Nn+:aW/$crZX,A*Qm#1~ M4mjxpUmY0=MP6J-5w:wn6G;WRF? 0000016820 00000 n I'm not sure that I agree with that, but this type of protection is common for three phase padmounted transformers owned by . Common sizes include 16-, 14-, 12-, 10-, 8-, 6-, and 2-gauge wire. Privacy, cookies & data protection policy. endobj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Subtype/Form>>stream Verify voltage for dc applications. 0000012322 00000 n <]/Prev 415174>> They will limit long-term transformer heating caused by overloads and high 117 46 Compare. Candelabra with a smaller screw in the base: E12. You can then round to the next fuse size which would be 15 Amps. 0000042303 00000 n *S9Wb|rJ7!f_tfbZE&QaH(|v V]V#7+k%$eV[WPbfy7Es5ufq~q{^YNvUZVj w@ !7b"4/[VvV]wud&wa@"X.TZTK+_l~85fJ[%xVy1yC3L@}uh1Y kfwl9 h1T1Q >}g24^d)-2y92PI @"kY7K,UVc.b22}3y ^# -JQ1=iRX4e>I=k_tLpWo:g=meW`fu-Df,>$UCuH) h!kTA@kIFT#>R)st,>k2wH.Zm,O#9!egW&H]b#c4h\1EY[-.lqQ?>7q*HM + #VCe"uj-,u:a@d(kD P. Hz#_Sj{. characteristics that are easier to coordinate with existing protective devices, such as boric acid fuses, reclosers and power fuses. fuse as per NEC 450.3(b), UL 508 32.7, and UL 845 11.16 and 11.17, as sum-marized in Table 4A below: 2. Time delay fuses sized at 125% may open at motor locked 0000003001 00000 n A Bay-O-Net fuse is ideal for use in a two-fuse protection scheme with a current-limiting backup fuse. <>>> 0000032052 00000 n Intermediate E17 Base. Cooper Power Systems is headquartered in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and manufactures and markets circuit protection products globally for the electrical and Utilities industries. 0000020067 00000 n 2015-02-26T15:27:07.000-06:00 0000002245 00000 n Fuse Ratings Fuses with an A-C voltage rating may be applied at system voltages below the fuse voltage rating, but not at voltages above the fuse voltage rating. 0000141004 00000 n Mersen's General Electric Fuse support and disconnecting switches are used for mounting and installing medium voltage fuses. 0000029748 00000 n But always open that up. 14 0 obj 2015-02-26T15:27:09.000-06:00 0000032187 00000 n eaton:resources/marketing-resources/catalogs trailer bon 0000032923 00000 n Most if not all of the PM Transformer are protected with 1) Bayonet fuse and Partial Range Current limiting (PRCL)fuse connected in series with the Bay fuse. from secondary fuse when used with a starter, connect to n.c. contact of o.l. 0000022051 00000 n There are a number of different makes and types of fuse. #4. 2015-02-26T16:34:33.000-05:00 In general, the current-limiting fuse should only operate for internal faults in the transformer. (See Catalog CA132012EN Isolation Link.) 1/4" size-rejecting fast-acting automotive glass tube fuses See pages 28, 32 and 35 for available assortments. Isolation link must be used with selected BAYONET fuse lin k.. B1-4 02/05 BAYONET FUSE - APPLICATION TABLE 4 BAYONET LOAD SENSING FUSE Three Phase . Its ideal use is in a two-fuse protection scheme with a current-limiting backup fuse. / fuse size black 1a 175a 80a 80a 40a gray 2a 2a 15a 150a 120a 120a 60a violet 3a 3a 3a 3a 100a 200a 140a 80a 0000005729 00000 n endstream 0000013567 00000 n l=@ endstream endobj 151 0 obj <>>> endobj 152 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC/ImageI]/Properties<>/MC1<>>>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/Thumb 140 0 R/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 153 0 obj [/ICCBased 173 0 R] endobj 154 0 obj [/Indexed 153 0 R 232 175 0 R] endobj 155 0 obj [/Indexed 153 0 R 243 176 0 R] endobj 156 0 obj [/Indexed 153 0 R 234 177 0 R] endobj 157 0 obj [/Indexed 153 0 R 252 178 0 R] endobj 158 0 obj <> endobj 159 0 obj <>stream It is a feature of camera systems where the body allows interchangeable lenses, most usually the rangefinder camera, single lens reflex type, single lens mirrorless type or any movie camera of 16 mm or higher gauge.Lens mounts are also used to connect optical components in . Hb```f``wc`g`c`@ 6(Glk:@ For full size TCC curves R240-91-50, contact your Eaton representative. eaton:resources/marketing-resources/catalogs, eaton:product-taxonomy/medium-voltage-power-distribution-control-systems/utility-fuses/transformer-protection-devices. 