If you live somewhere where the temperature goes above 80 degrees (26.6C), I dont advise getting a Malamute. 4. There are no posted leash laws in the area, according to Jennifer Heller, and Hunter was hit while on the marked trail. FITNESS: Fitness is important for lots of things, especially when youre fighting. Although this is the average, every dog is unique, and they can have a shorter or longer life. Some like my male are quite strong alphas and can pull 3000lbs. Needed a lot of water but did not like to get wet. This breed should not be kept in a hot climate. His weight is 130-180lbs at times, & taller than I was on his back legs. One other thing about Malamutes. Fresh Snow Hunt (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txEHNAjzNbM), FUR: Fur is a deciding fight with another animal. 5. In 2017, a New Jersey hunter who killed a one-year-old Alaskan shepherd with a bow and arrow said he thought the pet was a coyote. If he can't hunt coyotes within city limits, he may be able to trap them and kill them. Very few people can claim to have domesticated a wolf, but owning a wolf-dog comes pretty close. Remain quiet. These breeds were the Shiba Inu, Chow Chow, Akita, and Alaskan Malamute. He was originally adopted out, but the man fell on hard times, so he was with us for quite some time, up until he was 8 years old, she said. Dogs are occasionally mistaken for coyotes and wolves and killed by hunters all over the country. Before taking your dog out hunting, it is important to make sure they are adequately trained. The American Staghound is well-known for its sharp eyesight and seemingly endless stamina. The game commission was asked for a copy of the report by its investigating officers to ascertain the hunters version of events and the Reading Eagle was told to file a Right to Know Law request in order to obtain the information. The PGC does not require reporting coyote kills, and they can be hunted with a general hunting license 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The Alaskan Malamute originated over 4,000 years ago and is the namesake of the Mahlemuts Innuit tribe who inhabited the present day northwest coast of Alaska. Hes done such long trail walks thousands of times with the various large-breed dogs he and his wife, Jennifer, have had over the two decades theyve lived in woods not too far off Route 662. Chris Heller said he encountered deer hunters there and told them he and the dogs would be out of their way in a few minutes. This is a large breed, but can vary greatly in height and weight. Not only that, but she also thrives on having a job to do while exercising. An Alaskan Malamute puppy or dog typically has a black nose, except for red-and-white dogs, who have brown noses. They are often confused with the Siberian Husky who has blue eyes, is smaller and faster than a Malamute. On Jan. 7 Chris Heller walked his dogs Hunter and Freya to the northern Lake Ontelaunee trailhead just yards from their Richmond Township home. The Alaskan Malamute is a domestic dog breed that originated from Alaska and mostly known to be one of the oldest sled dogs. I have heard him in the . Quales said she was told that even though they found the arrow, which had a traceable serial number on it, her only recourse would be to sue the hunter. I would say the malamute was faster & it would take a car to catch up to him miles away. This breed is heavily furred with a broad, round face, bearing contrast with its thicker fur and upright, triangular ears. He is older now, stays close to home, has his outside house, his food/water is given to him outside, but always water for him in the house. When Kayla Quales heard about Hunter being killed, it brought a rush of bad memories. The rugged Alaskan Malamute is a working dog, best suited to people who love the great outdoors. Maybe you are wondering if your malamute is the correct size. Not a day goes by that I dont think of my Lilly pup. The average . Last year, a woman in Montana shot, killed, and skinned a 6-month-old husky, posting photos of her kill online before people began pointing out it wasnt a wolf. I think theyre the neatest dog ever made. Donkeys can kill coyotes. Many states have banned the contests and some biologists believe the mass killing of coyotes, often seen as a pest by farmers and deer hunters, only drives the survivors to produce larger litters. In either case, this breed is quite loyal and doesnt really back down from a fight. But it can also make a good pet. