Contra Costa County: $150 - $300 rebates on e-bike purchases, allocated to different cities in Contra Costa County. Livermore Vine Who is Eligible for the Electric Vehicle Grant? It appears that all the bikes in this program may have been spoken for already. Sign up for NBC Bay Areas Housing Deconstructed newsletter. No. Si vive en el condado de Contra Costa, pero no vive dentro de una de las comunidades de prioridad de equidad, an puede ser elegible para unreembolso de bicicleta elctrica de $ 150- $ 300 de 511 Contra Costa. Time to read: about 1 minutes. I am very grateful for what this program provides and greatly appreciate the time and effort that was put into this entire process. 2023 Contra Costa Transportation Authority. You can learn more and sign up for Deep Green by clicking here. Residents of Contra Costa County can now receive cash rebates for new electric bicycles, or e-bikes, through a pilot program launched by 511 Contra Costa. The Energy Commission, the State of California, its employees, contractors, and subcontractors make no warranty, express or implied, and assume no legal liability for the information in this document; nor does any party represent that the use of this information will not infringe upon privately owned rights. The electric travel program called Charge Up Contra Costa is expected to cut greenhouse gas emissions in the county by more than 50,000 tons. There is no timeline for more funding at this time. Senior Planner - Energy Efficiency Programs, Bay Area Multifamily Building Enhancements, US DOE Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Page, Bay Area Regional Energy Network (BayREN). We know youre busy. In our retirement, this little all-electric car perfectly fills our need for getting around for local errands, visiting the grandkids, grocery shopping, etc., while saving Not only did I qualify for the down payment assistance I also received credit and budgeting counseling information that actually increased my credit store. That is thanks in part to a transportation program funded mostly by the California Energy Commission, which is giving $3.5 million to the Contra Costa Transportation Authority and MCE, a Bay Area clean energy nonprofit, for electric travel. Choose the car you want. Por cuanto tiempo estarn disponibles los reembolsos? County officials announced Tuesday that over the next two years, the California Energy Commission is giving $3.5 million to the Contra Costa Transportation Authority and MCE, a Bay Area clean . Los solicitantes elegibles de Reembolso de bicicletas elctricas de Contra Costa Charge Up recibirn un reembolso de $500 en la compra de una nueva bicicleta elctrica. E-bikes are an inexpensive, fun and pollution-free alternative to driving a car which helps save money, improve air quality, and reduce traffic congestion. Obituaries, Send News Tips Compressed natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas fueled vehicles may also qualify for the decal program. Richmond Build will enable workforce Development in Richmond to provide classes to individuals looking to build job skills in the installation, repair and maintenance of electric vehicle charging stations. We would never have been able to complete this purchase without the help and guidance from the Driving Clean Assistance Program. DCAP made it fast and approachable to apply for the grant, and work with both me and the dealership to get me in a great car that will last me years. The DCAP worked with me from start to finish to ensure that I got a fair deal when buying and financing this car. DCAP was fantastic in helping me move through all the steps throughout. . Contra Costa County's Electric Travel Program Receives $3.5M From State MARTINEZ (CBS SF/BCN) County officials announced Tuesday that over the next two years, the California Energy Commission is giving $3.5 million to the Contra Costa Transportation Authority and MCE, a Bay Area clean energy nonprofit, for electric travel. A limited number of $150 rebates are available for residents of each of the county's 19 cities, and another batch for residents of unincorporated areas, to help . For a list of eligible vehicles andfurther information, visit www.cvrp.energycenter.orgor call toll free at (866) 984-CLEAN (2532). For all other County departments and offices, see their web pages. MCEv Charging for Your Workplace or Multifamily Property, Vehicle Retirement Customer Assistance Program, Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Loss Reserve Program. All-Electric Buildings. 2022/02 requiring new construction of all residential, hotel, office, and retail buildings to be all-electric. Specifically, there will be a limited number of $150 rebates or $300 for low-income residents for each of the 19 cities in the Contra Costa county to facilitate in . Call the Driving Clean team for more information. Actual processing times may vary depending on demand. Limits: One rebate per person. Contra Costa County is surrounded by water on its western, northern, and eastern sides. Get more info on MCE's rebate program to save money while reducing your carbon footprint in the SF Bay Area. All adults and children must wear a helmet while riding Class 3 e-bikes and mopeds. Since getting this vehicle it has given me a peace of mind to be able to get to work and home safely. Exercise caution when selecting a dealership. If you are interested in learning more about the aforementioned programs, here are two comprehensive