PO15 5TS This includes: sofas, armchairs, upholstered dining or office chairs, stools and footstools, bean bags, floor or sofa cushions. A location of council bring sites are listed below. There is no limit to the amount of rubble you can bring. All residents must book an appointment to visit any Hampshire HWRC. Hampshire CountyCouncil has confirmed that from Monday 15 June you must have an appointment to visit an HWRC. if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion && _iterator.return != null) { Open 7 days a week, except Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Years Day when the site is closed 9am to 5pm 1 March to 31 March 9am to 6pm 1 April to 30 September 9am to 4pm 1 October to 28 February. Such items must be delivered in a suitable sealed container. try { tiles with plasterboard attached) must separate them prior to visiting the HWRC so they can be disposed of separately. Please take a look at our browser support page for more help. default constructor python. Place in the green waste container at your local HWRC. Petrol cannot be taken to the HWRC. If you have more than the accepted amount, please contact a private disposal company. Petrol lawnmowers and other household garden machinery can be accepted as scrap metal provided they do not contain petrol or oil. Soil will be charged at 3 for each standard rubblebag or part bag, up to a maximum of 53.5 x 82cm (when laid flat), filled so that the waste is contained and can be safely lifted. Fair Oak Household Waste Recycling CentreKnowle Lane,Fair Oak,SO50 7DZ, Hedge End Household Waste Recycling CentreShamblehurst Lane,Hedge End,SO30 2AD, NetleyHousehold Waste Recycling CentreGrange Road,NetleySO31 5FFEastleighHousehold Waste Recycling CentreStoney Croft Rise,Chandler's Ford,EastleighSO53 3YU. Find your local tip. All content Herefordshire Council. HWRCs accept gas bottles up to 15kg in size, either propane or butane. } Something went wrong, please try again later. Treated, untreated and mixed wood can be reused or recycled at your local HWRC. You can book an appointment using the online form below. Book online to visit Hereford household recycling centre. Private bring sites, such as those operated by some supermarkets, are not affected by these changes. All residents must book an appointment to visit any Hampshire HWRC. Please ensure that SIM cards are removed and personal data is deleted from the device. www.basingstoke.gov.uk/signup. Waste and recycling - frequently asked questions, Household waste recycling centre (or tip), book an appointment to visit your household waste recycling centre, please visit West Berkshire Council's website for more information on charges that now apply, household waste recycling centres information on HCC's website, waste prevention and recycling page on the HCC website. Fuels are not accepted at HWRCs. Only residents who have made a booking will be able to . Havant tip is owned and operated by Hampshire county council, Havant Recycling Centre allows you to dispose of the following items here: Aluminium, Baths, Batteries, Bedding and quilts and pillows and sleeping bags Car batteries, Carpets, Cardboard, Christmas trees Electrical equipment and appliances, A maximum of two bin bags can be deposited per household per day, and waste must be double bagged before disposal. For example if you bring a basin, a pedestal and a toilet cistern, then there will be a charge for 3 individual items, total 9. playerWrap.classList.remove("paused"); Cllr Rob Humby, deputy leader and executive member for economy, transport and environment at Hampshire County Council, said: From next week, a new booking system will be up and running, and well also be operating normal summer hours. No other type of asbestos is allowed. Showing results for Log Cabins / Timber Framed Building in Leiston page 2 (10-20) You can buy the soil improver/compost made from garden waste for 2 a bag at this household recycling centre. top: 0; Alternatively, you can call 02380 179 949 to book your appointment over the. Arrangements are also being made for a telephone booking line for residents who do not have access to the internet. }; But, crucially, we want to hear from you. Residents should only travel to a HWRC if the build-up of waste in your home may pose a risk of injury or to health. These include: For information on the Gosport HWRC and what you can and cannot take to this site, please contact Hampshire County Council on 0300 555 1389 or visitwww.hants.gov.uk/wasteandrecyclingHazardous Waste: Some household waste is classed as hazardous and must be taken to a specially licensed HWRC site. Do not replace regular or plastic corks however, these should be reused where possible or placed in your non-recyclable waste bin. Google Analytics tracking cookie. Detailed information on local household waste recycling centres and the materials that you can take to each one can be found on Hampshire County Council's waste prevention and recycling pages,. Please be advised that garden waste bigger than 2 metres in length, and 100mm in diameter cannot be accepted on compactor sites as indicated above. POPs are certain chemical substances that stay intact and do not break down. This includes: sofas, armchairs, upholstered dining or office chairs, stools and footstools, bean bags, floor or sofa cushions. Or by navigating to the user icon in the top right. There is guidance regarding the disposal of waste upholstered domestic seating. the last house on needless street spoiler. Most HWRCs have a clothing/textile and shoe bank for recycling