0000011384 00000 n The ELX fuse is a full range currentlimiting fuse designed to provide overcurrent protection. INSTALLATION Fuse Link is used in Bay-O-Net fuse assemblies to protect distribution apparatus from damaging currents and to protect distribution systems from failed apparatus. Adobe PDF Library 10.0.1 0000031233 00000 n trailer Bay-O-Net fuses can be used on single-phase con ven tional and self-pro tected dis tri bu tion transformers and on three-phase equipment. For example: If a tap off the main line is a 65T fuse, then the first sublateral fuse will be a 30T, and the second sublateral fuse will be a 15T. fuse (Catalog CA132013EN) is recommended in series with the Bay-O-Net link. Adobe PDF Library 10.0.1 RX7s Slide Wedge Subminiature Compact Fluorescent Plug In Bases 2G7 2GX-7 2G11 G23 G24d-2 G24d-3 G24q-1 G24q-2 G24q-3 GX23 GX23-2 GX24q-1 GX24q-2 GX24q-3 GX24q-4 GX24q-5 Miniature . B-21 9/06 . 0000005238 00000 n Under oil internal arresters. A hotstick is used to remove the Bay-O-Net fuse cartridge holder from non-pressurized apparatus. Based on your criteria, we would recommend the following Eaton Cooper Power series protection device(s) for your application. The RTE ELST full range current-limiting tandem fuse assembly is designed for use in padmount switchgear filled with transformer oil or approved equivalent. <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> 117 0 obj <> endobj H,0DwI6A'D~,gm"G8 aIYeRBNwr&7(o{"J%+A2=hoZ%??`p! s" SES - Small Edison Screw - E14. 95 0 obj 0000022766 00000 n INSTALLATION Primary Fuse Sizing for 13.8 kv transformers metallica5 Dec 19, 2012 Not open for further replies. It may also be used in large padmount transformers. 5. A light bulb size chart & series guide from The Lightbulb Company experts to help you find the perfect bulb for your lamp. Lamp Holders & Ceiling Pendants. G13. 0000034865 00000 n 0000010281 00000 n Quiet, safe operating characteristics of the ELX fuse make it ideal for installations where flame discharge and loud operation are undesirable. Summary of overcurrent protection for less than 600V. 0000033433 00000 n eaton:language/en-us 10 33 Medium voltage current limiting and expulsion fuses suitable for the protection of distribution transformers, voltage transformers, capacitor banks, motor circuits and installations with other switching apparatus. APPLICATION Bayonet Fuses Catalog. Images are shown to scale. 0000010993 00000 n 22 0 obj False 0000001526 00000 n endobj Parallel Volts: V1= V2 = 20V. 0000026111 00000 n Hence, we can choose 16A Fuse for 5.5kW motor. Check characteristics and dimensions for application before substituting. 29 0 obj The ELSP fuse is used in transformers to protect and isolate faulted equipment. 0000004617 00000 n What does the bayonet fuse do? 0000048647 00000 n Note: This level of protection requires a well-designed, true dual-element fuse. GU4. 