Born July 22 & 24, 2022, we currently have a breeding pair available for $80 and a breeding trio (2 does, one buck) for $120. I am described as a female, white Shorthaired Rabbit. I raise meat rabbits (a generic mix mostly New Zealand), Holland lop and dwarfs. Summary: Breed - Holland Lop Have both does and bucks available. Beautiful playful Californian / New Zealand Cross Kits for sale. Our focus is raising for show ('cause that's fun!) They would make great Easter bunnies. Contact us at, Location: Anaheim, CA Very healthy and strong. Californian rabbits have plump commercial bodies and fast growth rates, making them excellent meat rabbits. Ready to go now. In a working rabbitry like Sliver Pond, proven animals are money makers with a considerable amount of time, money and patience invested to get the rabbit to this stage. We are registered with ARBA in Alpine, CA. Activity - Low. It was first brought to the UK from the United States in the 1950s.These are very popular in the commercial rabbit breeding industry. Visit the directory and enter New Zealand in the search box to see a listing of NZ meat rabbit breeders. Also be sure to click the like button below if you found this rabbit classifieds page useful. California white/Rex rabbits. If youre just getting started, I invite you to check out our Meat Rabbit Quick Start Guide. Appearance - Hanging ears, short round nose, short muscular body. Summary: Breed - Holland Lop They are known for their high-quality meat, which is lean and flavorful. However, my time in the FFA has come to an end and I have to look at selling my operation before I head to college this fall! Female Californian/Flemish cross. . Theres a steep learning curve when it comes to raising rabbits it really pays to do your homework first. Our herd produces castor, chinchilla, magpie, tricolor, harlequin, red, and dilutes such as amber, opal, and fawn. information about rabbits and pictures and prices thanks!!!! Phone: (714) 809-1966 A rabbit friend and ARBA judge, Howard Keller, provided some good advice along the way and helped meunderstand thequality traits of a Californian rabbit. Our exact location is Willis, Texas. The Californian rabbit is a popular rabbit breed for; pets, show and meat. Find rabbits for sale in your area and get information on raising rabbits in california using our California Rabbit Breeders Classifieds. Our breeding rabbits and the kits are handled daily so that they have human contact and overall wellness checks. . California Baby Rabbits. All rabbits can be used for meat but some are more easily dual-purpose. Find rabbits for sale in your area and get information on raising californian rabbits using our Rabbit Breeder Classifieds. Full blooded California Whites both bux and does. We currently have several californian rabbit bucks for sale. Next, contact some breeders to see if they have what you are looking for. Californian rabbits for sale:, Seller Name: Lisa Westering Location: Manson, Iowa Rabbit Breed(s): Californian Purebred Californian . Location: Stanton, CA We breed show-quality Silver Fox rabbits in black and chocolate along with several other color varieties: blue, lilac, REW, Alaska Red Fox (black tort), and we recently added broken silver foxes. We have many different rabbit breeds: Champagne dArgents, English Lops, Flemish Giants, and several pet breeds as well. Right now we have quite an age variety of rabbits for sale. 2 x California cross females 22 weeks. $45. Excellent as a family pet and as a show rabbit, these bunnies are known for their dark or black markings that make them stand out from other white breeds, as well as their wonderful temperament. Go to the directory and enter your state in the search box to find rabbit breeders near you. I have 7 adorable Californian rabbit babies that I am selling! Californian Show ClassesBreed DisqualificationsBreed Judging. New Zealand white heat tolerant variety How To Tell The Difference Between Hares And Rabbits. We feed them only the best quality food and high protein, They are absolutely adorable little bunnies!! If so I highly recommend that you check out our best rabbit breeders directory to find breeders near you. Prices vary depending on age and or rabbit but costs are normally $20 nothing less. You may also be able to find buyers through Craigslist, rabbit shows, or county fairs.Dressed rabbit fryers and rabbit meat can be sold at farmers markets, local