lists of incentives and programs offered federally and by the state of California. Si la bicicleta tiene un costo menor a $500, su reembolso ser por el monto completo de la bicicleta menos los impuestos de venta. Not only did my credit and spending improve I was able to get a car 9 years NEWER than my previous with a CHEAPER On January 18, 2022, the Board of Supervisors adopted Ordinance No. Commuters are six times more likely to drive an electric vehicle if their residence or workplace provides a charging option, according to MCE and the transportation authority. Electric Vehicle Incentive Programs | 511 Contra Costa Our rebates are available to all customers served by CCWD and municipal systems in our service area, except Flume - see details below. Contra Costa Water District has updated the Lawn to Garden Rebate Program to encourage participation and help customers save even more water by removing water-thirsty lawn and replacing it with low water-use water wise plants. References List of Incentives/Programs: Grants received do not have to be repaid however, there are conditions. Am I eligible if I already purchased/leased my vehicle? Strategies include: Rebates for the procurement of electric vehicle charging stations Electric vehicle carshare E-Bike rebates Courses for electric vehicle maintenance and repair California residents, businesses, non-profits, and government agencies can receive rebate of up to $2,500 toward the purchase or lease of electric plug-in vehicles. We are a point of sale program, which means you would have needed to apply before the purchase of the vehicle. BayREN Business offers an innovative new program that provides energy-efficient upgrades for small and medium businesses to install energy-efficient lighting, HVAC, and refrigeration equipment at no out-of-pocket cost. Cash Rebates Available For New E-Bikes In Lamorinda Commercial Flushometer Toilet and Urinal RebateCommercial, industrial and institutional customers can get up to $400 back for replacing their toilets and urinals with high-efficiency models. Get the latest local news and information sent straight to your inbox. La Ciudad (o comunidades no incorporadas) de Richmond, Debes cumplir con los Requisitos de Ingresos que se muestran abajo. My previous van was in need of all new tires, and some very expensive repairs and wasnt going to last much longer. My coordinator was so great. Also check your local city, county, air district and utility company for rebates that may not be listed here. With PG&Es EV Savings Calculator, find out instantly how much youd save on the purchase of a specific make and model of EV. Improving indoor air quality, health, and safety. City (or unincorporated communities) of Richmond, Must meet income qualifications, listed below. it has made life so much easier to drop and pick up my children from school, after school programs and sports practices. Esto permite que sean fciles de utilizar al momento de subir colinas o para viajar ms rapido y ms lejos. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Por favor asegurese de contactar al vendedor para obtener la prueba necesaria, antes de aplicar por el Reembolso. As a student, I was concerned about the price of gas and carbon footprint of a car within my price range, but I was able to avoid these issues through this great program. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. We do NOT stack with most grants. Los Reembolsos por bajos ingresos estn disponibles solo para personas con un Total de Ingresos Netos de un Hogar, que debe ser igual o menor a 400% de acuerdo con los actuales lineamientos de la Gua Federal de Niveles de Pobreza. La Comisin de Energa, el Estado de California, sus empleados, contratistas y subcontratistas no ofrecen ninguna garanta, expresa o implcita, y no asumen ninguna responsabilidad legal por la informacin contenida en este documento; ninguna de las partes declara que el uso de esta informacin no infringir los derechos de propiedad privada. Do I have to do anything after I get my rebate? Sorry, but further commenting on this topic has been closed. If you have any questions about the program, please let us know. Decals are issued to vehicles that meet Californias super ultra-low emission vehicle, inherently low-emission vehicle, and transitional zero emission vehicle evaporative emission standard for exhaust emissions. Sponsored content Uploaded: Tue, Oct 6, 2020, 1:17 pm Im very happy because, Im able to help the planet, and environment to Look Up. To ascertain if you are financially responsible for someone, consider how much of their expenses you pay. Most likely, you would still be eligible for the grant even if you are unemployed. The AMG Transportation Demand Management group will oversee outreach and administration of eBike rebates on behalf of CCTA. Bay City News Service, Home Commercial and Multi-Family Clothes Washer RebateMulti-family and commercial customers can get up to $450 back for purchasing or leasing qualified Energy Star certified commercial grade clothes washers. So, if you dont live in the counties listed above, come back soon to check again. Mobile site. MCE Launches Electric Vehicle Programs, Offers Competitive Rates Honestly, I am speechless. Currently, we only serve individuals who live in: We are working to expand this program into other counties. My my coordinator was always available to answer my questions and concerns. Incentives are based on where you live, the type of