Typically done when the batter has two strikes against them. Leather meaning the fielders glove. Tossed: When a player or coach is ejected from the game by an umpire, they are said to have been tossed out of the game. Other forms of this common phrase include, "out the wazoo" and "out the bong-hole". Before 1980 this person was typically a local sportswriter; beginning in 1980 the League hired "independent contractors" for the job. indicates the ball should be thrown to home plate. To catch or knock down a line drive, as if flagging down a speeding train. (Urban Dictionary knows no bounds.) Payoff pitch: A pitch thrown with a full count. Together the shortstop and second baseman the fielders nearest second base, often combining on double plays are sometimes referred to as the. The 2009, 2010, and 201517 World Series would subsequently have games in November. Urban Dictionary Definition Team; Worst team in the NL West: The thrift store for all other major league baseball teams: The reason all of Maryland sings the 'O!' in the Star-Spangled Banner: The NL team of the 1990s: Curse of the Billy Goat: Win with nobodys but lose with the Home Run king: A team that is more consistent than their north-side . A pitcher who (at season's end) leads the league in three major categories: earned run average, wins, and strikeouts. . That was a shot!. A Financial Overview, What Is a Cycle in Baseball? Top 100 Baseball Terms and Stat Acronyms baseball.tools, http://www.topwebsites.pw/domain-list-734, https://sommer-blomster.dk/vi-er-kommet-godt-i-gang/, http://thaisnook.com/review/wicked-circus-slot-game-review/, canada medication https://site669726570.fosite.ru/, canadian government approved pharmacies https://kernyusa.estranky.sk/clanky/risk-factors-linked-to-anxiety-disorders-differ-between-women-and-men-during-the-pandemic.html, Best Baseball Movies of All Time | Top 25, 15 Best Baseball Books for Learning How to Play or Coach, https://kernyusa.estranky.sk/clanky/risk-factors-linked-to-anxiety-disorders-differ-between-women-and-men-during-the-pandemic.html. Switch-hitter: A batter than can hit from both the left and right side of the plate. Base hit: A fair ball hit such that the batter can advance safely to a base without the aid of an error committed by the team in the field. Akin to what is called a. The goal of this website is to provide you with content that will help you get a leg up on the competition, whether thats in the realm of coaching or on the field itself. Bleeder: A weakly hit ground ball that goes for a base hit. The set of all games played between two teams during the regular season is referred to as the, In the playoffs, series involve games played in the home stadiums of both teams. Backwards K: When a batter strikes out looking at the strikeout pitch, and does not swing and miss, this is known as a backwards K. (K meaning strikeout). A pole located on each foul line on the outfield fence or wall. That pitch was right in my wheelhouse!, Yiketty: Another term for a home run, made famous by Chipper Jones. Any fly ball that strikes the foul line (including the foul pole) beyond first or third base is a fair ball (and in the case of the foul pole, a home run). A right-handed batter who hits the ball toward right field, The best situation for a "push bunt" is runners at first and third with one out (. shortstop | see definition . Lineup: The order in which players go up to bat. A player who advances around all the bases to score is credited with a run; the team with the most runs wins the game. A foul tip is considered in play, not a foul ball, and also counts as a strike, including the third strike (and is also considered a strikeout for the pitcher). Fireman: A team's closer or late-inning relief pitcher. Mark Gonzales, "'El Duque' dynamite in Sox debut". Tied up: When a batter gets a pitch in on the hands making it impossible for them to swing, they are said to have gotten tied up.. The New Dickson Baseball Dictionary Paperback - January 1, 1999 by Paul Dickson (Author) 14 ratings Hardcover $45.00 14 Used from $7.92 4 New from $40.69 1 Collectible from $9.59 Paperback $6.96 13 Used from $5.43 3 New from $44.00 After reading this, youll be able to talk baseball with the best of them! Cleanup batter: Refers to the fourth batter in the batting lineup. Abel is out at third base, When a fielder throws the ball so high that it sails over the head and out of reach of his target. William Shakespeare is thought to have used the phrase in a pickle in The Tempest, referencing someone who was drunk. PO: Putout when a fielder records a baserunner out. Music also began to blare. Since this pitching motion takes less time, it gives the runners less time to steal bases. ". AB: At Bats the number of times a player has been up to bat.