Available for the Yield Protection Plan only. Yield, at 78.0 bushels per acre, is down 7.0 bushels from a year earlier. Area harvested, at 18,000 acres, is up 10,700 acres from 2019. Table 1. 0000066038 00000 n Area harvested, at 90,000 acres, is up 30,000 acres from last year. The oil can be used in food products like salad dressing or cooking oils, or it can be used in countless industrial products. documents are in Adobe Acrobat's Portable Document Format Premium discounts apply. Farmers harvested 9.56 million acres of corn for grain, down 3% from [], LAKE CRYSTAL, Minn. The September 10 USDA Crop Report increased the projected U.S. average corn and soybean yields for 2021, as compared to the August National Ag Statistics Service (NASS) yield estimates. 0000005191 00000 n Average yield, at 6.50 tons per acre, is down 3.00 tons from last year. Harvested area was up 10 percent from 2019 to 82.3 million acres. Kansas principal crop acres include corn, sorghum, oats, barley, winter wheat, soybeans, sunflower, cotton, canola, and all hay. Figures are shown per acre. These provisions provide protection on acreage that is planted after the final planting date. Irrigated fields had higher seeding rates. Area harvested for grain, at 2.80 million acres, is up 17% from 2019. 0000015128 00000 n 0000067155 00000 n The average yield was estimated at 51.4 bushels per acre, 0.4 bushel above 2020. It doesnt like cold nights. Scott Staggenborg, director of research at Chromatin, Inc., the parent company of the seed firm Sorghum Partners, gave plenty of ideas at the annual SorghumU meetings in Salina, Kansas; Enid, Oklahoma and Perryton, Texas. Irrigated fields prevailed in the high-yielding group (72%; Figure 2), diminishing their frequency within the medium- and low-yielding groups (34 and 19%, respectively). Winter Wheat Seedings up for 2023, NASS to publish milk production data in updated data dissemination format, USDA-NASS Crop Progress report delayed until Nov. 29, NASS reinstates Cost of Pollination survey, USDA NASS reschedules 2021 Conservation Practice Adoption Motivations data highlights release, Respond Now to the 2022 Census of Agriculture, 2017 Census of Agriculture Highlight Series Farms and Land in Farms, 2017 Census of Agriculture Highlight Series Economics, 2017 Census of Agriculture Highlight Series Demographics, NASS Climate Adaptation and Resilience Plan, Statement of Commitment to Scientific Integrity, USDA and NASS Civil Rights Policy Statement, Civil Rights Accountability Policy and Procedures, Contact information for NASS Civil Rights Office, International Conference on Agricultural Statistics, Agricultural Statistics: A Historical Timeline, As We Recall: The Growth of Agricultural Estimates, 1933-1961, Safeguarding America's Agricultural Statistics Report, Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), Economics, Statistics and Market Information System (ESMIS). They do so using less land, energy and water and producing fewer emissions. Recent research in Kansas has confirmed these long-term recommendations. Yield is forecast at 86 bushels per acre, according to the USDA. 0000066217 00000 n When soybeans are processed, they typically are cleaned, cracked, dehulled and rolled into flakes. At $5.60 per bushel, profit potential for the 2021 crop of $80 to well over $100 per acre exists with less financial risk than other row crops. PDF 2020 Missouri Cash Rent Paid Per Acre - Non-Irrigated Cropland - USDA decline from 2021/22, due to lower harvested area and a forecasted 22-bushel yield drop from last year to 172 bushels per acre. %PDF-1.7 % Canola production of 5.37 million pounds is down 74% from last year. Grain sorghum may be insured at the coverage levels shown in the table. Hybrid Selection In 2018, Sumner County was the leading soybean producer, followed by Brown, Marshall, Republic then McPherson counties. Data entries were split in three groups (high, medium, and low) according to their yield values. No distinctive pattern was found regarding plant density among yield groups (Figure 2). The FCIC promotes the economic stability of agriculture through a sound system of crop insurance. Special Tabulations and Restricted Microdata, 02/15/23 Still time to respond to the 2022 Census of Agriculture, USDA to follow up with producers who have not yet responded, 02/15/23 Still time to respond to the 2022 Puerto Rico Census of Agriculture, USDA to follow-up with producers who have not yet responded (Puerto Rico - English), 01/31/23 United States cattle inventory down 3%, 01/30/23 2022 Census of Agriculture due next week Feb. 6, 01/12/23 Corn and soybean production down in 2022, USDA reports The contract price is only available for certified organic grain sorghum. Suggestions? *Irrigated and non-irrigated practices were discontinued in 2019. 