vehicle purchased or leased and household income. Y los impuestos de venta de CA pagos. Laundry to Landscape Greywater RebateGet up to $50 for equipment and installation on a qualifying system. I was able to budget appropriately, unsubscribe to things I didnt know I was paying for , consolidate my debt, and Words cant describe how grateful and honored that CHDC has supported me with a affordable car. San Diego County: Pedal Ahead is a loan-to-own program with up to 400 e-bikes available to residents of Supervisorial District 4. On January 18, 2022, the Board of Supervisors adopted Ordinance No. CAR NOTE AND BETTER RATE. See the list of CVRP-eligible vehicles. Commercial and Multi-Family Irrigation Equipment RebateCommercial, multi-family, and homeowners association customers can be reimbursed a portion of the cost to upgrade selected irrigation equipment. . I am so grateful for this program for believing in me and giving me this opportunity to stay working to provide for my children. Please check each programs website for eligibility, requirements, and how to apply. Having a safe and reliable car was essential for me and my family. Walnut Creek, CA: Residents of Contra Costa County can now receive cash rebates for new electric bicycles (e-bikes) through a pilot program launched by 511 Contra Costa (511CC). Contra Costa Transportation Authority and 511 Contra Costa partnered to launch an electric bicycle rebate pilot program allowing residents to earn a cash back for new electric bikes. Contra Costa County launches e-bike rebate program Im a very happy driver! Low interest loans will require repayment. DCAP provided me with funds to help purchase an all electric vehicle, time, and a leadership mentor experience with my coordinator to develop and understand questions in several areas. To submit the application, you can either click on the submit button on the application itself, email a copy, mail a copy, or text us pictures of the application. Applications are processed in the order received. Contra Costa County - Adult (18+) residents can apply for a $150 rebate towards the purchase of any ebike, ebike conversion kit, or electric moped. 4 Ways to Get Financial Help to Buy an E-Bike - CalBike It definitely has been a great joy to work with DCAP. Residents of Contra Costa County can now receive cash rebates for new electric bicycles, or e-bikes, through a pilot program launched by 511 Contra Costa.A limited number of $150 rebates are available for residents of each of the county's 19 cities, and another batch for residents of unincorporated areas, to help buy e-bikes, e-bike conversion kits and electric mopeds (with a maximum speed less than 30 mph). Los participantes debern completar dos encuestas cortas, que sern enviadas por correo electrnico a los dos meses, y luego a los doce meses despus de haber recibido su reembolso. Flume Smart Home Water Monitor RebateGet an instantrebate when you purchase a Flume Smart Home Water Monitor that can measure real-time water use, provide leak alerts, and help you manage yourindoorand landscapewater use. Que pasa si compro una bicicleta elctrica y no me cobran los Impuestos de venta de CA? I am so grateful to now have a car that is reliable, runs on clean energy, and still fits my lifestyle needs. On March 24, 2020, the Board of Supervisors voted to go Deep Green 100% renewable with MCE for the majority of the Countys accounts. After being introduced to DCAP, I began the process that now has me back on the road. Zoning Info. For additional information on vehicle eligibility, visit the. Thank you for your interest in the Driving Clean Assistance Program. The electric travel program called Charge Up Contra Costa is expected to cut greenhouse gas emissions in the county by more than 50,000 tons. My children and I will forever be grateful. Your contribution matters. AMG is supporting CCTA with overall grant coordination. If you live in Contra Costa County, but dont live within one of the Equity Priority Communities, you may still be eligible for a $150-$300 e-bike rebate from 511 Contra Costa. I was without a vehicle for almost four years. A big thank you to DCAP for making that possible. However, you would not be eligible for our loan. Grant funds are wired directly to the dealership, on behalf of the grantee. The CVRPis funded through the California Air Resources Board(ARB) and is administered by the California Center forSustainable Energy. Residential Rebates Flume Smart Home Water Monitor Rebate Los reembolsos pueden ser utilizados para monopatines o bicicletas que no sean elctricas? EV Charging Station Incentives in California EV Connect Energy and water are essential for life. / CBS San Francisco. First, you must complete an application packet and submit all of the required documentation listed in the application. Applicants can check the status of their application by emailing us atDriveEVgrants@communityHDC.orgor call us at 510-685-4303. User responsibility. In addition to the environmental benefits of an electric vehicle and the fuel savings at the pump, there are also numerous federal and state incentive programs to help with the cost of buying or leasing the vehicle itself. Water Conservation DevicesWe provide free water conservation devices like dye tablets to check for toilet leaks, faucet aerators, and more. Check out our coupons for several 'Smart Wash' car washes and save water today! Commuters are six times more likely to drive an electric vehicle if