restaurants, grocery stores, or to raw pet feeders. Offspring are screened from each breeding and only the very best are retained as future breeding stock. Email: rcnzsecretary (at) This page is part of our Rabbit Classifieds Network. Everything is under 12 weeks old Whether you are looking for breeding stock or a few fryers, you can search for meat rabbit breeders on our breeder directory. February 13, 2022 5:01 am. They're fed a good diet of pellets, oats, and hay and in return, give us plenty of great fertilizer! Seller Description: Purebred Holland Lops Bunnies: Sable Pts/Blue-eyed Whites/Tris/Harlequins/Tortoise Shells/Creams. Always fed grass, veggies, and fruits. High Desert Inland Empire California. For those really determined Dallas and Austin TX may still be in reach. Always check the meat rabbit laws for your state before selling rabbit meat. Im trying to re-home a rabbit!! Californian, New Zealand, rabbits for sale. The Californian rabbit (California White) was developed by George S. West of Lynnwood, California in 1923 by crossing Himalayan and a Standard Chinchilla rabbit. We doonly keep the best and process the rest. New Zealand rabbits have commercial body type and fast growth rates, making them excellent meat rabbits. They are also a popular breed for both meat and show, and excel in both areas. These rabbits are 5.5 months. 1/30 . Californian Bunny for Adoption listings are also included within our site search. Linda Patterson. Click on rabbitry names to contact breeders. Meat, fur, pet, show. Help to restore this breed as they are on the endangered species list. Great for pets, very docile. New Zealand, Californian, Champagne d'Argent, Silver Fox, Beveren, Florida White, and Cinnamon rabbits are just a few of the breeds listed. I will most likely be posting more detailed information about our rabbits for sale on this website. Adult rabbits are approximately 5ILbs. Baby Rabbits ( Californian and New Zealand. Californian rabbits - $40 (Troup) I have 3 proven Californian does and 1 proven Californian buck for sale. Breed and raise White New Zealand rabbits. Californian/ New Zealand Rabbits - $10 (Terra Bella) - 6759446658. AmericanListed features safe and local classifieds for everything you need! Choose deep tissue sports massage or relaxing Swedish . Asking 20$. . PetzLover helps you to find your lovable pets to your home. Description. Since 2020 and are loving them! If so go here to post a rabbit classified:, 2023 - All Rights Reserved. , Rabbits for Sale in California 6 weeks oldView Detail, American Blue California mixed. This meat rabbit list includes the following commercial rabbit breeds:American, American White, American Blue, American Chinchilla, American Sable, Argent Brun, Beveren, Blanc de Hotot, Californian, Champagne dArgent, Cinnamon, Creme dArgent, English Angora, Flemish Giant, Florida White, French Angora, French Lop, Giant Chinchilla, Harlequin, Mixed breed, meat mutt, New Zealand, New Zealand White, New Zealand Red, Palomino, Standard Rex, Satin, Silver Fox, Silver Marten, Standard Chinchilla, meat rabbits for sale, rabbit breeders near me, rabbit farms,meat rabbit list, meat rabbit directory, rabbit farms near me, rabbit breeder list,rabbit breeder directory, rabbitries near me, rabbitry near me, meat rabbit breeders near me, meat rabbit breeders,meat rabbit breeder directory, commercial rabbit farming, commercial rabbitry, commercial rabbit breeders, buy meat rabbits. Price - $10 Well now is your chance, we have several show rabbits for sale in texas. !11 Rabbit Type: California Location: edinburg, texas . Date Listed: 10 hours ago. For those of you that are new to we are located in Willis, Texas which is around the Conroe area (North of Houston). $35.00 each or 2 for. Located in Tracy, California, we raise Holland Lops with an aim towards developing loving and lovable bunnies for pets and 4-H competitions. Californians are a hardy breed and are generally easy to care for, but they do require a proper diet to maintain their health. Golden Retriever. California and California satin crosses. Find rabbits for sale in your area and get information on raising californian rabbits using our Californian Rabbit Breeders Classifieds. Here's how we put this principle into action: Caring for our animals the way we believe God intended; living outdoors and expressing their instinctive behaviors. Please note that we can not ship our rabbits. In