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC. Look for areas with brush, rocks, or other natural features that provide cover for the coyote. Hunters need to be able to positively identify their target before shooting, he added. Even in the summer do we go out with them? Jennifer said. Either way, a one-on-one battle between a Malamute and a wolf will be costly. Geese-If you are interested in Homesteading, Hobby, Commercial, raising Husbandry, Breeds, History, Lifespan, Size, Behavior, Feeding, Disease Prevention, Fencing, Cost, 5 Aggressive Breeds: Best Coyote Hunting Dogs | Hunting | PDF (2023), Best Guard Dogs chart.for Farms and People, Farm Guardian Animals Protection for Your Backyard /, Do Llamas Protect Horses - Excellent Protectors, Will Geese Protect Chickens | Guard Geese, 5 Methods: Can you Neuter a Rooster | Roosters | Neutered (2022), How to Castrate Pigs with Bands (With 5 Videos) 2022, 5 Aggressive Breeds: Best Coyote Hunting Dogs, Best Coyote Hunting Dogs | What is Best Breed of Dogs to Keep Coyotes Away /. Their colors range from light blond to reddish blond to gray, and from dark brown washed with black to black, according to the PGCs website. Once you have located a likely area, release your dog and allow them to begin searching for coyotes. Today the Plott Hound is predominantly found in the state of North Carolina and is the official State Dog of that state. via Instagram: @ivytherottsky. Please tell me you didnt shoot my (expletive) dog! Chris said he yelled as he ran about 40 yards to get to Hunter. On That farm we and our Children Raised Rabbits Chickens Hogs Cattle Goats, Feel Free to use any of our Charts & Infographics in your Blog. Sometimes confused with Siberian Huskies, these sled poochs are the official state dog of Alaska in 2010.. See the fact file below for more information on the Alaskan Malamutes or alternatively, you can download our 22-page Alaskan Malamutes worksheet pack . Choose the right breed of dog. The hunters eventually did come out to the trail and Chris said they had him put 90-pound Hunter on the ground while they applied pressure. Visit The Philadelphia Inquirer at www.inquirer.com. Coyotes are often seen as a threat to small pets, such as cats and dogs. Size is an easy way to tell if your dog is an Alaskan Malamute or a Siberian Husky. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to use dogs to hunt coyotes. He stays close to home now as hes older, does not go far (some arthritis now), Personally, I never had a dog before in my life, this was my 1st, I would not have any other. adopted the dog in August 2022 from Howling Woods Farms in Jackson, N.J. (Courtesy of Jennifer Heller) Answer (1 of 5): Until our outside temperatures sunk below -50F, Borealis (2007-2020. Greyhounds are ideal forhunting coyotesas they have the innate hunting instinct to chase and seize fleeing creatures. Like the Huskies, the Malamute is highly sensitive to heat. 1. On Saturday, Chris Heller took Hunter and Freya, a 4-year-old German shepherd mix, for a walk near their home on trails owned by the Reading Area Water Authority. Weak-minded people will run into problems. I thought he was a coyote., And thats all he said, not Geez, Im sorry I shot your dog, I thought he was a coyote, nothing like that.. On Saturday, Chris Heller took Hunter and Freya, a 4-year-old German shepherd mix, for a walk near their home on trails owned by the Reading Area Water Authority. He was a wonderful dog. Greyhounds are generally known as racing dogs but they can also be used as hunting dogs. In the wild, their diet consists primarily of small mammals such as rabbits and rodents, but they will also eat reptiles, fruits, and vegetables. Height. Kugsha. Also known as Amerindian Malamute or American Husky, Kugsha dogs are not recognized by any national or international kennel club. One of the reasons coyotes and wolves have such thick fur is it acts as some padding for bites and makes it harder for teeth or claws to land a direct hit on their body.Catch up on @Mojo_Outdoors TV tonight at 9pm ET & 11:30pm ET! While Huskies are more likely to jump over it, the Malamute thats right can tunnel her way under there in no time if not properly entertained and exercised. Quales said at the time that the property owner where Lilly died told her that hunters he allowed on his land said another hunter they did not know killed the dog because he mistook it for a coyote. Freya was standing right by Hunter, who was snapping at the air trying to get whatever had wounded him, Chris said. Tamaskan. Lilly, a 10-month-old border collie/setter mix, was shot and killed by a crossbow arrow on Nov. 9, 2013, when she wandered off Kaylas parents property in Albany Township. He has always been just a gentle, really sweet good-tempered animal a really, really affectionate animal, very pet quality, she said. yes, our Koko ran (far & wide) as a young dog, we always got him back, but after neutering, took about a year for the wanderlust to abate. When a coyote is located, the dogs will chase it down and corner it until the farmer arrives. I use the paws pamper undercoat rake which works really well at removing all the loose dead undercoat so it doesnt end up all over your house and clothes (itll still happen just not as much!). From