their residence or workplace provides a charging option, according to MCE and the transportation authority. Lawn to Garden RebateGet up to $2,000 by replacing your water-thirsty lawn with a water-wise landscape. It was such a relief to have someone who, I felt, was always on my side and a strong advocate for me with the dealership. Mobility Development will lead the outreach and operation of electric vehicle carshare in Richmond. It was a wonderful experience. Important Note:The Flume program is available to single-family residential customers in the Contra Costa Water District's (CCWD) retail service area who receive a water bill directly from CCWD. Contra Costa's electric travel program receives $3.5M from California All Rights Reserved. Were here to give you all the support you need. The eligible applicant must own the property where the charger will be installed or provide evidence from the property owner allowing the applicant to install and operate the charger. My coordinator gave me a better understanding of my budget and finances. What an immense help to our little family. Choose the car you want. Contact Us: Public Information Contacts Media Inquiries ContactWebmaster County Administration Building: 1025 Escobar Street, Martinez, CA 945531st Floor: Clerk of the Board2nd Floor: Human Resources3rd Floor: County Counsel4th Floor: County Administration. Richmond Community Foundation will support the outreach for locating electric vehicle carshare in low-income communities throughout Richmond. Each one of these programs/rebates have their own unique eligibility requirements and application process, which differs from our organization. Electric Bicycle Rebate Pilot Program Launches in Contra Costa County What if I buy an e-bike and am not charged CA sales tax? CCTAs Charge Up Contra Costa program will support electric personal mobility and provide educational programs in low-income communities in Contra Costa. Cost of electricity in Contra Costa County, CA - EnergySage No. Charge Up Contra Costa already offers EV car sharing in Richmond through Miocar. FAQs What if my e-bike costs less than $500? Thank you for bringing resolution , comfort, joy and stability in our lives. The community is honored and blessed to receive such service and assistance from you both. Most Contra Costa residents get water for their homes and businesses from the Contra Costa Water District or the East Bay Municipal Utility District. If you are eligible, the questionnaire will allow you to download an application. Rebate payments will be made by check and will be issued (sent via Tranben) within 30 days following application approval, including receipt of the bike's serial number. This program has provided us with the funds to purchase a car for our family that would allow us to easily buy groceries and for me to get to work on Las bicicletas elctricas son divertidas, no son costosas y son una alternativa de transporte ms limpia para el ambiente. Express Limites: UN Reembolso por persona. Todas las bicicletas elctricas de pedales nuevas para adultos Clases 1, 2 y 3 califican para reembolso. 2999 Oak Road, Suite 100Walnut Creek, CA 94597Phone: 925.256.4700Email: I want to say thank you again for helping me progress in my life. Your email address will not be published. Ensuring that the San Francisco and San Pablo Bays, and the Delta, are healthy and vibrant is important to Contra Costa Countys quality of life and economic vitality. Working with the Driving Clean Assistance Program was a game changer for us financially! A limited number of $150 rebates ($300 for low-income residents) are available for residents of each Contra Costa city to assist in the purchase of e-bikes, e-bike conversion kits and electric . I am a single mother of 3 children with a physical disability. If you are a contractor who offers residential energy efficiency improvements in the Bay Area, consider becoming a BayREN Home+ Participating Contractor. Now that I have this car, I have the piece of mind that I will never have to stress about missing work due to car troubles. The Weatherization Program is a Federal and State-funded program whose purpose is to assist low and/or fixed income people in making their homes more energy-efficient. Free training about energy efficiency and layering homeowner rebates; Exposure to potential clients through BayREN promotion at events, on social media, through communication materials, and other forms of outreach led by local governments. A limited number of $150 rebates ($300 for low-income residents) are available for residents of each Contra Costa city to assist in the purchase of e-bikes, e-bike conversion kits, and electric mopeds (with a maximum speed of less than 30 mph). We do require financial documents, even if you are unemployed. Savings Calculator | Clean Vehicle Rebate Project I loved my experience, working with such caring people was a blessing. E-Bike Rebate Pilot Program, Contra Costa County, CA, 2020 Class 1, 2, or 3 + professionally installed conversions and electric mopeds with max speed <30 mph. Please send us the dealerships and sales representatives contact information once you have selected a particular vehicle. Not only was it a good opportunity to increase my financial literacy but I was also able to purchase a green vehicle that I wouldve not been able to afford otherwise. As a direct result of being able to purchase this car, I am now employed, am able to make important appointments at the VA. You all set me on a different path, and for that Im Considering an electric vehicle? Pool Cover RebateGet up to $50 back on a qualifying pool cover. Privacy Policy, 2023 budget. 