New Zealands, we have Broken Reds and Blues, Blacks, Blues, Reds and Whites. We have several mini rex bunnies looking for new homes$15-$25 (Newton, Iowa) Here at Rust Belt Rabbitry we just had a few litters of purebred Californians, that will be available in about a 8 weeks. Soon expanding with more breeds. Meat or pets. Dutch rabbits 10 - $20 breeding age male Bucks and Purebred Californian Rex kits Born January 8, they are friendly and cuddly little bunnies!! They have a broad head and strong, thick legs. We do breed most does at 5 months of age while waiting until 6 months on the bucks. Serious inquiries Meat rabbits ranging from fryer (4.5-5.5lb) to stewer (8 lb) available. Good conformation yields a good carcass. They were born on 1-27-2023 and will be . Right now you would have a great selection of stock to choose from so I recommend that if you are interested please give us a call, at least to reserve your rabbits. Rough count there Two great females here! If you have read through you should know that our show bunnies have had some considerable success. I like easy handling rabbits. Californian Californian Rabbits. No processed food. We love rabbits in every way. He is not spayed nor has any health issues. Hopefully a deal can be worked out! All pellet with organic garden supplement and grass time! 30 each. They breed a wide array of rabbits, including Americans, Silver Foxes, Jersey Woolies, and of course, Flemish Giants. We are Quality Californian Rabbit Breeders located North of Houston Texas. Check for availability .. Californian Rabbits raised for the Travis County Youth Fair. The Californian is known for its beautiful white coat with black markings on the; ears, head, feet and tail. The crosses are black, charcoal, and white.Buy Now, I have few 2 months old baby bunnies and 5 months old bunnies.View Detail, California Rabbits Baby Rabbits for Sale - Holland-Lop. 23-03-01-00441 R URGENT on 03/04/23 (f) (female) Rabbit. Posted on November 15, 2014 by cheyenneroa. Kits For Sale. I have 4 New Zealand x Californian rabbits (1/4 Californian 3/4 NZ) I believe there are 2 does and 2 buck but I will have to double check. New Zealand/ Californian mix. Liter of 4 born July 20, 2014. On the directory, you can search for meat rabbits by breed or state. Californian Rabbits For Sale - $25 (Cypress / Katy) Selling two senior does and one senior buck (californian) for 25 dollars each . If you wish to buy rabbits from us check out our order texas rabbits page. Email Address: [email protected] 2. Looking to find top quality rabbits for sale in Covington, Kentucky? These are pure bread show rabbits. Double manned lionhead :, Beautiful BEW & BLACK/white text only ready to reserve now 951 822-2911 will come with bunny care package Starter hay&. They are easy to care for and make a great pet for families or for those new to rabbit ownership. asking $60 each. Californian . Summary: Breed - Bunny Rabbit You can also find other types of rabbits for sale such as Satins, Mini Rex, Angora, Lops, etc. Have comments or questions regarding this californian rabbit classifieds page about californian rabbits for sale? We offer breeds of rabbits from show quality to standard. Offering broad ranges from show quality to pet friendly and learning self sustaining on meat production. We are also starting other breeds of show/pet stock including velveteens, jersey wooly, English angora, hollands, and soon we will be getting French lops. $20. Find meat rabbits for sale in the United States and Canada on our Meat Rabbit Breeder Directory. I also do manscaping service with intimate clippers and/or fresh razor. I have few 2 months old baby bunnies and 5 months old bunnies Baby bunnies for sale not sure what breed they are sorry.Buy Now, California Rabbits We process our own rabbits for human consumption and the pet market. For details please check out our contact page. Find local meat rabbit breeders on our Meat Rabbit Breeder Directory. We have 6 adorable baby bunnies available. We breed sizable meat mutts and giant mix rabbits. Size - 10 to 22 pounds; 20 to 30 inches long. $40 each, $70 for 2, and $120 for all of them We raise TAMUK composite rabbits for meat. Find meat rabbits for sale in the United States and Canada on our Meat Rabbit Breeder Directory. Right now we only have New Zealand White and Blue X White rabbits. Pick up only, Santa Ana CA By accepting, you agree to the use of cookies. You can post rabbit ads featuring rabbits in all different locations and states. Hikaru stays Indoors and roams around just fine around the house when let out. Located in Shelton,WA, Locally raised pure Californian Rabbits for Sale! They are also popular in show circles due to their beautiful white coat and calm, gentle temperament. If interested please TEXT: Meat rabbits, 5 to 6 1/2 pounds, $15/hd. Im unsure of the genders .. Hey guys! On February 29, 2020 I bought two young Californian meat rabbits. 