0 0000043635 00000 n 0000044402 00000 n The isolation link is connected in series with the fuse and its purpose is to minimize the possibility of . HlTPWffzAh;z{b4H(("q>300"FQPEa #j5k-VLI6V>v~}s;v1EO^+xJ}3^ |F;][sgT+U&m^Kzw/ @ZEZy9 0000033412 00000 n It is 22mm in diameter and with two locating lugs. For additional information on RTE Fuses contact us at 918.665.6888, or use our fuse search tab at the top of the page. 0000001216 00000 n I have one 13.8kv Delta pri x 4.16kv Wye Secondary 4000kva transformer and the second is 13.8kv Delta pri x 480/277 Wye secondary 2/2.6MVA. 0000003825 00000 n By submitting this form I agree to Eatons privacy policy. The first sublateral fuse (Overhead) will be half or the next smaller standard size that JEA has in stock. 0000032073 00000 n dual sensing fuse link *s12uIq~4:gxlt`x~M?ggXrT)G8,l*Cy|5'/$7EfnR>P@F5B(Yrl-P"N~. R7s. Bay-O-Net fuses are compa rable in cost to internal cartridge fuses but have the advan tages of being field-replaceable. 44 0 obj 0000025344 00000 n For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. bay-o-net 8.5 0000024700 00000 n 0000013340 00000 n 0000049701 00000 n There are not more than three current-carrying conductors in the raceway or cable, including spare conductors. endobj 0000033993 00000 n eaton:product-taxonomy/medium-voltage-power-distribution-control-systems/utility-fuses/transformer-protection-devices )Wt@@JPE!Q2*2)*$HV-@ZUxuk,kkk&k#/ 0000007123 00000 n Bay-O-Net fuses are comparable in cost to internal cartridge fuses but have the advantages of being field replaceable. from application/x-indesign to application/pdf }z[^zOR||`^v_m?_vG>9~G^Z>Z. Toll-free: (800) 739-9145 | Local: (918) 665-6888, ELST Full Range Current-Limiting Tandem Fuse Assembly. This two-part system provides low current protection with the replaceable expulsion fuse or resettable MagneX Interrupter, and it adds the energylimiting protection of a current-limiting fuse. 10 0 obj <> endobj Version: 10.6.13. " #$% 11.0 Provide protection in dead front pad mounted transformers and also a switching point. The two fuses are connected in series, and are coordinated so that the current-limiting fuse operates only upon internal equipment failure. (see specific wiring diagram instructions) note: if secondary fusing is not used, connect wires to x1 and x2 and remove wire from secondary fuse to x1. 2015-02-26T15:34:31.000-06:00 These charts apply to BAYONET current (fault) sensing lin ks Ermco catalog number 9F54MFC---. 0000049779 00000 n endobj 8.5 xmp.id:F7E052CFFEBDE411A2AB91AAA0F8D13D 0000026584 00000 n All Rights Reserved. 0000007917 00000 n VA VOLTS = Maximum amp load, 75 / 24 = 3.125 Amps. 0000101802 00000 n 0000120140 00000 n Different makes and types of fuse have . Its minimum interrupting rating is coordinated with that of a low current interrupter to avoid undesirable low current operation; yet its maximum interrupting rating will clear the highest fault currents likely to occur. 0000034839 00000 n Bi-pin, an intermediate pin-in base with two points of contact named G4 or GU24. Bay-O-Net fuses can easily be coordinated with upstream devices. Edison screw (ES) is a standard lightbulb socket for electric light bulbs. Eaton converted typical fuse block connections for transformer with dual voltage primary typical fuse block . Bay-O-Net fuses can easily be co or di nated with upstream devices. No special tools are required. Higher continuous current ratings can be achieved by connecting two fuses in parallel. Bay-O-Net fuses can be used on single-phase con ven tional and self-pro tected dis tri bu tion transformers and on three-phase equipment. dual element fuse link HWK$ )OH}^xm6`3RfVuCaxGQ$O0-oMlZw*xa8v]mowc}].eoT.8HgOyGum:Z*~KtuMc7l/|;f[N{/7(Ua7&m{~ N{Zy/&KOr{`O`&];Z._u{G=,|q+g'oRvN|xqO^_?=1q@Ov]yOx\fOs]q-3Ku'^qMEZ.2aWO`K9]vw0'>o_(2csd&PrnK. EV fuse 500VDC50to400A power fuse catalog_Bussmann_ABPower.pdf. According to the chart above, 16.67 amps is in the range of the top row, 9 amps or more, so the overcurrent protection should be 125% of the primary full load current. 