heart-pounding coyote and turkey hunts to mature bucks hitting the dirt, its been quite a ride. The Alaskan Malamute is a working dog through and through, bred for stamina and strength. ET. Courage and loyalty go hand in hand with this breed. The parents of Eliza-Mae Mullane were described as . Although their numbers have been stable in recent years, new research suggests that their population may be on the rise. This way, she will consider the cat as part of her pack. The Alaskan Malamute has an extremely thick double coat, consisting of a coarse outer and an undercoat about 1-2 inches deep, which is oily and wooly. But Holly, their Alaskan malamute, managed to push open the gate this time, and she, along with fur siblings Bonsai and Lily, got out. They are also athletic and vigorous, able to cover a lot of ground quickly. Best Coyote Hunting Dogs - As a general rule Average dog to be on equal terms with a coyote if the dog is 20-35% heavier, so a 40 lb. She is better off with slightly older children, however, as she is a large dog who grows fast; an energetic Malamute puppy could knock over a small child without meaning to. Dog ( domestic dog) A wolfdog is a canine produced by the mating of a domestic dog ( Canis familiaris) with a gray wolf ( Canis lupus ), eastern wolf ( Canis lycaon ), red wolf ( Canis rufus ), or Ethiopian wolf ( Canis simensis) to produce a hybrid . The coyote is by far the most persecuted predator in North America, Camilla H. Fox, founder of Project Coyote in California, told The Inquirer in 2021. A Northern Berks Regional Police incident report says one of its officers arrived at Water Street after a dog had been taken to the vet. The dominant gene of the Mountain View Cur is of the Mountain Cur, although they differ widely from the original mountain breed. Its a fundamental rule of hunting, Lau said in an e-mail. They are also fairly quick, but may not have as much stamina as the American Staghound. Few Siberian Husky mixes will have the durability and stamina of the Rottsky. Other then going to the vet he was really easy to take care of and loved our family. A dog that is 13 years old with bad hips isnt going to do well fighting a coyote because most dogs at that age tend to be calm and peaceful. It wasnt a wild animal. Weight: 60-10 pounds. We take a look at the long list of highlights from an action-packed season of big game, predator and turkey hunting. Check the size of the canine. Why can a Pitbull kill a rottweiler? "There are some feral dogs out there in the wild, but generally those dogs don't do well . According to the AKC, she loves children. Indeed, I find she is usually patient and affectionate with kids. Your email address will not be published. / Best dogs for Coyote Protection? For Malamutes btween 65 and 80 pounds, feed them 1 cup of good quality dog food twice per day. 6. It is similar to other arctic breeds such as the husky , the spitz , the Greenland Dog , Canadian Eskimo Dog , the Siberian Husky , and the Samoyed . When the dog has located a coyote, it is time to use a call. I turned him a few times to see where it was coming from and I saw he was gut shot, Chris said, his voice thick with emotion. Travis Lau, a spokesperson for the Game Commission, said the hunters Heller encountered were in an area open to public hunting and were in full compliance with Pa game law. When asked how this could be prevented, Lau had recommendations for both hunters and dog owners. Best Coyote Hunting Dogs As a general rule Average dog to be on equal terms with a coyote if the dog is 20-35% heavier, so a 40 lb. Now, lets talk about the garden fence. These features comprise the greyhound part in them and are what make them so suitable for tracking down fast runners like coyotes. We do not maintain records for coyotes, but some hunting contests turn up coyotes weighing over 50 pounds, said Travis Lau, PGC communications director. When hunting with dogs, hunters will often use a combination of scents, sounds, and visual cues to attract the coyotes. Lillys collar was confiscated and never given back. The Hellers adopted Hunter in August 2022 from Howling Woods Farm in New Jersey. We have a yard enclosed by a 6 foot privacy fence so this malamute we are considering would have room to roam about. The Alaskan Malamute features a powerful, sturdy body built for stamina and strength. A dog that is physically fit and active will have a better chance with a coyote. Your malamute can be smaller than average due to several reasons. Although they are only responsible for 4 deaths, the Alaskan Malamute is still on the list of dangerous dogs because of their powerful bite and willingness to use it . He was never DNA tested. But a dog that gets 6 hours of intense exercise every day and is fed raw venison and bones, with probably be as fit or more fit than a coyote, a police dog is a good example, if your dog