2022/02 . Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from building operations (i.e., by eliminating the use of natural gas-powered space heating, clothes dryers, and stovetops); Lowering construction costs of new buildings since natural gas infrastructure (plumbing, metering, and venting) are not needed; Implementing the County Board of Supervisors, Advancing the Countys Climate Action Plan greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals; and. Rebate Statistics; Events and Webinars; Find Rebates . Special Pubs Becoming a Home+ Participating Contractor would allow you to make electrification and energy efficiency improvements in your customers homes more affordable and give you access to resources including: For more information and to learn more about benefits of becoming a Home+ Participating Contractor visit the BayREN website. Visit 511 Contra Costa to explore various incentives for commuting by those modes. Community Calendar Improper care of e-bike batteries can result in fires. Argument Preceded Fatal Santa Rosa School Stabbing: Police, Group to Hold News Conference, Addressing Firing of Oakland Police Chief LeRonne Armstrong, Don't Push a Slower Friend Down' If You See a Bear, National Park Service Says, Team of Volunteers Escort, Protect Hot Dog Vendor Attacked Outside SAP Center, Los Gatos Mom Accused of Hosting Alcohol-Fueled Teen Parties Attacked in Jail, Hospitalized. Esto ayuda a mejorar la calidad del aire que respiramos, reduce la congestin y el trfico. As a disabled veteran and senior citizen Im no longer able to repair and maintain my old vehicle anymore. The County Watershed Program and the Contra Costa Clean Water Program are managed by the Countys Public Works Department and make providing clean water and waterways throughout our County. Contra Costa Water District offers a variety of rebates, coupons, and devices to help you save water both indoors and outdoors. DCAP handled the process in a very friendly and at the same time professional manner, and answered all my questions without delay. Home & Real Estate There are several major brands offering electric cars for around $27,000 and that's before credits and rebates of $10,000 or more that would put . The associates within DCAP were extremely helpful in guiding me through the steps to be taken in order to access the PHEV grant towards a vehicle that perfectly fits my needs. The County is committed to ensuring Contra Costa residents have access to clean, affordable energy and water, as well as providing rebates and programs to help you make your home and business more resource efficient. Failure to adhere to this mandate will constitute fraud and the grant received by the applicant will be forfeited and liable to being paid back to the administrators of the grant. us quite a bit in gas money. El cuidado inadecuado de las bateras de las bicicletas elctricas puede provocar incendios. Debo comprar mi bicicleta elctrica en una tienda local o la puedo comprar en linea? Asegurese de que su recibo de compra sea detallado, y de que muestre la fecha de compra, costo, nombre y modelo de la bicicleta. PDF Electric Bicycle Rebate Pilot Program Eligibility, Rules, Terms and Rebates are available for people with total household incomes of less than or equal to 400% of current Federal Poverty Guidelines. Select any new or used electric vehicle model and make. Contra Costa Water District1331 Concord AvenueConcord, CA 94520General: 925-688-8000Emergencies: 925-688-8374Email Us, Smart Irrigation Rebate Terms & Conditions, Smart Irrigation Controller Rebate Application, Multi-Family and Commercial Clothes Washer Rebates, Commercial Flushometer Toilet and Urinal Rebate. A limited number of $150 rebates are available for residents of each of the county's 19 cities, and another batch for residents of unincorporated areas, to help buy e-bikes, e-bike conversion kits and electric mopeds (with a maximum speed less than 30 mph). Once the dealership send all required documentation, we can disburse the funds to the dealership account. Note, to qualify for any rebates, you must use a BayREN Home+ participating contractor. Smart Irrigation Controller RebateSpruce up your sprinkler system with some help from us. My family is now the proud owner of a plug-in electric vehicle! How can I check the status of my application? On average, Contra Costa County, CA residents spend about $194 per month on electricity. The rebate is raised to $300 for low-income households. Eligible Charge Up Contra Costa E-Bike Rebate Program applicants will receive a $500 rebate on the purchase of a new e-bike. I could not have done this on my own. Front and back yards are now eligible for conversion. Your expertise in this program also provided much-needed guidance throughout the process. Bay Area Multifamily Building Enhancements offers cash rebates and no-cost energy consulting for multifamily properties that undertake energy and water upgrades. I couldnt have gotten my Chevy Volt without DCAPs help. The program will provide rebates for the installation of electric vehicle charging stations, and promote electric vehicle car sharing, eBikes and workforce development. All rights reserved. E-Bike Rebate Program Launched - SFGATE

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