0000002862 00000 n You can also request a quote on any of the RTE Fuses using our quote form. hour melt current of the selected fuse, 4 to 8 hours, in 100 C oil.) 0000059974 00000 n 0000000016 00000 n Bayonet fuse holders with and without flapper. Figure 5 showed the normal mode of eaton:country/north-america/us . Single Phase: Not to be used at voltages greater than 17,10 0 for delta configuration, or . 42 0 obj Together, they coordinate easily vwith upstream and downstream devices. Created Date: 9/1/2006 1:14:13 PM . 0000096741 00000 n You can verify with ABB, but I doubt it is necessary to change the current-limiting fuse. The E-rated fuse is present and will protect the transformer against overload conditions and primary faults, but the MVCF device will operate much faster under short-circuit or arc fault conditions. to size time delay fuses at 125% of motor full load amperes. Regardless of the style of blade fuse, these fusesused in automotive (and other electrical component) applicationstypically follow a standard color-coding scheme that . The two fuses are connected in series, and are coordinated so that the current-limiting fuse operates only upon internal equipment failure. Documenation. bay-o-net G4. endobj false 0000022116 00000 n D. Using the de-rated value of melting current for the selected fuse (Step 3B), divide by the nameplate rating of the transformer (full load current). 0000001601 00000 n No special tools are required. In this ar range ment, secondary faults and overload currents are cleared by the Bay-O-Net fuse, and high level faults are cleared by the current-limiting fuse. use time-current characteristic curves and specify the fuse indicated from Table 2. 0000005950 00000 n The maximum interrupting rating for the 15.5 kV fuse, 80 A through 125 A at 17.2 kV is 43 kA. 0000006366 00000 n K?g)kDgX2>Xh'4@kA Myp]d demE'o-s#zf"+1^xC startxref Bayonet Bases Miniature Bayonet Double Contact Bayonet (BA15d) Single Contact Bayonet (BA15s) Index Double Contact Bayonet Wedge Bases Wedge Wedge D.F. Usually they are de-signed in the form of a glass or ceramic tube with a me-tal wire. The ELSP fuse is designed for use in transformer oil, Envirotemp FR3 fluid, or an approved equivalent.The fuse's highly efficient currentlimiting section minimizes the effects of high fault current stresses on equipment and the distribution system. 0000003895 00000 n Get Lighting. If the bayonet fuse will not be used in series 0000031488 00000 n 0000022932 00000 n 0000045029 00000 n 1 0 obj 2018-10-25T09:19:24.311-04:00 0000002978 00000 n 0000030821 00000 n Okay and on the left-hand side of the chart there's a label on your drive. Internal expulsion fuses. 0000141959 00000 n <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC/ImageI]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 0000050636 00000 n hb```b``5b`c`Heb@ !;pA6>= (@Z%3yRx;U)g|> *_x6vY@u 6 YV&iMF^,{uB`d. 2018-10-25T09:11:59.492-04:00 For more specific sizing recommendations, refer to Tables . The ELST fuse assembly is mechanically interchangeable with the K-MATE SL assembly and with other manufacturers' current limiting tandem fuse assemblies. i3+X:sm'd4_3z ldIN_Hb]p/%g?t37yJ#7A{4I"i%aM-Ucdoo^_AY}c?\(B'ZrMF?Ft$t}RzQ'iinl=]d"2GYT&({^yYm4`[JMGXB8ek dX 2!ILYxA6Tf(C(K-|stream Transfomer overload level Long-term loading criteria Temperature class Ambient temperature (C) Transformer preload (%) 0000023588 00000 n It was developed by Thomas Edison (1847-1931), patented in 1881, and was licensed in 1909 under General Electric's Mazda trademark. Motor Fuse Sizing Chart: Here the standard IEC recommended fuse chart has been included.

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