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'baseball_tools-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_17',123,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-baseball_tools-mobile-leaderboard-1-0'); AVG/BA: Batting average the ratio of hits to at bats. S/1B: Single when a batter makes a successful hit and reaches first base. This rule is designed to allow catchers and pitchers the ability to field bunts and throw the batter-runner out without having to worry about the batter-runner intentionally or unintentionally interfering with the throw. ", The player who uses it to strike the ball a batter, hitter, or batsman can be said to, A player known as a good hitter might be said to have a, A team with many good hitters might be said to have a lot of "bats" (referring to the players not the instrument). I created this website to share my passion with all of you. Blistered: When a ball is hit exceptionally hard. Conversely, a pitch near the top of the strike zone might be called a ball if the catcher has to rise from his crouched position to catch it, even if it did go through the defined strike zone. OPS: On-base plus slugging the sum of a players on-base percentage and slugging percentage. Urban Dictionary is being used to determine the acceptability of vanity plate names in some U.S. states. Corked bat: A bat in which cork (or possibly rubber or some other elastic material) has been inserted into the core of the wooden barrel. blowjobs) This answers first letter of which starts with D and can be found at the end of E. We think DECIDE is the possible answer on this clue. 2023. Coaches as well as players on the bench make a habit of watching everything an opposing pitcher is doing, looking for information that will allow them to forecast what kind of pitch is coming. Eat some crab legs beforehand to give it a hint of seafood. To get a base hit by hitting the ball between infielders. 'Roll a bump' is a colloquial east coast slang for turning a 1-6-3 double play or a 1-4-3 double play. Lead runner: The base runner closest to home plate on the base paths when more than one runner is on base. Lay out: When a fielder dives to make a play on a batted ball. Cutoff man: A fielder who takes the incoming throw from an outfielder after a hit. If the out is not the third out then the ball is alive and in play (unlike on a foul) and runners are in jeopardy if they are trying to advance. Usually a result of an argument between player/coach and an umpire. IRA: Inherited runs allowed the number of players on base when a relief pitcher enters the game that later go on to score a run. When the defending team allows no opponent on base in a half-inning, thereby retiring the side facing the minimum three batters, the batting team is said to have gone down in order, the defending team is said to have retired it in order. When the ball is hit foul, and the strike count is less than 2 (a batter cannot strike out on a foul ball, however he can fly out in foul territory). Defined are over 2,001 quick hitting, concise, and descriptive terms. Warning track power: When a hitter doesnt have enough power to hit the ball over the wall. Curtain call: As in theater, when a players performance causes such excitement from the audience that he returns from the dugout to tip his cap or wave. 2023. Yet another related statistic is "left on base in scoring position with less than two out". Around the horn: A double play that begins with the third baseman and goes to second and then to first. Ahead in the count: A term that signifies whether the batter or pitcher possesses the advantage in an at-bat. Another unsavoury word for lady parts, it most closely translates to "cunt" or "pussy" and it's one of the strongest words in Irish. ", When a fielder makes a spectacular play that denies a hit or a home run, the batter may be said to have "been robbed" by him. It is not a legal or safe bat to use in a game or even in practice with a live pitcher, because it is too light. Baseball girl. Fly ball: A baseball that is hit high into the air. Dead red: When a hitter is looking for a specific pitch, receives it and takes advantage of it. When a pitcher relies too much on his fastball, perhaps because his other pitches are not working well for him during that game, he is said to be "fastball happy". Baseball has its own rhythm, its own rules, its own specific appeal to our senses and sensibilities. A Gap AFC East AFC North AFC South AFC West Air Raid Offense Air Yards All-Pro Slump: An extended period when a player or team is not performing well. Air mail: When a player throws the ball over the head of another player. So, what is some baseball terminology that is used during games? Fishing: When a player at-bat swings at a ball that is outside of the strike zone. Opposite field: The side of the outfield that is the opposite of the direction of the hitters natural swing (i.e., for a right-handed hitter, the opposite field is right field, because the swing is naturally directed to left). When a hitter steps into the batter's box, he typically stands a few inches from home plate with one shoulder facing the pitcher's mound. Despite reaching first base safely after hitting the ball, the batter is not credited with a hit but would be charged with an