28 Californian Bunnies for Sale Grand-Praire, Texas. Please enter a number greater than 0 and less than 10000. Pare.. Our Meat Rabbit Breeder Directory is a good place to look. We raise Champagne d'Argent rabbits for meat for us and for raw dog food. All can be pedigreed. Price - $100 136 Views $ 30 - $ 65. 30 years+ experience of raising quality New Zealand and Satin rabbits. They are just 3 weeks old now. 30 Californian Bunny Rabbits located in Covington, Kentucky. The directory lists rabbitries and rabbit farms in the United States and Canada. Bucks $75Buy Now, Californian Rabbits raised for the Travis County Youth Fair. These rabbits are house rabbits and ideally will go to someone who has the space for them. Californian Rabbits Breeding Pair & Trio For Sale. In addition to selling to 4-H and FFA students from Montgomery County we frequently sell to those from the San Jacinto and Walker county. We also provide a comprehensive Rabbit Breeders Directory with thousands of breeders. There are a number of breeders that raise angora rabbits on our directory. You can usually buy Californian Rabbit Trios from us for about $200/trio. I frequently post updated photos of the rabbits that we have for sale below. Fluffy mutts 4 - $15 Different colors available. Circleville, Ohio [United States] . Find Californian rabbits for sale near you on our Meat Rabbit Breeder Directory. Local Bunny Adoption *Holland Lop Bunnies * Rabbits for Sale in California | USA Rabbit Breeders * Holland Lop Bunnies* Pet Rabbit Breeders in Southern California, Rabbits in . Quality New Zealand Red, White, Blue, and Broken rabbits. Rabbits for Sale. We have 7 New Zealand bunnies for sale. California Rabbits for Sale. Breed Judging. Double Maned Lionhead Babies in the Nest. . We do not take reservations for breeding animals as we maintain an inventory that is eventually purged into our breeding program. Just give us a call if you are interested because we have well over a hundred rabbits. 11/01/2023. If you have been raising rabbits for at least a year, you can submit a free listing to our directory. Young mother and her 3 week old kitsBreeding Doe, Californian Show Classes Please contact me at xxxx.. Altex | American | American Chinchilla | American Fuzzy Lop | American Sable | Argente Bleu | Argente Brun | Beige | Belgian Hare | Beveren | Blanc de Hotot | Britannia Petite | British Giant | Californian | Canadian Plush Lop | Cashmere Lop | Champagne d Argent | Checkered Giant | Cinnamon | Creme d Argent | Dalmatian | Deilenaar | Dutch | Dwarf Hotot | Dwarf Lop | English Angora | English Lop | English Spot | Flemish Giant | Florida White | French Angora | French Lop | German Lop | Giant Angora | Giant Chinchilla | Harlequin | Havana | Himalayan | Holland Lop | Jersey Wooly | Lilac | Lionhead | Meissner Lop | Mini Lop | Mini Rex | Mini Satin | Netherland Dwarf | New Zealand | Palomino | Polish | Rex | Rhinelander | Satin | Satin Angora | Silver | Silver Fox | Silver Marten | Standard Chinchilla | Tan | Teddy Lop | Thrianta | Velveteen Lop, - Copyright 2022 - All Rights Reserved, *Females are called Does; Males are called Bucks; Offspring are called Kits. Chiquita is a sweet female mini Rex rabbit with lots of energy! I do breed for my fair so that comes before anything until I age out. Range from 3 weeks to. This bunny is very sweet and very kind to any age but has sharp nails that can be easily .. Baby Bunnies will be ready for Christmas. Price - $50 We currently own a herd of over 200 rabbits! Serious inquiries only. Bunny Rabbits need homes! Mostly bunnies. They are high quality bucks that would make excellent breeding stock for shows. Californians are a breed that requires minimal grooming, as their coat does not mat easily. That list is nowhere near all-inclusive, though, and they specialize in Rex rabbits. One of our rabbit meat pens made Grand Champion at the Montgomery County fair. We Sell Meat Rabbits! While