How does the council decide planning applications? (PDF, 143KB), Guidance note 4 How can I comment on a planning application? If an application site is on land that falls within the boundary of more than one local planning authority, then identical applications must be submitted to each local planning authority, identifying on the plans which part of the site is relevant to each. The fee should first be calculated separately for each alternative for which permission is sought. Births, deaths, marriages and citizenship, Make a planning application as a homeowner: step by step, make a planning application as a developer, download a copy of the paper application forms. The local planning authority will provide advice on how the payment should be made. Various planning applications have been submitted to Croydon Council, with some decisions also made this week. Paragraph: 043 Reference ID: 22-043-20141017. The planning officer may decide to have meeting with you to discuss specific topics related to your proposal, such as heritage anddesign issues, and possible transportation or highway considerations. The fee, however, for this divided site would be either the sum of the fees payable for each part of the site calculated separately, or, if it comes to a smaller figure, 150% of the fee that would have been payable if there had been only one application to a single authority covering the entire site. Births, deaths, marriages and citizenship. Croydon Council Bernard Weatherill House 8 Mint Walk Croydon, CR0 1EA. Most planning applications for development on Crown land are now made subject to the same planning fees as other applications. Paragraph: 018 Reference ID: 22-018-20141017. The fee is calculated with reference to the relevant fee category or categories for the type of development proposed. Bernard Weatherill House Types of advertising which normally need planning permission include: The majority of illuminated signs Advertisements using specialised structures for their display, such as poster hoardings and most non-highway authority roadside advance warning or directional signs For guidance on planning application fees, see the Planning Portal's fee calculator. Published on 02 May 2022. There are several types of planning application where no fee or a reduced fee applies. Application fees are to be paid to the Planning Portal by using the payment options that are presented to you as part of the application process and before the application is submitted to the local authority. Additional site visits may be undertaken but they cannot be charged for. Guidance note 5 How does the council decide planning applications. We are committed to making our website accessible to all visitors. A fee for a site visit is charged after the visit has occurred, and a written follow up site monitoring report has been sent to the operator. You will also be able to comment on live applications. Call us today. Site is defined in regulation 2(1) of the 2007 Regulations as the land or building on which the advertisement is to be displayed. Paragraph: 040 Reference ID: 22-040-20141017. Croydon Planning Permission Architectural Extension Drawing Plans. The correct fee must be paid when the application is submitted in order for: i. the local planning authority to begin to process the application; and. construction of site access and wheel washing equipment, installation and commissioning of processing plant/offices, v. the progressive nature of working/restoration ie sand and gravel sites may require more frequent visits than hard rock, vi. More frequent visits to mining sites may be needed during initial site preparation e.g. Paragraph: 019 Reference ID: 22-019-20141017. Ensure first time success and get the architectural planning drawings you need for your house or home. Guidance note 2 How do I submit my planning application? breaches of planning control observed/consistency in compliance, vii. The Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities proposed an increase planning application fees in a new consultation, which opened yesterday. Completethe pre-application form(Word Doc, 114.5 KB) and tick the appropriate service level (service level B to G) you require. News stories, speeches, letters and notices, Reports, analysis and official statistics, Data, Freedom of Information releases and corporate reports. Paragraph: 061 Reference ID: 22-061-20141017. Paragraph: 028 Reference ID: 22-028-20141017. 4D Planning is a Chartered Planning Consultancy firm with in-house Architectural Designers. A lawful development certificate confirms that the particular use, operation or activity named within the certificate is lawful, so far as planning law is concerned, on the dates specified. On the 9th July 2005, the already closed pub suffered what was believed to be an arson attack, which has led to it being 'structually unsound' Croydon Council received a number of planning applications in 2005 and 2006 for the re-development of the site. These are set out under regulations 4 to 9 of Part 1 of Schedule 1 of the 2012 Regulations, as amended. If you're applying to carry out a large project such as a new development, charges and guidance may apply that are not covered in this step-by-step. We will send you the application number and an estimated date by which we aim to make a decision. Operator is defined in regulation 15(6) of the 2012 Fees Regulations. HomeDESIGN PlanningApplications.com Independent Expert Planning PermissionConsultants & Designers. Follow ourstep-by-step process to make a planning application as a developer. After submission your Consultant is constantly in contact with Croydon Council Planning Committee to ensure your application is approved first time. Paragraph: 025 Reference ID: 22-025-20141017. Updated paragraphs 002, 003, 015, 021, 023, 024, 026, 027, 029, 032, 037, 039 and 046. The term playing field includes, but is not limited to, football, cricket, hockey or hurling pitches, but does not include enclosed courts for games such as tennis or squash, golf courses or golf driving ranges. Applying for costs You can apply for an 'award of costs' if you believe the LPA has cost you money by behaving unreasonably. Mineral planning authorities visits may monitor one or more aspects of operations or a few conditions only. A service charge of 26.83 +VAT will apply to all planning applications submitted through our online application system, excluding applications which do not attract a planning application fee and those with a fee below 60. These charges are set locally by the local authority but should not be more than the cost of handling the credit card payment. You canfind out more about Planning Committeeandview meeting dates. The fee payable is 195 or, if the application is made by or on behalf of a parish council, half of that amount (see regulation 18 of the Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications, Deemed