at-bat. Lets go slap some taters.. Elena . For example, a baserunner may start running "on the crack of the bat", as opposed to waiting to see where the ball goes. 1996. This pitcher is throwing gas.. The batter is automatically called out in this situation whether or not a fielder attempts to catch the fly ball, assuming it stays fair. Outfielders often use the sound of bat-meeting-ball as a clue to how far a ball has been hit. The ball drops sharply and typically out of the strike zone, maybe even into the dirt. See tools for how baseball scouts rate these skills. Full count - When the pitch count has 3 balls and 2 strikes. Turn two: To execute a double play. BF/TBF/BFP: Batters Faced - the number of batters who have faced the pitcher. When the ball touches the batter as he swings at it. PB: Passed ball when a catcher cannot keep control of a pitch that he otherwise should have. DP: Double plays when two runners are ruled out on the same play. In this situation, the runner is out if a fielder with the ball touches the base the runner is being forced to; this is considered a "force out". Web gem: Literally refers to the webbing of a fielders glove. Players also sometimes slide head-first into first base. Note that the 4th "bag" is actually a plate. When runners are "at the corners", they are at first base and third base on the baseball diamond, with no runner on second base. The ball becomes dead, and the umpire will award any bases or charge any outs that, in his judgment, would have occurred without the interference. "As Cashman spoke, Pettitte fired a strike on the corner, which froze the hitter. Slang for extra innings. The descriptions of baseballA's vocabulary are simple enough for a child to understand, yet sophisticated enough to avoid insulting the intelligence of . Changeup: A slow pitch that is meant to look much faster. Throwing the ball around the horn is also done after a, An additional application of this term is when a, The record holder is widely believed to have used, A holder of a single-season record accomplished the feat in a longer season, and thus had additional opportunities to break the record. Find me on: Fastpitch softball has a way of its own when it comes to the language you hear between players, coaches, and parents, but if you're a newcomer to the sport, you might be left a little in the dust. A shout of "Three!" Related expressions are, Other types of baseball destruction include, Pitching effectively, e.g., "Smith is really dealing tonight.". When the ball is a foul tip. Circus catch: When an outfitter makes an acrobatic catch. We have all been there. A single infielder, typically the third baseman or the first baseman may also play "in" when it's anticipated that a batter may attempt to make a, An error is a fielder's misplay which allows a batter or baserunner to reach one or more additional bases when, in the judgment of the, SYNONYMS: bobble, blooper, muff, miscue, flub, kick or boot ("Lopez kicked the grounder"; "Johnson booted it".). Each game has an umpire in chief. [citation needed], When a batter has two strikes on him and gets a pitch he cannot hit cleanly, he may be said to "fight off the pitch" by fouling it off. Big leagues: A nickname for Major League Baseball. David Shulman, "Baseball's Bright Lexicon", Joe Mehling, "Toledo stifled by YSU, lose 7. Buy Billabong Blue & Pink Stripe Me 'n You Hanky Tie Bikini Top & Bottoms - Girls at Zulily. "Jones belts that one deep to left, The actual belt worn by a player as part of the uniform, usually mentioned in reference to the location of a pitch or a ball in play. Robert Roy Britt, "Baseball Science: Better Hitters See Ball as Bigger". Now get out there and start talking some baseball! Mendoza line: A batting average of .200; named after Mario Mendoza. ", "Royals Trade Two Young Arms to Seattle for Shortstop Betancourt", "Scientific Baseball Has Changed The Old Game", "Baseball Science: Better Hitters See Ball as Bigger", "The Most Exciting Play in Baseball Has Found Safe Haven InSoftball? A series of games in which a batter gets a hit (, For other uses of the word "stretch", see, A particularly hard, accurate throw by a fielder attempting to put out a baserunner (or a particularly hard, accurate, Of a pitcher, the throwing of three strikes in one plate appearance. There are different variations of fastballs. Set-up pitcher: A relief pitcher who is consistently used immediately before the closer. When a hitter swings slightly under the center of the pitched ball, thereby leading to a high fly ball out instead of a home run, he's said to "get under the ball". When it comes to base running, many of these terms are used mainly when discussing what happened during an earlier inning or what is happening in the current inning. W: Wins the number of wins recorded by a pitcher. The act of contacting the ball with the bat. Ian Browne, "Sox Sluggers Dial Long Distance". ", "Rule review: 'Time plays' can be confusing", "Jays dig deep hole, can't get out of it", "Bryce Harper leads the