0000004849 00000 n Area harvested, at 186,000 acres, is up 35,000 acres from 2019. The amount of SCO coverage depends on the liability, coverage level, and approved yield of your underlying policy. trailer PDF Kansas Custom Rates 2022 - AgManager.info Fleske said he had good rains and cool weather, which helped with the crop. 0000010603 00000 n Area planted, at 7,000 acres, is up 2,000 acres from last year. In Kansas, soybeans typically are planted in April and May then harvested in September and October. Enterprise Unit (EU) - Generally, all insured crop acreage in a county. 0000004766 00000 n (Trisha Downing/Unsplash), Sept. 10 USDA report increases production expectations, USDA report provides mixed results for corn and soybean yields. or more per acre. FAQs on crop and livestock insurance, risk protection, regulations, compliance, and more. Area harvested for grain was estimated at 85.4 million acres, up 4 percent from the 2020 estimate. Kansas crop production average so far this year Growing Market - Sorghum Soars - DTN Progressive Farmer 0000066752 00000 n All other hay production, at 3.90 million tons, is up 3% from last year. 0000065779 00000 n Management practices explained close to 80% of the yield variation. Dec. 21-27: Mac Marshall with USB provides a preview of topics to be discussed at the 2023 Kansas Soybean Expo. 0000003030 00000 n 2023 www.hutchnews.com. See the policy provisions or ask your crop insurance agent for more information. "The. Corn area planted for all purposes, at 6.10 million acres, is down 5% from last year. Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing, or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay service at (800) 877-8339 or (800) 845-6136. trailer <]/Prev 245695>> startxref 0 %%EOF 70 0 obj <>stream USDA/NASS 2022 State Agriculture Overview for Texas 0000007988 00000 n Number of wheat seeds per acre based on thousand kernel weight or seeds per pound and seeding rates per acre. Even on a multiyear-test-average basis, hybrid yields may differ by more than 20 bush-els. Sassmann typically sees 110 to 120 bushels. startxref Policies, provisions, handbooks and more. 0000067252 00000 n Although southwest Kansas usually receives about 16 inches of rain annually, this years rains were even lower. Grain Sorghum is not insurable if it is on acreage where: Grain Sorghum is not insurable if it is on non-irrigated acreage where: Grain sorghum insurance is available in all Kansas counties. These provisions provide protection on acreage that cannot be planted. 3 factors to boost sorghum yields | Larry Dreiling | hpj.com 0000015979 00000 n Data and publications from the RMA website prior to the redesign. Yield of 194 bushels per acre is up 14 bushels from last year. This is ahead of the 48% at this time last year. Agronomy eUpdate May 21st, 2021 : Issue 856 - Kansas State University 0000067021 00000 n The average yield per acre was estimated at 50.2 bushels, up 2.8 bushels from 2019. County-level crop estimates are not published if any of the following conditions exist: Estimated harvested acres are less than 100, insufficient number of producer reports were received to establish statistically defensible estimates, or estimate would not guarantee confidentiality of reported data from an individual producer. Silage yield, at 15.0 tons per acre, is up 4.0 tons from last year. In addition to the lack of rain, the cooler night temperatures are not helping the southwestern Kansas harvest. 0000005144 00000 n The four major grain crops grown in Kansas (corn, soybean, grain sorghum and wheat) have experienced upward trends in yield (Figures 7 - 10). For centuries, soyfoods have played an important role in Asian cuisines. 