gets good exercise, he or she will have better endurance, live years longer so you can your them more, and be stronger since they exercise those limbs. Just be sure to keep an eye on your pet and take steps to avoid any potential confrontations. Dogote. Greyhounds max out at around 40 mph which means they can easily outrun coyotes and help you hunt them down. Weight. Alaskan Malamutes tend to be much larger than Siberian Huskies. This breed was developed in 1987 in New York. The coyote is by far the most persecuted predator in North America, Camilla H. Fox, founder of Project Coyote in California, told The Inquirer in 2021. In summer months, provide her with shade and plenty of water to keep her cool, and avoid exercising her during the hottest hours of the day. Many Malamute parents say that their puppies had a major shedding moment around the age of one-and-a-half to two years old. pic.twitter.com/76ihDlgy6T Sportsman Channel Canada (@sportsmancanada) June 25, 2022, Catch up on @Mojo_Outdoors TV tonight at 9pm ET & 11:30pm ET! No, because the alaskan malamute is not as powerful and big as a big cat. All of these breeds share some key traits, including intelligence, athleticism, and a strong prey drive. They have started a Go Fund Me drive to raise funds for legal representation. dog, A dog that is physically fit and active will have a better chance with a coyote. Even though the dog doesnt grow to be that big, they are known to hunt raccoons and wild boars among other wild animals. If you do encounter a coyote, do not run away. The Coydog is a mix between the wild coyote and the domestic dog. Alaskan Malamutes tend to weigh anywhere between 65 and 95 pounds. pic.twitter.com/9X0IiPsTAu. She said the dogs are trained to return to him when Chris whistles. It can exhibit patterns which give the Malamute their distinctive markings. I personally have a Pitsky (Pitbull (Am. They can be 27 to 35 inches tall at the shoulders and usually weigh 100 to 150 pounds. I know they look big. He was loved and taken care of. It scares me because I played in those woods. Updated June 17, 2021. In the now-viral TikTok video, which can be seen here, the Alaskan . If we told him it was ok, he was fine. He was great with kids, great with most other dogs., What are the benefits of breastfeeding? The undercoat is the primary color of the dog. He was a little food aggressive but warned you by pushing us away when he was eating. According to professional Alaskan Malamute dog experts, Alaskan Malamute dogs score out of 5 in a scale of cat friendliness. However, it's unlikely the Malamute would walk away unscathed. If she senses you are not a strong leader, she is unlikely to obey, and will happily do whatever she feels like doing. (One was malamute with Akita timbershepard in him, & the other was husky with supposedly a little wolf also.. We rescued both.) The only solid color that you will see on the Malamute is white, which is normally found on the underbelly, the feet, the legs and sometimes the face. Susan Miers Smith became a digital content producer for the Reading Eagle in 2017 after serving as a general assignment reporter, page designer and special sections editor since joining the Reading Eagle in 1990. She loves to have a job while exercising. There is a lot of variation and these dogs can come in different shades of the same color. If they are a bit heavier and weigh between 80 and 95 pounds, feed them around 2 cups of good quality dog food twice per day. They prey on livestock, and their numbers seem to be increasing. Hunter wont be charged in killing of dog in, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Hunter wont be charged in killing of dog in Berks County: Who shot my dog, Trump supporters who drove Hummer with guns and ammo to Philadelphia vote-counting site spared more jail time, Paul Muschick: Would money motivate Pennsylvania businesses to move to a four-day work week? I wonder if we couldnt have also created that atmosphere as a puppy for them somewhere else in the house more removed for when lots of company came. (Courtesy of Jennifer Heller), Hunter, an Alaskan malamute mix gets ready to come in from a fenced-in area at the back of the Richmond Township home of Chris and Jennifer Heller as one of their cats, Oakley, stands guard. 