and reuse. if (_didIteratorError2) { Plasterboard is charged at 10 for each sheet (maximum size 3 x 1.2m) or part sheet, and 6 for each standard rubble bag or part bag, up to a maximum of 53.5 x 82cm (when laid flat), filled so that the waste is contained and can be safely lifted. We use your sign-up to provide content in the ways you've consented to and improve our understanding of you. We'd also like to use analytics cookies. People will be able to book a 30-minute slot up to 48 hours in advance. To find out more about the new permit scheme for vehicles, and to apply for a permit, please contact Hampshire County Council using the above information. If you have already registered your car you can book a visit at a Hampshire HWRC. Find out what to do if your recycling has not been collected and how to report a missed collection to us. This increased flexibility to book should mean it is easier than ever for householders to book a slot at a time that suits. You must book an appointment before you visit a tip. Asbestos will only be accepted on site if it is double bagged or wrapped in plastic sheeting and sealed. There may be further delays or a charge for using the site. Preview: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog, including missed bin collections, fly tipping, abandoned vehicles and more. Please take these items to a specially licensed hazardous waste HWRC (see above), or alternatively ensure these are collected by a suitably licensed contractor. Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). Sites which accept hazardous household waste: Paint can be taken to your local HWRC for disposal. Make a car booking If your car is registered at another address with the DVLA, you can still register it to a Hampshire address to visit a Hampshire HWRC. Enter your email to sign up and get the latest news in Hampshire. Baths can be taken to your local HWRC for disposal. To book an appointment online, locate your HWRC and complete the requested information. Worcestershire County Council, Herefordshire's partner, manage the service. You must phone in advance to pre-book and to check that the container is not full and awaiting emptying, or you may not be able to deposit your cement bonded asbestos. It's important to recycle the right things because the wrong items in your bin could mean that everything in the bin lorry is rejected and has to be disposed of as ordinary rubbish. If you have any queries email hrc@worcestershire.gov.uk or call 01905 843418. If you visit an HWRC without an appointment you will be turned away. var playerFrame = playerWrap.querySelector("iframe"); Electrical equipment can be taken to your local HWRC for recycling and safe disposal. Do not replace regular or plastic corks however, these should be reused where possible or placed in your non-recyclable waste bin. There are four Household Waste Recycling Centres (dump/tips) in the Winchester district where you can take unwanted household items. You can register up to three cars at your address. Valuation Bands and Council Tax Charges 2022/23, Moving In/Moving out/Change of Owner/Leasholder, Application for Business Rates Retail Discount 2021/22, Gosport Economic Development Strategy 2020-2031, Gosport Employment and Skills Partnership, Agendas and Minutes (prior to August 2018), https://www.hants.gov.uk/wasteandrecycling/recyclingcentres/book-appointment, Soil, rubble and DIY waste (limited quantities). PDF, 161KB, Winchester City Council Book a visit to the Household Waste Recycling Centre (HWRC) Book a visit to the Household Waste Recycling Centre (HWRC) Before you book Where to go and what you can bring Questions and. Hampshire residents who previously had a permit for the West Berkshire HWRC in Newtown please visit West Berkshire Council's website for more information on charges that now apply. More information about Alton Household Waste Recycling Centre. Accepted, restricted and not accepted waste. You will not be allowed access to the site without a pre-booked pass; Bookings can only be made online There is no limit to the amount of plasterboard you can bring. For more information please view our Cookies policy. He was also made subject to a lifelong Sexual Harm Prevention Order (SHPO) and must sign on the sex offenders register for life. The opening times vary according to the time of year: 9am - 6pm from 1 April to 30 September 9am - 4pm from 1 October to 28 February 9am - 5pm from 1 March to 31 March Should you require any. LED light bulbs should be placed in the small electrical appliances container. var playerState = player.getPlayerState(); This helps them from getting lost, or being mistakenly taken in by others. Items should be bagged before placing in the bank. }); Tyres can no longer be disposed of in landfill sites, and will not be accepted at our sites. For details and exceptions, see Out of county customers. Book a recycling centre trip. Please place newspapers, magazines and paper in your kerbside recycling bin instead. You can register up to three cars at your address. When you purchase new tyres the garage may take the old ones. content: ""; From here it is taken then turned into Pro-Grow Soil Conditioner which is available to buy from all HWRCs. }); We also may change the frequency you receive our emails from us in order to keep you up to date and give you the best relevant information possible. They are also used to monitor usage of HWRC sites. There is guidance regarding the disposal of waste upholstered domestic seating.

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