2020 Missouri Cash Rent Paid Per Acre - Non-Irrigated Cropland Estimates Last updated 08/28/2020 Do la rs/Ac e Unpublished < 5 0. Cotton production of 200,000 bales is down 33% from last year. Most entries (88%) presented a row spacing of 30 inches. All Rights Reserved. Farmers harvested 9.56 million acres of corn for grain, down 3% from [], LAKE CRYSTAL, Minn. The September 10 USDA Crop Report increased the projected U.S. average corn and soybean yields for 2021, as compared to the August National Ag Statistics Service (NASS) yield estimates. Area harvested, at 23.8 million acres, is up 5% from last year. Assume a 70 bushel per acre APH yield, 75-percent coverage level, 100 percent of the price, a projected price of $3.83, a harvested price of $3.37, and basic unit coverage. The result of the study indicated that the use of irrigation and adequate nitrogen fertilization is critical to maximize sorghum grain yields in Kansas. In MY 17, 61% of Kansas soybeans were sold in October, November and December. Yield, at 78.0 bushels per acre, is down 7.0 bushels from a year earlier. CAT is available at 50 percent of your APH yield and 55 percent of the projected price. Commodity Planted All Purpose Acres Harvested Acres Yield Production Price per Unit Value of Production in Dollars; COTTON: COTTON, UPLAND: 7,850,000: 2,050,000 Sipes, who holds a masters degree in agronomy with an emphasis on grain sorghum, is a fifth generation farmer in Morton County. Area planted, at 10,000 acres, is down 9,000 acres from last year. The 10-percent premium discount does not apply. 2.5 bushels/acre for the each year of record, This result is more than twice the dryland rate of 1.1 bushels/acre. Area harvested, at 540,000 acres, is down 14% from 2019. Yield Protection Plan - is an insurance plan that only provides protection against a production loss and is available only for crops for which revenue protection is available. Record yields were estimated in Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Nebraska, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Washington, and Wisconsin. Area planted, at 19,000 acres, is up 11,000 acres from last year. The August yield and production projections were based [], National Angus Bull Sale excels in new location, Kansas NRCS announces funding opportunity for Conservation Collaboration Grants or Agreements, Cotton produced 320,000 bales which is a 17% increase in production from the previous year. Yield of 139 bushels per acre is up 5 bushels from last year. The average yield, at 3.60 tons per acre, is down 0.10 ton per acre from 2020. Email. According to the USDA, this is up 16% from last year. Cotton production of 320,000 bales is up 14% from last year. Animal agriculture is soybean farmers No. Crops - Planted, Harvested, Yield, Production, Price (MYA), Value of Production. 280 0 obj <> endobj 0000021943 00000 n Area planted, at 195,000 acres, is up 20,000 acres from last year. Trend adjustments are made on each eligible yield within a qualifying APH database based on the countys historical yield trend, which is provided in the county actuarial documents. Area harvested, at 95,000 acres, is up 5,000 acres from last year. A list of crop insurance agents is available at all USDA service centers and on the RMA website at, This fact sheet gives only a general overview of the crop insurance program and is not a complete policy. USDA/NASS 2022 State Agriculture Overview for Kansas 0000066307 00000 n New K-State Experimental Grain Sorghum Lines Show High Yield Potential Corn for grain production in Nebraska based on year-end surveys is estimated at 1.85 billion bushels, up 4% from 2020, according to the USDAs National Agricultural Statistics Service. Kansas 2021 Crop Production Summary | Morning Ag Clips Jed Fleske of Fleske Farms in Larned is in the middle of his grain sorghum harvest. Example: 30,000/95 percent =31,579 seeds per acre planting rate to get 30,000 germinating seeds per acre. 0000005156 00000 n hb```Y,@( Five years of data were summarized (2013-2017) from the National Sorghum Yield Contest with a focus on Kansas entries. All rights reserved. Kansas soybean farmers received an average $7.95 per bushel in marketing year 2018, down from $9 in MY 17. 