17 . and skinned a 6-month-old husky . Each role requires a significant amount of training and obedience for a successful hunt and for the assurance of the safety of the dogs. The Plott Hound is lean and muscular with large floppy ears rather like those of a Labrador or Dalmatian. Coyotes have also been crossed with Australian dingoes . According to the Pennsylvania Game Commission, the hunter thought the dog was a coyote. The Alaskan Malamute was bred to be a strong, high-energy working dog, capable of hauling a heavy load over long distances. This will help to draw the coyote out of hiding and give you an opportunity to take a shot. Hunter was an 8-year-old Alaskan malamute mix adopted in August 2022 by Chris and Jennifer Heller of Richmond Township. I had to yell, Which one of you shot him? several times before the guy said, I did. Who shot my dog? Chris Heller yelled out. Initially used to hunt boars, these dogs are wonderful for hunting predators like coyotes also. Then came the sickening yelp of a dog. And they are normally weak or tired at that age. The Canadian Eskimo Dog has a lower tolerance to colder temperatures than the Alaskan Malamute does. Theres horseback riders that come down there, theres people that come from the city just to enjoy some country air, she said. Fresh Snow Hunt (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txEHNAjzNbM), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8Egu5pLTOs, Greyhound Hunting Coyotes 4K!(Warning!!! This breed of dog makes a wonderful pet, however, if you plan on keeping it in a home with other animals, you should be aware. Coyotes, according to the Game Commission, can be killed "24 hours a day, 7 days a week." . Other than wolves, the pointy ears and sleek bodies also make them look like coyotes. Malamutes are identifiable by a cap over their heads, even though their face can either be all white or marked with a bar and a mask. mnemonic to include Make Sure and positively identify the target. This coincides with instruction in many other topic areas of our Hunter-Trapper Education course where the importance of positively identifying the target is reiterated many times, said Travis Lau, PGC communications director, in an email last week. These dogs are specifically trained to track and capture coyotes. 2. Plott Hounds are known for their hunting skills. During this time, brush daily with a heavy-duty comb that reaches into the undercoat, and, well do I have to mention the vacuum cleaner? So, for this, the best dog depends on its breed, size, fur, age, and fitness. We use the S.M.A.R.T. The Alaskan Malamute can come in a range of coat colors, including gray, black, sable and red. When it comes to Alaskan Malamute vs. wolf size, they are still very similar without a clearly defined winner on the other side. The lifespan of the Alaskan Malamute is around 10 to 12 years. Although this new breed is rare and was officially recognized in 2013, the popularity of . The best way to protect your dog from a coyote attack is to keep them on a leash and avoid walking in areas where coyotes are known to live. While coyotes will kill and eat small dogs if the opportunity presents itself, they generally avoid confrontation with larger dogs. Home Breed 7 Things To Know Before Getting An Alaskan Malamute, This page contains affiliate links. Although a good bathing can help with shedding, it can make things worse if you start giving too many baths. That's how a wolf can conserve energy and go so far compared to a dog." 2. Everything in this article is spot on! Do they chew when they are bored? An adolescent male coyote followed myself and my 130 pound Alaskan Malamute, Simba, early one morning. For instance, an alaskan malamute would not be able to kill a cougar or any big . dog, A dog that is physically fit and active will have a better chance with a coyote. He said he completed the circle and was heading down the hill to leash the dogs when he heard a shot ring out. There is no definitive answer to this question as it is ultimately up to the discretion of the individual Malamute owner as to whether or not their dog is able to kill a pitbull. This kind is particularly well-known for its hunting skill in big animals like boar and coyotes. Can an Alaskan malamute kill a big cat? The Alaskan Malamute stands between 23 and 25 inches tall. This shouldnt be a problem if you see to it that all her needs are met. do malamutes have a lot of problems health wise? How do Coyote Hunters use Coyote Hunting Dogs? The most common reason is genetics, followed by eating habits and diet, exercise, or other undiagnosed health conditions. The report notes a hunter said the dog was shot by mistake, that the hunters said the dogs were not wearing fluorescent orange, the owners were not near the dogs at the time of the shooting and that a subsequent conversation with the dog owners confirmed the dogs were not leashed. This means they can run fast and have great stamina so they can easily keep up with coyotes.Video shows coyote attacking family's dog in Northfield, Illinois https://t.co/mVe6INJtBf pic.twitter.com/ib8WpE9ZB6 CBS News (@CBSNews) December 16, 2017, Video shows coyote attacking family's dog in Northfield, Illinois https://t.co/mVe6INJtBf pic.twitter.com/ib8WpE9ZB6. If you think your malamute is smaller than usual, this article is for you. They are often are used as guard animals to protect other livestock from predators, including coyotes. They each liked to curl up in dark corners