Nationals in TOOTBLANs this season", "Appreciating TOOTBLAN & other new baseball lingo", "Casey at the Bat by Ernest Thayer on Baseball Almanac", BatSpeed.com_Baseball and Softball Swing Hitting Mechanics, "Dunn's 10 wins an unexpected boost for Marlins", "BASEBALL; Zambrano Is Too Wild in Strike Zone", OrleansFirebirds.wordpress.com, July 13, 2011, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Glossary_of_baseball_terms&oldid=1142796295, Official scorekeepers assign a number from. Unfortunately for his personal power totals, Milledge was bamboozled into believing his liner in the fourth inning against the Chicago Cubs on Thursday night had cleared the left-field fence at PNC Park for his first career grand slam. Also for a particularly impressive breaking ball, especially one thrown for a third strike. Ultimate grand slam: A game-ending grand slam hit when the hitters team is down by exactly three runs in the final inning of play. Basket catch: When a fielder catches a ball with his glove near his belt. "Spectacular increases in home runs have often raised the question: Has the ball been juiced up to travel farther, in order to increase the number of home runs?". Brushback: A pitch that nearly hits a batter. When the ball touches the batter in the strike zone. Given this rule, it is possible for a pitcher to record more than three strike-outs in an inning. Line drives can be dangerous to baseball players and spectators. Plunked: When a batter is hit by a pitch. "You hear about pitchers being in the zone and stuff like that, and that's what I was doing. Sweet spot: A location on the barrel of the bat that is perfect for the batter to hit a ball on. A pitch outside the strike zone, on the opposite side of the plate as the batter, is referred to as being "away", in contrast to a pitch thrown between the plate and the batter that is known as "inside". Similarly, a pitcher may "put away" a batter by striking him out. Meatball: When a pitcher is throwing pitches that are extremely easy to hit. Softball Jargon Only Softball Folks Understand [Infographics] Posted by Camille D.C. Sutton on Apr 29, 2016 10:00:00 AM. If former, A slugfest is an exceptionally high scoring game, perhaps with double digits for both teams; the opposite of a slugfest is a, To win a game handily or decisively. Fastball: The most commonly thrown pitch in baseball, it is a pitch that is meant to be thrown very fast. ^ The Free Dictionary ^ Laurie Kellman, "Gonzales losing Republican backing", The Toronto Star, 15 March 2007 ^ Brendan C. Boyd and Fred C. Harris, Great American Baseball Card Flipping, Trading and Bubble Gum Book (Boston: Little, Brown, 1973). an unexpected event early in a ball game, such as a defensive error or a hit batsmen, can be called a "tablesetter" for the outcome of the game. On August 22, 2007, the. Copyright 1999 - 2023 MonkeySports, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This article was originally published on November 5, 2019, and has been updated with new information. A ball hit high in the air. If he remains within the line, he cannot be called out for interference. Baseball Terms: 150+ Common Baseball Words, Slang & Jargon. However, the term manager used without qualification almost always refers to the field manager. Bump: Another word for the pitchers mound. ISO: Isolated power the computed measurement of a batters raw power. Stealing, Steal., Strand(ed): When the half-inning ends, and the baserunner(s) has not scored or been put out, this is known as being stranded on base.. The pitch is considered not cleanly caught if the ball touches the dirt before being caught, or if the ball is dropped immediately after being caught. SF: Sacrifice fly when a fly-ball is hit to the outfield or foul territory that results in a run scored. Can of corn: A fly ball hit to a player, typically in the outfield, that is very easy for the player to catch; usually without moving at all. Probably don't watch it. New baseball fans and old veterans alike can use an update on the ever-changing language of baseball.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'baseball_tools-medrectangle-3','ezslot_5',104,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-baseball_tools-medrectangle-3-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'baseball_tools-medrectangle-3','ezslot_6',104,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-baseball_tools-medrectangle-3-0_1');.medrectangle-3-multi-104{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:15px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:15px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;min-width:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. To move to another team or league despite existing contractual obligations. A fielder who puts an extra flourish on his movements while making a play in hopes of gaining the approval of the spectators. Cup of coffee: A short time spent by a Minor League player in the big leagues. Touch em all: Is a term sometimes used when a player hits a home run.