0000066574 00000 n Beginning or Veteran Farmers and Ranchers, Expanded Opportunities for Soybeans and Sorghum Maps, Hurricane Insurance Protection - Wind Index, Area Risk Protection Insurance (ARPI) Basic Provisions. The latest NASS yield estimates were based on U.S. crop conditions as of September 1st; and were the first 2021 yield USDA [], LAKE CRYSTAL, Minn. The August 12 USDA Crop Report projected an increased 2021 average U.S. corn yield compared to last year and a similar national average soybean yield to 2020; however, it should be noted that both yield levels were reduced from the July USDA estimates. We had pretty good growing conditions.. Premiums are reduced 10 percent for a basic unit. 0000066979 00000 n 0000067387 00000 n Actual Production History (APH) Commodity Maps. Kansas grain sorghum prices are based on the December futures market price for corn. Estimated yields in 2021 were up from the previous year across most of the Eastern Corn Belt, Northeast, and most of the Southeast. County-level crop estimates are not published if any of the following conditions exist: Estimated harvested acres are less than 100, insufficient number of producer reports were received to establish statistically defensible estimates, or estimate would not guarantee confidentiality of reported data from an individual producer. 2023 Morning Ag Clips, LLC. Access the national report for this release at: https://usda.library.cornell.edu/concern/publications/k3569432s. 342 Waters Hall Manhattan, KS 66506 (785) 532-6702 On Tuesday, Aug. 10, Gro's models suggest Missouri could see an average statewide corn yield of 170.6 bushels per acre (bpa), close to last year's 171-bpa crop. Fleske said he had good rains and cool weather, which helped with the crop. hbbd```b``@${z'd fI60L^*'>IV Y03930120.8H/ 94h Fuel. Observations with nitrogen fertilization of less than 200 pounds per acre were the most frequent (n=126). 299 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<731A751A0DCFA549A5D5E33C0059EFBC><91A2E0574340B94195D1F2BCF1AB16D6>]/Index[280 48]/Info 279 0 R/Length 100/Prev 994388/Root 281 0 R/Size 328/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream 0000002505 00000 n Feed. %PDF-1.4 % Corn planted area, at 93.4 million acres, was up 3 percent from the 2020 estimate. Grain yield reported by the National Agricultural Statistics Service from USDA for the sorghum yield from the . It goes into cold stress if it goes below 55 degrees, Sipes said. PDF L818 Kansas Crop Planting Guide - Kansas State University 0000025501 00000 n https://kansassoybeans.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/Ks-Soy-Update-Gerlt-Final-Short.mp3. Soybeans are grown primarily for processing into meal and oil. Your prevented planting coverage is 60 percent of your production guarantee for timely planted acreage. The meal, which contains the protein, can be used in food products or livestock feed. PDF MF3046 Kansas Sorghum Management 2022 - Kansas State University hWQo8+z%P m- ^K qx)='(%g @h@uJ:-BMPooExS jkFhhY# yF dP4iCO(<0BMr(E_(? Nationwide, soybean production in 2020 totaled 4.14 billion bushels, up 16 percent from 2019. In Kansas specifically, soybeans are much more common in the eastern third of the state and production wanes the further west in the state you go. Improve sorghum yields across the country. H\0`cKQ$&H96@"m _WwVZD8*L2yuaLr[wvN|zW;)lT#|C=5tIm2WswzVcWV&_W}X/!_cJ{N3v~iO6Yxjs6c2|~KCp6h-Z[h#1t)h1]I>@;=t#y^e)A1FZyF]CC Take the following steps for making sorghum yield estimates: Step 1. Silage yield, at 13.5 tons per acre, is down 1.5 tons from last year. hb```b``1f`e`a`@ KO**`&I ,It10:~'wQBaC,ro!o t|A0"D, Row spacing did not vary among yield groups (Figure 2). 0000066710 00000 n Click here for Kansas 2017 Census of Agriculture State and County Profiles featuring land, sales, and demographic highlights and much more. In Kansas specifically, soybeans are much more common in the eastern third of the state and production wanes the further west in the state you go. Area planted, at 54,000 acres, is up 17,000 acres from last year. Some of the new experimental hybrids in Tesso's trials either bested or evened out that yield differential between dryland sorghum and corn. NOTE: These The price percentage relationship between grain sorghum and corn RMA determines, rounded to the nearest whole cent, is available in the Price Discovery Reporting application on RMAs website. Oklahoma 414,000 acres. Area harvested, at 6,500 acres, is up 3,700 acres from 2020. Enjoying a cup of soy milk or cup of tofu per day may reduce the chances of developing breast cancer later in life by as much as 50%. 