behind furniture in our living room. Students hear about making sure their target is what actually what they think it is all throughout the course.. Alaskan malamutes are large dogs that stand 23 to 25 inches at the shoulder. Release your dog. One important factor is that the mating seasons of dogs and coyotes don't occur at the same time. I grew up with both in Georgia. and are considered large. What are the States with the most Coyote Populations? August 3, 2022. Its a nonprofit registered with the IRS as Luv2Howl Animal Rescue that provides education and information to general public, governmental officials, and shelter operators for the ultimate benefit of wolves and wolfdogs, according to its mission statement. The couple Our BASIC rule-treat your dog as if they were your child Consistent SIMPLE/SINGLE words because that is what they understand yes, no, stay, here, come, good boy/girl, finger snap, hand clap, etc. While the dog had wolflike features, wolves havent lived in Pennsylvania for more than a century. Required fields are marked *. Hunter, an 8-year-old malamute mix that had been adopted from a New Jersey sanctuary six months earlier, died before Heller got to the veterinarian. Scientists gathered data and DNA from 1,000 dogs of 85 different breeds. They were mostly inside dogs for us, who enjoyed the central air conditioning just as much as playing outside & escaping to run. I do have a Malamute/ German Shepherd/ Wolf mix that if I let him off his run he will actually hunt and chase down coyotes and kill them. Their high prey drive can cause a Malamute to stalk and kill small animals, including birds, squirrels, cats and even smaller dogs. We take a look at the long list of highlights from an action-packed season of big game, predator and turkey hunting. coyote would be a match with a 48-54 lb. Coyotes, according to the Game Commission, can be killed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. January and February is the peak coyote hunting in the state, with weekend roundup competitions across the state. The hunters emerged to help him too, including the shooter. He was protective of the family too. Most of our dogs have been mixed breed and 65-70 lbs. by Jason Nark. Needs plenty of exercise (and a job while shes at it), Does better living in a house with a garden. Are there other major concerns we need to be mindful of before getting serious about this dog? Erin is a third-generation dog breeder of the Vizsla and Alaskan Malamute breed. #1 The Great Pyrenees. Now I am ready to have this dog of my dreams. They are typically used in pairs, and they can cover a lot of ground quickly. 7. Dogs and their owners should wear fluorescent orange in areas where hunters are present, Lau said. Though it has longer legs than the true coyote, its long snout creates a credible . She still does have a lot of the characteristics of a husky and combined with the lovely characteristics of the Am. The dogote displays unsociable behavior much like the coydog but through much time and effort can, like the coydog, become a pet. I have two Wonderful malamutes , I had two others they are wonderful empathetic animals with people. Although overall the rottweiler is a stronger breed, Pitbulls are stronger when you calculate the strength pound by pound. 4. coyote would be a match with a 48-54 lb. maybe it was just that we learned on him, so we had the voice down pat by the time we introduced the husky. There are also a lot of other mixes with huskys or malamutes which are also very lovely and make great companions! Coyote hunting dogs are used by hunters to track and flush out coyotes. Likelihood of Killing. And if provided with enough toys and exercise would my schedule be a problem for this breed of dog? Darlene and I have Lived on a 500 Acre farm, we lived there raising our 3 children and 6 Foster Children. She needs space to roam and a garden to play and run in. An Arctic wolf / Alaskan Malamute hybrid from Lobo Park, Antequera. Coyotes are shy by nature and will often run away when they sense human presence. Subsection C says The owner or handler shall keep the dogs on a leash not exceeding 6 feet in length or on a multilength mechanically retractable leash while on Commission property and subsection D adds The owner or handler shall keep the dogs under supervision and control while on Commission property. There are exceptions listed for hunting dogs. The malamute was Super protective! right now my Malamute about 9 weeks old and even in the house she complains when its basically over 75- 80 degrees and is constantly wanting to go outside where its like 20 degrees ( anchorage, alaska) not saying its undoable to have a malamute down there but in the summer youre going to want it like some wet Frozen towels so they can chew on them and give him a lot of cool water, shade.
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