Applications, Requests and Site Visits) (England) Regulations 2012. There is no limit to the number of individual reserved matters that can be submitted as part of the same application. Explore (PDF, 149KB). Extensions, Loft Conversions, Basements, New Builds, Surveys & Lease Plans. Hide, Send feedback directly to the content team using our website feedback form. Email: development.management@croydon.gov.uk, Development Management 6th Floor, Zone B Enables your selected product(s) to be stored in your browser and passed to our server for processing (cart). We are committed to making our website accessible to all visitors. Please see paragraph 10 of Part 1 of Schedule 1 to the Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications, Deemed Applications, Requests and Site Visits) (England) Regulations 2012, as amended. ExperiencedwithAutoCAD. A request for confirmation of compliance must be determined within 12 weeks. Planning application fees Payment of fees: The fee due must be paid when the application is submitted No decision can be made on an application for which the correct fee has not been. See the step-by-step to make a planning application as a developer. Under paragraph 14(2) of Part 1 of Schedule 1 to the 2012 Fees Regulations application fees for outline planning permissions for mixed development are calculated in the following way: Paragraph: 021 Reference ID: 22-021-20180222. Our in-depth website provides you with detailed information on Planning Permission from house extensions and loft conversions through to retrospective planning and change of usage for commercial projects in the London Boroughs & South East of England. Hide, Send feedback directly to the content team using our website feedback form. Croydon Shire Council Fees and Charges 2021-2022 Document Control Next Scheduled Review Date: May 2022 Author: Finance Manager . An active site in terms of minerals development is: Paragraph: 048 Reference ID: 22-048-20141017. Operators should not be billed twice for duplicated monitoring by the Environment Agency and the planning authority. Paragraph: 002 Reference ID: 22-002-20180222, Revision date: 22 02 2018 See previous version. More complex or potentially controversial applications will be decided at a Planning Committee meeting. For mining sites, this may also include satellite sites. The local planning authority decides which spaces within a building count for fee assessment purposes. . - was still working at HTA Design.. A quick check of HTA Design's staff list today could find no one with the initials "JS", never mind . However, blocking some types of cookies may impact your experience of the site and the services we are able to offer. How to appeal a refusedplanning application, submit a revised application and amend an approved decision. We recommend using Planning Portal, but you can also download a copy of the paper application forms. Local authorities may choose to confirm some conditions informally without seeking the fee. Fees guidance: explains planning related fees and the method of calculating them. Information on planning breaches and how we act to preventthem. Full Plans Application The Building Act 1984 The Building Regulations 2010 To: Building Control Department of Planning and Development London Borough of Croydon Taberner House Park Lane Croydon CR9 1JT Telephone: 020 8760 5637 Fax: e-mail: building.control@croydon.gov.uk I/We intend to carry out building work or to make a material change of use. If you use assistive technology (such as a screen reader) and need a This is for alterations that don't require planning permission. Local authorities should not charge a fee for payments made by debit card. Not all developments need planning permission. Your Consultants will then fill out all the application forms and submit the completed application along with the supporting documentation to Croydon Council Planning Department. Hide, Send feedback directly to the content team using our website feedback form. Mineral planning authorities should avoid monitoring activities which are the responsibility of the Environment Agency. Typical examples of recent successful applications in London Boroughs & South East of England include: Our aim is to provide you with all the information and advice we can forFREE! The quickest way to submit your application is online through Planning Portal. if an enforcement notice is quashed, and the appeal is allowed by the Secretary of State because the local planning authority has failed to submit the prescribed information within a prescribed period, v. if an enforcement notice appeal is allowed because the enforcement notice is found to be invalid or to contain a defect which the Secretary of State cannot correct within the appeal process. You can use Planning Portal to find out whether you need to apply. In order to get planning permission, you should make sure your plans and designs are in keeping with local planning policy. the number and complexity of conditions, iii. The monitoring of the site should normally be undertaken by the authority which contains the largest proportion of the site. Births, deaths, marriages and citizenship, make a planning application as a developer, Make a planning application as a homeowner: step by step. Contact-us (PDF, 149KB). Information on how we make a decision to grant or refuse planning permission. You can also join our user research group to receive invites to activities and surveys to help shape future improvements to the site. Croydon Shire Planning Scheme; Council Structure; Local Laws; Policies; Right to Information. Please attach a cheque to your application form and make it payable to Croydon Council. change of use, Planning applications, building regulation drawings. You have accepted additional cookies. We are committed to making our website accessible to all visitors. This states whether we have granted or refused the application. Guidance note 2 How do I submit my planning application. Some of the services our Croydon architects provide are: Planning Drawings for Submission to Croydon Council. Show You can also lobby councillors to discuss planning issues beforehand. Paragraph: 064 Reference ID: 22-064-20180222. This includes a national list of mandatory information that must be submitted with every planning application and a local list of our own requirements. Croydon Planning Permission Architectural Extension Drawing Plans give our Consultants a call now on 020 8660 5026, and they will advise you for FREE! Paragraph: 012 Reference ID: 22-012-20141017. We use some essential cookies to make this website work. Make a planning application as a homeowner: step by step This. This is payable at the time of submission. Complete the pre-application form (Word Doc, 114.5 KB) and tick the appropriate service level (service level B to G) you require.

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