124 0 obj<> endobj Only 9.5% of Kansas soybean acres are irrigated. The projected price discovery period is February 1 through February 28. Oil sunflower production in 2020 is 76.4 million pounds, up 56% from last year. January 4-10: Matt Herman, Senior Director, Renewable Products Marketing, with the Iowa Soybean Association shares a preview of the 2023 Kansas Soybean Expo economic panel. It is interplanted with another crop (unless allowed by written agreement); It is planted into a grass or legume, unless excepted; or. This forecast is down 4 percent from last years 148.35 million bushels. The Whole-Farm Unit is not available for the Yield Protection Plan. I was not very optimistic about my crop this year.. Soybean area planted, at 4.85 million acres, is up 1% from last year. 0000067429 00000 n 0000007821 00000 n Because yield is the end result of many genetic and environmental influences and interactions, it is useful to study other sorghum characteristics leading to high yields in a specific farm situation. 0000066481 00000 n For coverage levels above the Catastrophic Risk Protection (CAT) level, in addition to premium costs, administrative fees are $30 per crop per county. Average yield, at 8.50 tons per acre, is up 2.00 tons from last year. Acreage Report - You must give a report to your crop insurance agent of all your grain sorghum acreage in the county by the acreage reporting date. The APH Yield Exclusion allows an actual yield to be excluded for a crop year when RMA determines the county per planted acre yield for a crop year was at least 50 percent below the simple average of the per planted acre yield for the crop in the county for the previous 10 consecutive crop years . Kansas 2021 Crop Production Summary Average corn yield per bushel up in 2021, while soybeans and sorghum down . All multi-peril crop insurance, including CAT policies, are available from private crop insurance agents. Soybeans naturally are rich in protein and oil, and they have the highest natural source of dietary fiber, making them a versatile crop in terms of uses. Principal crop area planted totaled 24.4 million acres, up 4% from 2020. As of now, three quarters of the sorghum throughout Kansas is mature. Average yield at 5.30 tons per acre, is down 2.20 tons from last year. The price used to determine value in the revenue protection example above is the higher of the projected price or the harvest price. The main soybean-producing area is in the Corn Belt and lower Mississippi Valley. The high-yielding group ranged from 175 to 230 bushels per acre (n=32), medium-yielding group ranged from 175 and 125 bushels per acre (n=101), and low-yielding group ranged from 60 to 125 bushels per acre (n=42). %%EOF 0000020909 00000 n 0000003475 00000 n 0000067113 00000 n According to the USDA, as of Oct. 5, only 14% was harvested. 0000008088 00000 n The average yield of 129.0 bushels per acre is [], LINCOLN, Neb. Sorghum Production in the U.S. Sorghum farmers had another strong year in 2021, harvesting an average of 69 bushels per acre. 126 0 obj<>stream 0000066080 00000 n sorghumgrain sorghumpublicationyield estimatesSorghum Yield Contest, Copyright 2019 Department of Agronomy, Kansas State University, https://bookstore.ksre.ksu.edu/pubs/MF3615.pdf. recommendation for grain sorghum in Texas is 2 pounds per acre of elemental N for each 100 pounds per acre of grain production expected. Yield of 134 bushels per acre is up 1 bushel from last year. Common Crop Insurance Policy Basic Provisions. It allows you to customize your query by commodity, location, or time period. 0000001840 00000 n March 15, 2018, Earliest Planting Date . April 26, 2018, Final Planting Date June 25, 2018, Acreage Report Date . July 15, 2018, Premium Billing .. August 15, 2018, End of Insurance December 10, 2018. Find a crop or livestock insurance agent in your area along with directions to their office. 0000006671 00000 n 0000045673 00000 n
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