our emphasis is raising show quality Rex, we do raise New Zealand and Californian as well. Small mountain rabbitry located in rural CA. (A map to help you locate Willis, Texas in shown on our contact page), Our rabbits have done very well at meat pen competitions, in fact one of our pens made Grand Champion at the 2010 Montgomery County Fair! Asking $25 each. We sell rabbits at all different ages. I Found California Meat Rabbit Buck 2 1/2 Months Old on Seller Description: Especially sweet Holland Lop bunnies. Rabbits in this category typically will not be available. $50. URGENT: Animal could be euthanized soon. All are under 12wks old and ready for their new homes. Facebook: Taylor-Made Rabbitry. Ohio, United States. These cuties are 6 weeks old, born on 6/25/17. These guys are 6.5 months old and are ready to butcher/breed or just have as a pet but will need lots more handling. frozen whole or quartered.Rabbit meat is a Meat rabbits between 8-12 weeks $2.50/lb live weight sold live good for raw dog food drop off only with scale in hand. Hes used to a lot of noise, like loud noises and dogs. Find rabbits for sale in your area and get information on raising rabbits in california using our California Rabbit Breeders Classifieds. We are registered with ARBA in Alpine, CA. Or do you live in another state or even country? New Zealand Red Rabbits and Californian-NZ Red Mix. We do not sell bred does or does and litters so do plan your project well if in a "breed your own" county. The price is $40 per male and $40 per female. Our rabbits are beautiful, healthy and multi-purpose! Breeders are first come, first selection. Born May 11 will be available for new home June 29. What started out as two New Zealand mutt rabbits soon grew quickly! Before purchase, inspect rabbits for signs of good health. California breed rabbits for sale. Born July 18, 2014. Please message if Tue Feb 28 2023 08:00:13 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time). The Meat Rabbit Breeder Directory lists rabbit breeders in the United Stated and Canada. Phone Number: (270)-871-8741. Holland Lop. No problem. Our rabbitry is located in Willis Texas close to Conroe, the Woodlands, New Waverly, Spring, and Huntsville TX. Latest California Rabbit Classifieds. Three Black one BlueView Detail, In riverside ca pick up only $5.00 white / black / brown / mixView Detail, White bunny with red eyes. Are you looking to sell rabbits? They should be fed a high-quality hay, as well as a small amount of fresh vegetables and a limited amount of pellets. San Diego, California. Breeders with pedigree are $75. They make great pets and are very easy to take care of.Buy Now, These are pure bread show rabbits. I personally started raising rabbits after getting involved in 4H. 60. I have 4 New Zealand x Californian rabbits (1/4 Californian 3/4 NZ) I believe there are 2 does and 2 buck but I will have to double check. My husband Matthew & I are dedicated to the breeding & raising of Champagne d'Argent, Creme d'Argent & Standard Rex rabbits for luxurious show rabbits, loving affectionate pets & wholesome meat for the family. Please contact me at .Buy Now, This bunny is very sweet and very kind to any age but has sharp nails that can be easily token or be clipped and this bunny never gave us any problem and will come with food.Buy Now, Baby Bunnies will be ready for Christmas. Californians have a compact, muscular build and are slightly longer in body than they are tall. On the directory, you can search for meat rabbits by breed or state. Feel free to ask us on our Rabbit Breeders Facebook Page. Homesteaders and junior livestock participants alike are singing the praises of our Californians. 08/02/2023. Text or call only please. Californians are a popular breed for both meat and show, and they excel in both areas. We have several californian bunnies for sale (about 1 month old). Beautiful Rabbits. Purebred Californian Rabbits. Meat rabbits, 5 - 6 1/2 lbs live. They have been handled & love people , I have 2 pairs of cali , one is 1.5 years and other one is their kittens 4 months old. We offer purebred New Zealand (b/w brokens and solid blacks), Californian, and Silver Fox (chocolate and blacks), as well as cross breeds. This page is part of our Rabbit Classifieds Network. Animal quality is important to us so we strive to improve the rabbitry with every breeding.
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